Our Trip Out East
Our Trip Out East
Our Trip Out East
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ISBN 0-328-14189-5
Talk About It
1. Why did Mami want Abuelita to visit her in
2. Why was the trip out East such a happy time for
the family?
Write About It
3. Pick a place that is described in this story. On a
separate sheet of paper, write about what the
family did there.
Extend Language
Some words in English sound like the noise they
name. The word hissed in the next sentence sounds
like a noise the train makes: The train rumbled and
hissed as passengers got on.
What is the English word for the sound a camera
makes when it takes a photograph?
Every effort has been made to secure permission and provide appropriate credit for photographic material. The
publisher deeply regrets any omission and pledges to correct errors called to its attention in subsequent editions.
Cover William Schick; 1 William Schick; 2 William Schick; 3 Curt Teich Postcard
Archives; 4 William Schick; 5 William Schick; 6 Digital Wisdom, Inc.; 7 William Schick;
8 William Schick; 9 William Schick; 10 Lake County Museum/Corbis; 11 Lake County
Museum/Corbis; 12 William Schick.
ISBN: 0-328-14189-5
2 3
Goly, Pela, Cristi, and Abuelita with our station wagon
Akron Philadelphia Trenton
Toledo Harrisburg
Gary O H I O Here are Goly and Cristi on the hood of the station
INDIANA wagon. Abuelita is smiling as Goly teaches Cristi how
ILLINOIS to show that she is one year old.
10 11
Talk About It
1. Why did Mami want Abuelita to visit her in
2. Why was the trip out East such a happy time for
the family?
Write About It
3. Pick a place that is described in this story. On a
separate sheet of paper, write about what the
family did there.
Extend Language
Some words in English sound like the noise they
name. The word hissed in the next sentence sounds
like a noise the train makes: The train rumbled and
Abuelita, Mami, Goly, and me in New hissed as passengers got on.
York City
What is the English word for the sound a camera
makes when it takes a photograph?
like Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. Cover William Schick; 1 William Schick; 2 William Schick; 3 Curt Teich Postcard
Archives; 4 William Schick; 5 William Schick; 6 Digital Wisdom, Inc.; 7 William Schick;
But our trip to the East was the happiest 8 William Schick; 9 William Schick; 10 Lake County Museum/Corbis; 11 Lake County
Museum/Corbis; 12 William Schick.
one we ever took. Even now, looking at the
ISBN: 0-328-14189-5
photographs makes me happy. I have Abuelita,
Mami, and Papi again. They are speaking to me Copyright Pearson Education, Inc.
in soft, tender Spanish, standing just a few steps All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America.
from me, and I feel their love. This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtained from
the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system,
or transmission in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to: Permissions
Department, Scott Foresman, 1900 East Lake Avenue, Glenview, Illinois 60025.
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