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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that it provides vocabulary words along with their pronunciation, part of speech, and examples of usage in different languages. The words cover a wide range of topics including work, travel, animals, and more.

Some words related to work mentioned in the document include 'job', 'career', 'employ', 'salary', and 'occupation'.

Some words related to travel in the document are 'abroad', 'flight', 'destination', and 'accommodation'.

Cutting Edge 3rd Edition Elementary Wordlist A-Z

Cutting Edge 3rd Edition Elementary Wordlist A-Z

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Headword Unit speech Pronunciation German French Italian Example
a few 11 phrase e fju wenig quelques poco A few people live there, not many.
a little 11 phrase e ltl ein bichen un peu de un poco More coffee? Just a little.
abroad 12 adv brd ins Ausland l'tranger all'estero He often has to go abroad on business.
absolutely 10 adv vollkommen absolument assolutamente Are you absolutely sure?
acacia 11 n [C] ke Akazie acacia acacia Acacia trees grow in the Kalahari desert.
accder ,
access 14 v [T] kses Zugang haben zu avere accesso In some areas people can't access clean water.
The college provides accommodation for all new
accommodation 12 n [U] kmden Unterbringung hbergement alloggio
accompany 7 v [T] kmpni begleiten accompagner accompagnare I accompanied her to the station.
according to 8 prep kd t entsprechend, selon secondo According to our records, she hasnt paid her bill.
account 11 n [C] kant Bericht rcit racconto She was able to give an account of the accident.
across 11 prep, adv krs querber travers per the first flight across the Atlantic
The government must take action to stop the rise in
action 8 n [U] kn Tat, Handlung mesures azione
active 4 adj ktv aktiv actif attivo games for active youngsters
activity 12 n [C] ktvti Aktivitt activit attivit outdoor activities such as hiking and climbing
actor 1 n [C] kt Schauspieler acteur, actrice attore, attrice Her father is an actor.
The actress Tatum O'Neal won an Oscar when she
actress 7 n [C] ktrs Schauspielerin actrice attrice
was a child.
actually 3 adv ktuli, -tli in der Tat, sogar en fait infatti Prices have actually fallen.
add 6 v [T] d hinzufgen ajouter aggiungere Just add a little water.
addicted 14 adj dktd schtig dpendant dipendente Marvin soon became addicted to sleeping pills.
address 1 n [C] dres Adresse adresse indirizzo Whats your new address?
I always admired my mother for her courage and
admire 7 v [T] dma bewundern admirer ammirare
adult 13 n [C] dlt, dlt adulte adulto I'd like to have a successful career when I'm an adult.
adventure 8 n [C, U] dvent Abenteuer aventure avventura a great adventure
advice 5 n [U] dvas Rat, Ratschlag conseils consiglio a book thats full of advice on baby care
advisor 13 n [C] dvaz Berater consigliere a financial adviser
aeroplane 4 n [C] erplen Flugzeug avion aereo Food on aeroplanes isn't always good.

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Headword Unit speech Pronunciation German French Italian Example
affect 14 v [T] fekt betreffen concerner Help is being sent to areas affected by the floods.
afford 13 v [T] fd sich leisten avoir les moyens permettersi I wish we could afford a new computer.
African 11 adj frkn Afrikaner, africano, africa an African elephant
Africaine, africain
after 3 prep ft nach aprs dopo What are you doing after class?
afternoon 3 n [C, U] ftnun Nachmittag aprs-midi pomeriggio It was very hot in the afternoon.
ago 7 adv g vor (temporal) il y a fa Jeff left an hour ago.
essere d'accordo
agree 4 v [I, T] gri jmd. zustimmen tre d'accord con qcn., andare I agree with Karen. Its much too expensive.
bene per qcn.
ahead 12 adv hed geradeaus devant diritto She was staring straight ahead.
The aim of the research is to discover what causes
aim 5 n [C] em Ziel but fine
the illness.
air 4 n [U] e Luft air aria Lets go outside and get some fresh air.
airline 4 n [C] elan Fluglinie aerolinea an airline has many aeroplanes
airport 5 n [C] ept Flughafen aroport aeroporto a busy airport
album 4 n [C] lbm Album album album Their latest album will be released next week.
all right 5 adj l rat in Ordnung aller encore a posto Hows the food? Its all right, but Ive had better.
allergy 2 n [C] ldi Allergie allergie allergia He has an allergy to peanuts.
alone 4 adj, adv ln allein seul solo, da solo She lives alone.
always 4 adv lwz, -wez immer toujours sempre Always lock your car.
erstaunlich, sorprendente,
amazing 4 adj mez tonnant What an amazing story!
verblffend incredibile
American 1 adj merkn Amerikanerin, americano, a Her mother is American.
amount 5 n [C, U] mant Menge, Betrag quantit quantit I was surprised at the amount of work I had to do.
analyse 10 v nl-az analysieren analyser analizzare Were trying to analyse what went wrong.
anchovy 6 n [C, U] ntvi Sardelle anchois acciuga I don't like anchovies on my pizza.
ancient 8 adj ennt alt, antik ancien anziano ancient Rome
angry 14 adj gri rgerlich, wtend fch arrabbiato He was beginning to get angry.
animal 11 n [C] nml Tier animal animale farm animals

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Headword Unit speech Pronunciation German French Italian Example
annoying 14 adj n- strend nervant incomodo an annoying habit of interrupting
annual 12 adj njul jhrlich annuel annuale, per anno the annual conference
determiner, noch ein, eine,
another 5 n un/e autre un'altro/a Do you want another beer?
pron einen
anthem 8 n [C] nm Hymne hymne inno We sang a new anthem in church today.
anti-virus nt i vars Antiviren- programma/softw
14 n [U] logiciel anti-virus new anti-virus software for my computer
software sftwe programm are antivirus
apartment 5 n [C] ptmnt Wohnung appartement appartamento a new apartment in London
apologise 14 v [I] pldaz s'excuser scusarsi I apologised to my sister for being rude.
appear 4 v [I] p sembler sembrare The noise appeared to come from the bedroom.
apple 6 n [C] pl Apfel pomme mela apple pie
apply 13 v [I] pla sich bewerben appliquer candidarsi Robs applied for a job in Canada.
appointment 10 n [C] pntmnt rendez-vous appuntamento I dont want to be late for my appointment.
approximate 11 adj prksmt annhernd approximatif approssimativo These figures are only approximate.
environ, peu The plane will be landing in approximately 20
approximately 11 adv prksmtli ungefhr circa
prs minutes.
April 12 n [C, U] eprl Arpil avril aprile Im going to Cuba next April.
Arabic 5 n [U] rbk Arabisch arabe arabo I'm learning Arabic.
area 4 n [C] eri Region, Gegend rgion la regione Dad grew up in the Portland area.
arm 14 n [C] m Arm bras braccio He had a tattoo on his left arm.
around 5 adv, prep rand um (herum) autour intorno a We put a fence around the yard.
arrange 12 v [I, T] rend arrangieren organiser organizzare Ive arranged a meeting with Jim.
arrangement, accordo,
arrangement 14 n [C] rendmnt Abmachung, Lees still making arrangements for the wedding.
disposition preparazione
arrive 5 v [I] rav ankommen arriver arrivare Your letter arrived yesterday.
art 4 n [U] t Kunst art arte Hes very good at art.
art gallery 9 n [C] t glri Kunstgalerie galrie d'art galleria d'arte Let's visit the new art gallery in town.
artist 8 n [C] tst Knstler artiste artista a famous artist like Picasso
artistic 4 adj tstk knstlerisch artistique artistico the artistic director of the Metropolitan Opera
as for 6 linking word z f quant riguardo a and as for me, I love fish and chips.
as soon as 14 phrase z sun z sobald ds que appena I came as soon as I heard the news.
as usual 12 adj z juul wie blich come al solito They were late, as usual.

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Headword Unit speech Pronunciation German French Italian Example
asleep 10 adj slip schlafend endormi stare dormendo Quiet! The babys asleep.
assignment 14 n [C] sanmnt Aufgabe tche incarico, compito Students have to do three written assignments.
at all times 13 phrase t l tamz jezeit tout moment sempre Someone is available at all times.
at least 13 phrase t list mindestens au moins almeno It will take at least 20 minutes to get there.
at the moment 10 n [C] t mmnt im Augenblick en ce moment al momento Were very busy at the moment.
athlete 4 n [C] lit Sportler athlte sportivo He's an Olympic athlete.
athletics 4 n [U] letks, - Leichtathletik athltisme atletica leggera high school athletics
atmosphere 4 n [C, U] tmsf Atmosphre atmosphre atmosfera, clima The atmosphere at home was tense.
attachment 14 n [C] ttmnt attachement legame his strong attachment to his sister
attitude 13 n [C, U] ttjud tat d'esprit attidunine Many people have negative attitudes towards old age.
attraction 5 n [C] trkn Anziehung attraction attrazione The attraction between them was immediate.
attractive 6 adj trktv attraktiv attirant, plaisant an attractive young woman
One member of the audience described the opera as
audience 8 n [C] dins Publikum public pubblico
audio cassette 13 n [C] di kset Audio-Kassette cassette audio cassetta audio Audio cassettes are a bit old-fashioned now.
aunt 2 n [C] nt Tante tante zia my aunt from America
Australian 1 adj strelin Australierin, australiano, a Ben and Emily are Australian.
autumn 12 n [C, U] tm Herbst automne autumno I love the colours of the trees in autumn.
available 12 adj velbl disponible disponibile Tickets are available from the box office.
The average cost of making a movie has risen by
average 3 adj vrd durchschnittlich moyenne in media
awake 14 adj wek wach rveill, veill sveglio How do you stay awake during boring lectures?
awful 8 adj fl schrecklich horrible terribile The weather was awful.
baby 2 n [C] bebi Baby bb beb, neonato She had a baby in her arms.
All the kids here come from very different
background 8 n [C, U] bkgrand Hintergrund contexte, milieu fondo
bad 5 adj bd schlecht mauvais cattivo Im afraid theres some bad news.
bag 2 n [C] bg Tasche, Tte sac, sachet borsa, sacchetto a shopping bag
baker's 9 n [C] bekz Bcker boulangerie fornaio I'm going to the baker's for some fresh bread.
banana 6 n [C] bnn Banane banane banana Are there any bananas in the fruit basket?
band 4 n [C] bnd Band groupe band Her boyfriend was in a band.

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Headword Unit speech Pronunciation German French Italian Example
bank 10 n [C] bk Bank banque banca I think Ill put the money in the bank.
banking 13 n [U] bk Bankenwesen la banque sistema bancario a career in banking
bar 4 n [C] b Bar bar bar We met in the hotel bar.
casquette de base-bustina di
baseball cap 10 n [C] besbl kp Baseball-Mtze Sam loves his blue baseball cap.
ball baseball
basic 10 adj besk grundlegend lmentaire elementare the basic principles of chemistry
basket 6 n [C] bskt Korb panier cestino a shopping basket
basketball 14 n [U] bsktbl Basketball basket-ball basket an exciting basketball game
bass 8 adj bes Bass de basse basso a bass guitar
bath 3 n [C] b Bad bain bagno Suzy had a bath and went to bed.
battle 8 n [C] btl Schlacht bataille battaglia the Battle of Trafalgar
beach 3 n [C] bit Strand plage spiaggia a sandy beach
beat 8 n [C] bit Rhythmus rythme ritmo This music has a great beat.
beat 11 v [T] bit battre battere Spain beat Italy 31.
beautiful 2 adj bjutfl schn beau, belle bello She was the most beautiful woman in the world.
beauty 8 n [C] bjuti Schnheit beaut bellezza a woman of great beauty
because 5 linking word bkz, bkz weil parce que perch You cant go because youre too young.

become 7 linking verb bkm werden devenir diventare Kennedy became the first Catholic president.
bed 3 n [C] bed Bett lit letto a comfortable bed
beef 6 n [U] bif Rindfleisch boeuf carne di manzo roast beef
before 4 prep bf vor (temporal) avant fa I usually shower before breakfast.
begin 7 v [I, T] bgn commencer cominciare The meeting will begin at 10:00.
beginning 12 n [C] bgn Anfang dbut inizio, principio the beginning of the war
believe 7 v [T] bliv glauben croire credere Do you believe his story?
best-selling 8 adj best sel Bestseller succs bestseller a best-selling novel
bicycle 5 n [C] baskl Fahrrad bicyclette bicicletta Can he ride a bicycle?
big 3 adj bg gro grand grande a big red balloon
bill 7 n [C] bl Rechnung facture il conto The bill for the repairs came to $650.
billion number bljn Milliarde milliard miliardo 3.5 billion years ago
biographer 8 n [C] bagrf Biograph biographe biografo her most recent biographer
bird 2 n [C] bd Vogel oiseau uccello the birds in the garden
birthday 12 n [C] bde Geburtstag anniversaire compleanno Whens your birthday?
biscuit 6 n [C] bskt Keks biscuit biscotto a chocolate biscuit

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Headword Unit speech Pronunciation German French Italian Example
bit 8 n bt Stck morceau pezzo a few bits of broken glass
block of flats 3 n [C] blk v flts immeuble caseggiato I live in a block of flats in town.
blog 7 n [C] blg Blog blog il blog He's writing a blog about his travels in California.
blonde 10 adj blnd blond blond biondo her long blonde hair
blow 12 v [I, T] bl wehen souffler sventolare A cold wind was blowing hard.
blueberry 6 n [C, U] blubri Heidelbeere myrtille mirtillo Are there any blueberries?
besteigen, salire a bordo di,
board 5 v [I, T] bd zusteigen (Zug, s' embarquer salire su (treno, board the train to Mexico City
Flugzeug) bus)
board 14 n [C] bd Tafel tableau tavola The teacher wrote a few words on the board.
carte carta d'imbarco,
boarding pass 5 n [C] bd ps Flugticket, Have your boarding passes ready.
d'embarquement biglietto
book 5 v [I, T] bk buchen rserver prenotare She booked a room at the Riverview Hotel.
booking 8 n bk Reservierung rservation prenotazione Can I make a booking for next Saturday?
bookshop 9 n [C] bkp Buchhandlung librairie libreria a children's bookshop
boot 9 n [C] but Stiefel botte stivali She wore high-heeled boots.
border 5 n [C] bd Grenze frontire frontiera the border between England and Wales
bored 5 adj bd gelangweilt qui s'ennuie annoiato Im bored lets go!
boring 8 adj br langweilig ennuyeux noioso His job sounds so boring.
born 7 v [I] bn geboren n nato Where were you born?
borrow 5 v [T] br ausleihen emprunter prestare Can I borrow the car tonight, Dad?
bossy 10 adj bsi autoritaire dominante a bossy little girl
both 1 determiner b beide tous deux tutti e due Anne and John are both scientists.
bottle of water 2 n [C] btl v wt Flasche Wasser bouteille d'eau bottiglia d'aqua My bottle of water is in the bag.
bowl 6 n [C] bl Schssel bol terrina a soup bowl
bowling 12 n [U] bl Kegeln bowling bowling Let's go bowling.
boyfriend 2 n [C] bfrend Freund copain, petit ami ragazzo my new boyfriend
brain 14 n [C] bren Gehirn cerveau cervello Jorge suffered brain damage in the accident.
brand 9 n [C] brnd Marke marque marca a new brand of soap
Brazilian 1 adj brzlin Brasilianerin, brasiliano, a Brazilian music is fun.
bread 3 n [U] bred Brot pain pane some fresh bread
break 14 v [T] brek zerbrechen casser rompere I had to break a window to get into the house.

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Headword Unit speech Pronunciation German French Italian Example
breakfast 3 n [C, U] brekfst Frhstck petit djeuner colazione I usually have breakfast at 7.30.
bridge 13 n [C] brd Brcke pont ponte a bridge over the Mississippi
bright 10 adj brat hell brillant, clair chiaro The torch was very bright.
brilliant 8 adj brljnt brillant brillante brilliant sunshine
bring 4 v [T] br apporter portare I brought these pictures to show you.
Brite, Britin,
British 1 adj brt anglais, anglaise britannico, a My father is British.
brother 2 n [C] br Bruder frre fratello Sam was playing with his little brother.
building 9 n [C] bld Bauen construction costruire land used for building
bull 12 n [C] bl Bulle mle toro We saw a bull elephant.
bus 3 n [C] bs Bus bus autobus All the people on the bus stared at me.
business 13 n [C] bzns entreprise impresa You need a lot of money to succeed in business.
Betriebswirt- tudes de economia
business studies 13 n [U] bzns std iz I'm doing business studies at college.
schaftslehre commerce aziendale
businessman 1 n [C] bznsmn Geschftsmann homme d'affaires uomo d'affari My father is a businessman.

businesswoman 1 n [C] bznswmn Geschftsfrau femme d'affaires donna d'affari My mother is a businesswoman.

busy 3 adj bzi beschftigt, eifrig occup occupato, assiduo Alex is busy studying for his exams.
butcher's 9 n [C] btz Schlachter boucherie macellaio I bought some chicken from the butcher's.
butter 6 n [U] bt Butter beurre burro a slice of bread and butter
buy 3 v [I, T] ba kaufen acheter comprare Sams just bought a new computer.
by air 12 phrase ba e mit dem Flugzeug par avion con aereo Most people travel to the islands by air.
by the way 14 phrase ba we brigens propos a proposito Oh, by the way, I saw Marie yesterday.
caf 3 n [C] kfe Caf caf caff a little Italian cafe
cake 6 n [C, U] kek Kuchen gteau torta, dolce Would you like some chocolate cake?
call 8 n [C] kl nennen appeler chiamare His friends call him Andy.
call back 14 phr v kl bk zurckrufen rappeler richiamare OK, Ill call back around three.
calm 10 adj km ruhig calme calmo Please, everyone, try to keep calm!
camel 9 n [C] kml Kamel chameau cammello We saw camels in the desert.
camera 2 n [C] kmr Kamera camra telecamera They posed for the TV cameras.
camping 12 n [U] kmp Camping camping campeggio camping equipment
terrain de
campsite 12 n [C] kmpsat Campingplatz campeggio We found a great campsite near the sea.

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Headword Unit speech Pronunciation German French Italian Example
potere, sapere,
can 5 v [I] kn knnen savoir , pouvoir You can swim, cant you?
riuscire a
Canadian 5 adj knedin Kanadierin, canadese Vancouver is a Canadian city.
cancer 6 n [C, U] kns Krebs cancer cancro lung cancer
Kandidat, Shes a likely candidate (=likely to be chosen) for the
candidate 2 n [C] knddt candidat candidato
Kandidatin job.
candle 12 n [C] kndl Kerze bougie candela Light the candle, please.
cane 13 n [C] ken Rohr, Bambus rotin, jonc canna cane furniture
kaum erwarten non vedere l'ora
can't wait 12 phrase knt wet tre impatient de I can't wait for my birthday!
knnen di fare
capital 3 n [C] kptl Hauptstadt capitale capitale Whats the capital of Poland?
cappuccino 6 n [C, U] kptin Cappuccino cappuccino cappuccino I love a cappuccino in the morning.
car 1 n [C] k Auto voiture He wasnt old enough to drive a car.
care about 10 phr v ke bat sich sorgen um se soucier de preoccuparsi He really cares about his family.
career 7 n [C] kr Karriere carrire carriera a teaching career
les Carabes, des
Caribbean 8 adj krbin karibisch, Karibik Caraibi I'd love a Caribbean holiday.
carry 9 v [T] kri tragen porter portare Let me carry that bag for you.
cash 13 n [U] k Bargeld espces contante Theres a small discount if you pay cash.
lssig, Shes always been pretty casual about her
casual 10 adj kul informel, dtendu informale
ungezwungen appearance.
cat 2 n [C] kt Katze chat gatto She accidentally let the cat out of the bag.
catch 4 v [T] kt fangen attraper afferrare Tom leapt up and caught the ball.
category 11 n [C] ktgri Kategorie catgorie categoria There are several categories of patients.
CD 13 n [C] si di CD CD CD I've got her latest CD.
ceiling 9 n [C] sil Zimmerdecke plafond soffitto the bathroom ceiling
celebrare, John passed his exams so were having a party to
celebrate 8 v [I, T] selbret feiern fter, clbrer
festeggiare celebrate.
celebration 12 n [C] selbren Feier fte, clbration festa a time of joy and celebration
central 8 adj sentrl zentral central centrale central London
centre 3 n [C] sent Mitte, Mittelpunkt centre centro the centre of a circle
century 7 n [C] sentri Jahrhundert siclre secolo This chair is from the 19th century.
certainly 3 adv stnli sicher (Adv.) certainement His lawyers will almost certainly appeal.
Mglichkeit, possibilit,
chance 11 n [C, U] tns chances Is there any chance that hell recover?
Chance occasione

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Headword Unit speech Pronunciation German French Italian Example
change 6 n [U] tend Vernderung changement cambiamento I can see a change in you. You look happier.
change 7 v [I, T] tend changer cambiare Shes changed a lot.
skandieren, im
chant 8 n [C] tnt chanter, scander scandire Protestors chanted anti-government slogans.
Sprechchor rufen

character 2 n [C] krkt Charakter caractre carattere The two brothers were totally different in character.
Wohlttigkeits- manifestazione di
charity 4 n [C, U] trti charit a charity for the homeless
veranstaltung beneficenza
a buon prezzo,
cheap 5 adj tip billig bon march The jacket was quite cheap.
check 3 v [I, T] tek vrifier controllare Youd better check our tickets.
Abfertigungs- comptoir banco del check-
check-in desk 5 n [C] tek n desk There is a long queue at this check-in desk.
schalter d'enregistrement in
cheerful 10 adj tfl frhlich joyeux allegre He is feeling more cheerful than before.
cheese 6 n [U] tiz Kse fromage formaggio a cheese sandwich
cheetah 11 n [C] tit Gepard gupard ghepardo as fast as a cheetah
chef 13 n [C] ef chef, cuisinier capocuoco He's a top chef with a lot of restaurants.
chemistry 7 n [U] kemstri Chemie chimie chimica a persons body chemistry
chicken 6 n [C, U] tkn Huhn poulet pollo roast chicken
child 2 n [C] tald Kind enfant bambino The film is not suitable for children under 12.
childhood 7 n [C, U] taldhd Kindheit enfance infanzia Sara had a very happy childhood.
chilli 6 n [C, U] tli Chili chili peperoncino chilli sauce
chimpanzee 11 n [C] tmpnzi, -pn- Schimpanse chimpanz scimpanz a baby chimpanzee
Chinese 1 adj taniz chinesisch chinois, chinoise cinese a Chinese vase
Chinese 3 n [U] taniz Chinese, Chinesin chinois, chinoise cinese She's learning Chinese.
chips 6 n [C] tp Pommes Frites frites patate fritte fish and chips
chocolate 4 n [U] tklt Schokolade chocolat cioccolata Would you like a chocolate?
choose 5 v [I, T] tuz whlen choisir scegliere You can choose between ice cream and apple tart.
cigarette 6 n [C] sgret Zigarette cigarette sigaretta a packet of cigarettes
cinema 3 n [C] snm Kino cinma cinema Shall we go to the cinema (=go to see a film) tonight?
cinnamon 6 n [U] snmn Zimt cannelle cannella I need some cinnamon for my apple cake.

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city 3 n [C] sti Stadt ville citt Leeds is the third largest city in England.
clapping 8 n [U] klp klatschen applaudir battere le mani clapping in time to the music
classic 14 adj klsk klassisch classique classico classic designs of the last century
classical music 6 n [U] klskl mjuzk klassische Musik musique classique musica classica I went to a classical music concert last night.
clean 5 adj klin sauber propre pulito Do you have any clean towels?
clean 12 v [I, T] klin nettoyer pulire I'm going to clean the kitchen.
client 10 n [C] klant Kunde, Kundin client, cliente cliente an important client
climb 11 v [I, T] klam klettern grimper arrampicare a cat climbing a tree
close 3 v [I] klz schlieen fermer chiudere Do you mind if I close the window?
close 4 adj kls nahan prs de vicino a The house was close to the beach.
closed 3 adj klzd geschlossen ferm chiuso She kept her eyes tightly closed.
She picked up each piece of clothing and folded it
clothes 4 n [U] klz, klz Kleidung vtements vestiti
cloudy 12 adj kladi trb nuageux torbido, nuvoloso The water looked cloudy.
club 7 n [C] klb Verein club club Im a member of the local drama club.
coat 9 n [C] kt Jacke, Mantel manteau cappotto Put your coat on if youre going out.
coffee 3 n [U] kfi Kaffee caf caff I dont like coffee.
pice (de
coin 2 n [C] kn Mnze moneta a pound coin
cold 4 adj kld kalt froid freddo The house was cold and empty.
collapse 11 v [I] klps einstrzen s'effondrer crollare Many buildings collapsed during the earthquake.
colleague 2 n [C] klig Kollege, Kollegin collgue collega my colleagues at the bank
collect 7 v [T] klekt einsammeln rcuprer raccogliere Ill collect everyones papers at the end of the test.
colourful 9 adj klfl bunt color colorato a garden full of colourful flowers
mlanger, incorporarsi,
combine 13 v [T] kmban vermengen Combine the flour with the milk and eggs.
combiner combinare
come 8 phr v km kommen venir venire A young woman came into the room.
come along 12 phr v km l avancer far progressi Terrys work has really come along this year.
wieder zum
come back to life 12 phrase km bk t laf ressusciter rivivere The garden came alive again after the long winter.
Leben erwachen

come out 14 v km at herauskommen sortir, tre rvl venire fuori The truth will come out one day.
Komiker, humoriste,
comedian 8 n [C] kmidin comico a very funny new comedian
Komikerin comique

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comedy 8 n [C] kmdi Komdie comdie commedia stand-up comedy (=telling jokes in front of people)
comfortable 4 adj bequem confortable comodo The bed wasnt very comfortable.
Erreichen der diventare
coming of age 12 n [U] km v ed majorit a coming-of-age party
Volljhrigkeit maggiorenne
faire des commentare,
comment 24 v [I, T] kment Bemerkungen He made rude comments about her.
commentaires sur osservare
commentator 4 n [C] kmntet Kommentator commentatore a sports commentator
common 11 adj kmn verbreitet, hufig courant comune, spesso Rabbits are a common wild animal in this area.
communication 14 n [U] kmjunken Kommunikation communication comunicazione communication between teachers and parents
company 1 n [C] kmpni Unternehmen entreprise impresa, ditta The company makes washing machines.
compare with 7 v [T] kmpe w vergleichen mit comparer , avec comparare con compare the two books with each other
competition 12 n [C] kmptn Wettbewerb compito Who won the competition?
completo, The news came as a complete surprise (=I was very
complete 7 adj. kmplit vollkommen complet, total
assoluto surprised).
completely 13 adv kmplitli vollkommen entirement completamente I completely forgot about your birthday.
Komponist, compositore,
composer 7 n [C] kmpz compositeur Mozart is a great composer.
Komponistin compositrice
Always switch off your computer at the end of the
computer 2 n [C] kmpjut Computer ordinateur computer
concert 4 n [C] knst Konzert concert concerto He's playing in the concert this evening.
condition 9 n [U] kndn Zustand tat condizione the condition of the local roads
confidence 11 n [U] knfdns Vertrauen confiance fiducia I didnt have any confidence in myself.
She was confident that the problem would be sorted
confident 10 adj knfdnt zuversichtlich certain fiducioso
connect 7 v [T] knekt verbinden relier, raccorder collegare The M11 connects London and Cambridge.
connection 24 n [C, U] knekn Zusammenhang lien connessione the connection between smoking and cancer
contain 6 v [T] knten contenir contenere His wallet contained $45.
continue 8 v [I, T] kntnju sich fortsetzen continuare The strike continued for four weeks.
control 11 n [U] kntrl Kontrolle contrle controllo Babies have very little control over their movements.
cook 6 v [I, T] kk kochen cuisiner cuocere Where did you learn to cook?
cook 6 n [C] kk Koch cuisinier cuoco My dad is a very good cook.

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cookery 12 n [U] kkri Kochen faire la cuisine cucina, cucinare a cookery lesson
das Zubereiten,
cucinare, far da
cooking 4 n [U] kk Mahlzeiten, das cuisiner Who does the cooking in your house?
cool 8 adj kul khl, cool frais fresco a lovely cool drink
cost 5 linking verb kst kosten, Kosten prix costare, i costi the high cost of accommodation in London
costume 10 n [C] kstjm Kostm costume the costumes for Hamlet
countless 11 adj kantls unzhlig innombrable innumerevole a drug that has saved countless lives
country 1 n [C] kntri Land pays paese Russia is the largest country in the world.
couple 7 n [C] kpl Paar couple coppia the couple next door
course 1 n [C] ks Kurs cours corso Andys doing a computer course.
Cousin, Kusine
cousin 2 n [C] kzn cousin, cousine cugino Jane and I are cousins.
cover 5 v [T] kv couvrir coprire Cover the pan and let the sauce simmer.
cow 11 n [C] ka Kuh vache vacca dairy cows
craft 12 n [C] krft Handwerk artisanat arte traditional country crafts such as pottery and weaving
crash 14 v [I, T] kr abstrzen s'craser andare in crash The jet crashed shortly after takeoff.
crazy 4 adj krezi verrckt fou matto Our friends all think were crazy.
cream 8 n [U] krim Sahne crme panna strawberries and cream
create 4 v [T] kriet crer creare The new factory should create 450 jobs.
one of Japans most talented and creative film
creative 4 adj krietv kreativ cratif creativo
credit card 2 n [C] kredt kd Kreditkarte carte de crdit carta di credito Can I pay by credit card?
criminal 11 adj krmnl kriminell criminel criminale criminal behaviour
cross 11 v [I, T] krs berqueren traverser traversare Take care when you cross the road.
blind (de
crowded 5 adj kradd voller Menschen affollato a crowded room
crown 12 n [C] kran Krone couronne corona The Queen wears a beautiful crown made of gold.
bateau de
cruise ship 9 n [C] kruz p Kreuzfahrtschiff nave da crociera This cruise ship is huge!
cry 8 v [I] kra weinen pleurer piangere What are you crying about?
cup 6 n [C] kp Tasse tasse tazza a cup and saucer
cup final 7 n [C] kp fanl Pokalendspiel finale de la coupe coppa finale Our team won the cup final.

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cupboard 11 n [C] kbd Schrank placard armadio Your coats in the bedroom cupboard.
curly 10 adj kli gelockt, lockig boucl ricciuto My baby sister has curly hair.
currency 1 n [C] krnsi Whrung devise valuta foreign currency
customer 6 n [C] kstm Kunde client cliente a regular customer
cut 10 v [T] kt schneiden couper tagliare Shall I cut the cake?
cycle 5 n [C] sakl Zyklus cycle ciclo the cycle of the seasons
andare a
cycle 5 v [I] sakl radfahren faire du vlo I cycle to school.
cycling 4 n [U] sakl Radfahren cyclisme ciclismo cycling through the park
dance 12 v [I, T] dns tanzen danser ballare Lets dance, I like this song.
dance 13 n [U] dns Tanz danse ballo Lets have one more dance.
danseur, danzatore,
dancer 10 n [C] dns Tnzer, Tnzerin She's a beautiful dancer.
danseuse danzatrice
dancing 4 n [U] dns Tanzen danse ballo I often go dancing at the weekend.
dangerous 11 adj dendrs gefhrlich dangereux pericoloso Its dangerous to walk alone at night around here.
dark 3 adj dk dunkel sombre, noir oscuro, buio Turn on the light; its dark in here.
data 14 n [U] det, dt Daten donne dati Hes collecting data for his report.
date of birth 1 n [C, U] det v b Geburtsdatum date de naissance data di nascita What's your date of birth?
daughter 2 n [C] dt Tochter fille figlia They have two daughters.
dead 7 adj ded tot mort morto Her mothers been dead for two years.
deadline 1 n [C] dedlan Termin date limite termine ultimo He failed to meet the deadline.
death 7 n [C, U] de Tod mort morte her fathers death
decide 5 v [I, T] dsad entscheiden dcider decidere Where will you live? We havent decided yet.
decorate 12 v [T] dekret dcorer decorare Paintings decorated the walls.
deep 11 adj dip tief profond alto, profondo The waters not very deep.
defntli, assolutamente, di
definitely 11 adv absolut, definitiv sans aucun doute Thats definitely true.
defntli sicuro
degree 1 n [C] dgri Grad degr grado a 90 degree angle (=90)
verzgern, sich essere in ritardo,
delay 5 v [I, T] dle retarder There are long delays on the motorway.
verspten ritardare
delicious 4 adj dls kstlich dlicieux delizioso a delicious meal
demonstration 12 n [C] demnstren Demonstration dimostrazione a demonstration against the government
department store 9 n [C] dptmnt st Kaufhaus grand magasin Our department store sells most things, but not food.

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departure lounge 5 n [C] dpt land Abflughalle sala d'imbarco We waited a long time in the departure lounge.

describe 6 v [T] dskrab beschreiben dcrire descrivere Police asked the woman to describe her attacker.
desert 9 n [C, U] dezt Wste dsert deserto the Sahara desert
conception, Weve made some changes to the computers original
design 13 v [T] dzan Design design
forme, plan design.
design and dzan nd Design und conception et design e
13 n [U] I'm studying design and technology at college.
technology teknldi Technologie technologie tecnologia
designer 9 adj dzan Designer designer designer, stilista designer suits
dessert 8 n [C] dzt Dessert dessert dessert, dolce Fruit is a healthy dessert.
destination 5 n [C] destnen Ziel, Reiseziel destination destinazione We have just enough fuel to reach our destination.
destroy 11 v [T] dstr zerstren dtruire distruggere The building was completely destroyed by fire.
detail 6 n [C] ditel Detail dtail dettaglio The documentary included a lot of historical detail.
entdecken, dtecter, Paul detected a note of disappointment in his
detect 11 v [T] dtekt scoprire
feststellen dcouvrir mothers voice.
Detektiv, inspecteur, detective, agente
detective 2 n [C] dtektv Our detective will find out what happened.
Kriminalbeamte inspectrice investigativo
determined 10 adj dtmnd entschlossen dtermin deciso She was determined to start her own business.
developed 14 adj dvelpt entwickelt dvelopp sviluppato a highly developed sense of smell
Entwicklungs-, en voie de
developing 14 adj dvelp in via di sviluppo developing countries
sich entwickelnd dveloppement
dial 14 v [I, T] dal Zifferblatt cadran quadrante The dial on my watch is easy to read.
diamond 9 n [C] damnd Diamant diamant diamante a diamond ring
dictionary 2 n [C] dknri Wrterbuch dictionnaire dizionario a GermanEnglish dictionary
die 7 v [I] da sterben mourir morire He died at the age of 78.
diet 6 n [C, U] dat Dit rgime dieta a salt-free diet
different 3 adj dfrnt diffrent diverso Our sons are very different from each other.
difficult 5 adj dfklt schwierig difficile difficile a difficult question
digestion 6 n [U] dadestn, d- Verdauung digestion digestione your digestive system
dinner 3 n [C, U] dn Abendessen dner cena Whats for dinner?
Einladung zum
dinner party 4 n [C] dn pti Abendessen, dner invito a la cena I don't like dinner parties.

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direct 5 adv drekt, darekt direkt direct diretto You can fly direct from London to Nashville.
director 10 n [C] drekt, da- Direktor responsable direttore the new marketing director
dirty 9 adj dti schmutzig sale sporco dirty dishes
infirmit, disabilit,
disability 11 n [C, U] dsblti Behinderung wheelchair access for people with physical disabilities
handicap handicap
disadvantage 5 n [C] dsdvntd Nachteil inconvnient svantaggio the disadvantages of living in a city
disappear 13 v [I] dsp verschwinden disparatre sparire My keys have disappeared.
discount 8 n [C] dskant Preisnachlass remise sconto Members get a 10% discount.
disease 6 n [C, U] dziz Krankheit maladie la malattia She suffers from a rare disease of the blood.
dish 4 n [C] d Platte, Schssel plat piatto a serving dish
nicht mgen, eine
dislike 5 v [T] dslak dtester non piacere Why do you dislike her so much?
Abneigung haben
display 12 n [C] dsple exposition mostra a display of African masks
distance 11 n [C, U] dstns Entfernung distance distanza Whats the distance from London to Harlow?
diverse 11 adj davs verschieden divers, vari diverso London is home to people of many diverse cultures.
divide 12 v [I, T] dvad teilen, aufteilen diviser dividere The teacher divided the class into groups.
doctor 1 n [C] dkt Arzt mdecin medico You should go to the doctor with that cough.
dog 2 n [C] dg Hund chien cane I could hear a dog barking.
doll 9 n [C] dl Puppe poupe bambola a small wooden doll
Dolphins can be trained to do things like find
dolphin 11 n [C] dlfn Delfin dauphin delfino
explosives in the sea.
donkey 11 n [C] dki Esel ne asino Ive known Kevin for donkeys years.
door 10 n [C] d Tr porte porta Could you open the door for me?
doorbell 11 n [C] dbel Klingel sonnette campanello I rang the doorbell but no one answered.
dormant 11 adj dmnt schlafend, ruhend en sommeil a dormant volcano
download 14 v [T] danld herunterladen tlcharger I'm going to download that new album.
drama 13 n [U] drm pice, drame dramma a new TV drama
drawing 12 n [U] dr Zeichnung dessin disegno She showed us a drawing of the house.
dress 9 n [C] dres Kleid robe vestito She was wearing a white dress.
dress 10 v [I, T] dres sich anziehen s'habiller vestirsi, mettersi Please hurry up and get dressed for school.
dress up 12 phr v dres p verkleiden se dguiser mascherare I went to the party dressed up as a gorilla.

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drink 4 n [C] drk Getrnk boisson bibita a hot drink to warm you up
drink 4 v [I, T] drk trinken boire bere Would you like something to drink?
drive 4 n [C] drav Einfahrt, Auffahrt alle entrata There are three cars on our drive.
drive 5 v [I, T] drav fahren conduire guidare Can you drive?
examen de
driving test 14 n [C] drav test Fahrprfung esame di guida I passed my driving test!
drop 14 v [T] drp fallenlassen laisser tomber lasciare cadere Tom dropped his bag by the door.
drug 11 n [C] drg Droge drogue droga Many teenagers admitted taking drugs at some time.

drummer 8 n [C] drm Drummer batteur, batteuse batterista I'd like to be a drummer in a band one day.
dry 12 adj dra trocken sec secco Is the washing dry yet?
dry cleaner's 9 n [C] dra klinz pressing lavaggio a secco I'm taking my best suit to the dry cleaner's tomorrow.
duck 8 n [U] dk Ente canard anatra roast duck
duo 12 n [C] dju Duo duo duo, coppia Their two voices sound really good together.
during 5 prep djr whrend pendant durante During the summer she worked as a waitress.
DVD 8 n [C] di vi di DVD DVD DVD This is my favourite DVD.
DVD player 2 n [C] di vi di ple DVD-Player lecteur DVD lettore DVD My DVD player is five years old.
dynamic 13 adj danmk dynamisch dynamique dinamico a dynamic businessman
ear 4 n [C] Ohr oreille orecchio He whispered something in her ear.
early 3 adv li frh tt presto Youre early! Its only five oclock!
earn 13 v [I, T] n verdienen gagner, toucher guadagnare She earns 27,000 a year.
earring 10 n [C] r Ohrring boucle d'oreille orecchino a new pair of earrings
easily 5 adv izli facilement facilmente She found the house easily.
east 11 adj ist Ost- est est the east coast of Africa
easy 5 adj izi leicht facile facile The test was really easy.
easy-going 10 adj izi g facile vivre spensierato He's very popular because he's so easy-going.
eat 3 v [I, T] it essen manger mangiare We sat eating our sandwiches.
economical 9 adj eknmkl, i- sparsam conomique economico a smaller and more economical car
economics 3 n [U] eknmks, i- Wirtschaft conomie economia a professor of economics
economist 5 n [C] knmst conomiste economista She's an economist in the city.
The government has promised to spend more on
education 13 n [U] edjken Ausbildung ducation educazione
efficient 5 adj fnt effizient efficace efficiente an efficient way of organising your work

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egg 6 n [C] eg Ei oeuf uovo Blackbirds lay their eggs in March.
Egyptian 8 adj dpn gyptienne, egiziano I'm going to see the Ancient Egyptian museum.
gypter, gyperin
election 7 n [C] lekn Wahl lection elezione He won the presidential election.
electrical 1 adj lektrkl elektrisch lectrique elettrico an electrical fault
elegant 9 adj elgnt elegant lgant elegante an elegant woman
elephant 9 n [C] elfnt Elefant lphant elefante Her illness was the elephant in the room.
email 14 n [C] i mel E-Mail courriel e-mail I got an email from Joe.
email address 1 n [C] i mel dres Email-Adresse adresse internet indirizzo e-mail I've lost all my email addresses.
mpl-i, Angestellter, employ,
employee 1 n [C] impiegato government employees
empli Angestellte employe
empty 5 adj empti leer vide vuoto Noticing her empty wine glass, he refilled it.
ending 8 n [C] end Ende, Abschluss fin finale cheese the perfect ending to a meal
energy 13 n [U] endi Energie nergie energia Switch off lights and save energy.
engaged 14 adj ngedd verlobt fianc fidanzato Isnt she engaged to Phil?
Ingenieur, technicien,
engineer 1 n [C] endn ingegnere Brunel was a great engineer.
Ingenieurin ingnieur
engineering 13 n [U] endnr wesen, ingnierie ingegneria The new bridge is a wonderful piece of engineering.
gerne tun,
enjoy 5 v [T] nd apprcier trovare piacevole My wife enjoys riding.
enjoyable 8 adj ndbl erfreulich, agrable, plaisant divertente an enjoyable movie
enter 5 v [I, T] ent eintreten entrer entrare Everyone stopped talking when he entered.
entertainer 12 n [C] entten Entertainer comique, artiste intrattenitore He's an all-round entertainer.
entertainment 12 n [U] enttenmnt Unterhaltung divertissement divertimento The hotel offers live entertainment.
episode 14 n [C] epsd Episode pisode episodio He watches every episode of Friends.
equal 12 adj ikwl gleich mme uguale There was an equal number of men and women.
equipment 4 n [U] kwpmnt quipement equipaggiamento new computer equipment
especially 3 adv speli insbesondere particulirement The town is very busy, especially in summer.
makler, agente I saw a photo of her house in the estate agent's shop
estate agent's 9 n [C] stet edntz agent immobilier
Immobilien- immobiliare window.

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We estimate that 75% of our customers are
estimate 13 n [C] estmet Schtzung estimation estimo
evening 3 n [C] ivn Abend soir la sera We visited them one evening.
event 4 n [C] vent vnement evento The opening of the factory was a major event locally.
every 5 determiner evri je, jede, jedes chaque ognuno/a Every student will take the test.
everyday 11 adj evride alltglich quotidien Its just part of everyday life.
everything 3 pron evri alles tout tutto She criticises everything I do.
everywhere 3 pron evriwe berall partout dappertutto Ive looked everywhere else.
exam 5 n [C] gzm Abschluss- examen esame Hes taking his exams at the moment.
excellent 5 adj ekslnt ausgezeichnet excellent eccellente What an excellent idea!
Our main aim is to encourage the exchange of
exchange 9 n [C, U] kstend Austausch change cambio
excited 5 adj ksatd aufgeregt enthousiaste agitato The kids are getting really excited about the trip.
exciting 8 adj ksat aufregend eccitante an exciting discovery
exercise 10 n ekssaz bung exercice esercizio I really need to take more exercise.
expensive 6 adj kspensv teuer cher caro an expensive restaurant
experience 1 n [U] ksprins Erfahrung exprience esperienza Hes a very good teacher with a lot of experience.

expert 6 n [C] ekspt Experte, Expertin expert, experte esperto/a an expert on ancient Egyptian art
explosive 11 n [C, U] ksplsv Sprengstoff explosif esplosivo Explosives are extremely dangerous.
extinct 11 adj kstkt ausgestorben disparu, teint estinto Activists fear that the tiger may become extinct.
extraordinary 7 adj kstrdnri auergewhnlich extraordinaire straordinato Its extraordinary that he didnt tell you.
extremely 11 adv kstrimli uerst, extrem extrmement Im extremely sorry.
eye 4 n [C] a Auge oeil occhio Close your eyes and go to sleep.
maquillage des
face-painting 12 n [U] fes pent Gesichtsmalerei dipinto di faccia His face was painted to look like a tiger's.
Einrichtung, All rooms have private facilities (=a private bathroom
facilities 13 n [U] fsltiz commodits installazione
Anlage and toilet).
fact 8 n [C] fkt Tatsache fait fatto facts and figures about the Philippines
Vaccination is an important factor in improving the
factor 6 n [C] fkt Faktor facteur fattore
nations health.

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factory 9 n [C] fktri Fabrik usine fabbrica a car factory
fail 13 v [I, T] fel scheitern chouer, rater fallire Doctors failed to save the girls life.
fall 7 v [I] fl fallen tomber cadere Snow began to fall.
fall asleep 8 phr v fl slip einschlafen endormir addormentarsi He fell asleep with his glasses still on.
family 2 n [C] fmli Familie famille la famiglia We knew the Robertson family quite well.
famous 4 adj fems berhmt fameux famoso a famous actor
fan 9 n [C] fn Fan fan fan Thousands of football fans filled the stadium.
Verkleidungs- I'm going to dress up as a pirate for the fancy dress
fancy dress party 10 n [C] fnsi dres pti soire costume ballo in maschera
party party.
adj merveilleux, fantastico,
fantastic 2 fntstk fantastisch You look fantastic.
(informal) gnial magnifico
far 3 adv f weit loin lontano Have you driven far?
farmer 11 n [C] fm Bauer agriculteur agricoltore His father and grandfather were farmers before him.
fashion 7 n [C, U] fn Mode mode moda Im not really interested in fashion.
fashionable 9 adj fnbl modisch, in Mode la mode moderno Black is very fashionable now.
fast 5 adv fst schnell vite velocemente Youre driving too fast!
fast-moving 8 adj fst muv schnell, flott rapide, vloce rapido fast-moving traffic
father 2 n [C] f Vater pre padre Ask your father to help you.
favourite 2 adj fevrt Lieblings- prfr preferito a childs favourite toy
feature 9 n [C] fit Eigenschaft caractristique caratteristica An important feature of his paintings is their colours.
February 12 n [C, U] februri, febjri Februar fvrier febbraio Mum died last February.
l'onorario, le
fee 5 n [C] fi Gebhren, Kosten frais medical fees
feel 7 fil fhlen sentir sentire Do you still feel hungry?
verb, v [T]
female 2 adj fimel weiblich femelle femminile a female monkey
ferry 3 n [C] feri Fhre ferry traghetto a car ferry
festival 12 n [C] festvl Festival festival festival the Cannes Film Festival
fittizio, Fictional characters can seem very real sometimes in
fictional 2 adj fknl fiktiv, fiktional fictif
immaginario a good book.
fight 6 v [I, T] fat kmpfen lutter lottare Her father fought in World War I.
figure 9 n [C] fg Zahl nombre numero the latest unemployment figures
film 2 n [C] flm Film film film, pellicola I saw a great film last night.
schlielich, After several delays, the plane finally took off at six
finally 5 adv fanl-i finalement finalmente
endlich oclock.

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finance 13 n [U] fanns, fnns finance finanziario the finance department
find 5 v [T] fand finden trouver trovare Will you help me find my bag?
find out 12 phr v fand at herausfinden apprendre trovare, scoprire We never found out her name.
fine 1 adj fan gut, in Ordnung bien bene Were meeting at 8.30. Okay, fine.
finish 3 v [I, T] fn terminer finire Have you finished your homework?
first 2 adj fst erste/r premier primo the first name on the list
first aid 13 n [U] fst ed Erste Hilfe premiers secours pronto soccorso He was given first aid at the scene of the accident.
first name 1 n [C] fst nem Vorname prnom il nome My teachers first name is Caroline.
zunchst, als Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who has
firstly 6 adv fstli premirement primo
Erstes contributed to this success.
fish 4 n [C, U] f Fisch poisson pesce How many fish did you catch?
fisherman 3 n [C] fmn Fischer pcheur pescatore Dan is a fisherman in Cornwall.
fit 10 adj ft gut genug prt adatto a This book is not fit for publication!
fitness 6 n [U] ftns Fitness fitness physical fitness
physique, forme
fix 14 v [T] fks reparieren rparer riparare Ive fixed your bike.
fizzy 8 adj fzi spritzig, perlend gazeux frizzante, gassato No fizzy drinks for me, thanks.
flamingo 11 n [C] flmg Flamingo flamant rose fiammingo a flock of flamingoes on a lake
flat 2 n [C] flt flach, glatt plat piatto a flat surface
flavour 6 n [C, U] flev Geschmacks- got gusto, sapore Which flavour do you want chocolate or vanilla?
flight 5 n [C] flat Flug vol volo It had been a long, tiring flight.
floor 9 n [C] fl Boden sol a cold stone floor
flower 4 n [C] fla Blume fleur fiore a tree with beautiful pink flowers
fly 4 v [I] fla fliegen voler volare They flew to Paris for their honeymoon.
focus 12 v [T] fks se concentrer concentrarsi In his speech he focused on the economy.
foggy 12 adj fgi neblig brumeux nebuloso a foggy day
Volks-, Folk
folk 12 adj fk folk (musique) popolare an Irish folk song
follow 6 v [T] fl folgen suivre seguire If you follow me, Ill show you to your room.
food 3 n [U] fud Essen nourriture cibo a hotel that is famous for its good food
foot 5 n [C] ft Fu pied piede He kicked the ball with his right foot.

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Fuballspieler, calciatore,
footballer 1 n [C] ftbl footballeur a professional footballer
Fuballspielerin calciatrice
foreign 5 adj frn tranger straniero She spoke with a foreign accent.
forest 11 n [C] frst Wald fort selva a tropical forest
forget 14 v [I, T] fget vergessen oublier dimenticare Im sorry, Ive forgotten your name.
fork 6 n [C] fk Gabel fourchette forchetta Put the knives and forks on the table.
form 8 n fm Form forme mezzo, forma The bicycle is a very economical form of transport.
formal 10 adj fml frmlich officiel formale I only wear a suit on formal occasions.
fortune 9 n [C] ftn Vermgen fortune He made a fortune buying and selling property.
fourth 12 number f vierter, vierte quatrime quarto her fourth birthday
free 5 adj fri kostenlos gratuit gratuito Theres a free gift with this months magazine.
French 7 adj frent Franzose, francese a holiday in a French town by the sea
Friday 1 n [C, U] fradi, -de Freitag vendredi venerdi I do the shopping on Fridays.
fridge 6 n [C] frd Khlschrank rfrigrateur frigorifero Theres more milk in the fridge.
friend 1 n [C] frend Freund, Freundin ami, amie amico This is my friend Kate.
friendly 4 adj frendli freundlich aimable gentile a friendly smile
frightening 8 adj fratn- furchterregend effrayant spaventoso a frightening experience
from 1 prep frm von, aus de di He drove all the way from Colorado.
fruit 6 n [U] frut Obst fruit frutta a bowl of fruit
full 6 adj fl voll plein pieno The train was completely full.
full name 1 n [C] fl nem nom complet nome completo Write your full name on the page, please.
full-time 13 adj, adv fl tam Vollzeit plein temps tempo pieno Both her parents work full-time.
fun 4 n [U] fn Spa s'amuser divertimento Did you have fun with your friends?
funny 8 adj fni lustig drle buffo You look funny in that hat.
fur 11 n [U] f Pelz fourrure pellicia She wore a fur coat.
fusion 12 n [C, U] fjun Verschmelzung fusion fusione the fusion of hydrogen atoms
future 4 n [U] fjut Zukunft futur futuro I'd love to go to India sometime in the near future.
future 7 adj fjut zuknftig futur in futuro future patterns of climate change
Gaelic 3 n [U] elk, lk Glisch galique gaelico Gaelic is spoken on the Isle of Lewis.
game 4 n [C] gem Spiel jeu gioco We used to play games like chess.
garden 2 n [C] gdn Garten jardin giardino Our house has a small garden.

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garlic 12 n [U] glk Knoblauch ail aglio Add a clove of garlic (=a piece of garlic).
gate 5 n [C] get Tor, Gatter portail, porte portone, cancello I ran back to close the gate.
zusammen- rassembler,
gather 11 v [I, T] g riunirsi A crowd gathered to watch the fight.
kommen runir
gel 10 n [C, U] del Gel gel gel hair gel
generally 6 adv denrli im Allgemeinen en gnral in generale The arrangements have generally worked well.
generous 9 adj denrs grozgig gnreux generoso Billy was extraordinarily generous to his friends.
genuine 8 adj denjun echt authentique genuino genuine diamonds
geography 13 n [U] digrfi, dg- Geographie gographie geografia the geography of Asia
German 1 adj dmn Deutscher, tedesco I have a German pen friend.
get 12 v [I] get bekommen recevoir ricevere I got an email from Chris.
herumkommen, aggirare,
get around 5 phr v get rand bouger It's quite easy to get around London.
sich fortbewegen muoversi

get into 13 phr v get nt hineinkommen in entrer dans entrare in I'd like to get into the Royal Ballet in London.
get off 5 phr v get f aussteigen descendre scendere da Its time we got off.
zurechtkommen andare d'accordo
get on 5 phr v get n bien s'entendre She doesnt get on with my mum very well.
mit con
get together 12 phr v get tge sich treffen se runir incontrarsi We must get together for a drink.
jmd. wecken, aus
get up 3 phr v get p rveiller svegliare qcn. Get me up at 8.
dem Bett holen
giant 11 adj dant riesig gant gigante a giant TV screen
gift shop, negozio
boutique de
gift shop 9 n [C] gft p Geschenkeladen di articoli di a new gift shop in the high street
copine, petite
girlfriend 2 n [C] glfrend Freundin ragazza Have you got a girlfriend?
glamour 7 n [U] glm Glanz, Zauber glamour glamour, fascino the glamour of television
glass 6 n [C] gls Glas verre vetro a glass bowl
glasses 2 n [U] ls z Brille lunettes occhiali Tom wears glasses.
glove 12 n [C] glv Handschuh gant guanto a pair of gloves
zu etwas mettersi in
go for 4 phr v g f partir I'm going out for a walk with the dog.
aufbrechen marcia, partire
go on tour 8 phr v g n t auf Tour gehen aller en tourne andare in tourne We're going on tour with the band next year.

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go out 3 v [I] g at ausgehen sortir uscire Are you going out tonight?
goal 7 n [C] gl Ziel but, objectif obiettivo Their goal is to be the number one team.
gold 4 adj gld golden, Gold en or oro, color oro a gold necklace
golf 4 n [U] glf Golf, Golfen golf golf inglese Do you play golf?
golf course 5 n [C] glf ks Golfplatz parcours de golf campo da golf This golf course is too small.
good 1 adj gd gut bon buono a good hotel
good luck 12 n [U] gd lk viel Glck bonne chance buona fortuna Good luck with the new job!
good-looking 10 adj d lk gutaussehend avenant, beau di bell'aspetto a good-looking boyfriend
grade 13 n [C] gred Note, Qualitt note classe, qualit different grades of wood
einen Abschluss obtenir une
graduate 7 v [I] grdut laurearsi a graduate of Leeds University
machen licence
remise des
graduation 7 n [U] grduen diplmes, obtenir laurea After graduation, I left Cambridge.
son diplme
Oberschule, scuola superiore,
grammar school 13 n [C] grm skul collge I went to an excellent grammar school.
Gymnasium liceo
grammatical 13 adj grmtkl grammatikalisch grammatical grammaticale a grammatical error
grandchild 2 n [C] grntald Enkelkind petit-enfant nipote (di nonni) our first grandchild

granddaughter 2 n [C] grndt Enkelin petite-fille nipote (di nonni) Our granddaughter is four.
grandfather 2 n [C] grnf Grovater grand-pre nonno His grandfather is called Fred.
grandmother 2 n [C] grnm Gromutter grand-mre nonna My grandmother was called Elizabeth.
grandparents 2 n [C] grnpernt Groeltern grands-parents nonni My grandparents live in Kent.
grandson 2 n [C] grnsn Enkel petit-fils nipote (di nonni) Our grandson is called Sam.
grape 6 n [C] grep Weintraube raisin uva a bunch of grapes
grass 10 n [U] grs Gras herbe erba a lion lying in the long grass
grassland 11 n [U] grslnd Grasland prairie prateria The grassland is home to many animals.
great 5 adj gret gro super, formidable grande, molto We had great fun.

Grieche, Griechin,
Greek 3 n [U] rik grec, grcque greco, a a Greek restaurant
greet 6 v [T] grit gren saluer salutare The children came rushing out to greet me.
ground floor 9 n [C] grand fl Erdgeschoss rez-de-chausse pianterreno My office is on the ground floor.
grow 7 v [I] gr wachsen grandir crescere Babies grow quickly in their first year.

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guest 7 n [C] gest Gast invit ospite How many guests are coming to your party?
She can manage very well with the help of her guide
guide dog 11 n [C] gad dg Blindenhund chien d'aveugle cane per ciechi
guitar 4 n [C] gt Gitarre guitare chitarra One day I hope to learn how to play the guitar.
guitarist 8 n [C] Gitarrist guitariste chitarrista He's a guitarist in the band.
gunman 7 n [C] gnmn Schtze tireur tiratore, tiratrice The gunman was caught.
gym 4 n [C] dm Fitness, Turnen gym, sport fitness, ginnastica a gym class
habit 4 n [C] hbt habitude abitudine Biting your nails is a very bad habit.
Hackers stole all my important information from my
hacker 14 n [C] hk Hacker hacker hacker
Haggis (gefllter
haggis 12 n [C, U] hs, hs haggis /stomaccho a tasty haggis
empito di pecora)
hair 10 n [U] he Haar cheveux capello a young woman with short blonde hair
coupe (de
haircut 9 n [C] hekt Haarschnitt taglio I must have a haircut.
hairdresser 7 n [C] hedres Friseur coiffeur, coiffeuse parrucchiere I have an appointment at the hairdressers.

hairspray 10 n [U] hespre Haarspray laque cheveux lacca per capelli It's very windy today, I'm glad I used my hairspray.
Halloween 12 n [U] hlin Halloween Halloween Halloween a Halloween party
ham 6 n [U] hm Schinken jambon prosciutto a slice of ham
hamburger 8 n [C] hmbg Hamburger hamburger hamburger Would you like a hamburger for lunch?
handbag 9 n [C] hndbg Handtasche sac main borsetta a very expensive handbag
sich ereignen,
happen 12 v [I] hpn sepasser succedere When did the accident happen?
happy 7 adj hpi glcklich heureux felice, contento Sams been looking very happy recently.
hard-working 1 adj hd wk fleiig diligente, studioso a hard-working student
harvest 12 n [C, U] hvst Ernte rcolte raccolta July is the time for the wheat harvest.
hat 10 n [C] ht Hut chapeau cappello a big straw hat
hate 4 v [T] het hassen har odiare Mary really hated him after that.
health 6 n [U] hel Gesundheit sant salute Doing more exercise will improve your health.
healthy 6 adj heli gesund en bonne sant sano a healthy baby girl
hear 11 v [I, T] h hren entendre sentire Can you hear that noise?

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avoir des
hear from 14 phr v h frm hren von sentire I heard from Lucy yesterday.
nouvelles de
entendre parler
hear of 12 phr v h v hren von sentire/sapere di I've never heard of that!
heart 6 n [C] ht Herz coeur cuore Tom could feel his heart beating faster.
heavy 5 adj hevi schwer lourd pesante I cant lift this box its too heavy.
height 11 n [C, U] hat Gre taille altezza The boys are about the same height.
helmet 13 n [C] helmt Helm casque casco a motorcycle helmet
help 4 v [I, T] help helfen aider aiutare How can I help?
herb 6 n [C] hb Kraut herbe erba herbal remedies
here 2 adv h hier ici qui Ive lived here all my life.
high 9 adj ha hoch haut, lev alto a high mountain
vertice, parte pi
highlight 14 n halat Hhepunkt temps fort the highlights of todays cricket
hire 12 v [T] ha mieten louer noleggiare Its best to hire a car when you arrive.
historical 8 adj hstrkl historisch historique storico a mixture of historical facts and fiction
history 7 n [U] hstri Geschichte histoire historia the history of post-war Europe
hit 8 v ht schlagen frapper picchiare Please dont hit me!
hobby 7 n [C] hbi Hobby hobby My hobbies are gardening and reading.
hold 10 v [T] hld halten tenir mantenere She held a baby in her arms.
Urlaub, Feiertag,
holiday 1 n [C] hldi, -de vacances vacanza Did you have a nice holiday?
home 3 adv hm nach Hause la maison a casa Mike got home (=arrived home) at five oclock.
home 3 n [C] hm zuhause chez-soi a casa I stayed at home all evening.
private numro du numero di
home number 1 n [C] hm nmb This is my home number, not my mobile one.
Telefonnummer tlphone priv telefono fisso
homework 4 n [U] hmwk Hausaufgabe devoirs il compito Have you finished your maths homework?
honeymoon 7 n [C] hnimun Hochzeitsreise voyage de noces viaggio di nozze We went to Italy on our honeymoon.
hope 2 n [C] hp hoffen esprer sperare I hope you feel better soon.
horrible 13 adj hrbl schrecklich horrible orribile, terribile What a horrible thing to say!
horse 11 n [C] hs Pferd cheval cavallo Ive never ridden a horse before.
horse-riding 14 n [U] hs rad| Reiten quitation andare a cavallo She goes horse-riding at the weekends.
hospital 3 n [C] hsptl Klinik hpital ospedale Ricks dad is still in hospital.
hot 8 adj ht hei chaud bollente The soups really hot.
hotel 9 n [C] htel Hotel htel albergo, hotel a very expensive hotel in New York

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coin trs posto molto
hotspot 14 n [C] htspt Zentrum, Hotspot Venice is a tourist hotspot.
frquent popolare
house 2 n [C] has Haus maison casa Im going over to Deans house.
housework 4 n [U] haswk Hausarbeit mnage I don't like housework.
huge 5 adj hjud riesig norme enorme Your rooms huge compared to mine.
human 11 adj hjumn menschlich humain umano the human body
hundred 5 number hndrd hunt cent cento The tree was probably a hundred years old.
affam, avoir affamato, avere
hungry 6 adj hgri hungrig Im getting hungry, lets eat!
faim fame
husband 2 n [C] hzbnd Ehemann mari marito Have you met my husband Roy?
ice 12 n [U] as Eis glace ghiaccio Do you want some ice in your drink?
pista di
ice rink 9 n [C] as rk Eislaufbahn patinoire skating at the ice rink
patineur, pattinatore su
ice skater 7 n [C] as sket Eislufer a fast ice skater
patineuse ghiaccio
icon 7 n [C] akn Piktogramm icne pittogramma To send a fax, click on the telephone icon.
icy 12 adj asi eiskalt glacial glaciale an icy wind
idea 7 n [C, U] ad Idee ide idea I knew it was a bad idea to leave him on his own.
ideal 13 adj adl ideal idal ideale, perfetto an ideal place for a picnic
adentti (a
identity (ID) card 2 n [C] Personalausweis carte d'identit carta d'identit He asked for her identity card.
di) kd
illegal 11 adj ligl verboten, illegal illgal proibito, illegale Its illegal to park here.
image 8 n [C] md Image rputation immagine The party is trying to improve its image.
imaginative 13 adj mdntv fantasievoll cratif immaginativo an imaginative designer
immigration mgren contrle controllo Immigration control refused to let him into the
5 n [U] Einreisekontrolle
control kntrl d'immigration d'immigrazione country.
important 3 adj mptnt wichtig important importante It is important to write clearly.
impress 11 v [T] mpres beeindrucken impressionner impressionare He was trying to impress me.
impression 10 n [C] mpren Eindruck impression impressione I had the impression that she wasnt very happy.
impressive 9 adj mpresv eindrucksvoll impressionnant impressionante The view was impressive.
improve 10 v [I, T] mpruv sich verbessern amliorer migliorarsi Her German is improving.
in advance 12 phrase n dvns im Voraus l'avance anticipatamente We made all the food and decorations in advance.
in common 4 n [U] n kmn gemeinsam en commun in comune My best friend and I have a lot in common.
I knew it was going to be expensive, but in fact it was
in fact 8 phr n fkt tatschlich, sogar en fait infatti
over 500!
in front of 6 prep n frnt v vor devant davanti a The table is in front of the window.

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in the end 10 phr n end zu guter Letzt au final alla fine In the end, it all worked out very well.
include 6 v [T] nklud einschlieen comprendre includere The price includes lunch.
including 5 prep nklud einschlielich y compris incluso He trained many jockeys, including John Watts.
incredible 11 adj nkredbl unglaublich incroyable incredibile The view was incredible.
incredibly 8 adv nkredbli unglaublich incroyablement incredibile Nicotine is incredibly addictive.
Independence Unabhngigkeits- Jour de Festa
12 n [C, U] ndpendns de We're celebrating Independence Day.
Day tag l'Indpendance dell'Independenza
Inder, Inderin,
Indian 5 adj ndin Indien, Indienne indiano, a an Indian actor from Mumbai
indoors 13 adv ndz innen im Haus l'intrieur dentro Its raining lets go indoors.
industry 1 n [C] ndstri Branche secteur industria Most of these men work in the construction industry.
influence 7 v [T] nfluns beeinflussen influencer influenzare Kate used her influence to get her friend a job.
information 2 n [U] nfmen Information information informazione The book contains information about many subjects.

information nfmen Informations- technologie de tecnologia

10 n [U] Information technology is changing all the time.
technology (IT) teknldi xxxx technologie l'information dell'informazione
ingredient 4 n [C] ngridint Zutat ingrdient ingrediente Mix the ingredients together in a bowl.
insect 7 n [C] nsekt Insekt insecte insetto My brother is afraid of insects like wasps.
inside 4 prep, adv nsad im Inneren, innen l'ntrieur dentro Is there anything inside the box?
nsprenl, inspirierend,
inspirational 8 adj inspirant che ispira an inspirational teacher
nsprenl begeisternd
jmd. anregen,
inspire 8 v [T] nspa dazu bringen etw. inspirer, motiver ispirare qcn. She inspired many young people to take up the sport.
zu tun
instead 3 adv nsted stattdessen au lieu de invece, in cambio If Jane cant go, Ill go instead.
instruction 9 n [C] nstrkn Anleitung istruzione Are there any instructions on how to make the model?
mode d'emploi
moniteur, insegnante,
instructor 13 n [C] nstrkt Lehrer a driving instructor
monitrice professore
intelligent 11 adj nteldnt intelligent intelligent intelligente highly intelligent students
interactive ntrktv interaktives tableau blanc whiteboard An interactive whiteboard is very useful in the
13 n [C]
whiteboard watbd Whiteboard interactif interattivo classroom.
interest 7 n [C, U] ntrst Interesse intrt, curiosit interesse We both have an interest in music.
interested 7 adj ntrstd interessiert intress interessato Shes very interested in computers.
interesting 5 adj ntrst interessant intressant interessante I found the talk very interesting.

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designer arredatore
interior designer 13 n [C] ntri dzan Innenarchitekt a fashionable interior designer
d'intrieur d'interni
international 4 adj ntnnl international international internazionale international trade
internet 4 n [U] ntnet Internet internet internet I bought it on the internet.
internet-access 13 n [U] ntnet kses Internetzugang accs internet accesso d'nternet I haven't got any internet access here.
interrupt 14 v [T] ntrpt unterbrechen interrompre interrompere Sorry to interrupt, but I need some help.
interview 13 n [C] ntvju Interview intervista She had an interview for a teaching job.
Interviewer, intervieweur, intervistatore,
interviewer 2 n [C] ntvju an interviewer on a TV show
Interviewerin intervieweuse intervistatrice
invent 7 v [T] nvent erfinden inventer inventare Alexander Bell invented the telephone.
Irish 1 adj ar Ire, Irin, irisch irlandese an Irish family
Italian 1 adj tlin italienisch italien, italienne italiano, a Italian art
Italian 3 n [U] tlin italien, italienne italiano, a an Italian family
article, pice,
item 9 n [C] atm Stck pezzo What was the last item of clothing you bought?
item of clothing 9 n [C] atm v kl Kleidungsstck vtement indumento A dress is an item of clothing.
jacket 9 n [C] dkt Jacke veste la giacca He was wearing jeans and a leather jacket.
January 3 n [C, U] dnjuri, -njri Januar janvier il gennaio I havent heard from him since last January.
Japanese 1 adj dpniz Japanerin, giapponese a Japanese mother
jazz 7 n [U] dz Jazz jazz il jazz modern jazz
jeans 7 n [U] dinz Jeans jean, jeans jeans a new pair of jeans
jewellery 9 n [U] dulri Schmuckstck bijoux gioiello a piece of gold jewellery
job 1 n [C] db emploi lavoro She applied for a job at a bank.
join 4 v [T] dn beitreten, rejoindre affiliarsi a qc. Trevor joined the BBC in 1969.
joke 7 v [I] dk Witz barzelletta Ed loves telling jokes.
journalist 7 n [C] dnl-st journaliste giornalista She began to work as a journalist in the 50s.
Anfahrt, Fahrt,
journey 3 n [C] dni voyage, trajet viaggio My journey to work takes about an hour.
Reise, Anreise
juice 6 n [U] dus Saft jus spremuta a carton of juice

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July 3 n [C, U] dla Juli juillet luglio She came over to England last July.
jumper 10 n [C] dmp Pullover pull-over golfetto, maglione I bought a new jumper for the winter.
June 12 n [C, U] dun Juni juin giugno He died last June.
jungle 11 n [C, U] dgl Dschungel jungle giungla a jungle adventure
just 7 adv dst genau, gerade juste, exactement esattamente You look just like your dad.
keep 14 v [I] kip halten garder tenere This blanket should help keep you warm.
keep in touch 14 phr v kip n tt Kontakt halten rester en contact Please keep in touch when you leave.
key 2 n [C] ki Schlssel cl chiave I lost my car keys.
kid 12 n [C] kd Kind enfant figlio How many kids do you have?
kill yourself 8 v [T] kl jself se tuer suicidarsi Did he kill himself, do you think?
killer whale 11 n [C] kl wel Killerwal, Orca orque orca Killer whales swim really fast.
kilogram 11 n [C] klgrm Kilogramm kilogramme chilo How many kilograms of flour did you say?
kilometre 11 n [C] Kilometer kilomtre chilometro How many kilometres have we travelled today?
kind 2 n [C] kand Art, Sorte sorte tipo What kind of pizza do you want?
kiss 14 n [C] ks Kuss baiser bacio She kissed me on the cheek.
knife 6 n [C] naf Messer couteau coltello a knife and fork
know 1 v [I, T] n wissen savoir sapere Who knows the answer?
Wissen, sapere, You dont need to have any special knowledge to do
knowledge 1 n [U] nld connaissance
Kenntnisse conoscenza this job.
Korean 1 adj k rn Koreanerin, coren, corenne coreano, a a Korean grandfather
lake 11 n [C] lek See lac lago Lake Michigan
land 11 n [U] lnd Land terrain, terre terreno, terra He owns 5,000 acres of agricultural land.
landline 14 n [C] lndlan Festnetz ligne de terre fissa/telefono You can call me on the landline or my mobile.
language 1 n [C, U] lgwd Sprache langue lingua, idioma Do you speak any foreign languages?
laptop 14 n [C] lptp Laptop portatile She takes her laptop to use on the train.
large 6 adj ld gro grand grande a large pizza
adj, adv,
last 1 lst letzter, letzte dernier ultimo My last boyfriend was crazy about football.
dauern, frisch
last 6 v [I] lst se conserver conservarsi How long will the orange juice last in the fridge?

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late 3 adj let versptet tard in ritardo Sorry Im late!
Latin 13 n [U] ltn Latein latin latino I never learnt Latin at school.
law 1 n [U] l Gesetz loi legge People are punished for breaking the law.
lawyer 1 n [C] lj avocat avvocato the best lawyer in town
lead 7 v [T] lid fhren conduire, diriger condurre The manager led the way through the office.
leaf 7 n [C] lif Blatt feuille foglia Many trees lose their leaves in the autumn.
learn 4 v [I, T] ln lernen apprendre Whats the best way to learn a language?
leather 9 n [U] le Leder cuir cuoio a leather belt
leave 5 v [I, T] liv quitter, partir lasciare, partire Frances left work early to meet her mother.
weggehen von
leg 11 n [C] leg Bein jambe gamba She fell and broke her leg.
legend 8 n [C] lednd Legende lgende legenda the legend of King Arthur
leisure 5 n [U] le Freizeit loisir tempo libero leisure activities such as sailing and swimming
leisure and le nd Freizeit und ricreazione e He's thinking about doing a course on leisure and
13 n [U] loisirs et tourisme
tourism trzm Tourismus turismo tourism.
lend 14 v [T] lend leihen prter prestare Could you lend me 10?
length 12 n [C, U] le Lnge longueur lunghezza Whats the length of the room?
less 6 determinor, les weniger moins meno I definitely walk less since Ive had the car.
letter 8 n [C] let Brief lettre lettera The school had written several letters to his parents.
library 5 n [C] labrri, -bri Bcherei librairie libreria a library book
tre (allong),
lie 14 n [C] la liegen restare We lay on the beach all morning.
life 4 n [C, U] laf Leben vie vita This is the happiest day of my life.
light 3 adj lat hell clair chiaro a light blue dress
light 12 v [I, T] lat Licht lumire luce Light poured in through the window.
like 4 v [T] lak mgen aimer bien piacere What do you like doing in your free time?
lipstick 10 n [C, U] lpstk Lippenstift rouge lvres rossetto bright red lipstick
liquid 11 n [C, U] lkwd Flssigkeit liquide liquido Add a little more liquid to the sauce.
literature 7 n [U] ltrt Literatur littrature letteratura a major work of literature
live 3 v [I] lv leben vivre vivere Matt lives in Boston.
live 8 adj lav lebend vivant vivente, vivo experiments on live animals
vivant, gai, plein
lively 6 adj lavli lebhaft vivace a lively child
de vie
llama 11 n [C] lm Lama lama lama Llamas are good for carrying heavy loads.

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load 11 n [C] ld Ladung cargaison carico a ship with a full load of fuel
loads of 14 phrase ldz groe Mengen an plein de massa di loads of homework
du coin, du
local 6 adj lkl rtlich locale Our kids go to the local school.
Ort, rtlichkeit, emplacement, Draw a map showing the precise location of the
location 6 n [C] lken luogo
Adresse adresse accident.
He logged into his computer to find the information he
log in/on to 14 phr v lg n/n t einloggen se connecter log-in
long 3 adj l lang long lungo long hair
sich etwas
look at 5 v [I] lk t regarder guardare Look at the view of the city.
look for 1 v [I] suchen chercher cercare, ricercare Look at these photos.
scheinen,den sembrare, dare
look like 8 linking verb lk lak Eindruck sembler l'impressione, It looks like being a great night out!
erwecken parere
lose 9 v [T] luz verlieren perdre perdere Tom lost his job.
lost 11 adj lst verloren, verirrt perdu, gar smarrito We got lost driving around the city.
lot 3 n [U] lt Menge beaucoup de massa, folla There were a lot of people at the concert last night.
love 4 v [T] lv lieben aimer amare I love you.
lovely 2 adj lvli joli carino You look lovely in that dress.
luckily 10 adv lkli, lkli glcklicherweise heureusement per fortuna Luckily, I had my keys with me.
ein Glcksfall,
lucky 12 adj lki chanceux fortunato I just got the last bus. That was lucky!
luggage 5 n [U] lgd Gepck bagages bagaglio Her luggage was in the back of the car.
lunch 3 n [C, U] lnt Mittagessen djeuner pranzo Whats for lunch?
midi, heure du
lunchtime 3 n [C, U] lnttam Mittagszeit mezzogiorno Ill give you a call at lunchtime.
luxury 8 n [C] lkri Luxus luxe lusso They lived a life of luxury.
Maschine, There was a message on the answering machine (=a
machine 13 n [C] min appareil macchina
Apparat machine for recording telephone messages).
magazine 4 n [C] mgzin magazine rivista an article in a womens magazine
main 5 adj men Haupt- pricipal principale the main meal of the day
mainly 13 adv menli hauptschlich surtout soprattutto The workforce consists mainly of women.
male 2 adj mel mnnlich mle maschile a male lion

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man 2 n [C] mn Mann homme uomo This rule applies to both men and women.
etwas bewltigen,
riuscire a,
manage 14 v [I, T] mnd erledigen, russir I finally managed to open the door.
directeur, manager,
manager 4 n [C] mnd Manager the manager of the factory
gestionnaire dirigente
many 5 meni viele beaucoup molti I dont have many friends.
March 9 n [C, U] mt Mrz mars marzo She started work here last March.
married 1 adj mrid verheiratet mari sposato Are you married or single?
marry 7 v [I, T] mri heiraten pouser sposare Ive asked her to marry me.
maths 7 n [U] ms Mathematik mathmatique matematica My favourite subject is maths.
Angelegenheit, faccenda,
matter 2 n [U] mt question, sujet We have some important matters to discuss.
Sache questione
albero della
maypole 12 n [C] mepl Maibaum arbre de mai The children danced happily around the maypole.
pasto, pranzo,
meal 3 n [C] mil Mahlzeit, Essen repas a family meal
mealtime 14 n [C, U] miltam Essenszeit heure du repas ora die pasti I only see my boys at mealtimes.
mean 6 v min bedeuten signifier significare What does that word mean?
meaning 14 n min Bedeutung sens significato Whats the meaning of this word?
meat 4 n [U] mit Fleisch viande carne I dont eat meat.
medal 4 n [C] medl Medaille mdaille medaglia She won a gold medal at the Olympics.
gewinner, vincitore di
medallist 7 n [C] medl-st mdaill,e an Olympic silver medallist
Medaillen- medaglia
scienze di
Medienwissen- tudes de
media studies 13 n [U] midi std iz media/comunicazi Media studies can be useful for many kinds of careers.
schaft, Publizistik communication
medicine 9 n [C, U] medsn Medizin mdicament medicina Have you taken your medicine?
mediterran, am
Mediterranean 8 adj medtrenin mditerranen mediterraneo A Mediterranean holiday.
medium 6 adj midim mittel (gro) moyenne medio What size do you want small, medium, or large?
medium-length 10 phr midim le mittellang mi-long medio lungo medium-length brown hair
meet 1 v [T] mit treffen (se) rencontrer incontrare Ill meet you at 8 oclock.
meeting 10 n [C] mit Besprechung runion conferenza Ive got an important meeting this afternoon.
member 8 n [C] memb Mitglied membre membro Hes a member of the tennis club.

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memory stick 2 n [C] memri stk Memorystick carte mmoire chiave USB My essays are stored on a memory stick.
mend 13 v [T] mend reparieren rparer riparare We need someone to mend the roof.
menu 6 n [C] menju Speisekarte menu, carte lista, carta, menu Could we see the menu, please?
method 5 n [C] med Methode mthode metodo traditional teaching methods
metre 11 n [C] mit Meter mtre metro How many metres do we need?
mekskn, Mexicain,e,
Mexican 6 adj Mexikanerin, messicano, a a big Mexican hat
mekskn mexicain
midday 3 n [U] mdde Mittag midi mezzod I met him at midday.
midnight 3 n [U] mdnat Mitternacht minuit mezzanotte We close at midnight.
Mittsommer- notte di mezza
Midsummer's Day 12 n [C, U] mdsmz de jour d't We had a party on Midsummer's Day.
nacht estate
mile 11 n [C] mal Meile mile miglio My house is about 15 miles north of here.
military service 13 n [U] mltri svs Militrdienst service militaire servizio militario My brother spent a year doing military service.
milk 6 n [U] mlk Milch lait latte a glass of milk
million 5 number mljn Million million milione six million people
millionaire 7 n [C] mljne Millionr millionaire milionario A millionaire is very rich.
mind 10 v [I, T] mand Geist esprit mente Relaxation is good for mind and body.
mind-blowing 14 adj mand bl poustouflant clamoroso The festival was mind-blowing!
mineral water 6 n [U] mnrl wt Mineralwasser eau minrale acqua minerale A bottle of mineral water, please.
minute 5 n [C] mnt Minute minute minuto Clares train arrives in 15 minutes.
miss 13 v [T] ms jmd. vermissen manquer qn mancare I really missed Paula after shed left.
missing 11 adj ms vermisst disparu scomparso Police are still searching for the missing child.
mistake 4 n [C] mstek Fehler faute errore, sbaglio Ivans work is full of spelling mistakes.
Handy-Nummer, numro de numero di
mobile number 1 n [C] mbal nmb I lost her mobile number.
Mobil-Nummer portable telefonino
Handy, tlphone
mobile phone 2 n [C] mbal fn telefonino Where's my mobile phone?
Mobiltelefon portable
model 9 n [C] mdl Modell modle modello a model of the Eiffel Tower
modern 3 adj mdn mon moderne moderno in the modern world
moment 14 n [C] mmnt moment momento It was one of the most exciting moments in his life.
money 6 n [U] mni Geld argent soldi I didnt have enough money to pay for a room.
month 5 n [C] mn Monat mois mese Shell be ten this month.
moody 10 adj mudi launisch d'humeur capriccioso a moody teenager

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morning 3 n [C] mn matin mattina I got a letter from Jack this morning.
mother 2 n [C] m Mutter mre madre My mother said I have to be home by 9:00.
motivation 13 n [U] mtven Motivation motivation motivazione Jack is smart, but he lacks motivation.
motorbike 2 n [C] mtbak Motorrad moto riding a motorbike to work
mountain 11 n [C] mantn Berg montagne montagna She is the first woman to climb this mountain.
sich bewegen,sich remuer, se
move 7 v [I, T] muv muoversi Move away from the door!
fortbewegen dplacer
movie 14 n [C] muvi Film film pellicola, film Do you want to see a movie tonight?
much 11 mt viel beaucoup molto Im feeling much better now.
pron, adv
muffin 6 n [C] mfn Muffin muffin muffin a blueberry muffin
Police believe the murders were committed by the
murder 7 n [C, U] md Mord meurtre assassinio
same person.
museum 4 n [C] mjuzim Museum muse museo the Museum of Modern Art
mushroom 6 n [C] mrum, -rm Pilz champignon fungo mushroom soup
music 4 n [U] mjuzk Musik musique musica She listens to pop music all day.
musical 8 n [C] mjuzkl Musical comdie musicale musical He's in a fabulous new musical.
musical mjuzkl instrument de strumento
4 n [C] Musikinstrument a musical instrument (=piano, guitar, etc.)
instrument nstrmnt musique musicale
Musiker, musicien,
musician 1 n [C] mjuzn musicista a talented musician
Musikerin musicienne
national 5 adj nnl national national nazionale Drugs are a national problem.
nationality 1 n [C] nnlti Nationalitt nationalit nazionalit He has British nationality.
natural 11 adj ntrl natrlich naturel naturale earthquakes and other natural disasters
near 4 adj, adv n in Nhe von prs de vicino a They live near Osaka.
nearby 3 adj, adv nba nahe gelegen proximit vicino a nearby lake
ncessaire, Do I need to bring any money with me? No, that
necessary 8 adj nessri ntig necessario
impratif wont be necessary.
need 4 v [T] nid brauchen avoir besoin de avere bisogno di These plants need plenty of light and water.
Late nights were starting to have a negative effect on
negative 4 adj negtv negativ ngatif negativo
my work.
nephew 2 n [C] nefju, nev- Neffe neveu nipote My nephew is in Italy.
nervous 4 adj nvs nervs nerveux nervoso Sams very nervous about his driving test.
never 4 adv nev niemals jamais mai He never saw her again.

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new 2 adj nju neu nouveau nuovo Have you got their new album?
news 8 n [U] njuz nouvelles notizie I have some good news for you!
newspaper 8 n [C] njuspep Zeitung journal giornale I saw his picture in the newspaper.
determiner, nchster,
next 12 nekst suivant, prochain prossimo They returned to New York the next day.
adj nchste, nchstes

nice 4 adj nas schn, angenehm agrable bello, piacevole Did you have a nice time?
niece 2 n [C] nis Nichte nice nipote My niece is at school.
night 4 n [C, U] nat Nacht nuit notte Its very cold here at night.
night-club, locale
nightclub 10 n [C] natklb Nachtclub bote de nuit That nightclub is very popular.
noodles 6 n [U] nudlz Nudeln nouilles pasta Chinese noodles
nord, a
north 3 adj, adv n Norden, nrdlich nord Which way is north?
not exactly 14 adv nt gzktli nicht direkt pas tout fait non direttamente Sheilas ill, is she? Not exactly, shes just tired.
note 7 n [C] nt Notiz note notizia Ill just make a note of your new address.
nought 5 n [C] nt Null zro zero A billion is 1 with 9 noughts after it.
nowadays 3 adv nadez heutzutage de nos jours al giorno d'oggi People live longer nowadays.
number 5 n [C] nmb Zahl nombre numero Five was her lucky number.
nurse 10 n [C] ns schwester, infermiere a male nurse
obviously 6 adv bvisli offensichtlich videmment evidentemente She obviously didnt want to go.
ocean 11 n [C] n Ozean ocan oceano the Indian Ocean
October 12 n [C, U] ktb Oktober octobre ottobre We moved in last October.
of course 11 adv v ks natrlich bien sr senz'altro Of course there are exceptions to every rule.
offer 6 n [C] f Angebot proposition, offre offerta His offer of help was very kind.
offer 13 v [T] f anbieten offrir offrire Can I offer you a drink?
office 3 n [C] fs Bro bureau ufficio Are you going to the office today?
officially 11 adv fli offiziell officiellement ufficialmente The new bridge was officially opened this morning.
often 4 adv fn, ftn oft souvent spesso I often work at the weekend.
oil 6 n [U] l l huile oglio the price of oil
old 5 adj ld alt vieux vecchio an old man
olive 6 n [U] lv Olive olive oliva olive oil

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auf en voyage
on business 1 phrase n bzns per affari My father is away on business.
Geschftsreise d'affaires
aufschieben, en attente, posticipare,
on hold 14 phrase n hld The project has been put on hold.
pausieren lassen suspendu fermarsi
selbst, per conto
on my own 3 pron n ma n tout seul I can do it on my own.
eigenstndig mio/tuo/suo
auf der linken
on the left 5 adv n left gauche a sinistra the first turning on the left
Seite, links
auf der rechten
on the right 5 adv n rat droite a destra the second turning on the right
Seite, rechts
once 5 adv wns einmal une fois una volta We only met once.
one day 13 phrase wn de eines Tages un jour un giorno She just walked in here one day.
onion 6 n [C, U] njn Zwiebel oignon cipolla Chop the onions finely.
online banking facilities (=available using the
online 5 adj, adv nlan online en ligne online, in linea
open 3 v [I] pn ffnen ourvrir aprire Could you open the door for me, please?
open 3 adj pn offen ouvert aperto Come in the doors open.
open-air 14 adj p n e Freiluft-, Open Air en plein air all'aperto open-air concerts
heures Opening hours are Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5
opening hours 6 n [U] pn az ffnungszeiten ore di apertura
d'ouverture p.m.
opinion 8 n [C] pnjn Meinung avis opinione We have very different opinions on education.
optician's 9 n [C] ptnz Optiker opticien ottico I need to get my eyes tested at the optician's.
orange 6 n [C] rnd Orange orange arancia I love oranges.
order 6 v [I, T] d Reihenfolge ordre ordine Can you keep the pictures in the same order?
gewhnlich, ordinaire,
ordinary 7 adj dnri ordinario Its just an ordinary camera.
durchschnittlich commun
organised 10 adj gnazd organisiert bien organis organizzato She's a very organised student.
rdnl, -
original 8 adj original original originale The house still has its original stone floor.
ornament 9 n [C] nmnt Ornament, Muster ornement ornamento china ornaments
drauen, im
outdoors 13 adv atdz dehors fuori I prefer working outdoors.
outside 3 adv, prep atsad, atsad drauen dehors fuori Can I go and play outside, Dad?
over 5 prep v ber au-dessus de sopra I jumped over the wall and ran along the bank.
owe 10 v [T] schulden devoir dovere Bob owes me $20.

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eigener, eigene,
own 5 v [T] n propre proprio She wants her own room.
Besitzer, possessore,
owner 6 n [C] n propritaire a dog owner
Besitzerin posseditrice
un pacchetto di
packet of chewing pkt v tu ein Pckchen paquet de
2 n [C] gomma da a new packet of chewing gum
gum gm Kaugummi chewing-gum
Farbe (zum
paint 4 v [I, T] pent couleur pittura a can of yellow paint
parade 12 n [C] pred Parade parade parata a victory parade
parcel 9 n [C] psl Pckchen colis pacchetto A parcel came for you in the post.
Elternteil, pl.
parent 1 n [C] pernt parent genitore, genitori My parents are coming to visit next week.
park 3 n [C] pk Park parc parco I like to play in the park.
park 5 v [I, T] pk Park parc parco Let's play football in the park.
parrot 11 n [C] prt Papagei perroquet pappagallo a talking parrot
part 7 n [C] pt Teil partie, portion parte the upper part of the body
particularly 12 adv ptkjlli besonders particulirement particolarmente It was particularly hot that day.
They moved to France, partly to be nearer their
partly 13 adv ptli zum Teil en partie in parte
part-time 13 adj, adv pt tam Teilzeit- temps partiel part-time a part-time job
party 8 n [C] pti Party fte festa Are you going to Amys birthday party?
pass 13 v [I, T] ps vorbeigehen an passer passare We used to pass the shop every day.
passenger 5 n [C] psnd, -sn- Passagier passeggero Rail passengers are facing even longer delays.
password, parola
password 14 n [C] pswd Kennwort mot de passe Type in your password.
pasta 6 n [U] pst Pasta ptes pasta a bowl of pasta and tomato sauce
A policeman was standing on the pavement outside
pavement 12 n [C] pevmnt Gehweg trottoir marciapiede
the bank.
pay 5 v [I, T] pe bezahlen payer pagare Whos going to pay for all this?
peaceful 10 adj pisfl friedlich calme, paisible The wood was cool and peaceful.
pepper 6 n [U] pep Pfeffer poivre pepe salt and pepper
per 11 prep p pro par, au a, per How much are bananas per pound?
perfect 4 adj pfkt perfekt parfait perfetto a car in perfect condition
perform 8 v [I, T] pfm auffhren jouer rappresentare We performed Hamlet last year.
performance 8 n [C] pfmns Auffhrung reprsentation rappresentazione a brilliant performance of Beethovens Fifth Symphony

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performing arts 13 n [U] p fm ts arts du spectacle arti figurative a college for the performing arts
perhaps 2 adv phps, prps vielleicht peut-tre forse, magari Sarahs late perhaps she missed the bus.
personal 9 adj psnl persnlich personnel personale, privato books, clothes, and other personal belongings
11 n [C] adentfken PIN code personnel codice PIN May I have your personal identification number?
number (PIN
personal trainer 10 n [C] psnl tren entraneur priv allenatore privato Her personal trainer has helped her exercise properly.
personality 10 n [C] psnlti Persnlichkeit personnalit personalit Shes an ambitious woman with a strong personality.
animal animale
pet 2 n [C] pet Haustier Cats are popular pets.
domestique domestico
petrol 9 n [U] petrl Benzin essence benzina How much petrol did you put in?
pharmacy 9 n [C] fmsi Apotheke pharmacie farmacia I need to get some medicine from the pharmacy.
phone 4 v [I, T] fn Telefon tlphone telefono He rushed to answer the phone.
phone call 14 n [C] fn kl Telefonat appel telefonata I need to make a phone call.
n [C]
photo 2 ft Foto photo foto Will you take a photo of me and Anna together?
photograph 4 n [C] ftgrf Foto photo foto She showed me a photograph of her son.
photography 4 n [U] ftgrfi Fotografieren photographie fotografia He studied photography on a course at the weekend.
physical fzkl
13 n [U] Sportunterricht physique et esducazione fisica I should have done more physical education at school.
education edjken
piano 4 n [C] pin Klavier piano piano Im learning to play the piano.
abholen, (andare a)
pick up 14 phr v pk p aller chercher Pick me up, Daddy!
mitnehmen prendere
Pick-up, Auto mit pick-up
pick-up 14 n [C, U] pk p pick-up I'll take them there in the pick-up.
Ladeflche (macchina)
picnic 3 n [C] pknk Picknick pique-nique picnic We decided to have a picnic down by the lake.
piece 6 n [C] pis Stck morceau pezzo Do you want a piece of bread?
pinboard 7 n [C] pnbd Pinnwand bacheca A pinboard is useful in an office or a kitchen.
pizza 6 n [C, U] pits Pizza pizza pizza a cheese and tomato pizza
He showed me the place where the accident
place 3 n [C] ples Ort lieu posto
place of birth 1 n [C, U] ples v b Geburtsort lieu de naissance luogo di nascita Her place of birth is London.

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plan 4 n [C] pln Plan intention piano The company has plans to create 30 more jobs.
plan 10 v [I, T] pln planen avoir l'intention progettare The company plans to create 30 more jobs.
plane 5 n [C] plen Flugzeug avion aero Our plane landed in Chicago just after six.
planet 13 n [C] plnt Planet plante pianeta Mercury is the smallest planet.
plant 11 n [C] plnt Pflanze plante pianta Dont forget to water the plants.
plate 6 n [C] plet Teller assiette piatto Take a plate and help yourself.
play 4 v [I, T] ple spielen jouer giocare Kids were playing outside in the street.
play 8 n [C] ple Theaterstck pice opera teatrale a play like Shakespeare's 'Macbeth'
player 7 n [C] ple Spieler joueur giocatore a football player
pleased 14 adj plizd erfreut satisfait, content lieto, contento Are you pleased with the result?
Menge, berfluss,
plenty 12 n [U] plenti beaucoup abbondanza We have plenty of time to get to the airport.
plumber 13 n [C] plm Klempner plombier lattoniere Call a plumber, quick, we've got a leak in the kitchen!
pocket 14 n [C] pkt poche tasca Theres some money in my jacket pocket.
poem 8 n [C] pm Gedicht pome poema a famous poem by Wordsworth
poet 12 n [C] pt Dichter pote poeta a 20th-century poet
poetry 12 n [U] ptri Dichtung posie poesia Shelleys poetry
Before I stop, Id like to make one final point
point 13 n [U] pnt Punkt point punto
(=mention one more thing).
poison 8 n [C, U] pzn Gift poison veleno Arsenic is a deadly poison.
police officer 1 n [C] plis fs Polizist, Polizistin policier poliziotto That police officer was very helpful.
Pole, Polin, polonais,
Polish 1 adj pl polacco There's a Polish girl in my class.
polnisch polonaise
polite 14 adj plat hflich poli cortese, educato He was always very polite.
Politikwissen- My father studied political science at Oxford
political science 7 n [U] pltkl sans science politique scienze politiche
schaft university.
pony 12 n [C] pni Pony poney pony Always look after your pony.
pony tail 10 n [C] pni tel queue de cheval coda di cavallo She put her hair up in a pony tail.
poor 14 adj p arm pauvre povere Her family were very poor.
pop group 7 n [C] pp grup Popgruppe groupe pop gruppo pop my favourite pop group
pop star 4 n [C] pp st Popstar pop star pop star a new pop star on TV
popular 5 adj ppjl beliebt apprci benvoluto Is Ben popular at school?
population 3 n [C] ppjlen population popolazione Whats the population of Tokyo?

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The return portion of the plane ticket can be used at
portion 6 n [C] pn Anteil, Teil portion, section parte
any time.
Portuguese 5 n [U] Portugiesin, portugais portoghese a Portuguese singer
positive 4 adj pztv positiv positif positivo You should try and be more positive.
possibility 5 n [C] psblti Mglichkeit possibilit possibilit the possibility of an enemy attack
post 9 v [T] pst Post poste posta The letters in the post.
post office 9 n [C] pst fs Post (Laden) bureau de poste posta I'm going to the post office to get some stamps.
postcode 2 n [C] pstkd Postleitzahl code postal d'avviamento I've forgotten my new postcode.
pot 6 n [C] pt Topf casserole pentola pots and pans
potato 6 n [C] ptet Kartoffel pomme de terre patata Ill peel the potatoes.
powerful 9 adj pafl mchtig puissant potente the most powerful man in Hollywood
bevorzugen, prfrer, aimer
prefer 5 v [T] prf preferire Would you prefer a hot or a cold drink?
lieber mgen mieux
pre-owned 9 adj pri nd gebraucht d'occasion usato My car is pre-owned, it was much cheaper than new.

prepare 4 v [T] prpe vorbereiten prparer preparare I havent even begun to prepare for tomorrows test.
present 8 adj preznt anwesend prsent presente How many people were present at the meeting?
present 8 n [C] preznt Geschenk cadeau regalo a birthday present
president 7 n [C] prezdnt Prsident prsident presidente President Lincoln
presidential 7 adj prezdenl Prsidenten- prsidentiel presidenziale a presidential election
pretty 9 adj prti hbsch joli carino a very pretty girl
Grundschule, scuola
primary school 13 n [C] pramri skul cole primaire Our son is going to start primary school next month.
Primarschule elementare
print 13 v [I, T] prnt drucken imprimer stampare Im printing the document now.
prize 12 n [C] praz Preis prix prezzo He won a prize of 3,000.
vielleicht, forse,
probably 14 adv prbbli probablement Well probably go to France next year.
mglicherweise possibilmente
problem 4 n [C] prblm Problem problme problema the problem of unemployment
produce 12 v prdjus produire, causer produrre Research in the US produced similar results.
producer 13 n [C] prdjus Produzent produttore Hollywood producers
product 9 n [C] prdkt Produkt produit prodotto a list of new food products
professional 4 adj prfenl professionell professionnel professionale Youll need professional legal advice.

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protect 14 v [I, T] prtekt schtzen protger proteggere laws to protect the environment
proud 13 adj prad stolz fier orgoglioso Her parents are very proud of her.
mettere a
provide 10 v [T] prvad bereitstellen fournir Tea and biscuits will be provided.
pub 3 n [C] pb Kneipe, Lokal pub bar Are you going to the pub?
publishing 7 n [U] pbl Verlagswesen dition editoria a career in publishing
pull 11 v [I, T] pl ziehen tirer tirare, stringere He pulled her close and kissed her.
pumpkin 12 n [C] pmpkn Krbis citrouille zucca pumpkin pie
punishment 13 n [C, U] pnmnt Strafe punition, peine pena The punishment for murder is life in prison.
put away 14 phr v pt we ranger rimuovere He put the clothes away in the wardrobe.
put on 12 phr v pt n mettre mettere He put his hat and coat on.
qualification 7 n [C] kwlfken diplme diploma He left school without any qualifications.
qualified 13 adj kwlfad qualifiziert qualifi qualificato Gibbons is highly qualified for the job.
quality 9 n [C, U] kwlti Qualitt qualit qualit the decline in air quality in our cities
Students were asked to fill out a questionnaire
questionnaire 13 n [C] kwestne, kes- Fragebogen questionnaire questionario
(=answer it).
queue 5 n [C] kju Warteschlange queue coda There was a long queue outside the cinema.
quickly 5 adv kwkli schnell vite He quickly put the money back in the box.
Well have to be quiet we dont want to wake your
quiet 4 adj kwat ruhig, leise calme silenzioso
quite 6 adv kwat ziemlich vraiment abbastanza Shes quite tall for her age.
race 11 n [C] res Rennen course corsa He won the race easily.
radio 4 n [U] redi Radio radio radio Do you listen to the radio much?
railway station 12 n [C] relwe sten Bahnhof gare stazione Kings Cross railway station
rain 4 v [I] ren regnen pleuvoir piovere It's raining!
rain 11 n [U] ren Regen pluie pioggia Theres been no rain for weeks.
Auswahl, The Centre provides a range of services for the
range 8 n [C] rend gamme variet
Bandbreite elderly.
rat 11 n [C] rt Ratte rat ratto A big grey rat ran past us.
reach 7 v [T] rit jmd. erreichen atteindre raggiungere qcn. It took four days for the letter to reach me.
reading 4 n [U] rid lesen, Lesen lire leggere, lettura I enjoy reading in bed.
real 2 adj rl echt, wahr vrai vero, genuino The new system has real advantages.
merken, sich se rendre rendersi conto,
realise 7 v [T] rlaz I realised he didn't love me.
klarmachen compte, raliser realizzare

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reason 5 n [C] rizn Grund raison ragione He wouldnt give the reasons for his decision.
receipt 6 n [C] rsit Quittung reu ricevuta Always keep the receipt.
receive 13 v [T] rsiv recevoir ricevere She received an award for bravery.
neueren Datums,
recent 8 adj risnt rcent, nouveau recente a recent photo
aus jngster Zeit
Rezeptionist, addetto alla
receptionist 2 n [C] rsepnst rceptionniste a hotel receptionist
Rezeptionistin reception
recipe 8 n [C] respi Rezept recette ricetta a recipe for chocolate cake
The committee made detailed recommendations to
recommendation 6 n [C] rekmenden Empfehlung recommandation raccomandazione
the school.
Akte, registrazione,
record 5 n [C] rekd carnet, registre medical records
Aufzeichnung nota
record 12 v rkd aufzeichnen prendre note de registrare All the events were recorded in a diary.
Theyre trying to reduce the number of students in
reduce 5 v [T] rdjus senken rduire ridurre
the college.
region 6 n [C] ridn Region rgion regione the north-eastern region of Russia
regular 6 adj regjl regelmig rgulier regolare regular meetings
regularly 14 adv regjlli regelmig rgulirement regolarmente He visits the old man regularly.
relate to etwas comprendere,
14 phrase rlet t sm comprendre I can relate to her and her problems.
something nachvollziehen seguire
relationship 2 n [U] rlenp relation rapporto I had a close relationship with my father.
relax 4 v [I, T] rlks entspannen dtendre rilassare What do you do to relax?
relaxed 6 adj rlkst entspannt rilassato Gail was lying in the sun, looking happy and relaxed.
reliable 10 adj rlabl zuverlssig fiable fidato Rick is hard-working and very reliable.
religious 12 adj rlds religis religieux religioso We dont share the same religious beliefs.
She suddenly remembered that she had an
remember 3 v [I, T] rmemb sich erinnern se souvenir ricordarsi
rent 9 v rent mieten louer affittare I rented a room from friends while I looked for work.
replace 13 v [T] rples ersetzen remplacer sostituire Im replacing Sue on the team.
rescue 11 v [T] reskju retten sauver salvare He rescued two people from the fire.
rest 4 n [C, U] rest Rest reste resto What shall I do with the rest of the pizza?
restaurant 3 n [C] restrnt Restaurant restaurant ristorante a very good Chinese restaurant
result 13 n [C] rzlt Ergebnis rsultat risultato What was the result of their decision?
return 7 v [I] rtn zurckkommen retourner ritornare She didnt return until late.

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review 8 n [C] rvju Prfung analyse, examen esame, controllo a review of training methods
rhinoceros 11 n [C] ransrs Nashorn rhinocros rinoceronte a white rhinoceros
rice 6 n [U] ras Reis riz riso We had chicken with boiled rice.
rich 2 adj rt reich riche ricco She found herself a rich husband.
monter (
ride 5 v [T] rad reiten cheval), faire du andare a cavallo She learned to ride when she was five.
ring 14 v [I] r luten, klingeln sonner suonare, squillare a wedding ring
river 3 n [C] rv Fluss rivire, fleuve fiume the River Thames
road 5 n [C] rd Strae rue strada, via Her address is 25 Park Road.
roast 6 adj rst gebraten rti arrostito roast beef
rock 8 n [U] rk Fels, Stein pierre, roche roccia Pluto is made of ice and rock.
role 7 n [C] rl Rolle, Aufgabe rle compito, missione What is the role of the sales manager?
romance 8 n [C] Romanze idylle romanza a summer romance
romantic 8 adj rmntk, r- romantisch romantique romantico I wish my boyfriend was more romantic.
room 12 n [C] rum, rm Zimmer chambre stanza a hotel room
rubbish 13 n [U] rb Abfall ordures spazzatura household rubbish
sgarbato, The boys were making rude remarks about the
rude 14 adj rud frech, unhflich impoli
impertinente teacher.
rule 13 n [C] rul Regel rgle regola Do you know the rules of the game?
run 10 n [C] rn Joggen jogging fare jogging I went for a long run in the park.
run 12 v [I] rn rennen courir correre Some kids were running down the street.
running 4 n [U] rn Joggen, Laufen course pied fare jogging a running track
rush 11 v [I, T] r sich beeilen se prcipiter sbrigarsi Theres no need to rush we have plenty of time.
Russian 1 adj rn russisch russe russo, a I bought a Russian hat in Moscow.
Russe, Russin,
Russian 3 n [U] rn russe russo/a Her mother is Russian.
sad 8 adj sd traurig triste triste Linda looks very sad today.
voguer, partir la
sail 4 v [I, T] sel segeln veleggiare We sailed along the coast of Alaska.
sailing 4 n [U] sel Segeln voile vela Theyve invited us to go sailing this weekend.
sailing boat 4 n [C] selbt Segelboot voilier barca a vela I can see lots of sailing boats on the sea.
salad 6 n [C, U] sld Salat salade insalata a salad of lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumber

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salary 13 n [C, U] slri Gehalt salaire stipendio, salario The average salary is $39,000 a year.

salt 6 n [U] slt Salz sel sale Add a pinch of salt (=a small amount) to the mixture.
selbe, selbe, lo stesso, la They go to the same place for their vacation every
same 2 adj sem mme
selbe stessa summer.
sand 11 n [U] snd Sand sable sabbia a grain of sand
sandal 10 n [C] sndl Sandale sandale sandalo a pair of leather sandals
sandwich 3 n [C] snwd Sandwich sandwich panino chicken sandwiches
Saturday 1 n [C, U] stdi, -de samedi sabato Shall we go out on Saturday night?
sauce 6 n [C, U] ss Sauce sauce sugo spaghetti with tomato sauce
sausage 9 n [C] ssd Wurst saucisse salsiccia, salume beef sausages
We were scared that something terrible might
scared 7 adj sked sehr verngstigt effray spaventato
charpe, foulard,
scarf 9 n [C] skf Kopftuch, Schal sciarpa She wore a pretty scarf on her head.
scenery 4 n [U] sinri Landschaft paysage paesaggio Alaskas magnificent scenery
scheme 5 n [C] skim Plan plan piano a government training scheme for young people
schoolchild 5 n [C] skulald Schulkind colier scolaretto The schoolchildren waited for the school bus.
science 13 n [U] sans science scienze naturali the teaching of science in schools
science fiction 8 n [U] sans fkn Science-Fiction science-fiction fantascienza Science fiction is very popular.
scooter 5 n [C] skut Roller scooter He bought a new shiny red scooter to get to work.
score 7 v [I, T] sk Spielstand score punteggio a score of 32
Schottische brodo di grano
Scotch broth 12 n [U] skt br potage cossais a warming bowl of Scotch broth
Graupensuppe d'orzo scozzese
Scottish 12 adj skt cossaise, scozzese Scottish shortbread biscuits
Schotte, Schottin
screen 5 n [C] skrin Bildschirm cran schermo a computer with an 18-inch screen
sculpture 12 n [C] sklpt Skulptur sculpture scultura a bronze sculpture of a horse
sea 11 n [U] si Meer mer mare the Mediterranean Sea
sea level 9 n [U] si levl Meeresspiegel niveau de la mer livello del mare a village 200 feet above sea level
season 6 n [C] sizn Jahreszeit saison stagione Autumn is my favourite season.
seat 5 n [C] sit Stiz sige sedile Jo was driving and I was sitting in the back seat.

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ceinture (de cintura di
seatbelt 13 n [C] hed to Sicherheitsgurt Put your seatbelt on, please.
scurit) sicurezza
number, zweiter, zweite,
second 3 seknd deuxime secondo Joannas in her second year at university.
adv, adj zweites
secondary school 13 n [C] sekndri skul weiterfhrende collge, lyce scuola media She goes to secondary school in September.
zweiter Hand, usag, de
secondhand 9 adj sekndhnd di seconda mano We bought a cheap secondhand car.
gebraucht deuxime main
Firstly, the cars are expensive to make and secondly,
secondly 6 adv sekndli zweitens deuximement secondariamente
they are not very good.
secure 14 adj sk sicher sr sicuro a secure job
security 5 n [U] skjrti Sicherheit scurit sicurezza the man in charge of airport security
seem 7 linking verb sim scheinen paratre sembrare The house seemed very quiet after hed left.
send 7 v [T] send schicken envoyer mandare He sent the cheque last week.
separate 6 adj seprt getrennt spar separato The sisters have separate bedrooms.
series 11 n [C] sriz Serie srie seria series of accidents
serious 8 adj sris ernst srieux, grave serio Drugs are a serious problem here.
seriamente, sul
seriously 14 adv srisli ernsthaft srieusement Nobody was seriously hurt in the accident.
server 6 n [C] sv Server serveur server The server isn't working.
service 6 n [C, U] svs Dienst service servizio She works for the health service.
set 8 v [T] set setzen, stellen poser mettere He brought in a jug and set it down.
several 5 sevrl mehrere plusieurs alcuni I called her several times.
share 5 v [I, T] e teilen partager dividere I shared a room with her when I was at college.
sheep 11 n [C] ip Schaf mouton pecora a woolly sheep
shelf 11 n [C] elf Regal(brett) tagre ripiano Put the book back on the top shelf.
shine 10 v [I] an scheinen briller splendere The sun was shining.
ship 5 n [C] p Schiff bateau nave Supplies came by ship.
shirt 9 n [C] t Hemd chemise camicia a new shirt for work
I wouldnt like to be in your shoes when Kate gets
shoe 9 n [C] u Schuh chaussure scarpa
shoot 7 v [T] ut schieen tirer sparare She pulled out a gun and shot him.
shop 3 n [C] p Geschft magasin negozio a shop window
Verkufer, vendeur, venditore,
shop assistant 1 n [C] p sstnt a hard-working shop assistant
Verkuferin vendeuse venditrice
acheteur, compratore,
shopper 9 n [C] p Kufer, Kuferin The town was crowded with shoppers today.
acheteuse compratrice

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shopping 4 n [U] p Einkaufen faire du shopping fare la spesa late-night shopping
centre centro
shopping centre 3 n [C] p sent Einkaufszentrum There's a new shopping centre where I live.
commercial commerciale
short 5 adj t kurz bref breve a short meeting
biscotto di
shortbread 12 n [U] tbred Butterkeks sabl a tin of shortbread
shorts 10 n [U] ts kurze Hose short calzoncini a pair of shorts
show 7 n [C] zeigen montrer mostrare She showed me her photos.
show 12 n [C] Show, Vorfhrung mission show The show was very colourful and exciting.
shower 3 n [C] a Dusche douche doccia Are you in the shower?
shy 10 adj a schchtern timide timido Shes painfully shy with strangers.
side dish 6 n [C] sad d Beilage accompagnement contorno a side dish of green salad

signal 14 n [C] sgnl Signal signal segnale, segno That was the signal for me to switch out the lights.
Put your signature here, then print your name
signature 2 n [C] sgnt Unterschrift signature firma
silk 9 n [U] slk Seide soie seta a silk shirt
similar 6 adj sml, sml gleich, hnlich similaire simile They came from similar backgrounds.
simple 4 adj smpl einfach simple semplice a simple solution to the problem
prep, adv,
since 8 sns seit depuis da I havent seen him since we left school.
linking word
sing 8 v [I, T] s singen chanter cantare Sophie sings in a choir.
singer 1 n [C] s Snger, Sngerin cantante an opera singer
singing 4 n [U] s Singen chanter cantare I enjoy singing very much.
single 1 adj sgl einzige/r seul solo, unico We lost the game by a single point.
einziger, einzige,
single 8 n [C] sgl seul solo, unico We lost the game by a single point.
sister 2 n [C] sst Schwester soeur sorella Hes got two sisters.
situation 10 n [C] stuen Lage, Situation situation situazione Shes in a very difficult situation.
size 6 n [C, U] saz Gre taille A diamonds value depends on its size.
skill 4 n [C] skl Fhigkeit, Knnen comptences abilit Taking good photos can be a great skill.
skin 8 n skn Haut peau pelle Strong sunlight can damage your skin.

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skirt 10 n [C] skt Rock jupe gonna a summer skirt
skyscraper 5 n [C] skaskrep Wolkenkratzer gratte-ciel grattacielo There are lots of skyscrapers in New York and London.

slate 13 n [C] slet Schiefer, Schiefer- ardoise scisto a slate roof on a house
sleep 4 n [U] slip Schlaf sommeil sonno I need some sleep.
sleep 5 v [I] slip schlafen dormir dormire I normally sleep on my back.
slim 10 adj slm schlank mince snello Youre looking a lot slimmer have you lost weight?
slip 12 v [I, T] slp ausrutschen glisser sdrucciolare Be careful not to slip I just mopped the floor.
slow 8 adj sl langsam lent lento The slowest runners started at the back.
slowly 5 adv slli langsam lentement lentamente, piano White clouds drifted slowly across the sky.
small 3 adj sml klein petit piccolo She comes from a small town.
smart 10 adj smt klug intelligent savio Jills a smart kid.
smartphone 13 n [C] smtfn Smartphone smartphone smartphone I must get the latest smartphone.
smell 11 n [U] smel duften, riechen sentir odorare The stew smelled delicious.
smile 10 v [I] smal lcheln sourire sorridere She came in, smiling.
smoke 5 v [I, T] smk rauchen fumer fumare Clouds of black smoke billowed out.
snack 6 n [C] snk Imbiss snack spuntino The cafe serves drinks, snacks, and meals.
snake 8 n [C] snek Schlange serpent serpente A snake slithered across the path.
sniffer dog 11 n [C] snf dg Sprhund chien renifleur bracco a police sniffer dog working at the airport
snow 11 n [U] sn Schnee neige neve We had eight inches of snow last night.
so far 14 phrase s f bisher jusqu' prsent finora We havent had any problems so far.
sociable 10 adj sbl sociable, convivial socievole You weren't very sociable tonight.
social networking sl netwk Social networking sites are useful for keeping in touch
4 n [C] soziales Netzwerk rseau social rete sociale
site sat with friends.
software 14 n [U] sftwe Software logiciel software a piece of software
solution 4 n [C] slun Lsung solution soluzione the perfect solution to all our problems
qualche volta,
sometimes 3 adv smtamz manchmal parfois Sometimes I dont get home until 9:00 at night.
delle volte
son 2 n [C] sn Sohn fils figlio Her son was born in 1990.
song 8 n [C] s Lied chanson canzone Sing us a song.
songwriter 12 n [C] srat Songschreiber autore di canzoni Lennon and McCartney were good song writers.
sorry 8 adj sri tut mir Leid dsol mi dispiace Im sorry if I was rude.
sound like 8 linking verb sand lak klingen wie ressembler suonare come I heard what sounded like music carried on the wind.

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soup 6 n [U] sup Suppe soupe zuppa tomato soup
sour 6 adj sa sauer aigre agro sour green apples
sud, a sud, verso
south 3 n [U] sa Sden, sdlich sud Which way is south?
il sud
souvenir 9 n [C] Souvenir souvenir souvenir a souvenir of Paris
space 9 n [C, U] spes Platz place posto Theres a space for the table here.
spaghetti 10 n [U] spgeti Spaghetti spaghetti spaghetti Spaghetti bolognese is delicious.
Spanish 1 adj spn spanisch spagnolo, a a Spanish lesson
Spanish 13 n [U] spn Espangole, spagnolo I'm studying Spanish at university.
speak 3 v [T] spik sprechen parler parlare For a minute, nobody spoke.
special 3 adj spel besonderer, e, es particulier particolare a special friend
speciality 6 n [C] speilti Spezialitt spcialit specialit Fish is our speciality.
species 11 n [C] spiiz Art espce specie Three different species of deer live in the forest.
spectacular 12 adj spektkjl spektakulr spectaculaire spettacolare a spectacular view of the Grand Canyon
spend 4 v [T] spend ausgeben dpenser spendere Ive spent all my money.
spice 6 n [C] spas Gewrz pice spezia, aromi herbs and spices
piccante, troppo
spicy 8 adj spasi scharf (gewrzt) piquant a spicy Indian curry
sport 4 n [C, U] spt Sport sport deporte Swimming is a very popular sport.
sporty 13 adj spti sportlich sportif sportivo I've always fancied driving a sporty red car.
spring 11 n [C, U] spr Frhling printemps primavera The park is full of daffodils in spring.
square 14 n [C] skwe Quadrat carr quadrato a square room
staff 9 n [C] stf personnel personale Lisas the only female member of staff.
stage 8 n [C] sted Stadium tape stadio, grado the first stage of the project
Briefmarke, francobollo,
stamp 1 n [C] stmp timbre a first-class stamp
Stempel impronta
mit den Fen
stamping 8 n [U] stmp taper du pied battere i piedi stamping your feet in time to the music
start 3 v [I, T] stt anfangen commencer cominciare Now youre here, we can start.
Zustand, Lage,
state 3 n [C] stet tat stato, condizione We are concerned about the state of the economy.
station 5 n [C] sten Haltestelle arrt fermata We get off at the next station.
status 14 n [U] stets Stellung, Position statut posizione the status of women in society

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stay 5 v [I] ste bleiben rester restare He came to see me and stayed all day.
stay in 8 phr v ste n zuhause bleiben rester la maison restare a casa Lets stay in and watch TV.
steal 14 v [I, T] stil stehlen voler rubare Someone stole my passport.
still 6 adv stl noch toujours ancora Andys still asleep.
stop 7 v [I, T] stp halten arrter fermare Stop, come back!
stopover 5 n [C] stpv Zwischenstopp escale sosta intermedia a three-hour stopover in Atlanta
store 9 n [C] st Geschft magasin negozio It costs 10.99 from leading high street stores.
straight 10 adj stret gerade droit diritto a straight road
strawberry 8 n [C] strbri Erdbeere fraise fragola strawberries and cream
march de plein
street market 3 n [C] strit mkt Straenmarkt mercato We buy our fruit in the local street market.
strength 10 n [C] stre, stren Kraft force forza a job which requires a lot of strength
stressed 13 adj strest gestresst stress stressato I was feeling really stressed out.
libre de stress, senza stress,
stress-free 13 adj stres fri stressfrei I would love a stress-free life!
sans stress rilassato
stressful 13 adj stresfl stressig stressant stressante His job is too stressful. He needs a holiday.
stroke 13 n [C] strk Schlaganfall colpo He had a stroke last year.
strong 11 adj str stark fort forte a strong man
Studie, They are carrying out a study of the kinds of food that
study 1 n [U] stdi tude, recherches ricerca
Untersuchung children eat.
study 3 v [I, T] stdi untersuchen tudier indagare They are studying the kinds of food that children eat.
stupid 14 adj stjupd dumm stupide stupido Dont be so stupid!
style 7 n [U] stal Stil style stile Hes trying to copy Picassos style of painting.
stylish 9 adj stal schick chic, lgant sciccoso stylish clothes
subject 4 n [C] sbdkt Thema sujet, matire tema, soggetto I dont want to talk about the subject of death.
con successo,
succeed 10 v [I] sksid erfolgreich sein russir I was determined to succeed.
success 13 n [C, U] skses Erfolg succs successo Her success is due to hard work.
con successo, If the operation is successful, you should make a full
successful 4 adj sksesfl erfolgreich russi
efficace recovery.
suddenly 7 adv sdnli pltzlich soudain improvvisamente I suddenly realised that someone was following me.
sugar 6 n [U] g Zucker sucre zucchero Do you take sugar in your tea?
suggest 8 v sdest vorschlagen proposer proporre My doctor suggested a week off work.
Do you have any suggestions about what we can do in
suggestion 12 n [C] sdestn Vorschlag suggestion proposta
New York?

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suit 10 n [C] sut, sjut Anzug costume vestito a light-weight suit
suit 10 v [T] sut, sjut aller bien stare bene That dress really suits you.
summer 3 n [C, U] sm Sommer t estate Are you going away this summer?
prendre un bain
sunbathe 12 v [I] snbe sonnenbaden prendere il sole Don't fall asleep on the sunbed. You'll get sunburnt!
de soleil
Sunday 3 n [C, U] sndi, -de Sonntag dimanche domenica My birthday is on Sunday.
sunglasses 9 n [U] snglsz Sonnenbrille lunettes de soleil occhiali da sole some fashionable sunglasses
sunny 12 adj sni sonnig ensoleill solare a warm sunny day
Sonnenunter- In the summer we start work at sunrise and finish at
sunset 3 n [C, U] snset coucher du soleil ramonto
gang sunset.
supermarket 3 n [C] supmkt Supermarkt supermarch supermercato Many people shop at large supermarkets these days.
vermuten, No one answered, so she supposed that they must
suppose 14 v [T] spz supposer supporre
annehmen have gone home.
sure 4 adj sicher sr sicuro Are you sure youve had enough?
surname 1 n [C] snem Familienname nom de famille cognome His surname is Briggs.
surprising 11 adj spraz berraschend tonnant sorprendente Its hardly surprising that they lost the game.
surrounding 5 adj srand environnant circostante the surrounding countryside
survey 5 n [C] sve Umfrage, Studie enqute ricerca We conducted a survey of peoples eating habits.
survive 11 v [I, T] svav berleben survivre sopravvivere She survived the war.
Swedish 12 adj swid Schwedin, svedese a Swedish festival
Sudoise, sudois
sweet 2 n [C] swit Sigkeit bonbon dolce, il dolciume a bag of sweets
sweet 6 adj swit s sucr dolce a cup of sweet tea
swim 11 v [I, T] swm schwimmen nager nuotare Can Lucy swim?
swimming 4 n [U] swm Schwimmen nage nuotare Lets all go swimming this afternoon.
swimming pool 3 n [C] swm pul Schwimmbecken piscine piscina This swimming pool is very new.
switch on 14 phr v swt n anschalten allumer accendere Switch the radio on.
sympathetic 13 adj smpetk sympathisch compatissant simpatico a sympathetic attitude
sympathy 14 n [U] smpi Sympathie compassion simpatia I have a lot of sympathy for her.
system 5 n [C] sstm System systme sistema an alarm system
table 2 n [C] tebl Tisch table tavolo We sat at a table in the corner.
tablet computer 14 n [C] tblt kmpjut Tablet-Computer tablette tactile Tablet PC Tablet computers are very useful.

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take 3 v [T] tek bringen emmener portare Can you take me to the airport?
ein Examen passer un
take an exam 13 phrase tek gzm dare un esame He takes his history exam this morning.
ablegen examen
take off 9 phr v tek f ausziehen enlever spogliarsi He took off his shoes.
prendere parte a,
take part in 12 phr v tek pt n teilnehmen an participer She took part in the school play.
geschehen, sich
take place 12 phr v tek ples avoir lieu accadere When did the robbery take place?
abwechselnd faire qc tour de
take turns 14 phrase tek tnz fare a turno They took turns caring for their mother.
etwas tun rle
takeaway, cibo a
Takeaway, restaurant de
takeaway 6 n [C] tekwe portare via, cibo a Chinese takeaway
Abholrestaurant vente emporter
tall 9 adj tl gro gewachsen grand alto the tallest boy in the class
schmackhaft, savoureux,
tasty 4 adj testi gustoso, buono a tasty sauce
lecker goteux
taxi 5 n [C] tksi Taxi taxi taxi We went by taxi.
tea 4 n [U] ti Tee th t a cup of tea
teacher 1 n [C] tit Lehrer, Lehrerin professeur professore, Mr Paulin is my history teacher.
team 11 n [C] tim Team quipte team The best team won.
technology 7 n [C, U] teknldi Technologie technologie tecnologia the use of new computer technology
teens 10 n [U] tinz Teenageralter adolenscents She got married when she was still in her teens.
temperature 3 n [C, U] temprt Temperatur temprature temperatura Check the temperature of the water.
tennis 4 n [U] tens Tennis tennis tennis Lets have a game of tennis.
terabyte 14 n [C] terbat Terrabyte traoctet terabyte How many terabytes in the memory?
terrible 8 adj terbl schrecklich excrable terribile The food at the hotel was terrible.
text 14 v [I, T] tekst texten envoyer des SMS scrivere un testo a disk that can store huge quantities of text
text also text tekst ls tekst
7 n [C] Textnachricht texto messaggio sms Send me a text when you get there.
message mesd
linguaggio del
text speak 14 n [U] tekst spik SMS-Sprache style SMS Text speak can be very annoying.
messaggio sms
textbook 5 n [C] tekstbk Lehrbuch manuel (scolaire) manuale a history textbook

the arts 12 n [U] ts Knste les arts arti Government funding for the arts has been reduced.

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We're going shopping on the mainland at the
the mainland 3 n [U] menlnd Festland continent continente
the moon 13 n [U] mun Mond lune luna There's a new moon tonight.
the sun 11 n [U] sn Sonne soleil sole The sun was shining.
theatre 8 n [C] t Theater thtre teatro Shall we go to the theatre this evening?
therapy 11 n [C, U] erpi Therapie thrapie terapia Hes having therapy to help with alcohol addiction.

there 2 adv e dort l l I know Edinburgh well because I used to live there.
denken, der
think 2 v [T] k penser pensare I think its a brilliant film.
Ansicht sein
think of 4 v [T] k v denken an penser pensare a I often think of our last holiday.
dritter, dritte,
third 5 number d troisime terzo her third birthday
thousand 5 n [C] aznd tausend mille mille a journey of almost a thousand miles
through 5 prep, adv ru durch travers attraverso The train went through the tunnel.
Thursday 3 n [C, U] zdi, -de Donnerstag jeudi il giovedi I go swimming on Thursdays.
ticket 2 n [C] tkt Eintrittskarte billet biglietto How much are tickets for the concert?
tie 10 n [C] ta binden, knoten an attacher, nouer legare Tie this label to your suitcase.
time 5 n [C] tam Zeit temps tempo measurements of space and time
Zeit messen, I'm going to time your phone call - ten minutes only,
time 14 v [T] tam chronomtrer misurare, fermare
abstoppen please!
timer 14 n [C] tam Kchenuhr chronomtre orologio da cucina The timer has broken on my oven.
tiny 9 adj tani winzig minuscule minuscolo tiny fish
tired 4 adj tad mde fatigu stanco You look tired.
Papier(taschen)- mouchoir en
tissue 2 n [C] tu, -sju fazzoletto di carta a box of tissues
tuch papier
title 2 n [C] tatl Titel titre titolo The title of her novel is Zoo.
toast 6 n [U] tst Toastbrot toast, pain grill pancarr toast and jam
together 4 adv tge zusammen ensemble insieme Kevin and I went to school together.
tomato 6 n [C] tmt Tomate tomate pomodoro a cheese and tomato sandwich
tomorrow 12 adv tmr morgen demain domani Tomorrow is Thursday.
tonight 12 adv tnat heute Abend ce soir stasera Tonight should be fun.
too 10 adv tu zu sehr,zu trop troppo He was driving too fast.
toothpaste 9 n [U] tupest Zahncreme dentifrice dentifrico Pass the toothpaste, please.
top 9 n [C] tp oberer Rand haut, top cima Write your name at the top of the page.

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top speed 9 n [C, U] tp spid vitesse maximale velocit massima a sports car with a top speed of 155 mphsport
Jackies engagement was the main topic of
topic 14 n [C] tpk Thema sujet, matire tema
total 6 n [C] ttl Gesamt- total totale His farm has a total area of 100 acres.
totally 14 adv ttl-i vollkommen totalement I totally agree.
tourist 1 n [C] trst Tourist, Touristin touriste turista Oxfords full of tourists in the summer.
picccola citt,
town 3 n [C] tan Kleinstadt ville a little town on the coast
toy 9 n [C] t Spielzeug jouet gioccattoli Anna was playing with her toys.
tracksuit 10 n [C] trksut, -sjut Trainingsanzug survtement He wore a comfortable new tracksuit to the game.
tradition 6 n [C] trdn Tradition tradition tradizione The people are very proud of their traditions.
traditional 4 adj trdnl traditionell traditionnel tradizionale traditional Italian cooking
traffic 5 n [U] trfk Verkehr traffic traffico On Sundays, theres usually less traffic on the roads.
traffic lights 11 n [U] trfk lats Ampel feux semaforo The traffic lights turned green.
tragedy 7 n [C, U] trddi Tragdie tragdie tragedia The evening ended in tragedy.
train 3 n [C] tren Zug train treno What times the next train to Birmingham?
formarsi, ricevere
sich ausbilden poursuivre une
train 11 v [I, T] tren una formazione I'm training to be a doctor.
(lassen) formation
trainer 10 n [C] tren Trainer allenatore That athlete has a new trainer.
Training, training,
training 13 n [U] tren entranement We all received training in first aid.
Ausbildung allenamento
tram 5 n [C] trm Straenbahn tram tram a busy city tram
translate 13 v [I, T] trnslet, trnz- bersetzen traduire tradurre I am translating the book into English.

Verkehr, mezzo di
transport 5 n [U] trnspt transport We need improved rail transport.
Transportmittel trasporto, traffico
transport 9 v [T] trnspt transportieren trasportare What's the best way to transport it to Birmingham?
travel 5 v [I] trvl reisen voyager viaggiare Martha would like to travel abroad.
travel 5 n [U] trvl Reisen voyage viaggi I enjoy reading books on foreign travel.
tree 11 n [C] tri Baum arbre albero He has three apple trees in his garden.

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tribute 7 n [C, U] trbjut Tribut hommage tributo The concert was held as a tribute to Bob Dylan.
trillion 14 number trljn Billion trillion trilione $5.3 trillion
trip 5 n [C] trp Reise voyage viaggio Did you enjoy your trip to Disneyland?
tropical 11 adj trpkl tropisch tropical tropicale tropical rain forests
trousers 10 n [U] trazz Hose pantalon pantaloni a pair of trousers
Theres a lack of trust between teachers and the
trust 10 v [T] trst Vertrauen confiance fiducia
try v [I, T] tra versuchen essayer tentare, provare Im trying to find out what happened.
try on 10 phr v tra n anprobieren essayer provare I'm going to try on this party dress.
turmeric 6 n [U] tmrk Kurkuma curcuma curcuma There's too much turmeric in this soup, it's very hot.
n [C]
TV 2 ti vi Fernsehen TV televisione Whats on TV tonight?
twice 5 adv twas zweimal deux fois due volte Ive seen that movie twice already.
My sister and I are identical twins (=twins that look
twin 7 n [C] twn Zwilling jumeau, jumelle gemello
exactly the same).
type 4 n [C] tap Art type, genre tipo What type of food do you like?
type in 14 v [I, T] tap n entrer digitare type in your card details
typical 6 adj tpkl typisch typique tipico a typical American family
umbrella 12 n [C] mbrel Regenschirm parapluie ombrello It started to rain so I put up my umbrella.
unwissend, in
unaware 14 adj nwe ignorant ignorante, ignaro She seemed unaware of what was happening.
uncle 2 n [C] kl Onkel oncle zio a very funny uncle
nkmftbl, - mal l'aise,
uncomfortable 9 adj unbequem scommodo The heat made her feel uncomfortable.
kmft- inconfortable
under 11 prep nd unter sous sotto The cat was asleep under a chair.
underground ndgrand
5 n [C] U-Bahn mtro metropolitana a new underground railway for London
railway relwe
underground train 5 n [C] U-Bahn-Zug mtro treno sotterranio underground trains can get very busy
understand 5 v [I, T] ndstnd verstehen comprendre intendere, capire She spoke clearly, so that everyone could understand.
unemployed 13 adj nmpld arbeitslos en chmage disoccupato an unemployed teacher
unhappy 10 adj nhpi unglcklich malheureux infelice If youre so unhappy, why dont you change jobs?
unhealthy 6 adj nheli ungesund malsain insano an unhealthy diet
uniform 10 n [C] junfm Uniform uniforme uniforme Do you like the new school uniform?
university 1 n [C] junvsti Universitt universit universit It is one of the best universities in the country.

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untidy 9 adj ntadi unordentlich en dsordre disordinato an untidy room
until 3 ntl, n- bis jusqu' a The banks are open until 3.30.
linking word
unusual 9 adj njuul, -l ungewhnlich insolito a very unusual situation
update 14 v [T] pdet aktualisieren mettre jour aggiornare We need to update some of the older files.
caricare sul
upload 14 v [I, T] pld hochladen tlcharger I'm going to upload my photos now.
auf dem neuesten attuale,
up-to-date 14 adj p t det au courant access to up-to-date medical information
Stand, neueste aggiornato
use 5 v [T] juz benutzen utiliser usare Can I use your phone?
use 11 n [C] juz utilit uso This machine has several different uses or functions.
useful 11 adj jusfl ntzlich utile utile a useful book for travellers
user 7 n [C] juz Benutzer utente computer users
username 14 n [C] juz nem Benutzername nom d'utilisateur nome utente Type in your username here.
gewhnlich, normalement, di solito, in
usually 3 adv juuli, juli We usually go out for dinner on Saturday.
normalerweise d'habitude genere
valley 11 n [C] vli Tal valle valle a village in the Loire Valley
van 5 n [C] vn Lastwagen camion camion a delivery van
variety 10 n [U] vrati Vielfalt varit variet The college offers a wide variety of language courses.
various 5 adj veris verschieden diffrent diverso The coat is available in various colours.
vegetarian 6 adj, n [C] vedterin vgtarien vegetariano More and more people are becoming vegetarian.
via 5 prep va, vi ber via, par per, via Were flying to Denver via Chicago.
video 13 n [U] vdi Video vido video It is currently the most watched video on the internet.
I'm going to have a video chat tonight with my son in
video chat 14 n vdi tt Videochat vido chat video-chat
New York.
Vietnamese 1 adj vjetnmiz Vietnamesin, vietnamita His mother is Vietnamese.
view 6 n [C] vju Ansicht opinion opinione, parere He has strong views about politics.
village 3 n [C] vld Dorf village paese a fishing village
vintage 9 adj vntd vintage, alt rtro d'epoca, vecchio vintage cars

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violent 9 adj valnt brutal violent brutale an increase in violent crime
virtual 7 adj vtul virtuell virtuel virtuale He became a virtual prisoner in his own home.
virus 14 n [C] vars Virus virus virus the common cold virus
visa 13 n [C] viz Visum visa visto Shes here on a student visa.
andare a trovare
visit 3 v [I, T] vzt besuchen voir, rendre visite My aunt is coming to visit us next week.
visitor 4 n [C] vzt Besucher visiteur, visiteuse visitors to Mexico City
voice 4 n [C, U] vs Stimme voix voce Its too late, he said in a low voice.
(Sprach-) messaggio
voice message 14 n [C] vs mesd message Leave me a voice message and I'll get back to you.
Nachricht (vocale)
voicemail 14 n [U] vsmel Mailbox-Nachricht messaggio vocale I've got eight messages on voicemail.
volcano 11 n [C] vlken Vulkan volcan vulcano The island has several active volcanoes.
wait 5 v [I] wet warten attendre aspettare Hurry up! Everyones waiting.
waiter 1 n [C] wet Kellner serveur cameriere A waiter in a restaurant.
wake up 10 v [I, T] wek p aufwecken rveiller risvegliare Wake me up at eight o'clock, please.
walk 3 v [I, T] wk zu Fu gehen marcher andare a piedi We must have walked ten miles today.
wallet 2 n [C] wlt Portemonnaie portefeuille portafoglio I gave him a new wallet for his birthday.
want 4 v [T] wnt wollen vouloir volere Do you want a drink?
war 13 n [C, U] w Krieg guerre guerra He fought in the Vietnam War.
warm 12 adj wm warm chaud caldo a nice warm bath
orologio (da
watch 2 n [C] wt Armbanduhr montre I can't find my watch. What time is it?
zusehen, guardare,
watch 4 v [I, T] wt regarder Watch me, Ill show you.
beobachten osservare
water 4 n [U] wt Wasser eau acqua Can I have a drink of water?
waterfall 9 n [C] wtfl Wasserfall cascade cascata a spectacular waterfall
wear 8 v [T] we tragen (Kleidung) porter portare She was wearing jeans and a red jumper.
weather 3 n [U] we Wetter temps tempo Whats the weather like today?
website 6 n [C] websat site internet sito web For more information, visit our website.
wedding 7 n [C] wed Hochzeit mariage matrimonio The wedding was a very happy occasion.
week 5 n [C] wik Woche semaine settimana The movie starts this week.
jour de la giorno della
weekday 3 n [C] wikde Wochentag She works most weekdays.
semaine settimana
What are you doing this weekend (=the weekend that
weekend 3 n [C] wikend wikend Wochenende fin de semaine fine settimana
is coming)?

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weigh 11 linking verb we wiegen peser pesare The baby weighs 12 pounds.
weight 11 n [C, U] wet Gewicht poids peso Your weight is about right.
welcome 11 adj welkm willkommen bienvenu benvenuto I had the feeling I wasnt welcome.
well-paid 9 adj wel ped gut bezahlt bien pay ben pagato a well-paid job
wet 12 adj wet nass mouill bagnato wet clothes
whale 11 n [C] wel Wal baleine balena a killer whale
whole 5 adj hl ganz entier intero She drank a whole bottle of wine.
wife 2 n [C] waf Ehefrau femme moglie My wife is a teacher.
Wi-Fi 5 n [U] wa fa Wi-Fi Wi-Fi Wi-Fi Do you have Wi-Fi in this caf?
wild 11 adj wald wild sauvage selvatico wild horses
fauna, mondo
wildlife 11 n [U] waldlaf Tierwelt faune et flore We must protect the wildlife.
win 11 v [I, T] wn gewinnen gagner vincere Who do you think will win the election?
window 9 n [C] wnd Fenster fentre finestra Lets open a window.
windy 12 adj wndi windig venteux ventoso a windy day
wine 6 n [U] wan Wein vin vino The waiter brought a bottle of red wine.
winner 4 n [C] wn Sieger vainqueur the winner of the 100 metres
winter 4 n [C, U] wnt Winter hiver inverno It often snows in winter.
without 4 prep, adv wat ohne sans senza a house without a garden
wonderful 4 adj wndfl wunderbar merveilleux meraviglioso wonderful news
work 1 n [U] wk Arbeit travail lavoro We're very busy at work this week.
work 3 v [I] wk arbeiten travailler lavorare She works in a bank.
numro de
work number 1 n [C] wk nmb tlphone du numero dal lavoro Can I have your work number, please?
im Bro
work of art 4 n [C] wk v t Kunstwerk oeuvre d'art opera d'arte a priceless work of art
working 11 adj wk Arbeits- de travail lavorativo poor working conditions
workshop 12 n [C] wkp Workshop atelier workshop a craft workshop
world 5 n [U] wld Welt monde mondo Students from all over the world study here.
worldwide 5 adj, adv wldwad weltweit mondial The company employs 2,000 people worldwide.
worried 13 adj wrid besorgt inquiet preoccupato You look worried.
worry 13 v [I] wri sich sorgen s'inquiter pour preoccuparsi Parents always worry about their children.
worth 7 prep w wert valeur, valoir vale Our house is worth $350,000.
write down 14 phr v rat dan aufschreiben noter notare write down an address

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Schriftsteller, scrittore,
writer 2 n [C] rat crivain, auteur He's a writer of children's books.
Schriftstellerin scrittrice
wrong 14 adj r verkehrt faux sbagliato Your calculations must be wrong.
etwas stimmt non funziona, c'
wrong with 14 phrase r w qc. ne va pas There's something wrong with my laptop.
nicht qc. di sbagliato in
yesterday 7 adv jestdi, -de gestern hier ieri Did you watch the game yesterday?
young 2 adj j jung, klein jeune giovane a game for young children
zebra 11 n [C] zibr, ze- Zebra zbra zebra I'd love to see zebra in the African savannah.

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