The Case of The Disappearing Sugar
The Case of The Disappearing Sugar
The Case of The Disappearing Sugar
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ISBN 0-328-14206-9
Illustrated by Terri Murphy
Talk About It
1. Why did Marco think the ingredients will make
The Case of the
one whole gallon of lemonade?
D isappearing
2. Why didnt the 12 cups of water, 2 cups of juice,
and 2 cups of sugar make a gallon of lemonade?
Write About It
3. The order of events in a story is called the plot. On
a separate paper, create a chart of this storys plot.
Be sure to tell the conclusion
by Fritz Kedding
Extend Language
The ending -ed can be attached to many verbs to
change a verb from the present tense to the past
tense. Work and -ed makes worked.
What are the -ed forms of the following verbs in the
look pick gather cross
juicer sugar
First, Marco had to pick the lemons. He went
out to the lemon tree in his backyard. There
were a lot of lemons! Marco picked lemons until
his basket was full.
When Marco returned to the kitchen, he
looked at the clock. Yikes! he said aloud. Ive
only got a half hour to make this lemonade!
Marcos parents were busy people. Marcos
mother worked in a chemistry lab in the city. His
dad worked at home on computers. He had an knife
office upstairs. Marco tried not to bother him lemons
during work hours. Still, Pap was always helpful
when Inez or Marco needed him.
8 9
Inez added each cup of sugar slowly. The sugar
fell into the mixture of water and lemon juice.
However, something strange was happening. The
sugar seemed to just disappear. After adding the
sugar, the container still wasnt full!
Inez and Marco performed the same
experiment with all three jugs. Every time, the
same thing happened.
This is weird, said Inez.
I told you, said Marco.
When Mami came home, the family sat down
to dinner. How was your day? Mami asked at
the table.
Weird, said Marco and Inez.
That afternoon, Marco and Inez picked more What happened? asked Mami.
lemons. Later, as Pap cooked dinner, Marco and Inez and Marco told her the story. They were
Inez did an experiment at the kitchen table. both baffled. Mami just smiled.
Inez and Marco did everything exactly the way
Marco had done it earlier during the day. They weird: strange
squeezed the lemons and added 2 cups of lemon
juice to each of three jugs. They added 12 cups of
water to each jug. Now there were 14 cups of liquid
in each jug. The last step was to add the sugar.
Inez grabbed the bag of sugar. Let me
measure the sugar, she said. Carefully, she
measured 2 cups of sugar. Okay, she said.
Were adding 2 cups to 14 cups. That makes 16
cups, or one gallon.
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Talk About It
1. Why did Marco think the ingredients will make
one whole gallon of lemonade?
2. Why didnt the 12 cups of water, 2 cups of juice,
and 2 cups of sugar make a gallon of lemonade?
Write About It
3. The order of events in a story is called the plot. On
a separate paper, create a chart of this storys plot.
Be sure to tell the conclusion