Real Time Vehicle Monitoring and Tracking System For School Bus Via Beagle Bone

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391

Real Time Vehicle Monitoring and Tracking

System for School Bus via Beagle Bone
Geethanjali.K1, Pushparani .M .K2

VTU Belgaum, M. Tech in VLSI Design and Embedded System, MITE, Moodabidri

Sr.Asst. Professor, Dept. of ECE, MITE, Moodabidri

Abstract: Vehicle tracking system is designed for transportation purpose like school transportation and goods transportation. Here
Beagle bone based vehicle tracking system for school bus is designed to track the school bus in real time and to provide the safety and
security to the students while travelling. The proposed system consists of Beagle bone black, GPS, GSM, Alcohol detector, Door sensor
and Eye-blink sensor. The proposed system is placed inside the vehicle in order to track the school bus in real time with date, time, and
location. The sensors are used in the proposed system to monitor the driver and vehicle. The sensor gives information during critical
situations. In order to monitor properly, the deployment of web server is necessary to display the vehicle data that will store the data and
display to clients about the vehicle.

Keywords: Beagle bone black, GPS, GSM, door sensor, eye-blink sensor, alcohol sensor

1. Introduction
The Beagle bone based vehicle tracking system for school
bus is intended to present safety atmosphere to the students.
Now a day we are observing a lot of accidents of school
buses because of drivers careless whether a driver may be in
laziness or drunk driving and also about many children
missing. This is because children and their parents dont
know the exact routing details. In order to avoid all these
problems the beagle bone black is used along with some
sensors in this project.

show the direction to reach destination from the source. From

a security point of view alcohol sensor, door sensor and eyeblink sensor is used. All these sensors are connected to the
Beagle bone board and placed in the inner part of the vehicle.
In order to monitor properly, we are deploying web server to
display the vehicle data that will store all the data and display
to clients about the vehicle and the driver status

4. Basics introduction about components used

4.1 Beagle Bone Board

Beagle bone board along with the sensors is placed in the

inner part of the vehicle. The map-reading details are updated
on the beagle bone board. If the driver drives the vehicle in
the wrong path, then message will be sent to the owner and in
real time the position of the vehicle can be tracked. Even
parents have the opportunity that, they can track the vehicle
with Login details provided in the web.

2. Proposed work
The proposed method mainly designed for the school bus is
First, it gives the proper details about the route with date
and time.
Second, about door indication, indicating whether the door
is closed or opened.
Third, whether Driver is in drowsiness or not, if he is in
drowsiness it sends message to the owner driver is
Finally, it will check driver is drunk driving or not, if
driver is drunk, then is sends the message that alcohol

These Linux based boards are more expensive and do not

have internal storage as some boards like raspberry pi needs
an external SD card. So, beagle bone is better which has
better feature like more speed, more memory storage and
board cost is also less.
4.2 GPS

3. Methodology
In this project for vehicle monitoring and tracking the option
for routing is done by using the Google API, where Google
provides efficient routing options. The GPS device is used to

Paper ID: NOV163489

Beagle bone black is one of the low priced, communitysupported and more advanced platforms for developers. It
boots up the Linux within 10 seconds and get started with a
single USB cable. Beagle bone was first launched in 2008,
which was larger in size and was more expensive. In 2012,
the Beagle bone team has released the latest version of
Beagle bone called Beagle bone black with credit card size
and less cost. The Beagle bone board is intended by Texas
instruments, its having AM3358 ARM cortex A8 based
processor, Giga hertz speed and 2 Giga bits on board
memory. There are several embedded Linux boards but
beagle bone board is having greater fulfillment and power
capability as compared to all other embedded Linux based
boards like Arduino Yun, Intel Galileo, and Raspberry pi.

GPS an acronym stands for global positioning system. First

America started the GPS project in 1973 to visibly move the
prior guiding along route. At first GPS was engaged in armed
force applications. Although the government made the GPS

Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY


International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
system accessible for civilians use in the year 1980. In 1995
GPS completely came into functional and GPS works in all
atmospheric conditions, 24/7 hours/day. GPS gives latitude
and longitude information. The GPS makes use of 3 satellites
to calculate latitude and longitude and 4 or more satellites to
calculate latitude, longitude and altitude.
Whenever the GPS is on, satellites transmit the signal to GPS
and GPS receiver receives the signal.GPS helps to know
about the time and location of the destination place. It gives
the exact location, the directions to reach the destination and
the distance between the source and destination.

Transmitter part is shown in fig 1,it consists of Beagle bone

black, GPS, GSM, eye blink senor, door sensor ,alcohol
sensor.GPS and GSM are connected to 12 v supply ,eye blink
sensor, door sensor, alcohol sensor are connected to 5v. GPS,
GSM and all sensors are connected to Beagle bone board.
Alcohol detector is connected to analog to digital converter
for monitoring the driver. Door and eye blink sensors are
connected to general purpose input output ports to detect
whether door is closed properly or not and to detect driver is
in drowsiness or not.
Fig 2 shows the receiver part, GUI part will be running
separately in personal computer that is our receiver.

4.3 GSM
GSM stands for global system for mobile communication. It
was developed in the year 1970 at Bell laborites. For
transmitting mobile voice and data services, GSM operates at
different frequency. For exchanging information GSM makes
use of Time division multiple accesses [TDMA]. GSM
network has some dissimilar cell sizes like macro, micro,
umbrella and space cells, and each cell coverage analysis
space varies according to the achievement.

This is bidirectional communication between transmitter and

receiver by using web servers. Once we choose the
destination on GUI the message will be send to transmitter
path and that will automatically calculate the waypoints and
that will start to fetch the values from the GPS about route
and sensors.GUI part will read the data from the web server
and that will update in GUI window.

4.4 IR sensor
In this project IR sensor is used to detect door is closed or
opened in school bus. It consists of transmitter, receiver, led
and resistor. These IR rays are not visible to the human eye.
IR rays are visible by photodiode, which consists of analog
and digital sensors. Analog sensor output depends upon the
intensity of light received and digital sensor output display in
the form of 0 or 1.
In order to detect door is closed or not, digital sensor output
is used, i.e., 0 or 1. If the door is closed, the output will be
low 0 and the output will be high 1 if door is opened .
4.5 IR based eye blink sensor
Figure 1: Transmitter part

IR rays are transmitted by IR based eye-blink sensor to the

eyes of the driver. If the driver blinks his eye at the normal
rate, then the output will be low which means the driver is
not in drowsy. If the driver closes his eyes for a particular set
time, then the sensor calculates the time and depending upon
the calculated time it gives output high indicating the driver
is in drowsiness.
The gas sensor consists of the sensing element which detects
the gas and the presence of alcohol content then it sends the
message to the owner displaying alcohol detected. And not
display any message, when alcohol is not detected.

Figure 2: Receiver part

5. Working Procedure
In this project hardware part is divided into two parts.
1. Transmitter
2. Receiver

Paper ID: NOV163489

Transmitter part output

Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY


International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391

6. Results

Figure 3: The vehicle is on-route

Receiver part output

Figure 7: Webpage output

7. Conclusion

Figure 4: lattitude and longitude

Real time vehicle tracking system for school bus with the
beagle bone board is proposed in this paper. The proposed
system works in real time to track the school bus with
position and time. Considering the safety of the students the
sensors like door sensor, alcohol sensor and eye-blink sensor
are used. If the driver is in drowsy, it sends message to the
owner indicating that the driver is in drowsiness and it also
sends the message to the owner regarding alcohol
detection. By using the IP address, parents can login into the
website with user name and login password and can easily
track the school bus. Finally, concluded that the proposed
system has well featured and everyone can make use of it.

Figure 5: Sensors output

8. Acknowledgments
I would like to express my huge gratitude to my guide Ms.
Pushparani M.K, Sr. Asst. Professor, Department of
Electronics and Communication, MITE, Moodabidri.


Figure 6: Map

Paper ID: NOV163489

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Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY


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ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
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Author Profile
Geethanjali .K doing M-tech in final year VLSI
design and embedded systems branch, in Mangalore
institute of technology and engineering, Moodabidri in
the year of 2014-2016.

Paper ID: NOV163489

Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY


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