BR - Iot Based Smart Parking Management System PDF
BR - Iot Based Smart Parking Management System PDF
BR - Iot Based Smart Parking Management System PDF
So here we are building an IOT based Car Parking management System using Compim,seven IR sensors,one
servo motor and one Lcd display. Two IR sensors are used at entry and exit gate to detect the cars while five IR
sensors are used to detect the parking slot availability. Servo motors are used to open and close the gates according
to the sensor value. Here we are using the Blink app to show status of the data on cloud which can be monitored
from anywhere in the world.
Components Required:-
❖ Hardware
• Arduino
• Compim
• IR Sensor (7)
• Servo Motor(1)
• LCD display
❖ Software
• Blink application
Circuit Diagram:-
The circuit diagram for this IoT based smart parking management system project is given below.
In this Smart Parking System using IOT, we are using 7 IR Sensors and 1 servo motors. IR sensors and Servo
motors are connected to the Compim. It controls the complete process and sends the parking availability and
parking time information to Blink app so that it can be monitored from anywhere in the world using this
Project progress :-
Here,we are going to simulate the project using Proteus software.It is a very popular simulation application and
is used for computer aided designs.
Hardware Design:
Arduino is an open source electronics platform based on easy to use hardware and software.Here,we are using
Arduino programming language based on wiring and Arduino software (IDE) based on processing.In the
programming part,setup function is used to initialise the pin modes and start serial communication.Next the
execution block hosts statements like reading inputs, triggering output sees etc.Time duration is measured in
As we are using the simulation platform Proteus,so in case of NODEMCU,we are using Compim.Compim
models a physical serial port.It buffers received serial communication and present it as digital signals to the
circuit.Any serial data transmitted from UART model will also travel through computer’s serial port.So,it is an
integral part of our project.
3.IR sensor:
IR sensors are used to check whether the parking space has any free slot, whenever any car arrives.IR
transmitter emits radiation,it reaches the object and based on the intensity of reception by IR receiver, output of
the sensor is defined.Two IR sensors are used at entry and exit gate so that it can detect the cars at entry and exit
gate and automatically open and close the gate.
4.Servo Motor:
A servo motor is used for opening and closing of the gates (entrance and exit).It allows control of angular as
well as linear motion.
5.LCD Display:
A green LCD display indicates a free slot is available and a red LCD display refers to slot occupancy.
1.BLINK App:
It shows us the status of the parking slots,via inbuilt wifi module,the parking information data is updated time to
WORKING AND OPERATION[Performance Analysis]:-
Working principle:
➢ In Proteus,first in the preparation block of Arduino programming,setup function is executed and it
initialises the pin modes and start serial communication.So, trigger pulse is being transmitted to IR
sensors and they become active.
➢ Every user who comes to the parking space,IR sensor of entrance gate checks whether any parking space
is free and sends the required data in form of analog signal to COMPIM.
➢ COMPIM receives analog signal from sensors.Now execution block in programming runs and outputs
are triggered.
➢ If free slots are available,gate will open due to function of servo motor and a green Lcd display will
indicate a free slot.Similarly if there is no slot available,gate will not open and a red display will indicate
the space occupany.
➢ COMPIM with the help of inbuilt wifi module, sends the parking information to cloud and our web
application data in Blink app is also updated.
So,by using this module,user will be able to know about slot availability.
Performance Analysis:
1.Testing of the sensors and other components has been performed.
2.Setup codes have been written down and are being merged into one and data sending Blink application
(cloud)part is also ongoing.
3.Connection of individual components with arduino in Proteus has been done for testing purpose and
are merged into one for project conclusion.