Internet of Things Final Project Report: Faculty: Yokesh Babu S Slot: C1+TC1 Team Member

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Internet of Things

Final Project Report

Faculty: Yokesh Babu S

Slot: C1+TC1

Team Member
Kuldeep Singh-17BCE0086
Ashish Paudel-18BCE2494

Topic: Smart pollution control device

Vehicles contribute a large amount of pollution to earth.When the vehicles are
stopped at traffic signals, they emit hazards gases even when not moving. People
don't turn their vehicles off even if the traffic is 5 minutes long this way they
contribute in pollution our device monitors the pollution level and sends alert to the
user reminding them about the fuel wastage and their contribution in pollution. The
device suggest to turn the vehicle off at traffic signals, when the pollution level
reaches 850 ppm value in the sensor. The alert is send to mobile application which is
set in front of them. The app is simple, when the user vehicle pollution is in limit
then the app show shows a happy earth face and the earth asks for help with a sad
face when the pollution is above limits. This way they save fuel for them and earth
from pollution.
Literature Survey

● The main objective of IoT Air Monitoring System is that the Air pollution is
an increasing issue now a days. It is necessary to measure air quality and
keep it under control for a better future and healthy life for everyone. Due to
flexibility and low cost Internet of things (IoT) is getting popular. If people
are exposed to air pollutants for long period of time, they are likely to suffer
from critical respiratory diseases . If air quality continues to get worse then it
may become a big problem for the governments. Hence, air pollution
monitoring systems are very important in monitoring the air pollution before
the situation becomes worst.

● The Project IOT Based Smart Garbage Monitoring system is a very

innovative system which will help to keep the cities clean. This system
monitors the garbage bins and informs about the level of garbage collected
in the garbage bins via a web page.The system uses ultrasonic sensors
placed over the bins to detect the garbage level and compare it with the
garbage bins depth.The system also detect the harmful gases in the air with
the help of gas sensors. The system makes use of AVR family
microcontroller, LCD screen, Wifi modem for sending data and a buzzer.
The system is powered by a 12V transformer. The LCD screen is used to
display the status of the level of garbage collected in the bins. Whereas a
web page is built to show the status to the user monitoring it. The LCD
screen shows the status of the garbage level. The system puts on the buzzer
when the level of garbage collected crosses the set limit. Thus this system
helps to keep the city clean by informing about the garbage levels of the bins
and carbon gas value in percentage by providing graphical image of the bins
via a web page.

● The commercial meters obtainable in the market are Fluke-CO- 220 carbon
monoxide meter for CO, AmprobeCO2 meter for CO2,LPG leakage
detection alarm of ForbixSemicon LPG gas leakage. The researchers in this
field have established various air quality monitoring systems based on
Wireless sensor network, GSM(global system for monitoring) and
GIS(geographical information system). Recently each and every
technology has limitations according to the intended function of zigbee is
meant for users with zigbee transceiver, bluetooth. C. V. Saikumar et al. [7]
proposed that IoT can be used to monitor the air pollution in the
environment. For IoT purpose they used WSN (Wireless Sensor Network).
Implementation of WSN based air pollution monitoring systems is difficult
as it needs certain specification which is not either open- hardware or open-

● Wireless sensors are used in most of the in real time applications for
collecting physical information. The impossible measurements in typical
ways have currently become attainable using the wireless technology. The
monitoring system using Internet of Things (IoT) which is capable of
detecting vehicles causing pollution on the city roads and measures various
types of pollutants, and its level in air.

● In our project we are using two ultrasonic sensors which sense the level of
garbage bin and two gas sensors which detect the harmful gases in the air
.This sensors are connected to the avr family microcontroller which is
interfaced with LCD display which shows the status of bins .We also used
wi-fi module which is used to transmit data for webpage applications .We
are using one buzzer which gives beep whenever any dustbin is full.The
whole system is powered by 12V transformer

Design of Proposed System

The frame work of the proposed system uses IoT to address the vehicular
pollution in realtime applications. Two gas sensors MQ135, MQ9 are used to
monitor the pollutants continuously to maintain the quality of the air.
As soon the pollution level from the vehicle goes beyond the dangerous zone the
system warns the driver/owner of the Vehicle on his web application that the
vehicle is producing more pollution and he should check the vehicle.
Components Used


● Used to detect leakage/excess of gases like Ammonia, nitrogen
oxide, alcohols, aromatic compounds, sulfide and smoke.
● Air quality monitors.


● This is MQ-9 Carbon Monoxide, Methane, and LPG Gas Sensor Module
can be used to sense Carbon Monoxide and Methane Gas. Sensitive
material of MQ-9 gas sensor is SnO2, which with lower conductivity in
clean air.
● It makes detection by the method of cycle high and low temperature, and
detect CO when the low temperature (heated by 1.5V). The sensor’s
conductivity is higher along with the gas concentration rising.
● When high temperature (heated by 5.0V), it detects Methane, Propane etc.
combustible gas and cleans the other gases adsorbed under low
3. ARDUINO 101
A learning and development board that delivers the performance and low-
power consumption of the Intel® Curie™ Module with the simplicity of
Arduino at an entry-level price. It keeps the same robust form factor and
peripheral list of the UNO with the addition of onboard Bluetooth LE
capabilities and a 6-axis accelerometer/gyro to help you easily expand your
creativity into the connected world.
4. ESP8266
The ESP8266 WiFi Module is a self contained SOC with integrated TCP/IP
protocol stack that can give any microcontroller access to your WiFi
network. The ESP8266 is capable of either hosting an application or
offloading all Wi-Fi networking functions from another application
processor. Each ESP8266 module comes pre-programmed with an AT
command set firmware, meaning, you can simply hook this up to your
Arduino device and get about as much WiFi-ability as a WiFi Shield offers
(and that's just out of the box)! The ESP8266 module is an extremely cost
effective board with a huge, and ever growing, community.

Architecture(Layout)/Pin diagram

#include <SoftwareSerial.h> //including the software serial UART library which
will make the digital pins as TX and RX

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

#include "DHT.h" //including the DHT22 library

//#define DHTPIN 8 //Declaring pin 8 of arduino to communicate with DHT22

#define DHTTYPE DHT22 //Defining type of DHT sensor we are using

(DHT22 or DHT11)

#define DEBUG true

//DHT dht(DHTPIN, DHTTYPE); //Declaring a variable

named dht LiquidCrystal lcd(13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8);

SoftwareSerial esp8266(2,3); //Connect the TX pin of ESP8266 to pin 2 of

Arduino and RX pin of ESP8266 to pin 3 of Arduino.

SoftwareSerial mySerial(1, 0);

//const int trigPin = A4;

//const int echoPin =

A5; int motor=7;

//const int high = 5;

//const int low =

4; int sound=6;



al; float soil,soill;




long duration,duration1,duration2,duration3;

int distanceCm,distanceCm1,distanceCm2,distanceCm3, distanceInch

void setup()











sendData("AT+RST\r\n",2000,DEBUG); // Reset the


sendData("AT+CIFSR\r\n",1000,DEBUG); // Get the IP address of ESP8266

sendData("AT+CIPMUX=1\r\n",1000,DEBUG); // Configure
ESP8266 for multiple connections

sendData("AT+CIPSERVER=1,80\r\n",1000,DEBUG); // Start TCP server at port


lcd.setCursor(0,0); // Sets the location at which subsequent text written to the LCD
will be displayed

lcd.print("Air : ");

lcd.setCursor(0,1); // Sets the location at which subsequent text written to the LCD
will be displayed
lcd.print("MQ9: ");

//lcd.setCursor(0,1); // Sets the location at which subsequent text written to the

LCD will be displayed

//lcd.print("Animal: ");

void loop()

float sensor_volt;

float RS_air; // Rs in clean

air float R0; // R0 in 1000

ppm LPG float sensorValue;


for(int x = 0 ; x < 100 ; x++)

sensorValue = sensorValue + analogRead(A0);

sensorValue = sensorValue/100.0;

sensor_volt =

(sensorValue/1024)*5.0; RS_air

= (5.0-sensor_volt)/sensor_volt;

R0 = RS_air/9.9; // According to MQ9 datasheet table

//Serial.print("sensor_volt = ");


lcd.setCursor(5,1); // Sets the location at which subsequent text written to the

LCD will be displayed

lcd.print( sensor_volt);


0); delay(1000);
float s=analogRead(2);


lcd.setCursor(7,0); // Sets the location at which subsequent text written to the LCD
will be displayed


//t = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0);

if (isnan(sensor_volt) || isnan( s)) {

Serial.println("Failed to read from DHT sensor!"); return;

if(esp8266.available())// If any data is available to read (only when we request

data through browser)

if(esp8266.find("+IPD,")) // Validating the request by finding "+IPD" in the

received data


int connectionId =; // Subtracting 48 from the character

to get the connection id.
String webpage = "<h1>VEHICLE POLUTION MONITOR
SYSTEM</h1>"; // Creating a string named webpage and storing the data in it.
webpage += "<h3>Air Quality: ";

webpage += s; //This will show the temperature on the

webpage. webpage += "ppm";

webpage += "</h3>";


webpage += "<h3>Air Quality: ";

webpage += "Air Quality Ab Normal"; webpage += "</h3>";

webpage +=

"<h3>MQ9: ";

webpage +=

sensor_volt; webpage

+= "";

webpage +=



webpage += "<h3>MQ9 Quality: ";

webpage += " Ab

Normal"; webpage +=


String cipSend =

"AT+CIPSEND="; cipSend +=


cipSend += ",";

cipSend +=webpage.length();
cipSend +="\r\n";





String closeCommand = "AT+CIPCLOSE=";

closeCommand+=connectionId; // append connection id


sendData(closeCommand,3000,DEBUG); // Sending the close command to the

sendData function to execute

//This function will send the data to the webpage

String sendData(String command, const int timeout, boolean debug)

String response = "";

esp8266.print(command); // Sending command to

ESP8266 module long int time = millis(); // Waiting for


while( (time+timeout) > millis())


char c =; // Reading response from

ESP8266 response+=c;



return response;

Result/Screen Shots

We tested our device by placing in front of the exhaust of the motor bike and
observed the value of the sensor increased linearly and went beyond the danger
value after which our web application started showing that the air quality is

The system to monitor the air of environment using IoT technology is proposed to
detect quality of air. With use of IoT technology enhance the process of monitoring
various aspects of environment such as air quality monitoring issues. In an
environmental air, the different pollutant gases are present which lead to different
diseases in human especially respiratory diseases.
Our device correctly measured the pollution from the vehicle and warned the
owner to chech for his vehicle.

1. Waghmare, V., Hirve, A., Bhavsar, S., Dingore, U., & Mahajan, R.
(2019). Internet of Things (IoT) Based System for Monitoring and
Controlling Air Pollution
2. Sharma, M., Dubey, A. K., Kumar, K., Agarwal, V., & Singh, S.
(2018). Design and Implementation of IoT Based Air Pollution
Monitoring System. Bhagwan Parshuram Institute of Technology, 34.
3. Rushikesh, R., & Sivappagari, C. M. R. (2015, October). Development
of IoT based vehicular pollution monitoring system. In 2015
International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things
(ICGCIoT) (pp. 779-783). IEEE.
4. Manna, S., Bhunia, S. S., & Mukherjee, N. (2014, May). Vehicular
pollution monitoring using IoT. In International Conference on Recent
Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE-2014) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
5. Kumar, N. S., Vuayalakshmi, B., Prarthana, R. J., & Shankar, A. (2016,
November). IOT based smart garbage alert system using Arduino UNO. In
2016 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON) (pp. 1028-1034). IEEE.

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