Iot Alcohol
Iot Alcohol
Iot Alcohol
Abstract : This system is designed to detect the alcohol level in the body of the person who is driving car and avoid
accidents occurring due to drunk and driving. The proposed system is going to detect whether the person who is driving car
is drunk or not and we are going to control the vehicle. This can be done using raspberry pi. If the person is drunk means
car is automatically slowed down or speed is reduced based on the traffic. Ultrasonic sensors are used to detect whether
any vehicles are present in the front or back of the car. From this sensor reading if any vehicle is present car is slowed or if
any vehicles are not present means car is stopped. Along with drunk and drive detection drowsy driving can also be
detected using this system. This can be done using eye blink sensor. It is used to capture the eye lid movement and if the
eye is closed for longer time vehicle‟s speed is controlled based on ultrasonic sensor. This will reduce the accidents. If in
case of any accident vibration sensor notices the accident. In case of any accident an alert message is sent to the family
Keywords: Alcohol detection, raspberry pi, alcohol sensor, ultrasonic sensor, eye blink sensor.
Bhuta et al [2] proposed “Alcohol Detection and Vehicle Sarkar et al [7] proposed “A Real Time Embedded
Controlling”. Arduino is used in this system. An alcohol System Application for Driver Drowsiness and Alcoholic
detector and GPS module, GSM module are connected to Intoxication Detection”. This system uses embedded
the arduino board. When the alcohol level in the driver‟s system. This system consists of 5 megapixel camera with
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
j. text = msg.as_string()
k. server.sendmail(from, to, text)
l. print "mail sent"
m. server.quit()
i. alcohol sensor:
a. i=GPIO.input(11)
b. if i==0 then
c. print "alcohol not detected"
d. sleep(1)
e. else if i==1:
f. print "alcohol detected"
g. sleep(1)
h. mail()
Fig.2. circuit diagram
ii. vibration sensor:
The above diagram (Fig.2.) shows the circuit diagram for a. i=GPIO.input(12)
the proposed system. b. if i==0 then
c. print "vibration not detected"
e. else if i==1:
1. Whenever the person starts the vehicle this f. print "vibration detected"
system starts working. g. sleep(1)
2. Check the alcohol level using alcohol sensor. If h. mail()
BAC (Blood Alcohol Level) is greater than
0.02% then check the ultra sonic sensor reading. iii. eye blink sensor
3. If the ultrasonic sensor‟s reading is greater than a. i=GPIO.input(13)
1m stop the vehicle else slow down the speed of b. if i==0 then
the vehicle and again check the ultrasonic c. print "person not sleeping"
sensor‟s reading. d. sleep(1)
4. If there is no alcohol in the body , check for e. else if i==1:
drowsy driving using eye blink sensor. f. print "person sleeping"
5. If the eye is closed for 5 sec then check for any g. sleep(1)
accident using vibration sensor. If there is any h. mail()
accident send the alert message.
6. If there is no accident means repeat step 3. VII. RESULTS AND DISSCUSSIONS
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
1. Alcohol Reduce the speed of the system is now implemented in cars or any four wheelers.
condition(Threshold vehicle to minimum set In future it can be implemented in two wheelers also. It
level 500) && value can also be used in any organization to detect drunken
Ultrasonic persons. In addition to this GPS module can also be used
condition(if any
vehicle in 1m dist) to detect the location of vehicle if alcohol content is found
2. Alcohol Stop the vehicle and send in the body.
condition(Threshold the alert message
level 500) && REFERENCES
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