A Practical Guide To High-Speed Printed-Circuit-Board Layout
A Practical Guide To High-Speed Printed-Circuit-Board Layout
A Practical Guide To High-Speed Printed-Circuit-Board Layout
Printed-Circuit-Board Layout
By John Ardizzoni [[email protected]]
Despite its critical nature in high-speed circuitry, printed-circuitboard (PCB) layout is often one of the last steps in the design
process. There are many aspects to high-speed PCB layout;
volumes have been written on the subject. This article addresses
high-speed layout from a practical perspective. A major aim is to
help sensitize newcomers to the many and various considerations
they need to address when designing board layouts for high-speed
circuitry. But it is also intended as a refresher to benet those
who have been away from board layout for a while. Not every
topic can be covered in detail in the space available here, but we
address key areas that can have the greatest payoff in improving
circuit performance, reducing design time, and minimizing timeconsuming revisions.
Although the focus is on circuits involving high-speed op amps,
the topics and techniques discussed here are generally applicable
to layout of most other high-speed analog circuits. When op amps
operate at high RF frequencies, circuit performance is heavily
dependent on the board layout. A high-performance circuit design
that looks good on paper can render mediocre performance
when hampered by a careless or sloppy layout. Thinking ahead and
paying attention to salient details throughout the layout process
will help ensure that the circuit performs as expected.
The Schematic
Power-Supply Bypassing
Trust No One
If youre not doing your own layout, be sure to set aside ample
time to go through the design with the layout person. An ounce of
prevention at this point is worth more than a pound of cure! Dont
expect the layout person to be able to read your mind. Your inputs
and guidance are most critical at the beginning of the layout process.
The more information you can provide, and the more involved you
are throughout the layout process, the better the board will turn
out. Give the designer interim completion pointsat which you
want to be notied of the layout progress for a quick review. This
loop closure prevents a layout from going too far astray and will
minimize reworking the board layout.
Parasitics are those nasty little gremlins that creep into your PCB
(quite literally) and wreak havoc within your circuit. They are the
hidden stray capacitors and inductors that inltrate high-speed
circuits. They include inductors formed by package leads and
excess trace lengths; pad-to-ground, pad-to-power-plane, and
pad-to-trace capacitors; interactions with vias, and many more
possibilities. Figure 3(a) is a typical schematic of a noninverting
op amp. If parasitic elements were to be taken into account,
however, the same circuit would look like Figure 3(b).
Figure 3. Typical op amp circuit, as designed (a) and with parasitics (b).
L = 2T ln
+ 1nH
W + H
Inductance = 0.0002L ln
+ 0.2235
+ 0.5H (2)
(W + H )
Because ground planes typically have large surface and crosssectional areas, the resistance in the ground plane is kept to a
minimum. At low frequencies, current will take the path of least
resistance, but at high frequencies current follows the path of
least impedance.
Nevertheless, there are exceptions, and sometimes less ground
plane is better. High-speed op amps will perform better if the
ground plane is removed from under the input and output pads.
The stray capacitance introduced by the ground plane at the input,
added to the op amps input capacitance, lowers the phase margin
and can cause instability. As seen in the parasitics discussion, 1 pF
of capacitance at an op amps input can cause signicant peaking.
Capacitive loading at the outputincluding strayscreates a pole
in the feedback loop. This can reduce phase margin and could
cause the circuit to become unstable.
Analog and digital circuitry, including grounds and ground planes,
should be kept separate when possible. Fast-rising edges create
current spikes owing in the ground plane. These fast current
spikes create noise that can corrupt analog performance. Analog
and digital grounds (and supplies) should be tied at one common
ground point to minimize circulating digital and analog ground
currents and noise.
f (Hz )
Skin Depth =
There is much more to discuss than can be covered here, but well
highlight some of the key features and encourage the reader to
pursue the subject in greater detail. A list of references appears at
the end of this article.
Ground Plane
IN 3
+IN 4
A wide variety of analog and digital signals, with high- and low
voltages and currents, ranging from dc to GHz, exists on circuit
boards. Keeping signals from interfering with one another can
be difcult.
r + 1.41 (0.8W + T )
r (0.8W + T )
Z 0 () =