Web Technologies and Programming Lecture 02

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Web Technologies and programming

CSE 607
Lecture 02

Presented By
Mohammad Anwar Hossain
Department of CSE
World University of Bangladesh
What is Network Topology
• Network topology is the physical and logical
arrangement of the devices, connections, and data
circuits in a network. When represented visually in
the form of network diagrams, they help data center
professionals document and understand their
network infrastructure.
Designing Network Topologies
• Networks can be organized in a
variety of topologies that each have
advantages and disadvantages.
• When designing and installing a
network, data center professionals
must consider their:
 organization’s goals,
 budget, and
 size
to determine the best topology to
implement. :
Types of Network Topology
The most common network topologies, roughly
in order of complexity, are
 Bus Topology
 Star Topology
 Ring Topology
 Mesh Topology
 Tree Topology
Bus Topology
• In a bus topology, all
devices are connected to
one central cable called a
bus. Data is transmitted
from the source in both
directions until it reaches
its destination.
Bus Topology
There are two types of bus
Linear : All devices are
connected by a single bus with
two endpoints.
Distributed : The bus
branches o into multiple
sections, resulting in more
than two endpoints.
Bus Topology
Advantages Disadvantages
• Suitable for very small • The bus cable is a
networks potential single point of
• Easy and affordable to add failure
new devices • Performance decreases as
• If one device fails, the rest devices are added or
of the network is not traffic increases
• Troubleshooting is
difficult in larger
Ring Topology
• In a ring topology, a daisy
chain of connected devices
forms a closed loop. Data
travels in one direction
from the source until it
reaches its destination. An
electrical token travels
around the ring that a
device must have before it
can transmit data.
Ring Topology
To provide redundancy and resiliency,
there are variations of the ring
topology such as:
• Dual/bidirectional ring. A second
connection is made between
• Counter-rotating ring. An additional
ring in the opposite direction is
activated if a switch fails.
• Collapsed ring. If a device fails, the
ring collapses by connecting that
device’s peers to each other.
Ring Topology
Advantages Disadvantages
• Faster than a bus topology • Performance decreases as
while still easy to add devices are added or traffic
devices increases
• Low likelihood of packet • Each device is a potential
collision due to single point of failure unless
unidirectional data flow redundancy is built in
• No need for a network • The entire network needs
server to manage data to be taken offline to
transmission perform moves, adds, and
Star Topology
• In a star topology, each
device is connected to a
central switch. All data
travels from the source to
the switch where it is
directed to its destination.
It is the most common
network topology and is
often used for Local Area
Networks (LANs).
Star Topology
Advantages Disadvantages
• Device failures are easy to • The switch is a potential
identify, and they do not single point of failure and can
impact the rest of the disable the entire network
network • Requires more cabling,
• Adding or removing resources, and maintenance
devices is simple and can than some alternatives
be done without • Overall performance and
downtime bandwidth are limited by the
• Capable of sustaining a technical specifications of the
high-performance network
Mesh Topology
• In a mesh topology, devices
are interconnected with each
device being directly
connected to many others.
Data is transmitted by routing
(sent the shortest distance)
and flooding (sent to all
devices). The non-hierarchal
structure results in a lack of
dependency on any single
device or circuit.
Mesh Topology
There are two types of
mesh topology:
• Full mesh : Each device is
connected to every other
device in the network for a
high level of redundancy.
• Partial mesh : Only some
devices are connected to
multiple devices which is
more cost-effective and
Mesh Topology
Advantages Disadvantages
• Highly reliable as there is • Installation and
no possible single point of maintenance are time- and
failure resource-intensive
• Many devices can • Requires large amounts of
transmit data at the same power, cabling, and port
time, allowing for high capacity
amounts of traffic • Potential for many
• Moves, adds, and changes redundant connections
can be done without which increases costs and
taking the network offline reduces efficiency
Tree Topology
• A tree topology is a
hybrid topology in
which multiple star
topologies are
connected in a large-
scale bus topology
Tree Topology
Advantages Disadvantages
• Simplified troubleshooting • The central bus cable
and maintenance in which is a potential single
each “branch” of the tree point of failure
can be individually assessed
• Difficult and expensive
• Adding devices or entire
to install initially
new star networks is
straightforward • Maintenance and
• Can accommodate high configuration are
bandwidth and low latency difficult due to its
large size
Hybrid Topology
• In a hybrid topology,
two or more distinct
network topologies
are connected. It is
more common in the
largest networks.
Hybrid Topology
Advantages Disadvantages

• Scalability makes it easy to add • High complexity makes it

devices without disrupting the difficult and expensive to
existing network design, install, and maintain
• Flexibility to be designed • Large scale networks require a
according to an organization’s lot of power, space, and
specific requirements and cooling resources in addition
available resources to cabling and ports
• Faulty components can be • Difficult to document and
isolated from the rest of the manage, leading to long times
network for maintenance without tracing cables and
affecting the rest of the network troubleshooting issues
Point To Point Topology
• In a point-to-point topology, two devices are connected by a
single cable

Advantages Disadvantages
• The simplest • Very few real-world
network possible applications
• All available • Devices must be
closely situated
bandwidth is
• If either device fails,
dedicated to the
the network fails
two devices
• A device can easily
be replaced
Daisy Chain Topology
• In a daisy chain topology,
all devices are connected
in a series. Data travels in
one direction from the
source until it reaches its
destination. A daisy chain
forms a ring topology
when it is congured as a
closed loop.
Daisy Chain Topology
Advantages Disadvantages
• One of the easiest networks • Network speed is reduced
to add devices to proportionately as the
• Cheap to install number of devices increases
• Minimal cables required • Network speed is reduced
proportionately as the
number of devices increases
• The entire network needs to
be taken offline to perform
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