Chapter1 - Networking Concepts
Chapter1 - Networking Concepts
Chapter1 - Networking Concepts
security/Information security
Chapter 1
Basics of Communication System
• Data Communication
– What is Communication?
• Meaningful exchange of information between two or
group of people.
– Communication can be remote or local.
– Telecommunication means communication at a
– data refers information presented in agreed
– Data communications : Exchange of data between
two devices via some form of transmission
medium such as a wire cable.
– The effectiveness of the data communication
system depends upon the Three fundamental
• Delivery: The system must deliver data to the right
destination. Data must be received by the intended
device and only by that device.
• Accuracy: The data must be delivered accurately.
• Timeliness: The data must be deliver in
timely manner.
– The components of the Data Communication
– Data Representation
• Text : text is represented as a bit pattern, a sequence of
bits. Different sets of bits pattern have been designed
to represent text symbols
• Numbers: Numbers are also represented by bit pattern.
But numbers are converted to binary and then stored.
• Images: images are also represented by bit pattern. In
its simplest form image is composed of the matrix of
pixels, where each pixel is a small dot.
After an image is divided into pixels, each pixel
is assigned a bit pattern.(RGB or YCM)
• Audio: Audio by nature is continuous, not discrete
• Video: Video can be produced as a continuous entity,
or it can be a combination of images, each is a discrete
entity. Again we can change video to a digital or analog
Data Flow
• Simple Mode
In simplex mode, the communication is unidirectional, as on
one way street.
E.g.: Keyboards and traditional monitors.
• Half-Duplex mode
In half-duplex mode each station can transmit and receive
but not at the same time.
E.g.: walkie-tokies
• Full-Duplex Mode
In full-duplex mode, both stations can transmit and receive
E.g.: telephone network
• A Network is a set of devices (often referred to as
nodes) connected by communication media.
• A node can be a computer or printer or any other
device capable of sending and receiving data.
• Most network use distributed processing, in which
a task is divided among multiple computers
Network conti…..
• Network criteria
– Performance
» Transit Time
» Response Time
» Number of users
» Type of transmission media
» Throughput
» Delay
– Reliability
» Accuracy of delivery
» Frequency of the failure
» The time taken for recovery from failure
– Security
» Protecting data from unauthorized access
» Protecting data from damage and development
• Types of connection
– Point-to-Point
Advantages Disadvantage
• Each connection carry its • Amount of cabling and I/O
own data load ports
• If one link becomes • Installation and
unusable, it does not affect reconnection is difficult
the entire system
• Advantage of privacy and
• Easy fault identification and
fault isolation because of
point-to-point connection
Star Topology
Advantages Disadvantages
• It is less expensive than • Dependency of the whole
mesh topology topology on one single
• Comparatively requires less point, hub. If the hub goes
cabling than mesh topology. down, the whole system is
• It is robust(if one link gets dead.
damage it will affect the
entire system).
• Easy fault identification and
Bus Topology
• It is multipoint
• One link act as backbone to link all the devices in a
Bus Topology
• Nodes are connected to the bus cable by drop lines and
• A drop line is a connection running between the device
and the main cable.
• A tap the connector that either splices into the main cable
or punctures the sheathing of a cable to create the contact
with the metallic core .
• Bus topology was one of first topologies used in the
design of the local area network.
Bus Topology
Advantages Disadvantages
• Easy installation. • Difficult reconnection and
• Less cabling than star and fault isolation.
mesh topology. • A fault or break in the bus
cable stops all transmission.
Ring Topology
– Responsible for
• Movements of individual bits from one node
to another.
• Physical Layer is also responsible for
– Physical Characteristics of interfaces and medium
– Representation of bits
– Data Rate
– Synchronization of bits
– Physical Topology
– Transmission Mode
• Data Link Layer