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A. Background of Study
English is the world most widely studied and used second and foreign language. There
are millions of foreign students from other countries used English well as they can both written
and oral communication. So, they need sufficient skills in order to speak and write English
There are four skills that should be learned by students in learning English. There are:
reading, writing, listening and speaking. Some students found some problems in reading &
writing in English and they did not find someone who can help solve the problems. However,
there are foreign students who can pronounce the English utterances very well. But, many
students also want to be able to speak English well with a pronunciation which can be easily
According to Allen (1960: 35), pronunciation is one of element of the language that has
big contribution for better English speaking. That is very important to learn, because with good
pronunciation, our English can more clearly and easily to understand. If someone speaks in
appropriate pronunciation, the listeners cannot understand what the speakers are talking about
or it may disturb others’ understanding. The correct pronunciation of English is to help the
students to pronounce correctly. Clear pronunciation makes the students easy to understand
and produce intelligible sound. The study of pronunciation has become an important aspect in
teaching English as a foreign Language. Therefore, it is very important for students to start
Pronunciation is closely linked to ear, and listening is a vital part of developing this
area. Listening to a model on tape, CD or video, or using students own voice as a model will
be the most effective way of doing this. So, an audiovisual media has an important role to
improve students’ pronunciation ability. Cartoon film are great choice to deliver any material,
including pronunciation as stated by Pahin and Power in Kasihani (2005: 7) that young learners
learn English by listening, imitating and spelling it. They won’t make the students bored during
the lesson. They can also create a relaxing atmosphere. When the students listen to the story of
the films in relax condition, they will easily remember some vocabularies including their
“Casper” is an animated television series that is a wonderful show for children. This
cartoon film will be used as an alternative teaching media, because this film has a very clear
pronunciation, so students can understand and that cartoon film will help the students’ to
increase their pronunciation ability. The writer assumes that by using “Casper” cartoon film,
Phonetic symbol:
/e/ let
/I/ me, see
/g/ ghost
In this research the writer is interested to do an experiment how if cartoon film entitle
reason the writer take the title “THE USE OF “CASPER” CARTOON FILM AS A
B. Research Questions
Related on the study entitled The Using Cartoon Film as a teaching media to improve
students Pronunciation Ability, the following statements of the problem are stated as follows:
1. What is the students’ pronunciation ability before using “Casper” cartoon film as a
teaching media?
2. What is the students’ pronunciation ability after using “Casper” cartoon film as a
teaching media?
3. How effective the use of “Casper” cartoon film as a teaching media to improve
C. Purposes of Research
D. Significances of Research
The writer hopes that the result of this study will give some benefits as follows:
1. Students: the result of this study will enable the students to pronounce words correctly.
By watching cartoon film as a teaching media, the students are expected to have a
improve their students pronunciation. Through this research, the teachers are expected
3. Researchers: the result of the study may help other researchers in clarifying the use of
pronunciation ability.
E. Limitation of Study
to have an understanding of how the speech sounds of English are produced. By knowing how
sounds are produced, the correct English sounds can be correctly produced.
as a teaching media:
1) Vowel
Vowel is sounds produced with a free passage (Malmberg, 1963: 32). A free passage
here means that vowel sounds are produced without obstruction. O’Connor (1973: 49) says that
vowel sounds are sounds made with opener oral cavity position.
/e/ let
2) Diphthongs
A diphthong is a speech sound composed of two vowels within the same syllable
/aɪ/ nice
/u/ food
3) Consonant
passages (Malmberg, 1963: 32). Every consonant may be defined according to its place of
/f/ found
F. Rationale
In this study, the writer uses Cartoon Film as media of teaching pronunciation.
Pronunciation ability can be achieved in some ways. The use of audio-visual media will
provide some important aspects in stimulating students’ motivation in producing the correct
pronunciation. In many subjects, cartoon film can open up range of worthwhile learning
activities (Wittich and Schuller, 1953: 138). They also state their opinion that classroom using
cartoon film has many values, for example, pupil interest is heightened, more learning is
accomplished, the retention of learned material is more permanent, and interest in reading
According to Hamalik (1980: 50-51), cartoon film is naturally being used in class
because it is not only giving a fact, but also providing an answer in the matters and an
understanding of the students themselves and their environment. Cartoon film is one of
entertainment media that can also be used as teaching media. Unlike other film types, cartoon
films have special characteristics that are close to childrens imagination. They are fun, colorful,
Cartoon is always associated with kids. Basically, cartoon is entertainment for kids, but
nowadays the adults are familiar with this term since some cartoon movies are made for the
adults. There are many opinions about cartoon. Poulson says that basically a cartoon is a form
of media where, using animation, characters are shown with simplified features, but still
In teaching junior high school students, teachers have to consider their background
knowledge. In this case, students still want to play in learning English. They need a kind of
situation that is interesting and fun which can motivate them to study. Based on what the writer
were searching at school, teachers still use the classic way in teaching and learning process
which is monotonous and boring. In order to solve the problem above, it is important to find
effective and innovative ways to improve the students’ interest in their pronunciation ability.
Junior high school students tend to love such kind of cartoon film in their age. Because of that
the writer tries to use “Casper” cartoon film as a teaching media to improve junior high school
students’ in their pronunciation ability. It gives maximum language practice and the students
have opportunity to see how effective they can communicate in English. The students also feel
enjoyable while studying because the activity is watching a film and the students also feel fun.
improve the students’ interest in their pronunciation ability. They need a kind of situation that
is interesting and fun which can motivate them to study. Therefore, it is needed to provide an
effective and innovative media to motivate the students in learning English especially in
pronunciation. Because of that the researcher tries to use “Casper” cartoon film as teaching
Table 1.1
The title of “Casper” cartoon film
No Title
2 Casper-Spook No Evil
Table 1.2
G. Hypothesis
Hypothesis is temporary answer to the formulation of research problems, in which the
formulation of the research problem has been expressed in the form of a question (Sugiyono,
2009: 96). The truth of it is necessary to be tested to know whether it is true or not. In this
study, the writer will research two variables: the first, the use of “Casper” cartoon film as
variable X and the second one is to improve students’ pronunciation ability as variable Y. From
the discussion above, the researcher has formulated the hypothesis follows:
1. H0 accepted if tcount< ttable: it means that “Casper” cartoon film as a teaching media is
H. Research Procedure
a. Location of research
The location of this research will be done at the First grade Junior High School of SMP
Muslimin Panyawungan Cileunyi Bandung, this school is regarded suitable with the problem
of the research because they are still many students that is less comprehended in pronunciation.
object/subject that have quality and certain characteristic that have been decided by researcher
to be studied and than take a conclusion from it. Thus, population here is the whole students’
eight grade of SMP Muslimin Panyawungan Cileunyi Bandung. There are 90 students.
c. Sample
Sample of this research is Sugiyono (2007: 64) states that sample random sampling is
a sampling technique, which collects the sample randomly in a population”. The writer will
take the students of the eight grades at SMP Muslimin Panyawungan Cileunyi Bandung that
amount of 100 students from 3 classes. The sample selection uses simple random sampling.
2. Research Methodology
The method used in this research is quasi experimental. Quasi experimental, according
According to Cohen et all (2007: 282), quasi experimental come in several forms: (1).
Pre-experimental designs: the one group pretest-post-test design; the one group post-tests only
design; the post-tests only non equivalent design. (2). Pretest-post-test non-equivalent group
3. Experimental Design
From the statement above, the researcher used the one-group pretest-post-test design.
It aims to measure a group on a dependent variable (O1), i.e. students’ English pronunciation
ability, and then introduced an experimental manipulation (X), “Casper” cartoon film to
improve students’ pronunciation ability. Following the experimental treatment, the researcher
has again measured English pronunciation ability (O2). As Cohen et al (2007: 282) say that one
manipulation, and then measured the same variable, as was measured with the pretest, with a
O1: Pre-test
O2 : Post-test
I. Technique for Collecting Data
The techniques used to collect the data for the study are as follows:
a. Pre-Test
Pre-test is used to measure the “Casper” cartoon film as a media to develop students’
Bandung. The material of pre-test is about pronunciation. They will be given the dialogue and
the students’ are asked to read the dialogue as possible. This test used to know the students’
understanding in pronunciation before they are given the treatment of using cartoon film.
b. Treatments
The treatment in this research will be conducted in three times meetings, and the
students’ involved in this research will be given the “Casper” cartoon film to students.
c. Post Test
Post-test is used to measure the students’ comprehension after the students have already
been given a material. As Surakhmad (1995: 46) says that “post-test untuk mengukur mean
prestasi belajar setelah subyek dikenakan variable eksperimental (treatment)”. Casper cartoon
Muslimin Panyawungan Cileunyi Bandung. In post-test, the writer will be given the dialogue
of “Casper” cartoon film and after students’ watch it, the teacher asked students’ to practice
the dialogue of “Casper” cartoon film. Then, to identify each students understanding, the
This test is used to know the effectiveness of cartoon film in their pronunciation ability.
How far students’ understand and comprehend after the treatment given by the researcher and
as follow.
Table 1.3
The Indicators of Scoring Criteria of Pronunciation Test
Suryana and Priatna (2009: 193) said that “Observation is technique of observe and a
list of systematic from phenomenon in research”. By using this technique researcher could
observe students at eight grade class of SMP Muslimin Panyawungan Cileunyi Bandung,
observe students’ ability in pronunciation and how far the use of cartoon film in learning
pronunciation. Beside that researcher could look the location of research that is school, students
and teachers, the staff of that school, and facilities and infrastructure of that school.
J. Data analysis
This research used some ways in analyzing the data which have been obtained from the
After that, to analyze the data, the writer will use several steps:
e. Counting mean ( 𝑥)
𝑥 = 𝑓𝑖. (Sudjana, 2005: 47)
𝑠= (Sudjana, 2005: 47)
𝑥2 = (Sudjana, 2005: 47)
F =𝑠12 (Sudjana, 2005: 249)
F = 𝑠12 (Sudjana, 2005: 67)
df = n1 + n2 2
if Fcount<Ftable Ho is accepted.
CD = r2 x 100.