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Rahmania Tbi 6 D Soe...
Rahmania Tbi 6 D Soe...
Abstract : the purpose of this research was to enhance students speaking skill through storytelling
for college students in fourth until sixth semester. This research used classroom action research
by kemmis and McTaggart consist of planning, acting, observing , and reflecting and there are
two cycle and use qualitative data. Researcher conclude that respondent speaking skill in cycle I
when storytelling get good result. 13 of 15 respondent tell the story in a good way. The
respondent already know how to tell the story in a good way. In cycle II the common problem
only in duration that really short when the respondent must to make their own story.
Keyword : storytelling,enhance speaking skill
1. Importance of Speaking Skill
Speaking skill can being crucial role for someone career development and make easier in
all field to reach their goals. Definitely every people have their own language to interact and
communicate with each other and will create a good communication between people. And
speaking skill have so many benefit wherever you are especially in country that have
different language with you. But, English language being a solution because its being
international language to communicate. So , English and speaking skill are important in your
life although English being second or third language. Of course, for the students they must to
master it. So, the students will perfectly apply speaking skill in their real life not only at
school. Even for employee need to master speaking skill also for every profession. Both of
students and employee mostly face it when presentation , explain their opinion, debates,
group discussion, explain information and when you propose in a company, speaking skill
will useful for you when you interviewed. Between listening, writing, and reading, speaking
skill being the most important to master it. Brown and Yuke (1983) stated that the students
often apply speaking skill in their daily life . For teacher they will always to apply speaking
skill for all students. But, it’s have been common that speaking skill it’s not easy and need
long time to with it. Especially someone that have personality factor. As you know, that
English being global word and need by so many people. So, we must to adjust with the
situation that English and speaking skill. So many school that have foreigner teacher and for
the students required to speak English also in job, tourism, and study abroad. English have
been taught from children , and English often taught than the other foreign language such as
Arabic, Mandarin, and Japan.
According to Handayani (2013) storytelling can attract the students to express their
feeling, expression and improve the students ability to connect with the students mind and
feelings in articulate, lucid manner and storytelling considered as to entertain someone. The
problem usually for the students feel afraid and nervous when speak publicly. So the purpose
beside to improve their speaking skills is to build their courage and make speaking publicly
with fun way can attrack the students to be brave, develop students imagination and
creativity through story telling. Storytelling can make students express their feeling and
stimulate students emotions and feelings of empathy to a story. The reason because they must
to be able control themselves to be focus and told the story properly so audience can
understand. Based on Maynard (2005) stories are relate to their experience, how they
understand the other experience, how they freely express their imaginations, how they make
sense of the world and they will position within it. It make students happier to try new things,
increase their vocabulary, develop oral language, and tell the students about indicator of the
story. With storytelling, the students will enjoy and relax, teachers convince the students that
speaking skill we be easy if we are practice more especially the students can make their own
story so they will be easy to memorize the story. So, the students can share their ideas in
storytelling. The students can practice at home and see on youtube how to show a story
telling and definitely at first the teacher will give the example of the story to the students.
Telling stories will more life and interesting with the properties like doll and the music for
the background music when tell the story and relate with the story example the music wind or
ocean record or other music to make the story more dramatic like according Baker and
Greene(1985) said there are some quality of a good story to have a main theme, vivid , a plot,
there are clear words and pictures, back sound that fun to make the story dramatic , properly
for listen, includes simple words and sentences , be effective, include active verbs , adjective
are forbidden, includes several expressions of impression , definitely with good punctuation,
grammar and capitalization. Or they can sing, acting and dance to make the story more fun.
In story telling not only their speaking skill will increase but their creativity and imagination
will grow and improve the students concentration. In story telling has a moral message that
can being learning. Based on Mal (2012) storytelling tell the students moral lesson. The
reason because the students can learn from the other people life to being their learning to be
better. Story telling not restricted and all age may do story telling. Story telling can
strengthen the interaction between students and intimate atmosphere.
3. Benefit of Storytelling
In this research will applied storytelling to attract them. The students vocabulary can
increase and the student can learn new word and get new vocabulary. the students vocabulary
can develop when the students arrange their own story. They curious about new word, they
search the meaning and their vocab increase. And storytelling will grow and build their
motivation and the students can be brave to convey their own story confident and properly so
the audience will understand what the storyteller said. This is fun method so for the next they
will be more enjoy and relax to speak publicly and make students practice speaking directly
and influence their speaking skill and storytelling also stimulate them in writing skill because
they organize and made their own story. The other benefit of this method because in
storytelling there is an art, they use their imagination to create kind of story that they like.
Depend on Fisher (1985) Storytelling is a creative way to entertain and informed cross
centuries and cultures. They can acting, sing to make the story more life and colorful and also
Coconi (2013) stated that storytelling is the way to communicate of events through the use of
words and sounds. Beside that, the students that boring can entertain with the story. Stories
entertain children, educate them, and give them their cultural ability. Storytelling make the
students improve in language skill. The reason because storytelling develop oral language
train them to public speaking. Based on Musfiroh (2005), the purpose of storytelling is to
improve some of aspects, that is aspects of language, social, emotional, cognitive, and moral
development. Storytelling made students being creative. The reason because in storytelling
the students can create a situation based on the story the students can acting, singing, cry or
happy they show many variation of expression based on the story to make the story more life
and colorful. Based on Asfandiyar (2007), storytelling is a creative process that can activate
not only the intellectual aspects but also the aspects of students awareness, improvement,
feeling, art, develop the students imagination, and right and left brain. And storytelling can
increase the students critical thinking and language skill in English.
Previous study
There are some relevant topic and research that have been conducted :
1. Akhyak and Indramawan (2013) in their research entitled “Improving the Students’
English Speaking Competence through Storytelling” can be concluded that storytelling that
applied in Pangeran Diponegoro Islamic College (STAI) of Nganjuk, East Java could
improve the students’ fluency, grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, and content. Storytelling
motivated and stimulated them to speaking.
3. Agostinho dos Santos Gonçalves, Jose Antonio Sarmento, Fernando Carceres da Costa
(2019) in their research entitled “ Improving Speaking Skill Through Storytelling” Can be
concluded that storytelling that applied in secondary school Catholic Sao Paulo II Laclo in
the school that before storytelling the score was 4,6. After storytelling applied the score was
7,3. Storytelling develop student their speaking skill
This research used classroom action research for college student at fourth until sixth
semester, there are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting by Kemmis and Mctaggart (1988)
1. Planning is way to arrange classroom instructional strategy and to solve the problem
2. Acting , in this process to see how student can solve the problem.
3. Observing is collecting data and how success of classroom instructional strategy to solve
the classroom problem
4. Reflecting is process to analyze the data to figure out the data that have been collected
whether success or not in solving the problem
In this research there are pre cycle, cycle I and cycle II. The students consist of 1 male and 14
female. This data were used qualitative data.
Cycle I
1. Planning
The researcher prepare several story for respondent and aims to find out the problem in
speaking skill.
2. Acting
After that respondent given time 15 minutes. 5 minutes to choose the story and 10 minutes to
prepare the story use their own word. They freely to choose a story that they want to retell and
duration to present the story 2-5 minutes.
3. Observing
Researcher observe the respondent from their fluency, pronunciation, and their
comprehension. Respondent response were good, they very excited to choose the story,
respondent tell the story correctly based on their choice. The intonation already suitable with the
story but there are one respondent initial “SSBW” from primary school teacher education that
tell the story fastly and sometimes she stammered. And for initial “S” doesn’t pronoun “Bear”
correctly and said like pronoun “beer” and initial “A” that tell the story convoluted.
4. Reflection
Cycle II
1. Planning
The researcher tell to respondent to prepare themselves to make a story by their own to make
easier tell the story in front of the class
2. Acting
Researcher tell to the respondent to make the story given time 30 minutes after that their
story collected at the same time so there is no additional time to rearrange the story.
3. Observing
Researcher observe the respondent from their fluency, pronunciation, and their
Comprehension. In cycle II, the respondent good in speaking skill also in pronunciation.
Respondent fluent and understand about the story and tell the story into good order. All of
respondent have interesting storyline and they in good pronunciation that already correct,
intonation, and fluency. the respondent already know how to deliver a story from narrative text,
and only one initial “CSA” from English education department that has longest story 3.50
minutes and for the shortest story by “S” just only 36 seconds and its too fast for storytelling
4. Reflecting
To conclude, based on the result show that storytelling for enhance speaking skill already
make the respondent know how to deliver a story such as a storyteller in cycle I the problem in
pronunciation and how to deliver a story that really fast. In cycle II the respondent ability in
speaking skill show improvement that already fix the problem in cycle I but the problem only in
duration that really short. In can be conclude that the respondent know how to deliver a story
Firdayanti Firdaus and Dwi Suci. 2018. Improving The Tenth Grade Students’ English Speaking
Ability Through Storytelling. English Review: Journal Of English Education. Volume 7,
Megawati. 2018. Improving The Students’ Speaking Skill Through Storytelling Technique
Toward Eleventh Grade Students At SMK Swasta Cimanggis. Journal of English Language
Teaching, Linguistics and Literature. Vol.2 No.1