Resource Unconstitutionality Property Law
Resource Unconstitutionality Property Law
Resource Unconstitutionality Property Law
2223844, 7—77 ,,
The State of Honduras signed and ratified ILO Convention 169 in 1994, this
legal instrument being of great importance for the indigenous peoples of the
country, since it managed to fill the enormous gap that existed in the country
in terms of protection and defense of territories, and worldview of indigenous
Article 14, paragraph 1) of Convention 169, which accompanies this
resource, verbatim says: The right of ownership and possession over the
lands that they traditionally occupy must be recognized. In addition, in
appropriate cases, measures must be taken to safeguard the right of the
peoples concerned to use lands that are not exclusively occupied by them,
but to which they have traditionally had access for their traditional
subsistence activities. In this regard, particular attention should be paid to
the situation of nomadic peoples and itinerant farmers.
On August 23, 2003, ten of the representative federations of the country's
indigenous peoples requested a consultation, prior to the approval of the
Law for the reduction of the i ■
Poverty through the Normalization of Property Ownership and Economic
Activities. And thus in this way comply with Article 6 of Convention 169,
which states that:
1. In applying the provisions of this Convention, governments shall:
\ ! ::
\ representative, whenever legislative or administrative measures are foreseen that may
directly affect them.
They must be carried out in good faith and in a manner appropriate to the
circumstances, with the aim of reaching agreement or obtaining consent
regarding the proposed measures.
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For OFRANEH, the surprise was greater, when the Property Law was
published in the Gazette of the Republic on June 29, 2004, without
reflecting any of the observations that were provided by the consultation,
the final document being a threat to survival. culture of the Garifuna people
as a differentiated culture.
It should be noted that the right to consultation was denied to the other
federations, which although they requested the State of Honduras, it never
proceeded to fulfill its duty. The fact of having ignored the multiple
observations made by OFRANEH in the San Juan Tela Consultation incurs
a violation of the laws of the State of Honduras such as the Treaty of Vienna
(1969), which is explicit in its PART III, on the : Observance, application and
interpretation of treaties, in its first section Article 26. "Pacta sunt servanda."
Every treaty in force binds the parties and must be complied with by them in
good faith. Also Article 27 regarding domestic law and observance of
treaties. A party may not invoke the provisions of its domestic law as
justification for non-performance of a treaty. The State of Honduras, by
signing and ratifying ILO Convention 169, committed to adapt national laws
to the Convention.
The above leaves no doubt about the obligation of the State to guarantee
the protection of the property and possession rights of ethnic groups,
compliance with the International Treaties on the matter and that the laws
issued do not diminish, restrict or distort , the rights and guarantees
established in the Fundamental Charter of Honduras.
2 .- Article 95 of the Property Law establishes: “In the event that the State:
intends to exploit natural resources in the territories of these peoples, it must
inform them and consult them about the benefits and damages that may
arise prior to authorizing any prospecting or exploitation.- In the event that it
authorizes any type of exploitation, the people must receive equitable
compensation for any damage they suffer as a result of these activities. In
accordance with this article, the State may authorize exploitation of natural
resources on their ancestral lands, Under some conditions. The above
distorts the concept of safeguarding native cultures and the protection of
their lands and forests. HE
3 .- Article 97 of the Property Law states "The third party who has title to
property in the land of these towns and who has had and possessed the
land covered by that title, has the right to continue possessing and exploiting
it." In fact, there cannot be property titles within the indigenous territories,
since they have delimited a space and population groups within the
framework of affinity of their culture, for them nature is an ecosystem of
which the human species is a part, in a worldview perspective, which is
compatible with the concept of predominance of collective interest over
individual interest, contrary sensu, the individual interest characteristic of the
so-called “third parties” who place emphasis on the individualistic
conception, which uses resources to an immediate, short-term goal, without
considering the order and balance of nature, which is strongly proven with
outsiders who have invaded the territorial spaces of indigenous groups in
various areas of the country, causing real damage to the elements of nature
and which must be relocated, precisely to maintain the continuity of the
V.- Explanation of the Direct, Personal and Legitimate interest of the actors
that motivates the Unconstitutionality Action.
Direct Interest:
The direct interest of the indigenous peoples in this Resource and especially
the Honduran Black Fraternal Organization, emanates precisely from the
character of a higher-ranking norm held by the Constitution of the Republic,
Fundamental Law, Supreme Law of the Nation from which the validity of the
secondary norms that are in accordance with the constitutional principles and
the aspirations and supreme values of human beings embodied in it. The
highest legal instrument of the nation cannot be transgressed by laws such
as the Property Law, which, as has been sufficiently explained, not only
violates the constitutional norms regarding the fundamental human right to
the land and the natural resources it contains, but also against International
Conventions such as ILO 169 and the Rio Declaration on Environment and
Development, which in its Principle 22 states: “Indigenous populations and
their communities, as well as other local communities, play a fundamental
role in environmental management.” and in development, due to their
traditional knowledge and practices. States should duly recognize and
support their identity, culture and interests and enable their effective
participation in achieving sustainable development."
The jurisdictional body represented by the Honorable Constitutional
Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice that is responsible for
Constitutional Control with his sentence declaring the
unconstitutionality of the Property Law in articles 2
pertinent measures will avoid further damage, preventing the continued
dispossession of their lands, the illegitimate sale of lands that they belong to .
Yo .
to ethnic communities, invasions by third parties, jeopardizing the future
territorial survival of indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples, whose
protection corresponds to the State, which must guarantee respect for said
cultures, especially their lands.
Personal interest.-
In the Unconstitutional Action that is promoted against the General Mining
Law, there is a personal interest of each of the indigenous peoples and of
each of their members and all of them as a whole, as well as of the entire
Honduran population as people those in which the constitutional guarantees
described above have been violated and that are born or emanate from the
fact of being people and not things. Consistent with the above, the
Constitution of the Republic itself in its article 59 describes its humanistic
vocation by saying that the human person is the supreme end of Society, and
of the State. Everyone has the obligation to respect and protect it. The dignity
of the human being is inviolable.
The transgression of the constitutional norm made by the Property Law in
relation to the personal and collective interests of the indigenous and Afro-
descendant peoples has motivated the Honduran Black Fraternal
Organization and all those who make it up, which has legal capacity to appear
in trial, with rights and obligations.
Legitimate Interest.- •
The legitimate interest is manifested and emanates from the condition of
being the direct aggrieved actors by the approval of the Property Law issued
in contradiction to the precepts of the Constitution of the Republic, and based
on which, the indigenous peoples are being stripped of their lands as
established in a Law that has the obligation to ensure the security of the land
of all Hondurans, especially the groups that have owned their living areas for
centuries and that nevertheless had been carried out illicitly with the Law of
Property is being legalized such a situation to the detriment of all ethnic
Additionally, not only the ethnic communities are affected, but also the
Honduran population in general, the State of Honduras and future
generations of Hondurans as the General Environmental Law in its article 71
establishes: “Native ethnic groups will have special support from the State in
relation to with their traditional systems of comprehensive use of renewable
natural resources, which must be studied in order to establish their viability
as a model of sustainable development. - The future development of these
groups must incorporate the already existing standards and criteria of
sustainable development.
The manifest collision between the Constitution and the Property Law that
motivates this action is detailed graphically below.
Constitutional Provisions Provisions of the Property Law
(What is relevant) (What is relevant)
Article 346.- It is the duty of the State Article 73 “The regularization process
to dictate measures to protect the will be initiated ex officio or at the
rights and interests of the indigenous request of a party by the Property
communities existing in the country, Institute (IP) through a National
especially the lands and forests Property Regularization Program on
where they are settled. urban and rural lands included in any
Article 64.- Laws and governmental of the following cases: ................. 7)
provisions or any other order that “Those who, lacking title, are owned
regulate the exercise of the by ethnic group”
declarations, rights and guarantees
established in this Constitution will
not be applied if they diminish,
restrict or distort them. -------------------------<—
Article 346.- It is the duty of the State -------------------------
Article 95.- “In the event that the
to dictate measures to protect the
State intends to exploit natural
rights and interests of the indigenous
resources in the territories of these
communities existing in the country,
peoples, it must inform them and
especially the lands and forests
consult them about the benefits and
where they are settled.
harms that may arise prior to
Article 64.- Laws and governmental
authorizing any prospecting or
provisions or any other order that
regulate the exercise of declarations,
If any type of exploitation is
rights and/or rights will not be
authorized, the towns must receive
equitable compensation for
guarantees established in this country, especially the lands and
Constitution, if they diminish, restrict, forests where they are settled.
or distort them.
Article 346.- It is the duty of the State Article 346.- It is the duty of the State
to dictate measures to protect the to dictate measures to protect the
rights and interests of the existing rights and interests of the indigenous
indigenous communities in the communities existing in the country,
especially the lands and forests Article 100' second paragraph of the
where they are settled. Property Law provides: “However,
the same communities may put an
Article 64.- Laws and governmental end to this communal regime,
provisions or any other order that authorize leases in favor of third
regulate the exercise of the parties or authorize contracts of
declarations, rights and guarantees another nature that allow the
established in this Constitution will participation of the community in
not be applied if they diminish, investments that contribute to its
restrict or distort them. development.”
Article 173.- The State will preserve
and encourage native cultures, as
well as genuine expressions of
national folklore, popular art and
It can clearly be observed in the articles of the Property Law, the violation of
the constitutional provisions contained in articles: 64, 172, 173, and 346.
Honorable Magistrates of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court
of Justice, based on the Constitution of the Republic and the Law of
Constitutional Justice, we very respectfully state:
1 .- As is your illustrious knowledge, the fundamental principle of
Constitutional Control is precisely the primacy of the Constitutional Norm
over any secondary norm, and that the constitutional hierarchy assumes
that every law that is issued and every legal system of the State of
Honduras, It has one of its expressions in the prohibition of issuing inferior
regulations that violate those of constitutional rank, as is the case of the
Property Law.
2 .- In the case of International Agreements, strict application must be given
to the obligations contracted by virtue of what the Constitution of the
Republic in Chapter III regarding Treaties regulates.
specifically on the matter, and must follow the legal procedures in cases of approval of treaties.- Likewise,
international treaties, once they come into force, form part of domestic law.- Article 15 of the Constitution,
first paragraph, stipulates: Honduras endorses the principles and practices of international law that promote
human solidarity, respect for the self-determination of peoples, non-intervention and the strengthening of
peace and universal democracy.
For all of the above, I ask the Honorable Judges of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of
Justice to admit the present unconstitutionality action with the accompanying documents, which are: 1.-
Testimony of Public Deed Number 1380 authorized by the Notary Nectaly Montoya Reyes, in the city of La
Ceiba on December 10, 2008 and which contains the Power of Attorney with which I act.- 2.- Copy of the
Legal Personality of the Honduran Black Fraternal Organization duly authenticated 3.-Comprehensive
Certification of the Definitive title of property in full ownership in favor of the Garífuna Community of Miami,
which constitutes the inalienable heritage of the beneficiary community and where the transfers are
recorded, mostly from the year 2007, which have been registered in the Property Institute, Registry of the
Real Estate and Commercial Property of the Judicial Section of Tela, Department of Atlántida with which the
division of the communal land of the Garífuna group is accredited. 4.- Copy of the Rio Declaration on
Environment and Development, 5.- Copies of Property Laws and Agreement No. 169 About Indigenous and
Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries; give it the corresponding legal procedure and at the end you issue
a final sentence declaring the unconstitutionality due to the content of the Property Law
L, . -
contained in Decree No. 82-2004 and published in the Official Gazette La Gaceta on June 29, 2004 for being
harmful and violative of the fundamental rights of the ethnic groups of our country and to whom the
Constitution guarantees the ancestral right over their territories that already occupy their natural resources. ,
right to justice, to respectful treatment of their condition as groups that are different due to their traditional
culture, spiritual guardians of Mother Earth, custodians of life in all its manifestations.
Tegucigalpa December 15, 2008.
I, Clarisa Vega M. of generals known in File No. 649 containing the Unconstitutional Action promoted by me in favor of THE INDIGENOUS
PEOPLE OF HONDURAS through the Honduran Black Fraternal Organization (OFRANEH) against the Property Law, Legislative Decree No. 82-
2004 published in the Official Gazette La Gaceta on June 29, 2004, action based on the Constitution of the Republic, the Constitutional Justice
Law, and other current laws related to the aforementioned unconstitutionality, with due respect I appear before you at manifest and present the
1 .- The evolution of society brings about the evolution and innovation of sciences, including the science of law.- This has been showing a
progressive interest in the predominant role that judicial decisions issued both nationally and internationally have in the resolution of future cases,
recognizing their legal relevance in order to illustrate specific cases.
Some authors only attribute the role of guides to maintain legal certainty and uniformity in the application of! law, others establish that judicial
precedents must be taken as integrating instruments of the legal framework.
In any sense, the ruling of the Supreme Court of Belize on the land rights of the Mayan peoples contains notable aspects in relation to the rights
that with the Appeal of Unconstitutionality we wish to make prevail before that Honorable Chamber, whose translated summary we present .
2 .- In order to provide more elements on the case of how foreign agents are holding and wish to take over indigenous territories, without the
Property Law being a legal basis to prevent such abuses against groups that constantly demand respect for the Constitution of the Republic, we
present page No. 24 dated May 19, 2009 from Diario La Prensa, about the protest of 31 tribes from the Department of Yoro.
I base this Manifestation on Article 80 and other relevant articles of the Constitution of the Republic, on the Law of Constitutional Justice, the
General Law of the Environment and other related laws that were widely related in the document in which the action is promoted.
For the above reasons, I ask the Honorable Constitutional Chamber to: Admit this Manifestation with the accompanying documents for the
consequent purposes.
I, Clarisa Vega Molina, Attorney, of generals known in the APPEAL FOR UNCONSTITUTIONALITY by way of
action filed in favor of the indigenous peoples on the Property Law with due respect, appear before you Honorable
members of the Constitutional Chamber to express and present the following:
1 .- There are several precedents of Sentences of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights for violations of
Y indigenous territories, including that of Awas Tingui in the Republic of Nicaragua, Saramaka in the Republic of
Y Suriname and others that indicate the need to respect indigenous territories. for the primordial fact of safeguarding the
Y continuity of their native cultures.
2 .- We have obtained part of the ruling from the Internet, specifically regarding the lands of the Saramaka versus
Suriname case issued by the aforementioned Court, which is very illustrative for the case that we have presented
before that Honorable Chamber.
For the above reasons, I very respectfully request to accept this document with the digitalized copy of the partial
Judgment for the consequent purposes.
way of action, filed in favor of the indigenous peoples of Honduras through the Honduran Black
Unconstitutionality and therefore the Inapplicability of Decree NP 82.2004, issued by the National
Congress of the Republic of Honduras on May 28, two thousand four and published in the Official
Gazette La Gaceta No. 30,428 dated June 29, two thousand four, before you. With all due respect, I
This document provides a fairly extensive analysis of the articles of the Law.
of Property that collide and therefore violate ILO Convention 169; International caiven signed by
Honduras and that in accordance with article 16 and 18 of the Constitution of the Republic, is part of
Given the importance of this document, it is appropriate that it be known and taken into account by
Hair for all the above: Consider this demonstration presented with the
accompanied document, have it added to your record and, in a timely manner,