Driver's Manual in Texas

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(State Trooper)

To find out if you are qualified to belong to

the “DPS” special group, contact the nearest TEXAS
DPS Office. Department of Public Security
(DPS) to in For details, or write to DPS
The Department of Public Safety is one of department
that offers equality in employment. MANUAL TEXAS
(TEXAS DPS) Revised/March 2000

The purpose of this manual is to help you obtain a Texas Driver's License and comply with safety laws. This manual is not intended to be a work of reference. ence exactly
about the Texas Driver License Law, but only explain the basic rules that all drivers should know. If you need to obtain a Commercial Driver's License (CDL) you must study the
Commercial Motor Vehicle Driver's Manual, and you can obtain it at your local Driver's License Office.

Pay special attention to the safe driving tips throughout the manual; They will help you drive safely and calmly.

After passing your driving test, save this manual to review when necessary. sary. To stay up to date with all changes in the law, obtain a copy of this handbook every two years.

Any questions or comments about this manual can be sent to:


PO BOX 4087
AUSTIN TX 78773-0300

For more information call your local Driver License Office or visit our website: . See Appendix “B” of this manual to locate Driver License Offices in your
area of residence.
For Texas Drivers:
Traffic safety is the primary responsibility of all drivers. Texans
have traditionally accepted this responsibility by practicing
courteous conduct.
The Texas highway system is one of the most extensive in the
nation, with Texan drivers traveling more than 187 BILLION miles
annually. For several years, fatal traffic accidents were decreasing,
but in recent years they have increased. Drivers who are driving
while intoxicated (DWI), and driving at excessive speeds have been
Note: The Department of Public Safety does not discriminate on the basis the two main contributors Marios. The use of seat belts is very
of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability. Persons important to help reduce deaths and serious injuries that occur in
needing assistance under the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities
our after roads.
Act (ADA) should contact their local licensing office. The ADA grievance
Traffic safety depends on the individual. Please fulfill your
procedures are published in the Texas Administrative Code, Title 37,
section 1.41. responsibility by studying this manual and developing safe driving

Texas Department of Public Safety


CHAPTER 1...........................................................................................................................................................................................9
WHO CAN OPERATE A MOTOR VEHICLE IN TEXAS........................................................................................................9
TYPES OF DRIVER'S LICENSES IN TEXAS.........................................................................................................................10
HOW TO GET YOUR DRIVER'S LICENSE IN TEXAS..........................................................................................................8
FINES FOR DRIVING WITHOUT A LICENSE......................................................................................................................17
POSSIBLE LIMITATIONS ON YOUR LICENSE...................................................................................................................17
LIST OF RESTRICTIONS WITH THEIR CODE LETTER.....................................................................................................17
CERTIFICATION KEY.............................................................................................................................................................17
REMOVING RESTRICTIONS OR INCREASING MODIFICATIONS................................................................................19
DUPLICATE LICENSE.............................................................................................................................................................19
RENEWING YOUR LICENSE.................................................................................................................................................19
SUSPENSIONS AND REVOCATIONS...................................................................................................................................21
EPISODE 2..............................................................................................................................................................................................2
INSPECTION AND REGISTRATION VEHICULAR......................................................................................................................2
VEHICLE INSPECTION.........................................................................................................................................................2
EQUIPMENT THAT SHOULD BE INSPECTED ANNUALLY.........................................................................................19
REQUIRED EQUIPMENT....................................................................................................................................................19
PROHIBITED EQUIPMENT...................................................................................................................................................4
OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT.......................................................................................................................................................4
VEHICLE REGISTRATION....................................................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER 3............................................................................................................................................................................................1
(The Liability Insurance Law)...................................................................................................................................................1
CHAPTER 4............................................................................................................................................................................................4
THE RIGHT OF PASSAGE................................................................................................................................................................4
THE RIGHT OF WAY AT INTERSECTIONS.......................................................................................................................4
YIELD THE RIGHT OF WAY................................................................................................................................................7
TO EMERGENCY VEHICLES...............................................................................................................................................7
YIELD THE RIGHT OF WAY TO PEDESTRIANS..............................................................................................................7
YIELD THE RIGHT OF WAY TO SCHOOL BUSES...........................................................................................................7
TRANSIT SIGNS...................................................................................................................................................................29
WARNING SIGNS.................................................................................................................................................................31
ONE WAY.........................................................................................................................................................................................34
RIGHT LANE................................................................................................................................................................................34
TURN RIGHT................................................................................................................................................................................34
LEFT TURN SIGNAL.................................................................................................................................................................34
EMERGENCY STOPPING ONLY.........................................................................................................................................34
ROAD CLOSED..............................................................................................................................................................................34
FORM ONE LINE.......................................................................................................................................................................34
GUIDE SIGNS........................................................................................................................................................................16
T BARREL 1MILE.............................................................................................................................................................................16

LOOP 270 -....................................................................................................................................................................................16
TRAIN CROSSING SIGNS...................................................................................................................................................37
MARKING ON THE PAVEMENT.......................................................................................................................................37
CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE SIGNS.............................................................................................................23
CHAPTER 6............................................................................................................................................................................................6
THE RIGHT OF PASSAGE SIGNALING, PASSING, AND TURN AROUND............................................................................6
MAKING SIGNS......................................................................................................................................................................6
PASS (PASS)............................................................................................................................................................................3
TURN LEFT—TURN RIGHT.................................................................................................................................................4
OTHER PROCEDURES TO TURN AROUND....................................................................................................................45
MAKING A LEFT TURN FROM OR TOWARDS A ONE WAY STREET......................................................................45
CHAPTER 7..........................................................................................................................................................................................46
STOPPING OR PARKING..............................................................................................................................................................46
PARALLEL PARKING............................................................................................................................................................5
ANDOSE STATION ON SLOPES..........................................................................................................................................5
LEAVING A PARKING LOT..................................................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER 8............................................................................................................................................................................................1
SPEED LIMITS........................................................................................................................................................................2
CHAPTER 9..........................................................................................................................................................................................51
SOME SITUATIONS DRIVING SPECIALS..................................................................................................................................51
DRIVING ON THE MAIN ROAD........................................................................................................................................52
DRIVING ON THE MAIN ROAD........................................................................................................................................53
CONTROLLING YOUR VEHICLE IN SOME SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES..................................................................5
DRIVING IN THE WINTER...................................................................................................................................................6
SHARING THE ROAD WITH BICYCLES............................................................................................................................6
CARS SHARING THE ROADS WITH TRUCKS....................................................................................................................55
CHAPTER 10.......................................................................................................................................................................................57
TEXAS HAS SEVERE LAWS RELATED TO ALCOHOL FOR MINORS............................................................................5
CAPITULO 11.......................................................................................................................................................................................63
WHAT TO DO IN CASE OF AN ACCIDENT.....................................................................................................................63
HELPING THE INJURED.....................................................................................................................................................64
CAPITULO 12.......................................................................................................................................................................................65
SECURITY RULES FOR PEDESTRIANS.....................................................................................................................................65
CHAPTER 13........................................................................................................................................................................................13
SECURITY RULES FOR BICYCLES............................................................................................................................................13
CHAPTER 14........................................................................................................................................................................................14

ADDITIONAL SUGGESTIONS OF SECURITY...........................................................................................................................14
MANAGING THE DEFENSE...............................................................................................................................................14
SEAT BELTS..........................................................................................................................................................................14
VEHICLES WITH UNCOVERED BASES...........................................................................................................................70
WHEN THE POLICE ARRESTS HIM..................................................................................................................................70
✔ ROAD FURY..................................................................................................................................................................70
HIGHER SPEED LOWER VISION COMPOSITION..........................................................................................................71
YOUR KEYS TO DRIVE SAFELY......................................................................................................................................71
SHARING THE ROADS WITH MOTORCYCLES.............................................................................................................72
TRANSPORTING CARGO AND MATERIALS..................................................................................................................14
SAFETY CHAINS..................................................................................................................................................................14
CHAPTER 15........................................................................................................................................................................................15
DOCUMENTS, PERMITS.....................................................................................................................................................15
DIVIDED ROADS..................................................................................................................................................................15
OBSTRUCTED VIEW...........................................................................................................................................................15
IN EVERY TRUCK, VAN OR BUS THAT IS 80 INCHES OR MORE WIDE.................................................................76
IN EVERY TRUCK, VAN OR BUS THAT IS LESS THAN 80 INCHES WIDE..............................................................76
IN EACH.................................................................................................................................................................................78
TRAILER OF 80” OR MORE WIDE....................................................................................................................................78
LIMITATIONS (note exceptions)..........................................................................................................................................80
EXCEPTIONS TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF...................................................................................................................82
SIZE OF REGULAR VEHICLES (STANDARD).................................................................................................................82
OPERATING RULES............................................................................................................................................................82
SAFETY PRACTICES...........................................................................................................................................................82
HEAVY TRUCK DRIVERS SHARING ROADS WITH CARS.........................................................................................83
VEHICLE REGISTRATION..................................................................................................................................................85
FEDERAL REGULATIONS..................................................................................................................................................85
COMMERCIAL DRIVER LICENSE (CDL).........................................................................................................................85

APPENDIX A....................................................................................................................................................................1
STUDY AND REVIEW QUESTIONS....................................................................................................................................1
STUDY AND REVIEW QUESTIONS FOR CLASS A AND B DRIVERS.........................................................................7
APPENDIX B...........................................................................................................................................................................1
DRIVER LICENSE OFFICES.................................................................................................................................................1
IF IT HARMS TEXAS.....................................................................................................................................................................95
WILL COST.......................................................................................................................................................................................95
1-800-599-SHOP (7467).....................................................................................................................................................95

1. Residents with a Texas driver's license.

2. Drivers of official vehicles in the service of the United States or state military
service without a valid Texas license, unless it is a commercial motor vehicle as
defined in Section 3(6), of the Commercial Driver Licensing Act of Texas
(Transportation Code, Section 521.) See pages 1-5 and 1-7 for more information.

3. Any person while driving or operating machinery on the road, or agricultural

machinery temporarily operated on the road, may operate without a license,
unless it is a commercial motor vehicle as defined in Section 3 (6), of the License
Decree. Texas Commercial Drivers (Transportation Code, Section 521.) See
pages 1-5 and 1-7 for more information.

4. Nonresidents (at least 16 years of age) who possess a valid driver's license
from their home state may drive a vehicle that can be operated in Texas with a
Class C driver's license.

5. Non-residents (at least 18 years of age) may drive park any vehicle in
Texas if they are licensed to operate such vehicle in their home State or country,
and if their home State or country permits the same for Texas citizens residing in
such State or country.

6. Any Texas driver's license in the name of a person serving in the Armed
Forces of the United States remains in force while the person continues to serve
in the armed forces and remains absent from this State; and does not exceed 90
days from the date on which the holder terminates honor ably military service or
return to this State; unless the license is suspended, canceled or revoked.

7. Non-resident persons on active duty in the United States Armed Forces with
a valid license from their State of origin and non-resident spouse or children and
dependents, who have a valid license from their State of origin.

8. Persons actively serving in the Armed Forces of the United States with a
valid license issued in a foreign country by the Armed Forces may operate a
motor vehicle in this State for a period of time.
do not exceed 90 days from the date of your return to the United States. minimum cost is $5.00. The cost to renew the license is $5.00 for each year, non-
commercial licenses for persons 18 years of age or older will be at a cost of $24.00
9. New licensed residents have 30 days after entering to the State, to obtain a and for a period of 6 years.
Texas driver's license.
SPECIAL NOTE : Drivers under 21 years of age will have their license
stamped “under 21”.
CLASSIFIED DRIVER'S LICENSE (Transportation Code, Section 521)
The following Class A, B, C, and M licenses will be issued to persons who are
It is a permit that is issued without a photograph and for the purpose of allowing a exempt from obtaining a Commercial Driver's License, or to persons who are not
student driver to practice legally when driving accompanied by a licensed driver, at required to obtain a Commercial Driver's License:
least 18 years of age and one year of driving experience. driving skills, and who
should occupy the seat next to the driver. 1. Class A allows the person to drive any vehicle or combination of vehicles with
a total weight of 26,001 pounds or more, provided the vehicle being towed is in
Minimum Age: 15 years with driving education. excess of 10,000 pounds; including a vehicle included in Class B, or C, except
motorcycles and motor bicycles (mopeds).
Cost: $5.00
Expiration Date: The permit is valid until the applicant's next birthday. (It is not Minimum age: 18, or 17 having completed an approved classroom and practical
education course in an approved course, or an approved application for a license of
renewed like an instruction permit, but like a photo license, at the regular cost, when
need for a minor.
it expires or when the driving test is passed and restrictions are lifted.)

SPECIAL NOTE: The applicant will not receive his or her Texas driver's Cost: $24.00 for 6 years (provisional license or instruction permit is per year with a
minimum annual cost of $5.00)
license until he or she has surrendered to the Department any valid license in his
or her possession, whether from Texas or any other state.
2. Class B allows the person to drive the following types of vehicles except
motorcycles or mopeds:
SPECIAL NOTE: If you are under 18 years of age you must show how did you a. vehicles with a gross weight in excess of 26,001 pounds, and said vehicle
apply for your first Texas license or instruction permit; and every time your being towed by another vehicle with a gross weight not exceeding 10,000
license is renewed until you turn 18 you must pro bar: pounds, or an agricultural trailer with a gross weight not exceeding 20,000
1) Who has obtained a high school diploma or its equivalent; 2) That you are pounds;
a student in a public or private school and that you attended said school for at b. a bus with a capacity of 24 passengers or more, including the driver
least 80 days in the fall or spring prior to the application date; either conductor; and
3) Who has been in a preparation program for 45 days to pass the secondary
education equivalency exam. c. a vehicle included in Class C.
The Texas Education Agency has an attendance certification application that you
must obtain at your school. School officials must fill out and sign the form, and
you must present it to the staff. Driver License Service when applying for or
renewing your license.

Any normal license, with the exception of a learner's permit, issued to per If you are
under 18 years of age, it will have the “provisional” seal (provisional). The
photograph on the license will show the applicant's profile, and will expire on the
applicant's 18th birthday or the next birthday after the license is issued; It depends
on what happens first. The cost is according to the type of license issued. The
1-2 1-3
Minimum Age: 18, or 17 years old and having completed an approved edu public on the procedures and benefits ces of being a donor of their vital organs.
course class and practice cation, or an approved application for a license of
necessity for a minor.
Cost: $24.00 for 6 years (provisional license or instruction permit is per year Chapter 522)
with a minimum annual cost of $5.00)
See SPECIAL NOTE on page 1-6
3. Class C allows the person to drive the following vehicles except
Persons who have a Commercial Driver's License may drive the type of vehicles
motorcycle bicycles or mopeds:
permitted under this license, plus other types of vehicles except motorcycles and
a. a vehicle, or combination of vehicles, other than Class A or B; and mopeds. They are not allowed to drive vehicles that require approval, unless that
approval appears on the license. Authorization to drive motorcycles must appear on
b. a vehicle with a gross weight of less than 26,001 pounds pulling an the Commercial License.
agricultural trailer with a gross weight not exceeding 20,000 pounds.
1. Class A Commercial License allows you to drive any combination of
Minimum Age : 18, or 16 years of age having completed an approved vehicles with a gross combination weight of 26,001 pounds or more, if the gross
classroom and practical education course, or 15 years of age having approved weight of the vehicle or vehicles towed is more than 10,000 pounds.
licensing requirements.
Minimum Age: 21 years (interstate commerce) or 18 years (intrastate handling).
Cost: $24.00 for 6 years (provisional license or instruction permit is per year
with a minimum annual cost of $5.00) Cost: $60.00 for 6 years.
4. Class M allows the person to operate motorcycles and mopeds. 2. Class B Commercial License allows a person to operate any vehicle alone,
with a gross weight of 26,001 pounds or more, and any such vehicle towing a vehicle
Minimum age: not exceeding 10,000 pounds gross weight, plus any vehicle designed to transport
24 passengers or more, include to the driver.
a. Motorcycle 18, or 16 years old having completed an education course
(32 hours of class and 16 hours of practice of a course approved by the Minimum Age: 21 years (interstate driving) commercial or 18 years (intrastate
Department) driving).
b. Moped—15 years Cost: $60.00 for 6 years.
✔ c. Motorcycles 250cc or less 3. Class C Commercial License allows you to drive any vehicle alone, or a
combination of vehicles, other than Class A or B if any of said vehicles:
1) 15 years with approved necessity license
a. It is designed to transport 16 or 23 passengers, including the driver. bull
2) 15 years old having completed an education course (32 hours of
class 16 hours of practice of a course approved by the Department).

✔ Cost: $24.00 for 6 years (provisional license issued to a person under 18 years
of age, and which expires each year on the date of birth until age 18) or an
instruction permit for $5.00. A motorcycle endorsement on the license requires
an additional $15.00 cost. An additional $8.00 is also required. upon renewal of
the Class M license.

Special Note: All persons who make an original application for a license or
identification card or who wish to renew their license or identification card may
voluntarily pay $1.00 to one or two of the following programs: The treatment and
education program to prevent blindness It is administered by the Texas Commission
on Blindness. This program allows treatment for individuals who are without
adequate medical coverage. The anatomical donation education program is
administered by the Texas Department of Health. This program helps educate the

1-4 1-5
b. It is used in the transportation of hazardous materials that require the 4. A recreational vehicle that is operated for personal use.
vehicle to be placarded in accordance with 49 CFR, Part 172, Subpart F.
5. A vehicle owned, rented, or controlled by an airline, defined under Section
Minimum Age: 21 years (interstate commercial driving) or 18 years (intrastate 21.155, within the Transportation Code, and that is operated exclusively by the
driving) employee of said airline on the grounds of said airport, under the definition of the
Transportation Code, Section 22.001, or on roads to which the public does not have
Cost: $60.00 for 6 years. access.
CERTIFICATIONS FOR COMMERCIAL DRIVER LICENSES (CDL): The 6. A vehicle that is used exclusively to transport modules of something gift or
Department may issue Commercial Driver Licenses with the following Certifications: materials.
Code H— Authorizing the driver to drive a vehicle that transports mate dangerous Exemptions: Agricultural Related Industry (FRSI): The Department may grant
rials; exemptions for the knowledge and skill tests to obtain a Commercial License (CDL)
Code T— Authorizing the handling of double and triple trailers, as well as trailers under the Texas Transportation Code, Section 522.022 and provide a Commercial
with a specific weight; License (CDL). with restrictions on employees related to the agricultural industry and
Code P— Authorizing the operation of vehicles for the transportation of services. Tem drivers porales are authorized by federal regulations to obtain waivers
passengers; and obtain a restricted business license (CDL):
Code N— Authorizing the handling of warehouse vehicles; and
Code X— Representing a combination of hazardous materials and certifications (1) suppliers and retailers of ranch products,
tions of depot vehicles.
(2) agri-chemical business
SPECIAL NOTE: Effective April 1, 1992, no person may operate a commercial (3) harvesters (includes cotton module operators); and
motor vehicle unless he or she has in his or her possession You must have a
valid Commercial Driver's License (CDL) appropriate for the class of vehicle you (4) cattle feeder pens.
The FRSI commercial license must be granted for class B and C vehicles only. mind
Exemptions: Persons who drive the following vehicles are exempt from the (class A are not included in this exemption). Texas regulations require individuals
Commercial Driver's License: who apply for this FRSI CDL exemption to take and pass a 20-question skill test on
the regulations. AB cough and non-CDL class B.
1. A vehicle:

a. controlled or managed by a farmer; All persons driving commercial vehicles as defined on pages 1-5, 1-6, and 1-7—
must have the appropriate commercial license in place. ning all the required
b. used to transport agricultural products, ranch machinery or pro agricultural requirements and examinations or a certification that establishes one of the
visions, to or from a ranch; exemptions of the Transportation Code (Class A,B,C,M—non-CDL), Chapter 521.
(See classified driver's license—Section 521, Transportation Code.) If you need
c. that is not used in common conveyor operations or by deal; and more information or if you are required to obtain a Commercial Driver's License,
obtain a copy of the Commercial Motor Vehicle Driver's Manual at your local Driver's
d. used within a limit of 150 miles away from the ranch of the per sona. License office. . This manual contains all the information necessary to prepare you to
take the Commercial Driver's License (CDL) exams.
2. A fire or emergency vehicle, necessary for the preservation of life or property,
or for emergency government functions; whether operated by an employee of a NEED LICENSE:
political subdivision or a volunteer firefighter;
It is a special license issued by the Department of Public Safety to persons whose
3. A military vehicle, when operated for military purposes by military personnel, license has been suspended for reasons other than physical or mental incapacity,
members of the Reserves or the National Guard on active duty, including full-time but who can prove that they have a need ability to drive. Applications for this license
National Guard personnel, personnel in training capacity and part-time , and the must be made in the district or county court of your residence, or in the court of
military technicians of the National Guard; either original jurisdiction, as the case requires.

1-6 1-7
The person to whom this license is issued must carry with them when driving je a ANATOMICAL DONATIONS:
vehicle, a certified copy of the court order. That person must allow any officer to
examine the order if he or she requests it. ✔ The Department of Public Safety has “Live and Then Give” brochures for anyone
who visits a license office. The brochure has two tar cards where a person can
Cost : $10.00 demonstrate their intention to donate their vital organs. There is also a “DONOR”
sticker that can be placed in front of your license or identification card to indicate
SPECIAL NOTE: Veterans of the armed forces who receive a minimum of the desire to donate your vital organs. Licenses and cards that were given before
60% physical disability compensation are exempt from paying licensing fees, September 1, 1997 and that indicate the wishes of the donor will be conclusive
(these exemptions do not apply to those applying for a Commercial Driver's evidence of approval and consent as an anatomical organ donor.
License or those applying for a tar identification card); but must meet all other
licensing requirements. Disability claim forms must be collected at the
✔ On the back of the license the Department must print “Directive to doctors on file”
All driver's licenses will indicate any drug allergies (prescription medications) the and emergency telephone contact # followed by a surface so that the person
driver has. holding the license can indicate the appropriate telephone number.
ID CARDS: manual or visit our website: . Your request must make her in
The Department is authorized to issue an identification card for sonal with
photography to those individuals who wish it. ID cards cation carry a special
number similar to that of the driver's license, and are maintained in the driver's
record. Applicants must show a certificate birth certificate or any other document
showing the date of birth.

SPECIAL NOTE: An “Under 21” stamp will be placed on ID cards issued to

anyone under 21 years of age.

Cost: $15.00, except for people 60 years or older, the cost is $5.00.
✔ Expiration Date: On your birthday, six years after the date of issue. The
identification card does not expire for people over 60 years of age.

SPECIAL NOTE: License applicants in Texas are required by law under the
Transportation Code (sections 521.044, 521.142, 522.021 and Section 231.302 of
the Family Code) to present proof of Social Security number or other acceptable
document of Social Security number of the person. The purpose is to be able to
identify positive mind to the person with said license.


SPECIAL NOTE: If you are required to obtain a Commercial Driver's License, you
must comply with the following procedures in addition to completing several
additional applications. If they are not required to obtain If you have a Commercial
Driver's License, you must then cover the following ient requirements:

✔ 1. APPLICATION— You can obtain the application form and fill it out at one of the
licensing offices closest to you. The list appears in the directory at the end of this

1-8 1-9
to. You must provide: 6) home,

1) your full name. 7) a brief history of your physical and mental condition, (persons with
certain medical limitations may have their cases reviewed by the Texas
2) identification documents that each applicant must present: Medical Board of Directors before a license is issued da), For your
protection and that of other motorists you must report any major change
a) a piece of identification that automatically identifies the person in your physical or mental condition to the Department of Public Safety,
caly for evaluation.
b) a further documented identification or other document that with 8) Your previous registration and driving experience.
sign the ID. An ID that automatically identifies the person includes the
following: 9) Your current county of residence and citizenship status is
✔ A Texas license, valid or expired; a United States passport
Joined; United States Naturalization Documents that veri file ✔b . A complete record of your exam (see next section) is attached It will be tarred
information and Naturalization of the United States that verifies and sent to the Department's main office, where it will become part of your
information and has a photo; license or identification issued by permanent record. Any traffic violation or accident that occurs will be noted
another US State; Province of Canada, Puerto Rico, or the District of in this permanent record.
Colombia; or United States military service photo ID.
7. A new resident of the State of Texas must submit with his application to
✔ Documented identification (these government documents are doc obtain a Texas License, evidence (a receipt from the tax assessor of the
uments from one of the 50 states, territory of the United States, county in which the new resident resides is sufficient evidence). dence that a
District of Colombia, whose authenticity can be verified in an original vehicle has been registered in Texas) that each of the vehicles owned is
source)l includes the following: birth certificate, certified copy or registered in Texas, or an affidavit that the applicant has no other motor
original and that is issued by the state agency of statistics or an vehicle that needs to be registered is shown in this state, before the
equivalent agency; original or certified copy from the US Department application is accepted.
of State in charge of verifying birth certificates given to citizens
abroad; certified copy or original fied of a birth certificate from a 8. All original applicants (first-time license applicants) for a Texas driver's
Province of Canada or the equivalent from a Canadian agency, license must submit the required fee with their application prior to taking any
certified original copy of a court order with the name and date of birth. exam. The fee covers up to three exams (tests) for each type of license
For applicant born before 1961, the following documents may be requested. If after three tests, the applicant has not been approved, they
accepted: original or certified copy of military form DD-214; certified must fill out a new application and pay the fee again before they can take
copy or original of State or Federal government documents containing another exam. menu
the name and date of birth (for example a US Senso document or
social security document.) 9. The Department will offer the opportunity to complete a voter registration
card to each person who applies for an original driver's license, to renew his
Additional identification includes the following: school documents; or her license, a personal identification card, or a duplicate of his or her
infant baptism certificate; insurance policy (for at least two years); license or card.
vehicle title; mortgage documents; marriage license monio; utility
payment invoices; children's birth certificate; library card; military ✔ f. The application to obtain an original license must be submitted with evi
documents, merits or certificates two from an educational institution; statement of financial responsibility or with a statement that the applicant
original or certified copy of marriage license, divorce decree; does not own a motor vehicle requiring insurance.
registration to vote; social Security; pilot's license; firearms license.

3) physical description,

4) Social Security card or other document that shows the social security

5) Fingerprints,
1-10 1-11
financial responsibility in accordance with the Texas Motor Vehicle Safety The answers to the questions included in these exams can be found included in
and Responsibility Act. The evidence before sitting must cover at least the this manual, or in the supplementary brochures. If you need to take an exa men
minimum amount required by the Decree, and must cover each motor type 2 or 3, you should also study the corresponding brochure. To pass you need
vehicle that the applicant owns, and for which the applicant is required to a score of 70% or more. When necessary, you will be given an oral exam.
have financial responsibility insurance.
SPECIAL NOTE: If you fail the written or driving test on the date of your first
application it will be held and on file at the licensing office for 90 days. If 90 days The questions are about the meaning of traffic signs on the road. You must
pass and you have not been approved, your application will be destroyed and a prepare for this exam by studying the “Traffic Signs” section.
new application and fee will be required.
• To pass you need a grade of 70% or more
SPECIAL NOTE REGARDING MINORS: If you are under 18 years of age,
your application must be signed under oath by the parent or guardian who has • You have the opportunity to take an oral exam, if necessary
custody. If the minor does not have a guardian, it must be signed by his
employer or court judge. given of his residence. This person can, before you turn PART THREE—VISION EXAM
18, ask the Department to cancel your license. This request This must be done in
writing and under oath in the presence of an official. authorized cial. Additionally, Your eyesight will be examined. You may need to wear glasses when driving if
the minor and the person responsible able by the minor must sign the document they help and improve your vision.
that explains the zero tolerance law and that applies to minors under 21 years of
age. For more information about this law see page 10-7.

WHO CAN SIGN? The parents, if they have custody; of another way It could Good eyesight is like a key that helps you drive safely. Look with your eyes,
be signed by the guardian, employer, or county judge. but observe with your mind.

2. EXAM - This manual can help you if you study it carefully. The test consists of
four parts: rules of the road, road signs, vision and driving tests. The full exam must ✔ PART FOUR—THE DRIVING TEST is administered only after all other tests
be taken by all those applying for an original license, as well as anyone whose have been taken, and after presentation of evidence of automobile liability
license has expired two years or more. insurance, or evidence that the vehicle is exempt under the Order. The type of
vehicle you must use for the test depends on the type of license you are applying
Exceptions: Examination of road signs, rules, examination of driving jar are not for. A $10.00 exam fee is required when
required for applicants submitting a license from another this do and that it is valid. changing to a higher license type or
Applicants between the ages of 15 and 18 do not need to take the driving test if they increasing a certification. cation for a
present a driver's education certificate from the state of Texas stating that the person Commercial License (CDL), or if you
has completed classes and practices under the Texas driver's education course remove restrictions from a license Inc. A
rules. Applicants who have completed the basic motorcycle safety and handling fee of $15.00 is required when upgrading
course will not be required to take the class M (motorcycle) driving test. Providing to a Class M license type.
that the per Sona has a valid, unrestricted Texas license. Also, the driving test is not
a requirement for applicants for an instruction permit.


Three types of exams are applied:

Type 1—Traffic rules examination for all applicants

Type 2—Motorcycle Rules Examination for Motorcycle and Moped License


Type 3—Examination of the rules for drivers of Class “A” and “B” vehicles.

1-12 1-13
e. They lowered more than 30 points on the driving test.

✔ 4. The driving test varies depending on the type of license you apply for. It will be
cali Based on four basic skills, CONTROL - your ability to make your car do the
maneuvers you want. OBSERVATION - your ability to see what other traffic is
doing and other things that can create problems traffic slogans, POSITION - your
ability to drive in your lane and SIGNAL - your ability to use directional signals as
required. You will be qualified in some of the following aspects, so it would be
good to practice those before taking the exam:

• Parallel parking

• Stop quickly —You may be asked to stop the vehicle as quickly as you
can without skidding the tires and going at a speed of 20 miles per hour.

• Backing up —You will be asked to drive your vehicles in reverse for a

distance. distance of fifty feet and as slowly and smoothly as possible. Turn
your head and look behind you as you back away.
• Stop signs or traffic signs

• Using the Clutch —On standard transmissions, depress the clutch

completely before starting the engine, changing gear. ities, and when the
speed drops to less than 10 miles per hour when stopping. Do not drive
with your foot resting on the clutch.
• Watching intersections —Use the correct lane. Slow down and
look both ways before entering the intersection.

(The vehicle must have a valid inspection certificate and must pass inspection • Laps
tion by the officer/examiner before the test is administered.)
• Right of way
Driving test description
• Passing (passing)
1. You will not be asked to do anything illegal. You must follow the instructions of
• Staying in the correct lane
the officer/examiner. Do not chat during the exam.
• Follow other vehicles
2. If you do not yet have the legal right to drive in Texas, a licensed driver will
drive your vehicle to the test site and also to the end if you do not obtain a driving • Posture —Keep both hands on the steering wheel and do not rest your
permit. elbow on the window.
3. Your request will not be approved if: 5. WHEN THE DRIVING TEST IS FINISHED, the officer/examiner will inform
a. violates the law, you will tell you about your mistakes and how to correct them. You will receive a
copy of your test.
b. refuses to follow instructions,

c. drive carelessly,

d. has an accident,

1-14 1-15
6. IF YOU DO NOT PASS THE EXAM, you will be told what you need to
practice to improve, and when to return to take another exam.


a. Pay the required fee ; (unless the fee was paid with the original DRIVER LICENSE
application): Your photo will be taken and you will be given a receipt, which CLASS: C DL: DOB: 12345678
you can use as a provisional license for 60 days or until the Department 01-02-70 EXPIRES: HT: 5-10
mails you your permanent license . If for any reason you do not receive your 01-02-04 REST: EYES: BRN
license within 60 days, call your local Driver License Office END: TX SEX:M

b. Write down your original license number for reference in case

your license is lost. MAIN STREET AN YTOWN
TX 12345-0010
c. When driving, always carry your license. You must show your
license to the following people when asked:

1) any officer, magistrate, police sheriff, judge, justice of the peace, or a

state trooper,
D Must not exceed 45 MPH
2) anyone with whom you have an accident. E You should not drive on highways ✔ IM/C Do not exceed 250 cc
J Licensed M/C Operator 18 years of age or older
K Moped
FINES FOR DRIVING WITHOUT A LICENSE L Vehicle without air brakes—applies to vehicles that require CDL
M (CDL) Intrastate Commerce only
1st. violation—up to $200 fine P Shown on license
Q LOFS of 18 or more—vehicle above Class BR LOFS of 18 or more—
2nd. violation in one year $25-$200 fine vehicle above Class CS Exterior mirror or hearing aid
T Automatic transmission
3rd conviction in a year after the 2nd. U Relevant orthopedic devices
violation—$25-$500 fine and 72 hours to
V Appliances relevant to the vehicle W Automatic steering wheel
6 months in jail, or both fine and arrest
T Double/triple trailer (CDL and non-CDL)
N Tank Vehicle—CDL only
A reasonable restriction or modification may be placed on your license to improve
H Hazardous materials—CDL only
the safety of your driving. This restriction or modification is not made to interfere
X Combination N and H—CDL only
with your driving but to help you be a better driver.

In such cases, a code letter is put on your license that means the type of
restriction. The following list explains the different restrictions and the key letter
for each of them.


A With corrective lenses
B LOFS 18 years of age or older
C During the day only
1-16 1-17
✔ An expiration date notice will be sent to you six weeks before your license
Call your local Licensing Office, or any Licensing Department official if you need expires. The notice will be sent to the last address you reported to the
information about removing or adding any restrictions or certifications to your Department of Public Safety. If for any reason you do not receive this notice, it is
license or instruction permit. All requests License or identification certificate your responsibility to renew your license.
holders are required by law (sections 521.142 and 521.101 of the Transportation
Code, Act 1252 passed in the 74th Legislature of the State of Texas) to submit
✔ Renewal Application— This application must be made in person at any of the
Driver License offices in Texas, except for people who the Department of Public
fingerprints to the Department. The purpose of this is to assist the Department in
Safety has advised that they can renew their license through alternative means.
determining the identity of the person who made an application for the license or
The type of alternative mode must be done only through the form that is sent to
identification certificate. you. Alternate mode renewals do not extend to: persons whose license has been
suspended, canceled, revoked or denied; people with a Commercial Driver's
DUPLICATE LICENSE License (CDL); people who have an occupational or provisional license; people
who have restrictions due to driving or a physical condition that requires frequent
✔ A. IN-STATE LICENSES— If you are in the State of Texas, you must appear examinations count; including any medical or physical condition that may result
in person to have another photo taken. Licensed or certified persons who need to in a progressive deterioration of the personnel's ability to operate a vehicle.
change the address on a Texas license or certificate may apply at any Driver
License Office or mail a Department-approved form to: Driver Records Bureau You will be asked questions about your medical history and, if you have certain
MSC 0360, Department of Public Safety , PO Box 15999, Austin, Texas 78761 limitations due to your health, your case will be brought before the Medical Board
5999. Upon receipt of the $10.00 fee, and proper identification, the Department of Directors for their opinion on how your condition may affect your driving.
will mail you a label with the correct address or if your photograph that was taken
with the digital system is on file, a new license will be produced with the correct Persons returning to Texas from Military Service must present a
address and the before photo. (Exception: People with Commercial Driver license Texas driver's license and your military separation papers, before you
Licenses (CDL) are not allowed to change their address by mail; they must apply can obtain a renewal without an exam when the license has been expired cide
in person.) for more than two years.

8. The cost of a duplicate or change of address is $10.00. Out-of-State individuals with a Texas license may mail a renewal
application. They must include the result of a vision examination performed by a
9. You must request a duplicate of your license or certificate if it has been lost, specialist or authorized officer of the Driver's License Office and the fee. The
destroyed, or there is a change of information. The change of name and address license will be renewed without a photo and will be valid until the expiration date
must be reported to the Driver License Office within 30 days. (For change of shown on the license, or until 45 days after return go to Texas; The thing that
address see section “A.”) A license that expires in less than 12 months (except happens first. You must include the $24.00 renewal fee (check or money order
less than 30 days for provisional licenses) must be renewed rather than payable to: Texas Department of Public Safety) with your application. your D.
duplicated. Send this request to:
out of state but maintain a Texas license, you may apply by mail for a duplicate
license which will not have a photograph (Exception: Commercial Driver's
License (CDL) cannot be issued by mail—you must apply in person.) Use the
Department's duplicate application which can be obtained at any Driver License
Office and send the $10.00 fee to: License Issuance Bureau MSC 0310,
Department of Public Safety, Box 15999, Austin , Texas 78761-5999.
You must demonstrate that you are entitled to a duplicate license by submitting
confirmation of eligibility, driver's license number, expiration date, and restrictions
to the main office in Austin. For more information mation please contact one of
the Driver License offices.

1-18 1-19
LICENSE ISSUANCE BUREAU MSC 0310 ✔ DENIAL: The withholding of a driver's license or driving privilege because the
TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY person is ineligible for a license. Leave may be given when eligibility
PO BOX 15999 requirements are met.
AUSTIN TX 78761-5999
Request to Limit Disclosure of Personal License or Identification Card
Information Federal and state laws allow a person to limit access to personal Conviction of the following offenses will result in an automatic suspension of your
information (name, address, and license or identification card number). There are driving privileges. See the Commercial Driver Manual for more information on
some exceptions even if the person fills out this application to limit access to suspensions. Also, see suspensions/revocations for individuals under 21 years of
personal information, those who want this information and meet one of the age. For more information about suspensions.
exceptions, can obtain the personal information by completing the required
application. If the person does not wish to have personal information disclosed, • Driving while intoxicated (DWI) using alcohol or drugs
except as provided by federal and state laws, the person must complete the form
when applying for or renewing the license or identification card. cation. Your local • drug crime
licensing office can give you the form and information about the law for releasing
• Homicide under intoxication
personal information and who is allowed to obtain this information even if you
have limited the information from being disclosed. • Assault while intoxicated

• Don't stop and help someone in need

SUSPENSIONS AND REVOCATIONS • Causing death or serious injury to anyone while operating a vehicle the

• Crimes classified as felony under the traffic laws of the State of Texas

• Overtaking and passing a school bus (consecutive conviction)

• Display or possess a false, canceled, revoked, suspended, or altered

driver's license or identification card

• Lend your driver's license or identification card to another person.

• Refusing to surrender when requested a driver's license or identification

It is a privilege to operate a motor vehicle. Abusing this privilege may result in the card to the Department of Public Safety that has been your suspended,
suspension or revocation of your license. canceled or cancelled.
SUSPENSION: The provisional removal of a license (of driving privilege). jar) • Possessing more than one driver's license or identification card cation.
for a period of time.

REVOCATION: The cancellation of a license (driving privilege) for an indefinite • Giving false information or presenting false documents when applying for
period of time. The privilege could be returned if all the requirements uisites for a driver's license.
the revocation have been satisfied.
• Forging, selling, or possessing a false document similar to a driver's
✔ CANCELLATION : the withdrawal of the license or driving privilege until the license or identification card issued by the Department of Public Safety.
driver driver can requalify. Mandatory suspensions, revocations, administrative
license revocations (ALR) and charges of committing crimes that involve fraud • Inscription on the walls
with government documents require a fee of $100.00 to reinstate lar. Some
mandatory suspensions also require that the • Falsified plates, registration certificate, inspection certificate.

Form SR-22 (Proof of Financial Responsibility.) • Forged government documents.

1-20 1-21
Alcoholic Beverage Code Offenses. • If you commit an offense in another State, which if committed in this State
Texas Controlled Substances Act. would be sufficient to suspend and revoke your license.
Offenses involving dangerous drugs and volatile chemicals.
• Failure to stop for a school bus (second conviction).
• Violating the probation order given at a previous hearing.
✔ The Department of Public Safety has the authority to suspend the license of any
driver, after having had an opportunity to have a hearing, for the following c. SUSPENSIONS/REVOCATIONS FOR INDIVIDUALS UNDER 21
reasons. (See the Commercial Driver's Manual for more information on YEARS OF AGE
suspensions. sions.) A fee of $100.00 to reinstate the license is required for
all discretionary suspensions/revocations. Convictions or failure to comply with the following offenses will result in
suspension sion of the driving privilege of persons under 21 years of age see
• Driving when your license is suspended. also the Administrative License Revocation (ALR) for more information
regarding suspensions for minors.
• Causing a serious accident while operating a motor vehicle.
• Alcoholic Beverage Code Offenses:
• Due to management incompetence.
- minor in possession
• For repeat violations of traffic rules.
- attempting to buy alcohol by a minor
- 4 or more convictions for violations occurring separately within any 12-
month period, or 7 or more convictions within any 24-month period. - buying alcohol by a minor

• If you drive carelessly. - consume alcohol by a minor

• If you illegally use a driver's license. - fraudulent representation of age by a minor.

✔ • Disobeying a driver's license approval. • Health and Safety Code Violations

✔ • Two or more convictions for violating a driver's license restriction. - Failure to complete alcohol and tobacco knowledge classes when required.

• If you have not complied with the requirements of a fine received in • Violations of the Family Code
another State that is a member of the Residency Violation Program of 1977.
(Nonresident Violator Compact of 1977.) - Delinquent behavior by a minor or youth personnel.

If you do not complete the DWI educational program within 181 days, and if
this program is one of the conditions of your DWI probation. (Driving while

• Failure to complete the repeat offense education program as required when

the person is guilty of driving while intoxicated.

• If you do not complete the drug education program as required upon

receiving a conviction for using drugs.

• If you refuse to give medical information when asked.

• If you refuse to take a test when asked.

• If you flee or attempt to flee from a police officer.

1-22 1-23
- Skip classes. • Suspension/Revocation Actions of other States.

The Department of Public Safety has the authority to suspend/revoke the • Withdrawal of parental authorization (for individuals under 18 years of age).
license or driving privilege of a minor for the following reasons: ient reasons
and after having had a hearing: • Incomplete education program.

• Failure to appear or failure to pay the fine for having received an • Surrender the license for medical reasons.
infraction traffic tion.
• Giving false information on the application.
• Repeated violations of traffic laws.
- 2 or more separate convictions or violations occurring within a 12- ORDERS CIAL
month period for a driver who has a provi driver's license sional.
The Department, upon receiving orders from the court judge, must suspend,
- 1 or more convictions for violations if the driver has a 60-day license revoke car, or cancel the license or privilege to drive in the following situations
(restricted driver's license for minors). tions:

D. ADMINISTRATIVE LICENSE REVOCATION (ALR) • delinquent in child support payments.

The law to Revoke Administrative Licenses took effect on January 1, 1995. • requirement for a mechanism to analyze breath.
A fee of $100.00 is required to reinstate all types of suspensions under this
Administrative License Revocation (ALR) law. • not repay overpayment of food stamps or financial aid.

✔ • Chapter 524 of the Transportation Code provides for license suspension • mentally incapacitated.
cia (above 21) for failing the breath or blood test if the alcohol content
indicates a level (of .08 percent or more in the, alcohol content hol in the • dependent on chemical substances.
blood (BAC)).
• evade arrest or detention.
• Chapter 724 of the Transportation Code provides for suspending the
driver's license or privilege of an individual who refuses to submit to a breath
test or blood test. The Department of Public Safety has the authority to deny a license to a person
who is ineligible to receive a license in this State. An applicant may be denied a
• Chapter 524 of the Transportation Code and Section 106.041 of the
license for the following reasons: ients:
Alcoholic Beverage Code provide for the suspension of the driver's license
or privilege of those individuals under 21 years of age for any detectable • suspension/revocation/cancellation/disqualification in this State, another
amount of alcohol. Bill number 35 passed the Texas Legislature and was State, or Province of Canada
signed into law on September 1, 1997. This law provides that minors (those
who are under 21 years of age) must not operate a motor vehicle if they • Physical or mental disability that prevents the safe operation of a motor
have a detectable amount of alcohol in their physical system. This law is vehicle.
commonly referred to as the Zero Tolerance law. This law provides for the
suspension of a minor's driver's license for any amount of alcohol that is
detected or for refusing to provide a breath or blood test for analysis. See
Chapter 10 for more detailed information lada about the Zero Tolerance law
and minors.

The Department of Public Safety has the authority to cancel the license of
individuals who do not maintain a certain capacity. The following are types of
cases that require cancellation of the driver's license:
1-24 1-25
SPECIAL NOTE: The Department of Public Safety may deny license “C” offense) will be punished by a fine of not less than $250.00 and not
renewal to a Texas person who fails to appear in court for traffic violations or more than $2,000.00, not less than 40 and not more than 60 hours of
certain other offenses within the jurisdiction. diction of justice or a municipal service release to the community, and/or imprisonment for no more than
court. 180 days. The minor's license will be suspended (or his/her privilege will
be denied) for 180 days. Minors are not eligible for deferred sentencing
on third and subsequent convictions.
✔ Third time for an Alcohol Related Offense and failure to drive by a
The punishments for operating a motor vehicle when the driver's license or minor (17 years or older but less than 21)— (Class “B” offense)
privilege is suspended or canceled or denied or revoked are: will be punished by a fine of not less than $250.00 and not more than
$2,000.00, no less than 40 and no more than 60 hours of community
1. a fine of not less than $100.00 and not more than $500.00 and service, and/or jail for no more than 180 days. The minor's license will be
suspended (or his/her privilege will be denied) for 180 days. The juvenile
2. imprisonment for a term of not less than 72 hours or more than 6 is not eligible for a suspended sentence on the third and subsequent
months; and convictions.
3. suspension of the driver's license or privilege will be automatically ✔ Beginning September 1, 1999, a minor who is with convicted of driving while
extended upon conviction of operating a motor vehicle when it was license is suspended for an offense Alcohol-related non-driving is subject to
suspended, canceled, revoked; This period of suspension will be the same driving penalties. jar with suspended license (see chapter one for
as the period of time originally imposed on you. convictions).

4. A subsequent conviction of a class “A” crime. ✔ J. DIFFERENT PENALTIES FOR ALCO-RELATED OFFENSES HOL
BUT NO WANDERING AND DRIVING. A person who purchases alcoholic beverages for a minor or who provides
an alcoholic beverage to a minor may be punished by a fine of up to
The Zero Tolerance law in Texas provides sanctions for minors who $2,000.00 and/or imprisonment of up to 180 days. One per Anyone who
commit crimes under the use of alcohol, but since they are not jando. sells alcoholic beverages to a minor can be punished punished with a fine of
Generally speaking, a minor cannot buy, pay attention to buy, or lie by up to $4,000.00 and/or imprisonment of up to one year.
saying you are 21 years of age or older, or present tare any document
indicating that they are 21 years of age or older to a person who sells or
serves alcoholic beverages, consumes or possesses alcoholic beverages.
The punishment when found guilty in one of the already mentioned
mentioned offenses related to the consumption of alcoholic beverages:
But not driving or Public Intoxication for minors are the following:

First time for a minor to consume alcohol but not be related to driving
(Class “C” offense), a fine of up to $500.00, 8 to 12 hours of community
service, and mandatory attendance at a knowledge course. alcohol
abuse. The minor's license will be suspended (or his/her driving privilege
will be denied) for 30 days.
Second time Consuming Alcohol (by a minor but not related to
driving—(Class “C” offense) will be punished with a fine up to a
maximum of $500.00, 20 to 40 hours of community service, may be
required to attend a knowledge course on the use of alcohol hol. The
minor's driver's license will be suspended (or his/her driving privilege will
be denied for 60 days).

✔ Third time for an Alcohol Related Offense but no alcohol by a minor

(10 years of age or older but under 17 years of age)— (Class
1-26 1-27

Keep your vehicle in good condition. The State inspection program provides you
with even more protection. Its purpose is to ensure that vehicles on Texas roads
operate as they should.

All motor vehicles registered in Texas, including motorcycles, scooters, and

mopeds, must be inspected annually at an inspection station approved for
inspecting motor vehicles. At the time of inspection, evidence of financial
responsibility of the vehicle must be presented. what is inspected. If this evidence
is not presented, the inspection certificate will not be issued.

When a vehicle passes inspection, it is marked on the lower left side of the
windshield. Motorcycles and mopeds must be labeled near the rear license plate.
These labels or certificates are valid for one year from the month of inspection.
Any vehicle that has been involved in an accident should be inspected again after
repairs have been made.

Proper maintenance of your car is like

a key to safe driving. Don't rely solely
on annual inspections.

EQUIPMENT THAT SHOULD BE INSPECTED ANNUALLY Turn Signals— Every motor vehicle, trailer, semi-trailer, and pole trailer must
be equipped with electric turn signal lights, except for some motorcycles and
trailers, and also passenger vehicles and trucks that are less than 80 inches in
diameter. width, and manufactured before 1960.
Rear-view mirror
Wiper washer
License plate light— a white light that illuminates the rear license plate when
Reflectors the main headlights (or auxiliary headlights) are on.
Engine ID or Serial Number
Rear Lights Reflectors— two red reflectors, one on each side of the vehicle. (May be used
Brake Light Turn Signals in combination with taillights) positioned at a height of 15 to 60 inches and must
Directional Lights Headlights (high be visible at 600 feet. The reflectors must be visible ible up to 350 feet on
License Plate Light beam and low vehicles manufactured before 1960.
or Illumination beam)
Broadcast System
(1968 or later) Parking lights— white or amber in front, red in rear (can be used in
Horn (Klaxon, Whistle) Wheels combination with other lights).
Intensity Indicator Rims
Steering wheel Rings 3. HORN— should be heard from 200 feet away.
Seat belts
4. MOFLE (Muffler)—a muffler and exhaust system—all models from 1968
Exhaust system onwards must be equipped with an exhaust system to help reduce air pollution.

5. SAFETY GLASS— Every new vehicle must be equipped with safety glass.
(Standing and Parking) When you need to replace the windows in vehicles, you must do so with safety

6. LICENSE PLATES— There must be a license plate on the front and rear of
all passenger and commercial vehicles, except on license plates. cases of
REQUIRED EQUIPMENT automobile sales agents and those of commercial vehicles to which a license plate
is issued only.
For your vehicle to be considered safe, the following equipment must be in
good condition: 7. WINDSHIELD WIPER— for your safety in bad weather.

1. BRAKES 8. REARVIEW MIRROR— must be positioned so that you can see the road
at least 200 feet from the rear of the vehicle.
Foot brake— your vehicle should stop within 25 feet at a speed of 20 miles
farm machinery, road construction machinery, animal-drawn vehicles, and other
Parking Brake (Hand Brake)—Must be in good condition to stop the motor vehicles designed to travel at 25 miles per hour or less must display the sign
vehicle. warning that this type of vehicle must be driven slowly. Vehicles move slowly.
2. LIGHTS 10. FRONT SEAT BELTS— required equipment if the seat belt handle (anchor)
is part of the vehicle's original equipment.
Headlights— (high beam and low beam) one on each side of the front—with
an intensity indicator to distinguish the high beams.

Taillights— (Rear) All vehicles must be equipped with two taillights, except
models manufactured before 1960, which require only one taillight.

Brake Lights— Every vehicle must be equipped with two brake lights (stop
lights) except models manufactured before 1960 which require only one brake
light (stop light).

2-2 2-3
11. TIRES— Every vehicle must be equipped with tires that are in good permitted. Do not use them when the vehicle is moving forward.
condition with a minimum of 2/32 inch tread thickness.
5. Flashing Lights— Flashing lights can be used on any vehicle to warn of
✔ 12. FUEL CAP— The fuel cap on diesel vehicles Ages 2 to 24 will be inspected unusual traffic hazards—they must have amber or white flashing lights in front and
to determine if the engine cover fuel exists or is defective. amber or red flashing lights in the rear, and they must be used simultaneously.

(EXCEPTIONS: antique vehicles, circus vehicles, slow vehicles, motorcycle 6. Additional Lights— Any motor vehicle may have up to three additional
bicycles, and vehicles running exclusively on a fuel other than gasoline and driving lights in front of it, placed—not less than 12, and not more than 42 inches
vehicles newer than 2 years or older than 24 years. from the road surface.

7. Window Tint— If tint is used, it must be done according to the rules of the
For more information about lights, warning signs, flags, etc. for house trailers, State, year, and style of your vehicle.
see page 15-1, Special Requirements for Commercial Motor Vehicles. For
information on motorcycle equipment and more information, see the Motorcycle
When the owner or operator of the vehicle establishes or works in Texas, his
PROHIBITED EQUIPMENT or her vehicle may be operated for 30 days after arriving; and after that
period the vehicle must be registered in Texas.
Certain equipment is considered dangerous and therefore not permitted:
A new resident who wishes to register his or her vehicle must, prior to registering,
1. A red front light—except on emergency vehicles. obtain a Texas inspection certificate and identification number confirmation.
tification of the vehicle at a state-approved inspection station. The owner of the
2. A bell, siren, or whistle except in emergency vehicles. vehicle will be sent the necessary form for registration. Must pre provide evidence of
financial responsibility when registering the vehicle. If you do not present this
3. A reduced or cut muffler. evidence, the vehicle will not be registered. A new Texas resident must register all
vehicles he or she owns before applying for a Texas driver's license. The
4. Any object that protrudes more than three inches to the left and more than
registration receipt issued by the county assessor for each vehicle is sufficient proof
six inches to the right of the body, dashboard, or fender of your vehicle.
of registration when applying for a Texas driver's license.
5. Flashing red lights ahead—except on emergency vehicles, school buses,
and church buses.

(See “Flashing Lights” under “Optional Equipment” section)

Minimum road clearance— a vehicle must not be modified or loaded so that

the body is lower than the bottom of the wheel rims.

1. Projector Light— Should turn off when a vehicle approaches in the
oncoming lane. If the headlights fail, the illumination projector light can be used.
undermining the road at a distance of 50 feet in front of the vehicle using it.

2. Side or fender light— Two allowed—One on each side—Light must be

amber or white without glare.

3. Side Courtesy Lights— One allowed on each side—Lights must be amber or

non-glare white.

4. Backup Lights— Two separately or in combination with other lights are

5-4 5-25
(The Liability Insurance Law)

The purpose of the Liability Insurance law is to ensure that all drivers are liable
for death, injuries, and property damage they cause while operating a motor
vehicle. All owners and/or operators of motor vehicles in Texas must have at
least the minimum more amount of liability insurance.

• $20,000 for death or injury to one person

• $40,000 for the injury or death of two people

• $15,000 for property damage

✔ To comply with the Liability Insurance law, a driver (unless exempt) must
purchase liability insurance or be insured. gured under the provision of the law.
Evidence of financial responsibility must be presented to the authorities when
you submit your license application, register vehicle, or an inspection certificate
is obtained.

Every owner and/or operator of a motor vehicle in Texas must present, if

requested, evidence of liability insurance to an officer or other person involved in
an accident. The following list includes what is considered evidence acceptable
ba of financial responsibility.

• A liability insurance policy showing at least the minimum amount already

mentioned, or

✔ • proof of liability insurance (SR-22) issued by the Texas Department of Insurance

and issued by a hazard insurance company and that includes:

- the name of the insurance company;

- the policy number;

- the duration of the policy; pension of a driver's license, unless

- the name of the insured or insured; • proof of insurance is shown to DPS;

- the policy limit or a statement showing that you are insured for at least • if a sentence or order due to an accident has not been complied with within 60
the minimum amount as stipulated in the Decree; and days of the sentence;

- the make and model of each insured vehicle • if you are a felon, a payment agreement that has been made as a result of
settling an accident;
- an insurance receipt indicating that the owner or operator is in
compliance do with this Decree or Law; Required by Texas Transportation • If, not being insured, you are involved in an accident, in which death or serious
Code (TRC), Section 601.122: injury has resulted, or at least $1,000 of damage to a person's property, and there
is a reasonable probability of a lawsuit or judgment against the driver.
✔ - a certificate or copy of a State certificate showing that the
owner has a deposit or public securities of at least ($55,000.00) as • When you are required to maintain proof of financial responsibility, this proof
required by Transportation Code (TRC), Section 601.122; must be kept on file for two years.

- a certificate or copy of a certificate issued by the Department of Public If you want more specific information about the Liability Insurance Law, you can
Safety showing that the vehicle is bonded with the Department, as required obtain it at any Department of Public Safety:
by Transportation Code (TRC), Section 601.121
- a copy of a certificate issued by the judge of the county where the TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY
vehicle is registered, and showing that the owner of the vehicle has a PO BOX 4087
deposit with the county judge, in cash or draft of at least ($55,000.00) as AUSTIN TX 78773-0330
required in the Transportation Code (TRC), Section 601.123.
Most people in Texas buy insurance to provide proof of financial responsibility. The
- a certificate issued by the Department and that shows the person who cost for car insurance varies. Comparing and searching for the best insurance
has 25 vehicles registered in his or her name qualifies as an insured car in company and agent that can provide the best service for the best price can save
accordance with Transportation Code, Section 601.124. you money.

If the owner and/or operator cannot show proof of financial responsibility when A cost guide that can help save money on auto insurance can be obtained from the
required, they may receive a violation. The Court will dismiss the violation if Texas Department of Insurance. This guide includes complaint measures, financial
proof is shown that a liability insurance policy is was in effect when the violation strength ratings, and the financial market action of insurance companies.
was issued.
The Texas Department of Insurance also offers the book Auto Insurance Made
When you have been convicted of operating a motor vehicle without sufi cient Easy to help you understand the different coverages and options. The script
liability insurance, when required the driver may be given You will be fined a explains:
minimum of $175 and no more than $350. For second and subsequent
convictions, the driver's license and vehicle registration will be suspended, in - What and who is protected in your policy;
addition to a fine of at least $350 and no more than $1,000. Furthermore, the
- how to eliminate costs on your insurance;
second da and subsequent convictions require the court to order the
confiscation of the vehicle that was operated when the crime was committed. - what to do if you lose your insurance;
And that he is the owner of the vehicle when the offense was committed and is
the owner of the vehicle on the day of the conviction. viction. The vehicle will be
impounded for a period of 180 days. And before the court can release the
vehicle, evidence of financial responsibility must be presented to the court.

The driver's license and vehicle registration will be suspended:

• if you have been convicted of a traffic violation that caused your automatic
5-2 5-17
- how to make payments to your insurance;

- mandatory and optional discounts;

- insurance for “High Risk” drivers; and

- what to do after an accident.

To obtain these publications at no cost, call the Texas Department of Insurance

at the following number 1-800-599-SHOP (7467) . For Austin residents, the
number is 305-7211 . Be ready to give your address and name of your county.
These guides can be obtained through the Texas Department of Insurance
Network at . Service in Spanish.


Sometimes drivers must yield to others. There are certain rules that help us
determine the right of way, but if one of the drivers does not obey these rules,
give way to him. Remember that in every situation, the right of way is a given, not
a taken. All drivers must know and understand the rules that determine the right
of way.


Situation 1—Intersections controlled by signs and signals. —When

signs and signals control traffic at an

intersection, you must obey the. Learn
the meaning of these signs and signals,
some of which we explain in Chapter 5
of this manual.

Situation 2—A one- or two-lane road

at an intersection with another multi-
lane road— When driving on a one- or
two-lane road you must yield to: (1)
vehicles traveling on a street or road
divided, or (2) vehicles traveling on a
road with three or more lanes.
• Yield to vehicles on a multi-lane road

Situation 3—A paved road with an unpaved road at an intersection.— If Situation 7—T-Intersection— When approaching an intersection with a
you drive on an unpaved road that intersects a paved road, you must yield to through street that ends at the intersection tion, you must stop first, and then
vehicles traveling on the paved road. yield to vehicles on the street across.

Situation 4—Intersections not

with controlled by signs and
signals, cars multiple lanes or
pavement.— When approaching
such an intersection, you must yield to
any vehicle that has entered the
intersection from your right. If the road
to your right is clear, or if entering
vehicles are clear of the intersection
and you can cross safely; then you
must proceed.
Before stopping, and before reaching
the sidewalk, you must yield to all
approaching vehicles and

• Give way to the vehicle on the right

• Stop, and yield to vehicles on the
street across.

Situation 5—Turning left.— When

you are going to turn left, you must
yield to any vehicle coming directly
from the opposite direction.


• Yield to approaching vehicle AC.

Situation 6—Private roads and driveways.— When entering or crossing a

road, street, or highway from a private road, alley, building, or driveway; after
Situation 10—Railroad Crossing.— According to Texas law, you must obey
signs that tell you that you are approaching a railroad crossing. When a person
driving approaches railroad markings, the driver of such vehicle must stop within
fifty (50) feet, but not less than fifteen (15), of the nearest railroad tracks and
Situation 8—Entering or exiting the road ramp.— The driver of a vehicle must not proceed until able to do so. do it safely when:
traveling on an access road (parallel) to a highway with trolley, you must give way
to the vehicle entering or almost entering the access road from the road, or 1. A mechanical or electrical signaling device warns you that a train is
leaving or almost leaving the road to enter the road. approaching. ima;

2. Some automatic bars are lowered, or a person in charge signals the arrival
of a train;

3. When it is mandatory to stop by any law, regulation adopted by law, or a

traffic signal or control.

4. A railroad engine approaching approximately fifteen hundred feet (1500)

from the road crossing, and emits an audible signal at a certain distance, and that
engine, due to its speed and proximity, represents an immediate danger at the

5. An approaching train is visible and its proximity represents a danger to the


Situation 9—Driving on a multi-lane road.— On a one-way (one-way) road 6. Persons who do not obey the laws that apply to Railroad cruises will be fined
divided into three (3) or more lanes, a vehicle entering a lane from a right lane no less than $50 and no more than $200.
must yield. step to the vehicle entering the same lane from a left lane.
The driver of a vehicle that is required by law to stop at railroad crossings must
remain stopped and proceed only when permitted. do and safely.


1. If a railroad crossing is marked only by a sign - slow down , look both ways,
and listen for audible sounds (whistle, etc.). If a train is approaching, - STOP ;
Otherwise, proceed with great caution. caution.

5-12 4-3
2. If there are flashing lights at a railroad crossing - STOP . If a train is
approaching, remain stopped until the train has passed and the lights flash. tents
have gone out.

3. If the rail crossing bars have already been lowered - STOP . And-wait until
the train has passed and the bars are raised.

4. Never stop on the rails . If your vehicle breaks down on the rails and you
cannot start it, get off and try to push the vehicle off the rails. If you can't get it off
the rails, ask for help. If a train is approaching and your vehicle is disabled, get
out quickly and do not stay on the rails. Run in the direction where the train is
coming from to avoid escom bros that will fly away hurt him; and go off the rails.

5. Make sure all rails are clear before proceeding. There may be two or more
rails. A train may be covering the view of another train.

6. Remember, trains do not and cannot stop at crossings - they always have
the right of way.

7. It may be difficult to hear the train whistle when approaching a crossing. It is

suggested that you open the window, turn down the radio volume, and listen

5-12 5-13
sincerely. feet of them. Do not drive or park on the block where firefighters are working, and
do not drive carefully when approaching a school bus. If, when approaching a
8. If you notice a problem with train signals, please call the Department of school bus from any direction, the bus has its flashing lights lights on, you must
Public Safety, the Austin Communications Center (1-800-772-7677), or your local stop and not pass until (1) the bus starts moving, or (2) the driver tells you that
police department or magistrate's office. County Sheriff. Each signal at railroad you can proceed, or (3) until the bus stops using the flashing red light.
crossings has an identification number. Please write down the number and be
prepared to give it when you report the problem. You do not need to stop when you encounter a school bus (1) that is on a road
opposite yours, or (2) on a controlled access road, where the school bus is in a
stopping zone and pedestrians are not permitted. cross the road

You must yield the right of way to police vehicles, fire engines, ambulances, and Don't turn your vehicle into a deadly weapon . You should always be
cautious when it comes to pedestrians, whether they have the right of way or not.
other emergency vehicles that have a siren, cam corduroy, or a flashing light.
Drivers must yield to pedestrians in the following situations: tions:
You must pull out of the way and
stop. If the traffic fico is so congested First situation—Uncontrolled intersections.— At an uncontrolled intersection
that it is not possible to move out of (without signs or traffic signals) if pedestrians have entered the intersection, you,
the way, slow down and leave room as a driver, must yield to them.
for the emergency vehicle to pass.
Second situation—Controlled intersections.— If pedestrians have a green
When the flashing lights of the fire light or a sign indicating that they can “PROCEED,” you must yield to them. If the
department or ambulance are on, light changes after pedestrians have entered the intersection, you must still yield
they must remain on. three of 500 to them.
Park your vehicle where it can
prevent or hinder the exit or entry of
emergency vehicles.



5-14 5-7
Traffic signals help maintain traffic coordination. The with Drivers must obey
them, except when an officer is directing traffic. They must also always obey a
traffic officer, even when he or she orders them to do something that would
normally be considered illegal.


Stop before entering the crossroads or intersection. You may make a right turn
unless prohibited by law. You may also turn left if both streets are one-way,
unless prohibited by law. You must yield to pedestrians and traffic legally using
the intersection.


Caution— The purpose of the yellow light is to warn you that the light will turn
red. You must STOP before entering the intersection, if you can do so safely.
dad. If it is not possible to stop safely, you may proceed carefully through the
intersection before the light turns red.

Proceed if you can do so safely. You may continue ahead or turn around, unless
another sign directs you otherwise. Be careful of vehicles or pedestrians in the
intersection. Watch out for careless drivers who try to speed through the
intersection before the light turns red.

A Green Arrow that appears at the same time with a Red Light TRANSIT SIGNS
Proceed carefully in the direction
indicated by the arrow, after yielding to Traffic signs can help you be a better driver. They help you in the following ways:
other vehicles and pedestrians.
1. They WARN you of approaching dangers, dangers that would otherwise
be difficult to see.

2. They GUIDE you to your destination, identifying the route.

3. They INFORM you of local practices and regulations.
4. They REGULATE the speed and movement of traffic.
A Flashing Red Light
Stop completely before entering the intersection or proceed when you can do so
safely. Vehicles on the opposite street may.

One Flashing Yellow Light Caution— Slow down and proceed with caution.

LEFT TURN Left turn on a green light You can make a left turn on a green light, but before
doing so you must yield to traffic approaching from the opposite direction.
5-2 ON GREEN 5-3
OFFICIAL COLORS KNOW THESE SIGNS “ STOP ” A red sign with white letters
OR LEGAL: BY ITS FORM case or a yellow sign with black letters.
—And you will know how to react Stop before the intersection or inter
from distance.

section. Do not obstruct the passage of
RED: pedestrians. A stop sign means you
Stop or for Stop signs. must stop your vehicle completely. mind.
prohibited. It is not enough to slow down.

HORIZONTAL RECTANGLE: Typically used to guide and inform.

Indicates to
P If you stop behind other vehicles, you
must stop again before entering the
intersection, if there is no strip marking
continue the stop.
Exclusively for “Yield” signs.

Guide to services forwhere passing is prohibited.
of areas
4-WAY The “ 4-WAY ” or “ ALL WAY” sign
on along with a “STOP” sign warns you
DIAMOND: that all traffic approaching this
Exclusively to warn you of possible dangers on the roads or in their surroundings. ALL WAY intersection must stop.
General warning
Typically used for regulatory signs.
Regulations. “ YIELD ” This sign warns you that the
PENTAGON: road you are traveling joins another road
AN For school zone, highway, and student crossing signs. ahead. You must slow down or stop if
necessary to yield to vehicles coming on
ROUND: the other road.
Railroad crossing warning.

and twenty “ SCHOOL ZONE ” The speed
displayed on this sign is in effect when
the yellow light is flashing. Proceed with
maintenance WHEN
FLASHING extreme caution, it is a children's
crossing (school zone).

Gluttony of public and
picturesque recreations.

5-4 5-5
5-4 5-5

Warning signs alert drivers to the conditions they are approaching, and warn
them what to expect. There may be dangers on the road, changes in direction or
any other situation that they need to be aware of. These signs must not only be
obeyed for your safety, but they must be ignored.

You approach a point The road curves (to the It approaches a gradual
where two roads meet, right) and then (to the curve in the direction
but you are not required left). Slow down, keep indicated by the arrow
to enter (an additional right and do not pass. (right). Slow down, keep
lane begins). tional). Be to the right and do not
careful tion of traffic in pass.
the additional lane.

Warns you that you He approaches the end The altitude of the
are approaching a of the divided path he crossing or bridge is
traffic control light. travels. Have pre displayed. Do not try to
Caution, you are enter if your load is
approaching the higher than the figure
beginning of a two-way shown on the sign. Another path enters the You are approaching a
road. road where you are sharp curve in the
You are approaching a
crossroads. Slow down, traveling in the indicated direction indicated by the
look carefully in all direction. Watch for arrow (right).
directions. traffic coming from that Slow down, keep to the
direction. right and do not pass.

✔ You approach a winding Pedestrian crossing.

Slow down on wet It warns you that you You must drive in the point at which other road. You are approaching a
roads. Do not turn, are approaching a car ril on the right. The traffic lanes join the one Proceed slowly and pedestrian crossing.
accelerate, or stop section of road where road will become a two- on which you travel. carefully, and do not Slow down and be very
suddenly. the two-lane road is way road. Watch for traffic coming pass. careful of pedestrians
separated by a center from that direction. crossing the street.

5-6 5-7

It approaches a school road management. The road surface is Indicates that traffic is There is a depression or Use extreme caution to
zone. Slow down, and covered with loose gravel. permitted to pass on both decline along the way. avoid going off the paved
prepare for a sudden Warns you ahead state of Slow down to maintain sides of the division or Slow down to avoid losing portion of the road, as the
stop mind if necessary. a reduction in the number control of your vehicle. Do obstruction. with trolling of your dirt next to the paved This
Be careful with children of car riles. not apply the brakes or vehicle or an is gentle and can cause
crossing. make sharp turns uncomfortable jolt. you to lose control of your
suddenly. vehicle.

Warns you of conditions It is used to indicate the

dangerous tions on the alignment (the line) of the It approaches a narrow
bridge caused by ice. This sign is located Traffic road, and thus helps give part of the pavi ment;
Slow down and watch for The nearby bridge or
This sign will be displayed in front of an obstruction it when driving at night. decrease your speed.
trucks entering or culvert is not as wide as
continuously throughout that is near the edge of there is sufi cient space
crossing the road. the road; drive slowly and
the winter. The driver the road, such as for two cars, but pro yield
use caution.
should slow down and not culverts, or center pillars with caution.
apply the brakes if this on divided highways.
weather condition ice
cream exists.
ooo 1000 FT
This sign is used to mark
It approaches an inter “T” the end of side railings on There is a slope from the
shaped section and must narrow bridges and other Indicates a crossing of edge of the pavi ment to the
This sign is displayed The hard pavement
turn left or right. Be obstructions, so they can two roads. Slow down, edge of the road. If you need
immediately in front of an surface changes to a dirt
prepared to yield at the be easily noticed. watch for traffic on the left to leave the pavement, slow
obstruction, or a minor or lower surface.
intersection if necessary. and right, and prepare to down and steer firmly.
change in the alignment. Decrease your speed.

5-8 5-9
Be prepared for a “Stop” The road ahead makes a
The lane ends. If you are
The pavement has been You approach a bump in Slow down and watch for sign approaching ahead. sharp turn to the right
driving in the car right
grooved to reduce the the road. Slow down to disabled people crossing and then makes a sharp
lane, you need to move
possibility of slipping in avoid losing control of the street in a turn to the left. Slow
to the left lane do.
wet weather. your vehicle or an wheelchair. down, keep right and do
Motorcyclists should uncomfortable jolt. not pass.
exercise or use extra

Slow down, the road

surface ahead is in poor
He approaches a slope; all with Drivers proceed The road ahead has a very sharp curve. Slow Calibrated entrance with flashing light. This sign
with caution. It may be necessary to use cam low down, keep right, and do not pass. has yellow lights the interminent ones (up and
bio to slow down your vehicle. down) when the highway entrance ramp is
calibrated. The calibrated ramp (red or green) tells
the driver when the car can be entered. retera.

5-10 5-11
Guide signs tell us what we should do. It is required that the Drivers obey these MUST CROSSOVER
signs the same way they obey traffic laws. These signs are designed for your
protection. TURN RIGHT
Vehicles in the right lane must turn right at the next intersection, unless the sign indicates a different turn point. entity. L
Indicates the place An Indian green sign ca
where you can cross
the road Divided fence
when you can turn left.

with ridge.

ONE WAY: If you want to give

the at the intersection where this
indicates the maximum speed at
sign is posted, you may do so only in
the direction indicated by the arrow.
which you are allowed to drive safely
on the next turn. EMERGENC ROAD LINE
The nearbyD

Warn drivers tors that
the shoulder of the road
road is
closed to traffic. Look for
Tells drivers that all
traffic on the same road

should be used only by a detour or another must form a single file.
PASS KEEP vehicles that need to route.
RIGHT stop due to mechanical
not pass other vehicles
in this area.
you of the speed limit (in
miles per hour) at which
THE RIGHT: Stay in
failure, tire problems,
lack of gasoline or other
you are allowed. mites the right lane if you drive
driving. slower than others. SPEED
DO 35 55
POOLS Indicates that left turns Indicates the speed Indicates the maximum
ONLY PASS are permitted from two you should use on the speed allowed on the
lanes of traffic. Traffic in highway exit ramp. road during the day or
LINE FOR PREF VEHICLES DO NOT CROSS THE the left lane must turn night.
ERENCIA: Qualifying trucks and
MON-FRI CONTINUOUS YELLOW left, traffic in the other
cars can use this lane during the LINES: The visibility distance speed lane may turn or
hours of 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. Monday to is so limited that passing another continue straight.
Friday. vehicle is dangerous.

5-12 5-13
5-12 5-13
It indicates that it is It is prohibited to make a If you look at this sign WHITE LINE
prohibited to turn left “U” turn where this sign from the front, you are
where this sign is is posted. entering a one-way The driver must not Vehicles approaching The center lane is
posted. street, and you are going cross or change cars magnet must stop for reserved for vehicles.
straight mind against the riles when there are those vehicles turning at those who are going to
flow of traffic. double white lines. an intersection. Vol turn left and not to pass.
vehicles teando in a, pro The only reason a
light woven must use vehicle can enter this
LEFT pre caution. center lane is to the point
that the vehicle has time
LANE to stop or slow down in
order to make a left turn.
FOR The middle lane tral
should not be used for
PASSIN passing or driving with
Indicates that trucks are Keep to the right of this The road or street lante G
prohibited from using or sign. This sign is used is a single sen ted, and it
entering a street or road with time and before is for traffic driving in the ONLY
where this sign is middle or island direction opposite tion. On roads with more
displayed. sidewalks. Do not enter or drive to than one lane and
this address tion. vehicles in the same
direction and this sign is
pre Sit, slow moving
vehicles must stay in a
lane other than the left
- lane. This lane is used
only for passing.

Do not park or stop your vehicle in a space reserved for disabled people unless
your vehicle is properly identified with the signs. case or identification card on the

5-14 5-15
These signs are usually
GUIDE SIGNS W placed above the road. Arrows
S indicate the lane or lanes you
Guide signs are very useful especially when you are driving in an unfamiliar area. La
T must maintain to follow a
They tell you which path you are on and how to get where you want to go. They Salle particular route.
offer you information that makes your trip more pleasant. central and interesting.
On this page we show several examples of guide signs.

T The lane that has this sign above ma
ALBANY 30 BARREL indicates an upcoming departure.

INFORMATION FOR WASTE CAN: The only place on the
TRAVELERS: This sign tells
you the way to go and also the
distance you must travel.
road you can throw your waste is in a
waste can. This sign tells you that the
boat is one mile away. Trash cans are
also located in all rest and recreation
This sign indicates a road that also
branches off the road. regular IDENTIFY THE LOCATION OF
highway and passes through the ACCIDENTS, VEHICLE
center of the city. BREAKDOWNS OR FAILURES, AND


They are placed on every mile of

TEXAS LOOP interstate highways beginning at the
state line.

270 -
Signs to control the lanes, they are special signs cials
MARKING OF THE MARKING OF THE A short state highway in that indicate to the driver which lines he can or cannot
TEXAS ROUTES INTRASTATE ROUTES a city or urban area. drive on. If a red “X” appears over the lane this indicates
that that lane is not clear for driving and you should
prepare to exit it. A green arrow, this indicates that that
These signs tell you which road you are on. Plan your trip and learn the route you lane is free for driving in that lane. This type of sign can
should take. be used on streets, highways and highways.

5-16 5-17
TRAIN CROSSING SIGNS When crossing railroad tracks, stop about 15 to 50 feet from the first track when:
1. He is guided by one of the workers who signals him with a flag or pennant.
2. There are red lights flashing or sirens (gongs) ringing.
3. There is any warning that tells you that a train is approaching.
(See pages 4-4 and 4-5 for More Important Information About Railroad
Train Crossing. Indicates that you Crossings.) Truck and bus drivers should also refer to pages 14-16.
are approaching a train crossing.
You must slow down and be
prepared to stop. If you see a train Pavement markings help you just like signs and signals. They are used to warn
approaching—STOP—Never try to and guide drivers, and to regulate traffic. co.
pass before the train. TWO LANE RURAL ROAD

Railroad crossing signs are posted

on each railroad track. rock rail,
roads and paths, and show the train
crossing site. They also show the car
number riles. Always stop, look,
listen, and be prepared to yield to
any approaching train. Ime.

Stay to the right of the yellow center line. You can cross the border It lies when
you pass another vehicle or when half of the road to the right is closed to traffic.

Barriers with flashing lights. Stop

when the lights come on and before
the barrier lowers. Remain stopped
until the barriers have been raised
and the lights go out.

On a one-way road, each lane is marked with an intermediate line. white tente,
can drive in any lane. When turning from a one-way road be sure to move into
the correct lane well before turning.

5-18 5-19
CROSSINGSWhite lines are marked across a
crosswalk to indicate crossing areas.
Pedestrians should use these areas
when crossing the road. At the
intersections tions where there are no
white lines In any case, you must stop
before reaching the intersection, when
you need to stop, whether due to
signs, traffic signals, co pedestrians.

The white lines marked on the

pavement at the intersection of lanes
near STOP
signs or signals. Where you see
these lines you must stop before
reaching them.

Any vehicle may enter the center lane at a point where it can slow down or stop

Continuous white lines mark the edge of the pavement, edge of the road,
channels, transitions and control of lane use. Crossing over a continuous white
line should be avoided. The solid yellow line at the edge of the pavement is a
guide for drivers not to drive to the left of that line. This type of yellow line can be
found on interstate highways.
before turning left. The center lane should never be used for passing (passing or
passing) or as any other lane of traffic.
(Four or more lanes)
Never cross the double yellow line to pass. Stay in your lane as long as

5-20 5-21
possible. If you drive slowly, stay in the right lane.


A solid yellow line on its side indicates “No Passing Zone.”

5-20 5-21
Various construction and maintenance signs are used in work areas to facilitate the movement of traffic and pedestrians safely and securely for workers. These labels are the ones
commonly used. Signs, bar ricadas, barrels, cones, tubes, signs with flashing arrow lighting, orange is the color used in these signs.

SPECIAL NOTE: Traffic fines will be doubled for violations of traffic laws that occur in construction zones, this will take effect January 1, 1998.
Signs are used to warn of dangerous situations near construction areas. Most of these signs are diamond shaped. Some are rectangular in shape.

Crossing is prohibited where there are solid double white


This is an element to reduce the

severity of accidents. The barrels
are placed in a certain way to
cushion the impact. They are
usually installed in front of a solid
obstacle and in places where
accidents occur. teeth frequently.

If you see this flag, slow down; This

indicates that the bicycle driver is deaf.

5-22 5-23
5-22 5-24
Barriers, boards, cones, tubes are the most commonly used equipment to alert Large boards with flashing or sequential lights and arrows can be used in day or
drivers to dangerous conditions on streets and cars. roads where there is
z_______ night work zones to guide drivers to appropriate lanes and to inform which lanes
construction and thus direct drivers to pass these areas safely and with caution. are closed to traffic.
At night they are usually equipped with flashing or constantly illuminated lights.


Guardrails are typically used in car construction areas. roads and streets. The
purpose is to stop, guide or stop traffic for the safety of everyone. These people
wear an orange vest, shirt or jacket, and use paddles or flags to stop, enter or
direct traffic.

These diagonal lines on the barriers or vertical lines on the boards are to guide
drivers in which direction they should proceed. Indian lines Lines to the right STOP TRAFFIC
mean that the driver must proceed to the right, consequently lines to the left
mean that he must proceed to the left.

5-25 5-25


5-26 5-25
1. Orange Color = Work Zone = Danger
a. Traffic control equipment is used to control drivers and pedestrians
through work zones and to protect workers.
b. Prepare to stop or stop gently.
c. Prepare to change lanes.
d. Prepare for the unexpected.
2. Warning signs
a. Pay attention
b. Sign the instructions
c. Reduce speed to that indicated in the work zone.
3. Lane change signs.
a. Slow down and prepare to change lanes
b. Be alert for drivers who wait until the last second. do to move to the open
c. Maintain a reduced speed until you have passed the traffic zone. low. Pay
attention to the sign that indicates that the work area has ended. I swim.
d. Return to the driving lane, but first check traffic behind you.
4. work areas
a. Reduce speed when approaching workers and equipment.
b. Prepare for unexpected movements of workers and machinery two.
5. Flagged
a. The guards are used in cases of extreme danger.
b. Their instructions must be obeyed.
c. When you are told to stop, do so in your lane and do not exit to the right
or left.
d. Do not move until told to do so.
e. Proceed with caution.
f. Always be prepared for vehicles approaching your lane of traffic.

Giving the appropriate signals of what
you intend to do is like a key to safe
Failure to use signs is dangerous and

A good driver always indicates what he intends to do. Your signs help others plan
ahead. A sudden maneuver often results ta in accidents. Stay alert, watch and

ALWAYS USE SIGNS when you are going to:

1. Change lanes.

2. Take a walk.

3. Exit a parking lot parallel to the sidewalk.

4. Slow down or stop.


You can use the directional tracks or your hand and arm to give signals. Make
sure others can see your signals. Extend your hand and arm wide outside the
window and signal ahead of time.

At night, hand signals are not visible except in well-lit areas. Make sure your turn
signals are in good condition. When you give the stop signal, lightly press the
brake pedal, just enough cient to turn the lights on and off, and this will serve as
a warning to residents. conductors who follow him.

rearview and side mirrors; Also turn your head and look behind you—someone
else may be passing you. Put your sign on the left.
2. Look ahead for a “No Passing Zone” and vehicles in the opposite lane.
Make sure you have enough room to pass the other vehicle and return to the
right lane before approaching vehicles. magnet are within 200 feet away.

TO TURN AROUND 3. Honk when necessary to warn the driver in front.

ON THE LEFT 4. Go left and do not turn right until you are a distance away. considerable
LIGHTNING amount of the vehicle he passed. Before returning to the right lane, wait until you
Signal continuously for at can see the vehicle you passed in the rearview mirror.
least 100 feet before turning or stopping. Turn off your turn signals after using 5. Signal right to return to right lane. Be sure to turn off your turn signal
them. If you keep them on, other drivers think you are preparing to “turn around.” afterwards.
NEVER drive in the middle of the left side of the road if:
1. When pavement markings prohibit driving on the left in a “No Trespassing
2. When there are two or more lanes of traffic in each direction.
3. When within 100 feet (about five car lengths) of crossing a railroad
4. When going uphill, curve, or any other place where you see it bility is PASSING ON THE RIGHT
In Texas and many other states, you can pass on the right side. But only under
5. When you are within 100 feet of a bridge, highway, or tunnel. conditions that allow such a maneuver without risks.
You should always stay in the middle of the right side of the road
EXCEPT: 1. When the road is free of parked vehicles or other objects, and there is
enough space for two or more lanes in each direction.
1. When passing another vehicle on a two- or three-lane street.
2. When you are on a one-way road.
2. When driving on a one-way street.
3. When the vehicle you pass slows down or stops in the main part of the road,
3. When half of the right side of the road is obstructed. either because it is broken down or because it is going to make a turn.
Do not pass on the right side by driving off the paved portion of the road.
It can't always be done safely. You must be patient and wait until the time
comes to pass safely. The accidents that occur caused by improper passing can
be fatal.
1. Make sure the path is clear.
2. Signal correctly before changing lanes.
3. Honk when necessary to avoid surprising the driver who is passing.
4. If you need to change to the original lane, avoid doing so quickly.
1. Stay clear of the vehicle in front so you can see ahead. Look at your
6-2 6-3
WHEN THEY PASS YOU 5. Signal appropriately at least 100 feet before turning . If you use hand
signals, hold your hand in the same position until you are close to the
1. Don't increase your speed. intersection, so others know what you are trying to do. Don't signal while turning
2. Stay in your lane. —because you need both hands on the wheel.

3. When someone passes you on the left side and the lanes are not marked 6. When turning, slow down. Do not use the brakes or clutch while turning.
Two, move to the right as much as possible, and only when you can make for
sure. 7. Make the turn correctly . It's easy if you're in the right lane and proceed
slowly as you begin the turn.
4. Do your best to allow the other driver to pass easily and safely.
Driving in Blind Space 8. Finish the turn in the appropriate lane .
Do not drive in another driver's “blind space.” Pass the other driver or stay TURN LEFT—TURN RIGHT
behind. When passing a vehicle, move through the blind space as quickly as How to turn right
possible. as much as I can. Approach with caution, but once you meet Move
parallel to the other vehicle, accelerate and pass quickly. 1. Before you reach the place where you will turn, signal to change lanes and
when it is safe to do so, move into the right lane.

2. Signal right, and begin to slow down at least 100 feet from the corner.

3. Look both ways before you start to turn.

4. Stay as close to the edge of the road as possible. Turn around with both
hands on the steering wheel.

do it at least half a block before turning around, you should not vol tear but
continue forward.


Turning a corner seems very simple. However, many actions Mistakes and
confusion are caused by drivers not making the correct turn. mind.

On the following pages study the diagram showing the correct method of turning
right and left. There are 7 steps to turn around uprightly:
1. Decide what you are going to do before you get to the point of turning .
Never make a “last minute” turn, it is too dangerous.
2. Before changing lanes . Look behind you and to both sides to see where
other vehicles are.
3. Move into the correct lane as quickly as possible . The faster traffic
moves, the faster you must move into the correct lane. If he can not

6-4 6-5
1. Well before turning, signal to change lanes and when there is no longer any
risk, move close to the center lane.

2. Start using the left signal and slow down at least 100 feet before the corner.

3. Look to the right and left before you begin to turn. Stay to the right of the
center lane as you enter the intersection. Yield to any vehicle approaching from
the opposite direction.

4. Finish the turn on the right side of the center lane of the road you are
turning onto, entering the lane that least interferes with other traffic.

Turn Left From a Street

from one-way to a two-way street.
1. If you are turning left from a one-way street, turn from the left lane.


In addition to the turns shown here, observe the markings on the pavement:

1. They allow you to turn left or right from two or more lanes of traffic.
Turning Left from a Two-Way Street
2. Which tell you other special turns or lane information. to a one-way street
2. If you turn left onto a one-way street, get into the car. ril where it does not
interfere with traffic already using that street.

6-6 6-7
Not all accidents happen when vehicles are moving. An improperly parked
vehicle can also cause an accident. When you exit your vehicle, set the parking
brake, stop the engine, and remove the key from the ignition. Before opening
your vehicle door, make sure there is no traffic coming.


1. Parallel to any vehicle that is stopped or parked on the shoulder or bor dillo
of a street.

2. On the sidewalk.

3. Inside an intersection.

4. At a crossroads.

5. Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb, or within 30 feet above the
curb immediately opposite the end of a safety zone.

6. On the opposite side of the obstruction or excavation of a street, when

stopping or parking would obstruct traffic.

7. On a bridge or any other structure elevated above a road road, or inside a

highway tunnel.

8. On the rails of a railway track.

9. Anywhere where an official sign prohibits you from stopping.

DO NOT PARK OR STOP A VEHICLE (occupied or not): (Stopping for a

moment to obey signs, signals, etc., is not considered parking or stopping.)

1. In front of a public or private entrance.

2. Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant or valve.

3. Within 20 feet of a crosswalk or intersection.

4. Within 30 feet of any flashing signal, stop sign, yield sign, or any other
traffic control sign located on the side of the road.

5. Within 20 feet of the entrance to any fire station and on a street opposite
the entrance to a fire station, and within 75 feet of such entrance.

DO NOT PARK A VEHICLE (occupied or not):

Within 50 feet of the nearest rail of a railroad crossing.


Never park or leave your vehicle on the paved portion of any road outside a
commercial or residential district when you can park off the road. If you cannot
park off the road:

1. Leave enough room for others to pass.

2. Make sure your vehicle can be seen at least 200 feet from each direction.

3. At night, use your parking lights or leave your headlights on low beam.

4. A person may stop or park a bicycle on the sidewalk if the bicycle cleta
does not impede the normal movement of pedestrians or other traffic.

It is against the law (class C crime—$500 fine) to park in spaces designated for
the disabled. The law specifically says: Do not park in areas with lines adjacent to disabled parking. located or in front of
an entrance to a business. These areas are for the sil those with hydraulic
1. Do not park in these spaces unless the vehicle has the parking case or the wheels.
disabled identification card.

2. You should not use the disabled identification card unless you are UNAttended MOTOR VEHICLE:
transporting the disabled person.
It is illegal for a person in charge of a motor vehicle to leave it unlocked. lying
3. You should not lend your ID card to another person. down without first stopping the engine, locking the ignition, removing the key from
the ignition, and setting the brakes, and when parked at a certain height, leaving
4. Do not close access to a ramp or edge. it without turning the front wheels toward the edge or side of the road.

Additionally, certain municipalities prohibit stopping or parking in places for

disabled people unless they have the plates or identification card of being

7-2 7-3

1 in

Choose a suitable space for your vehicle. Signal, stop at the same level and two UP HILL
feet away from the vehicle in front. DOWNHILL (without edge)

Turn the wheels Turn the rear of the Turn the wheels to the
clockwise tires clockwise right
bank bank


When backing up be very careful. Children often play among parked vehicles.
Look back before, and when backing up.
Make sure you are not an obstacle to oncoming traffic; then turn the front wheels
completely to the right and back slowly towards the shore.

When your front seat is facing away from the bumper of the vehicle in front,
quickly turn the steering wheel fully to the left. Back up slowly toward the rear
vehicle without touching it. It should be about six inches from the shore. Do not
park more than 18 inches from the shoulder the.

NOTE: On a two-lane road you must park with the tires upright within 18
inches of the curb or edge of the road.

It is illegal to drive downhill with gears in neutral.

7-4 7-5
r front wheels and get into final parking position. to. Center the vehicle in the space.

7-4 7-6
You must always comply with the maximum and minimum speed limits.
You should generally maintain the same speed as other traffic. You should
always know how fast you are driving. You must obey the speed limits, but a
good driver does much more.

1. A good driver must always maintain a safe distance between his vehicle
and the front one. The faster you drive, the greater the distance you should leave
between the two vehicles. A good rule of thumb is to travel at least two (2)
seconds behind the vehicle in front. For example: When the vehicle in front
passes a fixed object and you reach the same object in less than two (2)
seconds, you are too close to the vehicle in front.
It takes a driver one and a half seconds (1-1/2) to react, think and apply the
brakes. This table indicates the distance you will drive within one and a half
seconds (1-1/2) and the distance in feet gliding.

If your speed is 20

If your
speed is 30

If your
speed is 40

If your
speed is 50

If your
speed is 60

If your speed is
And this is with
brakes and tires in
good condition,
and on dry, level pavement!

2. A Good Driver knows when to slow down. Automobiles, motorcycles, light trucks, automobiles or light
• Slow down when the road is wet (rain, snow, ice). Many drivers discover trucks pulling a trailer or semi-trailer, buses, school activity
too late the problems that a little rain can cause. Roads are slippery when buses
70 65
wet, making it very difficult to control your vehicle. The best thing you can do
is slow down. Make sure you have complete control of the situation at all School buses that have passed commercial inspection 60 60
• Slow down when the road is congested.
Trucks or truck-tractor, trucks or truck-tractor pulling a trailer or
• Slow down when your visibility is limited. You should always be in a 60 55
stopping position within the distance you can see ahead of your vehicle. In
the dark or in bad weather, do not try to drive forcefully. do its visual limit. ROADS THAT ARE NOT NUMBERED BY THE STATE
3. A Good Driver— always adjusts his speed according to his own physical AREAS
condition and the condition of his vehicle. If you feel tired or unwell, do not drive.
Never force yourself to drive. Automobiles, motorcycles, light trucks, automobiles or light
trucks pulling a trailer or semi-trailer, truck or truck-tractor, truck
or truck tractor pulling a trailer or semi-trailer, buses, school
SPEED LIMITS activity buses
60 55
All drivers must obey the maximum and minimum speed limits. dad. The purpose
of these limits is to maintain traffic organization under normal conditions. When School buses that have not passed commercial inspection or
traffic is congested, there is bad weather. low visibility, or other poor driving are traveling on roads that are not numbered by the United
conditions, you should adjust your speed to avoid accidents. The following table States or the State 50 50
shows the maximum speed limit for all vehicles under different conditions. Day Night
Drivers should be aware that cities and counties have the authority to (MPH (MPH
change these limits. ) )

URBAN AREAS (in the city all vehicles) 30 30

ALLEYS 15 15


COUNTY TRUCKS adjacent to public beaches (if declared

by county commissioners)
15 15

Automobiles, motorcycles, light trucks, automobiles or light

trucks pulling a trailer or semi-trailer, truck or tractor truck, truck
or tractor truck pulling a trailer or semi-trailer, buses, and
school activity buses
70 65
School buses that have passed commercial inspection 60 60


8-2 8-3
Never drive when you are sleepy. It is much more dangerous to drive at night
than during the day, since we do not see as well as during the day. When
traveling, drive during the day—it's safer.

Slow down when driving at night. Make sure you can stop within the illumination
distance of your vehicle's lights.

You should dim your headlights when:

1. You are within 500 feet of an approaching vehicle.

2. When following too closely (within 300 feet) to another vehicle.

3. When driving on lighted roads.

4. When driving during fog, heavy rain, ice, snow or dust.

If you need to park on an unlit road at night, use your low beams or parking

• You should use your headlights (main beams) from one half hour after
sunset to one half hour before sunrise, or when people or vehicles cannot be
clearly seen at a distance. cia of 1,000 feet.

• Avoid looking directly into the headlights of oncoming vehicles. You

should look to the bottom right of your lane.

• Flashing turn signal lights that illuminate on one side only should not be
used when a vehicle is parked or disabled.

DRIVING ON THE MAIN ROAD • Use the right lane:

Over the past few years, many thousands of miles of super cars have been built. If you want to drive at a minimum speed or slower than other traffic.
reteras. They are known by different names depending on where you live. They
• Using the center or left lane:
are called main road, highway, express road. These roads are dis Designed for
maximum safety, but you must know how to use them properly. In Texas, the 1. Use the center or left lane if you are driving faster than other traffic.
highway is defined as “A divided arterial highway, with fully controlled access
roads and no crossings in grade areas.” 2. If you plan to leave the main road, move into the exit lane as soon as
possible. as possible.
Before using the main road
Plan your trip in advance so you know the entrance, direction and exit. Make sure
you and your vehicle are in good condition. If you are unable or unwilling to drive
faster than the speed limit, do not use the main road. pal.


1. You must yield to vehicles already on the main road.

2. Enter the ramp, keep right, signal left, and when the road is clear increase
your speed so you can enter with the flow of traffic.


CHOOSING THE RIGHT LANE— Be sure to watch traffic before changing
speeds or lanes and always use your turn signals.
9-2 9-3
• Observe specific
instructions that tell you
which lane to use.


• stay in the center of your lane.

• stay in your lane—don't weave in and out of traffic.

• Maintain a uniform speed. Follow the rest of the traffic. Do not increase or
decrease speed unnecessarily.

• Stay at least 2 seconds from the vehicle in front. In bad weather increase your
following distance to 4 seconds. Be alert for vehicles ahead. Be prepared in case
one of them stops suddenly.

9-2 9-3
• Adjust your speed to allow others to enter the road safely. parking lights. At night, in addition to the parking lights to, turn on those inside the
• Vehicles in any lane must be prepared to change to another lane and allow
faster moving traffic to pass; except for traffic in the right lane, which is used by • Tie a white cloth to your radio antenna, door handle, or any other place
slow moving vehicles. where it can be easily seen. If you do not have a white cloth, raise the hood or
hood of the vehicle.


• Before leaving, change to the correct lane. The more congested the traffic is
fico, the more time you will need to change to the appropriate lane. Exit signs are There is a basic rule that applies to all driving situations, and especially especially
located at least 1,000 yards before the exits. in emergency situations: think before you act.
• Slow down on the exit ramp. When leaving, slow down even more, so that Getting out of a slide— A car slides when the tires lose their ability to “grip” the
when you leave the main road you are driving within the lowest speed limit road pavement. If your vehicle starts to slide:
allowed. Check your meter until you get used to the low speed.
• DO NOT USE THE BRAKES. Lift your foot off the gas or accelerator pedal.

there is recognizance Once you have control, gently straighten the wheels.
• It is a condition of unconsciousness due to lack of activity and uni shape of the
wind, engine and tires. It is known as roadside hypnosis. All drivers should • You can avoid slipping by slowing down when the road and weather are bad.
know the danger it represents and the methods to avoid it. Also check your tires—worn tires are dangerous.

• STOP OFTEN . Even if you feel fine, you should stop at least every two
hours or every 100 miles. Get out of the car to walk. Allow your muscles to relax.


• KEEP YOUR EYES MOVING. Look at different objects—near and far, left
and right. Read road signs when approaching them. Check your rearview mirror


1. Keep a window open to get fresh air and keep Be alert and awake.

2. On sunny days wear good glasses. Never wear sunglasses at night.

Brake failure— When your brakes fail, avoid panic. Remember your
3. Stay out of the other driver's blind space—driving in a position where the handbrakes and shift to a lower gear. Apply your parking brake carefully so as
front driver cannot see your vehicle can be dangerous. thick Stay behind or pass not to lock it and cause your vehicle to slide.
him, but do not follow him on the side. Going off the pavement —If you go off the pavement:
BREAKDOWN VEHICLES • Do not apply the brakes suddenly. Grip the steering wheel firmly and lift your
foot off the gas or accelerator pedal.
• If you cannot move the car off the pavement, get everyone out of the car and
out of the road. Portable warning devices should be used to warn approaching • Use your brakes carefully and do not try to immediately re-enter the pavement.
traffic. Wait until your speed has decreased, check for traffic behind you, and then
carefully return to the pavement.
• Move your vehicle off the pavement to the side of the road . A car with a
tire failure may be driven slowly to the side of the road. Tire Failure— Check the air pressure in your tires frequently and have when
the tires are fresh.
• Turn on your emergency lights . If you don't have emergency lights, use the
9-4 9-5
If you have a tire failure: SHARING THE ROAD WITH BICYCLES
• Do not slam on the brakes hard. Bicycle regulations for drivers
• Lift your foot off the gas pedal and gently apply the brakes. 1. A bicycle is a vehicle and the person driving it has the same rights and
responsibilities as a vehicle driver.
• Drive the vehicle in a straight direction until stopping.
2. Bicyclists are required to ride to the right edge of the right lane as much as
Driving on a downhill slope—Shift into a low gear so you can slow down. Never
possible and may only ride side to side with a car when the lane is/designed for
go down in neutral or with your foot on the clutch.
one car and one cyclist. Even so, there are certain conditions that the cyclist can
DRIVING IN THE WINTER take the full lane and these are:

Most drivers know that winter creates additional dangers for vehicles, but many of a. Passes or passes another vehicle proceeding in the same direction.
them don't know what to do to avoid it. The following are several precautions that
you should follow: b. The person prepares to make a left turn at an intersection. section or in a
private driveway or road.
1. Use tires with chains or snow tires . Chains are more effective, and
should be used when driving on ice or snow on the road. Be warned...neither c. There are dangerous conditions on the road such as permanent objects,
chains nor snow tires will allow you to drive on slippery pavement at normal moving objects, moving or stopped vehicles, pedestrians, animals, holes or
speeds, so don't feel safe in those conditions. trash.

2. Keep a reasonable distance . You must increase the space between the d. The lane does not have enough space to share between a bicycle and a
vehicle in front and your vehicle according to the pavement conditions. to. Many car. If this is the case, it is best for the cyclist to take the entire lane either
crashes occur on the streets when there is snow because drivers Drivers forget riding single file or two side by side.
to leave enough room to stop. Snow tires slip on ice or firm snow. To protect
yourself you must keep your dis tance. 3. Bicyclists are not restricted to the right lane of traffic. Car streets Multiple,
single-direction rails are an example. Another example was when
3. Reduce your speed according to conditions . There is no safe speed for
driving on snow or ice. You should be extremely cautious until you can
determine how much traction you can expect from your tires. Avoid locking
the brakes on ice as you will lose control of the steering wheel. Every block
in the city and every mile of the road can be different, depending on the sun
or shade and the road surface.

4. Keep windows free of obstacles . Remove snow and ice from your
windows before driving, even if you're just going to the corner drugstore. Make
sure the windshield and defroster are in good condition.

5. Prepare for the dangers ahead. There may be ice on bridges when the
rest of the pavement is free of snow. Snow melts more slowly in shaded areas.
Take precautions when turning.

6. Learn to test the path . Start very slowly. It is useless to burn the rubber on
the tires by spinning the wheels. Test your brakes gently after the vehicle is
moving to determine how much traction it will have. Start slowing down before
making a turn.

9-6 9-7
The cyclist changes lanes to make a left turn. The cyclist must follow the path of TO OVERTAKE
any other vehicle driving in the same direction. tion.
When passing a truck, look ahead and behind, and move into the passing lane
4. Drivers should merge with traffic with cyclists when They are preparing to only if the road is clear and a passing zone. Let the truck driver know that you are
turn right. Avoid crossing and turning in front of bicycle traffic. passing by flashing your lights, especially at night. The driver can help you by
staying on the far side of the lane.
Most Common Driver Mistakes
On a level road it takes three to five seconds longer to pass a truck than a car.
1. The most common accident between cars and cyclists is when the driver tor
On the way up the truck loses speed, and it is easier to overtake. Going downhill
turns left in front of the cyclist. Many times cyclist traffic approaching in the
the truck will go faster and you will have to increase your speed. Complete your
opposite direction is not observed and speed is poorly measured.
pass as soon as possible and do not stay next to the other vehicle.
2. The second most common mistake is the motorist turning right in front of the
If the driver flashes your lights after you have passed, this indicates that you can
cyclist. The Driver must slow down, merge with cyclist traffic to make a turn with
return to your lane in front of the truck. Be sure to get back into your lane but not
before you can see the front of the truck in your rearview mirror. After you have
3. The third error is when the driver passes the “Stop” or fails to “Yield” to passed the truck, return to your normal speed.
cyclist traffic. At intersections, “Yield” applies equally to vehicles and bicycles.
When a truck passes you, you can help by staying on the far right side of your
lane. It will also help if you slow down a little. In any event, do not increase speed
while the truck is passing. After passing, the driver must signal to let you know
that the truck will return to the appropriate lane.

When encountering a truck coming in the opposite direction, stay as far to its side
as possible to avoid an accident or to reduce the wind. bulent that occurs
between the two vehicles. Remember that the wind pushes vehicles apart and
not on top of each other.

A semi-trailer tractor takes longer to stop than a car traveling at the same speed.
Typically, a car traveling at 55 miles per hour will stop within approximately 240
feet, which is about three quarters of a football field. A loaded semi-trailer tractor
can take more than 400 feet to come to a complete stop, much longer than a
football field.
Wrong Way Turn right move to If you are following a truck, stay out of the “no-sight spot,” behind. Do not follow
the right
too closely, and keep your vehicle in a position where the driver can see you
through the truck's rearview mirror. An excellent rule for drivers sharing the road
CARS SHARING THE ROADS WITH TRUCKS with a tractor-trailer is “If you can't see the truck driver in the side mirror, he can't
see you.”
Whether you share the road with cars, motorcycles, trucks, cars, buses, or any
other large vehicle, it is important to obey traffic laws and road regulations, and
drive defensively.

Are there important rules for sharing the roads with trucks? Yeah. The following
are suggestions from professional truck drivers.

9-8 9-9
Whenever you follow a truck at night, dim your lights. The high beams of the
vehicle following the truck blind the truck driver when they reflect in the large
mirrors on the side of the truck.

Pay attention to the trucks' directions, they make wide turns, leaving a space on
the right before turning. To avoid an accident, do not pass a truck in the right lane
if the truck is likely to make a right turn.


Never try to cross behind a truck that is preparing to back up. Many times when
the driver wants to back the truck into a loading area, there is no other choice but
to block the way. Here is how Some drivers and pedestrians try to cross behind
the truck instead of waiting a few seconds for the truck to complete its maneuver.
When passing behind the truck, the driver or pedestrian enters an area of
visibility. restricted and an accident may occur.

Trucks that are designed to transport products from town to town and cities are
not designed to maneuver like cars. Trucks require more distance to stop and
accelerate, they need more room to turn, and they weigh much more. On multi-
lane roads, semi-trailer trucks stay in the center lane so that local traffic can
move more easily on and off the road. Staying in the center lane gives the driver
the ease of changing lanes and thus avoiding danger or an accident. The
following are some of the mistakes drivers should avoid when driving next to
trucks and buses:

• Getting in front of a truck or bus in traffic or on the road to take an exit or

turn. Pulling into an open space in front of a truck or bus removes protective
space for the driver. Try to beat a truck to a single lane in rep construction
zones represents a dangerous situation. Take a moment to slow down and
get out or stay behind the truck—it will only take a few more seconds.

• Never try to estimate the size or speed of an approaching truck. Due to

the size of the truck, they appear to be going at a slower speed than what
they really are going. A very large number of accidents between trucks and
cars take place at intersections, and the reason is that the driver of the car
does not realize how close and how fast the truck is coming.


Good physical condition is like a key to

driving safely. Allow another person drive if
you are not alert mentally and physically.
Alcohol and other drugs affect your ability to

Millions of people take drugs daily without realizing that drugs gas can affect the
ability to drive. Alcohol, painkillers, marijuana—or any other alternate drug—can
impair the mental and physical (psychomotor) ability needed to drive. Even
medicines that can Taking them without a prescription can affect your ability to

All people are affected by the same drug in a different way. Weight, emotional
state, amount and time taken—all of these influence the driver's ability to react in
emergency situations and judge speed and distance.

Taking more than one drug at the same time can be very dangerous and each
drug can react differently with another, especially when one of the drugs gas is

DOPE alcohol content in his or her body. If you refuse the exa blood or breath for
analysis or if the person has a level of 0.08% more, their driver's license may be
Even small doses of marijuana have been proven to affect consciousness. tration, suspended for a period of 60-90 days.
judgment, and the perception necessary to drive. When people are under the
✔ A person who has an alcohol concentration in their body of 0.08% or more is
influence of marijuana they lose the ability to drive safely. People under the influence intoxicated according to the law.
of marijuana lose the ability to a certain sense of perception and sensation.


The use of amphetamines keeps drivers awake and active for a long time, but it will
make them less coordinated, nervous, and, as one study has shown, they are four FINES
times more likely to have an accident. Studies indicate that the use of cocaine even
Offense Penalty fee Imprisonment License
in small social quantities can produce lapses (time intervals) in attention and
concentration. and 72 hours-180 90 days-365
*1st DWI 0-$2,000.00 days in jail days
Caffeine may help a drowsy driver stay alert, but it doesn't help a drinker sober up. 2nd DWI 0-$4,000.00 and 30 days-1 year 180 days-2
Studies have determined that regular amounts Caffeine drinks do not improve the in jail years
driving ability of the intoxicated person.
3s DWI 0-$10,000.00 and 2-10 years in 180 days-2
subsequent the penitentiary years
Sedative hypnotic drugs, including barbiturates, calm and help you sleep. Drowsy
drivers and those under the influence of sedatives are not good with drivers. Homicide and 2-20 years in 180 days-2
0-$10,000.00 prison years
0-$10,000.00 2-10 years
Intoxication years
Many over-the-counter drugs make some people drowsy and can affect their driving.
Drivers should read the label and be very careful, especially with antihistamine * The Court can validate the sentence and rule out the suspension of the license
drugs, cold remedies, or any medicine used for calming or drowsiness. in cases of first offense.

ANY DRUG Possession of alcoholic beverages in open containers increases the minimum
term imprisonment for 3 days. The definition of intoxication includes alcohol and
Any drug affects the driver's ability. If you take more than one drug, or if you mix drugs.
drugs (especially painkillers or other sedative-hypnotics) with alcohol, you may
endanger your life and others—on and off the road. If you have questions about a DO NOT DRINK WHILE DRIVING
drug or drug mixture, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. ceutical.
It is illegal to consume an alcoholic beverage while operating a motor vehicle in a
public place where a police officer is present. Finding guilty for this offense may
ALCOHOL result in a fine not to exceed $500.
Every year alcohol, a drug that affects coordination, judgment, perception and this
emotional, is responsible for half of all deaths on roads in the United States.

Alcohol increases the sedative effects of painkillers and barbiturates, mixing

these drugs, whether on or off the road, can be too dangerous. thick


✔ An officer, for some reason, may ask a driver to submit to a test to determine the
10-2 10-3
WHY IS DRINKING AND DRIVING DANGEROUS? 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
✔ Drinking alcoholic beverages and driving is the major cause of serious accidents. 1 .04 .03 .03 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02
In 1993, alcohol was the primary reason in 45 percent of fatal accidents.
You lose your mind when you drink or use drugs. The first thing that happens is 2 .06 .06 .05 .05 .04 .04 .03 .03
the loss of judgment, or good sense, affecting how you react to noises, what you
see, or the speed of other vehicles around you. 3 .11 .09 .08 .07 .06 .06 .05 .05
Good judgment is as simple as saying “NO” to a friend who wants to go racing on 4 .15 .12 .11 .09 .08 .08 .07 .06
a country road, but if you have been drinking or under the influence of drugs,
your good sense may say “Sure”, go ahead, take my car. new." His skill ability to 5 .19 .16 .13 .12 .11 .09 .09 .08
reason with his friend has disappeared. Don't be convinced.
6 .23 .19 .16 .14 .13 .11 .10 .09

WHAT IS THE LIMIT? 7 .26 .22 .19 .16 .15 .13 .12 .11
No one can overtake the limit and drive safely, no matter how much driving 8 .30 .25 .21 .19 .17 .15 .14 .13
experience he or she has. Inexperienced drivers can be affected ted more than
expert drivers because they have to think more about what they are doing. 9 .34 .28 .24 .21 .19 .17 .15 .14
Studies have shown that young drivers are affected ted more quickly by alcohol.
Just one drink can affect a person's driving. Two drinks in an hour can affect 10 .38 .31 .27 .23 .21 .19 .17 .16
anyone and make them a dangerous driver.

Remove .015% for each hour of drinking. One drink is 1 oz. of 80% liquor 40%,
WHAT IF A DRIVER HAS HAD A LOT TO DRINK? 12 oz. of beer at 4.5% or 4.0 oz. of wine at 12%.
Some myths about drinking alcohol say that taking cold baths, drinking black
coffee, or exercising sobers a person. This is not true, just time weight, the KNOW YOUR LEGAL LIMIT
number of drinks, and how much the person has eaten can determine how long it
will take for the person to sober up. It takes about an hour for the body to get rid ✔ In Texas it means 0.08% concentration of Blood—alcohol or any amount ity that
of the effects of the first drink. results in losing the normal use of mental or physical faculties. This is only a
guide and not accurate enough to be considered legal evidence. The numbers
If the person had more than one drink in an hour, one hour of sobriety must be calculated are averages; individuals vary in the tolerance they can obtain for
given for each additional drink. Better, someone who hasn't been drinking should consuming alcohol. The food in the room magician affect the level of absorption,
medications, health, and psychological condition are important factors. In any
case, if you have taken it, be careful.


All people are different. So are drugs. The circumstances under which people Drivers are encouraged to take a drug and alcohol awareness course. So that
take drugs are different. So are the effects that the drug causes. But driving they are better educated about the effects and consequences of drugs and
safely will always require the same things: watching eyes, a steady hand, and a alcohol. Insurance companies provide discounts to drivers who satisfactorily
clear mind. complete a drug and alcohol awareness course.
Taking Drugs While Driving? Why take a risk?
Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a problem that affects all Texans. To keep Texas

10-4 10-5
safer, laws have already been put in place to discourage people from drinking and 1997 adopted law #35, in the Senate, which establishes ZERO TOLERANCE
driving or punish those who want to drive and drink. for minors who commit crimes under alcohol laws by not driving a vehicle as well
as driving under the influence.
UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL OR DRUGS: ZERO TOLERANCE means that. Even if the minor is not intoxicated as
defined under the DWI law, if the minor has a detectable amount of alcohol hol in
FIRST DWI (Class B offense)—Punishment of a fine not to exceed $2,000.00, his or her physical system, he or she was under the control of a vehicle in a
imprisonment for not less than 72 hours or not more than 180 days, and suspension public place, the law simply says that the minor has committed the crime of
of license (or privilege) for not less than 90 days and not more of 365 days. The driving under the influence of alcoholic beverages by a minor (DUIA
judge can give conditional release and rule out suspension of the license cia for the by A Minor).
first offense only. Possession of an open alcoholic beverage will increase the
minimum term of imprisonment by 3 days to six days for the first offense.
SECOND DWI (Class A Felony)—Punishment of a fine not more than $4,000.00, DUIA BY A MINOR
imprisonment not less than 30 days or not more than one year, license suspension
(or privilege of not less than 180 days and not more than 2 years . ✔ First Offense DUIA By a Minor (17 years of age but less than 21
years of age) (deli to Class C)—The Punishment is a fine of up to $500.00,
THIRD (OR SUBSEQUENT) DWI (Third Degree Felony)—Punishable by a fine no less than 20 and no more than 40 hours of community service. You are
of not more than $10,000.00, imprisonment in the penitentiary for not less than 2 required to attend an alcohol education course and if the minor is under 18 years
years and not more than 10, and suspension of license (or pre-privilege) for no less of age, parents may be required to attend this course.
than 180 days and no more than 2 years.
✔ Second Offense DUIA by a Minor (17 years of age but less than 21
ASSAULT UNDER INTOXICATION (Felony of the Third Degree)—Punishment years of age) (deli to Class C) —Punishment of a fine up to $500.00, and
by a fine of not more than $10,000.00, imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than not less than 40 and not more than 60 hours of community service. Alcohol
2 years and not more than years, and suspension of license (or privilege). for no less education program may be required.
than 180 days and no more than 2 years .
✔ Any DUIA Offense by a Minor (10 years of age or older but less than
HOMICIDE UNDER INTOXICATION (Second Degree Felony)—Punishment of 17) (“Delinquent Conduct” under the Family Code)—Punishment of
a fine not more than $10,000.00, imprisonment in the penitentiary for not less than 2 a fine of up to $500.00, no less than 40 and no more than 60 hours of community
years and not more than 20 years, and suspension of the license (or privilege ) for service. ity, and the minor's license (or legal driving privilege) will be suspended.
no more than 180 days and no more than 2 years. until the minor is 19 years of age or 365 days, whichever is longer.

✔ Third Offense DUIA by a minor (17 years of age or older but less
than 21 years of age) (Class B offense)—Punishment of a fine of not
THE NUMBER ONE KILLER less than $500.00 or more than $2,000.00, not less than 40 not more than 60
hours of community service and/or imprisonment not more than 180 days.
The number one killer among young people is driving under the influence. More than
4,000 young people die and more than 110,000 are seriously injured each year in
alcohol-related car accidents. Not everyone has drunk, but some passengers or
innocent people are victims of those who drink and drive. These statistics mean that
out of a high school of 475 students Hey, two could die or be injured. An accident
where someone has consumed alcoholic beverages. One of these people could be
your best friend. This person could be you.


In Texas a “Minor” is a person under 21 years of age. Generally speaking, this
person cannot buy, attempt to buy, consume or possess alcoholic beverages.

The minor must not possess an alcoholic beverage. The Texas Legislature in

10-6 10-7
The judge may not defer sentencing for a minor's third DUIA offense. detained pending bail before a Juvenile Court Judge.


THE LAW OF IMPLIED CONSENT cases tigos and inconveniences. It can also be a humiliating experience. It is
AND HOW IT APPLIES TO MINORS NOT worth the risk of being arrested. Some of the fines may be up to
$10,000.00, not including the cost of the surety bond, the lawyer and other court
✔ In Texas, if the person is arrested for an offense in which the acts alleged two costs.
have been committed during which that person was driving a motor vehicle in a
public place, or a boat, and the person was intoxicated or the person is a minor
and had a detectable amount of alcohol in the physical system and driving a OTHER SANCTIONS FOR RELATED MINORS
vehicle motorized, it is determined that this person has given consent to submit WITH ALCOHOL OFFENSES BUT NOT DRIVING
to a breath test, san gre to be analyzed and thus determine the concentration of
alcohol or the presence in that person's body of controlled substances, drugs, Texas' ZERO TOLERANCE law provides penalties for minors who commit an
dangerous drugs, or any other substance. Refusing to give a specimen will result alcohol-related offense, but not by driving a car. Generally speaking, a minor
in your menajar privilege pension and any driver's license. The suspension for cannot buy, attempt to buy, or lie and say that he or she is 21 years of age or
the minor who reuses is 120 days for the first time, 240 days for the second and older or present documents indicating that he or she is 21 years of age or older
one year for the third. The minor of a specimen and it is confirmed that he or she
to a person who sells or serves alcoholic beverages, consume , or possess
were operating a motor vehicle in a public place with any amount of alcohol that
alcoholic addiction. The punishment if you are guilty of one of the
is detected in their physical system (but that is lower than 0.08% blood alcohol
aforementioned alcohol-related offenses but not driving and being intoxicated in
content). (BAC) will have its license Driving license suspended (or the privilege
public are as follows:
will be denied if you do not have a license) for 60 days for the first offense, 120
days for the second offense, and for 180 days for the third and subsequent First Alcohol Related Offense by a Minor and Failure to Drive—
offenses. The minor may request a hearing before the administrative law judge to Class C Felony, punishable by a fine up to $500.00, 8 to 12 hours of community
see if the officer had the right and cause to detain and arrest the minor, or to find service, and attendance at mandatory alcohol awareness classes. The minor's
out if there was a detectable amount of alcohol in the minor's physical system. license will be suspended (or his or her privilege denied) for 30 days.

Second Alcohol Related Offense by a Minor – Failure to Drive Class C

HOW THE LAW WORKS Felony punishable by a fine of up to $500.00, 20 to 40 hours of community
service, and may be required to attend alcohol awareness classes. The license
A police officer with reasonable suspicion or probable cause may stop any will be suspended (or his/her privilege denied if he/she is not licensed) for 60
vehicle for a violation of traffic laws. When stopped, the police officer may days.
request that the driver demonstrate sobriety through field sobriety tests. If the
officer believes that, in the case of a minor who has been operating a motor ✔ Third Offense Alcohol-Related by a Minor and Failure to Drive (10
vehicle, there is a detectable amount of alcohol in the minor's physical system: years of age per minor under 17)—Class C Felony and “conduct that
indicates the need for supervision under the family code and punishable by a fine
• The minor is arrested, and the vehicle can be towed by a tow truck. of up to $500.00, 20 to 40 hours of community service, and the minor's license
will be suspended (or his/her privilege revoked) for 180 days. The juvenile does
• The minor may be detained, taken to the police station or county jail, and not qualify for deferred sentencing on the third and subsequent conviction.
given the opportunity to take a breath test. The minor may be taken to a
hospital or clinic for a blood test. The exam will be designated by the
arresting officer.

• If someone dies or is seriously injured in the accident, a sample of

breath or blood may be required.

• Refusal to submit to any or all of these tests may result in suspension of

the minor's driver's license or privilege for a minimum of 120 days.

• If the test is refused, or if the test indicates that there is a detectable

amount of alcohol in the minor's physical system, he may be jailed and
10-8 10-9
✔ Third Alcohol-Related Offense by a Minor—No Driving (17 years of
age or older for a minor under 21 years of age)—Class B Felony
punishable by a fine of not less than $250.00 or more than $2,000.00, not less
than 40 or more of 60 hours of community service and/or imprisonment not more
than 180 days. The driver's driving license will be suspended (he/she's privilege
will be made) for 180 days. The minor does not qualify for deferred sentence on
the third and subsequent conviction.

✔ Beginning September 1, 1999, a minor who is convicted for driving while your
license is suspended for a related offense tioned with alcohol, non-driving, is
subject to the penalties of driving with a suspended license (see chapter one for


A person who buys alcoholic beverages for a minor or who offers alcoholic
beverages to a minor may be punished with a fine of up to $2,000.00 and/or
imprisonment of up to 180 days. A person who sells alcoholic beverages to a
minor may be punished with a fine of up to $4,000.00 and/or imprisonment of up
to one year.


1. Stop immediately. (If you are blocking traffic, move your car out of the way,
if possible.)

2. Immediately warn other traffic to prevent further collisions.

3. Help anyone who may be injured.

4. Immediately notify the nearest police station, magistrate's office. istrade

(sheriff) or patrolman, if there were injuries or deaths, and if the vehicles cannot
move without risk.

5. Give your name, address, vehicle registration number, license number

company, insurance information of those people involved in the accident dent.
Take the same information from the other driver. Write the name of the insurance
company exactly as it appears on the card. Companies with similar names can
cause confusion. If you have the name of the other driver's company, call the
Texas Department of Insurance at 1-800-252-3439 to obtain the address and
telephone number of the local insurance company.

6. If there were injuries, injuries, or deaths; or damage to a person or property

of at least $500, or more must make a written report to the Department of Public
Safety; However, if the accident was investigated by a police officer, the officer's
report will be sufficient.

7. If you damage an unattended vehicle, you should try to locate the owner or
leave a note with your name, address, the name of the owner of the vehicle you
were driving, and a statement of what happened to the damaged vehicle; and in a
place where the owner can find it.

8. If you damage someone's property you must make a reasonable effort to

locate the owner and give them all necessary information.

9. When an accident occurs on a main lane, ramp, shoulder, dividing strip,

downtown area, or the area adjacent to the highway and in a metropolitan area,
and vehicles can be driven safely, each driver must move his or her vehicle. from
the area of the accident to a designated location to investigate the accident, if
there is one; or take them to another location so that they do not interfere with
highway traffic.

10. If you are involved in an accident in which the other driver fled the scene,
report it to a police agency for investigation. The Department of Insurance in
Texas warns that the only way to get your car fixed if an accident of this nature
happens is to make a report to the police.


When calling a doctor or ambulance, identify the precise location of the
accident. dent.

Don't assume a person isn't hurt just because they say they aren't. Ask for
professional help as quickly as possible. If the injured person is treated by an
inexperienced person, it can cause more harm than good.

Do not move or carry the victim unless absolutely necessary. If you need to
move the victim, ask for help and try not to change the original position. nal.

Stop bleeding with a thick pad or piece of thick cloth, as clean as possible,
applied with hand pressure or bandages.

Keep the victim warm. Cover her with blankets or coats if necessary.

The driver must always pay special attention to pedestrians and bicycles.
However, there are safety rules that pedestrians and cyclists must follow. say.

Rules and Other Safety Tips for Pedestrians
• Obey all traffic and pedestrian control signs.

• Do not cross the street between two intersections. It is dangerous to cross in

the center of the block.

• Use sidewalks when they are available, and do not walk on the street.

• Walk on the left side of the road if there are no sidewalks. Do not walk on the
pavement when a vehicle approaches.

• If you cross a street anywhere other than the sidewalk at an intersection, you
(the pedestrian) must yield to vehicles.

• If you cross the street without using the tunnel or special corridor that is set
up for pedestrians, you (the pedestrian) must yield to all vehicles.

• When using the crosswalk, keep to the right.

• Blind, partially blind, or disabled people may carry a white cane while walking.
Others should not use a white cane on a public street or highway.
• No person should stop on the road for the purpose of soliciting a ride,
contributions, or business.

• Do not walk or run into the street suddenly. It may be impossible for the
oncoming driver to yield to you.

• Wait on the sidewalk , not in the street, until the traffic signals turn green or
read “Walk.” (Walk)

• Always wear white or light-colored clothing, or carry a light or reflector when

walking at night.

• Look both ways before crossing the street, or before exiting from the middle
of parked vehicles.

• Be very careful when getting out of a passenger vehicle or bus.

• Enter and exit vehicles on the sidewalk.

• Do not walk on a road or path when drinking. Many pedestrians who drink are
victims of traffic.

• Always be especially careful with blind or disabled people crossing the street.
Texas law states that: “The driver of a vehicle approaching an intersection or
crossing where a pedestrian guided by a dog or carrying a white cane
crosses or attempts to cross, must have the pre necessary caution to avoid
hitting or endangering the pedestrian. The with “The driver must completely
stop the vehicle if any damage or danger can be avoided by this action.”
Remember, the white cane indicates that the person Sona may be blind,
partially blind, or disabled. Others should not carry a similar cane on a public
street or path. If you see a blind person, slow down, use your horn if
necessary, and be prepared to stop. Be careful around the blind especially
at bus stops, intersections, shopping areas, and near school for the blind.
Pedestrians must be aware that authorities Local authorities (city or county)
may have ordinances that require pedestrians to obey and adhere to
regulatory traffic control directions (signs, signs, etc.) and prohibit
pedestrians from crossing the street in a business district or designated
highway. with the exception of street crossing.

1. “The Bicycle” is a device pre-pulsed by human power in which anyone can
drive, having tires one after the other (tandem) and which are 14 inches in

2. Vehicle means any device on, on, or by which any person or property can
be transported or pulled on a highway, with the exception of devices used
exclusively on immovable rails.

3. A bicycle, and anyone on it, has all the rights and responsibilities as any
driver of a vehicle.

4. A cyclist must obey all traffic rules, signs and signs, and never ride in the
opposite direction of traffic. Stop at stop signs and stop at red lights.

5. Bicyclists are required to ride on the right side of the lane and from side to
side only when the lane allows. Even so, there are other conditions that allow the
cyclist to take the entire lane. These are:

a. The person passes or passes another vehicle proceeding in the same

direction tion.

b. The person prepares to make a left turn at an intersection. section or in

a private driveway or road.

c. Dangerous conditions exist such as permanent objects, moving objects,

parked or stopped vehicles, pedestrians, animals, holes or garbage.

d. The lane does not have enough space to share with a car and a bicycle,
if this is the case, it is best for the bicycle to take up the entire lane either by
riding in a row or side by side.

6. A person operating a bicycle on a one-way road with two or more lanes of agility.
traffic may ride as close to the left edge of the road as possible.
6. It's not required by law, but it's nice to have a mirror.
7. Persons riding bicycles in pairs and facing each other must not impede the
normal and reasonable flow of traffic on the road. People who mane They bicycle DRIVING IN WET WEATHER
in pairs and on a road with lanes they must ride in one lane.
Visibility for drivers decreases significantly. Dress in appropriate clothing for
8. A person who rides a bicycle must sit on or straddle (with one leg on each riding a bicycle. Water makes certain kinds of surfaces slippery. Be alert for holes
and painted lines in the street. Water darkens certain films gross Be alert for
side) on a permanent, regular seat.
wells that are covered or less than water.
9. No bicycle should be used to carry more people than the number of people. CYCLISTS SHOULD KNOW THE MOST COMMON ERRORS MADE
are what it was designed or equipped for. BY DRIVERS
10. No person on a bicycle should attach his or her bicycle or himself to any 1. The most common accident between cars and cyclists is when the driver tor
passenger vehicle or vehicle on the road. turns left in front of the cyclist. The driver does not observe or is alert to the
cyclist or the speed is not well calculated.
11. No person riding a bicycle should carry a package, package, or article that
prevents them from keeping at least one hand on the handlebars of the bicycle. 2. The second is when the driver turns right in front of the cyclist. The driver
must slow down and merge with cyclist traffic to make a turn with caution.
12. Cyclists can ride on the backrests.
3. The third most common error is when the driver does not come to a
13. Riders can signal to turn right using their left hand pointing up, or their right
complete stop or does not give the right of way to cyclist traffic. At intersections,
hand pointing horizontally.
yielding applies equally to vehicles and bicycles.
14. Every bicycle must be equipped with a brake that allows the rider to slide the
wheels on dry, flat, level pavement.

15. All bicycles used at night must be equipped with the following:

a. A headlamp on the front that emits a white light visible for a distance of
at least 500 feet to the front.

b. A red reflector on the rear, of a type approved by the Department of

Public Safety, and which must be visible from any distance up to a maximum
of 300 feet. A red light in addition to the red reflector can be used on the
back, visible from a distance. distance of 500 feet.

16. People with hearing disabilities must carry a white flag. (See page 5-22.)


1. It is not required by law, but it is suggested that cyclists wear a protective

2. When in pedestrian areas, reduce your speed.

3. Do not exit and enter between parked vehicles.

4. Pull out of the lane and stop to repair your bicycle.

5. The cyclist must select the route according to the person's experience and
13-2 13-3
To avoid accidents, the driver who drives defensively must:

1. Stay alert and have your eyes constantly moving so you can always know
what is going on around you.

2. Observe problems developing around you.

3. Have an action plan in case other drivers do what they shouldn't.

4. Be informed that the law requires drivers to protect each other from their
own mistakes.
✔ By law all children under 2 years of age must be secured in the seats. safety
precautions, and all children ages 2 to 4 should be in safety seats or wear seat
belts in a passenger vehicle or light truck. A child who is less than 4 years old
and less than 15 years old must wear seat belts in a passenger vehicle or light
truck, as long as the child occupies a seat that is equipped with seat belts. The
with driver and passengers in the front seat, in a passenger vehicle or truck with
a load capacity of no more than 1,500 pounds, must wear five security polecats.

✔ Seat belt means a lap belt and any shoulder strap bro included as original
equipment or added to a vehicle.

Seat belts are lifesavers. They help you:

• Prevent him from leaving his vehicle. (The risks of death are five times
greater when thrown from your vehicle in an accident.)

• Prevent it from hitting the vehicle dashboard. When traffic is not moving don't get angry. Try to relax, listen to music that you like,
take into consideration that some traffic congestion in some cases is temporary.
• Maintain better control of your vehicle.
If you need to use the horn, tap the horn lightly.
Whatever your arguments for not wearing seat belts, they are unreasonable,
and may violate State laws. Do not confront other drivers or make obscene gestures.

Do not cut into other drivers' lanes, use your signals correctly to indicate your
VEHICLES WITH UNCOVERED BASES intentions to change lanes, and change lanes when you are sure there is no
danger. Discontinue your signal after you finish your cam lane bio.
A person commits an offense if that person operates at more than 35 miles per
hour, an open pickup truck or truck with an open rear, or is pulling an open Do not delay or speed up intentionally to prevent others from passing or entering
trailer on a public street or highway when a child A child under 12 years of age your lane.
is occupying the back seat of the truck or trailer.
Stay at a safe distance.
WHEN THE POLICE ARRESTS HIM Remember to drive carefully, and report aggressive drivers to authorities. local
It is suggested that the driver:
1. Move the vehicle to the right shoulder of the road or street as soon as
possible, and stop.

2. Shift the vehicle into park, set the parking brake, turn off the engine, and
turn on the hazard lights.

3. Remain in the vehicle, roll down the driver's side window, and WAIT


5. Stay in the vehicle unless the officer instructs you otherwise.

6. When you finish speaking with the officer, put on the appropriate signals
and return to the appropriate lane.

Every year road rage or aggressive driving causes hundreds of deaths and
injuries to people driving in the United States. Aggressive driving occurs when a
driver is angry or irritated and therefore cannot follow the rules of the road. An
aggressive driver will intentionally aggravate or attempt to aggravate other
drivers on the road and in some cases will cause injury or property damage, or
death to other drivers or individuals.

Here are some tips to help you avoid road rage:

Plan your trip in advance and give yourself extra time in case your vehicle breaks
down or due to traffic congestion due to an accident, or road construction, or traffic
congestion due to the time of day.
14-2 14-3

Field of view reduced to 2/3

• Good vision
Look with your eyes, but observe with your mind.

• Obeying traffic laws

• Maintaining your vehicle
Don't rely solely on annual inspections.

• Courtesy
Safety is more important than the right of way.

• Appropriate signs
Not giving the right signals is dangerous and inconsiderate.

• Physical Health
Allow someone else to drive if you are not physically and mentally alert.

Field of view reduced by 1/5

14-4 14-5
WHY BE ALERT OF MOTORCYCLISTS? Motorcyclists have much more to look out for regarding obstructions on the road,
such as holes, tree branches. Crossing or railroad tracks may be minimal
Half of motorcycle accidents are with a driver like you. Almost two-thirds of these problems, but a motorcyclist will have to dis Reduce your speed to avoid these
accidents are caused, not by the motorcyclist, but by the driver of the vehicle. obstacles.
The driver does not see the motorcyclist or if he does, he sees him too late to
avoid the accident. meteorological conditions
When the road is icy or wet, your ability to brake or maneuver the motorcycle is

There are several reasons why drivers do not see motorcyclists: Violent winds
Drivers tend to focus on other cars, and not on motorcyclists. Violent winds can move a motorcycle from one lane to another if the motorcycle
cyclist is not prepared. A gust of wind from a tractor-trailer in the other lane can
Motorcycles are smaller than cars. This makes motorcycles more difficult to be very dangerous.
observe. Estimating distance and speed is much more difficult.
large vehicles
Motorcycles require changing lanes more frequently to adapt to different road
conditions. A large vehicle such as a truck or bus
can obstruct the motorcyclist from
being observed by other drivers and
LIKELY TO OCCUR? motorcyclist appeared suddenly.

Accidents are more likely in the following situations:

Left turns
The most common accident between cars and motorcycles is at intersections
when the driver of the car
makes a left turn in front of
the motorcycle. More than If you drive aware of these situations
forty percent of all and motorcyclists, you can make
motorcycle accidents occur streets and roads safer for everyone.
at intersections.
Obstructed visibility
Bicyclists riding alongside 1. Watch for motorcyclists. Be aware that even if you don't see cars, there
in a line of cars are often may be a motorcycle. Use caution at intersections, especially when making a left
out of sight of the car turn.
driver. An unsuspecting
driver can collide with a 2. Anticipate a motorcyclist's maneuvers . The need to make movements
motorcyclist when he or she tries to change lanes. and lane changes due to road conditions, weather, or other factors. Be aware
and leave room for such actions.

14-6 14-7
3. State your Intentions . Even if you don't see cars or motorcycles in front or TOWING
behind. Pay particular attention when turning left. Take care in all directions by
oncoming motorcyclists. When one vehicle tows another, the bar, chain, rope or cable or other connection
must not be longer than (15) feet from one vehicle to another. (This 15 feet does
4. Respect motorcyclists as if they were a vehicle with equal rights using the not apply to pole tractors) When chain, rope or cable is used as a connection, a
road. Yield the entire lane to motorcycles. white flag not less than twelve inches square should be displayed on the cable,
rope, etc.
5. Keep enough distance following a motorcycle . Insignificant contact can
cause a skid or injury to the motorcyclist. Be careful not to be poisoned by carbon monoxide. Cars produce carbon
monoxide, which is deadly. Make sure you get enough fresh air.
The Motorcycle Bureau of the Department of Public Safety was established given
in 1983 by the Texas legislature to improve the skills of motorcycles cyclists and SHOULD NOT:
reduce the severity of motorcycle accidents in the State of Texas. A portion of the
motorcycle license renewal fee is used to administer this program. This program leave the engine running in a garage.
establishes and verifies training classes throughout the State, and promotes
safety and awareness through campaigns, displays, and brochures. For Leave the windows open when following another vehicle closely.
information about this service you can call in Texas at 1-800-292-5787 or if you
live in Austin call 512-424-2021.


To prevent spills of materials or cargo on roadways or possibly causing an
accident or damaging roads, state laws require drivers to conductors that meet
certain requirements.

State law requires that no person shall transport or carry loose material on or on
public roads, whether dirt, wood waste or other material (with the exception of
agricultural products in their condition). natural), which is possible from flying or Leave the engine running and the windows closed when the car is parked.
spilling from a vehicle unless:
drive with a defective exhaust system (muffler).
1. The part that carries the load must be completely closed on the sides, front
use the heat or air conditioning in a parked car with the windows closed.
and back to prevent spills; either
2. The load must be covered with a tarp and secured firmly in front and back to
prevent escape of the material. This requirement does not apply to any cargo or Move a carbon monoxide victim to a place where they can receive fresh air,
compartment that completely encloses the cargo or the transportation of loose and administer artificial respiration.
cargo that does not spill or fly over the lid of the compartment. partition.

Safety chains are required on certain vehicles or trailers to prevent them from
coming loose and causing an accident. State law requires that no person shall
drive a car or truck towing a trailer, semi-trailer or mobile home on public roads
unless they have safety chains approved by the State of Texas Department of
Public Safety. This law does not apply if the vehicle is towing a trailer or semi-
trailer for agricultural purposes or does not apply to a trailer or semi-trailer or
mobile home that is driven in accordance with federal regulations.

14-8 14-9
1. Documents . All trucks must always carry registration documents istro
(license plate receipts); This receipt shows the weight of the vehicle how empty,
and how much charge it should carry according to the record.

2. Special permissions . If you want to carry a load or move equipment that is

heavier, longer, or wider than the law allows, you must obtain a permit. special
permit from the Department of Highways and Public Transportation. don't get A
permit will be given if the load can reasonably be dismantled.

1. Warning Devices, Fuses, or Reflectors . No person may operate a truck,
bus, truck-tractor or any other motor vehicle pulling a trailer home, on any road
outside the city limits or any divided road at any time, beginning one-half hour
after sunset. from the sun until half an hour before dawn, unless said vehicle
carries: at least three warning devices (warning signs) or three red electric
flashlights, or three red emergency reflectors. During times when burning lamps
are not required, two red flags should be used in place of warning devices, lights
or reflectors. Motor vehicles transporting explosives, or any tank truck used for
the transportation of flammable liquids or flammable compressed gases; or any
motor vehicle using compressed gas as com fuel cannot use warning devices,
fuses, or any signal produced with a flame. DOT approved triangular reflectors
can be used two instead of the team already mentioned.
The first thing a driver of a disabled vehicle should do is put out any warning
devices, flags, or reflectors.

TWO-WAY HIGHWAY Department of Public Safety, or request it by mail at the main office pal in Austin.


2. Hazard Warning Lights . When any truck, bus, truck-tractor, trailer, semi-
trailer, or pole trailer having 80 in. gated or more wide or 30 feet or more long,
stops on the road or shoulder, the driver must immediately set electric hazard
warning lights (warning lights) that flash simultaneously. These lights do not need
to use vehicles legally parked within city limits, or when stopping to pick up or
drop off passengers.
3. Fire extinguisher
a. All school buses, buses, rental cars, and other vehicles carrying
passengers for business or contract, must carry a fire extinguisher of at least
b. Commercial vehicles that are subject to the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety
Regulations must be equipped with a filled fire extinguisher in an accessible OBSTRUCTED
location ready for use. The fire extinguisher must be securely mounted on
the vehicle. ( Note : Fire extinguishers, when required, must comply with
393.95 of the Code of Federal Regulations.)

4. Lighting and reflectors . Reflectors must be mounted not less than 24

inches and not more than 60 inches above the ground on each pole trailer and on
trucks, buses, tractor-trailers, trailers, semi-trailers that are 80 or more inches

See diagram for more information on lighting and reflection requirements. tors for
your vehicle type.

Under certain conditions, ranch trailers, compost trailers, and boat trailers are
exempt from the lighting requirements. Mobile homes moved with a permit are
exempt from lighting requirements. For more information on the lighting
requirements for the vehicles already mentioned, request the publication cation
on trailer light and reflector requirements. You can obtain this publication at any
office of the


15-2 15-3



Turn Signal Lights Side turn signals

*Two red side taillights (Amber or red color) (Lights or reflectors can
— Side (White or Amber
Two side red stop lights — Two side red be incorporated)
Two rear side indicators (Amber or red
color) (Lights and reflectors can be

*Trucks or vans manufactured before 1960 are required to have at least one *Trucks or vans manufactured before 1960 are required to have at least one
taillight. taillight.

15-4 15-5

Two side rear lights

Two red side stop lights
(White or amber color) Two red side reflectors Side turn
(Amber or red color)
(Lights and/or reflectors can be
Side directional tracks (Amber or incorporated)
red color) (Lights or reflectors can
be incorporated) ON EACH

*Trucks manufactured before 1960 require at least one taillight.

15-6 15-7
FOREHEAD BACK operated as a single vehicle.

sides (white or
amber color)
Two red side reflectors
*Side turn signals
(Amber or red color) (Lights and/or
reflectors can be incorporated)
Two red side stop lights
Two red side reflectors
ON EACH SIDE Side directional tracks (Amber or red
color) (Lights and/or reflectors can
be incorporated)


If you are issued two plates, the rear plate must be

*Turn signal lights on truck tractors may be
incorporated into a dual light mounted on each
side of the vehicle; whether the tracks are visible in
the front and rear, and when the tractor truck is
15-8 15-9

Side marker light and center reflector are required

only on trailers measuring 30 feet or more in

15-8 15-9
ON EACH TRAILER LESS THAN 80” WIDTH 5. Blinking lights . Flashing lights are allowed on vehicles. emergency
vehicles, on snow removal equipment, and on school buses, when stopping or
FOREHEAD BACK ON EACH SIDE when they stop to wait for children to board or get off. These lights are also
permitted to be used on automobile tow trucks, and under the direction of an
officer in an accident or while pulling over. chan a broken down vehicle on the

6. Special Rules for Certain Vehicles . When operating on the road at night,
all animal-drawn vehicles, farm implements, road machinery, road graders and
agricultural tractors, which are not otherwise required to have lights or lighting
apparatus; They must have a white light on the front that is visible at 1,000 feet,
or a red light on the back that is visible at 1,000 feet, and two red reflectors visible
NO at 600 feet.
Two red side stop lights Two red side
7. Brakes
back (Amber red color) (Lights
and/or directional roads can
reflectors in the be
a. Trailers, semi-trailers, and pole trailers with a total weight of 4,500
pounds or less are exempt from the brake requirements. Trailers, semi-
trailers, and pole trailers with a total weight in excess of 4,500 pounds, which
EXTENSION TRAILERS (POLE TRAILER) does not exceed 15,000 pounds and operated at a speed of 30 thousand
those per hour or less, are not required to be equipped with brakes. Trailers,
ON EACH semi-trailers, and pole trailers with a total weight in excess of 4,500 pounds,
INDICATOR LIGHT SIDE and not exceeding 15,000 pounds and are operated at speeds in excess of
30 miles per hour, must have brakes on both wheels of the rear axle.

b. Every motor vehicle, trailer, semi-trailer, pole trailer, and combination of

similar vehicles equipped with brakes, must have the brake system in such a
manner that a control device can be used to operate them. This does not
prevent the use of additional control devices tionals to operate the brakes on
tow vehicles. An idle brake system can be used on trailers and semi-trailers
with a total weight of 15,000 pounds or less.

BACK c. Under all conditions, the vehicle combination must be capable of meeting
the performance requirements. (Generally, if the trailer and combination is
3,000 pounds or less, the combination must have the ability to stop within 40
Two red side taillights Two red side feet when traveling at 20 miles per hour. If the trailer and combination weigh
stop lights Two red side reflectors
in excess of 3,000 pounds, the combination must have the ability to stop
Side turn signals on the rear
(Amber or red) within 50 feet when traveling at 20 miles per hour.)
(Lights and/or reflectors can be
incorporated) 8. Directional Routes. All motor vehicles, trailers, semi-trailers, or pole trailers
(except motorcycles and certain types of trailer) must be equipped with electric
turn signals; Except for passenger vehicles or trucks less than 80 inches wide
and manufactured before 1960, they do not need to be equipped with electric turn
signals; to

15-10 15-11
unless the body or cargo of the vehicle or combination of vehicles extends on one FOREH slow moving vehicles. Slow moving vehicles are
side more than 24 inches from the center of the top of the steering wheel, or the those designed to be operated at a maximum speed
limit of the rear of the body or cargo exceeds more than 14 feet, from the center of of 25 mph or less, and this includes all farm vehicles and other machinery; and
the top of the steering wheel. road machinery pulled by animals or slow-moving motorized vehicles.

9. Mudguards . All trucks and trailers with four or more tires on the rear axle a. The use of this sign on any other than slow moving vehicle is prohibited.
must be equipped with safety fenders behind the rear wheels. These fenders must Not for use on other vehicles or on objects this tioned.
be 8 inches high from the road surface, and their purpose is to prevent the throwing
of mud and sludge. This requirement does not apply to pole trailers, or truck b. Exceptions. The following do not need the special label:
tractors when They are operated alone and without being in combination with a
1) A vehicle used in construction while driven within the boundaries of the
construction area with markings required by the State Highway
10. Lighting Requirements for Agricultural Tractors and Farm Implements Commission.
. Each agricultural tractor and any automatic agricultural equipment or farm
implement manufactured after the 1st. January 1972, must be equipped with the 2) An implement or machinery that is pulled by a slow-moving vehicle,
following lights and reflectors: which has a sign, if visible.

a. Two front lights. 12. Illegal Team l. It is illegal to operate on a highway any wheeled vehicle that
has stakes, straps, edges, links, long nails, or other edge extensions that could
b. A rear light (mounted as far to the left as is accessible.) damage the road. (This does not prevent the use of tire chains for your safety.)

c. Two red reflectors. LIMITATIONS (note exceptions)

d. White or amber flashing warning lights on the front, and red or amber 1. Speed Limits.—(See page 8-3)
warning lights on the rear. These lights must be used when the vehicle is
operated on any road. (See diagram.) 2. Altitude. No vehicle including the load may be more than 14 feet high from
the road surface to the top of the load. (See exceptions) The driver is responsible
BACK for determining that his load will safely pass under any bridge or crossing on his
3. Latitude . Vehicles, including the loads they transport, cannot exceed er 102
inches wide. (See exceptions)

4. Maximum length:

a. A motor vehicle other than a truck-tractor cannot exceed 45 feet. (See


b. A semi-trailer cannot exceed 59 feet when operated with a tractor-trailer

and semi-trailer combination.

c. A semi-trailer or trailer may not exceed a length of 28-1/2 feet, each, when
operated with a tractor-trailer, semi-trailer, and trailer combination.

d. No combination of vehicles, with the exception of a tractor-trailer

combination, may exceed 65 feet. (See exceptions tions)
5. Vehicle Combinations . No passenger vehicle or other vehicle Motorized
vehicle with an unladen weight of less than 2,500 pounds may be used with more
than one vehicle. A combination of three vehicles is the limit.
11. Sign for a Slow Moving Vehicle . This label is now a requirement Use for all
15-12 15-13
6. Load Limits . The maximum weight allowed for any vehicle or com agricultural products in their natural state), that may spill from a vehicle, unless:
Combination of vehicles including cargo is 80,000 pounds. (Load limits are based
on vehicle size, number and wheelbase, and also tire size.) (See exceptions) a. The load-carrying base is completely closed on both sides, in front, and in
Under certain conditions, vehicles can exceed 80,000 pounds by obtaining a the back by a door or cover, a board, board; and all of this must be done in a
permit. from the Texas Department of Transportation. way that prevents

7. Downloading and Additional Registration. If the total weight of your

vehicle exceeds the maximum weight allowed by law, plus a 5% tolerance, you
may be required to unload up to the legal limit, plus the tolerance; or if the axle
weight exceeds the maximum allowable weight, the driver may be required to
unload or unload the vehicle to the allowable limit. (Car trucks transporting
livestock, lumber or pulpwood, or agricultural products in their natural state, from
the place of production to the market or for processing, are not required to unload a
portion of their load.) Trucks that are istran for less than the load they transport
must secure additional registration up to the legal limit of the nearest County Tax
Assessor and Collector. cano or the nearest practical point; if they carry cattle or a
load of natu perishable race.

8. Extensions on the Front and the Back . No vehicle shall carry a load that
extends more than three feet from the front and more than four three feet from the
back; unless special permission is obtained. When a load extends more than four
feet from the rear, a red flag at least twelve inches square must be tied to the rear
end of such extension during the day; and at night use a red light that is visible at
500 feet. (See exceptions) Motor vehicles and combinations thereof used
exclusively for the transportation of poles or pipes may exceed the length or
extension limits of the front and rear of the vehicle; except that said vehicle must
not exceed 65 feet in length and may be operated only between dawn and dusk.

Exception to rearward extension: a load may extend no more than four feet to the
rear of the trailer if the load consists of a motor vehicle. ized that:

a. It is designed and intended to be loaded behind the trailer.

b. It is used or can be used to load or unload the product on or off the trailer.

c. Does not extend more than seven feet backwards and

d. Complies with each of the Federal Regulations for Safe Transportation.

9. Towing . When one vehicle is towing another, the drawbar, chain, rope,
cable, or other connection must not be longer than fifteen feet from one vehicle to
the other. (This fifteen foot limit does not apply to pole trailers.) When a chain,
rope, or cable is used as a connection, a white flag not less than twelve inches
square must be attached.

10. Metal rims . Vehicles, trailers, etc., weighing 5,000 pounds or more with
metal wheels, cannot be operated on a highway without a special permit.

11. Transporting Loose Material . No person should load or transport any loose
material on public roads, such as dirt, sand, gravel, chips, or other material (except
15-14 15-15
escape, whether blown away or spilled from any portion of the cargo. 10. Fire Department vehicles are exempt from the regulation length, extension,
and weight.
b. The top of the load must be covered with a tarp, hemp cloth, or other cover
securely secured in front and back. interior to prevent the escape or spillage of 11. A vehicle combination used to transport harvesting machinery may have a
any portion. This requirement This recommendation does not apply to cargo length of no more than 75 feet.
compartments that are well sealed, or to the transportation of any loose
material that does not spill over. ma of the cargo compartment. OPERATING RULES
1. Driving in Neutral . It is illegal for a commercial motor vehicle to drive in
EXCEPTIONS TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF neutral or “freewheel” down a hill, even with the clutch disengaged, while the
transmission is left in gear. If it is necessary If you want to shift to a lower gear, do
SIZE OF REGULAR VEHICLES (STANDARD) so before starting downhill.
1. Vehicles transporting water well drilling machinery, road construction and 2. Following another vehicle . When a truck follows another truck or vehicle
maintenance machinery, agricultural tractors, and farming equipment; or the Therefore, sufficient space must be maintained to allow another vehicle to safely
vehicles transporting them, are exempt from length or width limits on all highways pass and enter between the two vehicles. (This does not prevent a truck from
except the Interstate system when operated during the day. passing another vehicle.)
2. A singular vehicle that exclusively transports cotton seed modules, cotton, or 3. Railway Crossings.
equipment used in the transportation or processing of something area cannot
exceed 120 inches in width, if the vehicle is registered with a special plate for a. In a commercial or residential district, any bus transporting children or
“Vehicles that load Cotton”. Vehicles carrying cylindrical-shaped bales of hay passengers for business must stop at all railroad crossings; unless a traffic
cannot exceed 144 inches in width. light or police officer tells traffic to proceed.

3. Motorized buses with air brakes that have three or more axles, or four The b. All heavy equipment such as slow-moving tractors, pre-loaders sion,
tires on the rear axle must be 45 feet long; otherwise they must be 35 feet. cranes, road rollers, etc., must stop at all railway crossings ril.

4. The length requirements for a vehicle or combination of vehicles do not apply c. At the city limits, trucks carrying explosives must stop at railroad crossings.
when operated solely within the city limits. These requirements do not apply at traffic crossings. tracks, abandoned rails,
industrial rails, or where a traffic light or police give traffic signals.
5. Load limits vary depending on the size of the vehicle, the number of axles, the
distance between the axles, and the size of the tires. 4. Vehicles Transporting Hazardous Materials . The Department has
adopted the US Department of Transportation's Hazardous Materials Regulations.
6. The State Highway Commission can reduce the limit on loads transported OR. Copies of this regulation can be obtained at: U. S. Government Printing Office,
from the farm or ranch to the market. See signs showing the permitted limits which Washington D. c.
are posted to inform drivers.

7. A combination of vehicles, excluding a tractor-truck combination, not more SAFETY PRACTICES

than 90 feet in length may be used from dawn to dusk to transport poles, bundles,
and raw lumber from forests to processing plants, either a maximum distance of 1. Going around with a big team . Tractor-trailers and wheeled trucks, and
125 miles. buses, when turning right must have the shoulder or sidewalk clear for the rear
tires. Since they can't stay in the car own rail while turning around, they must turn
8. For a fee of $120 per year, a combination of vehicles, with the exception of a around using one of these methods:
truck-tractor combination, no more than 75 feet in length may be used to transport
poles for power line maintenance. traffic, from dawn to dusk at a speed not a. Approach the corner in the appropriate lane, leaving only about four feet of
exceeding 50 mph. shoulder (to prevent a vehicle from passing on the right). As the front wheels
clear the corner, make a wide right turn, moving to the center of the parallel
9. A single vehicle used to transport cotton seed modules, cotton, or equipment street if necessary, so that the right wheel can clear the corner or sidewalk.
used in the transportation of cotton cannot exceed 48 feet.
b. If the street you enter is narrow, it may be necessary to approach using the

15-16 15-17
method already discussed; Then move to the left enough to position the right HEAVY TRUCK DRIVERS SHARING
wheel clear of the shoulder (but without leaving a large gap to prevent a
vehicle from passing on the right), then make a sharp turn into the narrow
street or driveway. Professional drivers cannot only be good drivers. They have to be better than
everyone else on the road. Not only do they have the responsibility of getting the
You must be extremely careful when on your own side of the road. And you should cargo to its destination but they also represent the line of defense in the industry
still be even more careful when turning in a large vehicle; because for a moment he against a bad image. Drivers should share the roads with cars and adhere to the
must do it from the other side of the road. following guidelines.
2. Safe Backing Practices . It is more difficult for a large vehicle to back safely FOLLOWING TOO CLOSE
than a small one. It is recommended that you do the following:
This is one of the most common complaints against heavy truck drivers. It is not
a. When backing up, get out of the truck and walk around it to make sure justified all the time, but it is the most frequent. The teacher sional must:
there is nothing behind it. Then immediately back off and with caution.
Maintain a distance between the truck and the car. The truck needs more space cio
b. Use both rearview mirrors. You can't possibly see the right side while to brake. (Remember your truck looks too big in the rearview mirror.)
hanging from the left door.
Keep the four-second rule when following.
c. If you need to backtrack a considerable distance, stop halfway, then pull
out and review your progress.

d. Try to have someone standing in a safe place to guide you by signaling.

e. Park where you don't have to back out of the parking lot. to.

f. When turning back, never back up at the corner of an intersection.

g. If you have to back in or out of the driveway; When possible, back into the
driveway from the street so you can head out into the street and see where
you are going.

h. When backing onto a street and must pull onto the sidewalk, stop on the
sidewalk to make sure there are no children playing behind or near the
vehicle. Stop on the shoulder again to check traffic one last time before
backing out onto the street.

i. Don't rely entirely on your rearview mirror.

3. Passing with Caution - Two Wheel Vehicles . Motorcycles and bicycles are
lighter and the wind affects them more than four-wheeled vehicles. Because of this
you should use extra caution when passing.

a. Due to the effects of aerodynamics near a large vehicle this can cause the
two-wheeled vehicle to be pulled towards the large vehicle three or more
inches depending on the relative speed of the two vehicles. You must reserve
a minimum distance of six feet to the left of the two-wheeled vehicle when
b. When overtaking a two-wheeled vehicle, do not attempt to carpool. ril with
that vehicle. Move to another lane or line to pass. If approx. If you see
oncoming traffic, slow down and follow the two-wheeler until the traffic clears.
15-18 15-19
Increase the distance to 6-8 seconds in bad weather. Provide plenty of room for school buses. This mishap of the fre count stops to load
and unload children. Remember that the driver may be distracted by children on
Be alert for cars cutting into the free space in front of the truck. the bus.

Know that tailgating or caravanning is dangerous for the group of cars behind. (If You should keep in mind that recreational vehicles and cars tow They can cause
you try to pass and do not do so safely, you and others will possibly be involved in problems because these types of drivers do not have the experience that
a serious accident.) professional drivers have.

These types of vehicles are vulnerable to the turbulence caused by vehicles. For
EXCESSIVE SPEED the big ones, slow down and give them plenty of room.
Excessive speed of heavy trucks is another reason for accidents and another of the Pass these vehicles with caution and care and move to the left as much as
most common complaints. Driving at excessive speed in dangerous conditions possible and with caution.
large amounts of time is very dangerous. Remember, obey the speed limits:

Preserve lives, avoid human and property damage. HOT AND COLD

Increases gas economy by as much as one mile per gallon at 55 mph instead of Driving in the summer has its risks. Drivers of heavy or large vehicles must be
65. aware of:

Conserve use of tires, brakes and engine allows time and space to stop after Lost, fatigued, vacationing drivers who may stop suddenly or veer across multiple
observing the danger. Remember, stopping distance increases much faster than lanes to take an exit. Overloaded cars with limited visibility and or drivers distracted
your speed. If you double your speed, your stopping distance quadruples. by either children or small animals.

Road construction where lanes suddenly narrow and announcements are

TO OVERTAKE confusing. (Heavy machinery and pedestrians are usually nearby.)

The following are basic things for drivers to remember when trying to pass slower Ice and snow in winter mean that you have to slow down to avoid may slip and jam
traffic. the brakes and twist. If you encounter congested traffic and multiple vehicle
accidents, stop and wait for everything to clear before attempting to pass with your
Giving signals is not enough. Before making any movement, the professional driver vehicle.
ensures that the lane change or passing can be done safely and without interfering
with others.
Do not alarm the motorist by passing too closely before moving into the passing
lane. Leave enough room before re-entering the proper lane after passing. His good disposition is the badge of a professional driver and is his badge of honor.
Sharing the roads with cars should be a matter of safety and importance for
Remember that the truck blows a wall of air forward. Keep enough space between professional drivers.
cars you pass.

Traffic movement and congestion are real life things for the con professional

Stay calm, do not use the horn and lights for no reason.


The professional driver must remain alert with car drivers school buses,
recreational vehicles, and rental vehicle drivers. The level of experience among this
class of drivers varies greatly. The with Drivers of large vehicles must:

15-20 15-21
VEHICLE REGISTRATION 6. Temporary tags on new vehicles are valid for 20 days; Metal vehicle dealer
registration plates may be used on any motor vehicle dealer vehicle, except for
1. All vehicles must be registered in the county of residence. commercial purposes—vehicle inspection required. Manufacturers' metal
registration plates may be used for testing purposes only—vehicle inspection
2. The following vehicles are not required to be registered or inspected, or required. The temporary vehicle dealer tag may be used to demonstrate a
carry a license plate when operated provisionally on highways: vehicle for sale with an attached motor vehicle inspection certificate. hoisted; or
to transport or compose vehicles without a motor vehicle inspection certificate.
a. Agricultural tractors 7. Registered agricultural vehicles, in addition to being used on the farm and ran
However, they can be used to transport passengers, for family members to attend
b. Agricultural trailers, agricultural semi-trailers, and certain fertilizer and church or school, for doctor visits for treatment. for medical supplies or supplies, or
cotton trailers weighing no more than 4,000 pounds in total. for other household or family needs—but not for matters of paid employment.
c. Farming utensils 8. Out-of-State registration plates are recognized for 30 days after establishing
residency or beginning paid work.
d. Mechanical Broom
9. For registration applications or other detailed information, consult your Tax
e. Certain types of “golf” carts
Assessor, or the State Division of Motor Vehicles, Department of Highways and
3. The following vehicles when operated provisionally on the roads Trailers Public Transportation. You can get more information mation in the commercial
are not required to be registered or inspected if the owner has a $5.00 annual vehicle editions of the Department of Public Safety.
license, and obeys other special conditions of the law:
a. machinery for digging water wells and construction machinery.
The Department of Public Safety has mandated the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety
b. Agricultural trailers and semi-trailers, cotton and cottonseed cargo Regulations, key 49 of the Federal Regulations, Parts 390-393 and 395-397. The
trailers, and certain fertilizer trailers weighing more than 4,000 pounds and Department has also adopted the Federal Hazardous Materials Regulations, Parts
not exceeding more than 20,000 pounds in total weight. 171-173, 177, and 178. For detailed information on these regulations adopted by
the Department of Public Safety, see Rule 3.59 and Rule 3.62 which are on file
4. Non-resident truck owners may be issued a provisional registration permit with the Texas Secretary of State.
to move certain agricultural products and machinery during harvest time.

✔ 5. Under certain conditions, provisional registration permits, and reduced-rate COMMERCIAL DRIVER LICENSE (CDL)
registrations for specialty vehicles may be obtained. (If you need information,
see your County Tax Assessor, or the State Motor Vehicle Division, Texas If you are required to obtain a Commercial Driver's License, see the Commercial
Department of Transportation. Motor Vehicle Driver's Manual for more information. mation.

15-22 15-23

1. What is the minimum age to obtain a Class C driver's license without
driver education or without need? (p. 1-4)

2. What is the maximum fine for a first offense of driving without a license?
(p. 1-16)

3. What type of restrictions can be placed on your license? (p. 1-17)

4. Which direction should you turn your wheels when parking on an uphill
slope where there is no sidewalk or shoulder? (p. 7-5)

5. What should you do if you do not receive notice of your driver's license
expiration date? (p. 1-19)

6. On a one-way street, what color is the flashing line? (p. 5-19)

7. Describe the “Yield” sign (Q 5-5)

8. What is the shape of the “Narrow Bridge” sign, and how should a driver
react when seeing this sign? (p. 5-9)

9. What is the shape of the “Keep Right” sign and how should a driver react
when seeing this sign? (p. 5-12)

10. Which sign tells you to slow down because you are approaching? ima to
a double curve? (p. 5-7)

11. What does the “Do Not Pass” sign mean? (Do Not Pass) (P. 5-12)

12. What is the sign that tells you to stay in the right lane when driving
slowly? (p. 5-12)

13. What does “Yield Right-of-Way” mean? (Yield). (p. 5-5, 4-1)

14. Describe the equipment required by State law in a passenger vehicle. (p.

15. What is the purpose of an exhaust system? (p. 2-3)

16. Describe the types of equipment that Texas law specifically prohibits in
passenger automobiles when driven within the state. (p. 24)

17. How should you react when a traffic officer asks you to do something that 36. If you are required to show proof of financial responsibility for the future.
would generally be considered illegal? (p. 5-1) How many years should this evidence be kept? (p. 3-3)

18. After the brakes have been applied, what is the distance in feet that a car 37. What type of signs warn you to watch for traffic on the right and left?
travels before stopping if its speed is 70 mph? (p. 8-1) gives? (p. 5-7)

19. If you approach a school bus loading and unloading children, how Is it 38. Describe the sign that identifies vehicles that must drive at a speed of 25
necessary to stop before proceeding? (p. 4-6) mph or less. (p. 15-13)

20. What is the distance in feet that the average driver drives when going 50 39. What gear should you use when driving on a downhill slope? is it very
mph, from the time he or she sees the danger until he or she applies the brakes? inclined? (p. 9-6)
(p. 8-1)
40. What requirements are needed to teach a beginner to drive? (p. 1-2)
21. When you park near the corner, what distance do you need? Should you
leave between the crosswalk and your car? (p. 7-2) 41. When does the provisional license of a person under 18 years old expire?
(p. 1-3)
22. What is the State speed limit for automobiles in urban districts? (p. 8-3)
42. What is the maximum number of inches between the curb and your
23. When a sign says 55 mph, does that mean you can drive 55 mph on that wheels when parallel parking? (P 7-4)
road under any weather conditions? (p. 8-2)
43. When following another car, what is a good rule to follow? var to
24. Should you never drive on the left side of the road when you encounter determine the space you should leave between the two? (p. 9-3)
How many feet from an intersection, bridge, or railroad crossing? (p. 6-2)
44. To what agency, and within what period of time, should the change be
25. What should you do when you realize you are in the wrong lane for a turn reported? address bio, for the purpose of keeping the information on the driver's
when entering an intersection? (p. 6-4, 6-5) license up to date? (p. 1-18)

26. When two cars meet at the intersection of a two-lane street and a four- 45. What effect does the use of marijuana and amphetamine have on driving?
lane road, which one should yield? (p. 4-1) (p. 10-1, 10-2)

27. If while driving you hear the sound of a siren, what should you do? (p. 4-6) 46. What is the punishment you receive for driving while intoxicated? (p. 10-
28. What is the first thing to do when a car starts skidding? (p. 9-5)
47. What does a green arrow in conjunction with a red light mean? (P 5-2)
29. What time of day should you turn on your headlights? (p. 91)
48. How should you react to a flashing red light? (P 5-2)
30. Under what conditions can your driver's license be suspended? (p. 1-20, 1-
21, 1-22, 1-23, 1-24, 1-25, 1-26) 49. What signs indicate a train crossing? (p. 5-18)

31. What is carbon monoxide and how can it harm drivers? (p. 14-8)

32. Describe what to do if you experience a tire failure (“flat,” or “puncture”)

while driving. (p. 9-6)

33. What should you do when driving downhill in a car with a regular
transmission? (p. 9-6)

34. What should you do if you cause damage to an unattended vehicle? (p.

35. In an accident, when is it necessary to make a report? (p. 11-1)

TO-2 A-3
50. Describe the sign that warns you to slow down because you are 68. [Under what conditions should headlamps be used? (p. 9-1)
approaching ima a winding road. (p. 5-7)
69. How far should you dim your lights when an approaching vehicle? (p. 9-1)
51. What sign tells you that the road you are on joins another? (p. 5-7)
70. What type of lights should vehicles use when parked on the road at night?
52. What type of sign tells you that the maximum speed for the next turn is 25 (p. 9-1)
mph? (p. 5-12)
71. What lights should you use when driving in fog? (p. 9-1)
53. Describe the sign that warns you that you are approaching a traffic
intersection. (p. 5-7) 72. When are you required to show proof of financial responsibility? (p. 3-1, 3-
2, 3-3)
54. What type of sign warns you to slow down because of a bump in the road?
(p. 5-10) 73. When necessary, how can one show proof of responsibility? financial ity?
(P 3-1)
55. Describe the type of sign that tells you that you are on a short State
highway, in a city or urban area. (P 5-16) 74. What sign warns you to slow down? (p. 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 54, 5-5)

56. What is the maximum number of inches that an object is legally allowed to 75. Under what circumstances can you lose your license? (p. 1-20, 1-21, 1-
leave? protruding from the left fender of your car? (p. 2-4) 22, 123, 1-24, 1-25, 1-26)

57. Under what conditions should you always stop? (p. 4-4, 5-1, 5-2, 5-18, 5- 76. In addition to the exhaust system (muffler), what new equipment is
19, 5-25) required on all automobiles manufactured in 1968 and later? (p. 2-3)

58. What should you do when you enter a street from a private driveway or 77. Why are seat belts important? (p. 14-1)
alley? (P 4-2)
78. What does “defensive driving” mean? (p. 4-1)
59. If a child cuts in front of your car at about 45 or 50 feet, what is the
maximum speed at which you can stop (with good brakes) without hitting him? (p. 79. What are the different types of licenses and requirements for each of
8-1) them? (p. 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6, 1-7)

60. How far from a fire hydrant can a vehicle be legally parked? (p. 7-2) 80. When is a cyclist not required to stay to the right of the road? (p. 13-1)

61. What does a sign that shows 55 mph mean? (p. 5-13) 81. When are cyclists allowed to ride side by side in the traffic lane? site? (p.
62. What is the maximum speed limit for passenger cars on State or United
States numbered highways and outside urban areas? (p. 8-3) 82. What are the three most common accidents between cars and bicycles?
you? (p. 13-3)
63. Under what circumstances should you never attempt to pass a car ahead
of you? (p. 6-2) 83. What is the punishment for minors for being guilty of driving while
intoxicated? two? (p. 10-7)
64. Under what conditions is overtaking and passing on the right not allowed?
(p. 6-3)

65. When a driver is waiting to make a left turn, what is the procedure to follow
when the light turns green? (p. 5-2, 6-6)

66. What precautions should a driver take at non-marine intersections? falls?

(without signs) (P. 4-2)

67. What rules must a bicycle driver observe? (p. 13-1, 13-2, 13-3)

A-4 TO 5
84. What is the punishment for minors for being guilty of related offenses? 101. What type of vehicles are required to have fenders? (p. 15-12)
ionized with alcohol and not driving? (p. 10-9)
102. What is the maximum speed limit for a rental vehicle (taxi cab) on a listed
US highway or State and during the day? (p. 8-3)
FOR CLASS A AND B DRIVERS 103. What is the maximum speed limit for buses at night on listed US roads?
and State? (P 8-3)
85. What is the maximum speed for heavy trucks on the road at night? (p. 8-3)
104. What are the extension limits of a load in the front and rear of vehicles? (p.
86. What should you do when you are going downhill in a heavy vehicle? (p. 9- 15-15)
6, 15-17)
105. What is the safest method of backing up a large truck? (p. 1518)
87. What should you do when turning right in a vehicle that is too large to stay
in your own lane when you turn? (p. 15-17) 106. Why is it always required to have registration papers on trucks? (p. 15-1)

88. How can agricultural tractors obey lighting requirements nation when they 107. What is the minimum capacity of chemical fire extinguishers that all school
operate on the road at night? (p. 15-12) buses must carry? (p. 15-2)

89. What are the size and weight requirements for Class AB and C (non-CDL) 108. What are the requirements for warning lights on trucks and cars? buses?
licenses? (p. 1-3, 1-4, 1-5) (p. 15-5)

90. What is the first thing a driver of a truck or bus that has broken down 109. How many reflectors on the back should trailers, semi-trailers, or pole
should do? (p. 15-1) trailers have? (p. 15-10)

91. When necessary, where should warning lights be placed around a truck? 110. How many inches should there be between the ground and the mounted
(p. 15-2) reflectors? (p. 15-2)

92. What is the lighting required on a semi trailer that is 80 inches wider? (p. 111. What color should warning lights mounted near or on the rear of a vehicle
15-5) be? (P 15-6)

93. What are the altitude limits that reflectors should be mounted? (p. 15-2) 112. What types of vehicles are flashing lights allowed? (p. 15-11)

94. What color should the warning lights, side lights, or reflectors mounted on 113. What is the maximum latitude (width) allowed by State law for a vehicle on
or near the front of the vehicle be? (p. 15-6) the road? (p. 15-14)

95. What is the maximum altitude allowed by State law for a vehicle including 114. What generally determines the number of trailers that can be towed by a
its load? (p. 15-14) vehicle? (p. 15-14)

96. What is the maximum weight allowed by State law for any vehicle? What 115. What is the maximum length generally allowed by State law for any truck
including your cargo? (p. 15-14) and trailer combination? (p. 15-14)

97. What should be the maximum distance between two vehicles when one is
towing ca to the other? (p. 15-15)

98. What should you do when towing equipment that is wider, heavier and
longer than the law allows? (p. 15-1)

99. When are directional tracks required on a vehicle? (p. 15-11)

100. Outside the city limits, what type of vehicle must stop at all
railway crossings? (p. 15-17)
A-6 TO-7
116. What is the minimum weight that a trailer or semi-trailer must have before
the vehicle is required to have brakes that the driver can apply? (to use) (P. 15-

117. When towing another vehicle with a chain or cable, what color should the
flag that is attached to that chain or cable be? (p. 15-15)

118. When one truck follows another, what distance should there be between
the vehicles? to allow, without risk, a vehicle in the middle? (p. 15-17)

119. When fenders are required on a vehicle, how many inches must there be
between the ground surface and the fenders? (p. 15-12)

120. What are the rules about shoulders and handholds on Texas state
highways? (p. 15-13)

Driver License Offices are generally open Monday through Friday, from 8 am to 5
pm. Some offices extend their hours, others certain ran during midday. If you
need the exact schedule, call the nearest office. cane. If your city does not
appear on this list, ask your local court or city offices for the address and hours of
offices in your area.

There are offices that provide services certain days of the week only. Depending
on the office, there is a possibility that the examiner is the only person to provide
service and may be out of the office conducting driving tests or other business
required by the Department. It is suggested that the per Please call the
appropriate office before you go to determine what the hours are on that
particular day.
Abilene 915/692-5363 2720 Industrial Boulevard
Alice 361/664-2113 300 South Johnson Street
alvin 281/585-4525 113 East Sealy
Yellow 806/468-1400 4200 Canyon Expressway
Andrews 915/524-1425 County Courthouse, 201 N Main
Angleton 281/331-6101 501 South Velasco
Ext. 1521
Aransas Pass 361/758-8680 913 South Commercial
Arlington 817/274-1818 3901 W Arkansas, Suite 111
Athens 903/675-4179 203 East Larkin
atlanta 903/796-3301 310 North Louise
Austin Capitol 512/936-2100 William P. Clements Bldg
300 West 15th, Suite 408
Austin North 512/424-2076 6121 North Lamar Blvd.
Austin Northwest 512/335-8131 13730 Research Blvd. (US Highway
Austin South 512/444-5241 183N)
Bastrop 512/321-8802 4719 South Congress
Bay City 409/245-9353 806-B Walnut
Baytown 281/422-8582 510 Avenue F□
Beaumont 409/898-0770 1308 South Highway 146
Beeville 361/358-6272 7200 Eastex Freeway
Big Spring 915/267-5671 400 South Hillside
Boerne 830/249-6335 5725 IH 20 West
Bonham 903/583-5613 1414 East Blanco, Suite 2
Borger 806/274-6311 1201 East Sam Rayburn
Brenham 409/836-2020 1400 Veta, Room 111
Brownfield 806/637-3625 Highway 290 West
Brownsville 956/542-5301 802 North Ballard
brownwood 915/646-0180 No. 5 Boca Chica, Suite 15
Brian 409/776-3110 540 Commerce Square
Canton 903/567-2346 1003 N Earl Rudder Fwy
1601 North Trade Days Blvd

Carrollton 972/245-5800 2625 Old Denton Road, Suite 310 Henderson 903/657-6095 212 North Van Buren
Center 409/598-6152 Hwy. 96 South HerefordEdit 806/364-6481 303 East 3rd Street
Childress 940/937-2560 U.S. Highway 287 East Hillsboro 254/582-5044 303 N Waco
Clear Lake Area 281/486-8242 111 Tristar, Webster Houston-Dacoma 713/957-6144 4545 Dacoma
Cleburne 817/641-2204 600 West Kilpatrick Houston-Dover 713/643-7501 3502 Dover
cleveland 281/592-5983 304 Campbell Rd., Room #122 Houston-Grant 281/890-5440 10503 Grant Road
columbus 409/732-3451 County Courthouse Houston-S Gessner 713/773-3334 12220 S Gessner
Conroe 409/539-2221 #2 Hilbig Street Houston-Tidwell 713/633-9872 8825 Tidwell
Copperas Cove 254/547-9130 201 South 2nd Street Houston-Townhurst 713/465-8462 1601 Townhurst
Corpus Christi 361/698-5625 1922 South Padre Island Drive Houston-W. Canine 281/447-1185 411 West Canine
Corsicana 903/872-5631 3030SHwy287 Humble 713/446-3391 7710 Will Clayton Parkway
Crockett 409/544-5917 1123 Loop 304 E Huntsville 409/295-1578 501 Interstate 45
Crystal City 830/374-2222 County Courthouse Hurst 817/284-1490 624 North East Loop 820
Leather 361/275-6154 208 East Live Oak irving 972/253-4171 1003 West 6th Street
Dallas Downtown 214/651-1859 1500 Marilla, 1B, South Jacksonville 903/586-5631 506 E Pine
(Renewals only) jasper 409/384-5712 U.S. 190&FM777
Dallas-East 214/553-0033 10233 East Northwest Highway #325 Katy 281/391-4874 6002 George Bush
Dallas-Wynnewood 214/948-7233 721 Wynnewood Shopping Center Kerrville 830/257-3404 311 Sidney Baker South
Decatur 940/627-5694 2000 South Trinity Killeen 254/634-1919 302 Priest Drive
From the river 830/775-2367 2012 Avenue F Kingsville 361/592-1911 Ed Lopez Building
Denton 940/484-6666 820 North Loop 288 Lake Worth 817/238-9197 6316 Lake Worth Boulevard
Denver City 806/592-2873 412 West 5th Street Table 806/872-8675 608 North Main
Dumas 806/935-5058 715 South Bliss Ave. -DPS Building Laredo 956/728-2301 1901 Bob Bullock Loop
Duncanville (Currently closed - new location pending) Levelland 806/894-7026 1212 Houston Street□
Eagle Pass 830/773-5050 32 Foster-Maldonado Blvd Lewisville 972/221-8081 190 North Valley Parkway
Eastland 254/629-8383 1100 West Main liberty 409/336-7343 2103 Cos
Edinburgh 956/383-3471 1212 S 25th Littlefield 806/385-5679 County Courthouse
Step 915/581-7089 1035 Belvidere, 174 Livingston 409/327-6806 1735 North Washington
Step 915/598-3487 7300 Gateway East Longview 903/758-1788 416 Lake Lamond - DPS Building
Step 915/751-6455 4505 Hondo Pass Lubbock 806/472-2800 1302 West 6th
Step 915/855-2132 11612 Scott Simpson lufkin 409/634-5553 2809 South John Redditt
Fredericksburg 830/997-1932 101WMainSt#12, Marble Falls 830/693-7217 100 Ave H, Courthouse Annex
County Courthouse Marshall 903/938-2171 Highway 59 & Loop 390
Fort Stockton 915/336-5001 2302 W Dickinson McAllen 956/682-5556 1414 North Bicentennial
Fort Worth South 817/294-1075 6413 Woodway Drive McKinney 972/542-6342 194-A East Industrial Boulevard
Gainesville 940/665-3924 County Courthouse MidlandEdit 915/498-2366 2405 South Loop 250 West
Galveston 409/740-0031 6812 Broadway Mineral Wells 940/325-0227 600 FM 1821 North
garland 214/861-2125 350WestIH30 Mount Pleasant 903/572-6888 1906 N. Jefferson - DPS Building
Gatesville 254/865-2444 310 Main Muleshoe 806/272-3860 300 South First St
Georgetown 512/863-5816 515 Pine Street (7th & Pine) Nacogdoches 409/560-5826 5407 Northwest Stalling
Gilmer 903/797-2751 Highway 155 North - DPS Building New Boston 903/628-6822 PO Box 248
Gonzales 830/672-3328 1920St.Joseph New Braunfels 830/625-8111 3003 IH-35 West
Grand Prairie 972/264-6598 550 S Carrier Pkwy, Suite 560 Odessa 915/332-0637 1910 IH 20 West
Granbury 817/573-7381 400 North Gordon Orange 409/883-0273 US87at105
Greenville 903/408-4290 Courthouse, Room 102 Palestine 903/723-8785 1900 Spring
Groesbeck 254/729-5554 1221 E Yeagua Pampas 806/665-7160 2909 Perryton Parkway
Harlingen 956/423-4431 1630 North 77 Sunshine Strip Paris 903/784-3800 2885 North Main - DPS Building
HempsteadEdit 409/826-3357 Hwy 290 East Pasadena 713/473-3232 1610 Preston

B-2 B-3
freckles 915/447-3532 148 North Frontage I-20 West
Perryton 806/435-4642 101 S.W. 4th St., W.M. Good Building
Pierce 409/543-1479 Highway 59
plainview 806/293-2508 1108 South Business IH 27
Flat 972/867-4221 2109 West Parker Road, Suite 224
Port Arthur 409/982-1131 900 4th Street
Port Lavaca 361/552-5046 201 West Austin
Quitman 903/763-4212 Courthouse Annex, 211 B Bermuda
Rio Grande City 956/487-2531 222 Chaparral Boulevard
Rockwall 972/882-0380 Rockwall County, Annex Bldg
101 S Fannin
Rosenberg 281/232-4334 5505 Avenue N
Saint Angelo 915/942-8201 1600 West Loop 306
Saint Anthony 210/737-1911 1258 Babcock Road
Saint Anthony 210/533-9171 6502 South New Braunfels
Saint Anthony 210/655-8102 9834 Perrin-Beitel Road
Saint Anthony 210/436-6611 1803 South General McMullen
Saint Mark 512/353-2770 1400 IH-35 North
Seguin 830/379-6802 1440 East Kingsbury
Seminole 915/758-3112 Gaines County Courthouse
B-7, 100 Main
Sherman 903/892-6328 1413 Texoma Parkway-DPS Building
Sinton 361/364-1956 301 North Vineyard
Snyder 915/573-5631 909 25th Street, Ste. 103
Stephenville 254/965-7894 U.S. 281 South - DPS Building
Sulfur Springs 903/885-7871 1528 E Shannon Road - DPS Bldg
Sweetwater 915/235-2662 600 Northwest Georgia
Taylor 512/238-2160 412 Vance
Temper 254/939-5838 6612 S General Bruce Dr
Terrell 972/563-9214 408-B East College Street
Texarkana 903/793-1653 1516 Hampton Road - DPS Building
Texas City 409/938-3565 1325 Amburn Road
Tyler 903/566-9740 4700 University Blvd. - DPS Bldg.
Uvalde 830/278-5639 2901 East Main Street
Vernon 940/552-6372 County Courthouse
Victory 361/573-7131 8802 North Navarro - DPS Bldg
waco 254/867-4620 1617 East Crest Drive
Waxahachie 972/937-5370 801 South IH 35
Weatherford 817/599-7631 1309 South Bowie Drive
Weslaco 956/968-2722 413 South Oregon
Wichita Falls 940/851-6066 5505 North Central Expressway
Woodville 409/283-7757 1001 West Bluff

IF IT HARMS Don't hurt Texas

TEXAS. either

$2,000 IN
911 does not respond, dial the local Police Department or
Sheriff's Office number. You can also dial the Department of
Public Safety number.
(Toll Free - 1-800-525-5555)
To Report Any Information About
Missing Persons Contact:
BOX 4087 AUSTIN TX 78773-0422

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