Applied Statistics
Applied Statistics
Applied Statistics
Applied Statistics
Code: 81030751
Applied Statistics...............................................................................................................1
INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICS.................................................................8
2. Division of statistics....................................................................................8
2.1 Descriptive statistics................................................................................8
85+90+ 93+82+95 = 415 = 89 points.................................................................9
2.2 Inferential statistics..................................................................................9
Review exercises related to basic descriptive statistics....................................16
1. Data collection...........................................................................................18
A)Some procedures and methods for collecting data.......................................18
Disadvantages of interrogation.........................................................................19
Interrogation methods.......................................................................................19
Frequency for data collection...........................................................................20
2. Identification of variables.............................................................................21
PRACTICE N° 2...............................................................................................25
QUALITY IMPROVEMENT..........................................................................26
Statistical Process Control: X and R Charts.....................................................27
Basic philosophy of quality..............................................................................32
1.1 Introduction............................................................................................32
1.2 Concept and evolution of quality...........................................................33
Quality Evolution..............................................................................................34
1.3 Understanding the meaning of total quality...........................................35
1.4 Strategic importance of total quality......................................................37
1.5 Total quality as a new business management system............................38
1.6 Reflections for the reader............................................................................38
The improvement process towards total quality...............................................38
2.1 Basic principles for achieving total quality................................................38
3. The production process is throughout the organization............................39
5. The supplier is part of our process............................................................39
6. Internal supplier-customer chains are essential.........................................39
7. Quality is achieved by people and for people...........................................39
8. Establish the zero defect mentality............................................................39
9. The competitive advantage is in the reduction of errors and continuous
10. The participation of everyone is essential (collective consciousness)...40
12. It requires a new culture.........................................................................40
2.2 Improvement Modalities........................................................................40
a) Continuous improvement..........................................................................40
b) Radical innovation or improvement..........................................................40
2.3 The control cycle for improvement.......................................................41
2.4 Activities to start a process towards total quality.......................................41
PHASE I: Decision making..............................................................................42
PHASE II: Stage preparation and promotion...................................................42
PHASE III: Implementation of improvement processes..................................42
PHASE IV: Consolidation and interfunctional optimization...........................43
1. Functions and principles of quality control...............................................44
1. "Control is not classification or selection"................................................45
2. “With control you cannot obtain quality; This is an inherent characteristic
of the product.".................................................................................................45
3. "The production team is responsible for quality and control"...................45
4. "Control does not solve manufacturing problems, it only gives reasons to
study them".......................................................................................................45
5. Decisions must be made based on real data."............................................45
6. "The data must be compatible and arranged in such a way that it allows
Why produce quality products? (Fig. 2)...........................................................47
Introduction to standardization.........................................................................50
1. Standardization..........................................................................................51
General concepts...............................................................................................51
Definition according to ISO..............................................................................52
Technical rules..................................................................................................53
Types of technical standards.............................................................................53
APPLICATION LEVELS................................................................................54
ISO 9000 STANDARDS..................................................................................54
ISO 9000 objectives..........................................................................................55
ISO 9000 standards...........................................................................................55
STANDARD IS014000....................................................................................55
IS014000 Standards..........................................................................................56
Terms and definitions (14050 Vocabulary)......................................................56
Frequency distribution table.............................................................................57
1. Discrete Variable Data..............................................................................57
Ni=n+n2+na + ... + n i.........................................................................................58
Properties of frequencies..................................................................................62
Continuous variable data..................................................................................68
Construction of class intervals..........................................................................69
Lower limit Upper limit.................................................................................70
Determination of absolute frequency................................................................75
Y1-y'i=<y'i-1 , y'i]..............................................................................77
General rule for developing frequency distributions........................................77
and. — 93.5494.5 — 94.0...................................................................................79
Definition 20: Percent cumulative relative frequency at................................82
Solution to:........................................................................................................83
PRACTICE N°3..............................................................................................103
Time elapsed from receipt of order to delivery (in days)...............................104
> (X ¡ -X) = (X I -x) + ... + (X n -X) = (X I + ... +X n )-n x
= n x -n x = 0...........................................................................................106
2x - X|20...........................................................................................................107
Proposition (Konig)........................................................................................107
> 2(xx)2.....................................................................................................................114
Abbreviated calculation..................................................................................115
The harmonic mean........................................................................................115
The mean square.............................................................................................121
THE MEDIAN................................................................................................122
PARTIAL EVALUATION I..........................................................................127
RANGE, VARIANCE, STANDARD DEVIATION.....................................144
MEASURES OF DISPERSION.....................................................................144
= (0,010)= 0,0320...................................................................................145
Interpretation and application.........................................................................145
X=1 2x...........................................................................................................................147
a = 12(x-7)2......................................................................................................147
PRACTICE N° 4.............................................................................................148
from $10, from...........................................................................................................148
FREQUENCY HISTOGRAM........................................................................149
C ¡ xn =ni(ocxh= h) C ¡ Ci............................................................149
Frequency polygons........................................................................................151
Warhead cumulative frequency polygons.......................................................152
Note: Percentage warhead..............................................................................152
Line graphs.....................................................................................................158
PRACTICE N° 5...............................................................................................159
1. Concept:...................................................................................................165
2. Application:.............................................................................................165
4. Distribution function...............................................................................166
5. Typing.....................................................................................................167
— —- z..............................................................................................................167
= npq is N(0,1).......................................................................................................168
Characteristic of the standard (reduced, standard) normal distribution..........168
6. Table management, most frequent cases.................................................169
How to interpret a cause-effect diagram:........................................................173
Examples of cause-effect................................................................................173
The seven tools of quality...............................................................................174
H1 - Cause-Effect Diagrams...........................................................................174
Exercise: Cause - Effect Diagram...................................................................180
DISPERSION DIAGRAM.............................................................................180
LINEAR CORRELATION............................................................................182
SPEARMAN rank correlation coefficient......................................................184
> 6 2 d........................................................................................................................185
Yule “Q” correlation coefficient.....................................................................185
138 -:994.....................................................................................................185
Correlation and Causality...............................................................................186
SIMPLE LINEAR REGRESSION.................................................................186
CSCD=2 2 Iy-(a+bx)1 (-Xi ) = 0.....................................................................188
2 and xi = b 2x2+ aZx..........................................................................188
YsYb(X- x)............................................................................................................188
What is it?.......................................................................................................189
When it's used?...............................................................................................189
How is it used?................................................................................................190
Relationship with other tools..........................................................................191
Application example.......................................................................................191
PRACTICE N° 7.............................................................................................195
Exercise: Pareto Diagram...............................................................................195
Work stoppage................................................................................................195
Getting relative percentage.............................................................................195
Construction of the diagram and determination of “vital few”......................195
Control elements.............................................................................................196
2. Control sheet...............................................................................................196
Scatter plots....................................................................................................197
A control chart shows.....................................................................................198
Need for full participation..............................................................................198
PARTIAL EVALUATION II.........................................................................200
THE QUALITY ROUTE...............................................................................205
First Step: Defining the Problem....................................................................205
Second Step: Recognition of the Characteristics of the Problem (Observation)
Third Step: Search for the Main Causes (Analysis) Activities.......................207
Fourth Step: Actions to eliminate the causes (Action) Activities...................207
Fifth Step: Confirmation of the effectiveness of the action (Verification).
Step Six: Permanent elimination of the causes of the problem (Standardization)
Step Seven: Review of activities and planning of future work (Conclusions).
• Bibliography
The word "statistics" like many other words has several meanings.
In common language, the term "statistics" means a little more than data or
numerical information and is generally used in the plural. For example, the
sports writer, while commenting on the incidents of the first stage of a soccer
match, can say, these are the statistics for the first stage; team A: shots on goal
ten, nine missed and one successful, corner kicks six, etc., team B: shots on
goal eight all missed, corner kicks seven, etc. Radio or television commentators
agree by saying: the statistics of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the
Manufacturing Industry went from 15.3% in 1988 to 11.7% in 1990.
Between March 88 and August 90, salaries have fallen by 60%. According to
the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI), the accumulated level
of inflation during the first half of this year reached 230.5%. A random person
can ask: have you posted the latest statistics about employment?, etc.
Naturally, in each of these comments, people are using the word "statistics"
correctly, however, each uses it in a different way for a different purpose. The
term "statistics" is also used to designate an area of study. A discipline; for
example, when this word is used in the title of a book or when we refer to the
statistics courses in the curriculum of a profession, etc. However, both
meanings of "statistics" are closely related because "statistics" considered as
numerical data are largely the "raw material."
2. Division of statistics
Graphs, tables, and maps that display data in a way that makes it easier
to understand are all examples of using Descriptive Statistics.
2.2 Inferential statistics
35 7 = 0-88
40 8
This proportion expressed as a percentage is 100(0.88)% = 88%. So the
evidence indicates only 88% effectiveness of the vaccine in question, which is
lower than the manufacturer's estimate. The process of deciding whether or not
to reject the manufacturer's claim is a problem of statistical inference.
Example 3: Four brand A bulbs stopped working after 1100, 980,900 and 1020
hours of continuous use. Five brand B bulbs stopped working after
960,1050,1065,845 and 980 hours of continuous use. The following conclusions
are reached:
a. The average duration of the four brand A bulbs is 1000 hours, while the
average duration of the five brand B bulbs is 980 hours.
b. The average life of all brand A bulbs is longer than that of all brand B bulbs.
d. The difference between the two averages is too small to conclude that brand
A bulbs are better than brand B bulbs.
e. If another brand A bulb is selected and tested, it will probably last longer than
the average brand B bulb.
Which of the conclusions come from Descriptive Statistics and which from
Statistical Inference?
c. We see that: 1000 - 980 = 20 hours, that is, the conclusion comes from
Descriptive Statistics.
d. The averages of the observed data are being used to infer about the
difference of all the bulbs. Therefore, it is Statistical Inference.
e. A generalization is made that any brand A bulb will last longer than the
average brand B bulb, comes from Statistical Inference.
f. You are generalizing that brand A bulbs last longer than brand B bulbs.
Therefore, it is Statistical Inference.
In an aptitude test, four workers received scores of 85,90,82, and 83. Four
workers received scores of 88,87,89,92. Of the following statements made
based on these qualifications, identify those that are derived from descriptive
methods and those that are derived from Statistical Inference.
a. The average rating of the four male workers is 85, and the average rating of
the four female workers is 89.
b. The average aptitude of all female workers is probably higher than that of
male workers.
c. On the next skills test, male workers will probably receive lower scores than
female workers.
2. Five automobile tires of brand A and four tires of brand B are tested for their
service life. The duration for brand A tires are: 36,000, 29,000, 33,000, 37,000
and 40,000 km; for brand B, they are: 29000,31000,33000 and 35,000 km.
Of the following statements made based on these figures, identify those that
come from descriptive methods and those that come from statistical inference.
a. The average life of the five brand A tires is greater than that of the four brand
B tires.
b. Probably, the average life of all brand A tires is almost 35000 km, while that
of brand B tires is approximately 32000 km.
c. If the price of brand A tires is the same as that of brand B tires, you would
recommend brand A tires to all your friends and relatives.
3. On four math tests, Juana received scores of 17, 18, 15 and 14 while Juan
received scores of 14, 13, 16 and 13. From these data the following conclusions
are reached, which of these include the descriptive method and which are
obtained through statistical inference?
c. Probably on the next test, Juana will obtain higher grades than Juan.
a. Last year, at the National University of Callao, the average admission exam
score was 85.
b. Dr. García, an ecologist, reported that in a certain jungle river the fish meat
contains an average of 300 units of mercury.
The word "population" as with the term "statistics" has several meanings. In
common use, it refers to all people in a region, locality or country. (Lima's
population is 6 million; China's population is 900 million, etc.).
It is important to define the population according to the nature and extent of the
problem under study. When talking about nature, we will understand the
characteristic subject of study; That is, if we wanted to study the weights,
heights and ages of people, the population will be made up of the weights,
heights and ages respectively. And when talking about extension we define the
population as extensive as necessary; That is, if we wanted to study the above
characteristics in students of the Peruvian university system, the population will
refer to the Peruvian university system; and if we were interested in studying
these characteristics in the students of the universities of Lima, the population
will refer only to them.
to the aforementioned therapy, as well as those who be in the future. That is,
the population can be classified as finite or infinite.
Finite population: A finite population is one that has a limited number of
elements. For example, the heights of all the students currently studying at
universities in Peru.
Infinite population: An infinite population is one that has no limit; bounds, that
is, it has an infinite number of elements. For example, the quality of all units
produced through a manufacturing process.
For example, the average age of students in the first year of secondary school
in Peruvian schools is a measurable characteristic (therefore a parameter) of
the population formed by the ages of all students in the first year of secondary
school in the country; It is therefore the average of the population.
Similarly, the proportion of all viewers who watch a certain Sunday program at a
certain time is a measurable characteristic (hence a parameter) of the
population made up of all viewers of that Sunday program; is the proportion of
the population. The most used parameters are:
Notation: The number of observations (or size) in the sample is denoted by "n".
The selection and study of a sample aims to extract conclusions that are valid
for the population from which said sample was obtained. In other words, our
purpose is to know the population, for which a sample is extracted from it.
A sample is used because there is simply not the time and resources to contact
all university students in the country, even though it is possible to do so.
We have also expressed that it is impossible to calculate the true value of any
parameter of an infinite population, it is therefore necessary to use sample
information. For example, to determine the proportion of defective parts
produced in a certain manufacturing process, quality control technicians
examine a batch of produced units to determine the number of defectives
contained in 1. (Generally such a batch, which constitutes a sample, is taken at
regular time intervals).
Note that both the sample average and the sample proportion in the examples
considered in the previous paragraph are measurable characteristics of the
samples, which gives rise to the following definition.
Statistician or Statistician is a summary measure that describes a
characteristic of the sample.
Example: Suppose that the entrants to the first year of your university consist of
3,000 students, all of whom have taken a single selection exam that was
applied to all students who have entered the first year of university in the
country. Explain the circumstances under which the grades received by
students entering the first year of your university can be considered as: a. a
sample, b. a population.
a. There may be more than one circumstance. For example, if you want to
know the average grade of all the entrants to the universities in the country,
the population would be made up of the grades of all the entrants to the first
year of university in the country, then the grades of the entrants to your
university It would be a sample.
b. There may also be several circumstances. For example, if you want to know
the average grade of all entrants to your university. The population would be
made up of the grades of all those entering your university. We will thus have a
circumstance in which the grades received by students entering the first year of
their university are considered as a population.
e. The sample statistic is the proportion of the 1,500 registered voters who
favor candidate A.
That is, 860/1 500 « 0.57 (57%).
2. Suppose that 60% of all registered voters in a country are members of party
A and 40% are not. From a sample of 500 voters, it is found that 250 belong
to party A. Answer the following:
5. For each of the following statements, define the population being sampled
and describe the population parameter and the sample statistic.
6. Define appropriate populations and from them select the following samples:
a. People from 200 households in a certain city were called by telephone and
asked to name their candidate for mayor.
b. 200 pairs of a new type of shoes for soccer players were tested in a
professional tournament and. On average they lasted 4 months.
1. Data collection
Sources of information: It is the place, the institution, the person where the
data needed for each of the variables or aspects of the research is. Data
sources can be:
a. Financial reports.
b. Operations reports, which are given by information on production, sales,
purchases, profit and loss statements.
c. Special reports are additional information for specific analysis.
education, etc.
Source of obtaining: The source of obtaining can be: primary and secondary.
Primary: As we have already said, they are collected directly from their origin.
Secondary: When they are not collected directly from their source of origin.
Disadvantages of interrogation
- An appeal is made to the memory and/or good faith of the person being
- It produces different results depending on the type of questions and the
manner of forms.
Interrogation methods
The interview has a main advantage that accentuates it, and that is that it can
be completed with direct observation. It also has as its main disadvantage the
fact that the personality, social position, the inflection of the voice, the way of
asking questions, etc. They can vary the answers.
These methods differ from each other in a series of important aspects, which
- Collection frequency.
- Coverage aspects.
- The aspects of temporality.
- The aspects of purposes.
We will see that the survey has a partial amplitude, while the census and the
registry have a universal amplitude. Another very important aspect is that the
census and the survey have a transversal character, that is, they are carried out
at a certain moment, while the registry has a longitudinal character, that is, the
information is collected over time.
Finally we will say that the census is a procedure that has general objectives,
while the registry and the survey have specific objectives.
Retrospective survey: In this type of survey, the data is known and the
research consists of discovering characteristics of its history. For example, a
group of people affected with lung cancer is taken and we are going to
retrospectively record their history if they have a history of: smoking, industrial
risks, etc.
over time.
Records: These are the procedures that are followed to adequately know the
changes and structures of:
2. Identification of variables
Whatever the source from which we obtain the information, it may refer to
qualitative or quantitative characteristics. The first refer to qualities such as
color: white, blue, etc.; marital status: married, single, etc.; profession:
economist, engineer, etc.; quality of a product: good, average, etc. The latter
refer to quantities such as: height in cm, salary in soles, number of children in
a family, number of bedrooms per home, etc.
Ordinal qualitative variable: These are those that group objects, individuals,
into ordered categories, to establish comparative relationships. That is, they are
susceptible to organization but not quantitative measurement.
- Primary
Discrete variable: These are those that arise from the counting procedure.
That is, discrete statistical variables usually take integer values.
For example, the number of children per family; the number of students per
school; the number of cars that pass along an avenue in an hour; the number of
inhabitants per district; etc., are discrete variables.
Continuous variable: These are those that arise when some characteristic is
measured. That is, continuous variables can take, at least theoretically, any
value within an interval.
For example, people's weight, height, blood pressure, income, length of service,
etc., are continuous statistical variables.
It does not mean that the number assigned to each weight, height, etc., can in
practice take any real value of an interval (although theoretically this is the
case) because the imprecision of our measurements will ultimately mean that
they are represented by discrete values. But it is the character of possibility that
every real number has of being assigned to one of these variables that defines
them as continuous.
b. The number of checks drawn daily in a month can be: none, one, two. That
is, it is a discrete quantitative variable.
d. People who live in Lima. They may have been born in any district or place in
the country or abroad. Therefore, it is a qualitative variable.
Statistical unit: It is the indivisible element or object of the population that will
be analyzed.
For example, if you want to study the demand for detergent X in Metropolitan
As there are two types of variables: qualitative and quantitative, we will also say
that there are two types of data: qualitative and quantitative data. Quantitative
data can also be considered as discrete data and continuous data.
1. Can you sort people by their marital status: single, married, widowed,
divorced? Justify your answer.
2. In a horse race, Saltarín came first, Pintado, second, and Ronco, third. Can
you find the distance between the horses? Justify your answer.
6. Which of the following statements represents the most accurate scheme for
classifying data?
a. Quantitative methods.
b. Qualitative methods.
c. A combination of quantitative and qualitative methods.
d. The scheme is determined only by concrete information about the
8. In the following statements, identify: the population, the sample, the variable,
the type of variable, the statistical unit, the parameter and give an
a. A study is going to be carried out on the amount of sugar sold per week, in
a supermarket in a certain sector of Lima, for the year 1990; for which the
average sales of that year will be used, the records are made in kgs. per
In Taylor's day, all plants, with a few exceptions, had an inspection department.
Its function was to eliminate unacceptable materials from the production
process, from the input material to the finished product. At that time, statistical
sampling was eminently unknown in manufacturing, so key points in the
process were frequently chosen at which 100% of the inspection was carried
Because employees were often paid based on the number of good units
produced and production managers were evaluated based on the number of
units shipped, inspection department employees and managers traditionally
lived in environments that were often poor. friendly and sometimes hostile.
Probably the best known, and perhaps the oldest, technique in statistical quality
control (SQC) is the X and R chart. It was originally developed by Shewhart [14]
in the 1920s. The graph is used when the goal is to maintain statistical control
of an isolated variable of interest (for example, a dimension for a component or
Note that the measurements have been divided into samples of size four. As
explained elsewhere in this book, the reason for doing this is to take advantage
of the central limit theorem, which basically says that when you graph the
means of samples from an unknown but essentially unimodal distribution of
individual values, the means will have a relatively normal distribution, that is, a
Gaussian distribution. (It is not true, as a graduate mathematics student stated
during an oral exam after failing to remember the word Gauss, that the original
creator of the normal distribution was called Sir George Normal. It was a
completely wrong answer, but so clever and humorous that the student
Reviewing the calculations for the upper and lower control limits for both the
mean and the range in Table 1, it will be noted that the products of the factor
values and the calculated sample range can be used to determine these limits.
Sample number
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 3.50 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.50 3.70 3.70 4.00 4.50 3.50 3.70 3.70
2 3.50 3.50 3.70 3.70 3.50 3.80 4.00 4.40 4.60 3.60 3.70 3.60
3 3.60 3.50 3.50 3.60 3.60 3.90 4.20 4.50 4.20 3.60 3.60 3.80
4 3.50 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.90 4.10 4.20 4.10 3.60 3.60 3.80
Total 14.1 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.2 15.3 16.0 17.1 17.4 14.2 14.6 14.9
x 3.525 3.55 3.60 3.625 3.55 3.55 4.0 4.275 4.35 4.55 4.65 4.725
High value 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.50
Low value 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50
Range 0.10 0.10 0.20 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.20
The values for these factors, for various sample sizes, are given in Table 2.
Sample size TO D3 D4
2 1.88 0 3.27
3 1.02 0 2.57
4 0.73 0 2.28
5 0.58 0 2.11
6 0.48 0 2.00
Table 2. Factors for determining upper and lower control limits for XyRa plots from R
When analyzing the plotted means for the diameter A values for the first 48 cut
pieces (Fig. 2) It is evident that this process appears to be "out of control,"
meaning that too many (i.e., more than 1 in 100) sample mean values fall
outside the control limits. This suggests that there is a special underlying cause
for the displayed degree of variability of the sample mean. The suspicion here is
that something is wrong with the way this operation is performed.
The underlying ability of the cutting operation to maintain the dimensions of the
diameter value is much higher than that reported in the sample mean values.
Numerous questions about the process should be considered. For example,
does the carousel in the volume hold the piece firmly? Is the tool blunt and
therefore causing an uneven cut that unbalances the diameter for some portion
of the tube? Is there material inconsistency along the tube?
1 36 35 34 33 32 34.0 4
2 31 31 34 32 30 31.6 4
3 30 30 32 30 32 30.8 2
4 32 33 33 32 35 33.0 3
5 32 34 37 37 35 35.0 5
6 32 32 31 33 33 32.2 2
7 33 33 36 32 31 33.0 5
8 23 33 36 35 36 32.6 13
9 43 36 35 24 31 33.8 19
10 36 35 36 41 41 37.8 6
11 34 38 35 34 38 35.8 4
12 36 38 39 39 40 38.4 4
13 36 40 35 26 33 34.0 14
14 36 35 37 34 33 35.0 4
15 30 37 33 34 35 33.8 7
16 28 31 33 33 33 31.6 5
17 33 30 34 33 35 33.0 5
18 27 28 29 27 30 28.2 3
19 35 36 29 27 32 31.8 9
20 33 35 35 39 36 35.6 6
... ... ... ... ... 671.0 124
Sample number
Fig. 3 Individual diameter measurements
— ——
5 -X----- x
3 0.0010 x
K >
0 -------------
XX x
X for
inferior x
role or
5 10 15 20
Sample number
Fig. 4 X and R control charts for feed diameter
The reason for plotting sample means rather than individual values goes
back to the desirable properties of the central limit theorem, which will be
examined. Suffice it to say that the reliable determination of control limits
depends on the assumption that sample means are normally distributed,
independently of the distribution of the individual values from which the
samples were obtained.
X and R charts have been used in statistical quality control since
Shewhart [14] introduced these concepts in the early 1920s. Over half a
century and into the 1980s, statistical quality control developed to include
a considerable diversity of statistical techniques for managing quality
problems in manufactured products. Finding the source of quality
problems was one part of the story, but it was generally assumed that
such problems in the manufacturing process could be resolved once they
were discovered.
The use of X and R charts and other related statistical approaches to find
the causes of quality problems on the shop floor was, unfortunately, a
case of "too little, too late."
Basic philosophy of quality
1.1 Introduction
We are practically in the middle of the last five years of the 20th century
and the current times are certainly increasingly difficult for every
organization, as we approach the third millennium, due to the process of
accelerated change and global competitiveness that the world is
experiencing, where the liberalization of economies and free competition
come to characterize the environment of inexorable coexistence for the
business sector.
Until a few years ago, the protectionist system in our country, as in other
Latin American countries, had prevented us from assessing the harsh
conditions of international competition and the higher levels of demand
from clients and consumers, who demand greater quality in products,
opportunity in deliveries, reasonable prices and excellence in service.
The harsh reality that began in the 1980s and the effects of globalization
in the 1990s is abruptly awakening all organizations and forcing them to
eagerly seek new strategies to successfully adapt to growing
Successful companies in Peru and the world are those that have been
applying the Total Quality strategy in one way or another; and many
others based on this strategy are changing their way of thinking and
therefore acting; In fact, they are redesigning the entire organization,
both physically and spiritually, to focus it on customers, and make it
efficient to fulfill and satisfy them.
The elements that make up the needs are basically: security, availability,
maintainability, reliability, ease of use, economy (price) and the
environment. These needs, except price, are defined by translating
aspects and characteristics necessary for the manufacture of a good
Quality Evolution
In general, it can be said that the concept of quality and its application,
until reaching the current state, has had the following evolution:
The first stage that began with the industrial revolution consisted of the
inspection of finished products, classifying them as approved or rejected.
The final problem with this approach is that it is very expensive to fix
things that have gone wrong. Well, the more you try to improve with
traditional quality, the more expensive it becomes. Traditional quality is
something imprecise, we all think about it in different ways, it takes a
secondary place before other objectives such as productivity. It not only
allows for errors but incorporates them into the system through the
philosophy of checking and fixing later. This way of doing things costs
companies a lot of money and causes them to lose Clients.
The second stage, begun in the first half of this century, consisted of the
development and application of statistical techniques to reduce
inspection costs. With this approach, it was possible to extend the
concept of quality to the entire production process, achieving significant
improvements in terms of quality, cost reduction and productivity. The
advantages offered by Statistical Control allowed it to expand its
application to other areas of the organization; However, it was noted that
although this method tremendously improved the company's results, it
was insufficient to face the growing competitiveness.
This concept was born in the 1950s in the United States, but it was in
Japan where it was fully developed and applied, introducing important
and novel concepts such as:
Customers are no longer just the ultimate Users of the goods and
services we sell, now the term is expanded to include the idea of Internal
Customer, the people in the organization to whom we pass our work.
With this concept obviously everyone in the organization becomes
someone's client; What's more, it acquires a dual character of being
Client and Supplier at the same time.
It is worth specifying that the term product refers to the result obtained
from a process or an activity. Therefore, in general terms, this result can
be a tangible product (for example, assembled or processed materials),
or intangible (for example, knowledge or concepts) or a combination of
these; Product is the work performed by a job or workstation. It is also a
product of the result of advice, or an educational service, etc., in general
of all those activities where the result obtained is not perceived as a
tangible product.
However, for the purposes of Total Quality, the term service has been
defined as the result generated by activities at the interface between the
supplier and the client and by internal activities of the supplier, in order to
know the needs of the client.
From the point of view of Total Quality and accepting the ideas
presented in the previous paragraph, the concepts of product and
service are not separated, either the product includes the service, or both
aspects (product and service) must be planned separately and
simultaneously to achieve better satisfaction of customer needs and
In a simple way we can say that in the expression Total Quality, the term
Quality means that the Product or Service must be at the level of
satisfaction. the client's; and the term Total that said quality is achieved
with the participation of all members of the organization. Total Quality
involves a series of innovations in the area of business management that
has spread throughout all the countries of Europe and America, applying
not only to manufacturing activities but also to the service sector and
public administration.
Total Quality is a strategy that seeks to guarantee, in the long term, the
survival, growth and profitability of an organization by optimizing its
competitiveness, through: permanent assurance of customer satisfaction
and the elimination of all types of waste. This is achieved with the active
participation of all staff, under new leadership styles; Being the strategy
that, well applied, responds to the need to transform the products,
services, processes, structures and culture of companies, to ensure their
Production process is not the entire production line itself, but the
entire company.
Those who do their job well lubricate the process, those who do it
poorly create bottlenecks in the process.
Quality begins with demand (from our customers) and will culminate
with their satisfaction, but the production process begins with the
supplier; Therefore, this must be considered as part of our production
process, extending to it the Total Quality training actions.
Each individual in the organization becomes aware that they have one
or more internal customers and one or more internal suppliers.
Creating supplier-customer chains within the organization. Internal
suppliers who must be kept informed of how we want their work to be
delivered to us and what needs to be corrected.
Total Quality promotes the elimination of all types of waste present in:
- Inventories.
- Equipment not available due to damage or maintenance.
- Personnel dedicated to repetitive or inofficious tasks.
- Papers and excess procedures.
- Excessive reports and meetings.
- Work inventories in interoffice processes.
- Unnecessary internal controls.
It is above all a managerial responsibility. Managers must be leaders.
capable of involving and committing staff in improvement actions.
a) Continuous improvement
They are incremental contributions that are achieved with the
participation of all staff, motivated by a challenge of permanent
improvement, known by the Japanese name of Kaizen.
In this way, Total quality is decisive for innovation that also becomes
global, taking root in the company with the additional ingredient of
■ PLAN: Activity that determines what should be done, what the goal
is and how it can be achieved.
■ DO: It means transforming current processes in order to improve
their performance, according to plan.
■ VERIFY: Determines the degree of compliance with planned
activities and performance goals.
■ DO: It means making adjustments to new procedures and
standardizing them, in order to ensure that they are always
a) Control function
b) Quality function
For our purposes, the control function includes at least the following
elements and activities:
For its part, the quality function has at least the following elements or
-Design quality
- Production quality
- Compliance quality
- Certified quality
-Quality of service
Fig. 1
Within the Executive Function are all those tasks that make the process
deliver products according to the design, avoid the manufacture of
defective parts and enable the location of waste sources, that is, what we
will call control during the process. of manufacturing.
In the Judicial Function we will find entry and exit control, that is, the
judging of already finished products, which can be raw material for other
sectors or factories.
So, summarizing, we have that design quality is in the legislative function
and product quality in the executive function, dynamic and judicial quality
control, static quality control.
The reliability of the recorded data is the starting point for any analysis
or interpretation of results. This task is typical of quality control and
the production team will take corrective measures based on this
objective data.
This will make it possible to use some statistical tools that quality
control makes use of.
Always keeping these basic principles in mind and ensuring that all
parties involved understand them, it is certain that the efforts we will
make to achieve the desired quality levels will not be distorted.
- Financial reasons; Quality defects mean a very high cost for both the
company and the customer.
To the
To the
WASTE Work times and
Better utilization
Better availability
b) Consumer society
Those who report, through comparative tables, the characteristics,
performance and price of the products. Reception of complaints and
consumer defense.
c) Public powers
Those who publish the regulations referring to the safety of use.
d) Standardization institutes
Solely responsible for product quality compliance.
e) Environmental associations
Responsible for avoiding environmental pollution.
- Internal Requirements
Reduce the costs of:
NEED rejection, repairs,
maintenance and controls
Streamline work methods
and manufacturing
Simplify product design
Introduction to standardization
In today's society, commercial relationships are growing rapidly, where
comparators and sellers require better processes that allow these
transactions to be carried out with a high degree of reliability with
respect to the quality of the products that are sold. Quality is not an
absolute magnitude, it is influenced by variable subjective conditions,
which needs to have a system that serves as a connection between
buyers and sellers, to generate technical bases for good commercial
understanding, such as metrology, standardization and Quality Control.
It is important to specify the functions that the good or service to be
purchased will fulfill and thus know the potential that the manufacturer
has to respond to customer expectations. This generates the
appearance of different levels of quality and prices. The success of all
these aspects to ensure the expected qualities lies in the fact of a set of
technical rules, recognized and followed that make up a system of
standards. This system of understanding and control is called
The system that makes up standardization is made up of a
conceptualization, differentiation and ordering of a series of principles
and procedures to establish units and definitions, methods of taking and
preserving samples, test methods, as well as qualitative specifications
and codes of practice. .
For Engineer Rafael Salas Jiménez, from the technical department of A
VPC, "The problem is that to achieve sufficient roots and extension of
standardization, it is necessary for society to be truly aware of this
need." This suggests that the first task is to create awareness of the lack
of a standardization and quality control process, where it is necessary to
demonstrate that these changes are necessary, so that the modification
of behavior is not temporary.
Standardization aimed at manufacturers is called industrial
standardization, where it is an important particular, restricted and
restrictive case that is responsible for bringing to the organization the
foundations for a harmonious and efficient development of the industry.
The degree of evolution of standardization in a specific area determines
its degree of importance and industrial development.
In the vast set of buyers' markets, the industrial buyer has advantages
over the common buyer, since suppliers are subject to the industrial
standardization that the organization exercises in its purchases, based
on guarantee agreements, specifications and agreements that are not
present. in the common buyer. The average buyer may not know exactly
which products best meet their particular needs. For this reason,
standardization has the important task of developing the production
items that go on the market, and helping to define a type of quality for
those buyers who lack the necessary technical knowledge.
1. Standardization
General concepts
So; We can mention some facts that mark important steps in the field of
industrial standardization.
In our century, normalization takes the great leap from empiricism on the
one hand and regionalism on the other; that of precision, technology and
In our country:
1959 INANTIC - National Institute of Industrial Technical Standards and
Certification is created.
1992 The National Institute for the Defense of Competition and the
Protection of Intellectual Property is created.
The functions of these entities, which have occurred over time, are
generically and among others, to promote, study, establish, review,
verify and certify technical standards; support all sectors of the National
Economy in aspects related to normalization.
• Mandatory standards
• Optional or voluntary standards
f) To be:
Clear; concrete and well expressed ideas.
Objective: that defines verifiable characteristics.
ISO 14000 is an international voluntary environmental standard
recognized by major trading nations and trade regulating organizations
such as GATT and the World Trade Organization. It is not a law in the
sense that no one is required to be registered (it is voluntary); However,
no one has to do business with you, buy your products and services, or
allow your products and services into your country if they have declared
ISO 14000 registration a requirement for doing business with them or in
your country. It is expected that many foreign trading partners will require
registration by import manufacturers. This is a legal trade barrier
recognized under international treaty. Elements of the American
Government have indicated intention to institute any preference for, or
requirement that, suppliers be registered. It is likely that registration will
influence the enforcement position of environmental regulators, and will
likely influence insurance rates and lender practices.
ISO 14000 is actually a series of standards covering everything from
environmental management systems (EMS) to auditor qualifications to
as yet unwritten standards for such things as life cycle assessment.
5 7
The ISO 14000 standard is not a single standard, but is part of a family
of standards that refer to environmental management applied to the
company, whose objective is the standardization of ways of producing
and providing services that protect the environment. environment,
increasing the quality of the product and, as a consequence, its
competitiveness in the face of the demand for products whose
components and manufacturing processes are carried out in a context
where the environment is respected.
IS014000 Standards
Environmental Management Systems (14001 Specifications and
directives for use - 14004 General directives on principles, systems and
supporting techniques.)
Environmental Audits (14010 General principles. 14011 Audit
Procedures, Environmental Management Systems Audits-14012 Criteria
for certification of auditors)
Environmental performance evaluation (14031 Guidelines - 14032
Examples of Environmental Performance Evaluation)
Life cycle analysis (14040 Principles and general framework - 14041
Definition of the objective and scope and analysis of the inventory.
14042 Life Cycle Impact Assessment - 14043 Life Cycle Interpretation -
14047 Examples of the application of ISO 14042 - 14048 Format
analysis data documentation)
Environmental labels (14020 General principles - 14021Type II - 14024
Type I - 14025 Type III)
Terms and definitions (14050 Vocabulary)
and neither
and . n2.
. .
ym nm
Totals n
x i = 2, X 2 = 1, X3 = 3, X4 = 1, X5 = 2,
Xe = 2, X io = 1, X ii = 2, X 12 = 3, X 13 = 4, X 14 = 1,
y i = 0, y 2 =1, ya = 2, y 4 = 3, ys = 4
3. Let us now count the number of families with 0,1,2,3 and 4 children
respectively. This can be done by adding a column in table 2, called
“count”, using the “sticks” method, which consists of putting a vertical
line or check mark (/) every time the value in question appears,
highlighting every five units in order to facilitate the final calculation
(////). Finally, the number of trays is counted, obtaining the absolute
frequencies (n). In our case.
n i = 1, n2 = 6, na = 5, n4 = 3, ns = 1
In this way, the absolute frequency distribution table of the number of
children per family has been constructed.
Table 2. Frequency Distribution of the number of children per family
Number of children Count
Absolute frequencies n i
0 / 1
1 N/ / 6
2 N 5
3 /// 3
4 / 1
Totals 16
n i = 1, means that in the families surveyed, one does not have children.
n2 = 6, means that in the families surveyed, six have one child each.
So on,
ns = 1, means that in the families surveyed, one has four children.
The frequency distribution table can be constructed not only with respect
to absolute frequencies, but also to other types of frequencies, such as:
relative, accumulated absolute, accumulated relative, etc., which are
defined as follows .
Ni=n+n2+na + ... + n i
N*=2n j=1
5 =n2+n+.+n=6+5+3 + 1 =15
5 =na+n4+ns = 5 + 3 + 1 = 9
N*=2n, j=1
= n 5 =1
* 5
* .... . " to . ■■
N 1 = 16, means, the families surveyed have between 0 and 4 children
. .* . . ....................................................................
N 2 = 15, means that in the survey, 15 families have at least 1 child.
. ....................
N 3 = 9, means that in the survey, 9 families have at least 2 children
, .* . . .................................................................... .
N4 = 4, means that in the survey, 4 families have at least 3 children
Ns=1, means that of the respondents, only one family has 4 children.
h _n
_ 1 = 0.0625 ,_n4 htn _ 3 = 0.1875
=n 16 16
h _n __6_ = 0.3750 . n5 _ 1 = 0.0625
2 =n 16 hesn 16
h _n _5
= 0.3125
s =n 16
So on:
H=2h=h= 0.0625 j = 1 2
H2=2h=h+h2= 0.0625 + 0.3750 = 0.4375 j = 1
Hs=2h,=h+h2+h3+h4+hs= 0.0625 + 0.3750 + 0.3125 + 0.1875
+ 0.0625= 1.0
H 2 = 0.4375, is the proportion of families under study with at most 1
H 3 = 0.75, the proportion of families under study with at most two
So on.
Definition 7: The cumulative relative frequency “Greater than” of the
value y is called the total relative frequency of observations greater than
or equal to y
If we denote this frequency by “H”, then
H i = 2hj=h+ h i + 1 + ... + h m
H 1 = 2 h j =h 1 +h 2 + h 3 + h 4 + h 5 =1.0
So on.
Definition 8: The cumulative relative frequency H(H*) multiplied by
100% is called the percentage cumulative relative frequency. That is,
100Hi% (100 H ¡ * %) and represents the percentage of observations less
than or equal to y (greater than or equal to y)
ym nm N =n
m hm H m n: * 100 h m 100 H m 100H;
Totals 2n,=n 2h,=n
100 %
Properties of frequencies
What follows are trivial properties that are consequences of the
definitions of absolute, relative, cumulative absolute, and cumulative
frequency, so none of them will be proven.
Property 1: Absolute frequencies and cumulative frequencies are
always non-negative integers. That is to say
. . to. to.* - ..
Nm = 2 nis n
Ni= X n=n
, 2
1 5
2 9
3 14
4 0.2 0.70
1. Bythe property 8, Ni = n i , so n i = 2
2. Bythe property 12, N 2 = N i + n 2 = 2 + n 2 = 5, from which n2=3
Na = N 2 + na = 5 + na = 9, then na = 4
N4 = N + 3 n4 = 9 + n4 = 14, therefore n4
= 5
0 2 0.10 2 0.10
1 3 0.15 5 0.25
2 4 0.20 9 0.45
3 5 0.25 14 0.70
4 4 0.20 18 0.90
5 2 0.10 20 1.00
Totals 20 1.00
An agronomist visited 25 orange agricultural cooperatives in the Huaral
valley and in each one he recorded the number of plants attacked by a
certain fungus, from which the following data resulted.
That is, m = 7
b.Counting: the number of cooperatives with 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
and 25 plants attacked by fungi respectively is counted. Thus, the
number 15 appears 3 times in the data set, so n 1 = 3; the number
16 also appears 3 times, so n2 = 3; the number 17 appears 5 times,
then na = 5; 18 appears 7 times, that is, na = 7; 19 appears 4 times,
that is; ns = 4; 20 appears twice, then ne = 2; and finally 25 appears
once, that is, n7 = 1
c. The relative frequency of y ¡ , i-1,2, ..., 7, are:
h1 n 1 3 h 5 ns. = =
= 0,12 n" 25 •
= n ' ' 25 ' = 0,16
n 2_ 3 h6 n 6 . 2 =
h2 = = 0,12
n ' ' 25 ' = n" ' 25 ' 0,08
h3 n 3 . h 7 n 7. 1 =
= 0,20
= n' = 25 = n" ' 25 ' 0,04
h 4 n4.
= n' -Z
= 0,28
it is possible that this procedure fully shows all its advantages; However,
with a little imagination on the part of the reader, the experiences
derived from these examples can easily be extended to another situation
where the number of data is greater. In this way, from table 6, which
provides the different variants of frequency tables that can be
constructed for example 3, apart from the questions already answered, it
is possible to extract, for example, conclusions such as the following:
Definition 9: Each of the groups into which the data set is divided is
called classes .
The first step to take to solve this classification problem is to say which
and how many classes should be considered. To do this, we normally
start by determining the observation that has the maximum value "Xme",
and the observation that has the minimum value "Ximin"
X max = max {x/i=1,2,., N}, Xmin = min {x/i=1,2,., n}
These extreme values define the range or range of the set of
observations, which is given by the interval [X min ,Xmex
Xm Xmax
in Definition 10: Traversal Width (I) is the
traversal length of the data set. I mean.
/ — Xmin - Xmax
Once the number of classes into which the data will be divided is
determined, let's say m, which can be done with a certain degree of
arbitrariness, since it depends on the problem in question and ultimately
the researcher or statistician, the path of the set of data is divided. data
in as many intervals as desired class, which from now on we will call
class intervals (or simply class). In practice, it is usually divided not
exactly the route [X min, Xmak] but a minimum interval [Xrin , be a multiple of the
number of classes m
[x min ,Xmax ] C [x min ,x max ]
Notation: Let m be the number of classes and, y'i, y'2, ... , y'm be the
ends or limits of the class intervals, then.
y'-y' ,i — 1,2,...,m
Denotes the ith class interval. Where y'-1, is the lower end, and' i the
upper end of the interval.
A class interval, which at least theoretically has no lower or upper limit is
called an open class interval.
Definition 11: Class breadth is the length of the interval that defines
the class, i.e. ______________________
c¡ - y' - y' ii ,i — 1,2,...,m
So c - y' i - y' o Is the length of the first class interval
c - y' 2 - y' i Is the length of the second class interval
The class intervals are constructed starting from xmin (or x'min), then
the lower and upper class limits (y' 1-1 - y'i) are consecutively assigned
Technical rules 53
Types of technical standards 53
ISO 9000 objectives 55
ISO 9000 standards 55
STANDARD IS014000 55
IS014000 Standards 56
Terms and definitions (14050 Vocabulary) 56
Frequency distribution table 57
1. Discrete Variable Data 57
Solution: 57
Ni=n+n2+na + ... + n i 58
Interpretation: 60
Properties of frequencies 62
Solution 66
Continuous variable data 68
Construction of class intervals 69
Lower limit Upper limit 70
Determination of absolute frequency. 75
Observations: 76
Y1-y'i=<y'i-1 , y'i] 77
General rule for developing frequency distributions 77
and. — 93.5494.5 — 94.0 79
Definition 20: Percent cumulative relative frequency at 82
Solution to: 83
+68 97
Time elapsed from receipt of order to delivery (in days) 104
Observation 106
> (X ¡ -X) = (X I -x) + ... + (X n -X) = (X I + ... +X
n )-n x = n x -n x = 0 106
2x - X|20 107
Example 107
Solution 107
ge1/gn240_24 107
5. Typing 167
_x-u 167
- 167
— —- z 167
= npq is N(0,1) 168
Characteristic of the standard (reduced, standard) normal distribution
6. Table management, most frequent cases 169
Example: 171
Concept: 173
How to interpret a cause-effect diagram: 173
Examples of cause-effect 173
The seven tools of quality 174
H1 - Cause-Effect Diagrams 174
Exercise: Cause - Effect Diagram 180
SPEARMAN rank correlation coefficient 184
>62d 185
Yule “Q” correlation coefficient. 185
138 -:994 185
V(a+b)(c+d)(a+c)(b+d) 186
Correlation and Causality 186
CSCD=2 2 Iy-(a+bx)1 (-Xi ) = 0 188
5b 188
2 and xi = b 2x2+ aZx 188
YsYb(X- x) 188
Concept 188
What is it? 189
When it's used? 189
How is it used? 190
Relationship with other tools 191
Application example 191
Exercise: Pareto Diagram 195
Organized: 195
y— yn 1 +y i ,i — 1,2,...,m
Iand' and n
y'-yz and 2 n2
■ ■ ■
■ ■ ■
and m-1 - and m ym nm
Totals n
When it is convenient to expand the width of the path in such a way that
it becomes a “manageable” number in future calculations, this extension
should be done as much as possible symmetrically, that is, to the left of
Xmin and to the right of Xmax.
TO. Take the number of classes (m) equal to the nearest integer to 2Vn,
with n being the number of data.
A. Define the ends of the class intervals with one decimal place more
than those contained in the observations.
Y1-y'i=<y'i-1 , y'i]
With this alternative, each class excludes the observation that coincides
with its upper limit.
Note: It should be noted that the above is pure notation and does not
affect the class breadth or class marking.
2. Determine the path or range of the data and the amplitude (l) of the
c = l/m
If this is possible, use class intervals of different sizes or open class
94.3 93.0 95.5 95.3 92.4 94.4 92.8 93.2 93.6 95.5
92.9 93.6 95.7 93.8 94.8 93.9 92.7 91.6 93.6 93.7
94.2 95.7 94.7 94.3 92.7 94.5 96.2 95.4 93.7 91.9
94.7 92.7 95.0 93.0 92.9 93.7 92.7 93.3 94.6 96.4
94.1 93.7 94.2 93.7 94.0 93.9 93.6 94.6 92.3 94.4
a. Classify these observations in a frequency table with 5 classes of
equal amplitude.
1. By data; m = 5
2. From the data set Xmax = max {X1,X2,...X50} = 96.4 and the
amplitudes l = 96.4-91.6 = 4.8
3. From (1) and (2) the constant class amplitude will be C=m=*55 0.96 a
number like this is difficult to handle, so just like you. We prefer to
work with the closest integer c = 1. For this we expand the data path
symmetrically to the left of Xmin = 91.6 and to the right of
9 _ 95.5 + 96.5 _
y2 — 92.5293.5 — 93.0 and 5 —- -9------— 96.0
We proceed as follows: we take the first observation 94.3 and look for
the class interval to which it belongs, it is 93.5 - 94.5, then a slot is
assigned at the intersection of the count column and the row of this
interval. The other observation 93.0 is now taken, which belongs to the
interval 92.5 - 93.5, then a slot is assigned at the intersection of the row
of this new interval and the count column. So on until the last
observation is exhausted. By adding the scores, the absolute frequency
of each class is obtained. Table 8 is obtained in this way.
Class interval [y,y] class mark and Absolute frecuency
n2 — 11, in the sample, 11 ingots weigh 92.5 kg or more, but less than
93.5 kg, etc.
Note: when preparing the frequency table for continuous variable data;
There is always a slight loss of information, which occurs by no longer
considering the individual data, but rather the class mark (or midpoint of
each class) as a representative value of the entire class. Thus, y2 = 93.0
represents all observations greater than or equal to 92.5 and less than
93.5. However, this loss of information is compensated by the gain in
conciseness, simplicity and clarity.
N i = n i + n w +j=i... + n m = 2 n j
Definition 16: Relative frequency (hi) of the ith class interval, is the
h i = —, i i_=ni,1, 2,..., m
For example 4:
____________ . .................................................
h1 =— = 5 = 0.08 , is the proportion of steel ingots that weigh
less than 92.5 kg.
h2 =n = e1 = 0.22 , is the proportion of ingot that weighs 92.5 kg.
either more but less than 93.5 kg
ha =n = 50 = 0.40 , is the proportion of steel ingots that weigh
93.5 kg. or more but less than 94.5 kg
Definition 17: Percentage relative frequency at the relative frequency
hi multiplied by 100% (100%) and represents the percentage of
observations that belong to the ith class.
So for example 4
100 h i % = 100(0.08)% = 8%, is the percentage of steel ingots that weigh
less than 92.5 Kg.
100 h 2 % = 100(0.22)% = 22%, is the percentage of steel ingots that
weigh 92.5 kg or more but less than 93.5 kg
100 h 3 % = 100(0.40)% = 40%, is the percentage of steel ingots that
weigh 93.5 kg or more but less than 94.5 kg
Definition 18: Cumulative relative frequency “less than” (Hi) l of the
ith class, is the relative frequency corresponding to the observed values
less than y'i, that is, less than the upper end of the ith class interval . so.
H i =h 1 +h2 + ... + h m = 2 n
For example 4:
Hi=hi= 0.08, is the proportion of steel ingots that weigh less than 92.5 kg
H2 = h 1 +h2 = 0.08 + 0.22 = 0.30, is the proportion of steel ingots that
weigh less than 93.5 kg
Ha = +h 2 + h 3 = 0.08 + 0.22 + 0.40 = 0.70, is the proportion of steel
ingots that weigh less than 94.5 kg
Definition 19: Cumulative relative frequency “greater than or equal
to” (H) of the ith class, is the total relative frequency corresponding to the
observed values greater than or equal to the lower end of the ith class
interval, that is, greater than or equal to same as y'-, then.
Hi=h+ h¡ + i +..+ = 2 hj j=i
For example 4: m
. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . 100
and m-1 - ym nm h m n 1 Nm h i m 100h m 100Hm
Totals n 1 100
The different frequency tables that can be formed for example 4 are
summarized in table 10
[y' ii - and
neither hi Neither hi
hi 100h i % 100H i % 100H i %
91.5- and
92.5 92.0 4 0.08 4 0.08 50 1.00 8 8 100
92.5- 93.5 93.0 11 0.22 15 0.30 46 0.92 22 30 92
93.5- 94.5 94.0 20 0.40 35 0.70 35 0.70 40 70 70
94.5- 95.5 95.0 9 0.18 44 0.88 15 0.30 18 88 30
95.5- 96.5 96.0 6 0.12 50 1.00 6 0.12 12 100 12
Totals 50 1 100
Note: Before moving on, it is worth illustrating, as was done with the
results in Table 6, how valuable and summarized information can be
obtained from a classification of continuous data. In example 2.4 where
the observations regarding the weights of 50 steel ingots produced by
SIDERPERÚ are considered representative OF the entire population of
steel ingots produced by said company, the different frequency
distributions that appear in table 10 can, among others, , provide
information such as the following:
1. That the highest percentage of steel ingots weigh between 93.5 and
94.5 kg. As can be seen in the column corresponding to 100h%, this
percentage is 40.
that only 70% (see column 100 Hi %) of this population meets the
condition, which Perhaps it represents that said company must
readjust its machinery, since there would be a 30% that cannot be
done from now on.
The real annual investment (in thousands of dollars) of a group of small
businesses were:
10 12 8 40 6 8 10 30 2 8 6 14
16 20 25 28 30 26 30 4 6 10 18 17
13 17 21 7 6 8 14 715 19 27 22
0 14 6 8 9 11 13 15 18 20 30 60
12 6 5 5 6 8 712 15 36 39 52
It is requested:
y' 6 = y' o + 6c =
y' = y' o + 7c=56
or + 8 . , 8 + 16 . TO . - .
y= 2 =4 Y2 =—2— = 12 Note that this is the same as
neither hi Neither hi
HER h 100h i %
eithe - 8 4 15 15/60 15 15/60 6th 16/60 150/6
8 r - 16 12 22 6/22 37 37/60 45 45/6o 22nd/6
16 -24 2nd 1st 10/60 47 47/6th 23 6/23 100/6
24 - 32 28 8 8/6th 55 55/6th 13 13/6th 8th/6
32 -4o 36 2 2/6th 57 57/6th 5 5/6th 2nd/6
4th -48 44 1 1/60 58 58/60 3 3/6th 10/6
48 - 56 52 1 1/60 59 59/6th 2 2/6th 10/6
56 -64 6th 1 1/60 6th 60/60 1 1/60 10/6
Totals 6th 1 100%
c. The number of small companies with investments of 40 thousand
dollars or more is 3 and is found at the intersection of the row of the
interval “40*48” and the column Ni (Fig. 2)
d. Let's locate the points 10 and 35 and the class intervals on a line (Fig.
Applied Statistics..................................................................................................1
INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICS....................................................8
2. Division of statistics.......................................................................8
2.1 Descriptive statistics...................................................................8
85+90+ 93+82+95 = 415 = 89 points....................................................9
2.2 Inferential statistics.....................................................................9
Review exercises related to basic descriptive statistics.......................16
1. Data collection..............................................................................18
A)Some procedures and methods for collecting data..........................18
Disadvantages of interrogation............................................................19
Interrogation methods..........................................................................19
Frequency for data collection...............................................................20
2. Identification of variables................................................................21
PRACTICE N° 2..................................................................................25
QUALITY IMPROVEMENT.............................................................26
Statistical Process Control: X and R Charts.........................................27
Basic philosophy of quality.................................................................32
1.1 Introduction...............................................................................32
1.2 Concept and evolution of quality..............................................33
8 7
Quality Evolution.................................................................................34
1.3 Understanding the meaning of total quality..............................35
1.4 Strategic importance of total quality.........................................37
1.5 Total quality as a new business management system...............38
1.6 Reflections for the reader...............................................................38
The improvement process towards total quality..................................38
2.1 Basic principles for achieving total quality...................................38
3. The production process is throughout the organization................39
5. The supplier is part of our process................................................39
6. Internal supplier-customer chains are essential............................39
7. Quality is achieved by people and for people...............................39
8. Establish the zero defect mentality...............................................39
9. The competitive advantage is in the reduction of errors and
continuous improvement......................................................................40
10. The participation of everyone is essential (collective
12. It requires a new culture............................................................40
2.2 Improvement Modalities...........................................................40
a) Continuous improvement.............................................................40
b) Radical innovation or improvement.............................................40
2.3 The control cycle for improvement...........................................41
2.4 Activities to start a process towards total quality..........................41
PHASE I: Decision making.................................................................42
PHASE II: Stage preparation and promotion.......................................42
PHASE III: Implementation of improvement processes.....................42
PHASE IV: Consolidation and interfunctional optimization...............43
1. Functions and principles of quality control..................................44
1. "Control is not classification or selection"...................................45
2. “With control you cannot obtain quality; This is an inherent
characteristic of the product."..............................................................45
3. "The production team is responsible for quality and control"......45
4. "Control does not solve manufacturing problems, it only gives
reasons to study them".........................................................................45
5. Decisions must be made based on real data."...............................45
6. "The data must be compatible and arranged in such a way that it
8 7
allows analysis."...................................................................................45
Why produce quality products? (Fig. 2)..............................................47
Introduction to standardization............................................................50
1. Standardization.............................................................................51
General concepts..................................................................................51
Definition according to ISO.................................................................52
Technical rules.....................................................................................53
Types of technical standards................................................................53
APPLICATION LEVELS...................................................................54
ISO 9000 STANDARDS.....................................................................54
ISO 9000 objectives.............................................................................55
ISO 9000 standards..............................................................................55
STANDARD IS014000.......................................................................55
IS014000 Standards.............................................................................56
Terms and definitions (14050 Vocabulary).........................................56
Frequency distribution table................................................................57
1. Discrete Variable Data..................................................................57
Ni=n+n2+na + ... + n i............................................................................58
Properties of frequencies......................................................................62
Continuous variable data......................................................................68
Construction of class intervals.............................................................69
Lower limit Upper limit....................................................................70
Determination of absolute frequency...................................................75
Y1-y'i=<y'i-1 , y'i].................................................................77
General rule for developing frequency distributions...........................77
and. — 93.5494.5 — 94.0.......................................................................79
Definition 20: Percent cumulative relative frequency at...................82
Solution to:...........................................................................................83
PRACTICE N°3.................................................................................103
Time elapsed from receipt of order to delivery (in days)..................104
> (X ¡ -X) = (X I -x) + ... + (X n -X) = (X I + ... +X
n )-n x = n x -n x = 0............................................................106
2x - X|20..............................................................................................107
Proposition (Konig)...........................................................................107
> 2(xx)2.........................................................................................................114
Abbreviated calculation.....................................................................115
The harmonic mean............................................................................115
The mean square................................................................................121
THE MEDIAN...................................................................................122
PARTIAL EVALUATION I.............................................................127
RANGE, VARIANCE, STANDARD DEVIATION........................144
MEASURES OF DISPERSION........................................................144
= (0,010)= 0,0320......................................................................145
Interpretation and application............................................................145
X=1 2x..............................................................................................................147
a = 12(x-7)2..........................................................................................147
PRACTICE N° 4................................................................................148
from $10, from..............................................................................................148
FREQUENCY HISTOGRAM...........................................................149
C ¡ xn =ni(ocxh= h) C ¡ Ci................................................149
Frequency polygons...........................................................................151
Warhead cumulative frequency polygons..........................................152
Note: Percentage warhead..................................................................152
8 7
Line graphs.........................................................................................158
PRACTICE N° 5..................................................................................159
1. Concept:......................................................................................165
2. Application:................................................................................165
4. Distribution function...................................................................166
5. Typing.........................................................................................167
— —- z.................................................................................................167
= npq is N(0,1)..........................................................................................168
Characteristic of the standard (reduced, standard) normal distribution
6. Table management, most frequent cases....................................169
How to interpret a cause-effect diagram:...........................................173
Examples of cause-effect...................................................................173
The seven tools of quality..................................................................174
H1 - Cause-Effect Diagrams..............................................................174
Exercise: Cause - Effect Diagram......................................................180
DISPERSION DIAGRAM................................................................180
LINEAR CORRELATION................................................................182
SPEARMAN rank correlation coefficient.........................................184
> 6 2 d...........................................................................................................185
Yule “Q” correlation coefficient........................................................185
138 -:994........................................................................................185
Correlation and Causality..................................................................186
SIMPLE LINEAR REGRESSION....................................................186
CSCD=2 2 Iy-(a+bx)1 (-Xi ) = 0........................................................188
2 and xi = b 2x2+ aZx.............................................................188
YsYb(X- x)................................................................................................188
What is it?..........................................................................................189
When it's used?..................................................................................189
How is it used?...................................................................................190
X+ 10 + 8 + y
X, is determined by linearly interpolating as follows: assuming that the
data are uniformly distributed over the class intervals, then
If in an amplitude of 8 = 16 - 8 there are 22 values
In an amplitude of 6 = 16-10 there will be x values
. (16- 10)22 6x22 _
That isx = —1618— = g = 16.5 = 17
9 7
f. Locate the limits of the intervals and the points 20 and 38 on a line
(Fig. 4)
Applied Statistics..................................................................................................1
INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICS....................................................8
2. Division of statistics.......................................................................8
2.1 Descriptive statistics...................................................................8
85+90+ 93+82+95 = 415 = 89 points....................................................9
2.2 Inferential statistics.....................................................................9
Review exercises related to basic descriptive statistics.......................16
1. Data collection..............................................................................18
A)Some procedures and methods for collecting data..........................18
Disadvantages of interrogation............................................................19
Interrogation methods..........................................................................19
Frequency for data collection...............................................................20
2. Identification of variables................................................................21
PRACTICE N° 2..................................................................................25
QUALITY IMPROVEMENT.............................................................26
Statistical Process Control: X and R Charts.........................................27
Basic philosophy of quality.................................................................32
1.1 Introduction...............................................................................32
1.2 Concept and evolution of quality..............................................33
Quality Evolution.................................................................................34
1.3 Understanding the meaning of total quality..............................35
1.4 Strategic importance of total quality.........................................37
1.5 Total quality as a new business management system...............38
1.6 Reflections for the reader...............................................................38
The improvement process towards total quality..................................38
2.1 Basic principles for achieving total quality...................................38
3. The production process is throughout the organization................39
5. The supplier is part of our process................................................39
6. Internal supplier-customer chains are essential............................39
7. Quality is achieved by people and for people...............................39
8. Establish the zero defect mentality...............................................39
9. The competitive advantage is in the reduction of errors and
continuous improvement......................................................................40
10. The participation of everyone is essential (collective
12. It requires a new culture............................................................40
2.2 Improvement Modalities...........................................................40
a) Continuous improvement.............................................................40
b) Radical innovation or improvement.............................................40
2.3 The control cycle for improvement...........................................41
2.4 Activities to start a process towards total quality..........................41
PHASE I: Decision making.................................................................42
PHASE II: Stage preparation and promotion.......................................42
PHASE III: Implementation of improvement processes.....................42
PHASE IV: Consolidation and interfunctional optimization...............43
1. Functions and principles of quality control..................................44
1. "Control is not classification or selection"...................................45
2. “With control you cannot obtain quality; This is an inherent
characteristic of the product."..............................................................45
3. "The production team is responsible for quality and control"......45
4. "Control does not solve manufacturing problems, it only gives
reasons to study them".........................................................................45
5. Decisions must be made based on real data."...............................45
6. "The data must be compatible and arranged in such a way that it
9 7
allows analysis."...................................................................................45
Why produce quality products? (Fig. 2)..............................................47
Introduction to standardization............................................................50
1. Standardization.............................................................................51
General concepts..................................................................................51
Definition according to ISO.................................................................52
Technical rules.....................................................................................53
Types of technical standards................................................................53
APPLICATION LEVELS...................................................................54
ISO 9000 STANDARDS.....................................................................54
ISO 9000 objectives.............................................................................55
ISO 9000 standards..............................................................................55
STANDARD IS014000.......................................................................55
IS014000 Standards.............................................................................56
Terms and definitions (14050 Vocabulary).........................................56
Frequency distribution table................................................................57
1. Discrete Variable Data..................................................................57
Ni=n+n2+na + ... + n i............................................................................58
Properties of frequencies......................................................................62
Continuous variable data......................................................................68
Construction of class intervals.............................................................69
Lower limit Upper limit....................................................................70
Determination of absolute frequency...................................................75
Y1-y'i=<y'i-1 , y'i].................................................................77
General rule for developing frequency distributions...........................77
and. — 93.5494.5 — 94.0.......................................................................79
Definition 20: Percent cumulative relative frequency at...................82
Solution to:...........................................................................................83
PRACTICE N°3.................................................................................103
Time elapsed from receipt of order to delivery (in days)..................104
> (X ¡ -X) = (X I -x) + ... + (X n -X) = (X I + ... +X
n )-n x = n x -n x = 0............................................................106
2x - X|20..............................................................................................107
Proposition (Konig)...........................................................................107
> 2(xx)2.........................................................................................................114
Abbreviated calculation.....................................................................115
The harmonic mean............................................................................115
The mean square................................................................................121
THE MEDIAN...................................................................................122
PARTIAL EVALUATION I.............................................................127
RANGE, VARIANCE, STANDARD DEVIATION........................144
MEASURES OF DISPERSION........................................................144
= (0,010)= 0,0320......................................................................145
Interpretation and application............................................................145
X=1 2x..............................................................................................................147
a = 12(x-7)2..........................................................................................147
PRACTICE N° 4................................................................................148
from $10, from..............................................................................................148
FREQUENCY HISTOGRAM...........................................................149
C ¡ xn =ni(ocxh= h) C ¡ Ci................................................149
Frequency polygons...........................................................................151
Warhead cumulative frequency polygons..........................................152
Note: Percentage warhead..................................................................152
9 7
Line graphs.........................................................................................158
PRACTICE N° 5..................................................................................159
1. Concept:......................................................................................165
2. Application:................................................................................165
4. Distribution function...................................................................166
5. Typing.........................................................................................167
— —- z.................................................................................................167
= npq is N(0,1)..........................................................................................168
Characteristic of the standard (reduced, standard) normal distribution
6. Table management, most frequent cases....................................169
How to interpret a cause-effect diagram:...........................................173
Examples of cause-effect...................................................................173
The seven tools of quality..................................................................174
H1 - Cause-Effect Diagrams..............................................................174
Exercise: Cause - Effect Diagram......................................................180
DISPERSION DIAGRAM................................................................180
LINEAR CORRELATION................................................................182
SPEARMAN rank correlation coefficient.........................................184
> 6 2 d...........................................................................................................185
Yule “Q” correlation coefficient........................................................185
138 -:994........................................................................................185
Correlation and Causality..................................................................186
SIMPLE LINEAR REGRESSION....................................................186
CSCD=2 2 Iy-(a+bx)1 (-Xi ) = 0........................................................188
2 and xi = b 2x2+ aZx.............................................................188
YsYb(X- x)................................................................................................188
What is it?..........................................................................................189
When it's used?..................................................................................189
How is it used?...................................................................................190
+ +P2
Why produce quality products? (Fig. 2)..............................................47
Introduction to standardization............................................................50
1. Standardization.............................................................................51
General concepts..................................................................................51
Definition according to ISO.................................................................52
Technical rules.....................................................................................53
Types of technical standards................................................................53
APPLICATION LEVELS....................................................................54
ISO 9000 STANDARDS.....................................................................54
ISO 9000 objectives.............................................................................55
ISO 9000 standards..............................................................................55
STANDARD IS014000.......................................................................55
IS014000 Standards.............................................................................56
Terms and definitions (14050 Vocabulary).........................................56
Frequency distribution table.................................................................57
1. Discrete Variable Data..................................................................57
Ni=n+n2+na + ... + n i............................................................................58
Properties of frequencies......................................................................62
Continuous variable data......................................................................68
Construction of class intervals.............................................................69
Lower limit Upper limit....................................................................70
Determination of absolute frequency...................................................75
Y1-y'i=<y'i-1 , y'i].................................................................77
General rule for developing frequency distributions...........................77
and. — 93.5494.5 — 94.0.......................................................................79
Definition 20: Percent cumulative relative frequency at...................82
Solution to:...........................................................................................83
PRACTICE N°3.................................................................................103
Time elapsed from receipt of order to delivery (in days)..................104
> (X ¡ -X) = (X I -x) + ... + (X n -X) = (X I + ... +X
n )-n x = n x -n x = 0............................................................106
2x - X|20..............................................................................................107
Proposition (Konig)............................................................................107
> 2(xx)2.........................................................................................................114
Abbreviated calculation.....................................................................115
The harmonic mean............................................................................115
The mean square................................................................................121
THE MEDIAN...................................................................................122
PARTIAL EVALUATION I.............................................................127
RANGE, VARIANCE, STANDARD DEVIATION........................144
MEASURES OF DISPERSION........................................................144
= (0,010)= 0,0320......................................................................145
Interpretation and application............................................................145
X=1 2x..............................................................................................................147
a = 12(x-7)2..........................................................................................147
PRACTICE N° 4................................................................................148
from $10, from..............................................................................................148
FREQUENCY HISTOGRAM...........................................................149
C ¡ xn =ni(ocxh= h) C ¡ Ci................................................149
Frequency polygons...........................................................................151
Warhead cumulative frequency polygons..........................................152
Note: Percentage warhead..................................................................152
Line graphs.........................................................................................158
PRACTICE N° 5..................................................................................159
1. Concept:......................................................................................165
2. Application:................................................................................165
4. Distribution function...................................................................166
5. Typing.........................................................................................167
— —- z.................................................................................................167
= npq is N(0,1)..........................................................................................168
Characteristic of the standard (reduced, standard) normal distribution
6. Table management, most frequent cases....................................169
How to interpret a cause-effect diagram:...........................................173
Examples of cause-effect...................................................................173
The seven tools of quality..................................................................174
H1 - Cause-Effect Diagrams..............................................................174
Exercise: Cause - Effect Diagram......................................................180
DISPERSION DIAGRAM................................................................180
LINEAR CORRELATION................................................................182
SPEARMAN rank correlation coefficient.........................................184
> 6 2 d...........................................................................................................185
Yule “Q” correlation coefficient........................................................185
138 -:994........................................................................................185
Correlation and Causality...................................................................186
SIMPLE LINEAR REGRESSION....................................................186
CSCD=2 2 Iy-(a+bx)1 (-Xi ) = 0........................................................188
2 and xi = b 2x2+ aZx.............................................................188
YsYb(X- x)................................................................................................188
What is it?..........................................................................................189
When it's used?..................................................................................189
How is it used?...................................................................................190
Relationship with other tools.............................................................191
Application example..........................................................................191
PRACTICE N° 7................................................................................195
Exercise: Pareto Diagram...................................................................195
Work stoppage...................................................................................195
Getting relative percentage................................................................195
Construction of the diagram and determination of “vital few”..........195
Control elements................................................................................196
2. Control sheet..................................................................................196
Scatter plots........................................................................................197
A control chart shows........................................................................198
Need for full participation..................................................................198
PARTIAL EVALUATION II............................................................200
THE QUALITY ROUTE...................................................................205
First Step: Defining the Problem.......................................................205
Second Step: Recognition of the Characteristics of the Problem
(Observation) Activities.....................................................................206
Third Step: Search for the Main Causes (Analysis) Activities..........207
Fourth Step: Actions to eliminate the causes (Action) Activities......207
Fifth Step: Confirmation of the effectiveness of the action
(Verification). Activities....................................................................207
Step Six: Permanent elimination of the causes of the problem
Step Seven: Review of activities and planning of future work
5 8 3 ____
Therefore, the requested proportion will be 60+60+ 120 = 0.242
x% Fig. 5 an
The percentage of small businesses that have invested between 6 and
x% + 6
30 thousand dollars inclusive will be:
X%, is obtained as follows:
81 53 67 60 80 80 64 56 5491 61
66 88 67 65 52 52 72 74 6573 69
43 54 76 70 97 97 68 82 7579 60
39 87 76 97 86 86 45 60 4565 76
92 72 82 80 70 70 65 50 5870 56
to. The civil construction union Daily salaries (in S/.) Frequency
The arithmetic mean of a statistical variable is the sum of all its possible
values, weighted by their frequencies.
That is, if the table of values of a variable
x n f
neither fi
xk n.k. fk
The mean is the value that we can write in the following equivalent ways:
X=Xif+ ... + X k f k
= 1 (X n i + ... x k n k )
= —)X ¡ n ¡
n 1=1
If the data is not arranged in a table, then:
_ X i + ... + X n
= n
The sum of the differences of the variable with respect to the mean is
zero, that is:
2 (XX)=0
It is enough to develop the sum to obtain:
This result tells us that the error made when approximating any value of
the variable, for example X i , using the central value X, is compensated
by the other errors:
Approx. error of x i = X1-x=2 (X ¡ - X)
If the errors are considered with a positive sign, in this case they cannot
be compensated. This occurs if we take any of the following as error
2x - X|20
Quadratic error
Quadratic error
Quadratic error
Which are strictly positive quantities if any
Example IH-I n
Proposition (Konig)
For any possible k value that we consider as a
candidate central measure, it improves it in the least
squares sense, i.e.
Applied Statistics..................................................................................................1
INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICS....................................................8
2. Division of statistics.......................................................................8
IS014000 Standards.............................................................................56
Terms and definitions (14050 Vocabulary).........................................56
Frequency distribution table.................................................................57
1. Discrete Variable Data..................................................................57
Ni=n+n2+na + ... + n i.............................................................................58
Properties of frequencies......................................................................62
Continuous variable data......................................................................68
Construction of class intervals.............................................................69
Lower limit Upper limit....................................................................70
Determination of absolute frequency...................................................75
Y1-y'i=<y'i-1 , y'i].................................................................77
General rule for developing frequency distributions...........................77
and. — 93.5494.5 — 94.0.......................................................................79
Definition 20: Percent cumulative relative frequency at...................82
Solution to:...........................................................................................83
PRACTICE N°3.................................................................................103
Time elapsed from receipt of order to delivery (in days)...................104
> (X ¡ -X) = (X I -x) + ... + (X n -X) = (X I + ... +X
n )-n x = n x -n x = 0............................................................106
2x - X|20..............................................................................................107
Proposition (Konig)............................................................................107
> 2(xx)2.........................................................................................................114
Abbreviated calculation.....................................................................115
The harmonic mean............................................................................115
The mean square................................................................................121
THE MEDIAN...................................................................................122
PARTIAL EVALUATION I.............................................................127
RANGE, VARIANCE, STANDARD DEVIATION........................144
MEASURES OF DISPERSION........................................................144
= (0,010)= 0,0320.......................................................................145
Interpretation and application............................................................145
X=1 2x..............................................................................................................147
a = 12(x-7)2..........................................................................................147
PRACTICE N° 4................................................................................148
from $10, from..............................................................................................148
FREQUENCY HISTOGRAM...........................................................149
C ¡ xn =ni(ocxh= h) C ¡ Ci................................................149
Frequency polygons...........................................................................151
Warhead cumulative frequency polygons..........................................152
Note: Percentage warhead..................................................................152
Line graphs.........................................................................................158
PRACTICE N° 5..................................................................................159
1. Concept:......................................................................................165
2. Application:................................................................................165
4. Distribution function...................................................................166
5. Typing.........................................................................................167
— —- z.................................................................................................167
= npq is N(0,1)..........................................................................................168
Characteristic of the standard (reduced, standard) normal distribution
Scatter plots........................................................................................197
A control chart shows........................................................................198
Need for full participation..................................................................198
PARTIAL EVALUATION II............................................................200
THE QUALITY ROUTE...................................................................205
First Step: Defining the Problem.......................................................205
Second Step: Recognition of the Characteristics of the Problem
(Observation) Activities.....................................................................206
Third Step: Search for the Main Causes (Analysis) Activities..........207
Fourth Step: Actions to eliminate the causes (Action) Activities......207
Fifth Step: Confirmation of the effectiveness of the action
(Verification). Activities....................................................................207
Step Six: Permanent elimination of the causes of the problem
Step Seven: Review of activities and planning of future work
= £ [(x i -x)- ( and using Newton's binomial...)
(kx)] 2
n n n
= 2(X - x)2 - 2(x - k) 2(X - x) +2 (k - x) 2
> 2(xx)2
... XI) /n
Despite the good properties that the stocking offers, it has some
Abbreviated calculation
2. We select any point in the central area of the table, X or . This point
will play the role of reference origin.
to E>x = az + X 0
4. In this way we construct the table of the variable Z, for which it is
easier to calculate x directly, and then X is calculated using the
relation (2.2).
Generalized stockings
Applied Statistics..................................................................................................1
INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICS....................................................8
2. Division of statistics.......................................................................8
2.1 Descriptive statistics...................................................................8
85+90+ 93+82+95 = 415 = 89 points....................................................9
2.2 Inferential statistics.....................................................................9
Review exercises related to basic descriptive statistics.......................16
1. Data collection..............................................................................18
A)Some procedures and methods for collecting data..........................18
Disadvantages of interrogation............................................................19
Interrogation methods..........................................................................19
Frequency for data collection...............................................................20
2. Identification of variables................................................................21
PRACTICE N° 2..................................................................................25
FOR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT.....................................................26
Statistical Process Control: X and R Charts.........................................27
Basic philosophy of quality..................................................................32
1.1 Introduction...............................................................................32
1.2 Concept and evolution of quality..............................................33
Quality Evolution.................................................................................34
1.3 Understanding the meaning of total quality..............................35
1.4 Strategic importance of total quality.........................................37
1.5 Total quality as a new business management system...............38
1.6 Reflections for the reader...............................................................38
The improvement process towards total quality..................................38
2.1 Basic principles for achieving total quality....................................38
3. The production process is throughout the organization................39
5. The supplier is part of our process................................................39
6. Internal supplier-customer chains are essential............................39
7. Quality is achieved by people and for people...............................39
8. Establish the zero defect mentality...............................................39
9. The competitive advantage is in the reduction of errors and
continuous improvement......................................................................40
10. The participation of everyone is essential (collective
12. It requires a new culture............................................................40
2.2 Improvement Modalities...........................................................40
a) Continuous improvement..............................................................40
b) Radical innovation or improvement.............................................40
2.3 The control cycle for improvement...........................................41
2.4 Activities to start a process towards total quality...........................41
PHASE I: Decision making.................................................................42
PHASE II: Stage preparation and promotion.......................................42
PHASE III: Implementation of improvement processes......................42
PHASE IV: Consolidation and interfunctional optimization...............43
1. Functions and principles of quality control..................................44
1. "Control is not classification or selection"...................................45
2. “With control you cannot obtain quality; This is an inherent
characteristic of the product."..............................................................45
3. "The production team is responsible for quality and control"......45
4. "Control does not solve manufacturing problems, it only gives
reasons to study them".........................................................................45
5. Decisions must be made based on real data."...............................45
6. "The data must be compatible and arranged in such a way that it
allows analysis."...................................................................................45
Why produce quality products? (Fig. 2)..............................................47
Introduction to standardization............................................................50
1. Standardization.............................................................................51
General concepts..................................................................................51
Definition according to ISO.................................................................52
Technical rules.....................................................................................53
Types of technical standards................................................................53
APPLICATION LEVELS....................................................................54
ISO 9000 STANDARDS.....................................................................54
ISO 9000 objectives.............................................................................55
ISO 9000 standards..............................................................................55
STANDARD IS014000.......................................................................55
IS014000 Standards.............................................................................56
Terms and definitions (14050 Vocabulary).........................................56
Frequency distribution table.................................................................57
1. Discrete Variable Data..................................................................57
H1 - Cause-Effect Diagrams..............................................................174
Exercise: Cause - Effect Diagram......................................................180
DISPERSION DIAGRAM................................................................180
LINEAR CORRELATION................................................................182
SPEARMAN rank correlation coefficient.........................................184
> 6 2 d...........................................................................................................185
Yule “Q” correlation coefficient........................................................185
138 -:994........................................................................................185
Correlation and Causality...................................................................186
SIMPLE LINEAR REGRESSION....................................................186
CSCD=2 2 Iy-(a+bx)1 (-Xi ) = 0........................................................188
2 and xi = b 2x2+ aZx.............................................................188
YsYb(X- x)................................................................................................188
What is it?..........................................................................................189
When it's used?...................................................................................189
How is it used?...................................................................................190
Relationship with other tools.............................................................191
Application example..........................................................................191
PRACTICE N° 7................................................................................195
Exercise: Pareto Diagram...................................................................195
Work stoppage...................................................................................195
Getting relative percentage................................................................195
Construction of the diagram and determination of “vital few”..........195
Control elements................................................................................196
2. Control sheet..................................................................................196
Scatter plots........................................................................................197
A control chart shows........................................................................198
Need for full participation..................................................................198
PARTIAL EVALUATION II............................................................200
THE QUALITY ROUTE...................................................................205
First Step: Defining the Problem.......................................................205
Second Step: Recognition of the Characteristics of the Problem
(Observation) Activities.....................................................................206
+ +X2n
/ X21 ...
This is equivalent to saying that the median divides the histogram into
two parts equal to 2
Med |
If we change the last observation for another abnormally large one, this
does not affect the median, but it does affect the mean:
X->2,5,7,9,í25=^=>-X = 29.6; M ed = 7
In this case the mean is not a possible value of the (discrete) variable,
and has been greatly affected by the extreme observation. This has not
been the case for the median.
Example l ii - l i neither
ln - I neither to i X i xn i Neither neither
The first accumulated absolute frequency that exceeds the value n/2 =
100 is N=140. Therefore the median interval is [10;20). So
n/2-N ii 100-60
M ed = l i-1 •a i = 10 + x10 = 15
neither 80
To see the representativeness of both averages, we make the histogram
in Figure 2 and observe that given the shape of the distribution, the
median is more representative than the mean.
Fig. 2 For this frequency distribution, it is more representative to use the
median as the central tendency statistic rather than the mean.
F ash - l i-1 _ ai
n ¡ - ni- (n i - n ii ) + (n i - n +i )
nn , n i - n ii
=>> Fashion — l ii + /.- .— N,/-------.—{ a i
(n i - n ii ) + (n i - n +i )
• Even if the first or last interval does not have lower or upper
extremes respectively, the mode can be calculated.
23 350
- 120 ) 440
Solution: Taking into account that c = 20, and the data in the table, we
complete this
[20 - 40 ) 30 10 10 300
50 8 18 400
[40-60 )
’ 60 - 80 ) 70 5 23 350
[ 80 - 100 ) 90 17 40 1530
Totals 50 3800
Applied Statistics..................................................................................................1
INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICS....................................................8
2. Division of statistics........................................................................8
2.1 Descriptive statistics....................................................................8
85+90+ 93+82+95 = 415 = 89 points....................................................9
2.2 Inferential statistics.....................................................................9
Review exercises related to basic descriptive statistics.......................16
1. Data collection..............................................................................18
A)Some procedures and methods for collecting data..........................18
Disadvantages of interrogation............................................................19
Interrogation methods..........................................................................19
Frequency for data collection...............................................................20
2. Identification of variables................................................................21
PRACTICE N° 2..................................................................................25
FOR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT.....................................................26
Statistical Process Control: X and R Charts.........................................27
Basic philosophy of quality..................................................................32
1.1 Introduction...............................................................................32
1.2 Concept and evolution of quality..............................................33
Quality Evolution.................................................................................34
1.3 Understanding the meaning of total quality..............................35
1.4 Strategic importance of total quality.........................................37
1.5 Total quality as a new business management system...............38
1.6 Reflections for the reader...............................................................38
The improvement process towards total quality..................................38
2.1 Basic principles for achieving total quality....................................38
3. The production process is throughout the organization................39
5. The supplier is part of our process................................................39
6. Internal supplier-customer chains are essential............................39
7. Quality is achieved by people and for people...............................39
Scatter plots........................................................................................197
A control chart shows.........................................................................198
Need for full participation..................................................................198
PARTIAL EVALUATION II............................................................200
THE QUALITY ROUTE...................................................................205
First Step: Defining the Problem........................................................205
Second Step: Recognition of the Characteristics of the Problem
(Observation) Activities.....................................................................206
Third Step: Search for the Main Causes (Analysis) Activities..........207
Fourth Step: Actions to eliminate the causes (Action) Activities......207
Fifth Step: Confirmation of the effectiveness of the action
(Verification). Activities....................................................................207
Step Six: Permanent elimination of the causes of the problem
Step Seven: Review of activities and planning of future work
corresponds to an ordinal quantitative variable
Applied Statistics 1
Introduction 2
2. Division of statistics 8
2.1 Descriptive statistics 8
85+90+ 93+82+95 = 415 = 89 points 9
2.2 Inferential statistics 9
Issues: 11
Solution: 15
Solution: 16
Review exercises related to basic descriptive statistics 16
1. Data collection 18
A)Some procedures and methods for collecting data 18
Disadvantages of interrogation 19
Interrogation methods 19
Frequency for data collection 20
2. Identification of variables 21
Example: 22
Solution: 23
Statistical Process Control: X and R Charts 27
Basic philosophy of quality 32
1.1 Introduction 32
1.2 Concept and evolution of quality 33
Concept: 33
Quality Evolution 34
1.3 Understanding the meaning of total quality 35
1.4 Strategic importance of total quality 37
1.5 Total quality as a new business management system 38
1.6 Reflections for the reader 38
The improvement process towards total quality 38
2.1 Basic principles for achieving total quality 38
3. The production process is throughout the organization. 39
5. The supplier is part of our process. 39
6. Internal supplier-customer chains are essential. 39
7. Quality is achieved by people and for people. 39
8. Establish the zero defect mentality. 39
9. The competitive advantage is in the reduction of errors and
continuous improvement. 40
10. The participation of everyone is essential (collective
consciousness). 40
ll.Quality 40
12. It requires a new culture. 40
2.2 Improvement Modalities 40
a) Continuous improvement 40
b) Radical innovation or improvement 40
2.3 The control cycle for improvement 41
2.4 Activities to start a process towards total quality 41
PHASE I: Decision making 42
PHASE II: Stage preparation and promotion 42
Where: 146
Example 146
X=1 2x 147
a = 12(x-7)2 147
°\4 147
°s\4 147
from $10, from 148
C ¡ xn =ni(ocxh= h) C ¡ Ci 149
Frequency polygons 151
Warhead cumulative frequency polygons 152
Note: Percentage warhead 152
Solution: 155
Line graphs 158
1. Concept: 165
2. Application: 165
4. Distribution function 166
5. Typing 167
_x-u 167
- 167
— —- z 167
Z is N(0,1)
= npq 168
Characteristic of the standard (reduced, standard) normal distribution
6. Table management, most frequent cases 169
Example: 171
Concept: 173
How to interpret a cause-effect diagram: 173
Examples of cause-effect 173
The seven tools of quality 174
H1 - Cause-Effect Diagrams 174
Exercise: Cause - Effect Diagram 180
SPEARMAN rank correlation coefficient 184
>62d 185
Activities: 207
Step Seven: Review of activities and planning of future work
(Conclusions). 208
Activities 208
Applied Statistics 1
Introduction 2
2. Division of statistics 8
2.1 Descriptive statistics 8
85+90+ 93+82+95 = 415 = 89 points 9
2.2 Inferential statistics 9
Issues: 11
Solution: 15
Solution: 16
Review exercises related to basic descriptive statistics 16
1. Data collection 18
A)Some procedures and methods for collecting data 18
Disadvantages of interrogation 19
Interrogation methods 19
Frequency for data collection 20
2. Identification of variables 21
Example: 22
Solution: 23
Statistical Process Control: X and R Charts 27
Basic philosophy of quality 32
1.1 Introduction 32
1.2 Concept and evolution of quality 33
Concept: 33
Quality Evolution 34
2x - X|20 107
Example 107
Solution 107
ge1/gn240_24 107
Proposition (Konig) 107
> 2(xx)2 114
Observation 114
Abbreviated calculation 115
The harmonic mean 115
The mean square 121
Observation 122
Observation 122
Observation 125
= (0,010)= 0,0320 145
Interpretation and application 145
Breakdown 146
Where: 146
Example 146
X=1 2x 147
a = 12(x-7)2 147
°\4 147
°s\4 147
from $10, from 148
C ¡ xn =ni(ocxh= h) C ¡ Ci 149
Frequency polygons 151
Warhead cumulative frequency polygons 152
Note: Percentage warhead 152
Solution: 155
Line graphs 158
1. Concept: 165
2. Application: 165
4. Distribution function 166
5. Typing 167
_x-u 167
- 167
— —- z 167
= npq is N(0,1) 168
Characteristic of the standard (reduced, standard) normal distribution
6. Table management, most frequent cases 169
Example: 171
Concept: 173
How to interpret a cause-effect diagram: 173
Examples of cause-effect 173
The seven tools of quality 174
H1 - Cause-Effect Diagrams 174
Exercise: Cause - Effect Diagram 180
SPEARMAN rank correlation coefficient 184
>62d 185
Yule “Q” correlation coefficient. 185
138 -:994 185
V(a+b)(c+d)(a+c)(b+d) 186
Correlation and Causality 186
CSCD=2 2 Iy-(a+bx)1 (-Xi ) = 0 188
5b 188
2 and xi = b 2x2+ aZx 188
YsYb(X- x) 188
Concept 188
What is it? 189
When it's used? 189
How is it used? 190
Relationship with other tools 191
Application example 191
Exercise: Pareto Diagram 195
Organized: 195
Work stoppage 195
Getting relative percentage 195
Construction of the diagram and determination of “vital few” 195
Concept: 195
Control elements. 196
2. Control sheet 196
Scatter plots 197
A control chart shows 198
Need for full participation 198
First Step: Defining the Problem. 205
Second Step: Recognition of the Characteristics of the Problem
(Observation) Activities 206
Third Step: Search for the Main Causes (Analysis) Activities 207
Fourth Step: Actions to eliminate the causes (Action) Activities 207
Fifth Step: Confirmation of the effectiveness of the action
(Verification). Activities 207
Step Six: Permanent elimination of the causes of the problem
(Standardization) 207
Activities: 207
Step Seven: Review of activities and planning of future work
(Conclusions). 208
Activities 208
There are various measures of dispersion, among the most used we can
highlight the following:
Example: we are going to use the data series on the height of the
students in a class and we are going to calculate their dispersion
CV = 0.0255
The interest of the coefficient of variation is that since it is a percentage it
allows us to compare the level of dispersion of two samples. This does
not happen with the standard deviation, since it is expressed in the same
units as the series data.
A large standard deviation indicates that the points are far from the
mean, and a small deviation indicates that the data are clustered near
the mean.
For example, the three samples (Ó, Ó, 14,14), (Ó, 6, 8,14) and (6, 6, 8,
8) each have a mean of 7. Their standard deviations are 7, 5 and 1,
respectively. The third sample has a much smaller deviation than the
other two because its values are closer to 7.
The standard deviation of a data set is a measure of how much the data
deviates from its mean. This measure is more stable than the route and
takes into consideration the value of each data.
,Z' (xx)
° n-1
There is also another function that is easier to perform and with less risk
of making mistakes:
Z>2 2
n -1 -x
Here's how to calculate the standard deviation of a data set. The data
represents the age of the members of a group of children. {5,6,8,9}
x4=9 4
yx = 1TX
4 •i Replacing N with 4
x = 1 (Xi-X2-X3-Xa)
x = I (5 + 6+8 + 9)
0=1 2 (x i -x) Replacing N with 4
4 i=i
1 [(4,589 - 4,596) z
+(4,318-4,596) z +(4,256-4,596) z +(4,624-4,596) z +(4,903-4,596) z +(4,867-4,596) z +(4,420-4,596) z +(4.790-
OF\8 43596) z ]
1 (4+1+1+4)
a =1.5811 This is the standard deviation.
1. The average salary of factory employees is a certain amount. How
would you, as Chief of Staff, respond to a complaint that no one should
earn below the average, whatever it may be?
Answer: The only way to satisfy them is to make everyone earn
equally, which is not possible.
2. Until last semester, a UDEP student had passed 108 of the 141 credits
enrolled, with a cumulative index of 10.43. If you have enrolled in 21
credits this semester, how much can you raise your cumulative index
as a maximum?
Answer: Up to 11.67
3. Can the mean deviation have a value of zero? Can it be negative?
4. What can be said about a distribution in which s = 0?
5. A savings and loan association has the following mortgages with their
respective interest rates: $40,000 at 10%; $25,000 at 9%; $20,000 at
8%; $10,000 at 7% and $5,000 at 6%. What is the average interest
rate paid?
6. In the four classrooms where a Statistics test was taken, there were
14, 27, 27 and 36 students. The means (or averages) in these
classrooms were 14.4; 12.1; 9.9 and 10.2 respectively. What is the
general average?
7. A group of friends who left school together graduated from the UDEP
last semester. Four from Engineering with an average index of 14.95,
six from Business Administration with an average index of 14.12 and
three from Information with an average index of 15.10. What is the
average index of the group? What is the deviation are they giving?
8. Given the following distribution of salaries, in dollars, in a foreign
80 52 92 75 82 96 80
70 90 69 83 94 67 63
61 96 88 63 78 83 99
85 75 81 73 97 109 87
100 85 95 88 98 78 98
98 76 100 58 108 89 84
88 64 81 70 105 64 64
81 91 59 72 97 77 97
a) Build a frequency distribution table, using intervals
from $10, from..........................
b) Determine the mean and standard deviation.
c) Briefly comment on the salary distribution in this company.
d) Construct a cumulative frequency table.
e) Find the salary that 25% of the employees are above.
9. The diameter of 180 screws varies between 0.829 to 1.286 cm.
Suggest a grouping indicating its limits, boundaries and class marks.
10. Consider the following sample: resistance of 50 lots of cotton (Kg.
needed to break a skein)
1. The limits of the class intervals y'o, y',...y'm are taken on a horizontal
C ¡ xn =ni(ocxh= h) C ¡
Thus, the total surface area of the y' i-1 AN
rectangles or e! area limited by e! D
histogram will be equal to an (or unity), C i
which allows two different distributions of
effects to be visually compared.
Note: When the class intervals are of equal amplitude as has been
considered in the examples (ci = c), the heights of the ni/c rectangles
(oh/c) will be proportional to the absolute (or relative) frequencies.
Frequency polygons
However, when you want to present more than one statistical series in the
same graph for comparative purposes, frequency polygons should be
2. A segment is raised above the upper end of each class whose length
coincides with the accumulated absolute frequency or with the
accumulated relative frequency of said class, depending on whether
we are considering an ogive of accumulated absolute frequencies or
an ogive of accumulated relative frequencies.
3. Then the upper ends of said vertical segments are joined with straight
line segments.
Fig. 7 “Less than” ogive of steel ingot weight distribution using cumulative relative frequencies
Example 3: Construct the largest ogive as, from the cumulative absolute
frequencies and cumulative relative frequencies for the steel ingot weight
distribution of Example 1.
Note that the "greater than or equal to" ogive is always decreasing or
The main advantage of the ogive is the ease with which it can be linearly
interpolated between two plotted points. For example, the researcher
might be interested in the percentage of steel ingots that weigh less than
a specific value, say 95.1 kg (i.e., given the abscissa, find the ordinate).
Fig. 8 Ogive “greater than or equal to” steel ingot weight distribution, using cumulative
absolute frequencies.
Fig. 9 Ogive “greater than or equal to” steel ingot weight distribution, using cumulative relative
A vertical line that intersects the "less than" curve is drawn along the
known abscissa and a horizontal line is drawn through this point. The
approximation to the desired percentage is obtained by reading the point
of intersection of the horizontal with the axis of the vertical scale. Fig. 10.
In this case, approximately 80% of the ingots will weigh less than 95.1 Kg.
This implies that 20% of the ingots weigh 95.1 Kg or more. This is
obtained by drawing a vertical line for 95.1 Kg until it intersects the
"greater than or equal to" curve, then drawing a horizontal and reading
the point of intersection of this horizontal with the axis of the vertical scale
Fig. 10. (Note the direction of the arrow.)
If, on the other hand, the researcher wants to know below what value a
certain specific percentage of the distribution of observations is located
(that is, known ordinate, find the abscissa). For example, if you want to
know what value 25% of the weight of steel ingots is below.
Fig. 10 Graph of both warheads the “less than” and the “greater than or equal to”
Through this point a horizontal is drawn that intersects the "less than"
curve and a vertical is drawn through the intersection. The approximation
to the desired value is obtained by reading the point of intersection of the
vertical with the abscissa axis (Fig. 10). In this case it is approximately
93.3 Kg. That is, 25% of steel ingots weigh less than 93.3 Kg.
III. Approximately how much could a real estate agent earning 25% of the
maximum earn per year?
Height = n
< profits (in $)] Frequency n Class Breadth Standardized
amplitude i/
c = 5000 = unit
c¡ standar
5,000 or less 5 — — —
5 000- 10 000 9 5 000 1 9
10 000- 15 000 11 5 000 1 11
15 000-20 000 33 5 000 1 33
20 000 - 30 000 37 10 000 2 18.5
30 000 - 40 000 19 10 000 2 9.5
40 000 - 50 000 9 10 000 2 4.5
more than 50,000 7 — — —
Note that the extremes are open intervals. Its extent is not known;
Therefore, these intervals cannot be standardized nor graphed.
seven sellers
50 thousand or
35 40 45 50 income.
(in thousands of $)
b. The lower end of the distribution is flatter than the upper end.
Yo. Through point 25 a vertical is drawn that cuts the ogive and a
horizontal through this. The value is approximately 42%. That is,
approximately 42% of sellers earn more than $25,000.
20 40 50
37 19
Therefore: N = 19 + 19 + 9 + 7 = 54
The percentage will be: P =--x 100 =---------x 100 « 42%
130 130
20 30 40 50
iii. The 25% of the upper level implies the lower 75%, the current one
corresponds to approximately $31,000
Line graphs
Line graphs are those that are represented on Cartesian coordinate axes
by means of a straight or broken line, since the values of the statistical
variables will be isolated, both in the case of discrete variables and in that
of continuous variables, because the domain is divided into classes and a
class brand is chosen.
each class.
c. The "greater than or equal to" ogive has the S shape and a
negative slope.
3. In the office of the newspaper El Peruano, the time it takes to print the
front page was recorded for 50 days. The data is transcribed below,
approximated to tenths of a minute:
20. 20.8 22.8 21.9 22. 20. 20. 25. 22. 22.
19. 25.3 20.7 22. 21. 23. 23. 20. 22. 23.
21. 23. 20.3 23. 19. 25. 25. 19. 24. 24.
23. 21. 21.5 23. 19. 24. 24. 19. 23. 22.
22. 19. 24.2 23. 20. 23. 24. 21. 20. 21.
a. Construct a frequency distribution and a “less than” cumulative
frequency distribution from the data, using 0.8-minute intervals.
d. Using the ogive, estimate what percentage of the time the front page
of the newspaper can be printed in less than 24 minutes.
27-32 2
32-37 5
37-47 6
47-62 3
Total 16
b. How many repairs were completed in a time greater than 11.5 hours?
What percentage of the repairs were made in a time greater than 11.5
9. From a children's hospital there is the following report of care per day:
up to 2 months of age, 40 children; from 2 to 6 months, 60 children,
from 6 to 1 year, 60 children; from 1 to 2 years, 96 children and from 2
to 3 years, 72 children. Represent this distribution on a frequency
histogram and draw the frequency polygon.
10. Prepare a bar graph showing the six largest American countries:
Brazil, 8,511,965 km 2 , Canada, 9,976,137 km 2 , United States,
9,363,498 km 2 , Argentina, 2776,889 km 2 , Mexico, 1,958,201 km 2 ,
Peru , 1285215 Km 2 .
11. Show in a bar chart the sales and costs of a warehouse that for the
last three years has the following figures reported by the Accounting
Warehouse costs of
Year Sale
merchandise sold
15. Represent the production of rice, cotton and the total production in
the following table using a composite or proportional bar diagram.
OWN RESOURCES: 1970 - 88 (Has)
Years Sugar Sorghum
Total Cotton Rice Coffee Bean Corn 1/ Potato Wheat Others
cane 2/
1980 528707 139524 130156 49939 8183 13549 68591 38776 21167 4300 54522
1981 565516 119133 162598 35577 11484 18357 84889 50053 15317 3364 64726
1982 548337 105138 159291 36883 35002 13569 79303 38899 15347 1787 63118
1983 462149 74478 165060 37276 5104 4929 61965 46024 13266 805 53242
1984 600790 111302 197488 40888 7178 11472 82738 59494 15562 1512 73156
1985 681457 184041 182277 49328 9700 10442 78653 61986 4477 9340 91213
19861039798 109388 209038 92202 18348 24904 212831 152766 7052 23557 189712
19871056549 108010 217726 62216 5549 16048 220529 166417 8144 22171 229739
1988 945752 134145 174438 70669 4908 13178 185559 131798 10827 22047 198183
16. Represent the data in the following report using a pie chart. In an
industry the accounting report shows that production was S/. 62600
and the following expenses: administration S/.11160, materials and
energy S/. 15650, salaries and
benefits S/.18780.
17. Represent the data in the following table using a pie chart for each
1984 1985 1986
I Traditional Products
Miners 1368 1205 1023
Oil and byproducts 618 645 236
Agricultural 198 225 333
Fishing boats 137 118 204
Other traditional 100 71 65
II Non-Traditional Products 726 714 648
Total 3147 2978 2509
Source: Central Reserve Bank of Peru
18. The profits of the company ROS, SA (in thousands of soles) have
1980 200 1986 425
1981 250 1987 400
1982 250 1988 400
1983 300 1989 300
1984 350 1990 350
1985 400 1991 400
represent this data in a line graph.
19. If you. He is a publicist and has to graphically present the following
data relating to three preparation academies in the Admission Exam:
TO 300 1200
b 600 1800
c 100 400
a. How would you graph "academy size and Admissions result"?
b. Which graphical representation is most appropriate for comparing the
"degree of success" of academies?
20. In an industrial company, the payroll by class in a certain month was
like this: administration personnel, $423,380; sales staff, $560,325;
production staff, $2360420. Create a chart that highlights:
1 . The percentage of each estate based on the total payroll,
2 .The percentage of the payroll of each class and the total based on
total sales, which was $12885518.
1. Concept:
2. Application:
The importance of the normal distribution is mainly due to the fact that
there are many variables associated with natural phenomena that
follow the normal model.
3. Density Function
fr- H) 2
1 2 or
H = mean or
= dev. typical
1=3.1415 e
= 2.7182... x
or 2 = = abscissa
Domain: Domf=lR
Maximu (or,-)
m: or ^j2
Q. Inflection: enx= u+ or
yx=uG Asymptotes:
The OX axis is a horizontal
Symmetries: With respect to the line x =
Monotony: Increasing (-oo, u), decreasing
The normal distribution is defined by two parameters, its mean and its
standard deviation, and we represent it like this
For each value of u and o we will have a different density function
Therefore the expression N (u,0) represents a family of distributions
4. Distribution function
x1 2 or ,
^( x ) = e—e dx
-^oy/2 T
5. Typing
If the variable X is N(u,0) then the typed variable of
_x-u........................ ....................
Z =—-— And it also follows a normal distribution but
Deu=Oy O = 1,i.e. N(0, 1)
Therefore its density function is:
1 2
9 (z) = 2,* e ;- 0 <z< + 0
The variable Z is called the standard variable of X, and the curve of its
density function is called the standard normal curve.
He showed that under certain conditions (for large n and both p and q are
not close to zero) the Binomial distribution B(n, p) can be approximated
by a normal distribution.
We must take into account that the greater the value of n, and the closer
it is to 0.5, the better the approximation made will be. That is, it is
enough to verify it.
np > 5ynq > 5
Thanks to this approximation it is easy to find binomial probabilities,
which for large values of n are very laborious to calculate.
P(a < X < b) = P(a-0.5 < X < b + 0.5) P(a <
Theorem of
X is B(n, p) is N(np,npq)
6. Table management, most frequent cases
Let us consider that the weight of Spanish male children at the time of
birth is normally distributed. If we know that the average weight at birth is
3.25 kg and the standard deviation is 0.82 kg, what is the probability that
the weight of a male child at birth is greater than 4 kg?
In the table of the standard normal distribution, we look for the value of a
corresponding to the value of t=0.9146 ; The probability of t > 0.9146 is,
as can be seen in the figure: a /2. Then:
p(x>4) = p(t> 0.9146) =036 = 0.18
The standard curve
m o = 0.39894228 * 2.71828183-4 to =
2 1+p or z
As an example we will calculate the area under the curve from 0.98 to
Examples of cause-effect
We draw a thick arrow that represents the process and to the right we
write the quality characteristic:
2. We indicate the most important and general causal factors that can
generate the fluctuation of the quality characteristic, drawing
secondary arrows towards the main one. For example, Raw Materials,
Equipment, Operators, Measurement Method, etc.
4. Finally we verify that all the factors that could cause dispersion have
been incorporated into the diagram. The Cause-Effect relationships
must be clearly established and in that case, the diagram is finished.
Let's look at an example from Kaoru Ishikawa's Quality Control Guide,
published by UNIPUB (No. York). This is a machine in which an
oscillating rotation defect occurs. The quality characteristic is the
oscillation of a shaft during rotation:
Factors (Causes)
This graph is called a scatter diagram, which shows the location of the
values or points (Xi, y) of the two-dimensional variable (x, y), in a
rectangular coordinate system.
In the graph you can see whether or not there is a marked relationship
between the variables x and y, and you can see what shape it has: linear
or other.
Example 1: Below are the weights (x) and height (y) of 12 students.
Draw the scatterplot.
x 60 56 42 72 36 63 47 55 49 38 42 61
and 179 147 125 160 118 149 128 150 145 115
140 152
x x
b. Covariance close to zero
Fig. 1 Different types of relationship between two variables and resulting covariance.
When x and y vary together linearly, as indicated in figures (a) and (c),
the covariance will be high. For example, in case (a) most of the Xi-Xeyi-
y points will be in the first quadrant and third quadrant (defined by x and
y), contributing positively to the sum. In case (c), most of the Xi-xeyi-y
points will be in the second and fourth quadrants, therefore they will be
negative, obtaining a high magnitude and negative sum in the
covariance formula.
3 3 9 9 9 55
10 8 80 100 64 = 10 5.5.5
9 10 90 81 100
4 2 8 16 4 Cov(x,y) = 372 - (5.5) (5.5)
6 5 30 36 25
5 6 30 25 36 = 37.2 - 30.25
8 7 56 64 49
7 9 63 49 81
= 6.95
55 55 372 385 385
This value indicates a direct positive dependence, since the
covariance also gives us the sign of the relationship.
6 2d2
r s -1------=1----
n(n -1)
>62d 1-1
—1 GOES. •T -1 Q 1000 — Q o09
r -1
-T- - 19/1921N - 1 - 0.1980 - 0.802
n(n -1) 12(12 -1)
High degree of relationship.
Yule “Q” correlation coefficient.
Qual. as a leader
high Low Total
Favorable 86 41 127
Unfavorable 62 71 133
Total 148 112 n = 260
As for the variation itself, it may be due to causes that affect each
variable in the same way or in opposite ways, or one of them is the
cause of the variation of the other, or it may happen that the causal
relationship is reciprocal; All this is unrelated to the verification of the
existence of the correlation and the value of the correlation coefficient.
It is easy for the learner to imagine pairs of variables that could give a
high value of a correlation coefficient and that is not really due to a close
relationship between them, but rather the common effect on them of a
third variable, and then this high value of the coefficient correlation
reflects only that common effect.
The word regression was first used in this context by FRANCIS GALTON
(1822 - 1911) in his biological studies of heredity. They noted that the
average characteristics of the next generation of a particular group
tended to move in the direction of the average characteristics of the
population in general, rather than towards those of the previous
generation of that group. This trend was referred to as a regression
toward the population mean.
Then, regression has two meanings: one arises from the joint probability
distribution of two random variables; the second is empirical and arises
from the need to fit some function to a set of data.
The first meaning is outside the scope of this text. The second is more
practical. In it, the necessary elements are not available to determine the
regression curve; however, given a set of data, a functional form can be
assumed for the regression curve and an attempt may be made to fit it to
the data.
Thus, the regression of the variable y on x is given by;
Definition 2: If the regression of y on x is a linear function, y = a + bx,
a, b constants
A team can use the Pareto Chart for several purposes during a project to
achieve improvements:
• To analyze the causes
• To study the results
• To plan continuous improvement.
•Pareto Charts are especially valuable as “before and after” photos to
demonstrate what progress has been made. As such, the Pareto Chart
is a simple but powerful tool.
How is it used?
2. Gather data. The use of a Check List can be very helpful in this step.
6. Plot the horizontal (x) and vertical (and primary and secondary)
7. Plot the left vertical axis scale for frequency (from 0 to total), as
calculated above.
8. From left to right plot the bars for each category in descending order.
If there is an “other” category, it should be placed at the end,
regardless of its value. That is, it should not be taken into account
when ordering the frequency of the categories from highest to lowest.
9. Plot the right vertical axis scale for the cumulative percentage,
starting at 0 and going up to 100%
10. Plot the line graph for the cumulative percentage, starting at the top
of the first (highest) category bar.
11. Give the graph a title, add the dates when the data was collected,
and cite the source of the data.
12. Analyze the graph to determine the "vital few"
Tips for construction / interpretation
As we have seen, a Pareto Chart is a bar chart that lists categories in
descending order from left to right, which can be used by a team to
analyze causes, study results and plan continuous improvement.
Application example
But what are the defects that appear most frequently? To make it more
obvious, before graphing we can sort the table data in decreasing order
of frequency:
We see that the "other" category should always go last, regardless of its
value. In this way, if it had had a higher value, it should still have been
placed in the last row.
Now it is evident which are the most frequent types of defects. We can
see that the first 3 types of defects occur in approximately 82% of
The process of determining what is being carried out, in order to
establish the necessary corrective measures and thus avoid deviations
in the execution of the plans.
Since control implies the existence of goals and plans, no manager can
control without them. He cannot measure whether his subordinates are
operating in the desired manner unless he has a plan, whether short,
medium or long term. Generally, the clearer, more complete, and
coordinated the plans are and the longer the period they cover, the more
complete the control can be.
A manager can study past plans to see where and how they went wrong,
to discover what happened and why, and take steps to prevent errors
from happening again. However, the best control prevents deviations
from happening, anticipating them.
Control elements.
1. Relationship with what was planned. Control always exists to verify
the achievement of the objectives established in planning.
2. Measurement. To control, it is essential to measure and quantify
the results.
3. Detect deviations. One of the functions inherent to control is to
discover the differences that arise between execution and planning.
4. Establish corrective measures. The object of control is to foresee
and correct errors.
2. Control sheet
The Control Sheet or data collection sheet, also called Record, serves
to gather and classify information according to certain categories, by
noting and recording its frequencies in the form of data. Once the
phenomenon that needs to be studied has been established and the
categories that characterize them have been identified, these are
recorded on a sheet, indicating the frequency of observation.
The essential thing about data is that the purpose is clear and that the
data reflects the truth. These collection sheets have many functions,
but the main one is to make data collection easy and done in a way
that it can be easily used and analyzed automatically.
In general, data collection sheets have the following functions:
Distribution of variations of variables of the articles produced (weight,
volume, length, size, class, quality, etc...)
• Defective item classification
• Locating defects in parts.
• Of causes of defects.
• Verification check or maintenance tasks.
In the manufacture of high-quality products with full quality guarantee,
we must not forget the role of workers. The workers are the ones who
produce, and if they and their supervisors do not do it well, Quality
Control will not be able to progress.
The satisfaction of a job well done with quality. This includes the
The joy of completing a project or achieving a goal
The joy of climbing a mountain simply because it is there.
It is suggested that specialized manufacturers be established in their
own fields, at least in each province. Otherwise we will not be able to
improve quality or increase productivity.
Exercise: Control Diagram
In the process of washing hospital clothing (sheets) it was seen the
convenience of controlling the acidity of the disinfectant (PH), to avoid
deterioration of the garment without affecting the level of asepsis in the
For this purpose, tests were done every 20 minutes and the results were
recorded in groups of size 6. The measurements are presented in the
following table.
NUMBER to b c d and F 1 .- Calculate averages for
2/8 1 4.22 4.20 4.20 4.08 4.15 4.15 4.166 0.14 each of the k subgroups
_ X 1 + X 2 + ... xk
2/8 2 4.25 4.22 4.10 4.15 4.10 4.15 4.161 0.15 neither
1 4 16 18 1 ।
2 1
0. TO
0.222 4. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Average graphs (x)
The range measures the amplitude of the sample values and is
calculated by VF as the difference between the highest and lowest
Applied Statistics..................................................................................................1
INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICS....................................................8
2. Division of statistics........................................................................8
2.1 Descriptive statistics....................................................................8
85+90+ 93+82+95 = 415 = 89 points....................................................9
2.2 Inferential statistics.....................................................................9
Review exercises related to basic descriptive statistics.......................16
1. Data collection..............................................................................18
A)Some procedures and methods for collecting data..........................18
Disadvantages of interrogation............................................................19
Interrogation methods..........................................................................19
Frequency for data collection...............................................................20
2. Identification of variables................................................................21
PRACTICE N° 2..................................................................................25
FOR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT.....................................................26
Statistical Process Control: X and R Charts.........................................27
Basic philosophy of quality..................................................................32
1.1 Introduction...............................................................................32
1.2 Concept and evolution of quality..............................................33
Quality Evolution.................................................................................34
1.3 Understanding the meaning of total quality..............................35
1.4 Strategic importance of total quality.........................................37
1.5 Total quality as a new business management system...............38
1.6 Reflections for the reader...............................................................38
The improvement process towards total quality..................................38
2.1 Basic principles for achieving total quality....................................38
3. The production process is throughout the organization................39
5. The supplier is part of our process................................................39
6. Internal supplier-customer chains are essential............................39
The first three steps correspond to the Plan action, the fourth step to the
Do action, the fifth step to the Verify action and the sixth step to the Act
action, of the Quality Control Circle. With step seven this Control Circle
begins again.
The activities that must be carried out in this first step are:
c) Selection of a problem among all the many problems that have been
identified. The choice of this problem must be based on its importance
(it must be much more important than any other) and the objective of
improvement: quality, availability, safety, work environment, service,
The tools typically used in this step are the Pareto Chart and the
Control Chart.
a) Thorough analysis of all the possible causes that may cause the
problem, with the participation of all the people involved in the
problem. That is to say, what is called the hypotheses of causes are
2 7
To do this, a cause-effect diagram must be made, using the
information obtained from observation. From this Diagram determine
the causes that seem to have a high priority of being the main ones.