Lesson Plan Grade 4

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Department of Education

Region VI-Western Visayas

Division of Aklan
District of Numancia


I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
a. identify the different kinds of quadrilaterals;
b. describe the characteristics of each quadrilateral; and
c. cooperate through group activities

II. Learning Content

Topic: Quadrilateral
Reference: Butaran, Rosario B., Camitan, Alicia A. et. al; Number Smart 4 (Worktext in
Mathematics; REX Book Store; page 355-361
Instructional materials: visual aids, short video, pictures, puzzles
Value focus: Cooperativeness

III. Instructional Procedures

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of attendance
4. Review of the past lesson

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

Before we proceed to our new lesson this

morning, let’s have first a short review about our
past lesson which is all about the triangles.
Do you remember the three types of triangles?
Yes, Ma’am

What are those three types?

The three types of triangles are:
1. Equilateral Triangle
2. Isosceles Triangle
3. Scalene Triangle
Very Good!

Can you describe the characteristics of each

triangle? Equilateral triangle is a triangle that has
three equal sides.
Isosceles triangle is a triangle that has two
equal sides.
Scalene triangle is a triangle that has no
equal sides.
Is there any question about our past lesson?
None, Ma’am

B. Motivation
Activity 1 (Sing with me)
Before we start our topic, I will play a song and
you will jot down the shapes that you will hear in
that song. You can sing along if you want to.
Are my instructions clear?
Yes, Ma’am

(Play the video)

What shapes did you recognized in the song?

Very good!

Based on the song that I played earlier, do you

have an idea of our topic for today?
Yes, Ma’am. It is about quadrilaterals.

Very good!

C. Lesson proper
Today we will discuss about the Quadrilaterals
and its kinds.

First, let’s define what is a quadrilateral?

From the word itself, quad which means four (4)
and lateral which means sides. Therefore, what
can you conclude?
Quadrilateral is a closed figure with four
sides and four angles.

It means that any objects or a thing that has four

sides is a quadrilateral.

There are different kinds of quadrilateral and they

are classified according to:
- length of its sides
- measure of its angles

Look at the first figure.



How many sides does this figure has?

The figure has four sides.

When we say parallel lines, what does it mean?

Parallel lines are lines that do not meet or
distance between them does not change.

Very good!

Look at side AB and CD. Are they parallel with

each other? AB and CD are parallel sides

How about sides AC and BD? AC and BD are parallel too.

Therefore, how many pairs of parallel sides are

there? Two pairs of sides are parallel.

Do the side AB and CD have the same

measurement? Yes, Ma’am

How about side AC and BD? Side AC and BD have same measurement.

Therefore, there are two opposite sides that are

equal in measurement.
This figure is called rectangle.
What can you say about rectangle? Rectangle
- two pairs of sides are parallel
- two opposite sides are equal
- it has four right angles


Look at the second figure.

How many sides does this figure has? The figure has four sides.

Look at side AB and CD. Are they parallel with

each other? AB and CD are parallel with each other.

How about sides AC and BD? AC and BD are parallel too.

Therefore, how many pairs of parallel sides are

there? Two pairs of sides are parallel.

Do the side AB and CD have the same

Yes , Ma’am

AC and BD have same measurement.

How about side AC and BD?

Therefore, there are two opposite side are equal

in measurement.
This figure is called parallelogram.
What is parallelogram?
- two pairs of sides are parallel
- two opposite sides are equal
- it has no right angle

What is the difference between rectangle and

Rectangle has a four right angle while
parallelogram has no right angle.

Very good!

Let’s proceed to the next figure



The figure has four sides.

How many sides does this figure has?

Look at side AB and CD. Are they parallel with AB and CD are parallel sides
each other?
How about sides AC and BD? AD and BC are parallel too.

Therefore, how many pairs of parallel sides are

there? Two pairs of sides are parallel.

Is the measurement of the sides equal? Yes, Ma’am

This figure is called square.

What can you say about square? Square
- all 4 sides are equal
- two pairs of sides are parallel
- it has 4 right angles

Very good!

For the fourth figure

How many sides does this figure has? The figure has four sides.

Look at side AB and CD. Are they parallel with

each other? AB and CD are parallel sides

How about sides AD and BC? AD and BC are parallel too.

Therefore, how many pairs of parallel sides are

there? Two pairs of sides are parallel.

Is the measurement of the side are equal? Yes , Ma’am

This figure is called rhombus.

What can you say about rhombus?
- all 4 sides are equal
- two pairs of sides are parallel
- it has no right angle

What is the difference between square and

rhombus? Square has a four right angle while rhombus
has no right angle.
Very good!

Look at the last figure.

How many sides does this figure has? The figure has four sides.

Look at side AB and CD. Are they parallel with

Yes, Ma’am
each other?

AC and BD are not parallel to each other.

How about sides AD and BC?

Therefore, how many pair/s of parallel sides are

Only one pair of side is parallel.

This figure is a trapezoid.

What is a trapezoid?
- only one pair of parallel side
- it has no right angle.

Very good!
Do you understand now the different kinds of
Yes, Ma’am

No, Ma’am
Do you have any question?
D. Application
Activity 2 (Fix me I’m broken)

Now, let’s have an activity. I will group you into 5

groups. Each group will be given an envelope
containing puzzle pieces inside. You need to solve
the puzzle with the given shape. I’ll give you 5
minutes to do the task and you need to work
together. The group who will finish first will GROUP 3 GROUP 4
introduce their formed shaped and described its
characteristics. The next group will do the same
until the groups are done.

E. Generalization
Activity 3 (Who am I?)
I have here some statements and a jumbled letter.
You need to guess and formed a word that is
being asked.

1. I am a closed figure with 4 sides and

angles. Who am I?

2. Both pairs of my side are parallel, all of my

4 sides are equal and I have 4 right angles.
Who am I?

3. Both pairs of my side are parallel, both

pairs of my opposite side are equal and I
have 4 right angles. Who am I?

4. Both pairs of my side are parallel, both of

my opposite side are equal and I have no
right angle. Who am I? Parallelogram

5. Both pairs of my side are parallel, all of my

sides are equal and I have no right angle.
Who am I?

6. I have one pair of my side that is parallel

and I have no right angle. Who am I? Trapezoid

IV. Evaluation

A. Identify what kind of quadrilateral is in the

given pictures.

1. 2. 3.

1. Rhombus
2. Rectangle
3. Trapezoid
4. Parallelogram
4. 5. 6. 5. Trapezoid
6. Square
7. Parallelogram
8. Square
9. Rhombus
10. Rectangle
7. 8. 9.


V. Assignment

Create a scrapbook. On your scrapbook, you have to draw a thing or objects that represents
different quadrilateral. Group them by kind and label each quadrilateral.

Prepared by:

Ma. Vicenta J. Ferrer

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