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1. Match the following books and authors: D) It was declared as a World Heritage
Book Monument by the UNESCO in 2020.
a) Tokkudu bands Choose the correct answer
b) Mankamma Thota Labour Adda 1) A, B & C only
c) Jeevitam Oka Udayamam 2) B & C only
d) Enuganta Tandrikanna Yekulabuttanta 3) A & D only
Talli Nayam 4) A, C & D only
Author Ans. 3
1. Annavaram Devendar
2. Gogu Shyamala 4. Which among the following castes was NOT
3. T. Krishna Murthy Yadav included in the “Ayagar” system during the
4. S.V.Satyanarayana Kakatiya period?
Choose the correct Answer: 1) Kamsali
1) A-4, B-2, C-1, D-5 2) Komati
2) a-3, b-1, c-4, d-2 3) Mangali
3) a-5, b-1, c-2, d-3 4) Kummari
4) a-1, b-2, c-3, d-4 Ans. 2
Ans. 2
5. In which of the following places did Sarvai
2. Which one of the following is NOT a book Papanna built his Forts?
written by Jeelani Bano? A) Thatikonda
1) Pinjar B) Shapuram
2) Patharon ki Barish C) Geesukonda
3) Naghme ka Safar D) Vemulakonda
4) Aiwam-e-Ghazal Choose the correct answer:
Ans. 1 1) A, B & D only
2) B, C & D only
3) A & C only
3. Which of the following statements are 4) A, B & C only
INCORRECT regarding the Ramappa Ans. 1
A) It was built by Rudra Deva
6. Which of the following statements
B) It is a Shiva Temple
regarding Sammakka-Saralamma Jatara are
C) Perini Dance Postures are carved in correct?
the Temple A. Sammakka-Saralamma Jatara begins
at Medaram.

KPIAS (1-D) CELL: 9133237733

B. It commemorates the fight of two 2) Microbiology
sisters, Sammakka and Saralamma. 3) Aviation
C. Jampanna was the brother of 4) Biofuel Production
Sammakka. Ans. 3
D. The actual festival begins during the
month 10. Consider the following in view of PSLV-C53:
Choose the correct answer: A. It was launched from the second
1) B, C & D only launch pad of Satish Dhawan Space
2) A & D only Centre on June 30, 2022.
3) B & C only B. It is the dedicated commercial mission
4) A,B & C only of Antrix Corporation.
Ans. 1 C. The launch vehicle carried three
satellites from Singapore, namely DS-
7. Consider the followingabout Sufism in EO, NeuSAR, Scoob-1.
Telangana and identify the INCORRECT Choose the correct answer:
statement: 1) B & C only
1) ShaikBaba Sharfuddin and Shaibuddin 2) A & C only
propagated Sufism during the Qutub 3) A, B, & C
Shahi period. 4) A & B only
2) The Sufi Saints propagated the Ans. 2
composite culture and unity between
Hindus and Muslims. 11. On a cold day, during an early breakfast of
3) Dargah of HazrathBaba Sharfuddin bread with ketchup, one would have
Suhrwardi is at Pahadi Sharif, noticed that the ketchup barely moves out
Hyderabad. of the bottle. A little warming of the
4) Kankhas are the Tombs of the Sufi Ketchup would solve the problem. Which of
the following statement makes sense in the
above context?
Ans. 4 A. Liquids become less viscous during
high temperature.
8. Match the following Films with their
B. Kinetic energy of the molecules
increases with temperature.
A. Dorasaani 1. Nimmala Shankar
C. Liquid resistance to flow increases
B. Matti Manuhsulu 2. KVR Mahendra
with increasing temperature
C. Jai Bholo Telangana 3. Raj Rachakonda
D. Kinetic energy counteracts the
D. Mallesham 4. B.Narsing Rao
intermolecular forces.
5. Shyam Benegal
Choose the correct answer:
Choose the correct answer:
1) A, C & D only
1) a-4, b-5, c-1, d-2
2) A, B & D only
2) a-2, b-4, c-1, d-3
3) A, B, C & D
3) a-3, b-4, c-2, d-1
4) A & B only
4) a-5, b-3, c-4, d-1
Ans. 2
Ans. 2

12. What would happen to earth if the sun

9. ‘eVTOL Technology’ is related to which
suddenly disappears?
1) Semi-conductor manufacturing

KPIAS (2-D) CELL: 9133237733

A. The earth immediately experiences 1. Vowels on left hand side and
the lack of sun light mostused consonants on right hand
B. The earth experiences the lack of sun side
light after about eight minutes. 2. Letters arranged in square patterns
C. The earth immediately experiences 3. Letters start with q, W, E, R, T, and so
the lack of gravitation on
D The earth experiences the lack of 4. Optimized for thumb typing
gravitation after about eight minutes. 5. Keys in alphabetical order
Choose the correct answer: Choose the correct answer:
1) A & D only 1) A-3, B-2, C-5, D-1
2) B & C only 2) A-3, B-1, C-5, D-4
3) B & D only 3) A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2
4) A & C only 4) A-3, B-4, C-2, D-5
Ans. 3 Ans. 2

13. The correct order of velocity of sound in the 16. Which of the following organizations set the
media – water, iron, vapour and air is: standards and naming rules to be adopted
1. iron > water > vapour > air on the internet?
2. water > vapour > air > iron A. The Internet Society
3. iron > air > vapour> water B. International Organization for Internet
4. water > iron . vapour > air Standards (IOIS)
Ans. 1 C. American Association for Internet
14. Match List-1 with List -2 and select the D. The Internet Corporation for Assigned
correct answer using the codes given below: Names & Numbers (ICANN)
List-1 List-2 Choose the correct answer:
(Defect of vision) (Corrective lens) 1) A, B & C only
A.Myopia 1. Bi-convex lens
2) B & D only
B. Hypermetropia 2. Bi-concave lens
3) A & D only
C. Presbyopia 3. Cylindrical lens
4) A, C & D only
D. Astigmatism 4. Concave-convexlens
Ans. 3
Choose the correct answer:
1) A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1
17. Match the below products of biotechnology
2) A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3 with their application for treatment of
3) A-4, B-2, C-1, D-4 various diseases/disorders.
4) A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4 List-1
Ans. 2 A. Interleukins
B. Insulin
15. Match the key-boards with their layouts: C. Tissue Plasminogen activator
List-1 (Type of Key Board) D. Blood factor VIII
A. Querty List-2
B. Dvorak 1. Treating Haemophilia
C. Dextr 2. Treating cancer
D. KALQ 3. Treating diabetes
List-2 (Layout) 4. Treating heart attacks and stroke
Choose the correct answer:

KPIAS (3-D) CELL: 9133237733

1) A-4, b-3, C-1, D-2 21. Consider the following statements in view
2) A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1 of rusting of Iron:
3) A-2, B-4, C-3, D-1 A. It is chemically named as Iron Oxide.
4) A-5, B-3, C-3, D-4 B. Rusting is considered as a chemical
Ans. 2 change.
C. Zinc is coated on iron articles to
18. Match the following bases as per their prevent them from rusting.
usage: Choose the correct answer:
List - 1 1) B & C only
A. Ammonium Hydroxide 2) A & C only
B. Sodium Hydroxide 3) A, B and C
C. Calcium Hydroxide 4) A & B only
D. Aluminium Hydroxide Ans. 3
1. Fire extinguisher 22. With reference to the isotopes of elements,
2. Bleaching power consider the following statements:
3. Soap preparation A. The isotopes of cobalt are used in the
4. Removing grease stains treatment of cancer.
Choose the correct answer: B. The isotopes of iron are used in the
1) A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2 diagnosis of anemia.
2) A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1 C. The isotopes of uranium are used as
3) A-4, B-1, C-3, D-2 fuel in nuclear reactors.
4) A-4, B-1, C-2, D-3 D. The isotopes of iodine are used in the
Ans. 2 treatment of Hepatitis A
Choose the correct answer:
1) B & C only
19. IIT Kharagpur researchers developed eco- 2) A,B & C only
friendly food packaging material with which 3) A,B, C & D
one of the following? 4) A & B only
1) Banana Stem Ans. 2
2) Cucumber Peels
3) Cow Dung 23. Mother’sbreast milk provides immunity to
4) Banana Peelsi new born babies because it contains:
Ans. 2 1) Immunoglobilin M
2) Immunoglobulin A
20. Examples of Voluntary Standards (Indian 3) ImmunoglobulinG
Standards) adopted based on International 4) Immunoglobulin E
Codex Alimentarius with suitable Ans. 2
1) Fruit Product Order
24. Consider the following in relation to the
2) Milk & Milk Product Order ‘Monk Fruit’:
3) Standards Weights & Measures Act A. The monk fruit is known for its
4) Bureau of Indian Standards & properties as non-caloric natural
AGMARK sweetener.
Ans. 4 B. Originally the monk fruit is cultivated
in China

KPIAS (4-D) CELL: 9133237733

C. The cultivation of monk fruit is taken 3) A-3, B-1, C-2, D-4
up for the first time in India in the 4) A-1, B-2,C-3, D-4
state of Himachal Pradesh. Ans. 1
D. The cultivation of the monk fruit in
India is supervised by the Institute of 28. Match the following Covid-19 vaccines
Himalayan Bio-resource Technology. according to their nature:
Choose the correct answer: List-1 List
A. Pfizer 1. Plasmid DNA
1) A, C & D only
B. Covaxin 2. Inactive Vaccine
2) B, C & D only
C. Sputnik-V 3. RNA Vaccine
3) A, B, C & D
D. Zykov-D 4. Adenovirus based vaccine
4) A, B, & C only
Choose the correct answer:
Ans. 3
1) A-4, B-2,C-1, D-3
2) A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1
25. Before transfusion of blood, every unit of
donor blood is NOT tested for one of the 3) A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2
following diseases: 4) A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1
1) HIV Ans. 2
2) Cancer
3) Syphilis 29. What is ‘Happy Hypoxia’?
4) Hepatitis B & C 1) The feeling of mind when you have
Ans. 2 accidentally survived from the death.
2) The condition where you may not
26. ‘Gravesdisease’ is caused due to excess realize your oxygenlevels are
production of which of the following crashing.
hormone? 3) The condition where you may not
1) Insulin realize your blood sugar levels are
2) Thyroxin falling.
3) Growth hormone 4) Is aHormone released by brain when
4) Parathormone you feel utmost happiness.
Ans. 2 Ans. 2

27. Match the following: 30. Consider the following statements in

List 1 (Tree) relation to the newly developed solar
A. Ashwagandha powered survey craft for ports and inland
B. Sarpagandha waterways:
C. Nela usiri A. This is developed by the
D. Brahmi NationalTechnology Centre for
List 2 ( Usage) Ports,Waterways and Coasts in IIT
1. Medicine for Blood Pressure Madras.
2. Medicine for Jaundice B. This is developed by the National
3. Medicine for Nervous weakness Institute of Ports, Waterways and
4. Medicine for Abdominal Pain Vessels, Cochin.
5. Improves memory C. This is an unmanned autonomous
Choose the correct answer: survey craft and can be used to ease
1) A-3, B-1, C-2,D-5 maritime traffic evenin shallow water.
2) A-5, B-4, C-2, D-3

KPIAS (5-D) CELL: 9133237733

D. The Craft does the hydrographic and 34. Which of the following are National
oceanographic surveys and provide Waterways in India?
real-time data transmission over long A. Haldia to Allahabad on river Ganga.
distance. B. Geonkhali Charbatia stretch of East
Choose the correct answer: Coast Canal
1) B, c & D only C. Dhubri to Sadiya on river Brahmaputra
2) A & D only D. West Coast Canal from Kottapuram to
3) B& D only Kollam.
4) A, C & D only Choose the correct answer:
Ans. 4 1) A, B & D only
2) C & D only
31. Which of the following are major divisions 3) A, B, C & D
of ocean floor? 4) A, B & C only
A. Continental shelf Ans. 3
B. Continental slope
C. Deep sea plain 35. Match the following Mines of India with
D. Ocean arcs their respective Mineral production:
E. Ocean deeps Mine Mineral
Choose the correct answer: A. Kodingamali, Odisha 1. Copper
1) A,B, C & E only B. Malanjkhand, MP 2. Iron
2) A, B, D & E only C. Kunderkocha, Jharkhand 3. Bauxite
3) A, B, C, D & E D. Bailadila, Chhattisgarh 4. Gold
4) A, B, C & D only 5. Lead & Zinc
Ans. 1 Choose the correct answer:
1) A-4, B-3, C-5, D-2
32. The dry aromatic roots of which of the 2) A-5, B-4, C-2, D-3
following crops are used to make mats, 3) A-2, B-5, C-1, D-3
curtains and fads etc.? 4) A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2
1) Vetiver Ans. 4
2) Palmarosa grass
3) Patchouli 36. The Sargasso Sea is located in:
4) Mint 1) South Atlantic Ocean
Ans. 1 2) South Indian Ocean
3) North Indian Ocean
33. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs 4) North Atlantic Ocean
(CCEA) chaired by the Prime Minister has Ans. 3
approved the increase in the Minimum
Support Price (MSP) for Marketing Season
37. Which of the following is NOT the peak of
2022-23 for the following number of Kharif
Western Ghats?
1) Pushpagiri
1) 24 Kharif crops
2) Jindhagada
2) All Kharif crops
3) Salher
3) 4 Kharif crops
4) Kalsubai
4) 14 Kharif crops
Ans. 2
Ans. 4

KPIAS (6-D) CELL: 9133237733

38. Match the following Medium Irrigation B. The atmosphere absorbs part of the
Projects of Telangana with their locations: long wave infra-red radiation emitted
Project by the earth.
A. Boggulavagu
C. The gases that absorbs long wave
B. Gollavagu
terrestrial radiation are called as
C. Lankasagar
greenhouse gases.
D. Ramadugu
D. Carbon dioxide and Nitrous oxide are
greenhouse producing gases.
1. Dharpalli Mandal, Nizamabad Dist.
Choose the correct statements:
2. Pennballi Mandal, Khammam Dist.
1) A & C only
3. Malhar Rao Mandal, Jayashankar
2) A, B & C only
Bhupalapalli Dist.
3) A, B, C & D
4. Kotepalli Mandal, Vikarabad Dist.
4) A & B only
5. Bheemaram Mandal, Manchiryal Dist.
Ans. 3
Choose the correct answer:
1) A-2, B-4, C-5, D-1
41. Which of the following districts of
2) A-5, B-3, C-4, D-2 Telangana has the border with Karnataka?
3) A-3, B-5, C-2, D-1 A. Vikarabad
4) A-4, B-2, C-5, D-3 B. Narayanpet
Ans. 3 C. Medak
D. Jogulamba Gadwal
Choose the correct answer:
39. Consider the following statements: 1) A, C & D only
A. The southward shift of counter 2) A, B & D only
equatorial warm ocean current during 3) A, B, C & D
southern winters give rise to El Nino 4) A, B & C only
current. Ans. 2
B. El Nino phenomena increases
temperature of East Pacific Ocean off 42. Match the important mountain peaks with
Peruvian coast. their location in the Andaman and Nicobar
C. El Nino brings heavy rainfall to coastal Islands:
Peru A. Saddle Peak 1. North Andaman
D. South-west monsoons in India weaken B. Mount Diavolo 2. Middle Andaman
when El Nino phenomena takes place. C. Mount Koyob 3. South Andaman
Choose the correct answer: D. Mount Thuiller 4. Great Nicobar
1) B & C only Choose the correct answer:
2) A, B & C only 1) A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3
3) A, B, C & D 2) A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4
4) A & B only, 3) A-2, B-4, C-1, D-3
Ans. 3 4) A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1
Ans. 2
40. Consider the following statements:
A. One of the causes of Global warming is
greenhouse effect.

KPIAS (7-D) CELL: 9133237733

43. Ans. 1


Ans. 1


Ans. 2

Ans. 3


Ans. 2


Ans. 2


KPIAS (8-D) CELL: 9133237733

Ans. 1
Ans. 4

Ans. 2

Ans. 1


Ans. 4


Ans. 2

KPIAS (9-D) CELL: 9133237733

55. 58.

Ans. 2

Ans. 3 59.


Ans. 4


Ans. 4


Ans. 4


Ans. 4

Ans. 4

KPIAS (10-D) CELL: 9133237733

62. 64.

Ans. 1


Ans. 1


Ans. 3


Ans. 2

Ans. 3

KPIAS (11-D) CELL: 9133237733

67. 70.

Ans. 4

Ans. 3


Ans. 2
Ans. 2


Ans. 3

Ans. 2

KPIAS (12-D) CELL: 9133237733

73. 76.

Ans. 1 Ans. 1

74. 77.

Ans. 2
Ans. 2
75. 78.

Ans. 2


Ans. 1

Ans. 2

KPIAS (13-D) CELL: 9133237733


Ans. 4

KPIAS (14-D) CELL: 9133237733

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