Ancient Indian History NCERT 11th
Ancient Indian History NCERT 11th
Ancient Indian History NCERT 11th
Indus Valley • The Mesopotamia, Egypt, China and the Indus Valley Civilisation,
Civilization the four great civilisations of the ancient world, the first three
(Mesopotamia, Egypt, and China) have been broadly studied and well-
known to everyone. But the fourth and of equal importance, the much
more sophisticated Indus Valley Civilisation that flourished along the
flood plains of Indus and Gaggar-Hakra is lost to human memory and
till date remains puzzling.
• It was in the 20th century, the lost and forgotten Indus Valley
Civilisation was rediscovered and acknowledged and given equal
importance with the other three civilisations (Mesopotamia, Egypt, and
Facts for 1. Indus Valley Civilisation was the largest among the other four
Prelims civilisations of the world (Mesopotamia, Egypt, and China)
• The Indus Valley Civilisation was spread over an area of 1,260,000 sq.
km over modern-India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan
• The civilisation extended from Ghaggar-Hakra Valley in the east to
Markran coast of Baluchistan in the west, from Afghanistan in the
northeastern to Daimabad in Maharashtra in the south.
2. The Population of Indus Valley Civilisation was over 5 million
• The civilisation had over 5 million inhabitants.
• Most of the inhabitants of the civilisation were artisans and traders.
3. Nearly 1056 cities have been discovered
• 1056 Harappan cities and settlements have been found of which 96
have been excavated
• Most of the settlements are mostly located in the broad region of the
Indus and Ghaggar-Hakra Rivers and their tributaries.
• The major urban centres are: Harappa, Mohenjodaro, Dholaviral,
Ganeriawala and Rakhigarhi.
4. Majority of the population lived in villages and it is not evident
• Majority of the population of Indus Valley Civilisation lived in villages
• It is not evident as the villages may have been constructed of
destructible materials like mud or timber.
• Hence, it is difficult to find out the lifestyle and culture in these
villages which have been lost over a period of time without any trace.
5. Scholars and archaeologists are uncertain about the naming
• Since the first settlement was discovered along the banks of river Indus,
the archaeologists named the civilisation as Indus Valley Civilisation. But
on contrary only around 100 sites have been found in the Indus
Valley, while over 500 sites are found along the Gaggar-Hakra River
(The present day Saraswati River).
• Most of the archaeologists prefer to call them as ‘Indus-Saraswati
Civilisation’ based on the two river systems, while other prefer to name
them as Harappan Civilisation as the first settlement was discovered in this
city (Harappa).
• And, according to some archaeologists, the sites along the Gaggar-Hakra
River are preserved as they lie in the uninhabited desert.
Buddhist The most important sources of Buddhism are the Tripitakas / Tipitakas
Texts written in Pali language. They are:
1. Sutta Pitaka
2. Vinaya Pitaka
3. Abhidhamma Pitaka
• Dhammapada: a part of the Khuddaka Nikaya of the Sutta Pitaka. It
contains a collection of the sayings of the Buddha in verse form.
• Milinda Panha: Literal meaning in Pali – Questions of Milinda. It
was written around 100 BC. It contains a dialogue between the Indo-
Greek King Menander I or Milinda of Bactria and sage Nagasena
where Milinda asks questions on Buddhism to the sage.
• Buddhacharita: it is an epic poem composed in Sanskrit by
Ashvaghosha in early 2nd century AD. It is about the life of the
Causes of the • Split into Mahayana and Hinayana weakened the religion.
Decline of • There was corruption among the latter monks. They gave up austerity
and indulged in luxuries. Moral standards deteriorated.
Buddhism in
• Royal patronage for Buddhism declined after the end of the Gupta
India dynasty around 650 AD.
• Orthodox Hinduism became more popular especially due to the
works of Kumarila Bhatt and Adi Shankara.
• The invasions by the Huns and later by the Islamic armies further
declined the influence of Buddhism in the subcontinent.