Cyber Security Material 2021 07 New Employee Process V1.4

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Security Level :

Cyber Security Team

For New Employee, Manager and PM
July 23, 2021


SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

Management Update [Meeting Content]

1. NetCare Cloud Installation (Xshield 4. New Employee Rule

Upgrade) 5. Resignation Process
2. Monthly Cyber Security Exam 6. WXID, NetCare, VPN and NMS account deletion
3. PPCC and CSC Certification
7. Accountability System for AP Region D&S CS
4. Meeting Attendance Violation
5. Covid-19 Protocol Encouragement 8. [Case Learning] Information Security Study Case
6. Covid-19 Vaccination

7. Risk Compliance Check

8. Meeting Content Reminder
9. Cyber Security Reminder
10. Employee Responsibility

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

New guidance to enter Huawei Office

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

Accountability System for AP Region D&S CS Violation

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

[#Sample Case] Cyber Security Violation
Bear in mind that such things might ruin our
customer image especially when it involve large
scale of social media.

We shall manage our company’s image in telco industry

by applying proper and fairness regulations.
For those who breach the regulations , no room to make
any story to justify himself and broadcasting in social
media. We shall respond it properly and legally

We together against any negative actions which is

impacted to our business cooperation, protect our
customers brands and Image

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

Content of Meeting

1. Cyber Security Learning

2. BCG Learning
3. Information Security Learning
4. Regulation of Entertainment Expenses Reimbursement Learning
5. Interpretation of the Accountability Rating Criteria for SD&ITR Process Learning
6. Accountability Grading Criteria for Procurement Violations Learning
7. Violations of each Process and Business Learning

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

Account for new employee

1. Apply WXID (Include: domain, w3 and email) to Chotim/Ben Asri

2. Apply Temporary Asset to Chotim/Ben Asri
3. Privilege account upgrade: sent external email, apply iAccess and eSpace by Chotim/Ben Asri
4. Join domain in Huawei Office (include: Configure email, SPES, iAccess, eSpace, AntiVirus
installation, register phone number)
5. Install XShield
6. Apply NetCare Cloud account with FSE privilege
7. Exam of SD and ITR (PPCC certification) and Cyber Security (CSC certification)
8. Apply whitelist (Requirement: PPCC and CSC Certificate, Windows Update, Antivirus and
Xshield screenshot) to Yudhi Siswara
9. [VPN and NMS] Request approval create VPN and/or NMS account by email to Supervisor
10. [VPN and NMS] Apply Create Account by OWS

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

New NetCare (Xshield Upgrade)

1. Will be mandatory start on

end of July (rumored)
2. Must have NetCare Account
3. Already has whitelist
4. Any issue can contact me or
directly to NetCare PIC :
WX5327602 and WX

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)


SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

[4] How to Join Domain

Laptop requirement before Join Domain:

1. Laptop already install Win10 Pro
2. Already have Temporary Asset
3. Already have WXID and Domain password
4. Must Connect Huawei Network [Connect using LAN cable at Huawei Office]

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

[4] How to Join Domain

1. Plug LAN Cable to Laptop and open browser :

2. Download and install SPES

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

[4] How to Join Domain

3. Download and Install Skylar Antivirus

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

[4] How to Join Domain

4. [Join Domain/New PC Configuration] :

 Open iDesk on Desktop >>>>>>>>>>
 Choose Tools then New PC Config. Then input your ID and password Domain.
 If Join domain successfully laptop will be restart, then login again with your ID and
password domain.

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

[4] How to Join Domain

5. [Register Temporary Asset] : Go to iDesk >> Setting >> click register button >> input
temporary asset

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

[4] How to Join Domain

6. [Download Huawei standard software from iDesk ex: eSpace, welink meeting, rms, adobe
reader, winrar, etc.] : Go to iDesk >> Software >> Search

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

[4] How to Join Domain

7. [Register Phone number] : Open browser and type

Then fill the form as below as your own ID:

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

[5] How to Install XShield

1. Open browser :!versionManage.html

2. Download and install XShield

[Sample XShield after

finished installation]

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

[6] How to create NetCare Account

NetCareCloud upgrade in detail:

1. Ensure PPCC and CSC Certificate is valid
2. Create NetCareCloud Account
3. Install NetCareCloud (upgrade Xshield)
4. Apply permission whitelist [Optional for VPN, FTP, NIC, etc]

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

[6] How to create NetCare Account

1. Login to:

2. Tick check list and Confirm

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

[6] How to create NetCare Account

3. Go to Area-Level Permission, choose FSE

4. Click Submit

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

[6] How to create NetCare Account

5. Checklist NetCareCloud
6. Click Next

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

[6] How to create NetCare Account

7. Fill Permission Request: Dimension Value, Application Information and Reason

8. Click Submit
Attached your PPCC and CSC Certificate.

 Scene: Area
 Region: Asia Pacific Region
 Office: Indonesia Rep Office
 Country/Area: Indonesia
 Product Line: Wireless or Core or etc.
 Position: Technical Engineer
 Direct Manager:
No Team Spv Name Spv ID
1 NPM Arief Suryo Widodo 440843
2 CapLan Ratri Sari 738372
Working requirement in NPO Department of MS H3I Project.
3 Reporting Sudi Winanto 742559
4 VIP & IPC Sudi Winanto 742559
5 SME & Perf Wasinton Sinaga 736208

Application Reason : Working requirement in NPO Department of MS H3I Project.

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)
[6] How to create NetCare Account

9. Create NetCare Account Success.

10. Inform approver to approved.

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

[6] How to Install NetCare (XShield Upgrade)

1. Download NetCareCloud software in below link, choose General Version:

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

[6] How to Install NetCare (XShield Upgrade)

2. Install NetCareCloud software, extract downloaded software then click “setup.exe”

It will be notification that your Xshield will

be removed. If no notification then you
can uninstall manually but ensure your
NetCare cloud already running correctly.

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

[6] How to Install NetCare (XShield Upgrade)

3. Login NetCareCloud 4. NetCare Installation Done (Upgrade XShield Done)

Alt + Tab

Right Bottom Corner

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

[6] How to apply NetCare Permission White List

1. Open NetCareCloud Web :

2. Go to Personal Center >> Permission Last >> NetCareClient Permissions >> Apply Permission

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

[6] How to apply NetCare Permission White List

3. Service repsesentative office : AP MS

4. Approver : Department GM (Ratri Sari/Arief Suryo/Wasinton Sinaga/Sudi Winanto)
5. Click Confirm, then ask your approver to approve

6. Operation Done, NetCareClient Permission will be as below

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

[7] PPCC and CSC Material and Exam Link

1. ITR Process :
Learning :
Exam :
2. SD Process
Learning :
Exam :

Learning :
Exam :

Kindly please noted and to do:

1. Install eSpace, Huawei south pacific can’t recognize your PPCC and CSC certificate if you never login to eSpace.
2. Apply NetCare with privilege FSE Role, IRO NSO sometime can’t recognize your PPCC and CSC certificate if you not apply NetCare.
3. No need IOC since you not do change configuration by yourself but need to apply NetCare with privilege FSE Role.

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

[7] PPCC and CSC Certificate Sample
Sample of PPCC Certificate: Sample of CSC Certificate:

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

[8] How to Apply whitelist

Apply whitelist is sent email to Yudhi Siswara (739437), Chotim Nurzain (WX543338), Ben Asri
(WX328603), Ahmad Baihaqi (358736) and Andreas Sigit Lafianto (752406)

Data requirement of applying whitelist:

1. Print screen of windows update, Antivirus Update, with email and laptop date in 1 picture
2. Print screen of X-Shield Installation
3. Certificate of PPCC in PDF, filename format : PPCC Certificate [WXID][Full Name].PDF
4. Certificate of CSC in PDF, filename format : CSC Certificate [WXID][Full Name].PDF

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

[8] How to Apply whitelist

Sample for Print screen of windows update, Antivirus Update, with email and laptop date:

2 4

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

[8] How to Apply whitelist

Sample for Print screen of XShield:

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

[8] How to Apply whitelist
Sample of PPCC Certificate: Sample of CSC Certificate:

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

[9] How to apply/create Account [VPN and NMS]

OWS attachment requirement:

1. Print screen of windows update, Antivirus Update,
with email and laptop date in 1 picture.
2. Approval account creation from supervisor by email.

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

[9] How to apply/create Account [VPN and NMS]

Sample for Print screen of windows update, Antivirus Update, with email and laptop date:

2 4

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

Additional for Manager and Partner PM

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

What you and you team members must applied?

1. SD and ITR exam and get PPCC certificate

2. Cyber Security Exam and get CSC certificate
3. Apply NetCare account with FSE privilege
4. Regular weekly virus active scan
5. Regular monthly virus full scan
6. Monthly cyber security exam:

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

WXID creation and deletion Process and Owner

1. PIC WXID creation and deletion for MS H3I project is Chotim Nurzain and Ben Asri Primadewi.
(not Nieke FR).
2. If the resource is under ARP and Huawei then the PIC requestor will be HRD (Automatically).
3. If the resource is under PS and RF Partner then the PIC requestor is PM Partner.
WXID Responsible and Supervisor Name:
No Team Responsible Name Res ID Supervisor Name Spv ID
1 NPM Central Dian Fawaiq 441561 Arief Suryo Widodo 440843
2 NPM East Dian Fawaiq 441561 Arief Suryo Widodo 440843
3 NPM West Fa'iq Ahmadin 742113 Arief Suryo Widodo 440843
4 NPM HQ Radian 320677 Arief Suryo Widodo 440843
5 CapLan RAN Hery Nugraha 739307 Ratri Sari 738372
6 CapLan TX Binsar Sinaga 725640 Ratri Sari 738372
7 CapLan DCN Hery Nugraha 739307 Ratri Sari 738372
8 CapLan CORE Theobroma Joko P. 411781 Ratri Sari 738372
9 Reporting Edwin Mulya 742540 Sudi Winanto 742559
10 VIP Edwin Mulya 742540 Sudi Winanto 742559
11 IBC Edwin Mulya 742540 Sudi Winanto 742559
12 SME and Perf Rudwinuliatama 715993 Wasinton Sinaga 736208

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

WXID creation and deletion Process and Owner

PS and RF Partners PM:

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

Resignation, Clearance and Recruitment Rule

For Huawei Permanent, ARP and Consultant

1. Laptop must format by Huawei IT and give back to Huawei 2 weeks before last day.
2. NMS, VPN and other Project account must disable 2 weeks before last day.

For RF and PS Partners Resource

1. Laptop must format by Huawei IT 1 week before last day.
2. NMS, VPN and other Project account must disable 1 week before last day.

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

Resignation, Clearance and Recruitment Rule

Resignation and Clearance Rule:

1. Laptop must format by Huawei IT 1 week before last day.
2. Inform us format code get from Huawei IT.
3. NMS, VPN and other Project account must disable 1 week before last day.
4. Sent us finished clearance form, can use your internal form, or will discuss if you still don’t
have clearance form template.
Recruitment Rule:
1. Agreement and contract must done 1 week before engineer start working.
2. WXID must ready before first working day.
3. If the candidate ever working in Huawei project (as Internal and/or external), they must
finished their clearance.
4. If the candidate ever working in Huawei project (as Internal and/or external), partner must
get confirmation from their previous Huawei supervisor or Huawei responsible that they don’t
have any issue related with Huawei Rule (BCG, Cyber Security, etc.). Confirmation can be
physical or digital letter, note, message, voice recording but can’t by verbally.

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

Thank you

SUDI WINANTO (S00742559)

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