Multigrade Teaching Approach
Multigrade Teaching Approach
Multigrade Teaching Approach
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Objectives
9.3 Multigrade Teaching
9.4 Teaching Learning Strategies (Multigrade Situation)
9.4.1 Direct Teaching
9.4.2 Monitorial Assistance
9.4.3 Peer Tutoring: Students as Resources
9.4.4 Peer Group Work
9.4.5 Self Study
9.4.6 Whole Class Teaching
9.4.7 Small Group Work
9.4.8 Field Trips (Out of Classroom Activities)
9.4.9 Community Support
9.5 Teaching-Learning Strategies (Large Group)
9.5.1 Direct Teaching
9.5.2 Monitorial Assistance
9.5.3 Group Leaning
9.5.4 Self Study
9.5.5 Team Teaching and Sharing Responsibilities
9.5.6 Peer Tutoring
9.5.7 Use of Cues
9.5.8 Pupils Self-help Strategies/Self Learning
9.5.9 Evaluation and Feedback Strategies
9.5.10 Management of Space and Time
9.5.11 Seating Arrangement
9.6 Teaching in Diverse Situations
9.6.1 Locomotor Disability
9.6.2 Visual Impairment
9.6.3 Hearing Impairment
9.6.4 Intellectual Disability
9.6.5 Learning Disability
9.6.6 Specific Teaching-learning Strategies
9.6.7 Adaptation in Curriculum/ Instructional Material and Methodology
9.6.8 Supportive Aids
9.7 Space and Time Management
9.7.1 Space Management
9.7.2 Time Management
9.8 Let Us Sum Up
We acknowledge that Unit 9 Multigrade Teaching and Teaching in other Contexts
has been adapted from Unit-4 Teaching in a Variety of Contexts of Block-1 Teaching
and Learning, ES-211 Teaching Learning at Primary Level of Diploma in Primary
Education, School of Education, IGNOU, New Delhi, 2008.
Pedagogic Practices at 9.9 Unit End Activity
Elementary Level
9.10 Suggested Readings and References
9.11 Answers to Check Your Progress
A glance at the primary schools in our country reveals large variation in the
school and class size index. Some primary schools are large-sized, while some
of them are medium-sized and others are very small-sized. In the large and medium
sized schools, the teacher-pupil ratio is 1:40 or more. Teachers teach grade-wise
or even section-wise. In sparsely populated areas, very often several grades
comprising 10-15 children make a normal class-size. In this context, the teacher
has to combine several grades and practice multigrade teaching. Also, expanding
the educational facilities for disabled and integrating them into the normal
classroom set-up, presents a different context for teaching. All these situations
often create a differential or a variety of contexts for teaching.
In this unit, you will understand and learn about various contexts and also suitable
methodologies/ teaching strategies for organizing multigrade teaching, handling
large-sized class and teaching in integrated class. The instructional strategies
can differ from one context to another, depending on the class size, its objectives,
composition, subject content etc.
After going through this unit, you should be able to:
• explain the concept and need for teaching in a variety of contexts i.e. classes
of mulitgrade, large-sized and having students with diverse needs;
• discuss various strategies of teaching-learning in different contexts;
• describe the various patterns of space and time management in multigrade,
large-sized classes and an inclusive teaching situation;
• use these instructional strategies in a variety of contexts.
At the same time, you should also make sure that the direct teaching is followed
and proceeded by monitorial assistance, peer-group work and self-study by pupils.
Pedagogic Practices at While selecting monitors the following points need to be considered:
Elementary Level
1) Ability to understand the topic;
2) Readiness for concept clarification, and to carry out different activities;
3) Ability to manage the group learning, and peer tutoring;
4) Qualities of understanding, sympathy, co-operation leadership, etc.
Your role in this context is quite different. For example while teaching class V students,
you can engage other classes IV and III to accomplish a task on mathematics, or
Language with the help of peer tutors of the same class or of higher classes. You need
to constantly keep a watch and monitor the progress of work.
The grouping of pupils should be flexible and based on the nature of instructional
activity. You can group the pupils in both vertical (grouping pupils of different
grades) and horizontal (grouping pupils of some grades) combination. The former
grouping is useful for peer tutoring, mixed ability group work, etc. and later for
self-study/use of workbook, etc. In fact, it is the activity that determines the type
of group organization. The reasons and purpose for group work should be
explained to the children.
Although Right to Education Act (2009) stipulates teacher-students ratio as 1;30
at elementary level, there are many schools where the large number of pupils of
the same grade sit together in one classroom and are taught by a single teacher.
As a teacher you might have experience of teaching in a large-sized class. Hence,
large sized class of the primary level is a monograde class with 50-60 or more
students either comprising one section or a combination of two sections. A large-
sized class is the result of shortage of space and teacher or both. You may be
familiar with problems of handling large-sized classes. Large-sized classes are
noisy, very difficult for maintaining discipline, and providng individual attention
and your class when they face difficulty in writing from the blackboard. You
may be facing great difficulty even while correcting copies of class work and
assigned homework. Inadequate space in the classroom may be causing an
obstacle for you as well as for the children. The traditional methodology rarely
provides a solution to the problem of handling/teaching a large-sized class.
Some of the instructional strategies that you can adopt in a large-sized class
teaching are being discussed below.
Typical peer tutoring consists of more capable students assisting a less capable
one. Tutoring can also involve a team of three members (one tutor and two tutees)
or grouping as many as six to eight students of heterogeneous ability. A teaching
strategy of this kind, of course, require objective, meticulous planning and
You can try to cultivate a large variety of self-help strategies through self-learning,
silent reading and self-evaluation from blackboard etc. which will not only help
you to handle large size classes more effectively, but also developing self-help
strategies amongst students. Self-learning tasks can be done greatly by the children
on their own with internal feedback system. Through self-learning, activities
like silent reading, mathematic, drawing should be encouraged.
Pedagogic Practices at
Elementary Level Check Your Progress
Notes: a) Write your answers in the space given below
b) Compare your answers with those given at the end of this unit.
4) How are you going to use peer tutoring, monitorial assistance in a large-
sized class? How it would differ from that of multigrade teaching?
5) List different teaching learning strategies to be used in your class.
9.5.11 Seating Arrangements Multigrade Teaching and
Teaching in other Contexts
a) Split Half: For your convenience you may divide the whole class into two
groups (30-35 in each group). One group can be confined to seats in the
classroom whereas the other group can be accommodated in the veranda or
in any open space. In this context, the rotational teaching, with the help of
peer tutors, monitors may be carried out by you to enhance learner’s
c) Semi Circular: Depending on the space in the classroom you may organize a
semi-circular seating pattern by removing the furniture from the classroom.
The flexible seating pattern may help the students to write, to participate in-
group activities, and for organizing peer tutoring.
While you might have come across children with hearing, visual, orthopedic or
intellectual disability in your classroom, you may not have paid much attention
to them as thinking that they can not learn anything except vocational skills. But
you will be amazed to know that such children can be taught with the other
Pedagogic Practices at children. They only need your assistance in getting supportive aid and appliances.
Elementary Level
These children need to be prepared in basic academic skills if they are identified
early. Let us try to understand them and help them to learn in our school.
There are children with some degrees of disabilities who are studying in our
schools. Some of the children with disability are easy to identify due to observable
behavior, but some of them need to be observed more carefully for identification.
Now let us define the disability areas, specifically, which will help you to
understand different kinds of disabilities and adopt teaching methodologies
accordingly in your school.
Whatever be the kind of disability, it is necessary that these children in the formal
set-up should be given a conducive learning environment. The teaching
methodology in an inclusive setting will differ with the kind of disability. It is
impossible to formulate a general teaching methodology for different kinds of
disabilities, as the children with different disabilities have different needs.
Therefore, the teaching methodologies will differ with the kind situation.
Educational Implications
Within the classroom, you can make these children sit in the front: this will also
help to facilitate the free movement of other students. The seating pattern of
these students in the classroom should be on the basis of the aid or appliance
used by them, for example, the child who uses wheel-chair requires more space.
You can also organize group activities/learning activities according to their ability
level and encourage them to participate in these activities. To make them feel at
ease you can ensure their involvement in multifarious activities so as to reduce
their adjustment problem. You may provide adequate opportunities for the child
to participate in games, recreation and physical activity. You may remember that
every child’s needs must be catered to individually.
Educational Implications Multigrade Teaching and
Teaching in other Contexts
On identification, these children can be made to sit at a fixed place near to the
black/white board, so that the writing on the board is visible to them. You should
also make sure that you write in bold and clear letters on the board and
simultaneously by read loudly while writing. In this situation, you can make
teaching effective by maximum utilization of three dimensional aids, auditory
and tactile aids. Teaching learning can be made even easier by providing lenses,
magnifying glasses, large sized printed materials, audio cassettes and actual
Educational Implications
On identifying these children, you can make them to sit in the front row and also
encourage them to observe and read your lip movements while you are teaching.
You can make your teaching effective and participative by using more of action-
based situations, more visual aids to compensate for the auditory deficit. For
teaching abstract concepts you can use more audio visual aids, role- play and
dramatization. Oral participation can also be encouraged amongst hearing
impaired children.
On the basis of their ability level, they can be part of school system and can learn
to their fullest potential, when the appropriate methodologies are adopted by the
teachers. Adopting proper teaching strategies, the child can learn to a fairly self-
sufficient level. For identifying these children, their adaptive behaviours should
be assessed along with intellectual assessment.
Educational Implication
You may be amazed to know that most of these children are already studying
within general classrooms. They require more repetition in the instructional
materials. The learning activities should be organized through games, physical
education and music, which form a permanent impression in their minds. You
should follow strict developmental sequences for teaching basic skills. For
example, learning numerical skills 1-5 by repeated oral practice with matching
of pictures. Various activities may be used for eye hand coordination, developing
memory skills, developing sound discrimination etc.
Pedagogic Practices at 9.6.5 Learning Disability
Elementary Level
As a teacher you might have come across some children who make mistakes
repeatedly either in writing, reading or arithmetic. They have problems in one or
more areas of basic academic skills but they are average or above average in
intelligence. These children are not able to differentiate between ‘b’ and ‘d’, ‘6’
and ‘9’ etc. The learning disabled are defined as those having disorder in one or
more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or using
spoken or written language.
Educational Implications
These children need a lot of training practice and encouragement so as to improve
their perception, attention span and visual co-ordination. In an inclusive set-up,
you can adopt few teaching strategies like breaking the learning activity into
small steps as recommended for children with intellectual impairment. In your
very context, you can transact the curriculum by adopting a flexible approach
and using a variety of activities to reinforce learning. While teaching children in
an inclusive class, you should not teach letters, words, or numbers which resemble
one another. You can use a multi-sensory approach and learning aids to provide
different concrete experiences.
Multigrade Teaching and
Activity 1 Teaching in other Contexts
Try out the different seating patterns, for different activities and compare
their efficacy in your context.
Activity 2
Prepare a daily weekly/ monthly schedule for your school for effective teaching
and management of the multigrade set-up
The situation in large-sized classes differs from that in Multigrade situation. Multigrade Teaching and
Teaching in other Contexts
In a classes multigrade situation crossage groups may be formed for peer
tutoring i.e. students from higher classes teach those of lower classes.
5) i) Direct Teaching
ii) Monitorial Assistance
iii) Group Learning
iv) Self Study
v) Team Teaching and sharing responsibilities
vi) Peer Tutoring
vii) Use of clues
viii)Pupil Self-Help Strategies
6) i) Silent Reading, Self-evaluation from board, Drawing
ii) Calculaltions, self-evaluation from board, Drawing
iii) Silent reading, self-evaluation from board, Drawing
7) A teacher can help the child with locomotor disability by providing adjustable
furniture or adjust the seating pattern of in class as per the appliance used by
them. These children also suffer from adjustment problems. Teacher should
encourage and try to ensure their involvement in multifarious activities to
reduce their adjustment problems.
Such children be made to sit in the front row, to make black board writing
visible to them. The matter be written in bold and clear letters on the black
board and simultaneously readout loudly while reading.
9) Learning disabled children are the children with problems in areas of basic
academic skills due to minimal brain dysfunction/ emotional/ behavioural
disturbances, but they are not with intellectual impairment. Whereas children
with intellectual disability are those who have sub-average intelligence and
deficits in adaptive behaviour. They learn more slowly and have difficulty in
learning and social adjustment. Both need lot of training practices using
variety of activities and encouragement.