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Chapter 1


I. Context and Rationale

Multiplication is one of the basic operations in math involving whole numbers,

integers, fraction and more. As a student becomes faster at recalling multiplications of

6-10, they will be able to solve more complex math in much lesser time. Developing

multiplication skills and routinely practicing them supports the learner’s development of

number sense.

Learning multiplication facts is a key issue in mathematics in primary schools

(Gardell, 2009). Lack of multiplication skills is the source of low achievement in

mathematics. This is because most of the questions in the exam requires the

application of mathematical multiplication skill when answering exam questions. It is

difficult for students to solve mathematical problems that may require skill of multiply if

they do not master the multiplication facts skills. Due to their weakness in mastering

multiplication facts, they will lose interest, boredom and lack of confidence in learning

multiplication facts and so affect their mathematics performance that mostly involve the

use of multiplication operations. Students should master the fundamental skills enable

them to easily learn higher mathematical skills which are essential in their everyday life.

Students’ ability to perform elementary arithmetic provides a foundation for their

later acquisition of higher-level mathematical skills in high school. As arithmetic fluency

increases, reliance on relatively inefficient processes, such as counting and

decomposition, declines in favor of memory-based retrieval (Ashcraft Mark H., 1982).

However, the PISA result conducted last 2018 showed that Philippines ranked

79th in the overall ranking in reading, 78 th in both science, and mathematics against the

79 participating countries.

Moreover, the second quarter grades in Mathematics of Grade 7 students

showed that 26 out of 101 did not meet the expectation or are having failing grades.

This alarming academic performance of students prompts the researchers to

conduct action research to address in improving 6-10 multiplication skills. The students

will be exposed to Finger Multiplication Technique.

II. Action Research Questions

This action research aims to improve 6-10 multiplication skills through Finger

Multiplication Technique of the Grade 7 learners of Campagao High School, Bilar

District, Campagao, Bilar, Bohol S.Y. 2022-2023

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of learners’ 6-10 multiplication skills before and after the

implementation of the Finger Multiplication Technique?

2. Is there an improvement in learners’ 6-10 multiplication skills after implementing

the technique.
Improving 6-10 Multiplication Skills Through Finger
Multiplication Technique

An Action Research Proposal Presented to The Schools

Division Research Committee (SRDC)

Division Of Bohol



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