Multigrade Teaching
Multigrade Teaching
Multigrade Teaching
Strategies to support teaching and learning in the multi-grade classroom Tutors input Participants input
Overview of workshop
Awareness of the objective? Over-reliance on the use of textbooks to address the objectives? Curricular documents perceived not to be multi-grade friendly?
Whole School Plan - Agreed approaches Long-term plan - English Short-term planning: Templates
Sample timetables
Time allocation for every curricular area per week
An alternative approach
A timetable in terms of how things are best learned
Independent Learner
The curriculum aims to ensure that the childrens experience of school will be such that they will come to value learning and will develop the ability to learn independently.
Primary School Curriculum (1999 p. 10)
Language Experience Charts- across the curriculum Visual Arts - Looking & Responding Maths- Problem Solving
CD-ROM contents
Folder 1: Individual Teacher Planning
English Multi-grade Objectives Sample Long-term English Plan Sample Short-term Templates Organisational Considerations to support Learning General Information Small Schools
CD-ROM contents
Folder 2: Timetabling
Multi-grade Samples
Discuss the ideas you have just heard.
Agree on 2-3 of these ideas which you feel you would definitely implement in your school