Ilham Wahyudi A1B019103 Chapter 1,2,3
Ilham Wahyudi A1B019103 Chapter 1,2,3
Ilham Wahyudi A1B019103 Chapter 1,2,3
NIP: 197208251997022001
A. Background of problem……………………………………….………………
B. Limitations of the problem………………………………………………...……
C. Formulation of the problem……………………………….……………………..
D. Purpose of the research…………………………………………….……………
E. Significance of the reseach……………………………………………………..…
F. Operational Definition……………………………………………………………
A. Review on Speaking………………………………………………………….…
B. Significance of speaking …………………………………………………………
C. Teaching of speaking skill………………………………………………………
D. Definition of method and storytelling ……………………..……………………
E. Previous study………………………………………………………………….
F. Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………………
A. Research Design…………………………………………………………………
B. Setting……………………………………………………………………………
C. Subject of research………………………………………………………………
D. Research instrument……………………………………………………………
E. Indicator of success…………………………………………………………….…
F. Procedure of research…………………………….………………...…………......
G. Research schedule…………………………………………………...………
H. Data collecting technique……………………………………………………
I. Data analysis technique…………………………………………………………
A. Background of Problem
Speaking is one of the most important in real life or daily communication with speaking
we can share our ideas and feelings. According to Tarigan (1983:15) state that, speaking is the
ability to produces of sound with mouth. Speaking is speech or utterances produced by the
speaker with an intention of being known and then, the listener processes the sayings in order to
know the speaker’s intention (Efrizal. 2012: 127).
In speaking skill, there are several things and knowledge that must be possessed by
student’s, such as fluency, vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation, that knowledge have to teach
to the student’s so that the speaking ability of the student’s will increase in line with the
knowledge that has been received or taught by the teacher in the classroom. In mastering the
ability to speak in English, it should be mastered by the students. To master speaking ability have
to teach with the great method that will make the student’s can understand about the knowledge
in speaking skill and also can use the knowledge in the daily communication.
In teaching speaking skill there are a lot of method that we can use in the classroom. One
of the method is using storytelling. Storytelling is an activity that you retell a story to others that
you have read or watch by using your own words. According to Zaro and Saberri in Akhyak and
Indramawan (2013: 20), storytelling is an activity with the interaction between storyteller and
people or listener and also according to Dujmovic (2006) states that storytelling is considered as
a important activity that show the strength of words. According to Ling in Julia (2015: 14),
storytelling as a method can helps the students to use the information and delivers the messages
to others people. So from that explantions above, we can conclude that storytelling is an activity
to retell a story with own words and can understand by listener in a simple way, but still follow
the context of the real story.
There are many research about storytelling to improve speaking skill, such as:
From Amru bin As with title “Storytelling to Improve Speaking Skills”. This research
used experimental research. The result showed that speaking skill which class that taught by
storytelling improved much more and significantly.
In this research, the researcher did pre-observation and found a problems of the students’
in English subject at SMAN 2 Rejang Lebong. The problem in SMAN 2 is speaking skill, some
students have difficulty to speak with English, the factor such as lack of vocabulary, afraid of
making mistake and shyness and also the average score of tenth IPS 2 students’ at SMAN 2 in
English subject was 65. From that problem the researcher have to overcome the problem, in this
research the researcher will use a method to improve speaking ability. The method that the
researcher use in this research is storytelling method to improve speaking ability.
From the explanations above we can conclude that speaking ability is the important thing
that have to master by student’s, because with speaking we can share our ideas, feelings, and
communicate with others. In learning speaking skill, we must have the method to share the
knowledge or material to student’s, one of the method to teaching speaking skill is using
storytelling. So from this explanations, the researcher have to conduct a research about using
storytelling method to improve speaking ability of the tenth grade students at SMAN 2 Rejang
B. Limitation of the Problem
In this research, researcher focused on how storytelling method can improve speaking
ability of the tenth grade students at SMAN 2 Rejang Lebong.
Based on the limitations of the research, the problems of this research are formulated as
the following:
1. How can storytelling method to improve speaking ability of the tenth grade students at
SMAN 2 Rejang Lebong?
1. To improve speaking ability of the tenth grade students at SMAN 2 Rejang Lebong by
storytelling method
1. For teacher
This study was expected to be useful for teachers in teaching English speaking to
improve the students’ speaking ability through storytelling.
2. For reader
This study could contribute a good understanding of how to improve their achievement
on speaking ability through storytelling method.
F. Operational Definition
1. Storytelling
Storytelling is an activity related to telling a story to one or more listeners with own
2. Method
Method is a way that can be used to implement plans that have been prepared in the form
of real and practical activities to achieve learning objectives.
3. Speaking ability
Speaking ability is skill to pronounce language sounds to express or convey thoughts,
ideas or feelings with orally.
A. Review on speaking
Speaking is one of skills in English. Speaking is a very useful skill to communicate with
other people. The use of language to communicate with other, its called speaking (Fulcher,
2003: 23). According to Efrizal (2012) stated that speaking is the important thing in human daily
activity where speaking is making sentences, share ideals and making speech. Therefore the
researcher infers that speaking uses the word and produces the sound to express ourselves either
ideas, feeling, thought by acting from a script of a story then the students will tell the story with
their own language. It means that speaking is very important for everyone in communicating
with each other, without speaking we cannot know the meaning and purpose of our talking lawn
and from ourselves.
According to Nunan (2000:39). Speaking is necessaary thing in our life because without
speaking we did not know what the others talk and speaking also is the way that we use to
interaction with the others people. According to Chastain (2004), speaking is important skills
because by issuing ideas, thoughts, and meaning so we need to apply it. It means that speaking is
the ability to speak with a person to other person and also to many people.
According to Nakhalah (2016:99) that speaking is the delivery of language through the
mouth. To speak, we create sounds using many part of our body, including the lungs, vocal tract,
vocal chords, tongue, teeth, and lips. Speaking is the second of four skill, which are; Listening,
Speaking, Reading, and Writing skill that we learn. When two or more people speak or talk to
each other, the conversation is called “dialogue”. Speech can flow naturally from one person to
other in the form of dialogue. It also can be planned and rehearsed, as in the delivery of a speech
or presentation
2. Speaking aspects
Speaking is an important skill that must be mastered. Talking can make us able to
communicate with other people. In speaking, of course, there are aspects that must be
understood. According to Hormaililis (2003: 6) there are three aspects that influence us in talking
to other people, including:
a. Pronunciation
Pronunciation is a skill that we use when we want to convey our message to others, with
proper pronunciation it will make our message conveyed clearly. According to Lado (1964:70),
pronunciation is the use of sound pronunciation techniques in speaking and listening.
b. Fluency
Fluency is used to determine whether or not someone is able to apply the language in
communicating. According to nunan (2003:55) Fluency is the extent to which speakers use
language quickly and confidently, with little hesitation, or a natural pause, wrong start, word
search, etc.
c. Vocabulary
Vocabulary is one aspect that supports us so that we can communicate with other people
better, with a lot of vocabulary insight it will make it easier for us to convey the ideas we want to
convey. Understand and know many words in foreign English are very important in
In addition, the three aspects of speaking skills as Pernanda (2009:9) is as follows:
a. Vocabulary
Dash (2013: 68) “vocabulary skills involve a word meaning recognition and finding out
the meaning of words that are not understood and context”. 6
b. Pronunciation
c. Fluency
Longman in Pernanda (2009: 10) “fluency is the quality of a way of speaking without a
pause so that it makes it fluent in speaking”.
From the theory above, it can be concluded that aspects of the English language are very
important in communicating so that the delivery can be understood by others and also if you
want to be a good speaker, you should master these aspects.
B. Significance of speaking
At present, the need for speaking mastery in English has been dramatically increasing
due to the strengthening position of English as a language for international
communication (Nazara, 2011). Nodoubt, without language, there will be no communication.
Language is needed to convey ideas, feelings, and thoughts. People share their problems
by means of language. Language is the beauty of life and also speaking skill is used by
people while working, enjoying the moments of life and so on.
Furthermore, people can get the desired intentions, goals and objectives by using the right
language to communicate (P. S. Rao, 2019). So, language requires communication to be done
among people all over the world. Because English has won the place of international languages
and its speakers are found all over the world, English helps people to communicate with people
from different regions, states, countries and continents of the world and also people can get the
desired goals, objectives and goals by using the right language to communicate (P. S. Rao,
Brown (2003: 141-142) stated that there are five categories apply to the kinds of oral
production that students are expected to carry out in classroom. They are:
1. Imitative
It is the ability to simply parrot back (imitate) a word, phrase, a sentence as cited in
Brown (2003: 141-142). It is carried out not for the purpose of meaningful interaction, but for
focusing on some particular element of language form. This activity is usually performed in form
of drilling, pronounciation in an interactive conversation.
2. Intensive
designed for practicing some grammatical aspect of language. It can be in the form of self-
initiated or pair work activity.
3. Responsive
Brown (2003:141-142) stated that responsive speaking is meant by being able to give
replies to the questions or comments in meaningful in authentic one, like short conversations,
standart greetings, small talk, simple request and comment.
4. Interactive
Brown (2003: 141-142) stated that the difference between responsive and interactive
speaking is in the length and complexity of the interaction, which sometimes includes multiple
exchanges and/or multiple participations and has two elements that are :
a. Transactional
Brown (2003: 141-142) said that transactional is mere done in the dialogue. It is aimed at
conveying or exchanging specific information, an extended form of responsive language.
b. Interpersonal
Brown (2003: 141-142) said that like in the transactional, interpersonal speaking here is
also carried out in a dialogue. It is purposed for maintaining social relationships than for the
transmission of facts and information. These conversations are little trickier for learners because
they can involve some factors such as, slang, ellipsis, sarcasm, a casual register, etc. This often
makes the learners find it difficult to understand the language, or even misunderstood;
5. Extensive
Brown (2003: 141-142) stated that extensive speaking includes speeches, oral
presentation and storytelling during which the opportunity from oral interaction from listeners is
either highly limited (perhaps to non-verbal responses) or ruled out altogether that mostly in the
form of monologue. In the practice, the advanced levels are called on to give extended
monologue in the form of oral reports, summaries, or perhaps short speeches. Each category
above can be implemented based on the students‟ level and students‟ ability.
According Fikriah (2016: 96) the procedures of use storytelling in teaching English as
According to Heri Rahyubi (2012: 236) stated that, Method is a way that can conduct to
learn activity to teach. According to Zulkifli (2011:6) said that, method is a way that can use to
conduct plans that have been prepare in form of real and practical activities to achieve learning
objectives. From that explanation, we can conclude that method is a way to teach and the aim is
to achieve the objective of learning.
One of the method is storytelling that can be used to improve speaking ability.
According to Zaro and Saberri in Akhyak and Indramawan (2013: 20), storytelling is a
interaction activity between storyteller and listener. According to Safdarian (2013: 208) stated
that when story being told by teacher then the students retell the story with their own word that
called storytelling. It means that Storytelling is to retell the story having read or heard by using
the storytellers’ own words based on their understanding about the story.
According to Fikriah (2016) stated that storytelling builds confidence, develops language
abilities, encourages speaking and listening fluency, and increases motivation and interaction for
the students. According to Ebrahiminejad, Azizifar, Gowhary, and Jamalinesari (2014: 43) say
that storytelling is a method by using short stories. According to Ling in Julia (2015: 14),
storytelling as a learner-centered method helps the students to use the information and delivers
the messages to others. From that explanations we can conclude that storytelling is a activity that
retell about a story with their own words and also have interaction between storyteller and
listener and also that is a method that can used by teachers or educators in teaching English,
especially to improve speaking skill.
E. Previous study
There are many research about using Storytelling method in improving speaking abilty.
In this section the researcher discussed briefly the previous related studies of Storytelling method
to give better foundation and support to the present study:
The first study from Amru Bin As, (2016) in this reasearch, the title is STORYTELLING
TO IMPROVE SPEAKING SKILLS, The purpose of this research was to measure students'
mastery after they practice speaking through storytelling technique. This study used experimental
research methods with samples divided into experimental groups and a control group. The study
population was two classes of year VIII students attending SMPN 27 Takengon. The mean score
of the EG from the pre-test was 48 while the CG the mean was 47, and then in the post test EC
was 76 while that of the CC was 57. It can conclude that EG speaking skills students, taught by
storytelling techniques, improved more and significantly better than improvement in speech
Students' CG skills are taught using conventional techniques.
The second study has done by Mukminatus Zuhriyah, (1995) in this research, the title is
“Storytelling to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill”, the purpose of this research was to know
whether or not storytelling could improve the students’ speaking skill. This research used a
collaborative classroom action research. the subjects of this research were 23 students of class N
UNHASY Tebuireng Jombang in the academic year of 2016/2017. In post-test I was less than
75%, then the research conducted post test II in post-test II could reach 75 %. From that
explanation can conclude that there was an improvement on students’ speaking skill after the
implementation of storytelling.
F. Conceptual Framework
Speaking skill
Teaching ability
Storytelling A Topic
A. Research design
The research will be conduct at SMAN 02 Rejang Lebong at JL. A.YANI NO.443
Kesambe Baru, KEC Curup Timur, KAB Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu.
C. Subject of research
The subject of this research is tenth grade in SMAN 02 Rejang lebong in the academy
years 2023/2024. The research chose X IPS 2 as subject of this research. The number of students
in the class is 30 students (18 male students and 12 female students). The researcher chose X IPS
2 as subject because in this class have problems in speaking ability.
D. Research instrument
The researcher used observation to get the data about participation students in the
classroom and post-test to get data about speaking ability. The test was given in every cycle to
know the improvement about the speaking skill, the type of the test is the researcher give a topic
then the students retell the topic by their own words.
E. Indicator of success
Researchers complete this research if they have succeeded in achieving the
following indicator:
1. If the 50% students’ get the minimum score in English subject is 70.
2. If the student interested and motivated in learning and improving their speaking skills in
English subject.
F. Procedure of research
In this research, the CAR principle is used which has 2 cycles and each cycle has 4
activities, such as: planning, action, observation, and reflection. In cycle 1, the results of the
research objectives will be obtained, then in cycle 2 it will be increased to get a score that is in
accordance with the target.
Planning Action
Cycle 1
Reflection Observation
Planning Action
Cycle 2
Reflection Observation
Cycle 1
1. Planning
The researcher and the teacher discuss about prepare strategies, design lesson plans,
prepare materials and media, as well as preparing student success measures for results.
2. Action
3. Observation
4. Reflection
After analyzing data, then reflection is made. From reflection know have to conduct next
cycle or not.
Cycle 2
1. Planning
The researcher and the teacher discuss about prepare strategies, design lesson plans,
prepare materials and media, as well as preparing student success measures for results.
2. Action
3. Observation
4. Reflection
After analyzing the data, then reflection is done. The reflection stage is the process of
giving an assessment and response to the actions that have been done in classroom.
G. Research schedule
1. Observation
In this research, the researcher acts as an active observer, that the researcher
communcitate and interaction with the student’s, the researcher will take notes about the
participation students in the classroom. Observation aims to find out the students’ participation
during class activities.
2. Test
Test is used to get the data about speaking ability after the application of the storytelling
method in each cycle. The researcher test the students’ pronuncation, vocabulary, and fluency.
According to Brown (2001: 173) stated about the scoring test criteria for:
a. pronunciation
c. fluency
In technique to analysis the data, there are two types in analysis the data are qualitative
analysis and quantitative analysis. In the qualitative analysis, the researcher will make a
conclusion about the observation in the classroom about the participation students during class
activities. In the quantitative analysis, the researcher will give a score to students' by their
performance in retell a story. The score is 1-5, then the researcher will add up the total score
obtained by the student, then divided by with the total score for each aspect as a whole (15), after
that multiplied by 100%, then that is the score obtained by the student in speaking ability.
Student score
The formula: X 100
Total score
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