Team Challenges
Team Challenges
Team Challenges
Lesson Topic: Team Challenges is a unit where students will come together to work on their social relationships,
cooperation, and sportsmanship. This unit will challenge students to think critically and problem solve as a group.
The student objectives below are followed by specific reference to SHAPE America National Physical Education
Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes.
• Employ effective self-management skills to • Solve problems and think critically in team
analyze barriers and appropriately modify challenges. (S4.H5.L1)
activity patterns as needed. (S4.H1.L1)
• Select and participate in team challenges
• Exhibit proper etiquette, respect or others and that meet the need for self-expression and
teamwork while engaging in physical activity. (S4. enjoyment. (S5.H3.L1)
• Identify the opportunity for social support in self
• Uses communication skills and strategies that selected team challenges. (S5.H4.L1)
promote team or group dynamics. (S4.H3.L1)
Note: S= standard number; H=high school outcome number; L= level number [level 1 indicates the minimum knowledge and skills that
students must attain to be college/career-ready; level 2 allows students to build on Level 1 competencies by augmenting knowledge
and skills considered desirable for college/career readiness] (Society of Health and Physical Educators, 2014).
It is important to give students an opportunity to choose appropriate games, sports and events. However, the
health and safety of all students is paramount. Games, sports and events must provide safe, meaningful and
challenging opportunities for all students.
Equipment Considerations
• Hula hoops
• Floor tape or panel mats could be used on the floor surface instead of using a raised balance beam.
• A music system
• Omnikin Balls
• 4 Indoor bases
Safety Considerations
• Determine any allergies to latex with students, make necessary equipment changes.
• Exhibit proper etiquette, respect or others and teamwork while engaging in physical activity. (S4.H2.L1)
• Uses communication skills and strategies that promote team or group dynamics. (S4.H3.L1)
• Identify the opportunity for social support in self selected team challenges. (S5.H4.L1)
• Music
• Teamwork: cooperative effort on the part of a group of persons acting together as a team or in the
interests of a common goal
• Sportsmanship: fair and generous behavior or treatment of others, especially in a sports contest
Solve problems and think critically - • Music stops and/or whistle blows
Identifying and form groupings based on
teacher's selection
Activity #1
Hello My Name Is -
• Example questions to ask are: I want to meet everyone • The teacher will hold up the number of fingers of the
who: number of people that need to get into a group. If the
teacher has two fingers showing on he same hand the
• Has a sibling at home
students need to group in pairs of two. If the teacher
• Plays a sport has two fingers showing but on separate hands,
students need to pair with tow people of opposite
• Is wearing blue
• Has traveled to another state or country
• Once in groups, students introduce themselves with a • What is your favorite sport?
hand shake and then the teacher poses a question to
• Act out their favorite sport and have the partner
the students and the students need to discuss it. For
or group guess what it is.
example the teacher says, “Introduce yourself with a
firm handshake and share with your partner, one item • What is your favorite vegetable?
about yourself” Give approximately 30 seconds to a
minute for students to share and process and then • What are the components of fitness?
begin the music again. Have students move with a
• What is something they want to try, but have not
different locomotor activity. Stop the music again and
tried yet?
choose different pairings whether groups of 2-3-4-5
• What is your favorite subject and why?
• Continue the pattern above.
• What do you want to do for a career?
Skill 1
Respect for others - proper
Skill 2
Skill 3
Teamwork - willingness to
• Employ effective self-management skills to analyze barriers and appropriately modify activity patterns as
needed. (S4.H1.L1)
• Exhibit proper etiquette, respect for others and teamwork while engaging in physical activity. (S4.H2.L1)
• Use communication skills and strategies that promote team or group dynamics. (S4.H3.L1)
• Select and participate in team challenges that meet the need for self-expression and enjoyment. (S5.H3.L1)
• Identify the opportunity for social support in self selected team challenges. (S5.H4.L1)
• Music
Task Analysis
Solve problems and think critically - • Music stops and/or whistle blows
Identifying and form groupings based on
teacher's selection
• What were some items you noticed about the activity? Prompt until inclusion or exclusion are part of the
• Have students think of a time in their life when they were included.
• Have students think of a time in their life when they were excluded.
Skill 1
Solve problems and think
Skill 2
Skill 3
Teamwork - willingness to
Skill 4
Teamwork - Identifying
inclusion vs exclusion
Skill 5
• Exhibit proper etiquette, respect for others and teamwork while engaging in physical activity. (S4.H2.L1)
• Use communication skills and strategies that promote team or group dynamics. (S4.H3.L1)
• Music
Task Analysis
Object: To not let the ball touch the ground. Watch this
Skill 1
Positive communication skills
Skill 2
Teamwork - willingness to
Students will be able to…
• Employ effective self-management skills to analyze barriers and appropriately modify activity patterns as
needed. (S4.H1.L1)
• Exhibit proper etiquette, respect or others and teamwork while engaging in physical activity. (S4.H2.L1)
• Uses communication skills and strategies that promote team or group dynamics. (S4.H3.L1)
Task Analysis
Respect for others • Discussion of the challenge, allow for input from
team members
• The chaser will designate one person that they will try
to tag.
Game Play Instruction/Create the following stations
1. Rope Untangle
Object: To get untangled from your partner • After instructions are read, the group remains silent
the rest of the game.
• The first person in the line will select which cone to
• Each person will have a rope 3-5 feet in length.
start at.
• A slipknot is made at each end of the rope.
• If they choose the wrong one they go to the end of
• Put your own wrists inside each of the knot, before the line
your partner puts their rope on their wrist they must
cross their rope over yours.
• The next person needs to remember what the person • After all knots are tied, place one hand on the rope
before them did and try again until all members of the next the knot that is tied. This hand cannot leave the
group have the correct path through the minefield. rope at anytime during the activity. (You can use the
opposite hand to help untie the knots)
• The second person will begin to choose a cone, as long
as it is correct they can try another cone. When they • As a group you must get all the knots out of the rope
get it wrong, they go to the end of the line. without letting go.
• Without falling off the beam have the group in that • Have students problem solve the best pattern to throw
order. (For modifications allow for other solid objects the ball so that everyone gets the ball one time before
to assist with balance, for example, panel mats or line it goes back to the first person. Typically known as a
on the floor) the “star” passing drill.
Skill 1
Solve problems and think
Skill 2
Teamwork - willingness to
Skill 3
Skill 4
Students will be able to…
• Employ effective self-management skills to analyze barriers and appropriately modify activity patterns
as needed. (S4.H1.L1)
• Exhibit proper etiquette, respect or others and teamwork while engaging in physical activity. (S4.
• Uses communication skills and strategies that promote team or group dynamics. (S4.H3.L1)
• Identify the opportunity for social support in self selected team challenges. (S5.H4.L1)
• 4 bases
• 4 hula hoops
• Leadership: the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal
• Followers: Commonly seen as a bad thing, being a good follower is in fact just as important as being
a good leader. It is impossible to be a strong leader if you are not a strong follower.
Respect for others • Discussion of the challenge, allow for input from
team members
Activity #1 Activity #2
Object: Get your whole team from one side of the Object: Get the entire class from one side to the other
valley to the other without falling off balance beam or without falling in the river. Students are to work on
panel mats. Students are to work on strategies to solve strategies to solve problems and think critically. (Split the
problems and think critically. (Split the class into two class into two groups)
• Have all students start on one side of the room
• Have all students start on one side of the room (Create (Create boundaries).
• The hula hoops are meant to be islands you can
• The valley needs to be wide enough to that it would place ahead of time between the boundaries.
require 4-6 balance beams lengths to get across.
• The four bases are to be used as floating stepping
• They can put as many individuals on the beams or mats stones.
that can fit safely.
• You can place as many people in the hula hoop that
• Students will figure out how to get from one side to can fit.
the other with the equipment given for them to use.
(balance beam or panel mats) • All students need to make it across. If they fall off,
then they need to restart as an entire group (This
• If someone falls off, they will need to restart the can be modified)
challenge as a whole group..
Skill 1
Solve problems and think
Skill 2
Skill 3
• Select and participate in team challenges that meet the need for self-expression and enjoyment. (S5.
• Students will need to check with teacher for needed equipment for their lesson.
Respect for others • Discussion of the challenge, allow for input from
team members
• Student presentation
• Create groups.
• Allow students to be creative and come up with a Team Challenge on their own. They can create their own or
they can research other team challenges and present.
• Activity must be well-thought out ,safe, and equitable for all students in the class.
Description 3 2 1
Group Participation Full group participation. Partial group participation No group participation.
All group members take One group member gives
part in the presentation the presentation
Materials Has all materials ready for Has all materials ready for Does not have materials
activity activity ready for activity
Lesson Submits idea via Submits lesson including Submits lessons with one
electronically or by paper two of the three of the three requirements
with description of requirements
activity, materials needed
and source of activity
Skill 1
Skill 2