Materia Medica - MCQ - 3rd - BHMS - (2015)
Materia Medica - MCQ - 3rd - BHMS - (2015)
Materia Medica - MCQ - 3rd - BHMS - (2015)
Rockstar Pandya
Rockstar Pandya
47 Chillblains that itch and burn intolerably, frost bites
48 This remedy is known as "Aconite of Chronic Diseases"
49 Inactivity of rectum, even soft stool requires great straining
50 Leucorrhoea acrid and profuse running down to heels > cold bathing
51 Intolerable itching whole body, scratches until bleeds then becomes painful
52 Leucorrhoea thick, bluish, white mucus esp. or only at night
53 Discharge of blood between periods at every little accident a long walk, after every hard stool
54 Indicated in women who must have the smelling bottle continually in hand
55 Nose bleed while washing face
56 Cholera like symptoms at commencement of menses
57 Suited to those who are fat & sluggish body large & fat but legs too thin
58 Haemorrhoids after suppressed leucorrhoea
59 Irresistible desire to curse & swear
60 Headache entirely relieved when eating
61 Great desire for stool but with effort the desire passes away without any evacuation
62 Hard stool crumbles at verge of anus
63 Dropsy with thirst
64 Pinning boys, low spirited lacking in boyish go with testes undeveloped
65 Sensation as if the heart stood still as though it ceased to beat and then suddenly gave one hard thump
66 Haemorrhoids protrude every time he urinates
67 Tendency to take cold, when uncovering head, From hair cut
68 Urine dark brown and the urinous odor highly intensified
69 Bubbling sensation in kidney with jelly like sediments in urine
70 Vomiting of water as soon as it reaches the stomach, food retained longer
71 Dread of downward motion in nearly all complaints
72 Leucorrhoea with sensation as if warm water were flowing down, for 2 weeks between Catamenia
73 Menses flow only at night, not in daytime
74 Sailors suffer from Asthma "on Shore"
75 Hypertrophy of heart from gymnastics in growing boys
76 Membranous diphtheritic croup, much rattling of mucus during cough, but no chocking
77 Solitude unbearable desires company child holds on to mothers hand for company
78 Eye lashes turn inward & inflame the eye esp. at outer canthus
79 Red noses in young women
80 Deep impression on finger, from using blunt instruments
81 Sweat in axilla smells like onion
82 Intolerable itching at tip of coccyx, must scratch till parts raw & sore
83 Removes the fetor in hopeless cases of cancer
84 Heart feels as if clasped & unclasped rapidly by an iron hand
85 Sweet sweat attracts the flies
86 Pruritus Vaginae induces Onanism
87 The slightest emotion causes palpitation every 4th beat missing
88 Pains better while thinking of it
89 Time seems too long, a few seconds seem ages
90 Urethra very sensitive to touch or pressure, cant walk with legs close together
91 Burns and Scalds > cold applications, burns before blisters form or when they have formed
92 Patient craves things that make them sick
93 Deficient capillary circulation causes blueness of skin, coldness of extremities, desire to be completely
94 Tongue coated thickly yellow, with red edges showing imprints of teeth
95 Small lumps of mucus fly from mouth while coughing
96 Desire for very hot drinks unless almost boiling stomach will not retain them
97 Constant pain under lower and inner angle of right scapula
Rockstar Pandya
Nitric Acid Agaricus Oxalic Acid Borax B
Alumina Selenium Syphilinum Opium A
Alumina Digitalis Opium Phosphorus A
Alumina Cyclamen Ignatia Kreosotum A
Alumina sepia Kali Brom Oxalic Acid A
Ammon Mur Ambra Griesa Cyclamen Murex B
Phosphorus Nat C Crotalus Ambra Griesa D
Conium Ammon C Kali Carb Platina B
Terebinth Ammon C Sepia Kali Carb B
Kreosote Camphora Ammon Carb Carbo veg C
Graph Platina Lach Amm Mur D
Ammon Mur Muriatic Acid Podophyllum Sulph Acid A
Anacardium Ferrum Met Cannabis Indica Phosphorus A
Belladona Anacardium Nat Carb Cactus B
Graph Platina Anacardium Amm Mur C
Ammon Mur Alumina Carbo veg Graph A
Apocynum Phosphorus Vert Alb Kali Carb A
Caladium Aurum Met Bufo Stramonium B
Aurum Met Calc Ars Lachesis Ignatia A
Murex Nitric Acid Baryta Carb Sulphuric Acid C
Phosphorus Belladonna Sepia Ignatia B
Picric Acid Benzoic Acid Nitric Acid Phosp Acid B
Berberis Vul Equisetum Cannabis Indica Taraxacum A
Ars Alb Phosphorus Vert Alb Bismuth D
Bromium Bovista Borax Bismuth C
Borax kreosotum Bovista Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris A
Platina Bovista Alumina Sepia B
Borax Bismuth Tabaccum Bromium D
Bromium Cactus Grand Digitalis Gelsemium A
Amm Carb Kali carb Bromium Ars Iod C
Nat Carb Bismuth Phosphorus Ambra Griesa B
Agaricus Syphilinum Selenium Borax D
Borax Platina Kali Carb Cyclamen A
Petroleum Graphites Conium Bovista D
Bovista Graphites Baryta Carb Sulphur A
Selenium Sepia Bovista Platina C
Bufo Petroleum Graphites Picric Acid A
Cactus G Digitalis Aur Met Calc Ars A
Graphites Kali carb Selenium Caladium D
Benzoic Acid Caladium Kreosotum Moschus B
Aurum Met Cactus Grand Digitalis Calc Ars D
Camphora Kali carb Ammon Carb Cyclamen A
Kali Carb Oxalic Acid Anacardium Cannabis Indica D
Terebinth Taraxacum Staphysagria Cannabis Sativa D
Ars Iod Asafoetida Cantharis Bovista C
Carbo veg Muriatic acid Ferrum Met Alumina A
Carbo veg Borax Graphites Phosphorus A
Rockstar Pandya
98 Dread being alone, yet avoids society
99 The "Balm of Gilead" for diseases of old maids and women during and after Climacteric
100 Vertigo when lying down or turning in bed must keep head perfectly still
101 Clears up vision after keratitis or kerato-iritis
102 Cannot lie on right side or back without instantly producing dark green vomiting
103 Malignant jaundice- Haemic rather than hepatic
104 Gun shot diarrhoea as soon as patient eats, drinks
105 Drawing pain through the chest from breast to scapula every time the child nurses
106 Intense itching of skin, but so tender is unable to scratch > gentle rubbing
107 Menstrual flow is more profuse, while at rest
108 A/F Suppressed grief and terrors of conscience, from duty not done or bad act commited
109 Sensation as if heart would stop beating if she moved
110 Pulse full, irregular very slow and weak intermitting every 3rd, 5th, 7th beat
111 Stools ash coloured, pipe stem stools
112 Colic pains < bending forward and while lying > Standing errect or bending backward
113 Constant desire to urinate, large quantity of clear watery urine without >
114 Red parts become white
115 Vertigo on seeing flowing water, when walking over water, as when crossing bridge
116 Hears better when in a noise, when riding in carriage or car
117 Thinks that she is pregnant and will be soon delievered
118 Icy Coldness of Face, tip of nose, feet, legs, arms, hands and many other parts
119 Menses tardy in starting, first day merely show, second day colic, vomiting, haemorrhage with large clots
each alternate period profuse
120 Every sound seems to penetrates through the whole body, causing nausea and vomiting
121 The urine has odour of violets
122 Mapped tounge covered with white film which comes off in patches
123 Vertigo with death like pallor > Open air, Vomiting < Opening Eyes
124 Sea sickness > on deck in fresh, cold air
125 Neuralgic headache commencing at 4pm <10-11 in night and ceasing at daylight
126 Craving for alcohol in any form - Hereditary tendancy for alcoholism
127 Water drunk causes coldness of stomach unless mixed with alcoholic liquor
128 Pain of gradual and slow-increasing intensity which caeses suddenly when at its height, often repeated
129 Desires light and company, cannot bear to be alone
130 Disposed to talk continually praying, beseeching, entreating
131 Styes, Chalazae on eyelids leaving hard nodosities in their wake
132 Burning in urethra when not urinating, in young married females after coition
133 Indifference even to ones family, to those whom she loves the best
134 Pot belliedness in mothers
135 Dyspnoea > dancing or walking rapidly
136 Involuntary dribbling of semen, which oozes while sitting at stool
137 Menses, continuous discharge of watery blood until next period
138 Boils small painful with green content, mature and heal slowly
139 Painless diarrhoea, prolapse of rectum in children while being bathed or washed of dirty water soaking
140 Arrogant, pride, haughty, contemptuous female
141 Constipation while travelling, after lead poisoning of emigrants
142 Sexual organ exceedingly sensitive, Cannot bear napkin to touch her
143 Brain fag of literary or business people
144 Slightest excitement, mental exertion or overwork brings on headache and causes burning along spine
145 Occupies position between Bryonia and Rhus Tox cures when these fail through apparently well indicated
146 Breast shows early tendency to Cake
147 When child nurses pain goes from nipple all over body
Rockstar Pandya
Kali Carb Bromium Conium Sepia C
Graphites Ammon C Platina Conium D
Conium Phosphorus Alumina Ignatia A
Crotalus Horridus Agaricus Kali Bichrom Naja A
Phosphorus Crotalus Horridus Ars Iod Kreosotum B
Chelidonium M Digitalis Crotalus Horr Phosphorus C
Acetic Acid Nat Carb Phosphoric A Croton Tig D
Croton Tig Petroleum Graphites Conium A
Alumina Croton Tig Nitric Acid Selenium B
Cyclamen Lachesis Sepia Platina A
Bromium Ignatia Platina Cyclamen D
Cactus G Digitalis Aur Met Calc Ars B
Digitalis Calc Ars Aur Met Cactus G A
Anacardium Opium Platina Digitalis D
Dioscoria Belladonna Staphysagria Veratrum Alb A
Oxalic Acid Equisetum Benzoic Acid Terebinthina B
Ferrum Met Belladonna Phosphorus Moschus A
Conium Phosphorus Ferrum Met Tabaccum C
Agaricus Conium Cannabis Ind Graphites D
Verat Alb Platina Sepia Kali Carb A
Alumina Belladona Vert Alb Opium C
Kali Carb Platina Phosphorus Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris D
Rockstar Pandya
148 Pain in throat burning as from a coal of fire or a red hot iron shooting into ears
149 Tumefied breast neither heals nor suppurates of purple hue and hard as old cheese
150 Longs for cold food and drinks, juicy refreshing things, ice cream > gastric pain
151 As soon as water becomes warm in stomach, thrown up
152 Diarrhoea pouring away as from hydrant watery with sago like particles
153 Vomiting of pregnancy must close her eyes while bathing
154 Listless, Apathetic, Prostrated, stupified with grief, to those things that used to be of most interest
155 Diarrhoea painless, non debilitating from acids
156 Typhoid, complete apathy and stupor, takes no notice, lies like a dog
157 Diarrhoea from cabbage sour kraut, always in day time
158 Cracked tips of finger fissured every winter
159 Thinking of pains or any condition will bring them on when actually they are not present
160 Gastralgia- Cannot eat strawberries
161 Must urinate when thinking of it
162 All complaints with great sopor, painless complaints of nothing, wants nothing
163 Sleep heavy with stertorous breathing , red face, half closed eyes, hot sweat
164 A/F That originate from fright, bad effects off fear still remains
165 Dry tongue, adheres to roof of mouth, cotton like saliva
166 Person suffering from chronic diseases who take cold easily, disposed to diarrhoea and rarely suffer from
167 Warts large, jagged, pedunculated bleeding readily on washing
168 Difficult hearing better by riding in carriage or train
169 Chronic effects of sunstroke, great debility caused by heat and summer
170 Diarrhoea from milk-yellow substance like pulp of orange
171 Fear of rains
172 This remedy is used for restoring a heart damaged by acute inflammation or from chronic hypertrophy and
valvular lesions
173 Great debility as soon as he sits down his eyes close, lower jaw hangs down, slides down bed
174 Haemorrhoids swollen blue sensitive and painful to touch even sheet is uncomfortable
175 Bearing down sensation, must sit and cross limbs with violent sexual excitement
176 Uncontrolable laughter, a remedy for hysteria and nervous paroxysms, fainting fits and convulsions
177 Climacteric ailments hot flushes and hot perspiration
178 All symptoms esp. mental worse after sleep or the aggravates, wakes him up from sleep
179 Menses at regular time, always better during menses
180 Leucorrhoea acrid , offenssive has the odour of green corn, stiffens like starch. Stains linen yellow
181 Teeth begins to decay as soon as they appear
182 Bag like swelling between upper eyelid and eyebrow
183 Asthma relieved when sitting up or bending forward or by rocking < 2-4 AM
184 Backache while walking feels as if she must give up and lie down
185 Fidgity hands, busy twiching of finger
186 Discharge of a tough, stringy mucus which adheres to parts and can be drawn into long strings
187 Pains in small spots, can be covered with point of finger, shift rapidly from one part to another
188 Oedematous bladder like appearance of uvula but little redness
189 Person mentally and physically exhausted by long concentrated grief
190 The remedy of grief, contradiction and involuntary siging
191 Cannot bear tobacco smoking or being in tobacco produces or aggravates headache
192 For disease with increased cerebral activity but non inflammatory in type
193 Remedy for perfect picture of mania of a quarrelsome and obscene character
194 Hydrocephalous- Boring head into pillow rolling from side to side, beating head with hands
Rockstar Pandya
Phytolacca Belladona Ammon Carb Phosphorus A
Conium Belladona Phytolacca Graphites C
Phosphorus Sulphur Phytolacca Asafoetida A
Phosphorus Bismuth Ars Iod Sulphur A
Acetic Acid Camphora Veratrum Alb Phosphorus D
Sepia Platina Phosphorus Ammon Carb C
Nux Mosc Phosp Acid Lachesis Nat Carb B
Acetic Acid Croton Tig Phosp Acid Camphor C
Phosp Acid Belladona Stramonium Hyoscyamus A
Petroleum Bismuth Croton Tig Phosp Acid A
Selenium Alumina Petroleum Bovista C
Oxalic Acid Belladona Graphites Calc Ars A
Acetic Acid Oxalic Acid Nitric Acid Phosp Acid B
Benzoic Acid Sepia Oxalic Acid Nitric Acid C
Helleborus opium Carbo veg Nux Moschata B
opium Lachesis Carbo veg Helleborus A
Anacardium Opium Phosphorus Cannabis Indica B
Belladona Platina Hyoscyamus Nux Moschata D
Nitric Acid Ammon C Baryta Carb Phosp Acid A
Rockstar Pandya