Pulsatilla Nigricans
Pulsatilla Nigricans
Pulsatilla Nigricans
-Weeps easily, can hardly give has symptoms without weeping, weeps at
-Disgusted at everything.
-Timid, irresolute.
-Religious melancholy.
-Fear-to be alone
-of dark
-of ghosts in the evening
-of insanity
-of high places.
-Imagines that certain articles of food are not good for the human race.
-> Consolation.
-Hatred of women. Delusions women are evil, will injure his soul.
-Sees cats, dogs, insects, devils. Sees black forms when dreaming.
-Forsaken feeling in the evening.
-The more severe the pain, the more severe the chill.
-Chilliness in warm room. Patient though is chilly, seeks the open air,
does not want to cover.
-There is thirstlessness with nearly all complaints, with dry, white coated
-Headache one-sided.
-Deafness as if ears were stopped up; can hear better in a car and in a
warm room.
-Licks lips.
-Aversion to water, fat food, warm food and drink, butter, pork, bread,
-Eructations; taste of food remains along time; after ices, fruits, party.
-Gastric dyspepsia from eating rich food, cake, pastry, especially after
pork or sausage.
-Derangement at puberty.
-Leucorrhoea milky thick like cream, acrid, with pain in back and
-Leucorrhoea in infant.
-Malposition of foetus.
-Threatened abortion- flow ceases and then returns with increased force.
-Male genitalia-Orchitis.
-Dry cough in evening and at night, must sit up in bed to get relief.
-Veins full varicose, painful milk leg, veins in forearm and hands swollen
< letting the affected limb hang down.
6. Dry cough in the evening, and at night; loose cough in the morning.
11. Dry cough in the evening and at night, loose cough in the morning.
-One of the best remedies with when to begin the treatment of a chronic
-Patients who are anaemic, chlorotic, and have taken much iron, quinine
and tonics, even years before.
Compare : Abies-n, Acon, Agar, Agn, Alet, All-c, Am-c, Am-m, Anac,
Ant-c, Ant-t, Apis, Apoc, Arg-n, Ars, Bar-c, Bell, Berb, Bor, Bov, Brom,
Bry, Calc, Camph, Cann-i, Canth, Carb-an, Carb-v, Caul, Caust, Cham,
Cinch, Cob, Cocc, Coll, Cup, Cycl, Dig, Fl-ac, Gels, Glon, Graph, Ham,
Helon, Hydras, Ign, Iod, Ip, Kali-bi, Kali-c, Lach, Lil-t, Lob, Lyc, Merc,
Morbill, Mosch, Mur-ac, Nux-m, Nux-v, Pen, Phos, Puls, Ran-b, Rhod,
Rhus-t, Ric, Rob, Sabin, Sec, Sel, Sep, Sil, Spig, Stram, Sulph, Thuj, Urt-
u, Valer, Verat, Xan, Zinc.
It Antidotes : Ant-t, Bell, Cham, Chin-s, Cinch, Coff, Colch, Ferr, Gels,
Lyc, Mag-c, Plat, Sabad, Stram, Sul-ac, Sulph.
Fears commitment and responsibilities. Weeps when thanked or from sentimental events.
Stage fright.
PREPARATION -The dust like powder, which is yellowish, smooth to the touch are the
spores obtained from the ears of a moss which grows in Russia, Finland,
North America a Great Britain. This has been called as "Vegetable
Sulphur" probably on account of their use for producing stage lightning
at theatres.
The spores are triturated or tincture is made.
-Anticipation, he is obsessed with the idea that he will make a mess of it,
but when he undertakes the task he goes through this with ease, but he
will face the same terror next time. Apprehensive.
-Weeps all the day, cannot calm herself, very sensitive, even cries when
thanked. Weeping aloud ameliorates.
-Old persons, where the skin shows yellowish spots, pale, earthy
complexions, with deep furrows.
-In general > Uncovering, loosening the garment > Warm drinks.
-Nose stopped at night, child starts from sleep, rubbing its nose root of
nose, frontal sinuses.
-Tubercular laryngitis.
-Aversion - Bread.
-Desire - Sweet.
-Child cries before urinating (Especially children, who wake up from pain,
screaming, toss the limbs about).
9. One foot hot, the other cold. One foot or hand much colder than the
Follows Well : Bell, Bry, Calc, Carb-v, Graph, Hyos, Lach, Led, Merc,
Nux-v, Phos, Puls, Rhus-t, Sep, Sil, Stram, Sulph, Verat.
Inimical : Coff.
Compare : Acet-ac, Aesc, Aloe, Alum, Am-c, Anac, Ant-t, Apis, Arg-n,
Arn, Ars, Aur-s, Bar-c, Bell, Bism, Bor, Bov, Brom, Calc, Camph, Cann-i,
Caps, Carb-an, Carb-v, Caust, Cham, Chel, Chlf, Cinch, Coloc, Con, Cur,
Cycl, Eupi, Ferr, Fl-ac, Gad, Glon, Graph, Hell, Ign, Ind, Iod, Ip, Jug-r,
Kali-c, Kali-i, Kreos, Lac-c, Lach, Lil-t, Lith-c, Mag-c, Mag-p, Nat-c, Nat-
m, Nit-ac Puls, Nux, Nux-m, Nux-v, Phos, Phyt, Pic-ac, Plat, Pso, Rhus-t,
Rob, Samb, Sang, Sars, Sep, Sil, Staph, Stram, Sulph, Tarent, Thuj,
Titan, Vacc, Verat.
Similar : Ars, Calc-s, Carb-an, Euph, Hep, Merc, Nat-m, Nit-ac, Nux-v,
Rhus-t, Sabad.
FAMILY Ranunculaceae
MIND - Great FEAR, anxiety, worry accompany every ailment however trivial.
- With fear; screams, moans, gnaws fists, bites nails, wants to die.
- Fears death, believes that he will soon die, predicts the day. Fear of
death during pregnancy or labour, predicts time.
- Terror stricken.
- Thinks his thoughts come from stomach, that parts of his body are
abnormally thick.
GUIDING -Symptoms- acute, violent, painful, appear suddenly, remain for a short
-Most symptoms disappear while sitting quietly, but at night in bed they
are insupportable.
-Mucous membranes dry, nose stopped up, dry or with scanty watery
- Anxious look.
-Mouth- Tongue coated white [Ant-c], or thick yellow white, swollen, tip
- Stools of pure blood, slimy grass green, or like chopped herbs, or white
< hot days cold nights [Dulc, Merc-c].
- Micturition painful, difficult, drop by drop, urine fiery scalding hot, red
or dark coloured.
-C.V.S.- Palpitation from anxiety, during fever, after fright, after motion,
on waking.
- Chilliness towards evening, hot head, face and cheeks red, headache
pressing outwards.
It Antidotes : Arn, Aspin, Astac, Bell, Bry, Cact, Canth, Cham, Chel,
Cit-v, Coff, Croc, Dol, Glon, Graph, Kalm, Kreos, Lyc, Merc-p, Mez,
Morph, Nux-v, Petr, Sep, Sol, Spong, Stry, Sulph, Ther, Verat, Vib-p.
Clinical Condition
Ophthalmic conditions
Clinical Tips
Phosphorus is the surest remedy for glaucoma, and helps more frequently than any other remedy. If a
cure is not completed by Phosphorus, then Lycopodium, and no less Silica will be found indispensable
G. H. G. Jahr
Severe cramps or burning in the stomach or abdomen, with great thirst for cold water.
Vomiting as soon as water reaches the stomach, or as soon as it gets warm in the stomach.
SOURCE -Trituration.
A/F -Summer
-Abdominal operations
-He has much anguish and therefore moves about very frequently;
he sits, walks, lies never long in one place.
-Fear of death.
GUIDING - Bismuth exerts its chief action on stomach, and alimentary tract,
INDICATIONS causing catarrhal inflammation.
-Will eat for several days, then vomits. Slow digestion with foetid
-Head-Pain alternating with gastralgia < after eating > cold bathing
> cold drinks.
-Mouth-Gums swollen.
REMEDY Similar : Ant-c, Ars, Bell, Bry, Calc, Caps, Chin, Ign, Kali-c, Kreos,
RELATIONSHIPS Lach, Lyc, Merc, Nux-v, Phos.