Pulsatilla Nigricans

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Soft. Shy. Weeping. Consolation ameliorates. Dependence. Mildness.


Craves and ameliorated by open air or in breezes.

Discharges bland, greenish.

SYNONYMS Anemone Pratensis.

COMMON NAME Wind Flower.

A/F -Eating fatty and starchy food, ice-cream, tea, coffee

-Abuse of mercury, quinine, sulphur, chamomile
-Irregular menses
-Ovarian and uterine troubles
-Worm affection in children and indigestion
-Chill, getting feet wet
-Excessive joy
-Abuse of iron tonics and after badly managed measles
-Ill effects of suppressions

MODALITIES < In a warm closed room

< Getting feet wet
< On beginning to move
< On the painless side
< Lying on the left side
< Warm application
< Very rich, fat indigestible food
< Heat
< Hanging down limbs
< Puberty
< Thunderstorm
< Pregnancy
< Sun
< Before menses
< Tea
< Rest
< Evening, at twilight
> Changing side
> Pressure
> Rubbing
> Lying with head high
> In the open air
> Lying on the painful side
> Cold air or cold room
> Eating or drinking cold things
> Cold application
> Uncovering
> Gentle motion
> Erect posture
> Continued motion
> After a good cry
MIND -Mild, timid emotional and tearful.

-Weeps easily, can hardly give has symptoms without weeping, weeps at

-Disgusted at everything.

-Discouraged, easily offended.

-Timid, irresolute.

-Whining, craves sympathy.

-Children like fuss and caresses.

-Morbid dread of the opposite sex; marriage. Thinks that sexual

intercourse is a sinful act.

-Given to extremes of pleasure and pain.

-Easily moved to tears and laughter; after eating.

-Religious melancholy.

-Fear-to be alone
-of dark
-of ghosts in the evening
-of insanity
-of high places.

-Capricious. Miserly. Suspicious.

-Very irritable, touchy, feels slighted or fears slight.

-Answers yes or no by nodding her head.

-Imagines that certain articles of food are not good for the human race.

-Sad from disagreeable news.

-Mania from suppressed menses.

-Anxiety about the heart, in the evening, even to suicide.

-Anxiety as if in hot air.

-Desire to be carried slowly.

-> Consolation.

-Hatred of women. Delusions women are evil, will injure his soul.

-Remorse in the evening.

-Weeping when disturbed at work, weeping when interrupted while


-Delusion she is alone in the world, she is always alone.

-Sees cats, dogs, insects, devils. Sees black forms when dreaming.

-Forsaken feeling in the evening.

-Dreams frightful, disgusting, voluptuous, of confusion, etc.

GUIDING -Adapted to person of indecisive, slow, phlegmatic temperament, with

INDICATIONS sandy hair, blue eyes, pale face, plethoric, the woman's remedy.

-Never well since puberty.

-Symptoms ever changing; no two chills, no stools no two attacks alike,

very well one hour, very miserable the next.

Changing and contradictory symptoms; having no head or tail to them.

-Symptom > moving about slowly in open air.

-Pains-drawing, tearing, erratic, rapidly shifting from one part to


-Pains start suddenly, disappear gradually, vice-versa.

-Pains are accompanied with constant chilliness.

-The more severe the pain, the more severe the chill.

-All discharges from mucous membranes are thick, bland, greenish

yellow, but vaginal discharges, such as leucorrhoea, are sometimes acrid
and excoriating causing rawness of the parts.

-Chilliness in warm room. Patient though is chilly, seeks the open air,
does not want to cover.

-There is thirstlessness with nearly all complaints, with dry, white coated

-Haemorrhage-passive, vicarious, dark, easily cogitating blood.

-Head-Headache neuralgic pain, commencing in right temporal region,

with scalding lachrymation of affected side.

-Headache from over worry.

-Headache of school girls at the time of puberty.

-Vertigo > in open air. Vertigo before, during, after or suppressed


-Cannot lie with head low.

-Headache one-sided.

-Ears-Otorrhoea, thick, bland discharge, offensive odour.

-External ear swollen and red.

-Catarrhal otitis, sensation as if something were being forced outward.

-Otalgia worse at night.

-Diminishes acuteness of hearing.

-Mumps, especially metastatic to the breast or testes.

-Deafness as if ears were stopped up; can hear better in a car and in a
warm room.

-Eyes-Itching and burning in eyes.

-Profuse lachrymation and section of mucus.

-Thick, profuse, yellow, bland discharges.

-Lids inflamed, agglutinated.

-Opthalmia neonatrum, gonorrhoeal.

-Styes recurrent, mainly on upper eyelid.


-Veins of fundus greatly enlarged.

-Subacute conjunctivitis with dyspepsia < in warm room, from cold.

-Paralysis of optic nerve.

-Blind attacks before menses.

-Nose-Coryza, stoppage of right nostril, mainly in evening.

-Yellow mucus abundant in morning.

-Large green scabs in nose.

-Nose bleed before, and from suppressed menses.

-Face-Right sided neuralgia with profuse lachrymation < chewing <

talking or with hot or cold things in mouth.

-Mouth-Swelling of lower lip, which is cracked in the middle.

-Licks lips.

-Dry mouth without thirst, wants it washed frequently.

-Yellow or white tongue covered with a tenacious mucus.

-Toothache relieved by holding cold water in mouth.

-Food, especially bread, tastes bitter.

-Much sweet saliva, tenacious, frothy, cotton like.

-Alteration of taste, bitter, bilious, greasy, foul.

-G.I.T.-Desires for tonics.

-Craves acids or what disagrees; refreshing things, pungent things,

herring, cheese.

-Aversion to water, fat food, warm food and drink, butter, pork, bread,
-Eructations; taste of food remains along time; after ices, fruits, party.

-Heartburn, dyspepsia with great tightness after a meal, must loosen


-Pain in stomach an hour after eating.

-Weight as from stone. Stomach deranged, feels heavy.

-All gone sensation especially in tea drinkers.

-Gastric dyspepsia from eating rich food, cake, pastry, especially after
pork or sausage.

-Diarrhoea only or usually at night; rumbling, watery, greenish yellow,

very changeable, as soon as they eat, from fruit, cold food or dunes, ice-

-Blind piles with itching and sticking pains.

-Two or three normal stools daily.

-Urinary system-Urine increased desire, worse when lying down.

-Involuntary micturition at night, while coughing or passing flatus,

hearing sudden noise, after pleasurable surprise, shock.

-After urinating, spasmodic pain in bladder.

-Urine dribbles when angry.

-Female genitalia-Amenorrhoea from wet feet; nervous debility or


-Derangement at puberty.

-Delayed first menstruation.

-Menses- too late, scanty, slimy, painful, irregular, intermittent flow,

with evening chilliness, with intense pain, and great restlessness and
tossing about. Pains spasmodic excite suffocation and fainting, must
have fresh air.

-Diarrhoea during or after menses.

-Feels like menstruating.

-Leucorrhoea milky thick like cream, acrid, with pain in back and

-Leucorrhoea in infant.

-Mammae sore; aching lumps in; in girls before puberty.

-Thin milky fluid escapes from mammae in virgins; before puberty.

-Post partum secondary haemorrhage from retained placenta.

-Weeps every time the child is put to breast.

-Swelling of breast after weaning.

-Secretion of milk during menses.

-Malposition of foetus.

-Threatened abortion- flow ceases and then returns with increased force.

-Male genitalia-Orchitis.

-Thick yellow discharge from urethra; late stage of gonorrhoeal stricture,

urine passed only in drops and stream interrupted.

-Acute prostatitis. Pain and tenesmus > lying on back.

-Respiratory system-Capricious hoarseness; comes and goes.

-Dry cough in evening and at night, must sit up in bed to get relief.

-Loose cough in the morning with copious mucous expectoration.

-Expectoration bland, thick, bitter, greenish.

-Short breath < lying on left side.

-Smothering sensation on lying down.

-Cough after measles, cough in and paroxysms.

-Extremities-Pain in limbs, shifting rapidly.

-Drawing, tensive pain in thighs and legs, with restlessness,

sleeplessness and chilliness.

-Joints swollen, red.

-Legs feels heavy and weary.

-Veins full varicose, painful milk leg, veins in forearm and hands swollen
< letting the affected limb hang down.

-Skin-Urticaria after rich food, with diarrhoea, from delayed menses,

worse undressing.


-Fever-Chilliness in warm room, without thirst, yet averse to heat.

-Chilly, with pain in spots, worse evening.

-Chill about 4 p.m.

-Feverish body, temperature normal.

-Intolerable burning heat at night, with distended veins.

-Heat in parts of body, coldness in other.

-One sided sweat; pains during sweat.

-During apyrexia- headache, diarrhoea, loss of appetite.

-Sleep-Sleepless in the first of night; from ideas crowding in the mind,

and sleeps late in the morning when it is time to get up.

-Lies with hand overhead.

-Great sleepiness during day.

-Confused, languid, unrefreshed, talks whines screams during sleep.

KEYNOTES 1. Weeps easily, almost impossible to detail her ailments without


2. Symptoms ever changing.

3. Pains rapidly shifting, tearing, drawing, erratic, are accompanied with

constant chill, appear suddenly, leave gradually.

4. Thirstlessness, with dryness in mouth with nearly all complaints.

5. Though chilly, craves fresh, open air.

6. Dry cough in the evening, and at night; loose cough in the morning.

7. Diarrhoea usually at night.

8. Nervousness felt intensely about the ankle.

CONFIRMATORY 1. A/F - Fat, rich food, ice-cream, pork, etc.

2. Mild, gentle, yielding, nervous, affectionate, undecissive females.

3. Weeps easily, almost impossible to detail her ailments without


4. Thirstlessness with all complaints.

5. Symptoms ever changing.

6. Pains shifting from one part to another, attended with chilliness.

7. Though patient is chilly, patient seeks open air.

8. < Evening > Walking or gentle motion.

9. Delayed menarche, menses late, scanty.

10. Discharges are thick, bland and yellowish greenish, except

leucorrhoea which is acrid.

11. Dry cough in the evening and at night, loose cough in the morning.

CLINICAL -Amenorrhoea, Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, Bronchitis, Conjunctivitis,

Cough, Cystitis, Dementia, Depression, Dysmenorrhoea, Eczema,
Endometriosis, Food allergy, Gastritis, Menstrual disorders, Menopause,
Metrorrhagia, Migraine, Mumps, Orchitis, Otiyis media, Premenstrual
syndrome, Prostatitis, Psoriasis, Rhinitis, Sinusitis, Urethral stricture,
Urethritis, Uterine prolapse, Varicose veins, Vertigo.

-Pulsatilla may empty the majority of pus tuber- Dr. Boger.

-Pulsatilla is a better antidote to whisky then even Nux-v- Dr. Hering.

-One of the best remedies with when to begin the treatment of a chronic

-Patients who are anaemic, chlorotic, and have taken much iron, quinine
and tonics, even years before.

-Silicea is the chronic of Pulsatilla in nearly all ailments.

REMEDY Complementary : Arg-n, Lyc, Stann, Sul-ac.

Follows Well : Ars, Bell, Bry, Ign, Kali-bi, Lyc, Nux-v, Phos, Rhus-t,
Sep, Sulph.

Compare : Abies-n, Acon, Agar, Agn, Alet, All-c, Am-c, Am-m, Anac,
Ant-c, Ant-t, Apis, Apoc, Arg-n, Ars, Bar-c, Bell, Berb, Bor, Bov, Brom,
Bry, Calc, Camph, Cann-i, Canth, Carb-an, Carb-v, Caul, Caust, Cham,
Cinch, Cob, Cocc, Coll, Cup, Cycl, Dig, Fl-ac, Gels, Glon, Graph, Ham,
Helon, Hydras, Ign, Iod, Ip, Kali-bi, Kali-c, Lach, Lil-t, Lob, Lyc, Merc,
Morbill, Mosch, Mur-ac, Nux-m, Nux-v, Pen, Phos, Puls, Ran-b, Rhod,
Rhus-t, Ric, Rob, Sabin, Sec, Sel, Sep, Sil, Spig, Stram, Sulph, Thuj, Urt-
u, Valer, Verat, Xan, Zinc.

Antidoted By : Cham, Coff, Ign, Nux-v.

It Antidotes : Ant-t, Bell, Cham, Chin-s, Cinch, Coff, Colch, Ferr, Gels,
Lyc, Mag-c, Plat, Sabad, Stram, Sul-ac, Sulph.

Duration Of Action : 40 Days.


Inferiority complex. Egotism. Bullying, domineering, arrogant. Lack of discipline.

Fears commitment and responsibilities. Weeps when thanked or from sentimental events.
Stage fright.

Right sided. Deep furrows of the brow, prominent glabella.

Loud rumbling in abdomen. Bloated, distended abdomen. Easy satiety.

Impotence. Sexual promiscuity, adultery.

COMMON NAME Wolf's foot

Club moss

PREPARATION -The dust like powder, which is yellowish, smooth to the touch are the
spores obtained from the ears of a moss which grows in Russia, Finland,
North America a Great Britain. This has been called as "Vegetable
Sulphur" probably on account of their use for producing stage lightning
at theatres.
The spores are triturated or tincture is made.

A/F - Fright, chagrin, mortification or vexation with reserved displeasure

- Anxiety
- Fevers
- Riding in carriage
- Masturbation, Tobacco chewing, Wine

MODALITIES < Pressure of clothes

< Warmth
< Awakening
< Eating
< Indigestion
< 4-8 p.m.
< Wet, weather stormy weather
< Fasting
< Before menses
< From suppressed menses
< Milk, vegetables, beers, bread, pastry
< Missing a meal
> After midnight
> Warm drinks, food
> Cold application, open air
> Being uncovered
> Motion
> Eructations
> Urinating

MIND -Cowardice, feels weak and inadequate. Incapable of fulfilling their

responsibilities in life so they avoid responsibilities.

-Due to this patient develops inferiority and becomes very shy,

introverted, soft and rather a loner.

-Or to compensate this the patient becomes egoistical, bragging, acting

extrovered, assertive, domineering (so comes the "love of power").

-Such people have "low self esteem", "low confidence".

-Patient has "dread of appearing in public".

-Anticipation, he is obsessed with the idea that he will make a mess of it,
but when he undertakes the task he goes through this with ease, but he
will face the same terror next time. Apprehensive.

-Wants to be alone with someone in the next room, because he fears to

be alone.

-Patient dreads the presence of new persons or visitors.

-Desire for sexual gratification, without wanting to face the personal

responsibilities with are implicit in such intimacy, such relationship to sex
is superficial one.

-Due to this fear of responsibility, of commitment, patient often faces

sexual dysfunctioning in married life.
-Fear of ghosts, cancer, of being alone at night, people, claustrophobia,
public speaking, agoraphobia, commitment and marriage.

-Anxiety about health, about career, cancer.

-Irritable, peevish and cross on waking. Kicks and screams.

-Easily angered, cannot endure opposition or contradiction.

-Avaricious, greedy, miserly, malicious, pusillanimous.

-Weeps all the day, cannot calm herself, very sensitive, even cries when
thanked. Weeping aloud ameliorates.

GUIDING -Constitution:Especially suited in the extremes- children and old people.

-For persons intellectually keen but physically weak.

-Old persons, where the skin shows yellowish spots, pale, earthy
complexions, with deep furrows.

-Children precocious, weakly.

-Upper part of the body emaciated, lower part semi-dropsical.

-Lymphatic constitution with catarrhal tendencies, predisposed to lung

and hepatic affections.

-Right sided affections, complains go from right to left.

-Symptom generally worse between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m.

-Repeating or alternating symptoms- flexion the extension, flushing then


Relapses, sudden symptoms.

-In general > Uncovering, loosening the garment > Warm drinks.

-Suddenness of complaints sudden flashes of heat. Lightning-like pains,

sudden satiety. Burning pain > heat.

-Dryness of parts, of mucous membranes, vagina, skin especially palms.

-Nose-Sensitiveness to strong smells, to noise.

-Fanning of wings of nose.

-Nose stopped at night, child starts from sleep, rubbing its nose root of
nose, frontal sinuses.

-Eyes-Eyes half open.

-Hemiopia. Sees sparks.

-Face-Copper-coloured eruptions of face.

-Dropping jaw in typhoid fever (Lach, Op)

Throat -Complaints go from right to left.

-Dryness of throat without thirst.

-Food, drink regurgitates through mouth.

-< cold drinks > warm drinks.

-Tubercular laryngitis.

-Stomach -Food tastes sour.

-Excessive hunger, but eating ever so little creates fullness.

-Wakes at night feeling hungry.

-Incomplete burning eructations rise only to pharynx.

-Sour eructations due to farinaceous or fermentable food, cabbage,

beans, oyster.

-Aversion - Bread.

-Desire - Sweet.

-Abdomem-Abdomen bloated, full < immediately after a light meal, and

especially the lower abdomen.

-Hepatitis, atrophic form of nutmeg liver - dropsy.

-Pain shooting across lower abdomen from right to left.

-Flatulence much noisy < lower bowel.

-Urinary system -Pain in back before urinating > after flow.

-Flow slow, must strain, scanty.

-Child cries before urinating (Especially children, who wake up from pain,
screaming, toss the limbs about).

-Red sand in urine.

-Male genitalia -Sexual exhaustion, impotence, erection feeble.

-Impotence of young men from onanism.

-Old man with strong desire, but imperfect erections.

-Falls asleep during an embrace. Premature emission.

-Female genitalia-Dryness of vagina. Burning during and after coition



-Leucorrhoea acrid, periodical < before full moon.

-Foetus appears to be turning somersaults.

-Respiratory system-Pneumonia, neglected or maltreated, at base of


-Cough deep, hollow, with expectoration.

-Craves air, but is chilled by it.

-Fanning of alae nasi.

- < 4-8 p.m.

KEYNOTES 1. Complaints < 4-8 p.m.

2. Excessive hunger, but little food overfills. Wakes up at night feeling


3. Noisy flatulence < lower bowels.

4. Red sand in urine, child cries before urinating.

5. Baby cries all day, sleeps all night.

6. Cries when thanked.

7. Fan like motion of alae nasi with all complaints.

8. Discharge of blood from genitals with every stool.

9. One foot hot, the other cold. One foot or hand much colder than the

10. Eyes half open during sleep.

11. Craves everything warm, intolerant to cold drink.

12. Backache > urination.

CONFIRMATORY 1. Right sided remedy.

2. < 4-8 p.m.

3. Easy satiety, a few mouthful fill him up.

4. Bloated, full of gas, especially lower abdomen.

5. Urinary complaints, with red sand in urine.

6. Apprehensive. Anticipation. Lack of self confidence.

CLINICAL -Should not be repeated frequently after improvement begins.

-Useful in some cases of insulin shock -Dr. Roberts.

-Amenorrhoea with non-development of breast -Dr. Leon Renoud.

-Post diptheric paralysis of soft palate- Dr. D.N. Gibson.

-Lycopodium is a master remedy for infantile eczema -Dr. Leon Renard.

-Half open condition of the eye points to Lycopodium.

-It is a wonderful remedy for the anticipatory fears of children going up
for exams - Dr. Sir John Weir.

REMEDY Complementary : Chel, Ign, Iod, Ip, Kali-i, Lach, Puls.

Followed Well By : Graph, Lach, Led, Phos, Sil.

Follows Well : Bell, Bry, Calc, Carb-v, Graph, Hyos, Lach, Led, Merc,
Nux-v, Phos, Puls, Rhus-t, Sep, Sil, Stram, Sulph, Verat.

Inimical : Coff.

Compare : Acet-ac, Aesc, Aloe, Alum, Am-c, Anac, Ant-t, Apis, Arg-n,
Arn, Ars, Aur-s, Bar-c, Bell, Bism, Bor, Bov, Brom, Calc, Camph, Cann-i,
Caps, Carb-an, Carb-v, Caust, Cham, Chel, Chlf, Cinch, Coloc, Con, Cur,
Cycl, Eupi, Ferr, Fl-ac, Gad, Glon, Graph, Hell, Ign, Ind, Iod, Ip, Jug-r,
Kali-c, Kali-i, Kreos, Lac-c, Lach, Lil-t, Lith-c, Mag-c, Mag-p, Nat-c, Nat-
m, Nit-ac Puls, Nux, Nux-m, Nux-v, Phos, Phyt, Pic-ac, Plat, Pso, Rhus-t,
Rob, Samb, Sang, Sars, Sep, Sil, Staph, Stram, Sulph, Tarent, Thuj,
Titan, Vacc, Verat.

Similar : Ars, Calc-s, Carb-an, Euph, Hep, Merc, Nat-m, Nit-ac, Nux-v,
Rhus-t, Sabad.

Antidoted By : Acon, Camph, Caust, Cham, Cinch, Coff, Graph, Puls.

It Antidotes : Chlor, Cinch, Merc.

Duration Of Action : 40-50 Days.


Terror, anxiety, agonizing fear, restless, excited, nervous, impatient.

Sudden, violently acute, painful effects. Congestions. Inflammation. Haemorrhages.

Sticking, tearing pains with numbness. Burning thirst. High fever.

COMMON NAME Monkshood, Wolfsbane

FAMILY Ranunculaceae

SOURCE Tincture of fresh plant

PHYSIOLOGICAL Heart- Inhibitory paralysis, decreases B.P.

ACTION Circulation- Vasomotor paralysis
Temperature- Depressed with diaphoresis
C.N.S.- Paralysis
Mucus membrane- Inflammation
Stomach- Emesis, congestion, neuralgia.
Lungs- Enteric vagi paralysis, congestion, inflammation
Tendons and fibrous tissue- Rheumatoid inflammation
Serous membrane- Plastic inflammation.

A/F -Fear, fright, shock.

-Chill, dry cold weather
-Heat especially of sun
-Injury, surgical shock
-Draught of cold air
-Checked perspiration
-Very hot weather (G.I.T.)

MODALITIES < Violent emotions [Fright, Shock, Vexation]

< Chilled by cold, dry winds while sweating
< Noise
< Light
< Night
< Dentition
< Lying on the left side on back on affected side [Hep, Nux-m]
< After getting in bed
< Rising from bed
< In closed (warm room)
< Tobacco smoke
< Pressure, touch
< During menses
< Sleeping in the sun
< Music
< Inspiration
> Repose
> Warm sweat
> Sitting still (rheumatism)
> Wine
> Open air [Alum, Mag-c, Puls]

MIND - Great FEAR, anxiety, worry accompany every ailment however trivial.

- With fear; screams, moans, gnaws fists, bites nails, wants to die.

- Inconsolable anxiety, piteous wailing, vexation about trifles.

- Fears death, believes that he will soon die, predicts the day. Fear of
death during pregnancy or labour, predicts time.

- Fear of future, of crowds, crossing the streets, of touching others

passing by, of narrow places, of earthquakes [Morrison].

- Terror stricken.

- Great timidity especially after a fright, afraid in the dark, fear of

ghosts, etc. Afraid to go out of the house.

- Restlessness; tossing about.

- Impatient; besides himself, frantic from intensity of pain.

- Pain insupportable, driving to despair.

- Undertakes many things, perseveres in nothing.

- Desires light, company.

- Music is unbearable, makes her sad [Ambr, Sabin] [During menses-

- Thinks his thoughts come from stomach, that parts of his body are
abnormally thick.

- Delirium is characterized by unhappiness, worry, fear, raving, early


- Physical and mental restlessness.

- Acute sudden violent invasion with fear.

GUIDING -Symptoms- acute, violent, painful, appear suddenly, remain for a short

-Pains- sticking, tearing. Parts remain sore or numb after pains.

-Tingling coldness, numbness.

-Dryness, heat, especially of skin with unquenchable thirst for large

quantity of cold water.

-Acute stage of inflammation; violent.

-Haemorrhages bright red [Bell].

-Special senses acute.

-Most symptoms disappear while sitting quietly, but at night in bed they
are insupportable.

-Vertigo- < on rising [Nux-v, Op], shaking the head.

-Head- Fullness, heavy, pulsating, hot, bursting, burning.

-Eyes- Profuse watering of eyes after exposure to dry cold winds,

reflection from snow, after extraction of cinders, or other foreign bodies.

-Nose- Pain at root of nose.

-Mucous membranes dry, nose stopped up, dry or with scanty watery

-Face- On rising, red face becomes deadly pale, or he becomes dizzy.

- Neuralgia especially of left side of face with restlessness, tingling


- Anxious look.

- One cheek red, other cheek pale [Cham, Cina, Ip].

- Sensation of face growing larger or swelling.

-Mouth- Tongue coated white [Ant-c], or thick yellow white, swollen, tip

- Bitter taste of everything except water.

-G.I.T.- Throat dry, red, constricted.

- Vomiting and fear, heat, profuse sweat, urination.

- Intense thirst < iced drinks.

- Craving- Beer, acids, bitter drinks, wine, brandy, cold drinks.

- Aversion- Tobacco, artichokes.

- Milk < Ices < Wine >

- Abdomen sensitive to touch.

- Meteorism, vomiting, inability to urinate.

- Burning, cutting in intestines < pressure or lying on right side.

- Stools of pure blood, slimy grass green, or like chopped herbs, or white
< hot days cold nights [Dulc, Merc-c].

- Frequent stools, tenesmus, small broken, painful at last bloody or pure

blood passes without faeces.

-Urinary system- Retention of urine after delivery in infant or mother.

- Micturition painful, difficult, drop by drop, urine fiery scalding hot, red
or dark coloured.

-Female genitalia- Menses suppressed from fright, in cold plethoric


- Active uterine haemorrhage with much excitability, giddiness, cannot

sit up, fear of death.

-Respiratory system- Croup awakening in first sleep, agony tossing


- Hoarse, dry, whoopy cough, short, hacking, on expiration grasps larynx

< night, after midnight.

- Short, barking, ringing or whistling cough. < every inspiration, night,

drinking >lying on back.

- Agony; sits up straight, can hardly breathe, pulse thread-like,

vomiting, sweat with anxiety, swelling under short ribs after scarlet

- Pneumonia, first stage in robust persons, chill of more or less severity,

followed by intense fever, hot dry skin; laboured, incomplete respiration,
dry hard cough.

-C.V.S.- Palpitation from anxiety, during fever, after fright, after motion,
on waking.

- Pulse full, hard, tense, bounding, sometimes intermits.

- Uncomplicated cardiac disease, especially numbness of left arm,

tingling in fingers, fainting.

- Myocardial infarction with pain in left shoulder < sitting erect.

-Extremities- Pain down left arm [Cact, Crot-h, Kalm, Tab].

- Hot hands, cold feet.

- Bright red hypothenar eminences of both hands.

-Fever- Cold waves pass through him during chill.

- Thirst, restlessness always present.

- High fever; dry burning heat, must uncover.

- Chilliness towards evening, hot head, face and cheeks red, headache
pressing outwards.

- Sweat on uncovered, affected parts, on drinking, wants covers.

-Skin- Red, hot, swollen, dry, burning, shining.

KEYNOTES 1. Predicts the day he will die

2. One cheek red other pale.

3. Music is unbearable, makes her sad.

4. On rising from a recumbent position, the red face becomes deathly

pale, he faints.

5. Amemorrhoea in plethoric girls, from fright.

CONFIRMATORY 1. Great fear of death.

2. Mental and physical restlessness.

3. Sudden violent onset.

4. Initial stage of inflammation before pus forms.

NUCLEUS OF - This drug is indicated in plethoric persons, in the first stage of

REMEDY inflammation before localisation and exudation has occurred, and is
marked by redness, dryness, heat and severe pains.

- Complaints come suddenly with great anxiety, often with an

overwhelming fear of death.

CLINICAL -Angina pectoris, Anxiety disorders, Bell's palsy, Cerebral accidents,

Colds, Conjunctivitis, Cystitis, Facial neuralgia, Gastritis, Influenza,
Injury, Labour, Myocardial infarction, Orchitis, Otitis media, Panic
disorders, Pneumonia, Shock, Tonsillitis, Toothache, Urinary retention or

-Aconite is the acute of Sulphur - both precedes, follows it well in acute

inflammatory conditions.

REMEDY Complementary : Arn, Coff, Sulph.

Follows Well : Ars, Bell, Bry, Calc, Hep, Ip, Lyc, Merc, Nux-v, Phos,
Puls, Rhus, Sep, Spong.

Compare : Bell, Cann-i, Cham, Cocc, Con, Dulc.

Antidoted By : Acet-ac, Cham, Cimic, Coff, Nux-v, Par, Petr, Sep,


It Antidotes : Arn, Aspin, Astac, Bell, Bry, Cact, Canth, Cham, Chel,
Cit-v, Coff, Croc, Dol, Glon, Graph, Kalm, Kreos, Lyc, Merc-p, Mez,
Morph, Nux-v, Petr, Sep, Sol, Spong, Stry, Sulph, Ther, Verat, Vib-p.

Duration Of Action : 1 Hour To Several Weeks.

Clinical Condition
Ophthalmic conditions
Clinical Tips
Phosphorus is the surest remedy for glaucoma, and helps more frequently than any other remedy. If a
cure is not completed by Phosphorus, then Lycopodium, and no less Silica will be found indispensable
G. H. G. Jahr


Fear of death and to be alone, desires company.

Severe cramps or burning in the stomach or abdomen, with great thirst for cold water.
Vomiting as soon as water reaches the stomach, or as soon as it gets warm in the stomach.

Abdomen pain with fear and thirst.

COMMON NAME Precipitated Sub-Nitrate of Bismuth.

FAMILY Heavy metals.

SOURCE -Trituration.
A/F -Summer
-Abdominal operations


< Eating
< Over-eating
< Alone
> Cold applications
> Cold bathing
> Open air
> Bending backwards
> Motion relieves most symptoms except headache

MIND -Bismuth patient cannot bear solitude. He always wants company

(Stram, Kali-c, Lil-t, Lyc).

-He has much anguish and therefore moves about very frequently;
he sits, walks, lies never long in one place.

-Fear of death.

-Irritability in daytime > evening.

GUIDING - Bismuth exerts its chief action on stomach, and alimentary tract,
INDICATIONS causing catarrhal inflammation.

- Pains are tearing, pinching, burning, screwing.

- Craves cold drinks.

- Vomiting of water as soon as it reaches the stomach or in great

quantities when stomach becomes full, but solid food is retained for
days together.

- Burning in stomach, feeling of a load. Food presses like a load on

one spot. Pain in abdomen in small spots.

- Bismuth is one of the best remedies for cholera infantum in children

when the body remains warm, and cholera morbus occuring in

- Onset sudden and course is rapid.

- Vomiting predominates over purging.

- Stool is watery, profuse, painless and very offensive.

- Concomitant-There is great prostration, with the face looking

deathly pale and dark rings around the eyes, surface covered with
warm sweat.

Patient is full of anguish, restlessness and wants company always.

-Will eat for several days, then vomits. Slow digestion with foetid

-Post-operative vomiting especially of liquids, particularly after

laparotomy with great anguish of mind and restlessness.

-Head-Pain alternating with gastralgia < after eating > cold bathing
> cold drinks.

-Neuralgia; pains as if torn by pincers; involves face and teeth.

-Mouth-Gums swollen.

-Toothache > cold water in mouth.

-Tongue coated white, sweetish metallic taste.

-Extremities-DRY palms and soles.

-Tearing in tips of fingers under nails.

KEYNOTES 1. Cannot bear solitude, always wants and desires company.

2. Great anguish and cannot stay in one place.

3. Vomiting of liquids and water as soon as taken, but solid food is


4. Toothache > holding cold water in mouth.

NUCLEUS OF - Cannot bear solitude, wants company.

- Great anguish, and cannot stay in one place.

- Catarrhal inflammation of the alimentary tract.

- Vomiting predominates over purging in cholera. Vomiting of liquids

or water as soon as taken but solid food is retained.

CONFIRMATORY 1. Vomiting of water as soon as taken but solid food is retained in

SYMPTOMS cholera.

2. Solitude cannot bear. Desires company.

CLINICAL -Colitis, Gastritis, Gastroenteritis, Gastric cancer.

-Vomiting with convulsive gagging and inexpressible pain after

laparotomy - Dr. H. C. Allen.

REMEDY Similar : Ant-c, Ars, Bell, Bry, Calc, Caps, Chin, Ign, Kali-c, Kreos,
RELATIONSHIPS Lach, Lyc, Merc, Nux-v, Phos.

Antidoted By : Calc, Caps, Nux-v.

Duration Of Action : 20-50 Days.

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