Division Local Heritage Theme Matrix Mathematics 2

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What Learner Should What Learners Should Do to
Local Heritage Theme Matrix What Learners Should Know?
Feel and Think About Transfer Learning
Calamansi (spelled kalamansi in native Tagalog
Calamansi (Citrus microcarpa)
orthography) is a small, very round citrus fruit  Conduct investigatory
that’s ubiquitous in the Philippines. The fruits are project about
often used when the thin rind is still green on the calamansi and how it
outside, and that is the color associated with it. would be preserved.
 Encourage people
Scientific name: Citrus microcarpa to plant and  Get involved in
Calamansi looks similar to the Japanese sudachi produce more community activities
and kabosu. calamansi species pertaining to calamansi
so as to protect production.
Other names for the calamansi: aldonisis, marine organisms.
calamonding, calamunding, Chinese orange,  Help parents in
kalamondin, Golden lime, calamondin orange,  Gain interest and planting in any vacant
Panama orange, kalamunding, kalamonding, appreciate the lot.
kalamundin, calamundi. availability of
In the Philippines, kalamansi is often combined these species in  Eat local fruits.
Wikipedia with soy sauce, the mixture of which is used as a the locality.
marinade or dipping sauce.
 Appreciate the
Kalamansi is also spritzed on pansit noodles. (In importance of this
fact, there is a variant of packaged instant plant and its
nooodles that is Pancit Canton kalamansi flavor.) fruits.

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