Math4Q1 B
Math4Q1 B
Math4Q1 B
Recall on rounding off numbers to the nearest tens
and hundreds.
Activity 2
Group the pupils into four. Give each group same
activity to do.
Group I Group II
Estimate the product. Estimate the product.
945 654
X 32 x197
Activity 3
C. Analysis Ask: How did you find the activity? How many digits are
there in the multiplicand? How about in the multiplier?
Did you multiply at once the factors? What did you do
first to the factors? Which one did you multiply, the
actual numbers or the rounded numbers? Why?
D. Abstraction Ask: How do you estimate the products of 3-to 4-digit
numbers by 2-to 3- digit numbers?
4. 7 321 5. 9 354
X 69 x 246
G. Assignment Remediation
Prepared by:
Grade IV Teacher