SD) Relay Settings Calculations

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Siemens 7SD/SA Distance Relay Settings calculation for XLPE and Oil Filled Joint Feeder

Company Name:


Length of XLPE Cable 11.926 KM

Length of Oilfilled Cable 7.158 KM
Total Line Length (Lt) 19.084 KM

XLPE Positive Sequence Resistance 0.0204 Ohm/KM

XLPE Positive Sequence Reactance 0.254 Ohm/KM
XLPE Zero Sequence Resistance 0.102 Ohm/KM
XLPE Zero Sequence Reactance 0.0801 Ohm/KM

Oilfilled Positive Sequence Resistance 0.0202 Ohm/KM

Oilfilled Positive Sequence Reactance 0.235 Ohm/KM
Oilfilled Zero Sequence Resistance 0.09237 Ohm/KM
Oilfilled Zero Sequence Reactance 0.03863 Ohm/KM

VT.RATIO 132000 TO 115 VOLTs

CT. RATIO 1200 1 AMPs

Rated Power 274 MVA

Power Factor (P.F) 0.85 (Worst case lagging power factor)

Distance Relay 7SA522 V4.7 (Siemens) Line Name

1.1 Group Power System Data 2; Group Power System

I prim 1200 A
I Sec 1A
U prim. 132000 /1.732 V
U sec 115 /1.732 V
Ksec U sec/U prim.*I prim/I Sec
Ksec 1.045
Positive Sequence impedance of Line Line Name

For UG oil filled Cable between Line Name

Z1 0.02 0.235 i Ohm/KM
L1 7.158 Km
Z1 UG Z1.L1
Z1 UG 0.143 1.682 i Ohm/KM
Z1 UG 0.143+1.682i Ohm

For UG XLPE Cable between Line Name

Z1A 0.02 0.254 i Ohm/KM
L1A 11.926 Km
Z1A UG 0.239 3.029 i Ohm
Z1A UG 0.239+3.029i Ohm

Z1P 0.382 4.711 i Prepared By: MUHAMMAD SHAHID
Z1P 0.382+4.711i [email protected]
Z1P imbas 4.726 Ohm
Angle 85.364 Deg
Siemens 7SD/SA Distance Relay Settings calculation for XLPE and Oil Filled Joint Feeder

Total Positive Sequence SCONDARY impedance

Z1S Z1P*Ksec
Z1P* 1.045
0.399 4.923 i

Z Total (Z1UG + Z1AUG)/Lt

0.02 0.247 i
Total per KM positive PRIMARY reactance
X1P Im (Z total)
X1P 0.247

Total per KM positive SECONDARY reactance

X1S X1P*Ksec
0.258 Ohm/Km

Zero Sequence impedance of Line Line Name

For UG oil filled Cable between Line Name

Z0 0.092 0.039 i Ohm/KM
L0 7.158 Km
Z0 UG Z0.L0
Z0 UG 0.659 0.279 i Ohm
Z0 UG 0.659+0.279i

For UG XLPE Cable between Line Name

Z0A 0.102 0.08 i Ohm/KM
L0A 11.926 Km
Z0A UG 1.216 0.954 i Ohm/KM
Z0A UG 1.216+0.954i

Z0P 1.875 1.233 i
Z0P 1.875+1.233i
Z0P imbas 2.244 Ohm
Angle 33.157 Deg

Total Positive Sequence SCONDARY impedance

Z0S Z0P* 1.045 [email protected]
Z0S 1.959 1.288 i Ohm
Siemens 7SD/SA Distance Relay Settings calculation for XLPE and Oil Filled Joint Feeder
Earth Impedance (Residual) Compensation with Scalar Factors RE/RL and XE/XL

REoRL 1/3 x (R0/R1-1) (Ratio RE/RL)

R1 Re (Z1S)
R1 0.399 Ohm
R0 Re (Z0S)
R0 1.959 Ohm
REoRL 1.303

XEoXL 1/3 x (X0/X1-1) (Ratio XE/XL)

X1 Im (Z1S)
X0 Im (Z0S)
XEoXL -0.246

1.2 Group Distance Protection, General Settings; Group General

The max. load current on the transmission line has been considered as 150% & Min. operating voltage 90%
nominal loading of trnasmission line to cover emergency loading of the protected
line in case of parallel line tripping

The minimum load impedance presented to the relay calculated as:

R load Umin/I load1 (Load Impedance)
U min Rated VT* 0.9 (90% of the nominal operating voltage)
U min 118800 V
P 90x10^6 274000000 VA
I load P/(3)⅓.U 1331.638 A
I load1 1.5 xI load 1997
R load U/I load1 34.347 Ohm (Load Impedance)
R load R load*Ksec
Rs load 35.893 Ohm (Secondary)
θ acos(PF) (Load Impedance angle)
PF 0.85 (Worst case lagging power factor)
θ acos(PF)
31.624 Deg Prepared By: MUHAMMAD SHAHID
With 5° safety margin Load angle may be set as: [email protected]
θ 31.624 deg + 5deg
36.624 Deg
Siemens 7SD/SA Distance Relay Settings calculation for XLPE and Oil Filled Joint Feeder
1.3 Group Distance Zones (Quadrilateral)
a. Zone 1 Reach (Forward)
Zone 1 Reach has been proposed as 85% of protection line section Line Name
The reach for zone 1 has been proposed to cater different errors e.g. CTs, VTs
zero sequence mutual coupling from parallel lines etc which may cause overreaching.

Positive Sequence Impedance

Therefore, Zone 1, Primary' impedance shall be:
Z1P zone1 85% Z1P
0.85 * Z1P
0.325 4.004 i Ohm
Z1P zone1 0.325+4.004i Ohm
Zone 1, Secondary' impedance shall be:
Z1S zone1 Z1P zone1*Ksec
0.34 4.184 i Ohm
Z1S zone1 0.34+4.184i Ohm

Xz1 Im (Z1Szone1)
4.184 Ohm

b. Zone 1B Reach (Forward)

The zone 1B reach should not exceed 80% of the following impedances:
> The impedance corresponding to the protected line, plus the first zone reach of
the shortest adjacent line.
> The impedance corresponding to the protected line, plus the impedance of the
max. number of transformers operating in parallel on the bus at the remote end of
the protected line.
As data for the shortest adjacent line section is not available, zone 1B reach has been
proposed as 120% of the protected line section Line Name

Positive Sequence Impedance

Zone 1B, Primary' impedance shall be:
Z1P zone1B 120% Z1P
1.2 *Z1P
0.458 5.653 i Ohm
Z1P zone1B 0.458+5.653i Ohm
Zone 1B, Secondary' impedance shall be:
Z1S zone1B Z1P zone1B*Ksec
0.479 5.907 i Ohm
Z1S zone1B 0.479+5.907i Ohm Prepared By: MUHAMMAD SHAHID
Xz1B Im (Z1Szone2) [email protected]
5.907 Ohm
Siemens 7SD/SA Distance Relay Settings calculation for XLPE and Oil Filled Joint Feeder
b. Zone 2 Reach (Forward)
The zone 2 reach should not exceed 80% of the following impedances:
> The impedance corresponding to the protected line, plus the first zone reach of
the shortest adjacent line.
> The impedance corresponding to the protected line, plus the impedance of the
max. number of transformers operating in parallel on the bus at the remote end of
the protected line.
As data for the shortest adjacent line section is not available, zone 2 reach has been
proposed as 120% of the protected line section : Line Name

Positive Sequence Impedance

Zone 2, Primary' impedance shall be:
Z1P zone2 120% Z1P
1.2 *Z1P
0.458 5.653 i Ohm
Z1P zone2 0.458+5.653i Ohm
Zone 2, Secondary' impedance shall be:
Z1S zone2 Z1P zone2*Ksec
0.479 5.907 i Ohm
Z1S zone2 0.479+5.907i Ohm
Xz2 Im (Z1Szone2)
5.907 Ohm

c. Zone 3 Reach (Reverse)

Zone 3 has been proposed to use reverse directional decesion for blocking scheme.
Zone 3 must reach further behind the relay than Zone 2 for the remote end relay. the
setting can be achived by:
Zzone3 > ((Remote zone 2 reach) x 120%) - Protected line impedance
With the above assumption the zone 3 reach shall be 50% of the protected line

Positive Sequence Impedance

Zone 3, Primary' impedance shall be:
Z1P zone3 50% Z1P
0.5 *Z1P
0.191 2.356 i Ohm
Z1P zone3 0.191+2.356i Ohm
Zone 3, Secondary' impedance shall be:
Z1S zone3 Z1P zone3*Ksec
0.2 2.462 i Ohm
Z1S zone3 0.2+2.462i Ohm
[email protected]
Xz3 Im (Z1Szone3)
2.462 Ohm
Siemens 7SD/SA Distance Relay Settings calculation for XLPE and Oil Filled Joint Feeder
d. Zone 4 Reach (Forward)
Zone 4 reach of the subject line section should be set approximately 120% of the
combined impedance of the subject line section plus the longest adjacent line section
as zone 4 is usually used to provide overall back-up protection.
In the absence of the above required information we propose zone 4 reach as 150%
of the protected line section Line Name

Positive Sequence Impedance

Zone 4, Primary' impedance shall be:
Z1P zone4 150% Z1P
1.5 *Z1P
0.573 7.067 i Ohm
Z1P zone4 0.573+7.067i Ohm
Zone 4, Secondary' impedance shall be:
Z1S zone4 Z1P zone4*Ksec
0.599 7.385 i Ohm
Z1S zone4 0.599+7.385i Ohm
Xz4 Im (Z1Szone4)
7.385 Ohm

e. Zone 5 Reach (Forward)

Zone 5 reach of the subject line section should be set approximately 120% of the
combined impedance of the subject line section plus the longest adjacent line section
as zone 5 is usually used to provide overall back-up protection.
In the absence of the above required information we propose zone 5 reach as 150%
of the protected line section Line Name

Positive Sequence Impedance

Zone 5, Primary' impedance shall be:
Z1P zone5 150% Z1P
1.5 *Z1P
0.573 7.067 i Ohm
Z1P zone5 0.573+7.067i Ohm
Zone 5, Secondary' impedance shall be:
Z1S zone5 Z1P zone5*Ksec
0.599 7.385 i Ohm Prepared By: MUHAMMAD SHAHID
Z1S zone4 0.599+7.385i Ohm [email protected]
Xz5 Im (Z1Szone5)
7.385 Ohm
Siemens 7SD/SA Distance Relay Settings calculation for XLPE and Oil Filled Joint Feeder
Resistance Tolerance
Fault resistance for phase-phase fault
The resistance setting R allows a reserve for fault resistance which appears as
an additional resistance at the fault location and is added to the impedance of the
line conductors. It comprises, for example, the resistance in arcs, the earth
distribution resistance of earth points and others.

The standard value for the arc voltage UArc is approx. 2.5kV per meter of arc
length. For 132kV system UArc shall be as follows:

U ArcP 2.5x(KV/m) (Per meter arc voltage)

L Arc 19.084 m (Arc length)
U Arc L Arc x U ArcP (Total arc voltage)
47.71 KV
IfPH 2 KA (To cover max. fault resistance, we assume min.
fault current as 2kA.)
R ArcP U Arc/I fPH
23.855 Ohm

Resistive Reach Settings for Ph-Ph Faults

Only half the arc resistance will be applied in the equation, as it is added to the loop impedance and
therefore only half the arc resistance appears in the per phase impedance. Since an arc resistance is
assumed to be present in this case, infeed from the opposite end need not be considered.

The resistance RL of the line itself can be ignored with SIPROTEC 4 devices. It is taken into account
by the shape of the polygon, provided that the inclination angle of the polygon Distance Angle (address
1211) is not set greater than the line angle Line Angle (address 1105).

Resistive Reach Settings of Zone 1

R ArcS R ArcP* (U sec/ U prim x Iprim/I sec) (Secondary arc resistance)
R Z1 0.5 x R ArcS x 120%
Note:Limitations for R setting shall be defined by the load resistance.
R load 35.893 Ohm
To avoid load enchroachment for the phase-phase measuring elements, the
set resistive reach of any distance protection zone must be less than the
minimum load impedance.

The resistive reach for different zones may be redifined as follows:

R Z1 50% x R load = 0.5 *Rlaoad
17.947 Ohm
R Z2 60% x R load = 0.6 *Rlaoad
21.536 Ohm
R Z3 60% x R load = 0.6 *Rlaoad
21.536 Ohm
R Z1B 60% x R load = 0.6 *Rlaoad
21.536 Prepared By: MUHAMMAD SHAHID
R Z4 70% x R load = 0.7 *Rlaoad [email protected]
25.125 Ohm
R Z5 70% x R load = 0.7 *Rlaoad
25.125 Ohm
Siemens 7SD/SA Distance Relay Settings calculation for XLPE and Oil Filled Joint Feeder

Resistive Reach Settings for Ph-Earth Faults

A separate resistance tolerance can be set for earth faults.

The maximum arc resistance RArc must be determined for setting the distance zone in R
direction. The maximum arc fault resistance is attained when the smallest fault current at which
an arc is still present flows during an earth fault.
R Arc U Arc/(I1 + I2)
U Arc/(I1 x(1 + I2/I1))
U ArcP 2.5x(KV/m) (Per meter arc voltage)
L Arc 5m (Arc length)
U Arc L Arc x U ArcP (Total arc voltage)
12.5 KV
I1 2 KA (To cover max. fault resistance, we assume min.
fault current as 2kA.)
I2 0A
R Arc U Arc/(I1 x(1 + I2/I1))
I2/I1 I2oI1
I2oI1 3
R Arc U Arc/(I1 x(1 +I2oI1))
1.563 Ohm
R ArcS R Arc * (U sec/ U prim x Iprim/I sec)
1.633 Ohm

Resistive Reach Settings for Ph-Earth Faults

The earth fault resistance measured by the distance protection then results from the formula
R RE RL1+(1+I2/I1)x(RArcS+RTF/(1+(RE/RL))
The resistance RL of the line itself can be ignored with SIPROTEC 4 devices. It is taken into
account by the shape of the polygon, provided that the inclination angle of the polygon Dis -
tance Angle (address 1211) is not set greater than the line angle Line Angle (address 1105).

The following recommended setting applies for the resistance tolerance of distance zone Z1:
RE Z1 120% x ((1+I2/I1)x(RArcS+RTF/(1+RE/RL))
REoRL 1.303
RE Z1 120% x ((1+I2oI1)x(RArcS/(1+REoRL))
RE Z1S RE Z1 x (U sec/ U prim x Iprim/I sec)

Limitations for R setting shall be defined by the load resistance.

R load 35.893 Ohm

To avoid load enchroachment for the phase-phase measuring elements, the

set resistive reach of any distance protection zone must be less than the
minimum load impedance.
RE Z1 60% x R load = 0.6 *Rlaoad
21.536 Ohm
RE Z2 70% x R load = 0.7 *Rlaoad
25.125 Ohm
RE Z3 70% x R load = 0.7 *Rlaoad
25.125 Ohm
RE Z1B 70% x R load = 0.7 *Rlaoad
RE Z4 80% x R load = 0.8 *Rlaoad Prepared By: MUHAMMAD SHAHID
[email protected]
28.714 Ohm
RE Z5 80% x R load = 0.8 *Rlaoad
28.714 Ohm

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