Line Impedance Calculation : Name of The Feeder
Line Impedance Calculation : Name of The Feeder
Line Impedance Calculation : Name of The Feeder
Name of Longest Feeder from other end 110 kv Gobi - Barrage III #
Line Lenth Total = 68.951 kM
Name of the Conductor Zebra = 0 kM
Kundah = 0 kM
Panther = 68.951 kM
Leopard = 0 kM
Dog = 0 kM
CT ratio 600 1 Amp
Pt Ratio 110000 110 volt
CT Ratio = 600 A
Zero Seq. Impe. of the Line (100 % ) 5.23 19.45 20.14 Ohms