II.1 AS-shate-Jalawiyyah Line Protn Set - 1
II.1 AS-shate-Jalawiyyah Line Protn Set - 1
II.1 AS-shate-Jalawiyyah Line Protn Set - 1
B) Ual2 ³ (
K RPA x I FZ1 x 1+
R ) x ( Rct + Rl + Rr + Rb )
C) Ual3 ³ K max x I F max x ( Rct + Rl + Rr + Rb )
PTS formula
D) Ual4 > IFZ1 * (X/R + 1) * (Rct + Rl + Rb )
Note: Relay manufacturer formula A, B and C and PTS formula D, E and F are same , Hence Relay manufacturer
formula is considered and higher 'K' factor value is considered as per PTS
K: Dimensioning factor
'K' is dependent on If (Max. through fault current) & system X/R ratio and 'K'is determined as follows.
For relays set at Is1 = 20%, Is2 = 2 In, K1 = 30%, K2 = 150%:
K must be the highest of K > 40 + (0.07 x (If x X/R)) OR: K = 65
This is valid for (If x X/R) < 1000 In
A) CT Ual1 Calculation
= 430.56 V - RESULT - 2A
Document Title: CT & PT sizing Calculation Doc no: EE - 082142
Ual2(PF) ³
K RPA x I FZ1 x (1+ XR ) x ( Rct + Rl/2 + Rr + Rb )
= 322.92 V - RESULT - 1B
Ual2(EF) ³ ( XR ) x ( Rct + Rl + Rr + Rb )
K RPA x I FZ1 x 1+ -2B
= 348.69 V - RESULT - 2B
C) CT Ual3 Calculation
= 133.95 V - RESULT - 1C
Note: Only Phase fault is considered for calculation, it is not necessary to repeat calculation for earth fault, as the
phase reach calculation is the worst case or Ct dimensioning
Result 2A is higher than other Results, hence CT sizing is calculated based on result 2A.