Meeting The Challenges of The Multi-Grade Classroom

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Meeting the Challenges of

the Multi-grade
Norlette Leslie Yeard’e
June 1, 2012
 Multi-gradeteaching refers to the
teaching of students of different
ages, grades and abilities in the
same group (Little, 1995)

 Necessity
(de facto) vs. choice

Multi-grade Teaching Defined

 Burkina Faso, West Africa, 2000:
of schools and 20% of classes were

 England, 2000, 25.4 per cent of all

classes in primary education were
classified as mixed year

Extent of Multi-Grade Education

 In New Brunswick, Canada, 2003–
04: 13.9% of all classes in
elementary schools combined

 In France in 2000, 34% of public

schools had “combined” classes

Extent of Multi-Grade Education

 30% of classrooms worldwide are

 30% of Jamaican Primary and All

Age schools are multi grade schools
(Holness, 2008)

Extent of Multi-Grade Education

 A pedagogic approach to increase
access and retention, while improving
quality education.
 Expansion of access

 A strategy to address teacher

shortages, particularly in small and
remote schools.
(Juvane, 2007)

 Teachers develop a wide range of

organisational and teaching skills

Advantages of Multi-Grade
 Students are better prepared for self
learning after school

 Contributes greatly to the mastery of

basic skills

 Study indicates that children in multigrade

perform no better and no worse compared
to children in monograde (Veenman,
1995; Miller, 1991; Mason and Burns,
 Allowsfor continuity in learning
especially for low achieving students.

 Younger
and older children benefit
from multi-grade:
◦ Younger ones grasp concepts more
◦ Older children gain confidence in
assisting younger ones

 Personal and Social learning effects:
◦ Positive effects on self esteem
◦ Good work ethics
◦ Sense of responsibility
◦ Learners help each other
◦ Learners work together
◦ Peer tutoring learning strategies
◦ Learning appropriate behaviours
 11 participants face challenges with
facilitating different levels

 4 persons cited inadequate resources

 2 cited class size

 4 persons cited time

 2 cited lesson delivery

Participants’ Challenges
 The structure of the National
Curriculum: expectations of
curriculum coverage

 Range of abilities

 Pressureto prepare one group within

a multi-grade for
external/standardised assessments

 Unpreparedness of teachers to teach
in a multi-grade classroom

 Insufficient
educational materials to
support learning.

 Teachers’
negative attitude to multi-
grade teaching

 The ‘burden’ of lesson planning

 Time: to teach
◦ To address specific needs of

 Ensuring quality of teaching and

learning: engaging all

 Feelingof isolation: little opportunity
to share with other teachers

 Limitedparental or community

 Curriculum organization: a skill that
one has to develop

 Materials design and development:

stimulating, differentiated, challenging

 Organizing pupils effectively: discreet

grades, interest, ability, learning styles

Skills of a Multi-Grade teacher

 Monitoringthe Learning
Achievement: keeping track of
students’ achievements

 Organizing Classroom Space:

flexibility with classroom space.
Sectioning room might prove useful.

 Managing time effectively: Sharing

Skills of a Multi-Grade teacher

 Theteacher as the manager of the
learning process

 Teacher must experience shift of

position in the classroom: guide
versus sage on the stage

Skills of a Multi-Grade Teacher

Session 1
 Creating multiple paths so that students
of different abilities, interest or learning
needs experience equally appropriate
ways to absorb, use, develop and
present concepts as a part of the daily
learning process.

 Variations to meet the needs of learners

Differentiated Instructions
 Differentiating the content: assess to
determine who needs direct instructions

 Differentiating the process/activities: varying


 Differentiating the product: varying


 Differentiating by manipulating the

Differentiated Instructions: 4
 Variety of assessments: targeting
readiness and different abilities.
Moving throughout groups

 Adjusting questions: targeted towards

students’ ability

 Compacting curriculum: assessment to

provide alternative activities to those
who have mastered
Differentiating Strategies
 Tieredassignments: related tasks
varying in complexity all of which
relating to key skills students need
to develop

 Acceleration/deceleration:
accelerating or decelerating the pace
with which students move through
the curriculum

Differentiating Strategies
 Flexible Grouping: allow movement
between groups. Students readiness
varies based on interest, subject etc.
Ability is not static

 Peer Teaching: to develop expertise.

 Learning profiles/styles: used to

determine appropriate activities,
strategies, adjusting environment
Differentiating Strategies
 Student Interest: An interest survey;
start with students’ interest, then
interest them in finding out more.

 Reading buddies: Pairing students

with different reading abilities. One
child helps the other.

Differentiating Strategies
 Learningcontract: A written
agreement between teacher and
student aimed at students working

◦ Helps students to develop learning goals

◦ Develop management skills.

Learning Centres: activities with varied

level of complexity.
Differentiating Strategies
 Anchoring activities: a wide range of
activities that students can chose
from once they are through with
their assigned task.

Differentiating Strategies
Five key elements (Johnson et al, 2006):
1. Positive interdependence: sink or
swim together

2. Individual Accountability: students

learn together but perform alone

3. Face-to-face (promotive) interaction:

promoting each others learning.
Develops commitment.

Interactive Teaching Strategies:

Cooperative Learning
 Interpersonal and small group social
skills: groups skills (team work).
Role for everyone.

 GroupProcessing: Analyzing group’s

success and measures for

Interactive Teaching Strategies:

Cooperative Learning
 Round Robin  Tea Party

 Think-Pair-Share
 Round Table
 Three-Step interview
 Numbered Heads
Together  Three minute review

 Jigsaw  Team-Pair-Solo

 Partners
 Circle the Sage

Cooperative Learning Strategies

 Considerations:
 Rates of development/Stages of

 Interests

 Student centred versus teacher centred

 Meaningful learning versus rote


 Facilitators versus keepers of knowledge

Lesson Planning
 Flexible lesson plans
 Catering to differences among learners
 Active versus passive learners
 Materials and resources
 Multiple Intelligences
 Learning Styles

Lesson Planning
Multiple Intelligence and
Learning Style
 Use of shifts: shorter school day for

 Grade 1 in the morning, grade 2 in

the afternoon

 Abandonment: Divide the school day

by the number of grades expected to

Classroom Logistics: Timetabling

 Quasi-monograde: organising a
multigrade class as if it were a

◦ Organise the class into separate spaces and

grade groups. Students work in their age

◦ Integrate concepts across curriculum

◦ Whole class approach: one lesson to all

Classroom Logistics: Timetabling

 Differentiation: Whole class
approach with differentiated
activities; different expected
learning outcomes

 Graded learning materials

Classroom Logistics: Timetabling

 Common timetable option: same subject
in a given period but each grade group
follows its own work

 The subject stagger option: subjects are

staggered on the timetable so that grade
groups learn different subjects in the
same period. Subjects which require high
teacher pupil contact are matched with
those requiring little

Timetabling Options
 Thesubject grouping option:
subjects are presented to all grade
groups together at the same time.

 Some subjects eg. Music, Art,

Religious Knowledge and Social
Studies lend themselves well to this

Classroom Logistics: Timetabling

 Cooperative learning and grouping:

 Mixed abilities, mixed sexes

 Size: 4-5
 Specified roles:
◦ Resource Manager - Recorder
◦ Spokesperson - Facilitator

◦ Time Keeper

Classroom Logistics: Grouping

 Varied grouping arrangements:
◦ Working in pairs
◦ Working in groups: effective with
activities the entire class can enjoy
◦ Whole group
◦ By grade
◦ Mixed grade
◦ Individual

Classroom Logistics: Grouping and

 Organisinggroups: location of
independent workers versus those
working in groups

 Planfor flexibility: assigned seating

is not ideal
 Allow for movement between different
working groups

Classroom Logistics: Grouping and

 Traditional versus Alternative Assessment

 Diagnostic, Formative, Summative


 Evaluation versus assessment

 The role of data in improving teaching and


 Use of peer and self assessment

Classroom Logistics: Record

Question and Answer
Question and Answer

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