PRICE - LIST Recd From Amrender On - 20-4-2017
PRICE - LIST Recd From Amrender On - 20-4-2017
PRICE - LIST Recd From Amrender On - 20-4-2017
Powder Fire Extinguisher (Stored Pressure type) Capacity 01 Kg duly ISI marked
conforming to IS: 15683:2006, with IS 14609, ISI marked ABC powder complete
1. LG-121 with squeeze grip release valve, locking arrangement, pressure gauge, operation 1A, 8B, C
manual and bracket. Operating Temperature: - 10ºC to + 55ºC.
Powder Fire Extinguisher (Stored Pressure type) Capacity 02 Kg duly ISI marked
conforming to IS: 15683:2006, with IS 14609, ISI marked ABC powder complete 2,000.00
2. LG- 122 2A, 13B, C
with squeeze grip release valve, locking arrangement, pressure gauge, operation
manual and bracket. Operating Temperature: - 10ºC to + 55ºC. Brand LIFEGUARD
Powder Fire Extinguisher (Stored Pressure type) Capacity 04 Kg duly ISI marked
conforming to IS: 15683:2006, with IS 14609, ISI marked ABC powder complete
3. LG-124 with squeeze grip release valve, discharge pipe, locking arrangement, pressure gauge, 3A, 21B, C
operation manual and bracket. Operating Temperature: - 10ºC to + 55ºC. Brand
Powder Fire Extinguisher (Stored Pressure type) Capacity 06 Kg duly ISI marked
conforming to IS: 15683:2006, with IS 14609, ISI marked ABC powder complete
4. LG-126 with squeeze grip release valve, discharge pipe, locking arrangement, pressure gauge, 3A, 34B, C
operation manual and bracket. Operating Temperature: - 10ºC to + 55ºC. Brand
Powder Fire Extinguisher (Stored Pressure type) Capacity 09 Kg duly ISI marked
conforming to IS: 15683:2006, with IS 14609, ISI marked ABC powder complete
5. LG-129 with squeeze grip release valve, discharge pipe locking arrangement, pressure gauge, 4A, 55B, C
operation manual and bracket. Operating Temperature: - 10ºC to + 55ºC. Brand
Powder Fire Extinguisher (Gas Cartridge type) Capacity 04 Kg duly ISI marked
conforming to IS: 15683:2006, with IS 14609, ISI marked ABC powder; Complete
1. LG-224 with IS 4947 ISI marked Gas Cartridge with squeeze grip release valve, discharge 3A, 21B, C 4,500.00
pipe, locking arrangement, pressure gauge, operation manual and bracket. Operating
Temperature: - 10ºC to + 55ºC. Brand LIFEGUARD
Powder Fire Extinguisher (Gas Cartridge type) Capacity 06 Kg duly ISI marked
conforming to IS: 15683:2006, with IS 14609, ISI marked ABC powder; Complete
2. LG-226 with IS 4947 ISI marked Gas Cartridge with squeeze grip release valve, discharge 3A, 34B, C 5,250.00
pipe, locking arrangement, pressure gauge, operation manual and bracket. Operating
Temperature: - 10ºC to + 55ºC. Brand LIFEGUARD
Powder Fire Extinguisher (Gas Cartridge type) Capacity 09 Kg duly ISI marked
conforming to IS: 15683:2006, with IS 14609, ISI marked ABC powder ; Complete
3. LG-229 with IS 4947 ISI marked Gas Cartridge with squeeze grip release valve, discharge 4A, 55B, C 7,250.00
pipe locking arrangement, pressure gauge, operation manual and bracket. Operating
Temperature: - 10ºC to + 55ºC. Brand LIFEGUARD
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IS : 4308
Powder trolley mounted type Capacity 25 Kg Fire Extinguisher duly ISI marked conforming to
1. LG-3225 IS: 10658 with G.M. Cap, Delivery hose, Squeeze grip nozzle & 300 gm CO2 gas cartridge, IS 14,500.00
4308, ISI marked BC Powder, Complete in all respect. Brand LIFEGUARD
Powder trolley mounted type Capacity 25 Kg Fire Extinguisher duly ISI marked conforming to
2. LG- 3225 IS: 10658 with G.M. Cap, Delivery hose, Squeeze grip nozzle & outer CO2 cylinder, IS 4308, ISI 20,500.00
marked BC Powder, Complete in all respect.. Brand LIFEGUARD
Powder trolley mounted type Capacity 50 Kg Fire Extinguisher duly ISI marked conforming to
3. LG-3250 IS: 10658 with G.M. Cap, Delivery hose, Squeeze grip nozzle & outer CO2 cylinder, IS 4308, ISI 27,500.00
marked BC Powder, Complete in all respect.. Brand LIFEGUARD
Powder trolley mounted type Capacity 75 Kg Fire Extinguisher duly ISI marked conforming to
4. LG-3275 IS: 10658 with G.M. Cap, Delivery hose, squeeze grip nozzle & outer CO2 cylinder, IS 4308, ISI 33,750.00
marked BC Powder, Complete in all respect.. Brand LIFEGUARD
* Also Available in ABC Powder, IS: 14609
CO2 type Fire Extinguisher ISI marked conforming to IS: 15683. Capacity 2 Kg.
Complete with delivery hose horn, squeeze grip/ wheel type release valve, locking
1. LG-132 8B, C 6,500.00
arrangement, operation manual and bracket. Operating Temperature: - 30ºC to +
CO2 type Fire Extinguisher ISI marked conforming to IS: 15683. Capacity 3 Kg.
Complete with delivery hose horn, squeeze grip/ wheel type release valve, locking
2. LG- 133 13B, C 7,750.00
arrangement, operation manual and bracket. Operating Temperature: - 30ºC to +
CO2 type Fire Extinguisher ISI marked conforming to IS: 15683. Capacity 4.5 Kg.
Complete with delivery hose horn, squeeze grip/ wheel type release valve, locking
3. LG-134 21B, C 9,500.00
arrangement, operation manual and bracket. Operating Temperature: - 30ºC to +
CO2 trolley mounted type Fire Extinguisher ISI marked conforming to IS: 2878. Capacity 6.5 Kg.
1. LG-336 Complete with delivery hose horn, trolley, handle, wheel type release valve, locking arrangement. 13,000.00
Operating Temperature: - 30ºC to + 55ºC. Brand LIFEGUARD
CO2 trolley mounted type Fire Extinguisher ISI marked conforming to IS: 2878. Capacity 9 Kg.
2. LG-339 Complete with delivery hose horn, trolley, handle wheel type release valve, locking arrangement. 15,500.00
Operating Temperature: - 30ºC to + 55ºC. Brand LIFEGUARD
CO2 trolley mounted type Fire Extinguisher ISI marked conforming to IS: 2878. Capacity 22.5 Kg.
3. LG-3322 Complete with delivery hose horn, trolley, handle, wheel type release valve, locking arrangement. 28,750.00
Operating Temperature: - 30ºC to + 55ºC. Brand LIFEGUARD
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Water Fire Extinguisher Stored pressure type ISI marked conforming to IS:
15683. Capacity 6 liter. Complete with delivery hose, squeeze grip release
1. LG-106 2A 2,500.00
valve, locking arrangement, pressure gauge, operation manual and bracket.
Water Fire Extinguisher Stored pressure type ISI marked conforming to IS:
15683. Capacity 9 liter. Complete with delivery hose, squeeze grip release
2. LG- 109 3A 3,000.00
valve, locking arrangement, pressure gauge, operation manual and bracket.
Water Fire Extinguisher Gas Cartridge type ISI marked conforming to IS:
15683. Capacity 6 liter. Complete with IS 4947 Gas Cartridge, delivery hose,
3. LG-206 2A 4,250.00
squeeze grip release valve, locking arrangement, operation manual and bracket.
Water Fire Extinguisher Gas Cartridge type ISI marked conforming to IS:
15683. Capacity 9 liter. Complete with IS 4947 Gas Cartridge, delivery hose,
4. LG-209 3A 4,750.00
squeeze grip release valve, locking arrangement, operation manual and bracket.
Water type Fire Extinguisher trolley mounted ISI marked IS: 13385 with G.M. cap, Delivery hose,
1. LG-3050 14,000.00
Discharge Nozzle & CO2 gas cartridge. Complete in all respect. Capacity 50 liter. Brand LIFEGUARD
Water type Fire Extinguisher trolley mounted ISI marked IS: 13385 with G.M. cap, Delivery hose,
2. LG-3050 Discharge Nozzle & outer CO2 Cylinder. Complete in all respect. Capacity 50 liter. Brand 20,000.00
Mechanical Foam (AFFF) Fire Extinguisher Stored pressure type ISI marked
conforming to IS: 15683. Capacity 6 liter. Complete with delivery hose, squeeze
1. LG-116 2A, 21B 2,875.00
grip release valve, locking arrangement, pressure gauge, operation manual and
bracket. Brand LIFEGUARD
Mechanical Foam (AFFF) Fire Extinguisher Stored pressure type ISI marked
conforming to IS: 15683. Capacity 9 liter. Complete with delivery hose, squeeze
2. LG- 119 3A, 55B 3,375.00
grip release valve, locking arrangement, pressure gauge, operation manual and
bracket. Brand LIFEGUARD
Mechanical Foam (AFFF) Fire Extinguisher Gas Cartridge type ISI marked
conforming to IS: 15683. Capacity 6 liter. Complete with gas cartridge, delivery
3. LG-216 2A, 21B 4,500.00
hose, squeeze grip release valve, locking arrangement, operation manual and
bracket. Brand LIFEGUARD
Mechanical Foam (AFFF) Fire Extinguisher Gas Cartridge type ISI marked
conforming to IS: 15683. Capacity 9 liter. Complete with gas cartridge, delivery
4. LG-219 3A, 55B 5,125.00
hose, squeeze grip release valve, locking arrangement, operation manual and
bracket. Brand LIFEGUARD
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Mechanical Foam (AFFF) trolley mounted type Fire Extinguisher ISI marked IS: 13386 with G.M.
1. LG-3150 cap, Delivery hose, Discharge Nozzle & CO2 gas cartridge. Complete in all respect. Capacity 50 liter. 14,500.00
Mechanical Foam (AFFF) trolley mounted type Fire Extinguisher ISI marked IS: 13386 with G.M.
2. LG-3150 cap, Delivery hose, Discharge Nozzle & outer CO2 cylinder. Complete in all respect. Capacity 50 liter. 20,500.00
Clean Agent (Stored Pressure) Type Capacity 1 Kg Fire Extinguisher filled with
HFC 236FAClean Agent Gas. Complete with squeeze grip release valve, locking
1. LG-141 ------- 7,250.00
arrangement, pressure gauge, operation manual and bracket. Complete in all
respect. Brand LIFEGUARD
Wet Chemical (Stored Pressure) “K’ Type Capacity 4 ltr Fire Extinguisher. Complete with SS body,
1. LG- 154 squeeze grip release valve, locking arrangement, pressure gauge, operation manual and bracket. 12,500.00
Complete in all respect. Brand LIFEGUARD
Wet Chemical (Stored Pressure) “K’ Type Capacity 6 ltr Fire Extinguisher. Complete with SS body,
2. LG-156 squeeze grip release valve, locking arrangement, pressure gauge, operation manual and bracket. 14,500.00
Complete in all respect. Brand LIFEGUARD
Wet Chemical (Stored Pressure) “K’ Type Capacity 9 ltr Fire Extinguisher. Complete with SS body,
3. LG-159 squeeze grip release valve, locking arrangement, pressure gauge, operation manual and bracket. 18,500.00
Complete in all respect. Brand LIFEGUARD
Clean Agent Modular (ceiling mounted) Type Capacity 2 Kg CE certified Fire Extinguisher filled with
1. LG-1702 15,000.00
HFC 236FAClean Agent Gas. Complete in all respect. Brand LIFEGUARD
Clean Agent Modular (ceiling mounted) Type Capacity 5 Kg CE certified Fire Extinguisher filled with
2. LG-1705 30,000.00
HFC 236FAClean Agent Gas. Complete in all respect. Brand LIFEGUARD
Clean Agent Modular (ceiling mounted) Type Capacity 10 Kg CE certified Fire Extinguisher filled with
3. LG-1710 52,500.00
HFC 236FAClean Agent Gas. Complete in all respect. Brand LIFEGUARD
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ABC Modular Type CE certified Capacity 2 Kg Fire Extinguisher filled with ISI marked IS: 14609 ABC
1. LG-1602 3,000.00
Powder. Complete in all respect. Brand LIFEGUARD
ABC Modular Type CE certified Capacity 5 Kg Fire Extinguisher filled with ISI marked IS: 14609 ABC
2. LG-1605 4,500.00
Powder. Complete in all respect. Brand LIFEGUARD
ABC Modular Type CE certified Capacity 10 Kg Fire Extinguisher filled with ISI marked IS: 14609
3. LG-1610 6,000.00
ABC Powder. Complete in all respect. Brand LIFEGUARD
ABC Modular Type CE certified Capacity 15 Kg Fire Extinguisher filled with ISI marked IS: 14609
4. LG-1615 8,000.00
ABC Powder. Complete in all respect. Brand LIFEGUARD
1. Gun Metal Landing Valve Single Head dia. 63 mm (Type A) ISI marked IS 5290 complete in all respect
LG-401 11,000.00
2. Stainless Steel Landing Valve Single Head dia. 63 mm (Type A) ISI marked IS 5290 complete in all
LG-402 8,500.00
respect Brand LIFEGUARD
3. Gun Metal Landing Valve Double Head dia. 63 mm (Type B) ISI marked IS 5290 complete in all respect
LG-406 26,250.00
4. Stainless Steel Landing Valve Double Head dia. 63 mm(Type B) ISI marked IS 5290 complete in all
LG-407 19,000.00
respect Brand LIFEGUARD
1. Gun Metal Branch Pipe dia.63 mm & nozzle 20 mm ISI marked IS 903 complete in all respect
LG-411 4,000.00
2. Stainless Steel Branch Pipe dia.63 mm & nozzle 20 mm ISI marked IS 903 complete in all respect
LG-412 3,000.00
3. Aluminium Alloy Branch Pipe dia.63 mm & nozzle 20 mm ISI marked IS 903 complete in all respect
LG-413 1,625.00
4. Gun Metal Fire Hose Delivery Coupling (MALE/ FEMALE) dia. 63 mm ISI marked IS 903 complete in all
LG-416 4,250.00
respect Brand LIFEGUARD
5. Stainless Steel Fire Hose Delivery Coupling (MALE/FEMALE) dia. 63 mm ISI marked IS 903 complete in
LG-417 3,375.00
all respect Brand LIFEGUARD
6. Aluminium Alloy Fire Hose Delivery Coupling (MALE/FEMALE) dia. 63 mm ISI marked IS 903 complete
LG-418 1,750.00
in all respect Brand LIFEGUARD
Hose box (Single Door) (20” x 20”x 10”) suitable for 1 no. 15 mtr. Hose and 1 no short branch pipe.
1. LG-501a 3,250.00
Complete in all respect.
Hose box (Single Door) (24” x 24”x 10”) suitable for 1 no. 30 mtr. Hose and 1 no short branch pipe.
2. LG-501b 4,000.00
Complete in all respect.
Hose box (Double Door) (30” x 24”x 10”) suitable for 2 no. 15 mtr. Hose and 1 no short branch pipe.
3. LG-501c 5,000.00
Complete in all respect.
Hose box (Double Door) (35.5” x 23.6” x 19.6”) suitable for 2 no. 15 mtr. Hose and 1 no short branch pipe
4. LG-501d 6700.00
and 1 no hydrant. Complete in all respect.
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Manual Swing type fire hose reel ISI marked IS: 884 with Thermoplastic hose / Flexible Rubber hose pipe
30 mtr. Long, dia 20mm Type II, ISI marked IS: 12585 / IS: 444 with GM shut off nozzle complete in all
1. respect. Brand LIFEGUARD 1. Type I (W.P. 7.2 Kgf/cm2) 10,500.00
2. Type II (W.P. 10.2 Kgf/cm2) 11,500.00
LG-421b Thermoplastic hose / Flexible Rubber hose pipe 30 mtr. Long, dia 20mm ISI marked IS : 12585 / IS:444
3. Brand LIFRGUARD 1. Type I (W.P. 7.2 Kgf/cm2)
2. Type II (W.P. 10.2 Kgf/cm2)
LG-421c Manual Swing type fire Hose Reel Drum ISI marked IS:884 Brand LIFEGUARD. 6,000.00
LG-421d Compact Hose Reel Imported with company fitted accessories, complete in all respect 11,500.00
Reinforced Runner Lined (RRL) Fire Hose Type A ISI marked conforming to IS: 636, 15 mtr long
1. LG-422-a 8,500.00
with ISI marked Gun Metal Coupling dia 63 mm. Brand LIFEGUARD
Reinforced Runner Lined (RRL) Fire Hose Type B ISI marked conforming to IS: 636, 15 mtr long
2. LG-422-b 15,000.00
with ISI marked Gun Metal Coupling dia 63 mm. Brand LIFEGUARD
Reinforced Runner Lined (RRL) Fire Hose Type A ISI marked conforming to IS: 636, 15 mtr long
3. LG-422-c 7,750.00
with ISI marked Stainless Steel Coupling dia 63 mm IS: 636. Brand LIFEGUARD
Reinforced Runner Lined (RRL) Fire Hose Type B ISI marked conforming to IS: 636, 15 mtr long
4. LG-422-d 13,750.00
with ISI marked Stainless Steel Coupling dia 63 mm IS: 636. Brand LIFEGUARD
Reinforced Runner Lined (RRL) Fire Hose Type A ISI marked conforming to IS: 636, 30 mtr long
5. LG-422-e 12,125.00
with ISI marked Gun Metal Coupling dia 63 mm. Brand LIFEGUARD
Reinforced Runner Lined (RRL) Fire Hose Type A ISI marked conforming to IS: 636, 30 mtr long
6. LG-422-f 11,500.00
with ISI marked Stainless Steel Coupling dia 63 mm. Brand LIFEGUARD
Controlled Percolating (CP) Fire Hose ISI marked conforming to IS: 8423, 15 mtr long with ISI
7. LG-422-g 8,000.00
marked Gun Metal Coupling dia 63 mm.
Controlled Percolating (CP) Fire Hose ISI marked conforming to IS: 8423, 15 mtr long with ISI
8. LG-422-h 7,250.00
marked Stainless Steel Coupling dia 63 mm.
LG-526 Water Monitor 63 mm dia to be operated in pressure line with 7-12 Kg/cm2, Inlet Flange NB 75/ 100
1. 28,750.00
0063 mm. Flow of 1750 lpm with throw range of upto 52 Mtrs at angle of 30oc. Brand LIFEGUARD
0075 Water Monitor 75 mm dia to be operated in pressure line with 7-12 Kg/cm2, Inlet Flange NB 100 mm.
2. 40,625.00
Flow of 2580 lpm with throw range of upto 62 Mtrs at angle of 30oc. Brand LIFEGUARD
0100 Water Monitor 100 mm dia to be operated in pressure line with 7-12 Kg/cm2, Inlet Flange NB 150
3. 59,375.00
mm. Flow of 3750 lpm (with manual) throw range upto 67 Mtrs at angle of 30oc. Brand LIFEGUARD
LG-526 Water Monitor 100 mm dia to be operated in pressure line with 7-12 Kg/cm2, Inlet Flange NB 150
4. 78,125.00
0100 mm. Flow of 3750 lpm (with Gear type) throw range upto 67 Mtrs at angle of 30oc. Brand LIFEGUARD
LG-526 Foam Monitor 63 mm dia to be operated in pressure line with 7-12 Kg/cm2, Inlet Flange NB 75/ 100
5. 52,500.00
1063 mm with Aqua Nozzle. Brand LIFEGUARD
1075 Foam Monitor 75 mm dia to be operated in pressure line with 7-12 Kg/cm2, Inlet Flange NB 100 mm
6. 62,000.00
with Aqua Nozzle. Brand LIFEGUARD
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1. LG-423b Two way Fire brigade connection dia 63 mm. complete in all respect 5,500.00 13,500.00
2. LG-423c Three way Fire brigade connection dia 63 mm. complete in all respect 8,750.00 18,000.00
3. LG-423a Four way Fire brigade connection dia 63 mm. complete in all respect 13,000.00 24,000.00
1. LG-503a Pendant type automatic sprinkler (UL Listed) Brand H.D. 435.00
3. LG-503c Upright type automatic sprinkler (UL Listed) Brand H.D. 435.00
5. LG-503e Side wall type automatic sprinkler (UL Listed). Brand H.D./Impact/TUNA 500.00
7. LG-503g Concealed type automatic sprinkler (UL Listed). Brand H.D./Impact/TUNA 1562.50
10. Fire Alarm valve complete. Brand HD/ System Sensor 70,000.00
1. LG-521 SD Smoke Detector with 360o identification in alarm condition. (Cofem) 2,000.00
2. LG-521 RD Heat Detector CUM ROR with 360o identification in alarm condition. (Cofem) 2,100.00
3. LG-521 HD Heat Detector with 360o identification in alarm condition. (Cofem) 2,000.00
4. LG-521 MD Multi-criteria Detector with 360o identification in alarm condition. (Cofem) 2,250.00
2-Zone Fire Alarm Control Panel Complies to IS 2189:1999 and Tested by ERTL (N), 2 x 16 character
5. LG-545 II backlit LCD display, NO/NC contacts for both fire and fault. Brand LIFEGUARD 7,000.00
LG-545 IV 4-Zone Fire Alarm Control Panel Complies to IS 2189:1999 and Tested by ERTL (N), 2 x 16 character
6. backlit LCD display, NO/NC contacts for both fire and fault. Brand LIFEGUARD 9,000.00
LG-545 VI 6-Zone Fire Alarm Control Panel Complies to IS 2189:1999 and Tested by ERTL (N), 2 x 16 character
7. backlit LCD display, NO/NC contacts for both fire and fault. Brand LIFEGUARD 13,000.00
LG-545 VIII 8-Zone Fire Alarm Control Panel Complies to IS 2189:1999 and Tested by ERTL (N), 2 x 16 character
8. backlit LCD display, NO/NC contacts for both fire and fault. Brand LIFEGUARD 15,500.00
LG-545 IX 10-Zone Fire Alarm Control Panel Complies to IS 2189:1999 and Tested by ERTL (N), 2 x 16 character
9 backlit LCD display, NO/NC contacts for both fire and fault. Brand LIFEGUARD 18,500.00
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LG-546 II 2-Zone Total Gas Flooding Panel Complies to IS 2189:1999 and Tested by ERTL (N), 2 x 16 character
1. backlit LCD display, NO/NC contacts for both fire and fault. Brand LIFEGUARD 15,000.00
LG-546 IV 4-Zone Total Gas Flooding Panel Complies to IS 2189:1999 and Tested by ERTL (N), 2 x 16 character
2. 25,000.00
backlit LCD display, NO/NC contacts for both fire and fault.
WEIGHT SURVEILLANCE MODULE MAX WT. 200 KG, with collar and necessary cables.
1. LG – 611a 17,500.00
WEIGHT SURVEILLANCE MODULE MAX WT. 500 KG, with collar and necessary cables.
2. LG – 611b 19,500.00
WEIGHT SURVEILLANCE MODULE MAX WT. 200 KG, with platform, collar and necessary cables.
3. LG – 611c 18,000.00
WEIGHT SURVEILLANCE MODULE MAX WT. 500 KG, with platform, collar and necessary cables.
4. LG – 611d 20,000.00
The C-LYON Algorithmic Control Panel is EN 54-2 and EN 54-4 according to the latest CE
Configurable with 2 loops.
LG- Loop Capability 99 points.
Capacity of 4095 events with date and time. 94,970.00
Backlit LCD display with 4 lines and 40 characters.
Configurable with the PC-EASY Co-NET software.
Allows connections of up to 8 repeaters and/or 8 control panels on network.
The ZAFIR Algorithmic Control Panel is EN 54-2 and EN 54-4 according to the latest CE
Configurable with 2 loops.
LG- Loop Capability 199 points.
2. Capacity of 4095 events with date and time. 1,46,500.00
Backlit LCD display with 4 lines and 40 characters.
Configurable with the PC-EASY Co-NET software.
Allows connections of up to 8 repeaters and/or 8 control panels on network.
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The LYON Algorithmic Control Panel is EN 54-2 and EN 54-4 according to the latest CE
Configurable with 4 loops and expandable upto 20 loops
Loop Capability 199 points.
3. LG-LYONING Capacity of 4095 events with date and time. 2,10,000.00
Backlit LCD display with 4 lines and 40 characters.
Configurable with the PC-EASY Co-NET software.
Allows connections of up to 8 repeaters and/or 8 control panels on network.
Repeater Panel for LYON, C.LYON and ZAFIR
4. LG-ZYR Connect up to 15 repeaters 1,18,500.00
No supply required up to 3 repeaters
Algorithmic Addressable Heat Sensor for fire detection. The A30XTA is capable of registering
absolute temperatures (heat sensor) but also temperature rise (ROR).
5. LG-A30XTA Two red LED in alarm condition. 4,500.00
Identification from any direction (360°).
Easy connection, without polarity.
Algorithmic Addressable Smoke Sensor for fire detection. The sensor A30XHAS has an optical
smoke sensor.
6. LG-A3XHAS Two Red LED in alarm condition. 4,550.00
Identification from any direction (360°).
Algorithmic Addressable Multi-criteria Sensor for fire detection. The sensor A30XHA has an
optical smoke sensor and also has a static heat element that sets it into alarm status when
7. LG-A30XHA temperature reaches 55° C. 4,850.00
Two Red LED in alarm condition.
Identification from any direction (360°).
Resettable Manual Call Point (with short-circuit isolator) for algorithmic addressable detection
8. LG-PUCAY Easily resettable call point by pushing yellow button on the front side. 4,100.00
Transparent protector cover to avoid accidental false alarms.
Monitor Module- Microprocessor based algorithmic addressable device (with short-circuit
9. LG-MSTAY isolator) installed as another element inside the loop. The Master Detection Module is placed in 5,700.00
a rectangular, heat-resistant ABS box.
Relay Module-Microprocessor based algorithmic addressable device (with short-circuit isolator)
10. LG-MDA1Y installed as another element inside the loop. The device is placed in a rectangular heat-resistant 8,000.00
ABS box.
Relay Module(II)-Microprocessor based algorithmic addressable device (with short-circuit
11. LG-MDA2Y isolator) installed as another element inside the loop. The device is placed in a rectangular heat- 8,700.00
resistant ABS box.
Supervision Module Microprocessor based algorithmic addressable device (with short-circuit
12. LG-KMAY isolator) installed as another element inside the loop. The Relay and technical signal Module is 6,650.00
placed in a rectangular, head-resistant ABS box.
Input/output Module Microprocessor based algorithmic element installed as another element
13. LG-MYOA inside the loop (It is not addressable – there is no need to configure this element). The element 10,950.00
is feed from the loop connection
Loop Isolator Module Microprocessor based digital and addressable device (with short-circuit
isolator) installed as another element inside the loop. The sounder is made of in ABS heat-
14. LG-KABY resistant plastic red color. 5,250.00
Standard configuration of the light signal at the base of the sounder SIRAY+BSLC according to
EN 54-23
Addressable Loop Sounder
• 32 Selectable Tones
15. LG-SIRAY • Low Current Consumption 11,500.00
• Automatic Synchronization
Addressable Loop Sounder and Flasher
• 32 Selectable Tones
16. LG-SIRAYL • Low Current Consumption 11,800.00
• Automatic Synchronization
1. LG-2506 CO2 Gas cartridge ISI Marked IS 4947. Capacity 60 gms. Brand LIFEGUARD 425.00
2. LG-2512 CO2 Gas cartridge ISI Marked IS 4947. Capacity 120 gms. Brand LIFEGUARD 475.00
3. LG-2520 CO2 Gas cartridge ISI Marked IS 4947. Capacity 200 gms. Brand LIFEGUARD 550.00
4. LG-2530 CO2 Gas cartridge Capacity 300 gms. Brand LIFEGUARD 875.00
5. LG-2550 CO2 Gas cartridge Capacity 500 gms. Brand LIFEGUARD 1,000.00
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1. LG-553 Dry powder for A, B&C Class of fire ISI marked MAP 50% IS:14609 130.00 Per Kg
2. LG-553 Dry powder for A, B&C Class of fire ISI marked MAP 60% IS:14609 155.00 Per Kg
3. LG-553 Dry powder for A, B&C Class of fire ISI marked MAP 70% IS:14609 200.00 Per Kg
4. LG-553 Dry powder for A, B&C Class of fire ISI marked MAP 90% 350.00 Per Kg
5. LG-553 Dry powder for A, B&C Class of fire UL listed MAP 90% 550.00 Per Kg
6. LG-552 Dry powder for B&C Class of fire ISI marked IS:4308 50.00 Per Kg
8. LG-551 Foam concentrated for producing mechanical foam for firefighting type -6%. Capacity 540 ml. 150.00 Each
9. LG-551a Foam concentrated for producing mechanical foam for firefighting type -6%. Capacity 3 liters. 600.00 Each
10. LG-551b Foam concentrated for producing mechanical foam for firefighting type -6%. Capacity 20 liters. 2,750.00 Each
11. LG-551c Foam concentrated for producing mechanical foam for firefighting type -3%. Capacity 540 ml. 190.00 Each
12. LG-551d Foam concentrated for producing mechanical foam for firefighting type -3%. Capacity 3 liters. 750.00 Each
13. LG-551e Foam concentrated for producing mechanical foam for firefighting type -3%. Capacity 20 litres. 2500.00 Each
6. LG-540 Flexible Hose with fitting UL listed Brand Young Jin/ Seung Jin 1000MM 1,500.00
7. LG-540 Flexible Hose with fitting UL listed Brand Young Jin/ Seung Jin 1200MM 1,600.00
8. LG-540 Flexible Hose with fitting UL listed Brand Young Jin/ Seung Jin 1500MM 1,800.00
9. LG-540 Flexible Hose with fitting UL listed Brand Young Jin/ Seung Jin 1800MM 1,900.00
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21. LG-519b Hand operated siren 1 k.m. 7500.00
Authorized Signatory
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