Name Plate Details1
Name Plate Details1
Name Plate Details1
2016 for 220kV GIS Station & TB Supply (Ind) Portion All Amounts in Rs.
Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited
Name of the work: Establishment of 220/66/11 kV Gas Insulated Substation with installed capacity of 2X150MVA, 220/66 kV and 1x31.5MVA 66/11kV Transformers at ITI sub station in Bangalore East Taluk, Bangalore Urban District.
DWA NO. KPTCL/CEE/T&P/220 kV GIS/ITI/PTK/TLSS- 903/3007 dated 29.11.2017 for 220 kV GIS Station Civil portion
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POWER TRANSFORMER:- 3 ph, 50 Hz, Core type, 3 winding
Star/Star/Delta, Transformer Vector Group: YNynodll, OLTC,
bushing CT for teritiary of ratio 1000/1A, 5P20, 15VA, ONAN/
ONAF/OFAF with Fan control cubicle, RTCC panel with optic
fibre tempearture sensor, oil etc., complete with 2x50% separate 03.04.2018 (UNIT-
23.04.2018 & 21.07.2018 & 04.06.2018&
radiator bank on left side and terminal connectors suitable for Nos. 2.00 PT 8111 &8114 M/S IMP 15.11.2017 09.12.2017 05.03.2018 1) & 29.05.2018 NA 29.06.2018 2.00 2.00 15.09.2018 0.00 Testing to be completed
2.08.2018 15.09.2018 09.07.2018
Drake ACSR on the primary and 63mm Al. tube on the secondary (Unit-2)
and neutral connectors suitable for 2 Nos. of 75mm x 10mm
Copper Flats and spare oil 10%. Complete as per Technical
150 MVA, 220/66/11kV Class Transformer.
i) POWER TRANSFORMER:- 3 Ph, 50 Hz, Core type 2 winding
Delta / Star, Vector Group: Dynll, with OLTC, RTCC panel, oil etc.,
complete withterminal connector suitable for Drake ACSR on 21.02.2018 &
Primary and secondary side of transformer and Neutral connectors 09.02.2018&
Nos. 1.00 PT 8121 M/S IMP 23.11.2018 05.03.2018 29.05.2018 2.08.2018 NA 15.09.2018 07.07.2018 1.00 0.00 10.10.2018 1.00
suitable for 2 Nos. of 75mmX8mm Copper Flats and filled with 16.08.2018&
Transil oil with 10% spare oil. Complete as per Technical 27.09.2018
31.5 MVA, 66/11 kV Class Transformer.
bIII)3 Phase, Single pole, fast acting, fault make earthing switch
complete with group operated manual & motor driven operating
mechanism-1 No.
Out Door Cable end unit (Plug in type): 3Phase, Single pole, cable
termination - 1 Run for 1000 for each phase - 1 set.
Controller of Accounts
Accounts Officer (I/A) Tendering Procurement Chief Engineer, Electricity
Tendering Procurement Tendering Procurement
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DWA No. KPTCL/CEE/T&P/220kV GIS/ITI/PTK/TLSS-903/2771 dated 23.09.2016 for 220kV GIS Station & TB Supply (Ind) Portion All Amounts in Rs.
Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited
Name of the work: Establishment of 220/66/11 kV Gas Insulated Substation with installed capacity of 2X150MVA, 220/66 kV and 1x31.5MVA 66/11kV Transformers at ITI sub station in Bangalore East Taluk, Bangalore Urban District.
DWA NO. KPTCL/CEE/T&P/220 kV GIS/ITI/PTK/TLSS- 903/3007 dated 29.11.2017 for 220 kV GIS Station Civil portion
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Each module comprising of the following:
SF6 circuit breaker Complete with operating Mechanism, 2000A, 1
Phase / 3 Phase-1 No.
b) Disconnectors:
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Accounts Officer (I/A) Tendering Procurement Chief Engineer, Electricity
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DWA No. KPTCL/CEE/T&P/220kV GIS/ITI/PTK/TLSS-903/2771 dated 23.09.2016 for 220kV GIS Station & TB Supply (Ind) Portion All Amounts in Rs.
Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited
Name of the work: Establishment of 220/66/11 kV Gas Insulated Substation with installed capacity of 2X150MVA, 220/66 kV and 1x31.5MVA 66/11kV Transformers at ITI sub station in Bangalore East Taluk, Bangalore Urban District.
DWA NO. KPTCL/CEE/T&P/220 kV GIS/ITI/PTK/TLSS- 903/3007 dated 29.11.2017 for 220 kV GIS Station Civil portion
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Name of the work: Establishment of 220/66/11 kV Gas Insulated Substation with installed capacity of 2X150MVA, 220/66 kV and 1x31.5MVA 66/11kV Transformers at ITI sub station in Bangalore East Taluk, Bangalore Urban District.
DWA NO. KPTCL/CEE/T&P/220 kV GIS/ITI/PTK/TLSS- 903/3007 dated 29.11.2017 for 220 kV GIS Station Civil portion
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Upright mounting type without Earth switch. LPH 4.250 Mtr. Set 1.00 M/s G.R Power 18.09.2017 10.11.2017 06.03.2018 06.03.2018 27.02.2018 1.00 1.00 15.02.2019 0.00
Rigid Type Terminal Connector Suitable for Drake ACSR-12 Nos
shall be supplied along with Isolators.
A3 Oil filled Current Transformers:
I) 220 kV CT's, of ratio 600-300/1-1-1A
Nos. 2.00 M/s Mehru 16.11.2017 25.11.2017 31.05.2018 25.07.2018 25.07.2018 23.08.2018 15.09.2018 2.00 2.00 18.02.2018 0.00
(for NCT)
II)66 kV CT's, of ratio 1600-1000/1-1-1A
Nos. 2.00 M/s Mehru 16.11.2017 25.11.2017 14.03.2018 10.05.2018 10.05.2018 24.05.2018 27.05.2018 2.00 2.00 20.02.2018 0.00
(for NCT)
b) 220/66/11 kV Transformer - Type 2T6 (Annexure RPP2-SAS) Nos 2.00 Siemens 20.01.2018& 07.02.2018 14.02.2018 02.05.2018 02.05.2018 05.07.2018 2.00 2.00 10.11.2018
c)220 kV Bus Coupler - Type 2BC (Annexure RPP1-SAS) Nos 1.00 Siemens 20.01.2018& 07.02.2018 14.02.2018 02.05.2018 02.05.2018 05.07.2018 1.00 1.00 10.11.2018
d)220 kV Bus bar Protection-Type 2BBA (Annexure RPP3-SAS) Nos 1.00 Siemens 20.01.2018& 07.02.2018 14.02.2018 02.05.2018 02.05.2018 05.07.2018 1.00 1.00 10.11.2018
e) 66KV Line -Type 6L– (Annexure RPP4 -CABLE-SAS type) Nos 8.00 Siemens 20.01.2018& 07.02.2018 14.02.2018 02.05.2018 02.05.2018 05.07.2018 8.00 8.00 10.11.2018
f) 66KV Bus Coupler - Type 6BC (Annexure RPP6-SAS) Nos 1.00 Siemens 20.01.2018& 07.02.2018 14.02.2018 02.05.2018 02.05.2018 05.07.2018 1.00 1.00 10.11.2018
g) 66/11KV Transformer - Type 6T1 (Annexure RPP5-SAS) Nos 3.00 Siemens 20.01.2018& 07.02.2018 14.02.2018 02.05.2018 02.05.2018 05.07.2018 3.00 3.00 10.11.2018
h)Line differential relay to be installed at 220/66/11kV Hoody and
Nos 4.00 Siemens 20.01.2018& 07.02.2018 14.02.2018 02.05.2018 02.05.2018 05.07.2018 4.00 4.00 05.02.2018 RELAY TESTING AND
Hebbal substations for interfacing of OFC. 23.01.2018 CONFIGURATION IS
Note: 4nos. of numerical line differential relays of same make
provided at ITI station end shall be provided, installed, interface
and commissioned in exixting 220kV line C&R panels at Hoody & 02.03.2018&
Hebbal 220/66kV substaions (2Nos. Of differential relays at each Siemens 20.01.2018& 07.02.2018 14.02.2018 02.05.2018 02.05.2018
station) in consultation with KPTCL, TL&SS and RT staff. Also, the 23.01.2018
proposed 2Nos of line differential relays shall be interfaced with
existing Alstom make SAS at Hoody Station.
i) 66 kV line panel Simplex type Nos 1.00 Siemens 20.01.2018& 07.02.2018 14.02.2018 02.05.2018 02.05.2018 05.07.2018 1.00 1.00 20.11.2018
j) 66 kV line differential relay Nos 1.00 Siemens 20.01.2018& 07.02.2018 14.02.2018 02.05.2018 02.05.2018 05.07.2018 1.00 1.00 20.11.2018
(1)The Accuracy class of metering core of CTs, CVTs, VTs and also
trivector meter of control & relay panels shall be 0.2 class instead of
that specified elsewhere in the respective clauses of Technical
Specification of bidding documents.
(2)All the panels shall be of one and the same make for uniformity
and interchangeability of components. Please refer APPENDIX for
type of RELAYS to be provided.
(3)The Electronic Trivector meters with ABT features has to be
provided both on the HV side and IV side of both 220/66KV
Controller of Accounts
Accounts Officer (I/A) Tendering Procurement Chief Engineer, Electricity
Tendering Procurement Tendering Procurement
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DWA No. KPTCL/CEE/T&P/220kV GIS/ITI/PTK/TLSS-903/2771 dated 23.09.2016 for 220kV GIS Station & TB Supply (Ind) Portion All Amounts in Rs.
Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited
Name of the work: Establishment of 220/66/11 kV Gas Insulated Substation with installed capacity of 2X150MVA, 220/66 kV and 1x31.5MVA 66/11kV Transformers at ITI sub station in Bangalore East Taluk, Bangalore Urban District.
DWA NO. KPTCL/CEE/T&P/220 kV GIS/ITI/PTK/TLSS- 903/3007 dated 29.11.2017 for 220 kV GIS Station Civil portion
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Surge Arresters (Porcelain Housing):
i) 60KV, 10KA, Class-III, Metal Oxide Type (Heavy Duty)
A5 Nos. 9.00 M/s Oblum 12.07.2017 24.07.2017 23.08.2017 02.10.2017 02.10.2017 25.10.2017 20.11.2017 9.00 0.00 9.00
Remarks: Surge Arresters are with Surge Monitors & Insulating
ii) 60 kV, 10 KA, class - III, Normal duty Metal oxide type
Remarks: Surge Arresters are with Surge Monitors & Insulating Nos 3.00 M/s Oblum 12.07.2017 24.07.2017 23.08.2017 02.10.2017 02.10.2017 25.10.2017 20.11.2017 3.00 3.00 20.02.2019
A6 Mounting Structures :
Current transformer. 220 kV & NCT's. (0.1500MT per Structure +
i No/MT M/s Shah Infra 03.05.2018 22.11.2018 15.12.2018 15.12.2018 28.12.2018 2.00 2.00 10.02.2019 0.00
5% for B&N)
Current transformer. 66 kV & NCT's. (0.19 MT per Structure + 5%
ii No/MT M/s Shah Infra 03.05.2018 22.11.2018 15.12.2018 15.12.2018 28.12.2018 2.00 2.00 10.02.2019 0.00
for B&N)
High Pedestal Insulator for 31.5MVA Transformers (0.22MT per
iii No/MT M/s Shah Infra 03.05.2018 22.11.2018 15.12.2018 15.12.2018 28.12.2018 0.00
structure + 5% for B&N).
Cable Terminating structure with provision to mount LA's for
iv Transformer: No/MT M/s Shah Infra 22.11.2018 15.12.2018 15.12.2018 28.12.2018
66kV side-0.22 MT per structure
ix Lightening arrestors. 66 kV . (0.14MT per Structure + 5% for B&N) No/MT M/s Shah Infra NA NA NA NA
x Pedestal insulators. 66 kV . (0.15MT per Structure + 5% for B&N) No/MT M/s Shah Infra 22.11.2018 15.12.2018 15.12.2018 28.12.2018
2) Earth Wire: 7/3.15 mm steel with clamps / lugs Mtrs 600.00 0.00
11kV, 500 MVA, 31.5KA, 2000A Incomer & 1600A Feeder, Indoor
switchgear comprising of 1I + 8F + 2CB + 1AP3 VCBs.(Supply by
1 Set
Note: In addition to erection of the above supplied 11kV
Switchgear, existing Switchgears has to be made compatible to SAS
adopted for 220kV Station and also made suitable for 220V DC
system. The same shall be in the scope of bidder.
2 11 kV class 1 x 1000 Sq mm U G Cable XLPE Mtr 450.00 KEI 27.04.2018 18.08.2018 0.00 0.00
3 11 kV class 3 x 400 Sq mm U G Cable XLPE Mtr 425.00 KEI 27.04.2018 18.08.2018 0.00 0.00
(a) 4Runs x 1C x 1000Sqmm 11kV Cable per phase is to be run for
11kV side of 66/11kV Transformer to the 11kV switchgear.
KEI 27.04.2018
(b) 1Run x 3C x 400Sqmm 11kV cable is to be run from 11kV
capacitor bank to the 11kV switchgear.
Name of the work: Establishment of 220/66/11 kV Gas Insulated Substation with installed capacity of 2X150MVA, 220/66 kV and 1x31.5MVA 66/11kV Transformers at ITI sub station in Bangalore East Taluk, Bangalore Urban District.
DWA NO. KPTCL/CEE/T&P/220 kV GIS/ITI/PTK/TLSS- 903/3007 dated 29.11.2017 for 220 kV GIS Station Civil portion
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(a) 220kV side. Nos 12.00 M/s Legion 11.04.2018 03.04.2018 13.04.2018 12.00
3) Post insulator Solid core Insulator 66 kV Nos 3.00 M/sAditya Birla 03.05.2019 18.02.2019 18.02.2019 28.11.2018 28.02.2019 3.02.19 3.00 3.00 15.02.2019
4) Wedged clamp suitable for Drake - Drake Nos 3.00 M/s Legion 11.04.2018 03.04.2018 13.04.2018 3.00
Post insulator clamp suitable for Single Drake ACSR. 127/76 mm
5) Nos 3.00 M/s Legion 11.04.2018 03.04.2018 13.04.2018 3.00
66 kV
a) Auxiliary Transformers with oil, Cable termination type on both
HT & LT side, Outdoor type with off load tap changer in steps of
A12 Set 2.00 M/s Vijay Electric 03.05.2018 20.06.2018 27.06.2018 27.07.2018 27.07.2018 16.08.2018 22.08.18 2.00 2.00 30.12.2018 0.00
250 kVA, 11 kV/433 V, 3 Phase, Delta / Star, Dyn 11.
a) Power Cable from Auxiliary Transformers to LTAC Panel: 1.1
kV PVC insulated 240 Al. Cable, 4 Core with glands / Mtrs 200.00 23.11.2017 29.05.2018 27.06.2018 27.06.2018 NA 27.11.2018 05.07.2018 100.00 200.00 0.00
lugs / Ferrules.
D.G.Set: 3 Ph, 50 Hz, 415V, 0.8 PF, 63 KVA capacity D.G.Set 11.08.2017 &
A16 No. 1.00 Powerica 28.08.2017 24.08.2017 23.10.2017 1.00 1.00 20.08.2018 0.00
including civil works as per technical specifications. 23.08.2017
Battery charger suitable for 220 V, 600 AH, Battery set consisting of
2 110No. Cells per Bank with Float (1 No) & Boost (1No) including Set 2.00 M/s . Banavathy 13.12.2017 02.01.2018 27.02.2018 1.00 2.00 10.12.2018 0.00
control panel, as per technical specifications.
i 2.5 19 core Mtr 12250.00 M/s. KEC 23.11.2017 29.05.2018 27.06.2018 27.06.2018 NA 27.11.2018 05.07.2018 12250.00 20.11.2018 0.00
ii 2.5 10 core Mtr 13000.00 M/s. KEC 23.11.2017 29.05.2018 27.06.2018 27.06.2018 NA 27.11.2018 05.07.2018 10508.00 20.11.2018 0.00
iii 2.5 2 core Mtr 2000.00 M/s. KEC 23.11.2017 29.05.2018 27.06.2018 27.06.2018 NA 27.11.2018 05.07.2018 10.12.2018 0.00
iv 6 4 core Mtr 14300.00 M/s. KEC 23.11.2017 29.05.2018 27.06.2018 27.06.2018 NA 27.11.2018 05.07.2018 7140.00 10.12.2018 0.00
v 16 4 core Mtr 1000.00 M/s. KEC 23.11.2017 29.05.2018 27.06.2018 27.06.2018 NA 27.11.2018 05.07.2018 535.00 15.12.2018 0.00
vi 4 4 core Mtr 5150.00 M/s. KEC 23.11.2017 29.05.2018 27.06.2018 27.06.2018 NA 27.11.2018 05.07.2018 5025.00 15.12.2018 0.00
vii 25 4 core Mtr 1000.00 M/s. KEC 23.11.2017 29.05.2018 27.06.2018 27.06.2018 NA 27.11.2018 05.07.2018 735.00 25.12.2018 0.00
viii 150 2 core Mtr 500.00 M/s. KEC 23.11.2017 29.05.2018 27.06.2018 27.06.2018 NA 27.11.2018 05.07.2018 30.12.2018 0.00
A20 Fire fighting Equipments with necessary mounting stands: BCFS 01.12.2017 30.12.2017
Name of the work: Establishment of 220/66/11 kV Gas Insulated Substation with installed capacity of 2X150MVA, 220/66 kV and 1x31.5MVA 66/11kV Transformers at ITI sub station in Bangalore East Taluk, Bangalore Urban District.
DWA NO. KPTCL/CEE/T&P/220 kV GIS/ITI/PTK/TLSS- 903/3007 dated 29.11.2017 for 220 kV GIS Station Civil portion
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Water Type (Gas Pressure Type) -
b) Nos 10.00 12.02.2018 6.03.2018 0.00 0.00
9.0 litres
c) Carbon-di-oxide Type = 4.5 Kgs. Nos 10.00 12.02.2018 6.03.2018 0.00 0.00
d) Sand Type
Nos 16.00 12.02.2018 6.03.2018 0.00 0.00
i.G.I Bucket 15 litres
ii. Steel stands Nos 4.00 12.02.2018 6.03.2018 0.00 0.00
i)Nitrogen Injection fire extinguishing system with fire
extinguishing cubicle, control box, conservator isolation valve, fire
detectors, signal box, online testing facility etc as per specification
and including civil Engineering works like waste oil pit etc., as per Set 2.00 M/s. Imp 18.11.2017 27.12.2017 2.00 30.01.2019 0.00
the relavant technical specification and as per the recomendation of
the supplier of the firefighting system for 220 kV, 100 MVA and
above power Transformer.
Name of the work: Establishment of 220/66/11 kV Gas Insulated Substation with installed capacity of 2X150MVA, 220/66 kV and 1x31.5MVA 66/11kV Transformers at ITI sub station in Bangalore East Taluk, Bangalore Urban District.
DWA NO. KPTCL/CEE/T&P/220 kV GIS/ITI/PTK/TLSS- 903/3007 dated 29.11.2017 for 220 kV GIS Station Civil portion
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M/s.Applied Techno
26 Insulation megger 2.5 - 5 kV No. 1.00 1.09.2017 31.08.2017 29.01.2018 29.01.2018 28.09.2017 1.00
M/s.Applied Techno
27 Insulation megger 500 V No. 1.00 1.09.2017 31.08.2017 29.01.2018 29.01.2018 28.09.2017 1.00
M/s.Applied Techno
28 SF-6 Gas leak detector / Gas filling. No. 1.00 1.09.2017 31.08.2017 29.01.2018 29.01.2018 28.09.2017 1.00
M/s.Applied Techno
29 Multimeter electromechanical No. 1.00 1.09.2017 31.08.2017 29.01.2018 29.01.2018 28.09.2017 1.00
M/s.Applied Techno
30 Multimeter Electronic No. 1.00 1.09.2017 31.08.2017 29.01.2018 29.01.2018 28.09.2017 1.00
M/s.Applied Techno
31 Hydrometer Nos. 2.00 1.09.2017 31.08.2017 29.01.2018 29.01.2018 28.09.2017 2.00
M/s.Applied Techno
32 DC Voltmeter range -3V to + 5V No. 1.00 1.09.2017 31.08.2017 29.01.2018 29.01.2018 28.09.2017 1.00
M/s.Applied Techno
33 Hydrometer syring suitable for vent holes No. 1.00 1.09.2017 31.08.2017 29.01.2018 29.01.2018 28.09.2017 1.00
M/s.Applied Techno
34 Specific gravity correction chart No. 1.00 1.09.2017 31.08.2017 29.01.2018 29.01.2018 28.09.2017 1.00
M/s.Applied Techno
35 Earth resistance tester No. 1.00 1.09.2017 31.08.2017 29.01.2018 29.01.2018 28.09.2017 1.00
M/s.Applied Techno
36 Arc welding machine 10 KVA No. 1.00 1.09.2017 31.08.2017 29.01.2018 29.01.2018 28.09.2017 1.00
M/s.Applied Techno
37 Thermometer with wall mounting holder No. 1.00 1.09.2017 31.08.2017 29.01.2018 29.01.2018 28.09.2017 1.00
M/s.Applied Techno
38 Rubber appron Nos. 2.00 1.09.2017 31.08.2017 29.01.2018 29.01.2018 28.09.2017 1.00
M/s.Applied Techno
39 Pippette Nos. 2.00 1.09.2017 31.08.2017 29.01.2018 29.01.2018 28.09.2017 2.00
M/s.Applied Techno
40 Protective goggles Nos. 2.00 1.09.2017 31.08.2017 29.01.2018 29.01.2018 28.09.2017 2.00
M/s.Applied Techno
41 Acid resisting jars (4 pint capacity) Nos. 4.00 1.09.2017 31.08.2017 29.01.2018 29.01.2018 28.09.2017 4.00
M/s.Applied Techno
42 Rubber shoes knee height Pairs 2.00 1.09.2017 31.08.2017 29.01.2018 29.01.2018 28.09.2017 2.00
M/s.Applied Techno
43 Glass funnel Nos. 2.00 1.09.2017 31.08.2017 29.01.2018 29.01.2018 28.09.2017 2.00
M/s.Applied Techno
44 Hickery rods Nos. 4.00 1.09.2017 31.08.2017 29.01.2018 29.01.2018 28.09.2017 4.00
M/s.Applied Techno
45 Grounding sticks Nos. 4.00 1.09.2017 31.08.2017 29.01.2018 29.01.2018 28.09.2017 4.00
M/s.Applied Techno
46 Manila rope 1" Meters 100.00 1.09.2017 31.08.2017 29.01.2018 29.01.2018 28.09.2017 100.00
M/s.Applied Techno
47 Manila rope 3/4" Meters 100.00 1.09.2017 31.08.2017 29.01.2018 29.01.2018 28.09.2017 100.00
M/s.Applied Techno
48 Files of sizes No. 6.00 1.09.2017 31.08.2017 29.01.2018 29.01.2018 28.09.2017 6.00
M/s.Applied Techno
49 Portable drilling machine with stand heavy duty No 1.00 1.09.2017 31.08.2017 29.01.2018 29.01.2018 28.09.2017 1.00
M/s.Applied Techno
50 Hand drilling machine No 1.00 1.09.2017 31.08.2017 29.01.2018 29.01.2018 28.09.2017 1.00
M/s.Applied Techno
51 Saftey belts No 2.00 1.09.2017 31.08.2017 29.01.2018 29.01.2018 28.09.2017 2.00
M/s.Applied Techno
52 Saftey Helmets No 2.00 1.09.2017 31.08.2017 29.01.2018 29.01.2018 28.09.2017 2.00
M/s.Applied Techno
53 Steel measuring tape 30 meters No 1.00 1.09.2017 31.08.2017 29.01.2018 29.01.2018 28.09.2017 1.00
M/s.Applied Techno
54 Steel measuring tape 15 meters No 1.00 1.09.2017 31.08.2017 29.01.2018 29.01.2018 28.09.2017 1.00
Miscellaneous items like rubber mats, first aid box, danger boards,
shock treatment charts, water filter door locks, fixograph, M/s.Applied Techno
A23 L/S 1.00 1.09.2017 31.08.2017 29.01.2018 29.01.2018 28.09.2017 1.00
substations name board, and other sundry items (sizes / capacities Products
to be got approved)
2 Steel Almirahs 6 1/2 feet with glass panel doors. No. 1.00 0.00 1.00
4 Steel slotted angle rack (big size) No. 4.00 0.00 4.00
5 Steel slotted angle rack (small size) No. 4.00 0.00 4.00
Controller of Accounts
Accounts Officer (I/A) Tendering Procurement Chief Engineer, Electricity
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