Module in Teaching Circle

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This teaching module is written with an aim of integrating history of

Mathematics in teaching circle to grade six elementary students. Included in

the discussions are the parts, circumference and area of a circle. The

lessons employ strategies such as exploration, discovery and discussion to

deepen students understanding and to make Math learning meaningful to

the students. A CD-ROM disk is provided. It includes videos and PowerPoint

Presentations which can be used in teaching the lessons.

Time Frame: 1 session (1 hour)


At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:

1. Define a circle
2. Identify the different parts of a circle
3. Determine the relationship between the radius and diameter of a circle
4. Solve problems involving basic ideas related to circles

Subject Matter

Topic: Parts of a Circle

Materials: “Circle” Worksheet (Quantity depends on the Number of Students)
Colored Pencils
“Circle Parts” Worksheets
“Reflection” Worksheets
PowerPoint Presentation on “Parts of a Circle”
Values: Appreciation of the importance of circles in our daily life

Lesson Proper

(Note: Use the PowerPoint Presentation on Parts of a Circle provided in the cd.)
A. Motivation:
Present the video “Circle Around Us” (This is included in the PowerPoint.) to
the students. After watching the video, ask the students to site other examples of
things that can be seen inside the classroom that are circular in shape. Then, tell
the students that the study of the circle goes back beyond the recorded history. The
invention of the wheel is a fundamental discovery of properties of a circle (show
pictures of Sumerians and their wooden wheel included in the PowerPoint). Ask the

students what they think would happen if the wheels of the vehicles are oblong or
B. Presentation of the Lesson
1. Tie a string around a piece of chalk and use it to draw a circle on the
chalkboard. Hold the string down with your thumb or finger and pull the string
tight with the chalk. Now use the chalk to draw a circle. Emphasize the idea that
to be able to construct a circle there must be a fixed point in the center and the
distance from the center (length of the string) is also fixed. Define a circle. (The
definition is on the PowerPoint slide 4)

2. Pass out copies of the “Circle” worksheet, and have students cut out
the circle. • a set of points that hav
“Circle” worksheet

the same distance from

a fixed point.
3. Tell the students to fold the circle in half and then unfold it. Ask them
to use a colored pencil and a ruler to trace the line segment formed by the
crease they just made, and ask them to label this colored line “diameter” (see
“Labeled Circle: Front” sample).

4. Have students fold the circle in half again, but not along the same fold
as before. Again tell them to unfold, and ask whether they notice anything

special about where these two lines intersect. (It is the center of the circle.) Have
them draw a dot there and label it “center”.
5. Repeat step four twice more for a total of four diameters.
6. Have the students use a different colored pencil and a ruler to trace
the line segment along any diameter from the center to the edge of the circle.
Tell them to label this line segment “radius”.
7. Have students make a final crease by making a “flap” (making any fold
that does not go through the center). Have them use a different colored pencil
and a ruler to trace and label this line “chord”.
8. Now, have the students turn the circle over and use a different colored
pencil to trace around the periphery (boundary) of the circle. Have them label
this “circumference”.
9. Ask the students to use their labeled circle to verbally define chord,
diameter, radius and circumference. Give guidance as necessary. Point out that
the diameter is a special chord because it goes through the center. Use the
PowerPoint Presentation (slides 5, 6, 7 & 8) to present the definitions formally.


10. To see if the students know how to identify the parts of a circle, use
the figure on the PowerPoint presentation slide 9. The answers are on slide 10.

Given the circleAnswers:

with center at P,
name theChords
following: 4
11. Have students use the ruler and yarn to measure each circle part.
Compare answers and discuss. Through discussion, be sure students notice that
all diameters have the same length, that the radius is half the diameter and,
conversely, that the diameter is twice the radius, and that the chords can have
many different lengths. The teacher may use slide 11 of the PowerPoint
presentation to present these relationships formally.

All the radii of a circle are

All the diameters are congr
12. Give problems involving the diameter and radius of a circle. Use the
examples on slides 12 and 13. The measure of the diamet
is twice the measure of the
12 13
radius r. Formulas that rela
1. Find the radius these
2.Find measures
of athecircle are: of a c
diameter of 10with cm.dradius
= 2r and 2 in. r = ½d

Evaluation cm n
Have students complete the “Circle Parts” Worksheet.

Answer: 5 cm

Have students complete the “Reflection” Worksheet.

Time Frame: 2 sessions (1 hour per session)


At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:

1. Recall the definition of circumference
2. Calculate the ratio of circumference to diameter
3. Compare the different approximations of the value of pi across history

4. Use calculator to calculate for the different approximations of the value of pi
5. Discover the formula for the circumference of a circle
6. Find the circumference of a circle

Subject Matter

Topic: Pi and Circle Circumference

Materials: pieces of string, approximately 48” long
Cans of different sizes
PowerPoint Presentation of “Pi and Circle Circumference”
Value: Cooperation and Unity

Day 1
Lesson Proper

A. Motivation
As a warm-up, ask students to measure the length and width of their
desktops. Ask them to decide which type of unit should be used. Then, have
students measure or calculate the distance around the outside of their desktops.
With the class, discuss the following:
1. What unit did you use to measure your desks? Why? (The students must
agree that due to the size of the desks, the most appropriate units are
probably inches or centimeters.)
2. Why did some of your classmates get different measurements for the
dimensions of their desks? (The students must realize that measurements will
obviously differ because of the units. Moreover, the level of precision may
give different results.)
3. What do you call the distance around the outside of an object? (The students
must answer that the distance around the outside of a polygon is known as
the perimeter. The distance around the outside of a circle is known as the

B. Presentation of the Lesson
1. Inform the class that they will be measuring the circumference of the bases of
the cans during today’s lessons.
2. Divide the class into groups of four students. Each student in the group will be
given a different job.
• Task Leader: Ensures all students are participating; lets the teacher
know if the group needs help or has a question.
• Recorder: Keeps group copy of measurements and calculations from
• Measurer: Measures items. However all students should check
measurements to ensure accuracy.
• Presenter: Presents the group’s findings and ideas to the class.
In grouping let the students give their insight on the effect of cooperation and unity
in solving real life problems.
3. Pass out a copy of “What’s in a Circle?” Worksheet to each group. Let the
students do the activity in the worksheet. Remind the class that they have 15-20
minutes to finish the activity.

4. When all groups have completed the measurement and calculations, let each
group present their findings and ideas to the class.
5. Explain to the students that they have just discovered the value of pi which is
use for many calculations having to do with circles. Discuss what pi is and its
approximations. Use the PowerPoint Presentation slides 2 and 3.

• Pi is the ratio of the circumference

to the :
diameter. The Firs
• It is an irrational3.1415926535897932384626
number . That
• A whole pie means that it can not be written as
the ratio of two integer numbers. I
takes an infinite372458700660631558817488
number of 8 digits t
give its exact value (You can neve
6. Present the symbol for pi ( π ) and the numerical value of pi. Tell the class that it
was William Jones, a self taught English Mathematician born in Wales, who
selected the Greek letter π for the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter
in 1706. (Use the PowerPoint presentation slide 6 )

• The symbol for pi is π.
• It was William Jones, a self
7. Discuss some uses of pi. (Use slide 6)
taught English
Mathematician, who selected
the Greek Pi has
π for theuses:ratio
of a circle’s circumference to
its diameter in 1706. Engineering
• Pi was chosen as the letter to Navigati
8. Point out that groups within class represent
may have obtained slightly different glob
approximations for π . Explain that determining the exact value of π the
3.141592…because letter
is very hard Wil
to calculate, so approximations are π in used.
often Greek, pronounced
Let students discover like
approximations of π throughout the history. Pass out copies of “Solve A Round-
our “p”, stands for perimeter.
The-World Puzzle” Activity Sheets. Let the students to work in pairs. After 10
minutes, call for volunteers to discuss each item on the activity.

Day 2
Lesson Proper

A. Motivation/ Review Other problems

Recall the relationship between circumference, diameter and π from the circle
previous activity. Students must recall the relationship
Signals: below:
Radio, TV,
circumfere nce ÷diameter π or π =

Tell the class that it was Euclid of Alexandria (325-265 BC) who proved that
the ratio of C over d is always the same, regardless of the size of the circle. He did it
by inscribing regular polygons inside circles of different sizes. He was able to show
that the perimeter of the polygon was proportional to the radius (which is half of the
diameter), regardless of its size. He then increased the number of sides of the
polygon, realizing that as he increased them, the perimeter of the polygon got
closer and closer to that of the circle. Therefore, he was able to prove that the
perimeter of the circle (circumference) is proportional to the radius and also to the
diameter. Emphasized that this method was similar to the one used by Archimedes
of Syracuse, Sicily (287-212 BC) who did the first theoretical calculation of π . (Use
the PowerPoint Presentation to show pictures of Euclid and Archimedes. The teacher
may also share some information on how Archimedes approximated pi.)
B. Presentation of the Lesson
1. Ask the students to come up with a formula that would allow them to calculate
the circumference of a circle if they knew only the diameter of the circle and the
value of pi.
2. The students must agree that the formula for Circumference is C = πd . Ask the
students what will be the formula for the C if the given is the radius. They must
come up with the formula C = 2πr .
3. Students should practice solving problems involving the circumference of a circle.
Emphasize that circumference of a circle is just an approximation if they use 3.14 as
the value of π . This is because 3.14 is only one approximation of π . Use the
examples provided on the PowerPoint Presentation.

1. The world’s largest 2. A co

Ferris wheel in Eliza
Yokohama City, actre
Japan, has a in. cir
3. The earth’s 4. The side of the ruff (c
diameter of 328is
circumference ft.
square is 18 cm from
Find its long.
approximately 25,000
Queen Find the
Elizabeth I of
(1533 -1603) of need
mi. Find the
England 10

its inscribed circum

4. To sum up the lesson on Pi and Circumference , teach the song “Circle of
Friends”. (Use the PowerPoint to play the song.)

Circle of Friends
Call me Ra(y) – Dius
You know my friends and me
We move in proper circles of pla
Evaluation: geometry.
Lovely Lady Di Ameter
Ask the students to answer the following problems:She’s twice as great, its true.

And our good friend Sir Circumfere

Solve the following problems:
He’s always with us too.
1. According to Guinness, the world’s largest rice cake measured 5.83 feet in
diameter. What is the circumference of thisOur
cake? relationships
(Answer: C ≈ 18.31 ft)are constant
2. The tallest tree in the world is believed toYou
be thecan change
Mendicino Tree, a them
redwood if you try

Circumference divided by diameter

near Ukiah, California, that is 112 meters tall. Near the ground, the
circumference of this tree is about 9.85 meters. The age of a redwood can be
Or should I day 3.14159 or so
estimated by comparing its diameter to trees with similar diameters. What is
the diameter of the Medicino tree? (Answer: is nobody seems to kno
≈ 3.14 m)


Have the students complete the “Reflection” worksheet.

Time Frame: 1 session (1 hour)


At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:

1. Discover the formula for the area of a circle
2. Find the area of a circle
3. Estimate the area of circles using methods used throughout history

Subject Matter

Topic: Area of a Circle

Materials: “Fraction Circles” activity sheet

PowerPoint Presentation of “Area of a Circle”
Value: Be optimistic in dealing with problems

Lesson Proper

A. Review
Ask students to define area. (Area is the number of square units it takes to
cover a 2-dimensional figure.) Recall how to find the area of a rectangle or square
(Area = length x width).
B. Presentation of the Lesson
1. Pass out copies of the “Fraction Circles” activity sheet.

2. Ask the students to cut the circle from the sheet and divide it into four wedges.
(The students will cut along the solid black lines.) Ask the students to arrange the
shapes as shown below: (Use the figure on slide 2 of the PowerPoint Presentation
on Area of a Circle to demonstrate the shape.)

4 wedges
The points of the wedges alternately point up and down.
3. Ask the students this question: “When arranged in this way, do pieces look like
any shape you know?” Students would likely suggest that the shape is unfamiliar.
4. Have students divide each wedge into thinner wedges so that there are eight
wedges in total. (Students will cut along the thicker dashed lines.) Ask the students

to arrange the wedges alternately up and down. (Use the PowerPoint to guide the

5. Ask the students if this arrangement look like a shape they know. This time,8 wedges
students will be more likely to suggest that the arrangement looks like a
6. Have students divide each wedge into thinner wedges so that there are sixteen
wedges total. (Students cut along all of the dashed lines.) Ask them to arrange the
wedges alternately point up and down, as shown below: (Use the PowerPoint
Presentation to guide the students.)

16 wedges
7. Ask, “When the circle is divided into wedges and arrange like this, does it look
like another shape you know? What do you think will happen if we kept dividing the
wedges and arranging them like this?” The students must realize that the shape
resembles a parallelogram, but if it is continually divided, it will more closely
resemble a rectangle. (If time permits, the class may continue this activity by
dividing the wedges even further.)
8. Ask the students, “What are the dimensions of the rectangle that is formed? (Use
slide 6 of the PowerPoint.) From the lesson on Circumference, students should
realize that the length of the rectangle is equal to half of the circumference of the

circle which is π r. The students must also realize that the width of the rectangle is
equal to the radius of the circle which is r. Recall that to find the area of a rectangle,
multiply the length and the width. Consequently, the area of the rectangle formed
by the wedges of the circle is π xr2= π r2. This activity gives the formula for
the area of a circle A = π r2.

As the number of wedges → ∝,

shape becomes more and more

½ C = πr
9. Give examples of problems involving the area of a circle. Use the problems on
the PowerPoint presentation. Again, emphasize that the total area is just an
approximation if we used 3.14 as the value of

1. The length of the

What are a dimensions of th
radius ofWhat
A = πr 2
a circle cmof th
is its area in terms
A = πr 2

is 12 cm. Find
the area. Remember A
C = 2πr
Solution: 4. If the area of a
3. The diameter of the
Aztec calendar stone
shown at the right iswhat
12 is its diam
feet. This stone, which
weighs over 24 tons,
= Solution:
may have enabled the
Aztecs to calculateSolution:
≈ (3.14)(144)
motions of the planets.
If= A =
π(1.5) 2 152 r = ½
πr = 49
Find the area≈and452.16 cm 2
circumference of the ≈ (3.14)(2.25)
In solving difficult problems remind the students to always be positive in
dealing with them. No matter how circuitous and difficult they might be, there’s
always a way to solve them.
10. Show how Ancient Egyptians solve the area of a circle. (Use slides 11-19 of the
PowerPoint Presentation.)

11 12 13

How would you calculate explore how people figured
The Egyptian Octago
area of this circle ? circle areas before all this π
business ?
...probably using the formula A = πr2
Since the diameter is 2 feet,
“r”, the radius, is 1 foot.
? 15 16

2 feet
The Egyptian Octagon
1 foot Method
The constant π, called
The Egyptian Octagon
“pi”, is about 3.14 Method ?
The Egyptian Octagon M ?
The ancient
Finally... we draw Egyli
A = we
π r2 divide the
to divide
had athe smallT
square into* 1nine
* 1 equal
method in1that
the corne a
17 18 ≈ 3.14
smaller square
squares.19 feet
cutting9 them 18 on
their diagonals.
Sort of like a tic-tac- 2AMAZING
2 feet

2 feet

2 feet
The Egyptian2Octagon
feet Method
The Egyptian 2 feet
Octagon Method close
1 to1
feet for
the 1

toe game !
means “about equal to” to the pi-based “modern
9 the9 8-sided 9
using pi.
shape, an octagon,
...and Notice that each FINALLY...
1. we’re almost
1 we’vesquare have 18 created
got... is 1/9 the area We have an OCTAGON w 1 ! 18
1. 1.
9 18 9
of video
18 the lessons on circle play the
11. To summarize the large one20.--th areaNotice,
on slide = 7/9 of the also, that its
original sq
4 pieces that are 1/18
we’ll use7 thatisfact Thelooks pretty close
had to
2 feet

2 feet

3.11 square feet

1 1 1 or 4/18ths which 2/9ths original square a
Evaluation:9 29feet 9 later ! 29feet of our
of 4 square 2feet. feetcircle !
Plus 5 more 1/9ths
1. 1. So the OCTAGON’s area
18 1 18
Ask the students to answer the following problems:
For a total area that is must be 7/9 x 4 or 28/9
1. A round clock has a diameter of 15 in.
7/9Find theour
ths of area. A ≈ 176.625 in2)
original or 3 and 1/9about 0.03 o
square or about 3.11 square
2 feet 2 feet

2. The radar screens used by air traffic controllers are circular. If the radius of the
circle is 12 centimeters, what is the total area of the screen? (Answer: A ≈
452.16 cm2)


As an extension to the discussion, students will use the Internet to research

various methods for approximating the area of circles throughout history. In pairs,
students would try the various methods and determine the accuracy of their results
as compared to the formula that they found. They have to answer the following

• What cultures used good methods that produced accurate results?

• Did anything surprise you about these methods or the results?

Each pair of students would report back to the class using a poster, overhead
transparencies, or PowerPoint presentation. (A rubric for group project/output will
be use to grade the students.)

Circle (Chapter Assessment)


Name:________________________________Grade & Section________


I. Use the circle at the right for each of the following:

1. Name the circle.__________________________

2. Name the radii of the circle._____________________
3. Name a diameter of the circle.__________________

4. If the radius of the circle is 3 cm, how long is its diameter?________

5. If the diameter of the circle is 16.4 in., how long is its radius?______

II. Solve the following problems:

1. Find the circumference of the circle.

2. A circular man-made lake has a radius of 30m. What is its area?
3. A circle has a circumference of 19.45 m. Give its radius, diameter and area.


Charles, R., Dossey, J., Leinwand, S., Seeley, C., and Embse C. (1999). Middle School
Math (pp.456-460). USA: Adison Wesley Longman, Inc.

Oronce, O., and Mendoza, M. (2007). E-Math III (pp.492-500).Manila: Rex Book Store

Kenda, M., and Williams, P. (1995). Math Wizardry for Kids (pp.44-45).New York City:
Scholastic Inc.

History of Pi. (1997). The Math Forum. Retrieved November 23, 2008, from

Interesting Facts about Pi. Retrieved November 10, 2008, from


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