DLP in Angle of Elevation and Depression

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 9

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
 define angles of elevation and depression.
 identify angles of elevation and depression
 determine the measure of angle of elevation or depression of an object.
II. Subject matter:
A. Topic: Angle of Elevation and Depression
B. Reference: Grade 9 Mathematics Learners Material
C. Materials: Powerpoint presentation, chalk and board
III. Procedure

Teachers activity Student activity

A. Daily routine (Engage)
Good day everyone, let us all stand
and feel the presence of the board.
Charis, kindly lead the prayer Dear heavenly father,
Guide our hearts and minds as we
gather for this class discussion. Grant
us wisdom to understand and learn
from one another, patience to listen
attentively, and kindness to share our
thoughts respectfully. May our
discussion be fruitful and filled with
grace, as we seek to grow in
knowledge and understanding. In your
Once again , good morning everyone holy name we pray, Amen.
How are you today?
Good morning ma’am
Class before you take your seat, (Different response)
kindly pick-up scattered pieces of
paper and plastic under your chairs
and make sure that your chairs are
properly aligned. If you’re done
please sit down and be quiet.

Now let us check your attendance.

Who’s absent today? None ma’am
Wow that’s good to hear.

Before we continue let us recall our

rules when we are having classroom
1. Be ready to learn.
What are they? 2. Listen very carefully.
3. Raise your hand to speak.
4. Be respectful.
5. Work hard and have fun.
Very good class!

Before we begin to our lesson, let’s

have a recap on our previous lesson
by playing a game.

Okay class do you want to hear a (Different response)

Alright class our game called “Pass
me and answer me”
Yes ma’am.
Are you ready?

Now I will give this bag to the first

student in the right side. He/she will
pass this bag beside him /her. While
passing the bag, I will play a music
and as the music stop, the student
having the bag, he or she will get a
colored paper (red, violet or pink)
inside the bag. If he/she will get a
red colored paper, he/she will
answer my provided question. If
he/she will get a violet colored
paper, the man in his/her left side
will answer and if he/she will get a
pink colored paper, the man in
his/her right side will answer my Yes ma’am.

Okay, let’s begin
Sine, cosine, and tangent.
1. What are the primary Cosecant, secant, and cotangent.
trigonometric ratios? Sine ϴ = opposite/ hypotenuse
2. What are the secondary Cosine ϴ = adjacent/ hypotenuse
trigonometric ratios? Tangent ϴ = opposite/ adjacent
3. SOH stands for?
4. CAH stands for?
5. TOA stands for?

B. Motivation (Explore)
Class I have here two moving
pictures, all you need to do is to
observe or you can also follow them.
Let’s have the first one.

and we have here another

(Students answer may varied)

What have you observe class?

Okay, everyday we tend to look on

things around us, sometimes we
need to look up and sometimes we
need to look down. (Student may answer yes or no)

Now my question is, why do we

need to look up and look down?
Have you tried thinking that one?
Yes ma’am.
Alright, so we need to look up for us
to see the things above us and we try
to look down for us to see the thing
below us.
Do you agree class?

C. Presentation of the lesson

Now as we look up and as we look
down there are angles there that are Ma’am about “Angle of Elevation and
formed. These angles are what we Angle of Depression”
called “Angle of Elevation and
Angle of Depression”.
Anyone who knows already our
topic for today?

That’s correct! For today’s lesson

we will discuss “Angle of Elevation
and Angle of Depression”

D. Lesson Proper (Explain)

Let’s start!
I have here a figure.

Suppose that you are the person in

the figure. As a person if we’re
going to look straight, there is
imaginary line that is formed which
is our eye level. This imaginary line
is what we called HORIZONTAL

Now as we walk around you Ma’am we’re going to look up.

observed that there is an airplane
Ma’am we’re going look down.
passing over you and you also
observe that there is a cat that is
coming towards you.

The question is, what are you going

to do to see the airplane?

How about to see the cat?

Very good! For you to see the plane,

you need to look up. Now as we
look up there is this line that is
formed and for you to see the cat
there is this line that is formed as
you look down. Now this line here is
what we called the line of sight.

As I’ve said, when we look up and

look down there are angles that are
formed. As we look up, the angle
that is formed is “Angle of
Elevation” and as we look down, the Ma’am angle of elevation is the angle
angle that is formed is “Angle of that is formed when we look up.
Ma’am angle of depression is the angle
Even in our simple life experiences that is formed when we look down.
we can see angle of elevation and
depression. Ma’am the line of sight is the line that
is formed when we try to look the
Now based on the figure that I object below or above us.
presented to you, what is then an
angle of elevation?

How about the angle of depression?

Yes that’s correct!

And how about the line of sight?
Angle of Elevation- is the angle
formed between the horizontal line and
the observer’s new line of sight to an
Very good! object located ABOVE the horizontal.
All of your answers are correct.

Now let’s have the formal definition

of the three.
We will define them one at a time.
First is angle of elevation.
Kindly read the definition of
elevation. Yes ma’am.

Angle of Depression- is the angle

Okay so in angle of elevation we formed between the horizontal line and
have here the key word which is the the observer’s new line of sight to an
word “ABOVE” object located below the horizontal.
Angle of elevation is the angle from
the horizontal line to the line of sight
of the observer to the object above.
Is that clear?

Next who wants to read the

definition of angle of depression?

Yes ma’am.
Angle of depression is the angle
from the horizontal line to the line of Line of Sight – is the line which is
sigh of the observer to the object drawn from the eyes of the observer to
below. Here in angle of depression the point being viewed on the object.
the key word is “BELOW”.
Again we have two key words
“above & below”.
Elevation- above Yes ma’am.
Did you understand class?
Now let’s proceed to the line of
Please read.
(One of the student will go in front)

Line of sight is the imaginary line

(The student will follow)
that connects the eye of an observer
to the object being observed.
Is that clear class?
I hope so.

Let’s have an example.

I need one student to be in front, all
she/he needs to do is to follow all
my instructions.
Suppose that you are a janitor (Student will identify the line of sight)
looking down at the crumpled paper
on the floor.
Ma’am the angle that is formed is the
Now I want you to identify the angle of depression.
segment that represent the line of
sight and the angle that represent the
angle of elevation or angle of

Anyone who wants to identify where Yes ma’am.

is the line of sight of the observer
that connects to the objects?
Very good! (The student will look at the top of the
Then if that is the observer’s line of board)
sight, what angle that is formed?

Wow that’s correct! Ma’am the angle that is formed is the

Always remember class that if the angle of elevation.
observer will look down to things
below him/her, the angle that is
formed there is always angle of
depression. None ma’am.
Is that clear? Yes ma’am.

Everybody I want you look up to see

the top of the board.

As you look up to see the top of the

board, what do you think is the angle
that is formed?

Good job class!

Do you have any question class
regarding angle of elevation and
Are you sure? If none I assume that
you really understand the difference
between angle of elevation and
Ma’am that’s a clinometer.
As you can see class, I have here an
What do you call this object?
(One of the student will go in front)

(The student will use the clinometer to

see the ceiling fan)
Ma’am angle of elevation.

Very good! This is a clinometer.

Clinometer is used to measure the
angle of elevation. (Student answer may varied)
Again, I need one student to be in
Using clinometer I want you to look
at the ceiling fan.

As she/he look at the ceiling fan,

what do you think is the angle that is Yes ma’am.
Yes that’s correct.
(smaller student will go in front and
We already know that if the observer use clinometer to see the ceiling fan)
will look up to see the fan there s (Student answer may varied)
angle of elevation.
Now through the use of clinometer Ma’am the measure of the angle of
we can determine the measure of the elevation changes depending on the
angle. height of the observer.
Who wants to determine the measure
of the angle of elevation?
Very good class! None ma’am.
In order to determine the measure of
the angle we need to look carefully
where the thread or string will be
because that is our basis in
determining the measure of the
Again I need one student who is
smaller than the previous student
and do the same thing.

What is the measure of the angle?

Yes very good!
1. Respect everyone’s opinions
What have you observed?
and ideas.
2. Stay focus and avoid
Yes that’s correct! distraction during the activity.
Do you have any question or 3. Cooperate and work
clarification class? collaboratively with your group
If none let’s have an activity. mates.
4. Have fun and enjoy the
E. Application (Elaborate) activity.
Right now, let’s have an activity.
Please count off from1-4 starting
from you.
Group 1 please stand up know your
group mates and occupy in that area,
similar with 2 on that area, 3 on that
area and 4 on that area.

Before we start the activity, let’s

recall our rules when we are having
an activity.
What are they?

Good job class!

I have prepared 4 pictures here. I
want you to choose one of you group
mates to come in front to pick a
After picking you may start
answering your activity.

Direction: examine the picture and
identify whether it represent an
angle of elevation or angle of
depression. Explain your answer.
(write your answer at the back of the
picture then later on you will present
it in front)



(The students will start doing their


(The students will present their output

in front)

Criteria points
1. Contents /10 (Student answer may varied)
 Clear and organized
 Relevant and accurate
information provided. (Student answer may varied)
2. Delivery /10
 Clear and articulate (Student Answer may varied)
 Engaging and confident
presentation style.
Total: 20 points.

I will give you 5 minutes to finish

your activity.

After 5 minutes.

Very good class!

What did you do to come up with Yes ma’am.

your output?

Wow that’s good to hear! Ma’am angle of elevation is the angle

that is formed when we look up to see
Then what did you realize while the object above us.
doing the activity?
Very good Class! Angle of depression is the angle that is
Now, How will you relate angle of formed when we look down to see the
depression and elevation in real life. object below us.

Thank you class for sharing your

realization. As I’ve said even in our
simple life experiences there are Ma’am for angle of elevation we have
angles that are formed. That’s why it the word ABOVE while in angle of
is very important that we truly depression is BELOW.
understand the concept of angle of
elevation and depression because we None ma’am.
can use these in many aspects most
especially when we want to measure
something that is bigger than us.

Is that clear class?

F. Generalization
Again what is angle of elevation?

How about the angle of depression?

Very good!
What are the key words that we need
to remember about angle of
elevation and depression?

That’s correct!
Do you have any question class?
That’s good to here!

IV. Evaluation
Directions: In the following figures, identify the segment that represents the angle
of elevation or angle of depression.
V. Assignment
Individual Activity (1/2 crosswise)
Create your own scenario that involves angle of elevation or angle of depression.

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