Complete Cluster Core Java Notes
Complete Cluster Core Java Notes
Complete Cluster Core Java Notes
The Complete OCPJP (SCJP) Guide
-By Ravikumar Hadagali
interface................................................................................................................................................ 35
User Defined Data Types in Java ............................................................................................................ 39
Packages ............................................................................................................................................... 41
import ................................................................................................................................................... 42
Access Specifiers ................................................................................................................................... 43
Inner classes .......................................................................................................................................... 45
main() method in Java: .......................................................................................................................... 47
Exception Handling................................................................................................................................ 49
Exception and Exception Handling in Java .......................................................................................... 51
Classification of exceptions ................................................................................................................ 54
java.lang package .................................................................................................................................. 56
class Object ....................................................................................................................................... 56
class String ........................................................................................................................................ 58
class StringBuffer ............................................................................................................................... 59
class StringBuilder ............................................................................................................................. 59
class System ...................................................................................................................................... 61
class Runtime .................................................................................................................................... 61
Memory management and garbage collector in Java ......................................................................... 62
Wrapper classes ................................................................................................................................ 64
Exploring Multithreading ....................................................................................................................... 69
Multitasking ...................................................................................................................................... 69
Multiprocessing: ............................................................................................................................ 70
Multithreading:.............................................................................................................................. 71 package .................................................................................................................................. 88
Exploring java.util package (library) ....................................................................................................... 91
Collection Framework........................................................................................................................ 91
History of Java collections:- ............................................................................................................... 93
Differences and Similarities: ............................................................................................................ 102
Accessing the elements of a collection or traversing ........................................................................ 106
Working with arrays using class Arrays ............................................................................................ 107
Sorting in List ................................................................................................................................... 108
Environment Setting
Is a variable name used by windows Operating System to locate the binary files or exe files.
When we set the PATH for binary files or executable files then those files will be accessible in
all the folders and drives of the Operating System.
It is case insensitive.
Is a variable name used by JVM/JRE to locate the java libraries (.class files)
When we set the CLASSPATH for libraries (.class files) then those libraries will be accessible in
all the folders and drives of the Operating System.
It is case insensitive.
Setting Path and Class Path
We can set PATH and CLASSPATH in 2 ways:-
a) DOS prompt:
Applicable to a single window and you have to set every time.
b) Environment Variables:
It is applicable to all users and in every window.
Java Language
1) Character Set.
2) Keywords.
3) Identifiers.
4) Variables.
5) Data Types
6) Literals
7) Operators
8) Control Statement.
9) Separators
1. Character Set:
It is a list of characters which developer can use for writing java code.Java character set
allows the following 3 types.
a) Digits:- ( 0-9 )
b) Alphabets (A-Z, a-z)
c) Special symbols (+,-,…etc)
2. Keywords:
These are set of words with some predefined meaning.
3. Identifiers:
It is name given to a variable, method, class, interface package etc.
It should contain alphabets, digits and only 2 special symbols _ (underscore), $(dollar).
1st character should be an alphabet, _, or $ and it cannot be a digit.
It cannot have a space.
It cannot be a keyword.
Valid identifiers:
Invalid identifiers
abc 123
student name
4. Variables:
It is a named memory location that may be assigned a value.
Value in a variable can be changed or
modified. Syntax:
datatype variablename = value;
int a = 10;
double d = 10.5;
5. Data Types:
Java has three types of data types
a) Primitive(byte, short, int, long, float, double, char and boolean)
b) Derived Types(arrays)
c) User Defined Types(class, subclass, abstract class, interface, enumerations and
6. Literals:
It is a value.
Literal value should be stored in corresponding data type.
It can be one of the following 5 types.
a) Integer literal.
b) Floating point literal
c) Boolean literal.
d) Character literal.
e) String literal.
a) Integer literal:
It is a collection of digits without decimal point. There are 3 types of integer literals.
Decimal Integer Literal: - is a collection of digits from 0 to 9. It uses base 10.
Eg: 125, 756.
Octal Integer Literal: - is a collection of digits from 0 to 7 and must start with 0.
It uses base 8.
Eg: 0765;
Hexadecimal Integer Literal: is a collection of digits from 0 - 9 and A - F or a - f.
It must start with 0X. OX can be small or capital. It uses base 16.
Eg: 0X523aed
b) Floating point literal:
It is a collection of digits with decimal point. There are two ways to represent
floating point literals.
Standard notation.
Eg; 750.987
Scientific or exponential notation
7.50987e 2
c) Boolean literal:
There are only two types of boolean literals which are true and false.
d) Character literal:
It is a single character which is enclosed between single quotation
marks. Eg: ‘A’, ‘9’.
e) String literal:
It consists of set of characters which is enclosed between double quotation
marks. Eg: “hello”, “cluster”, “USN123esw”
When we are writing String literals we might need the following escape sequences.
7. Operators
Java has the following list of operators.
a) Arithmetic operators(+, - ,* , / , % )
b) Assignment operator(= , += , -= , *= , /= , %=)
c) Relational operator (>, <, >=, <=, ==, =)
d) Logical operator (&&, ||,)
e) Increment / Decrement operator (++, --)
f) Ternary operator (? :)
g) new
h) instanceof
i) Bitwise operator (>> , << , & ,| , ~ , ^)
a) Arithmetic operators:
Arithmetic operators are used for doing mathematical operations.
When we combine arithmetic operator with two or more operands then it is
called arithmetic expression.
The result of an arithmetic expression is integer value or floating value.
All arithmetic operators are binary operators except “+” and “– “. Both can be
used as a unary operator. When we use “-“ with any operand it negates the
values ( changes it to negative value)
“+” is the only overloaded operator among all the operators in java. When it is
used with numeric data types then it performs addition and when used with
String it performs concatenation. The JVM detects the data types and performs
the addition or concatenation operation implicitly.
Note: operator overloading i s not possible in java. “+“is the o nly
overl oad ed operator done by java language implicitly.
b) Assignment operator:
Assignment operators are used to assign value form right side operand to left
side operand.
All assignment operators are binary operators.
When you are using assignment operator you should use the same type of
operand or both the operands should be of same data type.
If at all you have a requirement to assign one type of value to another, then
you have to do type casting provided both the data types are compatible.
Casting might be implicit or explicit.
b) Relational operator:
All relational operators are binary operators.
Relational operators form relational expression whose result is a boolean value.
c) Logical operator:
In this “&&” and “||” are binary operators but “!” is unary operator.
8. Control Statement:
In a java program all statements are executed sequentially. But in some situations we
may want to change the execution of statements based on certain conditions or repeat
a group of statements until certain specified condition is met.
Java gives rich support for writing such control statements.
Java languages give rich support for writing such selection/conditional, iteration/looping
or jump/branching statements.
Selection statements allow choosing different path of execution based upon the outcome
of an expression.
Iteration statements enable to repeat set of statements until a specified condition is met.
Jump statements allow transferring control to another part of the program.
Following are the control statements.
1. if / else
2. switch / case
3. for
4. while and do / while
5. break
6. continue
7. return
8. goto (reserved)
1. if / else:
“if statement” is used to perform conditional checks.
if(condition) {
statement 1
statement X;
In the 1st scenario first condition will be checked. If the condition is true then
statement 1 will be executed and then control will be transferred to statement X.
If the condition is false then control will be transferred to statement X
without executing statement 1.
if(condition) {
statement 1
} else {
statement 2
statement x;
In the 2nd scenario if the condition is true then statement 1 will be executed
and then control will be transferred to statement X. If the condition is false
then statement 2 will be executed and control will be transferred to
statement X. Here either if or else condition will execute and both of them
will never execute together.
if(condition) {
statement 1
} else if (condition) {
statement 2
} else {
statement 3;
statement x;
In the 3rd scenario if the condition is true then statement 1 will be executed
and then control will be transferred to statement X. If the condition is false
it will come to else if part and checks the condition. If true then statement 2
will be executed and control will be transferred to statement X. If false then
statement 3 will be executed and control will be transferred to statement X.
2. switch / case:
Switch statement is used to execute a particular set of statements among
multiple conditions.
It is an alternative to complicated if else if ladder conditions.
The expression type in the switch must be any of the following data type.
1) byte
2) Short
3) int
4) char
5) enum (java 1.5)
6) String (java 1.7)
The expression type in the switch must not be of the following data type.
1) long
2) float
3) double
4) Boolean
break is optional. Every case must end with break statement which will help
to terminate and transfer the control outside of switch block. If no break is
used then execution will continue to next case.
default is optional. If present it will execute only if the value of the expression
does not match with any of the case and then control goes to statement X. If
not present then control will exit switch statement and goes to statement X.
3. for:
for statement is used to execute a set of statements multiple times.
false then control will come out of the loop and execute statement X.
In while when the condition is false for the first time then the statement inside
the block will be executed for 0 times, whereas in do while statement will be
surely executed for one time.
5. break :
It helps to transfer control to another part of the program.
It can be used in switch statement or in do, while and for loops. It also can be
used in labeled blocks.
It has three uses.
1) It helps in terminating a switch statement.
2) It is used to exit a loop or force immediate termination of a loop bypassing
the conditional expression and other remaining code in the loop.
3) It can be used in labeled loop to exit the loop. (It can be used as an alternate
to goto keyword especially when you want to exit nested loops or blocks).
6. continue :
It is used to move the control to the beginning of the loop.
It is used to skip the statements inside the loop and continue with the next
It can be used in do, while and for loops. It also can be used in labeled blocks.
Note: break is used to move the control to the end of the loop but continue is
used to move the control to the beginning of the loop.
When continue is used in while or do-while loop then control is directly
transferred to the test condition that controls the loop.
When continue is used in for loop control is transferred to iteration portion first
and then to the test condition.
7. return:
return keyword terminates the execution in a method and returns the control to
the caller method.
It has two uses.
a. It immediately terminates the execution of the callee method and returns
the control from callee to the caller method.
b. It is used to return a value from callee to caller method.
8. goto:
is a reserved keyword and is not supported in java.
9. Separators:
Symbol Name Purpose
() Parentheses Used to contain lists of parameters in method
definition and invocation. Also used for defining
precedence in expressions, containing expressions
in control statements, and surrounding cast types.
{} Braces Used to contain the values of automatically
initialized arrays. Also used to define a block ,
classes, methods, and local scopes.
OOPS in Java
Q What is structured programming language?
A Any language which is supporting the following three flow structures is called
structured programming language.
a) Sequence structure or step by step execution.
b) Conditional structure.
c) Iterative structure.
Structured programming languages follow waterfall model.
Eg: C, Pascal, Ada, and ALGOL.
Q What is the difference between procedure oriented programming (POP) and structured
A POP and structured orientation are not different; a structure orientation is part
of procedural orientation.
Q What are the different OOP concepts?
A Following are main pillars of Object Oriented Programming
a) Encapsulation: It is a process of binding the data(state) and the methods
(behavior) together into a single unit.
b) Abstraction: Providing essential properties and operations of an object by hiding
internal things is called as abstraction. Because of encapsulation, abstraction is
possible and where there is no encapsulation, there is no abstraction.
c) Inheritance: It is a concept of inheriting the properties of one class (super class)
into another class (sub class) using IS a relationship. A class should be closed for
modification but open for extension. We can add additional features to an
existing class without modifying it.
d) Polymorphism: One form behaving differently in different situations is called
polymorphism. Polymorphism is extensively used in implementing inheritance. It
helps in static and dynamic binding.
Note: OOP makes a language highly reusable and we can also avoid complexity.
Q What is the difference POP and OOP (Object Oriented Programming)?
A Main Difference between POP and OOP are
a) POP is one type of project development, in the same way OOP is another style of
project development.
b) Both are different approaches taken to complete a task.
c) POP follows waterfall model whereas OOP follows spiral model.
d) In POP the data is global, can be accessed anywhere and there is no control over
data. If it is modified then it will be affecting other parts of the project.
e) In OOP data is secure because of access specifiers and encapsulation. High level
of reusability and avoiding complexity of code is possible because of relationships
between classes (“IS A” and “HAS A” relationship).
Q What is the difference between object based and object oriented language?
A Object based languages are not supporting all OOP features.
Object based language = encapsulation + abstraction + compile time polymorphism.
Eg: JavaScript, VB 5.0
Object oriented languages = Object based + inheritance + dynamic polymorphism
It is used to simplify method overloading.
It is generally used when you want to send multiple values of the same type as argument.
One method can have only one vararg and it should be the last in the parameter list.
Constructors also can have varargs.
Eg: -
void m1(int... a) {
for(int x:a) {
It’s a special method which has the same name as class name.
It does not have a return type even void also.
It is also a member of class.
They are specially designed to initialize the instance variable or to initialize the state of the object.
Constructor is used to initialize object level resources.
Constructor is always executed only once during the creation of every new object.
An object can never be created without invoking a constructor.
Constructor can be invoked only with the help of “new” keyword.
Constructor can never be accessed with the help of dot (“.”) operator or it can never be invoked
by an object.
Constructor can never be invoked after creation of an object.
If you write a return type for a constructor, then it is treated as a normal method and it can be
accessed with the help of dot (“.”) operator and not with “new” operator.
If you have not written a constructor in a class, a default constructor with no arguments is added
in “.class” file by the compiler during compilation time.
If you write any constructor in a class then the compiler will not add any default constructor.
Constructor can be overloaded. Constructor overloading is a technique in java in which a class can
have any number of constructors that differ in parameter lists. It is guaranteed when you make a
new object; at least one constructor is executed.
Constructor can have varargs.
Constructor can have access specifiers (private, protected or public).
Constructor cannot have modifiers like abstract, static and final keywords.
Constructors are not inherited into sub class and can never be overridden because they are not
methods and only methods
finalize() Method
It’s a predefined method in java, which is present in the class Object.
It is generally overridden in subclasses for finalization process. It is used for releasing object level
resources before an object gets destroyed.
It is executed only once during destruction of only dereferenced objects.
It will be invoked implicitly by JVM before the GC (Garbage Collector) destroys the dereferenced
or unused object.
finalize() cannot be overloaded.
constructor finalize()
It is a special method, which has the same It’s a predefined method in java, which is
name of the class. present in the class Object.
Used for initializing object level resources or It is generally overridden in subclasses for
state of an object or initialization process. finalization process. It is used for releasing
object level resources before an object gets
It is executed only once during creation It is also executed only once
of every new object. during destruction of only dereferenced
Constructor is invoked explicitly by developer It will be invoked implicitly by JVM before the
whenever he wants to create new objects. GC (Garbage Collector) destroys the
dereferenced or unused object.
Constructor can be overloaded finalize() cannot be overloaded.
Note: Calling finalize() explicitly will never destroy the object but will only release the
resources used by the object and makes the object useless. The only way we can destroy an
object in java is by dereferencing or abandoning the object.
Q What is finalization?
A It is the final task which will be performed by an object before an object gets destroyed.
Q What is the final task which has to perform by an object ?
A Final task means releasing object level resources like database, file or socket connections.
Q What is the support given by java for doing finalization?
A finalize() can be used for doing finalization. It is a predefined method which is present
in class Object. It is generally overridden in subclasses to release object level
resources. (All classes in java are subclass of class Object).
Q What is the difference between object and method level resource?
A Any resource (Eg: Database, file or socket connection) which is used only in a single
method of a class is called as method level resource. Method level resources are
created with the help of local variables. Any resource (Eg: Database, file or socket
connection) which is used only in multiple methods of a class is called as object level
resource. Object level resources are created with the help of instance variables.
Q Can a developer explicitly destroy an object in Java ?
A Developer can never destroy the object in java. It is the JVM (garbage collector) which
actually destroys the object implicitly. Developer can only deference or abandon an
object in java.
Q When does the garbage collector destroy the dereferenced object?
A When JVM finds there are too many dereferenced objects in the heap then JVM will send
the garbage collector to destroy all the dereferenced or unused objects.
Q What is garbage collector?
A It is a program which is implicitly executed by the JVM when it finds there are too many
dereferenced or unused objects in the heap.
Q Why does the GC destroy unused objects?
A GC destroys the unused objects because it reclaims the memory so that the same
memory can be used for some other object creation.
static in Java
static is a keyword.
It is used for declaring the members of the class(variables, methods or blocks).
It cannot be used with local variables.
static keyword cannot be used with constructor because constructor is related to instance
static members belong to the class.
static members can be accessed without creating an object.
static members (static block and method)cannot access non-static members i.e. instance
Instance variables cannot be used in static context i.e. in static block or static method directly.
Instance method cannot be invoked from static method or static block directly.
this keyword cannot be used in static context (static block or instance block) because this keyword
is used to work with instance variables and instance variables cannot be accessed in static context.
this keyword cannot be used to access static variables, because they belong to class. “this” is a
reference variable which refers to the current object.
But static variables and static methods can be accessed in instance method or instance block
static keyword can be used with following members of the class
a. Variables.
b. Methods.
c. Blocks.
a. Variables:
Variables which are declared as static are called as static variables
static variables belong to class and they do not belong to instance or object.
Memory will be allocated for static variables or they come to life when class is
loaded into the memory.
Static variables are destroyed when the JVM shuts down.
static variables are declared and initialized to default values (if we do not
provide values) when classes are loaded into JVM.
There is one and only one copy of static variable and it belongs to class.
static variables behave globally because if the value is changed, then it will
affect globally.
static variables are not global because they have to be accessed with class name
or reference variable.
static variables can be accessed in static context (methods or blocks)directly .
static variables can be accessed in instance methods and blocks directly
static variables are stored in the heap
Scope of static variable i.e. static variables can be accessed inside the class directly
or outside the class with the help of “.” (dot) operator. “.” operator should be
used with class name or reference variable.
Static variables are used when same value is needed for all the instances.
b. Methods:
Methods which are declared with static keyword are called static methods.
static methods can be accessed without creation of object. They can be accessed either
with class name, reference variable or by creating an object.
static methods cannot access instance methods.
static methods are used when we want to write some logic without using the instance
c. Blocks:
static block will be executed only once when the class is loaded into JVM.
static block can be used for writing any logic which we want to execute only once
during class loading time.
static block is generally used for initializing static variables.
It is executed only once in every new It is executed only once when a class is
object when it gets created. loaded into the JVM
There are two phases which happen before an object gets created.
1. Class loading phase.
2. Object creation phase.
a) static variables:
Variables which are declared as static are called as static variables
static variables belong to class and they do not belong to instance or object.
Memory will be allocated for static variables or they come to life when class is
loaded into the memory.
Static variables are destroyed when the JVM shuts down.
static variables are declared and initialized to default values (if we do not
provide values) when classes are loaded into JVM.
There is one and only one copy of static variable and it belongs to class.
static variables behave globally because if the value is changed, then it will
affect globally.
static variables are not global because they have to be accessed with class name
or reference variable.
static variables can be accessed in static context (methods or blocks)directly .
static variables can be accessed in instance methods and blocks directly
static variables are stored in the heap
Scope of static variable i.e. static variables can be accessed inside the class directly
or outside the class with the help of “.” (dot) operator. “.” operator should be
used with class name or reference variable.
Static variables are used when same value is needed for all the instances.
b) instance variables:
Instance variables are declared and initialized or they come to life when the object
gets created.
They are destroyed when the object is dereferenced.
Instance variables are declared and initialized to default values (if we do not
provide values) in every object when it gets created.
Instance variables belong to objects.
Number of instance variables will depend on the number of instances created.
If any instance variable value is modified in one instance it will not affect in
other instance or object.
Instance variables cannot be accessed in static context directly .
Instance variables can be accessed in instance methods and blocks directly.
Instance variables reside in heap.
Scope of instance variable i.e. instance variables can be accessed inside the class
directly or outside the class with the help of “.” (dot) operator. “.” operator should
be used with reference variable after it is initialized by creating an object.
instance variables are used when different values are needed for all the instances.
c) local variables:
They are declared and initialized when the method is invoked.
They are destroyed when the method completes execution.
We should initialize local variables before using otherwise we get the “Variable
might not have been initialized” compilation error.
Local variables reside in stack.
Scope of local variable i.e. local variables can be accessed within the method
directly and not outside the class.
local variables are used when new value is needed for every for every
method processing.
this keyword
this is a keyword in java.
this is a reference variable which refers to the current object.
this keyword is used to access the members of the class within the same class.
this can be used only to access instance members .
this cannot be used to access static members of the class. this also cannot be used in static
this keyword can be used to access the following members of the class
a. instance variables
b. constructors
c. methods
a. Instance variables:
this keyword is used to resolve the conflicts between instance variables and local
variables. (The conflict between the instance variables and local variables might
be either in constructor or methods).
b. Constructors :
this() can be used to invoke another constructor from one constructor within the
same class.
this() can be used for invoking current class constructor (constructor chaining).
this() will be used for doing constructor chaining within the same class.
Note: One constructor will invoke another constructor to reuse initialization logic.
When you are using this() to invoke a constructor then it should be the first
statement inside the constructor.
c. Methods:
this can be used to invoke another method from one method.
It is a concept of inheriting the properties of one class (super class) into another class (sub class)
when there “IS” a relationship between classes.
A class should be closed for modification but open for extension. We can add additional features
to an existing class without modifying it.
It is a process of reusing existing class functionality in new class.
The existing class is called super class and the new class is called subclass.
All the members of super class will be inherited into subclass (except constructor and private
members) and can be accessed directly in subclass.
Super classes are generalized classes but subclasses are specialized classes.
Different types of Inheritance.
a. Simple Inheritance
b. Multilevel Inheritance.
c. Hierarchical Inheritance.
d. Multiple Inheritance.
e. Hybrid Inheritance.
a. Simple Inheritance:
In simple inheritance there will be exactly one super class and one subclass i.e.
subclass will get the functionality from exactly only one super class.
It is supported by class data type.
b. Multilevel Inheritance:
In multilevel inheritance one super class can have many sub classes.
One subclass can have many indirect super classes i.e. one is direct super class
all remaining are indirect super classes.
It is supported by class data type.
c. Hierarchical Inheritance:
In this one super class can have many direct sub classes.
It is supported by class data type.
d. Multiple Inheritances:
In this one sub class can have many direct super classes.
Multiple inheritance is not supported by java with class data type. But it is
supported with interface data type
e. Hybrid Inheritance:
It is the combination of multiple, multilevel and hierarchical inheritance.
Hybrid inheritance is not supported by java with class data type. But it is supported
with interface data type.
super keyword
super is a keyword in Java which should always be used in subclasses.
super is reference variable which refers to the immediate super class of the current object.
super is used to access the instance members of the super class from sub class.
super keyword cannot be used to access the static members of the class or super keyword cannot
be used in static context.
super is used to access the following members of the super class from subclass.
a. Variables
b. Constructors.
c. Methods
a. Access variables:
super keyword is used to resolve the conflict between super class instance variables
and subclass instance variables or local variables.
super keyword is generally used to access the super class instance variables in
subclass whenever there is a conflict between the subclass and super class instance
b. super() (constructor) :
Used to access the constructor of super class in subclass constructor.
super() keyword is used for constructor chaining.
super() keyword should be used in the first line of the sub class constructor.
Constructors are executed in the order of derivation, from super class to subclass.
It is designed in this way because while creating a sub class object the super class
is initialized first, then subclass and so on.
super() can be called with arguments if you want to invoke super class
parameterized constructor.
If we don’t write super() in the subclass then a default super() is added in the first line
of the sub class constructor during run time by JVM .
c. super to access methods :
super is used to access the method of super class in overridden method of subclass.
The super class method is generally invoked in the subclass method for adding extra
logic to the method of super class without actually modifying it.
Method Overriding
Implementing the super class method in the subclass with same name, same signature (number,
order and type of parameters) and same return type is called method overriding.
Criterion for method overriding is the type of sub class object which is created. The super class
method will be hidden and it should be invoked explicitly (if required) from the overridden
method of subclass.
Method overriding is done to add or change functionality to the method present in super class.
Method overriding helps for achieving dynamic polymorphism (also known as dynamic method
Only instance methods can be overridden.
Only inherited methods can be overridden.
private, static and final methods cannot be overridden.
static method cannot be overridden. static method is bound with class but instance method is
bound with object. static methods do not support dynamic polymorphism.
private methods cannot be overridden because they are not inherited.
final methods cannot be overridden because if a method is marked as final it cannot be
overridden. final stops overriding or modification of a method.
Constructors are not inherited into sub class and can never be overridden. Java supports only
instance method overriding but not constructor overriding. Java does not support variable
overriding also.
If the super class method is having an access specifier then the overridden method of the sub class
should have an equal or higher access specifier.
Access specifier in super class Access specifier which can be used for
overridden method of subclass in same package
Note:- A subclass within the same package of superclass can override any superclass
method that is not declared private or final in the same package.
A subclass in a different package can only override the non-final methods and which are
declared protected or public. The default method cannot be overridden because they are
not inherited.
If the super class method is throwing an exception then the overridden method in the subclass can
do any one of the following
a. The overridden method can omit the exception.
b. The overridden method can throw the same method level exception as used with the
super class method.
c. The overridden method can throw any unchecked exceptions, regardless of whether the
super class method throws an exception or not.
d. The overriding method cannot throw checked exceptions that are new or broader than
the ones declared by the super class method. The overriding method can throw
narrower or lesser checked exceptions than the overridden method.
For example if a method throws IOException then the subclass overridden
method cannot throw SQLException (because new type of exception) or Exception
(super class type of IOException). But it can throw its subclass type of exception
like FileNotFoundException.
Dynamic Polymorphism
“Binding subclass object with super class reference variable is called as Dynamic
A super class reference variable can refer to subclass object but what members can be accessed
from the sub class object depends upon the type of super class reference variable. But if the
methods are overridden it always depends on the type of subclass object, the super class
reference variable is referring to. This concept is only called as dynamic polymorphism.
To achieve dynamic polymorphism following rules must be followed:-
a. There must be method overriding.
b. Subclass object must be assigned to a super class reference variable.
The rule followed is "when a subclass object is assigned to a super class reference variable,
the super class reference will call subclass overridden method".
instanceof Operator
instanceof is keyword in java.
The instanceof operator is used to test whether the object is an instance of the specified data
type(class, subclass or interface).
You can use it to test if an object is an instance of a class, an instance of a subclass, or an instance
of a class that implements a particular interface.
The instanceof operator provides information about an object during runtime.
The instanceof operator is also known as type comparison operator because it compares an object
with the data type.
It returns either true or false.
instanceof operator can be used only when the classes are in same hierarchy or related with IS-A
relation .
instanceof operator cannot be used only when the classes are in different hierarchy or are not
instanceof operator can be used only if the class used on the right side of the operator passes the
IS – A test for the class used on the left side of the operator. Ex:
Here class Dog used on the right side of the instanceof operator passes the IS-A test with the class
Animal used on the left side of the operator.
If we apply the instanceof operator with any variable that has null value, it returns false.
It is always a better practice to use instanceof operator before you down cast a super class
reference variable to a subclass type.
Identify the number of classes, name of classes and relation between the classes.
Identify the members of the super class as follows:-
a. Identify the number of variables, name of variables and data type of variables. Also identify
static and instance variables.
b. Identify the blocks (instance and static blocks).
c. Identify the number of constructors and their parameters (number, data type and order)
d. Identify the number of methods and their name; return type and signature (number, order
and data type of parameters). Identify static and instance methods.
Follow the same above rules for the subclass and other classes also.
final keyword
final is a keyword in java.
final stops modification of class, method or variable.
final keyword can be used with the following things:-
a. class.
b. method.
c. variable(instance, static, local and parameter).
a. class
If a class is declared as final, it cannot be inherited or it stops inheritance.
final prevents modification of a class.
b. method
If a method is declared as final, it cannot be overridden or it stops overriding.
final prevents modification of a method.
c. variable
A final variable may only be assigned a value only once and cannot be modified
or reinitialized later.
Any variable primitive or reference (static, instance, local or parameter) can be
declared as final.
A final variable will not have a default value and has to be initialized explicitly. If the
final variable is not initialized then you get a compilation error.
A final variable can only be initialized only once, either with an assignment statement
or with an initializer (constructor/instance block for instance variable or static
block for static variable).
A variable that is declared as final and not initialized is called a “blank final
variable”. A instance “blank final” variable can be initialized in the constructor or
instance block. A static “blank final” variable can be initialized in the static block.
A local “blank final” variable can be initialized in the method.
If final is used with a static variable then it becomes a constant.
If the final variable is a reference variable then it cannot refer to other object but
values in the instance variables of the object can be modified.
Abstract class
It is a user defined data type which can be used for implementing OOP.
It is used to do partial implementation and setting the standards for the subclasses to complete
the implementation.
A class that is declared abstract is called abstract class.
Abstract class may contain both concrete and abstract methods. But if a class has an abstract
method, then the class should be declared as abstract.
An abstract method is a method that is declared without an implementation (without braces, and
followed by a semicolon).
If a class includes abstract methods, the class itself must be declared abstract, as in:
Abstract classes cannot be instantiated, but you can declare a reference variable of it.
When an abstract class is subclassed, the subclass must override the abstract method and provide
implementation for all of the abstract methods in its parent class. If it does not, the subclass must
also be declared abstract.
A single abstract class is subclassed by many classes that have a lot in common (the implemented
parts of the abstract class), but also have some differences (the abstract methods which are
overridden by subclasses).
A class containing all concrete methods can be declared as abstract. This is done generally if you
do not want to create an instance of a particular class.
An abstract class can have the following members:-
a. static variables, blocks and methods.
b. instance variables, blocks and methods .(Abstract class can have state).
c. constructor.
It is a user defined data type which can be used for implementing OOP.
It does not contain any implementation.
It is used for setting the standards for the subclasses to do the implementation.
It contains only 2 members:-
a. public static final variables.
b. public abstract methods.
It cannot contain any other following members:-
a. Instance variables
b. static and instance blocks.
c. Concrete methods (instance and static methods)
d. Constructor
Note: - All these members create the diamond problem in multiple inheritance.
interface name {
datatype variableName = value ;
returntype methodname (parameter list);
interface Hello
int x = 10;
int add(int x, int y);
int multiply(int x, int y);
Interfaces cannot be instantiated but we can declare the reference variable of the interface.
Each method in an interface is also implicitly public and abstract.
All variables declared in an interface are by default public static final variables and have to be
initialized during declaration.
When a class is implementing the interface, then that class must override all the abstract method
in the interface otherwise class should be declared as abstract.
When a class is implementing interface, then all final static variables of the interface will be
inherited into sublclass.
Eg: to implement the Hello interface:-
Interface supports multiple inheritance. One class can implement many interfaces. One interface
can extend any number of interfaces. Multiple inheritance is not supported with the other data
types (class, sub class and abstract class).
It is used for decoupling declaration and implementation of methods.
It always specifies what a class must do, but not how it has to be done.
It supports dynamic polymorphism. It provides very high level of decoupling and abstraction.
It is used for loose coupling or decoupling the dependencies between classes (Avoid inter-
dependency) when there is HAS a relationship between two classes.
It is a data type which can be used as an interface to work with a object. It is because of this
feature this data type gets the name interface.
It is used for establishing IS a relationship. It is used for doing REALIZATION.
Class Interface
A class contains the attributes and behaviors An interface co ntains behaviors tha t a
of an object. cl a s s implements.
You can instantiate a class. You cannot instantiate an interface.
A class can contain the following members An interface can contain the following
Instance and static variables. members:
Instance and static block. public static final variables.
Instance and static methods. public abstract methods.
Constructor. An interface cannot contain the following
A class cannot contain an abstract method. members
Instance variables.
Instance and static block.
Concrete methods (Instance and static)
In class the declaration and implementation Interface helps to decouple declaration and
of the method is tightly coupled. implementation of a method. This is really
helpful in setting standards for other classes to
complete implementation.
Class is used for doing concrete Interface does not contain any implementation
implementation and is used for setting standards for other
classes to complete implementation.
Class does not support multiple inheritance Interface supports multiple inheritance.
It does not support dynamic polymorphism. It supports dynamic polymorphism.
SUN uses interface for setting standards (API- Application Programming Interfaces)
for many vendors like
server vendor :- Servlet API, JSP API(Java Server Page), JSF API(Java Server Faces) ,
API(Enterprise Java Bean)
database vendor:-JDBC API (Java Database Connection)
persistence provider vendor :- JPA API(Java Persistence API)
It is a data type which can be used to interact with 3rd party classes and objects.
Packages are created with the keyword called package.
The package statement should be the first line in the source file. Two package declaration
statements are not allowed in the same source file.
Packages are containers or are used for storing all type of java user defined data types and sub
packages. Packages are used for storing the following things.
a. Class
b. Subclass
c. abstract class
d. interface
e. Annotation
f. Enumeration
g. Sub packages.
A package is used for organizing set of related classes and interfaces.
Packages help in organizing the files of your projects in a better way.
Syntax :-
package packagename;
a. package a;
b. package a.b;
c. package com.cluster;
The standard coding practice for giving a package name is lower case.
If you do not store a class in a package then it will be stored in a default package.
Packages are used to avoid naming conflicts between two classes (when both classes have same
Packages help in reusability of class.
Packages provide security to class and its members.
Packages tell the history of class or packages help us to find origin of class.
java & javax are two main packages which are provided by Java.
import is a keyword in java.
import statement should be used immediately after package statement and before any class
Generally a class stored in one package has to be used in another package with a fully qualified
class name. Fully qualified class name means using a class with its package name.
java.util.LinkedListlnk = new java.util.LinkedList();
import keyword helps in importing a class stored in one package to be used in another package.
If you do import then you can use the class with simple name.
import java.util.*;
This statement will import all the classes inside the util package.
import java.util.LinkedList;
This statement will import only LinkedList class.
Q What is the difference between the above two imports? Which one is better way of importing
and why?
A Case No: 1
import java.util.*;
a. This statement will import all the classes inside the package and will be helpful
when you want to you use many classes from the same package.
a. The star form increases compilation time because it has to import all the classes from
that package. But it has no effect on the run time performance.
b. It would be very difficult to identify which class is coming from which package.
Note: Using star form is not a recommended approach and is not followed by good
Case No: 2
import java.util.LinkedList;
a. This statement will import only LinkedList class. It would be very clear to identify
which class is coming from which package
Note: This is a recommended approach and is followed by all good programmers.
Sometimes when you want to use two classes with same name from two different packages, then
you have to use fully qualified class names.
Access Specifiers
Access specifiers are used to specify the scope for class and members of a class.
They help in providing security to class and members of the class.
Access specifiers can be used to restrict access.
A class can have only two types of access.
Type of Access for class Keyword provided by java to support the access
Default access No keyword
Public access public
a. When a class has default access then it can be used only within the same package and
cannot be visible or used outside the package.
b. A public class can be used or is visible in same package and in other packages.
Members of the class (variables, constructor and methods) can have the following types of access.
Type of Access for members of class Keyword provided by java to support the access
Private access private
Default access No keyword
Protected access protected
Public access public
private Yes No No No No
no access specifier Yes Yes Yes No No
protected Yes Yes Yes Yes No
public Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
a. private:
b. default
default members can be accessed by any class(same class, subclass or different class) in
protected members can be accessed by any class(same class, subclass, different class)
in same package.
protected members can be accessed by a subclass in different package.
X protected members cannot be accessed by a different class in different
d. public
Inner classes
Inner class is a class and is a member of another class.
Inner classes are also known as nested classes.
Generally inner class functionality will be used by outer classes only.
There are four types of inner classes.
a. Instance inner classes.
b. Static inner classes.
c. Method local inner classes.
d. Anonymous inner classes.
f. main() method will be accessed without creation of an object, that is why it should be
declared as static.
g. All the command line arguments are given to the parameter String array. It is optional
to provide command line arguments.
h. main() method starts execution and it starts loading other classes, creates objects
of other classes and completes the execution.
Exception Handling
In java programming there are two types of error.
a. Compilation Error: - is an error which occurs at compilation time. They are syntax
errors which have to be solved with proper coding.
b. Runtime Error:- is an error which occurs at runtime and can cause the program to
terminate. It can be classified into two types.
1. Exception: is a runtime error which can cause the program to terminate. You can
handle the exception and continue the program execution. Here program does
not terminate and execution continues normally.
Eg: - NumberFormatException, IOException, etc.
2. Error: - is a runtime error which will cause the program to terminate. You cannot
handle it. Error will terminate the program.
Eg: - NoClassDefFoundError, VirtualMachineError.
Java clearly classifies the reason for the program termination and reports the message, so that the
developer can decide how to handle the runtime error.
All exceptions are subclasses of class java.lang.Exception.
All errors are subclasses of class java.lang.Error.
Both Exception and Error are subclasses of class java.lang.Throwable.
Q What is Exception?
A It is the runtime error which causes the program to terminate but it can be handled.
Eg: NumberFormatException, ClassCastException, ArithmeticException, etc.
Q What is exception handling?
A It is the mechanism of handling the runtime error and maintaining the normal execution
of the program.
Q How do you do exception handling?
A Java provides five keywords for exception handling.
a. try.
b. catch.
c. finally.
d. throws
e. throw.
Q What is Error?
A It is the runtime error which cannot be handled and causes the program to terminate.
Q How do you handle Error?
A Java does not support any error handling mechanism. It has to be solved with proper
In most of the other languages, if you do not handle the exception, following things will happen.
a. Program or application terminates.
b. System also terminates.
In java whenever an exception occurs and if the developer does not handle it following things will
a. Program terminates or application crashes.
b. Exception will be caught or handled by the default handler of the JVM.
Here, in java even though the application is getting terminated, system does not crash because
the exception is getting handled by the default handler of the JVM.
a. try:
In a method, write the code which is subject to create an exception or error inside a
try block.
try should be used with catch or finally or both.
b. catch:
catch block is used to catch the exception created in the try block and fix the error.
catch must be used with try.
One try block can have multiple catch statements. In some cases, more than one
exception can occur in a try block. To handle such situations one try block can have
multiple catch statements. But always only one type of an exception object will be
created in the try block and only one catch block gets executed. When an exception is
thrown, each catch statement is inspected in order and the first one which matches
that exception type will get executed.
Even though class Exception can handle all the exceptions, it is always advisable to
write the specific type of Exception in the catch block. Because after catching the
Exception, next we have to check the type of Exception which has occurred, and then
write the logic to fix the error for that exception.
When we are writing many catch blocks, always sub-classes should be on top and
super classes should be in the bottom.(Because unreachable code in java is error).
We cannot write any statements between try and catch block.
We also cannot write any statements between catch and catch block
Q What happens if you use try/catch in your program?
A Following things will happen if you use try/ catch in your program.
a. The problem will be identified.
b. Identifies the corresponding java class for the problem occurred.
c. That exception object is created and thrown inside the try block.
d. Once the exception object is created all the statements in the try block will be skipped.
e. Control is immediately transferred to catch block.
f. The Exception object will be caught by the catch block and statements inside the catch
block will be executed. Program continues normal execution after catch block.
g. If no error occurs then no Exception object will be created and catch block also does
not get executed. Program will execute successfully without termination.
c. finally:
finally is a keyword related to exception handling in java.
If you want to execute some statements without fail, write the code in the finally
finally block is used to clear method level resources.
Whether the exception is raised in try block or not always finally will be executed.
finally is guaranteed to execute, even if no correct catch block is found with try.
return statement in try or catch block doesn’t stop finally block execution.
Only System.exit() method can stop the execution of finally block.
finally finalize()
finally is a keyword in java related to exception
finalize() is a predefined method present in
handling class Object.
finally is used for releasing method level
finalize() is used for releasing object level
resources. resources.
finally is used for writing blocks. finalize() is a method which is overridden in
finally block gets executed many times finalize() is invoked only once by the garbage
whenever the method is invoked. collector before reclaiming dereferenced
Note: Java insists release all resources in finally block only. You should not depend on
finalize() for releasing resources because there are many times this method will not get
d. throws:
throws keyword is used at method level to propagate the exception object to the
caller method.
When an exception object gets created inside a method we have two options:-
a) You can handle it inside the same method by writing try/catch.
b) You can propagate to the caller method by writing throws.
A throws clause lists the types of exceptions that a method might throw to the caller
It is mandatory to use throws if the method is throwing checked exceptions (sub
e. throw:
throw is a keyword used to deliberately create an exception object inside a method.
Execution stops immediately after the throw statement and any subsequent
statements are not executed.
If catch block is present in the same method then it will be caught.
If catch block is not present, then that exception object is thrown to the caller
throw keyword can be used with only subclasses of class Throwable and not with
non- subclasses of Throwable like String, System etc.
Classification of exceptions
We can classify exceptions into two types based on the provider of the exception class.
1. Built-in exceptions:- are all exception classes provided by java(SUN).
2. User defined exceptions:- are all exception classes written by developer.
Again exceptions can be classified into two types based on whether it is checked by compiler or not.
1. Checked Exception.
2. Unchecked Exception.
Note:- All built in or user defined exceptions are either checked or unchecked exceptions.
java.lang package
java.lang package is a built in package provided by SUN. All the classes of this package can be used
directly because they are imported into all programs. This package contains classes which are
required for basic programming.
class Object
class Object is the super class of all classes in java. A reference variable of type Object can refer to
an object of any class. A variable of type Object can refer to any array. The class Object provides
some common features to all classes like comparing, cloning, notifying and converting to String,
a) getClass(): is a final method in class Object. It returns the class of the object.
Test t1 = new Test(10,20);
Test t2 = new Test(10,20);
Test t1 = new Test(10,20);
Test t2 = new Test(10,20);
This method is implicitly executed on an object when we use the reference variable
in print statement.
Test t1 = new Test(10,20);
g) wait(): When we call wait() on the thread then thread will be moved to wait state and will
be back to ready to run from “wait state”, only when you call notify()/notifyAll().
h) wait(long): You can specify elapsed waiting time for the thread using this method. When
you call this with some specified amount of time then thread will be moved to “wait state”
and will stay in the “wait state” for specified amount of time.
class String
String is a final class available in java.lang package which represents a group of characters.
String is fixed in length and immutable.(Because we can never modify the contents of a String.
Whenever we try to change the value of a String a new String object gets created.)
Strings are generally used when we want to have constants in our program.
We can create the String class object in two ways.
a) With “new “operator.
b) Without “new” operator.
Only String class has the facility to create the object without “new” operator.
Difference between String object creation with new operator and without new operator:
When you create the String object with the “new” operator following things will
a) String constant will be taken and it will be verified in the String constant pool.
b) If String constant is available in the pool JVM wouldn’t place the object in the pool.
c) If the String constant is not available in the pool then one String object will be
created and will be placed in the pool.
d) One more String object will be created and will be placed outside the pool.
e) Address of String object which is outside the pool will be assigned to reference
When you create the String object without “new” operator following things will
a) String constant will be taken and will be verified in the pool.
b) If String constant is available in the pool, then same address will be assigned to
reference variable.
c) If String constant is not available in the pool, then new object will be placed in the
pool and its address will be assigned to the reference variable.
There is concept of pooling only for String objects in java. This has been done for
optimum usage of the memory.
String constants in the pool are never eligible for garbage collection. The same value
will be used for a new String reference variable.
String concatenation: It is nothing but adding 2 Strings.
We can do this in two ways.
d) Overloaded “+“operator.
e) concat() method of String class.
When we concatenate 2 Strings always a new String object will be created with the result. Existing
String object will not be modified at any cost and because of this we can say Strings are fixed in
length and immutable.
class StringBuffer
StringBuffer is a final class in java.lang package. It is used to represent group of characters.
StringBuffer is not fixed in length and mutable.(We can modify the contents of a StringBuffer).
StringBuffer grows and shrinks dynamically.
StringBuffer objects should be created only with “new” operator. We cannot create an object of
StringBuffer without “new” operator.
There is no pooling concept for StringBuffer. Hence there is no reusability for StringBuffer objects
like String.
It is generally used when too many manipulations will be done.
StringBuffer is threading safe. All the methods of StingBuffer are synchronized which makes it
thread safe but slow in performance.
It has slow performance.
StringBuffer is recommended when thread safety is required.
class StringBuilder
StringBuilder is a final class in java.lang package. It is used to represent group of characters.
It was added in java 1.5 version.
StringBuilder is not fixed in length and mutable.(We can modify the contents of a StringBuilder).
StringBuilder objects should be created only with “new” operator. We cannot create an object of
StringBuilder without “new” operator.
There is no pooling concept for StringBuilder.
StringBuilder has the same methods which StringBuffer is having. But StringBuilder methods are
not synchronized.
All the methods of StringBuilder are not synchronized which does not make it thread safe. Hence
performance is faster.
StringBuilder is recommended when thread safety is not required.
String StringBuffer
String is fixed in length and immutable i.e. it StringBuffer is not fixed in length and is
cannot be modified. mutable i.e. it can be modified.
If you modify a String a new String object gets If you modify a StringBuffer it is modified
created, thereby creating garbage values. in the same memory.
String has got memory leaks because
dereferenced String objects in pool are never
eligible for garbage collection.
String does not grow and shrink dynamically. It can grow and shrink dynamically.
Strings are reusable because it has a String There is no pooling concept for
pool. StringBuffer. Hence it is not reusable.
String objects can be created with new StringBuffer object has to be created with
operator or without it. new operator only.
String has got plenty of utility methods. StringBuffer does not have too many
StringBuffer StringBuilder
All the methods of StringBuffer are All the methods of StringBuilder are not
synchronized. synchronized.
It is slow in processing. It is faster in processing.
It is an old class. It is a new class added in 1.5 version.
It is thread safe. It is not thread safe.
It is used when thread safety is required. It is used when thread safety is not required.
class System
It encapsulates all the details about the System. It contains all static members.
class Runtime
Encapsulates the details of the runtime environment i.e. JVM.
You cannot instantiate a Runtime class because it is implemented based on singleton design
StackOverflowError OutOfMemoryError
(Problem with stack) (Problem with heap)
If we want to invoke gc, we can invoke using the above mentioned ways but there is no guarantee
it will be invoked. So we can’t force the garbage collector
Sometimes some objects may refuse the gc to deallocate the memory even though they are
unused and have been marked for garbage collection. The reason being the objects might be
holding some resources like JDBC connections, file, printer etc.
If we want to clean the memory of objects which are holding the resources, first we have to
release the resources and then only gc will clean the memory of those objects without any
You need to override Object class finalize() method to write the resource release code or cleanup
Wrapper classes
Wrapper class encapsulates or wraps the primitive type.
There are two main advantages of converting a primitive to wrapper or objects:-
1. We get support for lot of utility methods like converting from one data type to another data
type, comparing two values, checking equality of two values, etc.
2. Since java collection classes like LinkedList, TreeSet etc. store all value as objects and do not
allow primitives to be stored; we have to convert all primitives to objects.
Java is giving support for both primitive data types and objects to store primitive values.
There are 8 wrapper classes which are equivalent to 8 primitive data types.
Wrapper classes should be used only when you want to store the values in
collections or when you want to use the support of utility methods like converting
from one data type to another data type, comparing two values, checking equality of
two values, etc.
Following are the general conversions we generally do.
1. Primitive to wrapper. (int to Integer).
2. One primitive to another primitive type. (int to float).
3. Primitive to String. (int to String).
4. wrapper to primitive.(Integer to int)
5. wrapper to String.(Integer to String)
6. String to primitive.(String to int)
7. String to wrapper.(String to Integer)
Note: All primitive types can be converted to String and corresponding Wrapper objects.
Q How to convert primitive int to other primitive type like float or double etc?
A By using the xxxValue() method.
int i = 999;
Integer z = new Integer(i);
float f = z.floatValue();
double d = z.doubleValue();
byte b = z.byteValue();
short s = z.shortValue();
long l = z.longValue();
int i = 999;
Integer z =new Integer(i);
byte b = z.byteValue();
short s = z.shortValue();
long l = z.longValue();
float f = z.floatValue();
double d = z.doubleValue();
String s2 = Integer.toString(i);
String s1 = "99";
Integer z = Integer.valueOf(s1);
int j = z.intValue();
String s1 = "999";
// 1) using constructor
Integer x = Integer.valueOf(s1);
Exploring Multithreading
Running more than one task concurrently at the same time is called multitasking.
It is done to use CPU idle time.
There are two types of multitasking:-
b. Multithreading (Thread based multitasking):- Running more than one execution in a process
or a program concurrently is called multithreading. For example when using Microsoft
word, there will be many executions like spell checker, printing and user typing all
happening at the same time.
P1 P2 P3
MS=Memory Space
All the tasks will be executed by CPU. Even though it looks CPU can execute more than one task at
a time, but practically it is not possible. CPU can execute only one task at a time.
As a user of computer we can observe multiple programs are running concurrently which is
happening because of Operating System CPU scheduling algorithm.
Some of the CPU scheduling algorithms used by the OS scheduler are:-
a. Round robin scheduling / Time Slicing.
b. Priority based / Preemptive.
c. Shortest job first.
d. First come first serve.
The task of above scheduling algorithms is switching the CPU from one task to another task or we
can say allocating the CPU time for all the tasks which are started.
Among these time slicing or priority based are very popular.
Windows follows priority based, UNIX follows round robin.
Q What is a thread?
A A thread is a part of a program which has a separate path of execution.
Q What is multithreading?
A Multithreading is a process of running multiple threads concurrently or running different
parts of same program concurrently. A multithreaded program contains two or more
parts that can run concurrently.
Q What is the advantage of doing multithreading?
A Multithreading is always done to use CPU idle time. It thus helps in increasing the
performance of an application.
Q Why thread is lightweight?
A Whenever a thread is created within a program it will not occupy any separate space. It
will share the same memory space of the program. It will also not consume more
resources; hence we say thread is lightweight.
In a single threaded environment, your program has to wait to finish a task completely and
then move to the next task which decreases the performance of the application.
Java gives full support to multithreading with the help of its library.
The JVM has a thread scheduler which decides which thread to execute in your java
The JVM scheduler implementation varies for different JVM of different OS.
The JVM thread scheduler negotiates with the OS scheduler and finally decides which thread
to execute.
That is the reason a multi threaded java program execution will behave differently in
different OS.
JVM creates one thread called “main” and main thread calls the main() method.
Following thing happen when a java program starts execution or when you say “java Demo”.
1. JVM will create a thread group called “main”.
2. JVM will create a thread with the name “main”.
3. JVM adds the “main thread” to “main group”.
4. JVM will take the command line arguments and based on the arguments a String
array[] will be constructed.
5. The class will be loaded into the JVM.
6. main() method will be invoked by passing the String array[] as an argument.
If we want, we can also write our own threads. Threads written by us are called child threads
or user threads.
JVM starts the main thread and we can start the user thread or child thread from main()
Every thread in java has a separate call stack.
SUN has provided 2 different ways to create the child threads:
1. By extending class Thread.
2. By implementing interface Runnable.
Note: In both the cases you override the run() method and write your logic inside that
method you want to execute in a separate thread. The run() method can call other
methods, create objects, etc.
Step 3: Create a thread by passing the runnable object to the constructor of Thread class.
Thread t = new Thread(mr);
Q Which is the better way of creating a thread? By extending class Thread or by implementing
interface Runnable.
A It is not good to write a thread by extending class Thread because:-
a. If you extend class Thread then you will inherit all the super class functionality into
your subclass which might become a overhead.
b. You also cannot extend another class.
c. According to OOP you are tightly coupling two things, the thread and the business
logic which is a bad design.
It is good to write a thread by implementing interface Runnable because:-
1. As a java developer your task is creating the thread and starting the thread.
2. After creating the thread it will enter into “new state”. A thread in “new state” is not
considered to be alive.
Thread t1 = new Thread(new MyRunnable()); // thread will enter new state
3. When you call the start() method then new thread will create a separate call stack and move
from “new state” to “runnable state”. A thread in “runnable state” is considered to be alive.
t1.start(); // new thread will move from new state to runnable state
4. Only the threads in “runnable state ” are eligible for moving into “running state” . All
threads in “runnable state ” simply wait for the JVM thread scheduler. The JVM thread
scheduler negotiates with the OS scheduler and based on the scheduling algorithm decides
which thread to move into “running state”.
Note: This is the only state from which a thread can enter into “running state”. A thread
cannot enter into “running state” from any other state.
5. Once the thread is decided, JVM calls run() on the thread and the thread will move to
“running state”.
Note: At any point of time, we can see only one thread in “running state”.
6. When you call yield() method on the running thread then it will move back to “runnable
state” to allow other threads of the equal priority to get their turn. The yield() method is
used for explicitly moving the running thread from “running state” to “runnable state”. In
some JVM which use round robin scheduling algorithm, the thread itself will implicitly or
voluntarily give up control and move from “running state” to “runnable state” to give a
chance to other threads for execution.
7. When you call sleep() on the running thread then it will be moved to “sleeping state” and
when specified elapsed time is over then the sleeping thread will move to “runnable state”.
When thread is sleeping, we can’t force the thread to move to “runnable state”. Any other
disturbances happen for sleeping thread than thread will show InterruptedException.
8. When you call wait() on the running thread then thread will move to “waiting state”.
Note: We have 3 overloaded wait(), notify and notifyAll() method in class Object.
If you want to move the waiting thread to “runnable state” you can call
notify()/notifyAll() method which are present in class Object.
Using notify() will move only one waiting thread to “runnable state”. If there are
multiple threads present in “waiting state”, then only one thread enters the
“runnable state” and there is no guarantee which thread will move from the “waiting
state” to “runnable state”. It will again be decided by the JVM thread scheduler.
Using notifyAll() will move all waiting threads from “waiting state” to “runnable
9. When a running thread is waiting for a resource which is not available then thread will move
to “blocked state”. Later when it is available, thread will move to “runnable state”. “Blocked
state” is very dangerous, sometimes it leads to deadlocks.
In the above scenario T1 which is holding R1 is waiting for R2 and T2 which is holding
R2 is waiting for R1.
T1 releases the resource R1 after getting R2 only and T2 releases the resource R2
after getting R1 only. This kind of a situation is called Deadlock.
As a java developer, we should write the code to avoid deadlocks.
10. When run() method execution is completed then thread task is completed and thread will
go to “dead state”. The stack for that thread is also removed. A dead thread is always not
alive. A dead thread cannot be bought back into “runnable state” or any other state. In the
previous versions there are 2 methods stop() and destroy() to destroy the thread explicitly.
2. Runnable state.
When you call the start() method then new thread will create a separate call stack
and move from “new state” to “runnable state”. A thread in “runnable state” is
considered to be alive.
t1.start(); // new thread will move from new state to runnable state
A thread can also return to the “runnable state” after coming back from a running,
sleeping, waiting or blocked state.
Only the threads in “runnable state” are eligible for moving into “running state” .
All threads in “runnable state” simply wait for the JVM thread scheduler.
Once the thread is decided, the JVM thread scheduler calls run() on the thread and
the thread will move from “runnable state” to “running state”
3. Running state.
It is the “running state” state in which the thread is actually executing.
A new thread moves into the “running state” for the first time when the run()
method is invoked by the JVM thread scheduler.
A thread from “non runnable state” can also enter into “running state” but only after
first moving to “runnable state”.
A thread can move out of the “running state” to runnable, non runnable or dead
state for various reasons like for example when we call yield(), sleep(), wait(), join or
stop() method etc.
4. Non runnable state (Sleeping state, Waiting state and Blocked state).
A thread in a “non runnable state” is not eligible for running but it is alive.
All threads in a “non runnable state” can only move to “runnable state” but not to
“running state”.
We can again classify non runnable state into three types.
1) Sleeping state:
• A thread moves into the “sleeping state “when sleep() is called on a running
2) Waiting state:
• A thread moves into the “waiting state” when wait() is called on a running
3) Blocked state:
• A thread moves into the “blocked state” when join() is called or when a
resource is not available.
5. Dead state.
Once the run() method completes execution, the thread moves into a “dead state”.
A thread once dead cannot be restarted again.
A dead thread is not alive.
We can also call stop() or destroy() method explicitly to move a running thread into
“dead state” but the methods have been deprecated.
Note: A thread is alive only in runnable, running and non runnable state. A thread is
not alive in new and dead state.
Following are the different methods present in different classes related to multithreading which
play a key role in thread life cycle and moving the threads from one state to another state.
Thread Priorities:-
Priority is a number which is given to a thread.
This number is ranging from 1 to 10. 1 is the minimum priority and 10 is the maximum priority.
In Thread class, 3 constants are defined related to this priority.
a. int MIN_PRIORITY. (1)
b. int NORM_PRIORITY.(5)
c. int MAX_PRIORITY. (10)
In Thread class two methods are related to priority.
a. int getPriority(). We can get the priority of the thread using this method.
b. void setPriority(int p). We can set or change the priority of the thread using this method.
When there is no priority set for a thread then JVM sets the default priority of the thread that
creates it. For example, if “A” thread with a priority 7 creates another child thread “B”, then the
newly created child thread “B” will also have the same priority of 7.
Thread priority concepts will be useful only when your operating system is supporting
“preemptive” or “priority based” scheduling algorithm, otherwise no use.
In case of priority based scheduling algorithm the thread with the highest priority will get the CPU
time first.
If a thread enters the “runnable state” and it has a higher priority than all the threads and a higher
priority than the currently running thread, the lower priority running thread will be moved back to
“runnable state” and the highest priority thread will be chosen to run.
For example: Thread “A”, “B” are in “runnable state” with priority 4 and 5. Another thread “C” is in
“running state” with priority 6. At the same time another thread “D” with priority 9 has entered
into “runnable state”. Now the scheduler will move the lower priority running thread “C” to
“runnable state” and gives the chance to “D” because it has the highest priority.
In case of non-priority based scheduling algorithms there is no use of this value.
Synchronization is a process of locking the object so that only one thread can access that object.
When object is locked by the thread then other threads have to wait until the lock is released.
In java every object has just one lock.
The lock has to be enabled by using “synchronized” keyword.
In multithreaded environment multiple threads will run concurrently and will try to access single
object. Sometimes this can lead to inconsistent results. Because of this we can stop multiple
threads accessing the object and allow only one thread to access the object at a time, and this can
be done by locking the particular object.
A running thread will enter either a blocked/waiting state when it does not get the lock on a
particular object.
We can implement synchronization in two ways.
a. Method level synchronization.
b. Block level synchronization.
synchronized void m1() {
class Hello {
synchronized void m1() {
System.out.println ("Inside m1");
void m2() {
System.out.println("Inside m2");
Method level synchronization is done when you do not want many threads to access
a method of an object at the same time.
The lock on the object will be released immediately after the method completes
Assume that there are two threads T1 & T2 which are trying to use m1() method with
the same Hello object. When T1 is using object “h” then object “h” will be locked by
T1 and T1 executes the m1() completely. After the method execution completes the
lock is released by T1. As long as T1 is executing m1(), T2 will be in the “blocked
state” and has to wait to use that object. After T1 completes execution T2 will use
“h” object and then executes m1() method.
Assume that there are two threads T1 and T2 where T1 is trying to invoke m1() with
“h1” object and T2 is trying to invoke m1() with “h2” object. In this case both the
threads can execute concurrently because both the threads are using different
In the case of method level synchronization, the object which you are using to invoke
the synchronized method will be locked.
An object can have more than one synchronized method but there is only one lock
for that object.
The locks are not per method, they are per object.
A class can have both synchronized and non-synchronized methods.
synchronized (anyobject)
Eg :
class Hello
void m1(){
System.out.println ("Begin m1");
void m2(){
// some statements
System.out.println("Inside m2");
When you are using synchronized block, then the object which you are passing
as a parameter to the synchronized block will be locked.
There are two advantages with block level synchronization:-
1) We can lock only few required statements inside a method.
2) We can lock third party objects, whose methods are not synchronized.
class Hello {
static synchronized void m1() {
System.out.println ("Inside static m1");
Instance methods are synchronized to protect instance variables and static methods are used to
protect static variables.
For every java class loaded, the JVM implicitly creates a default object of type java.lang.Class. This
object will also have a lock. If you have a static synchronized method in a class and when the static
method is invoked on the class, the lock will be applied on the object of java.lang.Class.
If you have a class Hello and you have created two objects of Hello class. Now there will be totally
three objects which will be created, two of type Hello and one of type java.lang.Class.
If a static method on class Hello is synchronized and if a thread invokes it, the lock will be applied
on the object of java.lang.Class.
A The “hello” object which you are passing to the synchronized block as parameter will be
Q I have a class Hello with two synchronized methods m1() and m2() and one object called “h” is
created for this Hello class. Now two threads T1 and T2 are trying to use m1() and m2()
respectively with same object “h”. What will happen?
class Hello {
synchronized void m1() {
System.out.println ("Inside m1");
synchronized void m2() {
System.out.println("Inside m2");
A In this scenario only one thread can access object “h”. When T1 holds the lock on “h” and
is calling m1() then T2 is unable to access object “h”. After T1 completes execution of the
method the lock is released on the “h” object. Now T2 will hold the lock on “h” object
and will invoke m2() method.
Q I have a class Hello with two methods m1() and m2() where m1() is synchronized and m2() is
non-synchronized. There is one object “h” created for this class Hello. There are two threads
called T1 and T2 trying to access m1() and m2() respectively with the same object “h”. What
will happen?
class Hello {
synchronized void m1() {
System.out.println ("Inside m1");
void m2() {
System.out.println("Inside m2");
A Concurrently T1 can access m1() and T2 can access m2() on the same object “h”.
Q I have a class Hello with method m1() which is synchronized and static. What will happen when
I call the method m1() with class name?
class Hello {
synchronized static void m1() {
System.out.println ("Inside m1");
Q I have a class Hello with two static methods m1() and m2() which are synchronized. What will
happen when one thread T1 is calling m1 with class name and another thread T2 is trying to
access m2() with class name?
class Hello {
synchronized static void m1() {
System.out.println ("Inside m1");
synchronized static void m2() {
System.out.println("Inside m2");
A When T1 is accessing m1() the default object of java.lang.Class will be locked. Then T2 is
unable to access m2() with the same default object, because the default object is already
locked by T1.
Q What is starvation?
A It is condition where one thread is waiting for other thread to complete execution for a
long time.
Q What is the difference between starvation and deadlock?
A Starvation means long time waiting, dead lock means forever waiting. If starvation is
serious, it is converted to deadlock.
Interthread Communication:-
It is a process of making synchronized threads communicates with each other.
Inter-thread communication is a mechanism in which a running thread is temporarily suspended
and moved out of the synchronized code (method or block). Then another thread is allowed to
enter into the synchronized code and execute. (Remember only one thread which has acquired
the lock can execute the synchronized code).
It is supported by following methods of Object class:
Please note that there are also two more overloaded wait() methods in class object.
a. wait():- It temporarily suspends the execution of a running thread and moves the thread
into “waiting state”. This waiting thread waits until another thread enters the synchronized
context and invokes notify()/notifyAll() method or until the specified waiting time is over.
When a thread waits it releases the lock for other threads to use. The wait() gives up the
lock immediately.
b. notify():-moves only one waiting thread that is waiting for the object’s lock to “runnable
If there are multiple threads present in “waiting state”, then only one thread will move
from the “waiting state” to “runnable state”. There is no guarantee which thread will move
and it will be decided by the JVM thread scheduler.
c. notifyAll():-will move all waiting threads that are waiting for the object’s lock from “waiting
state” to “runnable state”.
Note: Both notify()/notifyAll will give up the lock after the thread completes the
execution of synchronized code(method or block) but not immediately like wait(). But
the main goal of using these methods is to communicate with the waiting thread and
move it to “runnable state”.
sleep() wait()
It doesn’t release any lock or monitor. It releases the lock or monitor.
Daemon Threads:-
The daemon threads are also known as service threads and simply run in the background to
provide service to user threads in your java program.
Sometimes we want to execute some invisible independent process. Such threads are called as
daemon threads. Like example spell checker, grammar observer in MS word.
There are two types of threads “user thread/child thread” and “daemon thread”.
Garbage collector in java is a good example for a daemon thread which is implicitly created by the
If required we can also create daemon threads.
By default all threads created by main thread are user threads or foreground thread.
You can create a daemon thread or background thread by calling setDaemon(true) method.
Once a thread execution is started as user thread, it is not possible to change it to daemon thread.
So always setDaemon(true) should be invoked before starting a thread or before start().
We can check whether a thread is a daemon thread or not by calling isDaemon() whose return
type is boolean. If true it is a daemon thread.
JVM treats both user thread and daemon thread in the same way. The only difference is JVM will
shut down as soon as all the user threads complete executions no matter how many daemon
threads are executing. JVM will not wait for the daemon threads to complete the execution.
JVM does not wait for the daemon threads to complete execution because when there is no user
thread running then there is no use of daemon thread to provide service.
Generally the run() of a daemon thread will be an infinite loop.
For a JVM to keep running it must have at least one live user thread. package package is a built in package provided by SUN.
This package contains classes which are used for doing I/O operations.
All the classes of this package have to be imported into all programs.
Java programs perform I/O through streams.
A stream is an abstract layer which is used for transferring data.
A stream is a logical connection between a java program and a device.
A stream is used to read the data from input device or it is used to write the data to output device.
We can divide the streams into two types based on the operations they perform.
1) Input streams: - It is a logical connection between a java program and input device.
2) Output streams: - It is a logical connection between a java program and output device.
Again we can divide the streams into two types based on the data they carry.
1) Byte streams.
2) Character streams.
1) Byte streams:-
It reads and writes data in the form of bytes.
It uses ASCII format (8 bits). is super class for all input byte streams. is super class for all output byte streams.
2) Character streams:-
It reads and writes data in the form of characters.
It uses Unicode format (16 bits).
It supports I18N (Internationalization). is super class for all input character streams. is super class for all output character streams.
Q Explain
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new
A Following is the answer
a) System is a predefined class which contains information about the system.
b) is an object of type InputStream. It is an input stream object which makes a
connection between keyboard and the program.
c) InputStreamReader is a mediator which converts 8 bit format to 16 bit format.
d) BufferedReader will read the data in the 16 bit format by using readLine() method.
In the above diagram, we have seen some input devices like keyboard, file, network, etc. These
are the source for data.
There are also some output devices like monitor, file, network socket, etc. These are the
destination for the data.
We developers need to write a program which has to collect the data from input device, process
the data and send the output to some output device.
Generally in other languages like “C” we have to write low level implementation directly. When
device changes you need to modify the program again. This increases maintenance and reduces
system flexibility.
This problem is eliminated in java by providing the portable API in package.
Collection Framework
Java provides us an API to work with different data structures such as trees, lists, sets, arrays,
maps, etc.
Collections in Java:-
Collection is group of similar data.
Collections allow us to add, retrieve update or delete data (CRUD operations) in primary memory
using different data structures.
Java provides collection framework to work with collections.
The collection framework was added in java 1.2 version.
A framework is a standard way of providing services very easily.
The collections framework has a set of standard interfaces to work with different data structures
in a standard way.
All the classes in the collection framework implement these standard interfaces and hence
provide a standard way to work with different data structures.
All the classes in the collection framework are data engines encapsulating different data
structures and have very high efficiency.
In Java, developer need not worry about preparing these data engines, instead he can directly use
the ready implementations (classes) provided in the library (java.util package).
For example class LinkedList encapsulates linked list data structure, class TreeSet encapsulates
tree data structure, class ArrayList encapsulates array data structure, etc.
Other classes and interfaces which are supporting collections in Java are:-
1) Collections. (Class)
2) Enumeration.(Interface)
3) Iterator.(Interface)
4) ListIterator.(Interface)
Before to Java 1.2, there are five legacy classes and one legacy interface which are as follows.
1) Vector.
2) Stack. 1) Enumeration.(interface)
3) Dictionary. (obsolete)
4) HashTable.
5) Properties.
These five legacy classes are used to store and manipulate collection of objects.
Vectors, Stack are used to store multiple objects.
Dictionary, HashTable and Properties are used to store key-value pair.
A). Vector.
Vector is a legacy class (Java 1.0) and represents array data structure.
Vector is re-engineered to fit into collection framework and is implementing List
interface and hence supports both 1.0 method and 1.2 methods.
Vector is same as ArrayList but Vector is synchronized and ArrayList is not
Vector is synchronized; multiple threads cannot access the Vector object
concurrently. Only one thread can access the Vector object at a specific time.
Since Vector is synchronized, it has low performance than ArrayList.
Vector stores values sequentially, but the values can be accessed randomly.
Vector can grow and shrink dynamically.
Duplicates, null and dissimilar values are allowed.
Before to java 1.2 there was an interface called Enumeration to visit the elements of
Vector. But now we have two interfaces to visit the elements of Vector. They are
Iterator and ListIterator.
Values will be stored in the same order as inserted.
Vector elements can be accessed randomly because it is implementing
RandomAccess marker interface.
B). ArrayList.
ArrayList is a class used to store multiple objects.
ArrayList uses array data structure internally to store the elements.
ArrayList stores values sequentially, but the values can be accessed randomly.
ArrayList can grow and shrink dynamically.
Duplicate values are allowed.
ArrayList is not synchronized.
Values will be stored in the same order as inserted.
The elements in ArrayList can be accessed by Iterator and ListIterator.
ArrayList elements can be accessed randomly because it is implementing
RandomAccess marker interface.
C). LinkedList.
LinkedList uses linked list data structure internally i.e. it uses nodes.
LinkedList is double linked.
LinkedList stores values non-contiguously or randomly.
LinkedList elements can be accessed sequentially only.
It consumes lot of memory.
Duplicate values are allowed.
Values will be stored in the same order as inserted.
LinkedList is not synchronized.
The elements in LinkedList can be accessed by Iterator and ListIterator.
LinkedList can be used for implementing basic stack and queue data structure.
D). Stack
Stack is a legacy class.
It is also re-engineered like Vector to implement List interface. Stack is a sub class of
It is synchronized.
It is generally used when we want to retrieve the elements of the collection in FILO
order (First In Last Out).
A). TreeSet:-
TreeSet implements SortedSet which is sub interface of Set.
TreeSet uses tree data structure to store values.
Duplicates are not allowed.
Values are stored in sorted, ascending order.
Different types of objects are not allowed.
Null value is not allowed.
TreeSet can use only Iterator but not Enumeration and ListIterator
B). HashSet.
HashSet stores the elements in a hash table.
It uses the hash code of the object being inserted.
Duplicates are not allowed.
Values are stored in unsorted random order and will not be in the same order as
Different types of objects are allowed.
Null value is allowed.
HashSet can use only Iterator but not Enumeration and ListIterator.
HashSet provides very fast search rate because it uses hash code.
In java hashCode()method acts as a hashing function and generates the hash code for
every object created.
Every object in the Java system has a hash code. The hash code is a number that is
usually different for different objects. JVM assigns unique hash code value to each
object when they are created in the memory based on the object’s memory address.
So, no two objects will have the same hash code when you use the default
implementation of hashCode() method of class Object.
The hashCode() method returns the hash code value of the object in terms of integer.
It is this hash code value which will be used when we are storing objects in java
collection classes that are using hashing like HashSet, HashMap, LinkedHashSet, and
Hashtable etc.
Whenever we add an element in the collection classes that use hashing like HashSet,
HashMap etc. hashcode() is invoked implicitly which returns the hash code of the
All these collection classes use the hash code value of an object to determine how the
object should be stored or searched in the collection.
When you put an object in a collection that uses hash codes, the collection uses the
hash code of the object to decide in which bucket/slot the object should land.
If we do not want to use existing hash code generation algorithm which is already
available in JVM, u can use your own algorithm by overriding hashcode() method in your
hashCode() is already overridden for String class and wrapper classes. It is generally
overridden for our user defined classes when we add them into collections (which use
hashing) like HashSet, LinkedHashSet, and HashMap etc .
C). LinkedHashSet.
LinkedHashSet has a combined implementation of hash table and linked list.
LinkedHashSet stores elements in a hash table and links them with double linked
Values are stored in the same order as inserted and are unsorted.
Different types of objects are allowed.
Null value is allowed.
Duplicates are not allowed.
LinkedHashSet can use only Iterator but not Enumeration and ListIterator.
Q Explain the different scenarios you will use the different collection classes.
A). TreeMap.
TreeMap is implementing SortedMap interface.
B). HashMap.
HashMap is implementing Map interface.
HashMap can store key/value pairs.
HashMap uses hash table data structure to store the keys.
The keys will be unordered or undefined order.
Null keys and null values are allowed.
Different types of keys and values are allowed.
Duplicate values are allowed.
HashMap is not synchronized.
C). LinkedHashMap.
LinkedHashMap is implementing Map interface.
LinkedHashMap can store key/value pairs.
LinkedHashMap store the keys in hash table data structure and links them with double
linked list.
The keys will be stored in the insertion order and are unsorted.
Null keys and null values are allowed.
Different types of keys and values are allowed.
Duplicate values are allowed.
LinkedHashMap is not synchronized.
D). Hashtable.
Hashtable can store key/value pairs.
It uses hash table data structure to store the keys.
Hashtable is a legacy class (Java 1.0) and it was extending Dictionary class.
Hashtable is re-engineered to fit into collection framework and is implementing Map
interface and hence supports both 1.0 methods and 1.2 methods.
Hashtable is same as HashMap, but Hashtable is synchronized and HashMap is not
Hashtable is synchronized; multiple threads cannot access the Hashtable object
concurrently. Only one thread can access the Hashtable object at a specific time.
Since Hashtable is synchronized, it has low performance than HashMap.
Before to java 1.2 there was an interface called Enumeration to visit the elements of
Hashtable. But now we have Iterator interface to visit the elements of Hashtable.
The keys will be unordered or undefined order.
Duplicate values are allowed.
E). Properties
Properties can store key/value pairs.
It uses hash table data structure to store the keys.
Properties is a legacy class (Java 1.0) and it was extending Dictionary class.
Properties is re-engineered to fit into collection framework and is implementing Map
interface and hence supports both 1.0 methods and 1.2 methods.
Properties is synchronized; multiple threads cannot access the Properties object
concurrently. Only one thread can access the Properties object at a specific time.
Since Properties is synchronized, it has low performance.
Before to java 1.2 there was an interface called Enumeration to visit the elements of
Properties. But now we have Iterator interface to visit the elements of Properties.
Properties is the only collection class which can interact with file concept directly. It can
load the key/value pair from file and store also.
This class is extensively useful and is used in technologies like Struts, JSF etc to read
key/value pairs from .properties file. The key/value read from a file will be always of
type String.
The keys will be unordered or undefined order.
Duplicate values are allowed.
Different types of keys and values are allowed.
Null keys and null values are not allowed.
Array ArrayList
Arrays are fixed in length. Once array is ArrayList is expandable. It can increase and
created with some size, you can’t alter the decrease dynamically.
Arrays can store both primitive data and ArrayList can store only objects.
Array cannot store dissimilar data.(Except the ArrayList can store dissimilar data.
case of Object array).
We can only add elements into array. We can add and remove elements in ArrayList
We have to use for loop to visit every We can use Iterator or ListIterator to visit
element in an array. every element in ArrayList
We cannot insert an element into the We can add elements into the specified index
specified index of an array. of ArrayList.
ArrayList Vector
ArrayList is a new class (Java 1.2) and is part Vector is a legacy class (Java 1.0) and is
of collections framework. reengineered to fit into collections framework.
Synchronization: - ArrayList is not Synchronization: - Vector is synchronized by
synchronized by default i.e. multiple threads default i.e. only one thread can access Vector
can access ArrayList object concurrently and object at a time and it has low performance.
there are no performance issues.
To visit the elements we have to use Iterator To visit the elements we can use Enumeration,
or ListIterator Iterator or ListIterator.
ArrayList LinkedList
ArrayList uses array data structure. LinkedList uses linked list data structure.
All elements are stored contiguously. All elements will be stored non-contiguously.
Values can be accessed randomly and is Values are accessed sequentially in LinkedList,
very fast. hence it is time consuming.
Iteration is fast. Iteration is slow.
Insertion and deletion operation is very Insertion and deletion operation is very fast.
ArrayList consumes less memory. LinkedList consumes more memory.
HashSet TreeSet
HashSet stores elements in hash table. TreeSet stores elements in tree data structure.
Elements are unordered or undefined. Elements are sorted.
We can add different types of objects. We can add only similar objects.
Null values are allowed (only one). Null values are not allowed.
It provides very fast search rate. It provides very slow search rate.
HashSet LinkedHashSet
HashSet stores elements in hash table. LinkedHashSet stores elements in a hash table
and links them with double linked list.
Elements are unordered or undefined. Elements are stored in the same order as
HashMap TreeMap
HashMap uses hash table data structure to TreeMap uses tree data structure to store its
store its keys. keys.
Keys are unordered. Keys are sorted.
Different types of key elements are allowed. Only similar types of key elements are
Null keys are allowed. Null keys are not allowed.
It provides very fast search rate. It is relatively slow.
HashMap LinkedHashMap
HashMap stores elements in hash table. LinkedHashMap stores elements in a hash table
and links them with double linked list.
The keys are unordered or undefined. The keys will be stored in the insertion order and
are unsorted.
HashMap Hashtable
HashMap is a new class. Hashtable is a legacy class.
HashMap is not synchronized, i.e. many Hashtable is synchronized i.e. only one thread
threads can access the same object can access the object at the same time.
Null key and null values are allowed. Null keys and null values are not allowed.
Hashtable can use both Iterator and
HashMap can use only Iterator.
Iterator Enumeration
Iterator is a collection framework interface. Enumeration is a legacy interface.
We can remove the elements in collection We cannot remove the elements using
using Iterator. Enumeration.
It can be used to iterate through any It can be used to iterate through only legacy
collection (Vector, ArrayList, HashMap, collection classes (Vector, Hashtable, etc).
TreeMap etc).
Enumeration ListIterator
Enumeration is a legacy interface. ListIterator is a collection framework interface.
We can iterate through only in forward We can iterate both in forward and reverse
direction through a collection. direction through a collection.
It can be used to iterate through only legacy
It can be used to iterate through any collection
collection classes (Vector, Hashtable, etc).
classes which implements List
interface(Vector, ArrayList, etc).
We cannot add, remove or replace the We can add, remove and replace the elements
elements of collection using Enumeration. of a collection using ListIterator.
Sorting in List
Comparable and Comparator both are used for sorting the collection.
Comparable provides only one sorting sequence whereas Comparator provides multiple sorting
This method compares this object This method compares o1 and o2 objects.
with o1 object and returns an integer. Its And returns an integer. Its value has
value has following meaning following meaning.
Here objects will be sorted on the basis Here objects will be sorted on the basis of
of compareTo() method. compare() method in Comparator.
Many built in classes like String, all It is generally implemented to compare
wrapper classes, Date, Calendar 3rd party classes or our user defined
implement it. classes.
Q What is the difference between the sort(List o) and sort(List o, Comparator c) methods
present in class Collections ?
A Invoking the one argument sort(List o) method means the list element’s
compareTo() method decides the order. So the elements in the list must implement
the Comparable interface.
Invoking the sort(List o, Comparator c) means the list element’s compareTo() will
not be called, and the Comparator’s compare() method will be used instead. That
means the elements in the list do not need to implement the Comparable interface.
class Collections
The collections framework supports several algorithms that allow us to operate on collections.
We can use these algorithms to sort, shuffle, manipulate and search a set of elements in a
Some of the algorithms available in collections framework are:
1) Sorting: - enables to arrange the elements of a list in a certain order.
2) Shuffling: - shuffles the order of elements in a collection randomly.
3) Manipulating: - provides algorithms to perform operations such as reverse, copy, swap, etc.
4) Searching: -allows searching an element in a collection.
It is more recommended to get a synchronized list/set/map in this way (if needed) rather than
depending on legacy classes.
Q What is the basic difference between basic queue and priority queue?
A A basic queue always orders the values in the First In First Out order (FIFO). A priority queue
orders values based on priority.
ArrayDeque class is likely to be faster than Stack when used as a stack, and faster than
LinkedList when used as a queue.
ArrayDeque is using array structure.
ArrayDeque allows dissimilar values.
ArrayDeque does not allow null values.
ArrayDeque is not synchronized.
2. NavigableSet interface:-
NavigableSet interface was added in java 6.
It is extending SortedSet interface.
NavigableSet is implemented by class TreeSet.
NavigableSet provides various methods to navigate or search through the TreeSet
3. NavigableMap interface:-
NavigableMap interface was added in java 6.
It is extending SortedMap interface.
NavigableMap is implemented by class TreeMap.
NavigableMap provides various methods to navigate or search through the TreeMap.
Syntax for creating an instance of a generic class in java 1.5 & i.6:-
When creating an instance of a generic class the type argument must be of class type and not
primitive type.
Generics code is available only in source code and not in byte code.
The process of removing generic type information is called erasure. It is done by the compiler
during compilation time.
Generic is non-reified (not available at run time).
class A {
void show1() {
System.out.println("Inside A show1");
class B extends A {
class C extends B {
Sample(T t) {
ob = t;
T getOb() {
return ob;
class Hello {
// unbounded
void m1(Sample<?> t) {
A a = t.getOb();
StringTokenizer is used to break the big String into small tokens (sub-strings) with the given
delimiter (; , : / ) etc.
Usually split() method of class String is preferred over StringTokenizer class.
Internationalization (i18n)
Internationalization is the ability to support multiple languages.
Internationalization is one of the powerful concepts of java if you are developing an
application and want to display messages, currencies, date, time etc. according to the
specific country or language.
Following are the list of things that differ from one country or region to another.
1) Messages
2) Numbers
3) Currencies
4) Dates
5) Times
6) Phone Numbers
class Locale
An object of Locale class represents a geographical region. The Locale object identifies a
particular language and country.
This object can be used to get the locale specific information such as country name,
language, etc.
A Locale object is only an identifier and is not used individually.
A Locale object is generally used with locale sensitive classes like ResouceBundle,
NumberFormat, DateFormat, , etc to support internationalization of messages, currency,
number, date, etc.
class ResourceBundle
The ResourceBundle class is used to internationalize the messages. In other words, we can
say that it provides a mechanism to globalize the messages.
The hardcoded message is not considered good in terms of programming, because it differs
from one country to another.
So we use the ResourceBundle class to globalize the messages. The ResourceBundle class
loads the information from the properties file that contains the messages.
Conventionally, the name of the properties file should be
filename_languagecode_countrycode . It contains only key value pair. The key is used in the
java program to get the value.
1) The ISO standard language code is lower case and 2 letter.
2) The ISO standard country code or region code is upper case and 2 letter.
3) The file name is also known as base name or family name.
for example:- (for English language in US) (for hindi language in India) (for tamil language in India) (for german language in Germany)
When java 1.1 version was released many methods contained in earlier version of Date class
(java 1.0 version) were moved to class Calendar and class DateFormat. Due to that, class
Date contains many deprecated methods.
java.util.Date provides information of date, time in seconds and time zone.
java.util.Date is having two sub classes:-
1) java.sql.Date :- provides only date.
2) java.sql.TimeStamp:- provides date and time in milliseconds.
java.util.Date is used for displaying (example in JSP or jsf, etc).
But both java.sql.Date and java.sql.TimeStamp are used for storing in database.
Always convert a String or java.util.Date to java.sql.Date and then store in database.
It is present in java.util package.
It allows you to work with various time zones of the world.
// creating Calendar and getting current date and time
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
// Creating calendar for our required date
GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar(1990,1,28,13,24,56);
It is present in java.util package and was introduced in java 1.5 version.
There are various classes BufferedReader, FileReader, etc provided in Java to read input
from various devices like keyboad, file, etc.
But the problem with all these classes is we have to read the values first and then do the
data conversion explicitly (like String to int, String to double explicitly).
This process is increasing the performance and size of the program also increases.
To overcome these problems Scanner class was introduced in java 1.5
In this class various methods have been provided to read the values in the required format
(no need of doing any explicit data conversions) from various devices like keyboard, file, etc.
Some of the methods present in Scanner class to read values are:-
1) nextInt():- reads as integer values.
2) nextDouble():-Reads as double values
3) next():-Reads as String values
When reading a file the Scanner class breaks the input into tokens and uses whitespace as
the default delimiter.
It is present in java.util package and was introduced in java 1.5 version.
It provides various format conversions to display various data types like strings, numbers,
date and time.
//for formatting date and time, use suffix with format specifier %t
fmt.format("%tr %n %tc %n %tl:%tM", cal,cal,cal,cal);
class NumberFormat
NumberFormat class is present in java.text package.
It is a locale sensitive class and supports internationalization.
The NumberFormat class provides methods to format the currency and number according
to the locale.
The getCurrencyInstance() method of the NumberFormat class returns the instance of the
NumberFormat class. This is done when you want to do i18n with currency.
The getNumberInstance() method of the NumberFormat class returns the instance of the
NumberFormat class. This is done when you want to do i18n with number.
It is present in java.text package.
It is a locale sensitive class and supports internationalization.
You can get the instance of DateFormat either by calling getDateInstance() or
This will give a format based on a Locale.
DateFormat has two important methods:-
1) format():- converts Date to String. (Date to String is for displaying).
2) parse():- converts String to java.util.Date. (String to Date is for inserting into database)
1) format():- It formats the date and time according to a locale and it supports
It is present in java.text package and is a sub class of java.text.DateFormat.
It is a locale sensitive class and supports internationalization.
The DateFormat class provides methods to format the date and time according to a locale.
If you want a format other than predefined format use SimpleDateFormat which extends
It helps you to display date and time in your own customized way.
Regular Expressions:-
A regular expression contains normal characters, meta characters, quantifiers or character classes
(set of characters).
Meta characters, quantifiers or character classes (set of characters) are used for building regular
expressions to match dynamic values.
class Demo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Will match only Ravi
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("Ravi");
Matcher m = p.matcher("Ravi");
boolean b = m.matches();
2) Meta characters:- are symbols used to build regular expression to match dynamic values.
Metacharacter Description
. Matches any character other than new line (A to Z a to z 0 to 9 and special
symbols like @ & $ , % etc)
\d Matches any numeric digit (0 to 9)
\w Matches any alpha numeric character and underscore ( _ A to Z a to z 0 to 9 )
\s Matches whitespace character. (In java whitespace means space, newline, tab &
carriage return)
\D Matches any non digit. (Negation of \d )
\W Negation of \w
\S Negation of \s. (Any non white space character)
3) Quantifiers:- are used to specify the quantity or number of occurrences. A quantifier is also
known as occurrence indicator.
4) Character class: - A character class is a set of characters. It is created with the help of [ ]
brackets. A character class is created to match any sequence that contains one or more
Quantifier Description
? Preceding sub pattern must appear zero or one time.
* Preceding sub pattern must appear zero or more times
+ Preceding sub pattern must appear one or more times.
{n} Preceding sub pattern must appear ‘n’ number of times.
{ min,max } Preceding sub pattern must appear at least ‘min’ times and not more than
‘max’ times.
Q What is the difference between matches() and find() present in Matcher class ?
The matches() method matches an exact sequence but the find() method matches a sub
Q Why do you use regular expression?
A A regular expression is generally used for validation, searching or manipulating text.
class Test {
class ReflectionDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Test t = new Test();
Class c = t.getClass();
class ReflectionDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// use fully qualified class name.
Class c = Class.forName("com.cluster.Test");
class ReflectionDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Class c = Test.class;
Q What is reflection?
A It is a process of getting information about of a class and its members during runtime. It is
supported by class Class and other classes like Field, Method, Constructor etc. present in
java.lang.reflect package
Q What are the different ways a class can be loaded into JVM?
A A class can be loaded into JVM either implicitly or explicitly.
1. Implicitly:-
a) When you use new keyword to create an object.
b) When you access a static member.
c) When you use java command.
2. Explicitly:-
a) by using forName() method of class Class.
interface Cloneable:-
It is a marker interface and does not contain any members.
It should be implemented for classes where cloning is required.
interface Serializable:-
It is a marker interface and does not contain any members.
It should be implemented for classes where serialization is required.
1) Persistence:-
Serialization helps in saving the state of object to a file.
At a later time, you may read the file and restore the object by using the process of
// doing deserialization
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("hello.ser");
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
A a1 = (A) ois.readObject();// will read the file and deserialize
the object
System.out.println("Value of object a is: " + a.x + "\t" + a.y+
"\t" + a.z)
System.out.println("Value of object a1 is: " + a1.x +"\t"+a1.y+
"\t" + a1.z);
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception caught " + e);
2) Communication:- (i.e for sending the object via network from one JVM to another JVM)
RMI (Remote Method Invocation) allows a java object on one machine to invoke a
method of a Java object on a different machine. The RMI provides remote
communication between two different applications.
In the case of RMI or in distributed computing you may get a chance to pass data
from one machine to another machine i.e from one JVM to another JVM. This data
can be primitive data or user defined data (object).
When you are passing the primitive data from one machine to another machine
then call by value mechanism will be used i.e. data will be sent as it is via network.
When you are passing the object, then call by reference has to be used i.e. address
has to be copied from one JVM to another JVM but there is no use of passing the
address. So you need a different mechanism to pass that object from one JVM to
another JVM. For this we can use serialization and deserialization mechanism.
Serialization is needed to implement Remote Method Invocation (RMI). RMI allows
a java object on one machine to invoke a method of a Java object on a different
machine. An object may be supplied as an argument to that remote method. The
sending machine serializes the objects and transmits it. The receiving machine
deserializes it.
Serialization is the mechanism used by RMI to pass objects between JVMs, either as
arguments in a method invocation from a client to a server or as return values from
server to client.
3) Copying:- (i.e for copying and storing the values into the memory so that we can create
duplicate objects whenever needed).
It is used for creating duplicate objects.
interface Externalizable is not a marker interface because it is having two methods and
marker interfaces do not have any members.
The writeExternal() method is used for serializing the required instance variables. Also
during serialization you can apply any encryption logic, compression logic etc.
The readExternal() method is used for deserializing the values. This method can also be used
for writing the decryption logic, decompression logic etc, which gets applied during
Externalization needs a default public constructor.
Externalization is really helpful when you want to serialize transient variables.
class Test {
int p;
int q;
Test(int i, int j) {
p = i;
q = j;
public A() {
System.out.println("Inside A contructor");
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
System.out.println("Using writeExternal() method during
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException {
System.out.println("Using readExternal()method during
// values should be read in the same order as written in writeExternal()
x = in.readInt();
y = in.readInt();
int m = in.readInt();
int n = in.readInt();
t = new Test(m,n);
1. static import:-
Static import feature provided in Java 5 allows you to import static members of a class or
interface (static variables and static methods).
The advantage of static import is you can access the static members of a class or interface
without qualifying them with class name.
Q What is the difference between normal import and static import?
A Using normal import we can import only classes in a package but static import will import all
static members of a class(i.e. static variables and static methods).
2. Generics:-
Generics provide type safety to collections.
Earlier to java 5 the collection classes can work with any type of Object.
After the introduction of generics in java 5 collection classes can now be used with type
Also earlier to java 5 all collection classes were non generic classes & from java 5 all
collection classes were re-engineered to generic classes.
Problem without generics are: -
When you are adding an element into a collection compiler ignores the types and allows
different type of elements to be added into the collection.
When you are getting an element out of a collection then many if conditional statements
and many type casting is required. (When we take an element out of a collection we must
do casting. Because of this inconvenience it is unsafe i.e. when a different type of an
element is coming out from collection and we are casting to a different type we get a
runtime exception called ClassCastException).
Generic provides a way to communicate the type of the collection to the compiler so that it
can be checked by the compiler.
3. Autoboxing:-
Autoboxing is a process of converting primitives to objects and objects to primitives
Earlier boxing & unboxing was done explicitly by the developer while adding and removing a
primitive from a collection because all collection classes cannot store primitives and can
store only objects.
Autoboxing is especially useful when we put values in collection and retrieve values from a
collection. We will not have to do the conversions or casting.
5. Varargs:-
It helps to simplify method overloading.
Varargs can be used for only one argument and that should be the last argument.
Varargs can be applied to constructor also.
6. Enumerations:-
Enumeration is a new data type and was introduced in java 5.
It is defined with a keyword called enum.
An enum is used to define constants.
An enum contains a list of constants.
All the enum constants are implicitly declared as public static final.
In Java an enum is similar to a class.
An enum can have constructors, static and instance blocks, variables and methods but
cannot have abstract methods.
An enum should always have private constructor.
You cannot create an object of enum because it has a private constructor.
Each enum constant is an object of its own type.
We cannot create an object of enum using “new” keyword but we can declare a reference
variable of that enum type.
All enums are subclasses of class java.lang.Enum class.
enums cannot extend any class because it is already inheriting java.lang.Enum and java does
not support multiple inheritance.
An enum cannot be inherited.
enum Box {
b, b1, b2, b3, b4;
if (z == Box.b3) {
System.out.println("z contains box3");