TG New 4th Rating
TG New 4th Rating
TG New 4th Rating
Lesson 81: Visualizes Area of a circle
Week 1
Objectives: Visualize the area of a circle
Identify the diameter and radius of the circle
Illustrates circle with different radii
Find enjoyment in doing the activity
Prerequisite Concepts and Skills:
Visualizing the area of a circle
Knowledge about measuring instrument
Materials: chart, ruler, real circle objects, pencil, compass
References: XL Excelling in Mathematics 5
Mathematics 5 &6 Lesson Guides
Code: M5ME Iva 72
Instructional Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill
Have the pupils identify which of these is a circle
2. Review
Have a review on solving problems involving circumference of a circle.
Review the formula, give examples, and then give exercises for the pupils to
3. Motivation
Ask the pupils Is a circle a polygon? Why? and why not?
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
A. Have the pupils observe the circles below
Take a look at each of the circles. Do you find any line segments?
A circle is a plane closed figure. That is not made out of line segments so, it is
not a polygon. A circle is named by its center.
2. Performing the Activities
Group Activity
Divide the class into five groups. Distribute the cue card and let them answer the
cards. Let them discuss.
Use circle cero to complete the following statements:
B. Have the pupils observed the circle. Introduce the Radius and Diameter of a
circle. Show examples of radius that are connected to the tangent and from a
center. Use compass in drawing a circle.
Ask the pupils to answer the activity under Get Moving on page ___ LM Math
Grade V. Ask them also to answer the activity under Keep Moving on page ____ LM
Math Grade V.
A circle is a set of all points in a plane that are at fixed distance from a point called
A radius is a line segment from the center to a point on the circle.
A diameter is a line segment which passes through the center of a circle whose
endpoints are on the circle.
The length of radius is one half the length of a diameter of a circle.
A compass is an instrument used to draw circles.
C. Assessment
Use a real compass or an improvised one to draw circle with these given radii.
1. 1 cm
2. 1.5 cm
3. 2.5 cm
4. 6 cm
5. 5 cm
D. Home Activity
Refer to circle O. Explain why line segment OP and OQ do not form a diameter?
Provide exercises similar to those given in the lesson. If the problem is on the
mastery of the area of a circle.
Use the circle O. to answer the following.
a. Name the two diameters
Week 1
Objectives: Derives a formula in finding the area of a circle
Illustrates circle with different orientation
Find enjoyment in doing the activity
Prerequisite Concepts and Skills:
Deriving a formula in finding the area of a circle
Knowledge about measuring instrument
Materials: A large, heavy-paper or cardboard circle, about 12" in diameter, scissors, rulers,
colored markers or crayons.
References: XL Excelling in Mathematics 5
Mathematics 5 &6 Lesson Guides
Code: M5ME IVa 73
Instructional Procedure:
E. Preliminary Activities
4. Drill
Have the pupils cut the circle in any orientation
5. Review
Have a review about the parts of the circle.
6. Motivation
Ask the pupils If the shape of the circle can be parallelogram
F. Developmental Activities
6. Presentation
1. Discuss with students practical applications for finding the area of a circle.
Explain the problems associated with partitioning a circle into unit squares to
find its area. Elicit suggestions on how the area might be determined.
2. Pass out the paper circles, scissors, rulers and colored markers or crayons.
3. Have students draw a diameter (it does not need to be exact), and use two
different colors to fill in the resulting semicircles.
4. Instruct students to cut the circle in half along the diameter. Then have them
cut each of the resulting semicircles in half again. There are now a total of
four pieces, two of each color.
5. Ask students to assemble the four pieces, alternating colors, so that they form
a shape which resembles a parallelogram
Group A.Have students cut each of the sectors in half, once more, resulting in a total of
8 equal sectors, four of each color. Ask students to assemble the eight pieces,
alternating colors, so that they form a shape which resembles a parallelogram.
Group B. Have students cut each of the sectors in half, once more, resulting in a total of
16 equal sectors, eight of each color. Ask students to assemble the sixteen pieces,
alternating colors, so that they form a shape which resembles a parallelogram.
Group C. Solicit suggestions as to how to make the shape even more like
parallelogram. (This can be achieved by cutting each of the sectors in half over and over
again). Note: Do not allow students to create more than 16 sectors since they can
become unmanageable.
Now we can use the area formula for a parallelogram to help us find the area of
the circle.
(A=bh) The next question is, How long are the base and height of the
parallelogram we made from the circle parts?
The original circles outside perimeter was the distance around, or the
circumference of the circle:
C=2 r
Half of this distance around goes on the top of the parallelogram and the other
half of the circle goes on the bottom. This is known as the base of the
The height of the parallelogram is just the radius of the original circle.
Now lets substitute the information into the formula for the parallelogram.
Now we can use the area formula for a parallelogram to help us find the area of
the circle.
The original circles outside perimeter was the distance around, or the
circumference of the circle
Half of this distance around goes on the top of the parallelogram and the other
half of the circle goes on the bottom. This is known as the base of the
The height of the parallelogram is just the radius of the original circle.
Now lets substitute the information into the formula for the parallelogram.
Have the pupils do the exercises under Apply your Skills on page _____ LM
Math Grade V.
G. Assessment
Do another guided activity. Let them make their own circle, cut it out into
parallelogram and try to find the area of a circle.
H. Home Activity
Find another polygon that can be derive in finding the area of a triangle.
Week 1
Objectives: Finding the area of a circle
Manipulate and measure the diameter and radius of the circle
Find enjoyment in doing the activity
Prerequisite Concepts and Skills:
Mastery in finding the area of a circle
Knowledge about measuring instrument
Materials: chart, ruler, real circle objects
References: XL Excelling in Mathematics 5
Mathematics 5 & 6 Lesson Guides
Code: M5ME Iva 74
Instructional Procedure:
A Preliminary Activities
1 Drill
Have a drill on solving multiplication, base and exponents
8x9 12 x 3 23 x 4
7 4 5 18 3
2 Review
Have a review on solving problems involving circumference of a circle.
Review the formula, give examples, and then give exercises for the pupils to
3 Motivation
Show real circular objects, ask them to give examples of circular things, ask
them how circle differ from other objects?
B Developmental Activities
1 Presentation
Present this situation to the class. Ask the pupils to read and understand it.
Every time it rains, Mrs.Flores saves water in a big clay jar called Tapayan.
She covers them with a circular galvanized iron with a radius of 5 dm. What is
the area of the circular cover? 8
Ask: How will you solve for the problem?
1 Look at the figure of the circle.
2 Explain to the pupils that the ratio of the circumference of a circle to the
diameter is the same for all circles. The circumference of any circle is about
3.14 times the diameter. The ratio is represented by the Greek letter
A = r2
= 3.14 x 5 x 5
= 3.14 x 25
Area = 78.50 dm2
20 dm 6cm
Expected Answers:
Happy and curious
Yes by solving the area of a circle using the given formula
Cooperation and camaraderie
A = r2
6. Applying to New and Other Situations
Have the pupils do the exercises under Apply your Skills on page _____ LM
Math Grade V.
C Assessment
Ask the pupils to solve the following:
Find the area of a given circle
8m 3c 7c
m m
D Home Activity
Provide exercises similar to those given in the lesson.
Ask the pupils to solve these problems.
Lesson 84 : Solving Routine and Non-Routine Problems Involving the Area of a Circle
Problem Solving
Materials: cutouts of circles, chart, flashcards, real objects
References: M5M-IVb-75
Growing up with Math 5 pages 299-301
Ateneo Lesson Guide pages 382-386
Instructional Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill
Game Ka Na Ba?
a. Read the questions with choices
b. Ask: Would you like to go on P 100 or stop?
If he/she goes on, the price goes higher and higher until he/she gets the
Example: (Number to be squared should not be more than 15)
1. What is 12 ?
2. Review
A. Checking of Assignment
B. Identify the parts of a circle
C. Review the steps in solving word problems.
3. Motivation
Name any round objects inside the classroom or any round object that you
brought. Show the diameter and the radius.
D. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Present the situation under Explore and Discover on page ___, LM
Math Grade 5. Discuss the situation with the class.
2 to get the radius. Tell the pupils that the value of is approximately
3.14 and that the formula in finding the area of a circle is A= r
Solve for the area of the circle. Ask the leader to report their answers.
b. Group Activity
Divide the class in four groups. Let them choose a leader and a
secretary. Give each group an activity card with problems written on it. Then
each group will post their work on the board. The leader will explain their
answers and solutions.
Activity Card 1
Activity Card 2
Activity Card 3
Activity Card 4
Activity Card 1
Activity Card 2
Problem 2: You are making a design for a circular button. Your design
fits on a circle with a radius of 3 centimeters. How much area will be
covered by your design?
b. Individual Activity
For more exercises, ask pupils to do the exercises under Apply Your Skills
on page ___, LM Math Grade 5.
C. Assessment
Solve the following problems.
1. Find the area of circular playground whose radius measures 6 meters.
2. An extension of a house is semicircular in shape with a radius of 4
meters. Can you find its area?
3. A circular fountain has a radius of 12 meters. What is the area of the
circular fountain?
4. The diameter of the drum is 70 cm. What is the area covered when the
drum stands?
5. Anas circular bed cover has a diameter of 2.25 m. How many square
meters is it?
E. Home Activity
Find the area of the circle.
Draw and Write the measurement of the radius or diameter.
1. radius- 9.5 cm 2. diameter- 14 cm
A = _________ A = __________
3. radius- 12 cm 4. diameter- 9 cm
A = _________ A = __________
5. radius- 20 cm
Solve each problem.
1. Every time it rains, Mrs. Lapis saves water in a big clay jar called tapayan. She
covers them with a circular galvanized iron with a radius 14 m. What is the area of the
circular cover?
Quarter 4 Week 2
Objective: Create problems involving a circle, with reasonable answers.
Growing up with Math 5 pages 299-301
Ateneo Lesson Guide pages 382-386
Instructional Procedure:
B. Preliminary Activities
4. Drill
Have a drill on the multiplication facts
5. Review
Have a review on solving the area of a circle. Let the pupils do the following.
6 cm
1. 10m 2.
6. Motivation
Let the pupils find any circular objects inside the classroom. Ask them to record
the area of each object.
C. Developmental Activities
4. Presentation
Let the pupils present their answers. Ask them how they got the area.
5. Performing the Activities
Divide the class into four groups. Let each group discuss how will
they make a problem based on the given situations. The groups 1 and 2
will discuss situation 1, while groups 3 and 4 will focus on Situation 2.
Situation 1:
Inside the classroom, find any circular objects, create a
problem involving area of a circle. Use a ruler/meter stick as the
measuring tool.
Situation 2:
In the school campus, find any circular objects, create a
problem involving area of a circle use a ruler/meter stick as the measuring
4. Reinforcing the Concept and Skill
a. Class Activity
A. Ask the pupils to do the exercises in the Get Moving and Keep
Moving pages_____ and ____, LM Math Grade 5.
B. Ask the pupils to work by groups. Check the pupils answers
D. Assessment
Let the pupils do the exercises in Keep Moving on page ___, LM Math Grade 5.
Check pupils work.
D. Home Activity
Create problem involving area of a circle using the given data below.
1. circular bed 2. circular plate 3. circular playground
radius- 130 cm radius- 15 cm diameter 30 m
Area=? Area = ? Area = ?
Ask the pupils to create problems involving area of a circle.
Fourth Quarter Day 1 Week 3
Objectives : at the end of the lesson, you will be able to;
a. Visualize the Volume of a Cube and Rectangular Prism
Instructional Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill
Have a drill on the multiplication facts using the activity sheets.
1) 5x5 6) 7 x 7
2) 9 x 11 7) 11 x 11
3) 10 x 12 8) 9 x 12
4) 4x4 9) 8 x 5
5) 6x8 10) 4 x 12
2. Review
Have a review on the meaning of volume.
Volume is the amount of space occupied by any quantity.
3. Motivation
Show a transparent cube and rectangular prism filled with marbles. Ask pupils to
guess the number of marbles inside the cube and rectangular prism. Let a
volunteer count the marbles to find out the answer. Elicit from them how they can
make a good guess of the total number of marbles. Instill the value of patience
and orderliness. Relate this to the concept of volume.
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
a. Tell the class that the number of small cubes that make up the Rubiks cube is its
b. Activity Group Work
Materials: worksheet, 1 transparent rectangular container, small cubes
Procedure: Fill the container with small cubes until its upper portion.
Guide Questions:
1) What kind of solid figure is the container?
2) How many cubes did you put inside the rectangular container?
3) How can you find the number of cubes in the container without counting them all?
a) Count the cubes in one layer.
4 x 2 = 8 cubes
b) Count the layers. Ex.: 3 layers
c) How many cubes in all? 8 x 3 = 24 cubes
4) When we get the total number of cubes that the container has, what have we
looked for? (Answer: Volume)
5) What kind of polygon is the base of the container? What are its dimensions?
) How many cubes fit the length? the width?
7) What other dimension does the rectangular container have? How many cubes fit
the height?
8) Can you give the volume of the rectangular prism by just using the dimensions
(length, width, height)? How?
(Note: Teacher must tell the pupils that by multiplying the length x width x height will
give the volume thus, Volume = L x W x H))
If each is a cubic unit, how many cubic units are in the figures?
How many cubic units are there in one row?
How many cubic units are there in one layer?
How many layers are there?
What have you notice in the number of layers and rows of cube and prism?
What can you say about the number of layers and rows of a cube?
What have you notice in the length, width and height of a cube?
What can you say about the number of layers and rows of a prism?
What have you notice in the length, width and height of a prism?
b. Using standard units, to find the volume o a space figure, count the
number of cubic units needed to fill the space. Standard units are
consistent and accurate.
6. Applying to New and Other Situations
Have the pupils do the exercises under Apply Your Skills on page 3 LM Math
C. Assessment
Ask the pupils to find the volume of each figure by counting the cubes.
1. 2.
(Use anon standard unit of the same material and size)
3. 4.
tamarind seeds
2. Home Activity
Find the volume.
1. 2.
Lesson 87: Names the Appropriate Unit of Measure Used for Measuring the Volume of a
Cube and a Rectangular Prism.
Instructional Procedure:
A Preliminary Activities
1 Drill
Drill on Choosing the Appropriate Unit of Measure
2 Review
What is difference between cube and rectangular prism?
What are the dimensions of cube and rectangular prism?
3 Motivation
Richard has a rectangular box with sand inside. He wants to know the amount of
space the sand occupied. He wants to know also what unit of measure he will
use. Elicit the value of accuracy.
B Developmental Activities
1 Presentation
A Present a rectangular box with sand inside.
Ask the following questions:
a. How can we be able to measure the capacity of the box?
b. What will you use? What do you think are we looking for?
c. What unit of measure will you use?
The volume of a solid is the amount of space the solid occupies. Volume is
measured in cubic units. One way to find the volume of a rectangular prism is to
multiply the 3 dimensions:
Volume = length x width x height
Ask the pupils to measure the 3 dimensions of some objects inside the room
using cm3 and m3.
1 liter = 1 dm3
B Teacher shows a cube (box) filled with blocks 2 cm on each side. Ask a pupil
to get one block and describe it.
What can you say about the block?
What are the dimensions?
A cube is a special type of rectangular prism having equal edges. Empty the
box then let the pupils fill the box with the number of cubes. The total number
of cubes that will fill the box represents the volume of the box.
When finding volume, the units of volume are cubic units.
What are the units of volume? (cubic millimeters mm3, cubic centimeters
cm3, cubic decimeter dm3, cubic meters m3, etc.)
Group the class into four. Let them perform the give activity.
Give the appropriate unit of measure to be used in finding the volume of
(Select from the given choices: mm3, cm3, dm3, m3) :
a) room _______
b) shoe box _______
c) globe _______
d) refrigerator _______
e) ice cream cone _______
f) baseball _______
Discuss the presentation on Explore and Discover of page 1 of LM Math Grade 5. Ask
pupils to work on exercises A under Get Moving on pages 1 LM Math Grade 5. Check the
pupils answers. For mastery, have them answer the exercises A under Keep Moving on page 2
of LM Math Grade 5. Check on the pupils answers.
C Assessment
A Write the cubic unit of measure used.
1 20 mm 2) 2 dm 3) 10 cm
8 dm 3 cm
2 cm
20 mm 20mm
1 dm
3 3 3
B Use cm , m , dm to tell which cubic unit of measure is appropriate to be used.
a) box of chocolate
b) tent
c) glass
d) gymnasium
e) math book
D Home Activity
Give the cubic unit of measure for finding the volume of the following:
a) a box 44 cm by 9 cm by 6 cm
b) a room 4m by 5m by 6 m
c) a cabinet 1.2 m by 0.9 m by 0.5 m
d) a ball with radius 10 cm
e) a cylindrical tank 25 dm long and radius 8 dm
Lesson 88: Derives the Formula in Finding the Volume of a Cube and A Rectangular
Prism Using Cubic Centimeter and Cubic Meter.
Instructional Procedure:
E Preliminary Activities
4 Drill
1 A= ? 3) A=?
5 cm
4 cm
6 cm
8 cm
2 L=? 4) Rectangle: Width 2 cm,
Area 10 cm2
5) Square A = 1 unit2, S = ?
c. Teacher calls out a number randomly. The three pupils having that number stand up
and call out the answer with correct units. The pupil who gives the correct answer first
gets the point for the team.
d. Teacher may do drawings first before shifting to pure numerical problems. Teacher
may also include finding area of trapezoids making sure that the dimensions can be
solved mentally.
5 Review
Memory Game
Materials: pocket chart, flash cards
a. Teacher prepares flash cards with figure and dimensions on a set of cards and
the corresponding area of the figure on another set of cards. Teacher then place
the shuffled cards into pocket chart slots. At the back of each card, label them
with letters.
c. Have a member of group 1 choose 2 letters corresponding to 2 cards. Teacher
turns over the cards. If the cards match (figure and its area), then the team gets
the point and the cards taken out of the pocket chart. If the cards do not match,
then the cards are turned over again in the same place/position in the pocket
d. Have a member of group 2 call out another pair of cards. Continue the game
until all the cards have been used up. Team with the most number of points wins.
e. Teacher may divide set of cards into a) finding area of parallelograms and
trapezoid making sure that the dimensions given are manageable by the pupils,
or b) finding the missing side/dimension given the area.
6 Motivation
Show a transparent plastic container filled with balls. Ask pupils to guess the
number of balls inside the container. Let a volunteer count the balls to find out the
answer. Elicit from them how they can make a good guess of the total number of
balls. Relate this to the concept of volume.
B. Developmental Activities
6 Presentation
Let a pupil fill a rectangular box with cubes. For purposes of having exact
measurements and no half-cubes, it is ideal that teacher prepares boxes/ rectangular
prisms that have corresponding measurements as the cubes that are going to be
used in the activity.
Ask the pupils the following questions:
a. How many cubes did it take to fill the prism? How many cubic units is the
length? The width? The height?
b. What similar situations require you to fill up a solid such as the
rectangular prism?
c. Define these situations as finding the volume of solids. Define volume as
the number of cubic units (unit cubes) used to fill up a space. Use correct
unit of measure.
d. Using this definition, ask the pupils the volume of the rectangular prism.
e. Ask: Without actually counting the number of unit cubes in the solid how
can you find its volume? What formula can we use to find the number of
cubic units in it or the volume of the rectangular prism?
f. Elicit from the pupils that
To find the volume of an object means to find the number of cubic units
it contains or holds
g. Lead them to state the formula for the volume of a rectangular prism as
V = l x w x h.
h. Define volume as the number of unit cubes in the solid figure. Mention the
correct label (cubic units).
i. Using this definition, ask the pupils the volume of the cube.
j. Ask: Without actually counting the number of unit cubes, how can you find
the volume of the cube? What formula can we use to find the number of
cubic units in it?
k. Try to elicit from the pupils that to find the volume of a cube, the length of
its side is multiplied by itself three times.
l. Lead them to state the formula for the volume of a cube as
V=SxSxS or V = S
m. Let pupils apply the rule by actually measuring and finding the volume of
some rectangular prisms and cube inside the room.
n. Present situations like how much water does it take to fill the aquarium,
how far does it take to run around the park, etc. and distinguish perimeter/
circumference from area and volume. Elicit similar applications of volume
in daily life situations.
9 cm
9 cm
10 cm
6 cm
2 3m 4) s = 6 m
7m V = ___________
25 cm
2) 4)
F Assessment
Find the volume of these solid figures
1 3)
2 4)
G Home Activity
Draw the figure with their measurements and find their volume.
1 L=9m W=4m H=3m
2 L = 10 m W=7m H = 15 m
3 L = 14 m W = 10 m H=9m
4 S = 12 cm
5 S = 7 cm
Draw the figure with their measurements and find their volume.
1 L=2m W=3m H=4m
2 L = 11 m W=2m H=5m
3 S = 10 cm
4 S = 8 cm
Lesson 89: Converting to cu.m and vice versa; to L and vice versa
Week 4
Objective: Converts to cu.m and vice versa; to L and vice versa
Prerequisite Concepts and Skills:
Mastery of the basic conversion units
Materials: flash cards, pocket chart, problem written on the chart.
References:Curriculum Guide in Math 5
Ateneo Lesson Guide Grade 5 p.392
Instructional Procedures:
I. Preliminary Activities
7. Drill: Conversation
Mother bought a dressed chicken weighing 1.3 kg. How many grams is it?
8. Review
Give the equivalent: Conversion of linear measure.
6cm= ____ mm
5m= _____cm
____dm= 4m
____cm= 9dm
____dm= 3m
9. Motivation
Which cubic unit of measure will you use to measure the following:
a.cabinet d.thumbtacks box
b.gravel and sand truck e.rectangular water tank
J. Developmental Activities
11. Presentation
Present each problem to the class.
A truck delivers sand weighing 54000 dm3 or L, what is the weight of the sand in
cubic metre (m3)? In cubic centimetre (cm3) ?
How will you compare cubic decimetres to cubic metres? Since a cubic
metre is larger thana cubic decimetre, we divide by 1000. Using conversion
1m3= 1000dm3
54000dm3 = 54m3
Problem 3. Change to m3
2400 cm3 = _______ 1240cm3 =________
320 dm3= ________
K. Assessment
Change to smaller units.
1. 15 cm3= _____mm3
2. 61 dm3= _____cm3
3. 64 cm3 = _____dm3
4. 25 cm3= _____mm3
5. 87 dm3= _____cm3
L. Home Activity
Change these units to larger or smaller units:
1.7cm3= ______mm3
2. 5000 dm3= _____m3
3. 5m3 = _____cm3
4. 20000 cm3 = ____m3
5. 17m3= ____dm3
Lesson 90: Finding the volume of a given cube and rectangular prism using and
Week 4
Objective: Finds the volume of a given cube and rectangular prism using and cu.m
Instructional Procedures:
E Preliminary Activities
4 Drill
Mental computation /drill on finding the area or missing side of a parallelogram
5 Review
Find the area of the following figures. Write the answer on your
1. 3cm
2. 5m 3. 6cm
6 Motivation
Show a transparent plastic container filled with balls. Ask pupils to guess
the number of balls inside the container. Let a volunteer count the balls to find
out the answer. Elicit from them how they can make a good guess of the total
number of balls. Relate this to the concept of volume.
F Developmental Activities
6 Presentation
Using concrete objects
a Let a pupil fill a rectangular box with cubes.
b Ask the pupils the following questions:
How many cubes did it take to fill the prism?
How many cubic units is the length/ the width? the height?
c Define these situations as finding the volume of solids. Define volume as the
number of cubic units used to fill up a space. Use correct unit of measure.
d Using this definition, ask the pupils the volume of rectangular prism.
e Let them state the formula for the volume of a rectangular prism as V=lxwxh.
2 l= 10cm 5. s=6m
7 l=14 m
25cm 12cm
12m 8m
5. Summarizing the Lesson
Volume of a rectangular prism= L X W X H
Volume of a cube=S X S X S or S3
G Assessment
Find the volume of these solid figures..
1 3m
6m 3m
2. 10cm
15m 32
H Home Activity
Draw the figure with their measurements and find their volume.
1 l=4m
2 s=14cm
3 3=20cm
4 l=8cm
5 s=12cm
Lesson 91: Estimating and Using appropriate units of measure for volume
Week 4
Objective: Estimate and use appropriate units of measure for volume
Instructional Procedures:
I Preliminary Activities
8 Drill
Mental computation
Magic Square Give the next five perfect square.
9 Review
Find the volume of these prisms. Write the answer on your
1 l=9m 2. s=12cm 3.l=15m
w=5m w=10m
h=4m h=6m
10 Motivation
Show a rectangular prism to each group and guess which has the greatest or
least volume.
J Developmental Activities
8 Presentation
Using concrete object (present an aquarium)
An aquarium is 35 cm. long, 25 cm wide and 33 cm high is to be filled with water.
How many cubic centimetre of water will be needed?
1.What is asked in the problem?
2.What data are given?
3. Is the unit of measure appropriate with the data given?
Write the best unit of measure to find the volume of the following: (mm3, cm3, dm3, m3)
1 water in a rectangular pool
2 an ice before it melts
3 a dice
4 a blackboard eraser
5 oil in a rectangular box
K Assessment
1 Marilous sewing box is 3 dm long, 2.5 dm wide and 4.3 dm high. What is its volume?
2 Find the volume of a closet which is 2.5 m long, 5m and 2m high
L Home Activity
Draw the figure with their measurements and find their volume.
6 l=9m
7 s=18cm
8 3=30cm
9 l=12cm
10 s=14cm
Lesson 92: Solving Routine and Non-routine Problems Involving Volume of a Cube and
Rectangular Prism in Real-Life Situations Using Appropriate Strategies and
Week 5
Objective: Solves routine and non-routine problems involving volume of a cube and rectangular
prism in real-life situations using appropriate strategies and tools
Instructional Procedure:
A Preliminary Activities
1 Drill
Have a drill on the multiplication of fractions and whole numbers using the activity
1 1 1
6 8 40 6 7 9 51 7 21 4
3 3 3
2 Review
Have a review on estimating and using appropriate units of measure for volume.
3 Motivation
Group the pupils into four. Give each group a set of steps in solving problems.
Let them arrange the steps in correct order.
(This can be done in the form of game)
B Developmental Activities
1 Presentation
Present these problems.
A A swimming pool is 12 m long, 9 m wide, and 1.85 m deep. How much water
can it hold?
3 3
B. A wooden cube has a volume of 500 cm . How many 4 cm cubes can
you cut from it?
Ask: What is the shape of the wooden cube?
What is its volume?
What is asked in the problem? Solve.
- Show how the solution is done. - V =l w h
= 12 m9 m 1.85 m
= 199.8 m
Check and Look Back
- Use inverse operation.
- Verify if the answer is correct. 199.8 1.85 = 108
108 9 = 12
The answer is correct.
Problem B.
3 Processing Activities
Call some pupils to show their solutions and answers on the board.
Ask: How did you solve the problem?
Expected answers:
For Problem 1:
We used the 4-step plan in solving the problem.
We used the appropriate formula.
V =l w h
For Problem 2:
Since the volume of the wooden box is given, we divided it by 4 cm .
Let the pupils do items under Apply your Skills on page , LM Math Grade
A Evaluation
Let the pupils solve the following problems:
1 A flower box is 4.3 m long, 0.6 wide, and 0.53 m high. How many cubic meters of soil
will fill the box?
2 A rectangular container is 0.4 m long, 0.3 m wide and 1 m high. What is its volume in
cubic centimeters?
3 A water tank is 0.8 m long, 0.6 m wide and 1 m high. If the tank is half full, how many
cubic centimeters of water does it hold?
B Home Activity
Analyze then solve the problems.
1 A box of milk is 9 cm long, 8 cm wide and 18 cm high. Find its volume?
2 Each book of a set of encyclopedia measures 2.85 dm by 2.15 dm by 0.4 dm. The
encyclopedia has 19 books. What is the total volume of all 19 books?
3 The toy hat of Alex is in the shape of a cone. Its base area is 72 cm2 and its
Let the pupils solve the following problems.
1 A rectangular block of wood is 25 cm long, 20 cm wide and 15 cm thick. What is its
2 The volume of cube is 729 cm . What is the length of its side?
3 A school garden is 20 cm long and 3 m wide. How many cubic meters of soil will
Week 5
Objective: Creates problems (with reasonable answers) involving volume of a cube and
rectangular prism in real-life situations
Instructional Procedure:
C Preliminary Activities
4 Drill
Have a drill on the finding the volume of cubes and rectangular prism.
15 cm 15 cm
5 cm 15 cm
10 cm 15 cm
5 Review
Have a review on solving problems on volume.
Ask: What are the steps in solving word problems?
Let the pupils solve this problem.
Leo has a box measuring 15 cm long, 20 cm wide and 10 cm high. Find
its volume?
6 Motivation
Group the pupils into four and let them read the problem and ask them to draw
the solid figure described in the problem.
A rectangular garden is 25 cm long, 15 cm wide and 10 cm thick. What its
Ask: Can you create a problem on volume similar to the one given?
Say: This time you will create problems involving the volume of a cube and a
rectangular prism.
D Developmental Activities
6 Presentation
Each group will present the solid figure formed.
Ask: What is asked in the problem?
What are the given data?
What process is needed to solve the problem?
What is the number sentence?
What is the correct answer?
Situation 2:
Litos business is to deliver water to schools.
Her water tank measures 4 meters long, 2 meters wide, and 2 meters high.
Every morning, he delivers a tank full of water to each of the schools
Guide and assist the pupils when doing the activity. Ask each group to show its
work and to explain its output.
8 Processing Activities
After the activities are done, let the groups post their created problems from the
given situations and let them follow the task below.
1 Read the problem and ask the class to solve the problem.
2 Illustrate and solve the problem with its solution.
Ask: How did you create problems?
Expected answer:
1 We familiarized ourselves with the mathematical concepts and their application to
real-life situations.
2 We thought of the type of problems we want to create.
3 We read and studied some problems that we have solved and their solutions.
C Evaluation
Let the pupils make problems involving the volume of a rectangular prism with
corresponding answers based on the given situations.
1 In constructing a new building, a hole 4 m deep, 10 m wide, and 115 m long was
dug in the ground.
2 A room is 15 m high, 4 m wide and 10 m long.
3 A bar of gold is 25 dm long, 3 dm wide, and 2 dm high.
D Home Activity
Let the pupils create problems involving volume, then provide solutions.
1 Anas sewing box is 7 dm long, 4 dm wide and 3 dm high.
2 An antique wooden chest is in the form of a cube. Its edge is 20 cm.
Let the pupils create problems for the following situations:
1 A small gift box measures 8 cm long, 7 cm wide and 2 cm high.
2 A rectangular water tank is 5 meter high, 2 m wide and 3 m long. It contains water 2
meter high.
3 The volume of a rectangular prism is 75 cm 3 , its height is 6 cm, and its length is 4
Materials: picture, thermometer, activity sheets, improvised thermometer, a glass of hot water
and cold water
Instructional Procedure::
A Preliminary Activities
1 Drill
Rearrange the jumbled words to form science terms
2 Review
Give the equivalent. Conversion of linear measure.
3 Motivation
B Developmental Activities
1 Presentation
Present a model of an improvised thermometer. It has a movable red ribbon
which resembles the mercury in an actual thermometer.
What does the red ribbon represents?
Give each group an improvised thermometer, announce the temperature
The pupils will reflect it in their thermometer model.
Check if the temperature reading each group is showing is correct.
Let them discuss how they read and measure the temperature
Group 1- Measure and read the pupils body temperature by putting the digital
thermometer under their armpits. Record and compare the results with
the other pupils.
6 Applying to New and Other Situations
Let the pupils do items 1 and 2 under Apply Your Skills on page ______, LM
Math Grade 5.
C Assessment
Ask the pupils to find the temperature of the following.
1 A kettle of water was made to boil for 5 minutes more than after it reached its
boiling point. What is the temperature of the water?
2 What is the room temperature if the red liquid (mercury) rose to 30 above
the freezing point?
Instructional Procedure:
A Preliminary Activities
1 Drill
Estimate each sum.
38 83 98 78 87
+ 76 +67 +34 +43 + 65
45 34 27 29 32
2 Review
Match the parts of the thermometer with their function.
Column A Column B
1. Mercury A. holds the tube that contains the liquid
2. Glass tube B. rises and fall when there is a change
3. Glass bulb in temperature
4. Scale C. tells how far the liquid goes up and down
D. holds the liquid
3 Motivation
How do you know if you have a fever?
One has a fever if ones body temperature is above the normal body
temperature. The normal body temperature is 37C?
What will you do if one of the members of your family has a fever?
B Developmental Activities
1 Presentation
Present the situation to the class.
Mother wants to find out if her son Rommel has fever. She got
her thermometer and found out that the mercury level in the
thermometer is at 38.5C, If the normal body temperature is 37.5C,
how much higher is her sons temperature than the normal body
38.5C 39C
- 37.5C -38C
1C estimated difference
So, 1C is much higher is her sons temperature than the normal body
Then, what was cancelled in the rounded numbers?
Then what was done next?
Say : Now, let us compare the actual answer to the estimated one.
Ask: Are the difference the same or different?
How near or far is the estimated answer to the actual one?
What will you do if the estimated answer is too large or small compared to
the actual one?
Say: There are times that the estimated answer is too long or small if we
round both the numbers to the highest place value. One way to make our
estimated answer reasonable or close to the exact answer is by using
compatible numbers.
5 Summarizing the Lesson
Lead the pupils to generalize as follows.
For more exercises, ask pupils to do the exercises under Apply Your Skills on
page _____, LM Math Grade
C Assessment
Estimate the temperature. Give the estimated sum or difference.
1 3.5 C higher than normal body temperature
2 10.5C below 0C
3 Halfway between 78.6C and 80.2C
4 The sum of 32.4C and 33.8C
5 The difference between 98.2C and 72.8C
D Home Activity
Estimate the temperature by rounding method.
1 36.2C
2 43.7C
3 19.25C
4 29.2C
5 18.6C
Find the estimated sum or difference using rounding method then compare
with the exact answer.
Equation Rounding off Estimated sum/ difference
1 45.2C + 35.5C
2 100.2C- 98.6C
3 73.5C- 65.2C
4 35.3C +23.4C
5 17.5 C - 10.3C
Lesson 96: Solves routine and non- routine problems involving temperature in real-life
Fourth Quarter-Week 6
Objective: Solves routine and non- routine problems involving temperature in real-life
Value Focus: Awareness, alertness
Prerequisite Concepts and skills :
Steps in solving word problems
Concept of four basic operations
Materials: improvised thermometer, digital or liquid thermometer, activity sheets/cards
References: K to 12 Grade 5 Curriculum Guide, M5ME- IVf-87
Lesson Guide Grade 5 page409
Mathematics For A Better Life 5 p.268- 269
Instructional Procedure:
A Preliminary Activities
1 Drill
Using improvised thermometer, show the following temperature readings.
a 32.5C 18.6C 39C
b 57.3C 20C 59.2C
2 Review
Give the temperature when the liquid or digital thermometer is:
1 at the freezing point of water
2 10C below the normal body temperature
3 25C above the boiling point of water
4 between 30C to 40C
5 at the boiling point of water
3 Motivation
Show 2 glasses of water, one has cold water and the other has hot water.
Let the pupils get the actual temperature of the 2 glasses of water. Record the
Ask: Which of 2 has a higher temperature? lower temperature?
How much higher is the temperature of one glass than the other?
Valuing: Getting the actual temperature of ones body is important.
Why should we read the thermometer with accuracy?
B Developmental Activities
1 Presentation
Present a problem opener.
Problem A
The weather report in one newspaper predicted the lowest
temperature for the day to be 24C and the highest at 32C. What was
the difference in the predicted temperatures for that day?
Problem B
Marina has a fever. At 12 noon, her temperature increased by 1.8C
from her temperature at 7 A.M. Then her temperature went down by
1,3C at 5 P.M. At 11 P.M., her temperature rose again by 1.1 C. If her
temperature at 11 P.M. was 39.7C, what was her temperature at 7 A.M.?
Discuss with the pupils the ways on how they were able to solve for the answer to
The problems. ( Use the 4- step plan and illustrating a diagram)
Ask: Are there was by which you can solve the given problems?
The first problem is an example of a routine problem. Routine problem solving
concerns solving problems that are useful for daily living ( in the present or future).
1 At 1:00 pm, the air temperature was 31.9C. By 5:30 pm, it was recorded to
be 20.6C. Is there a change in temperature? By how much?
Use the operation to solve
Check and Look Back
Write the correct answer
C Assessment
Solve the following problems:
1 The recorded temperatures for 5 days were 21C, 27C, 29.2C,29.8C and
30C.What was the average temperature?
2 A freezer is set at 0C. Corina reset it to 8.5C. Did the temperature in the freezer rise
Or drop? By how many degree?
D Home Activity
Solve the following problems; show the solution in your notebook.
1 From the normal body temperature, Josephs temperature rose by 2,5c due to high
fever. What is Josephs body temperature?
2 The temperature reading is 42C. It changed to how much temperature
was increased?
Solve the problem.
Upon reaching the top of the mountain, a group of mountain climbers boiled water.
They observed that the water started to boil at a temperature 6.5C lower than the
boiling point of water at sea level. What is the boiling point of water at the top of the
Lesson 100: Interpreting Data Presented in Different Kinds of Line Graphs (Single to
Double-Line Graph)
Week 8
Objective: Interpretsdata presented in different kinds of line graphs (single to double-line graph)
Instructional Procedure:
M Preliminary Activities
11 Drill
Drill on skip counting by 2s, 5s, 10s, etc.
12 Review
Conduct a review on interpreting data presented in a bar graph.
English Math Science Filipino HEKASI
13 Motivation
How many of you are observant with the days temperature?
Why does a weatherman inform us about temperature readings?
Why do you think there is a need to check the days temperature from time to
N Developmental Activities
10 Presentation
Present a line graph with complete parts and let the pupil interpret the
erat 34
(C) 32
8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Tim
12:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m.e 1:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.
1 What are the parts of a line graph?
2 Looking at the data, can you interpret what is presented by the graph? How?
3 How does a line graph help in data presentation?
4 Is it important to have an accurate data? Why?
Mrs. Albas Monthly
s in35,000
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Gregorio Elementary
School Enrolment from S.Y.
Nu 1,500
er 1,400
of 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
ShielasWeight for 6
Wei 36
Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov
ht 80
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Grade V- Narra's Attendance for Five Days
of Pupils
Mon Tue Wed
Day Thur Fri
A line graph has a title, information on the x-axis (horizontal axis) and
information on the y- axis (vertical axis).
Changes in the data presented are easily seen on a line graph.
To read and interpret the data presented in a line graph, we usually
compare the data in terms of size and amount.
C Assessment
Study the line graph, and then answer the question below.
Ramon's Weekly Mango Harvest
Quanti 65
35 Wee
1 2 3k 4 5 6
D Home Activity
Study this graph carefully, and then answer the questions that follow.
Amount 1,600
in Peso 1,000
Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb
1 What is the graph about? h
2 How much was her initial deposit?
3 In which month was her bank deposit greatest?
4 What was her average deposit??
5 What was her total deposit for six months?
Use the graph to answer the following.
Average Daily Sales at Aling Eva's Store
Pesos 500
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun
Lesson 101: Solving Routine and Non-routine Problems Using Data Presented in a Line
Week 8
Objective: Solves routine and non-routine problems using data presented in a line graph.
Instructional Procedure:
O Preliminary Activities
14 Drill
Conduct a drill on reading and interpreting a graph.
Mark's Score in Math Summative Test
Score 3
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri
Results in an Experiment
Weeks Height of Plant
1 1 cm
2 2 cm
3 2.5 cm
4 3.5 cm
5 4 cm
6 6 cm
16 Motivation
Is it important to keep track of your performance in school? What do you do in order to
maintain good performance track?
P Developmental Activities
12 Presentation
Present a line graph to the class.
86 Ellas Grade in
1st Quarter 2nd Quarter Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter
Ask: In what quarter did Ella get the lowest grade? What about the highest grade?
Why do you think Ella got the lowest grade during the 2nd Quarter?
What will you do in order to get good grades?
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Use the data in the line graph to answer the following questions.
1 What was the sale for the first three consecutive months?
a What is asked?
b What facts are needed to solve the problem?
c What operation will you use?
d What is the number sentence?
e What is the complete answer?
2 How much more was his sale in March than in February?
a What is asked?
b What facts are needed to solve the problem?
c What operation will you use?
d What is the number sentence?
e What is the complete answer?
3 What was the difference between the highest and lowest sale?
a. What is asked?
b What facts are needed to solve the problem?
c What operation will you use?
d What is the number sentence?
e What is the complete answer?
4 What was his total sale from January to June?
a What is asked?
b What facts are needed to solve the problem?
c What operation will you use?
d What is the number sentence?
e What is the complete answer?
5 What was his average sale for six months?
a What is asked?
b What facts are needed to solve the problem?
c What operation will you use?
d What is the number sentence?
e What is the complete answer?
Show how the solution is done using the operation.
Check if the answer is correct.
State the final answer.
Nonroutine problems are problems that can be solved even without following the steps or
50 Ramons Electric
15 hs
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
R Home Activity
1 What is the total number of immigrants starting 2010 up to 2015?
2 What is the average number of immigrants for the last three years?
er of
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
1 About how many immigrants are there during the fifth year than during the second
2 Would the number of immigrants increase for 2016 or decrease? Why do you say
Fourth Quarter Week 8
Objective: Draws inferences based on data presented on a line graph.
Instructional Procedure:
S Preliminary Activities
18 Drill
Each group will use the grid board to plot several points on the graph.
At the signal Go, they will start plotting. The first group to finish will win the
game. Let the first group describe the figure they form based on the points they
plotted on the graph.
(1, 20)
(3, 40)
(4, 60)
(5, 120)
(7, 120)
(7, 60)
(4, 60)
y-axis 80
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
19 Review
Which of the following line graphs below best describe the height of a
child? Defend your answer.
3 Motivation
Is it important to get good grades in school?
What will you do in order to attain it?
T Developmental Activities
1 Presentation
Anas Grade in
80 Quarte
1st Quarter 2nd Quarter r 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter
in 40
Jan Feb Mar Apr May
U Assessment
Study the line graph them answer the question below.
Shoots 70 Series 3
1 2 3 4 5
a How many baskets did each one make during the third session?
b Who made more baskets on the fourth session?
c What is their average number of baskets during the five-day session of
d How many baskets did each one make all throughout the session?
e Who is more successful in making a basket?
V Home Activity
Study the graph and answer the questions below.
4 How do you compare the speed of the two?
5 What makes it possible that the other one reach school faster the other? Explain.
Fourth Quarter Week 9
Objective: Describes experimental probability
Instructional Procedure:
A Preliminary Activities
1 Drill
Tell whether the following is sure to happen, likely to happen or impossible to
a The baby cooks for the family.
b The lost cellular phone was found.
c The teacher teaches the pupils.
d The man collapses during the rally.
e The cat drives the car.
2 Review
Conduct a review on drawing inferences based on data presented in a line graph.
12 000
ges 10 000
of 8 000
Em 6 000
plo 4 000
2 000
Jan Feb Mar Ap May Jun Jul
What does the line graph tell about the wage of the employee in seven months?
3 Motivation
Have the class listen to the song Kapaligiran.
Discuss the message of the song relating to prediction. Which line in the song tells
something that will likely happen? Will unlikely happen ? Is it impossible to happen?
or certain to happen?
B Developmental Activities
1 Presentation
Present to the class a number cube.
If you roll a 0-5 number cube, what is the probability that you will roll 7?
If you roll a 0-5 number cube, what is the probability that you will roll a number less
than 7?
If you roll a 0-5 number cube, what is the probability that you will roll an even
If you roll a 0-5 number cube, what is the probability that you will roll an odd number?
We use fractions to describe probability. For example, if you flip a coin it has an
equal chance to land on either of its two faces. The probability that the coin will land
heads up is 1 result out of two possible outcome, or . Since it is likely that the coin
will land tails up, that probability is also .
Even though we might imagine the coin landing on its edge, this event is so unlikely
that we dont usually consider it. We expect a coin to land heads up half of the time
and tails up the other half. Nothing else is likely to happen.
b Have the pupils do the items under Get Moving, page ___ of LM math Grade 5.
Check the pupils answers and provide corrective measures if needed.
To further reinforce the skill, ask the pupils to answer items under Keep Moving,
page ____ of LM Math Grade 5.
D Home Activity
Write 0 for impossible to happen, for equally likely to happen and 1 for certain to
_____1. From a class of 30 boys and 30 girls, what is the probability that a girl is
chosen as a leader?
_____ 2. Without looking, what is the probability that a green pen is drawn from a box of
green pen?
_____ 3. What is the probability that a tomato is drawn from a box of apples and
______ 4. From tossing a coin, what is the probability that the head shows up?
______ 5. What is the probability that an odd number of dots show up if a die is rolled?
Reference: K-12 Grade 5 curriculum M5SP-IVi- 15, Integrative Mathematics 6 pp.443 447
Instructional Procedure
A Preliminary Activities
1 Drill
a Spin the spinner
b Put a mark in the tally column for each color where the spinner stops.
Do this experiment for 10 times
c Add the tally marks for each column and write the number in the frequency
color tally frequency
2 Review
If you roll a die, what is the probability that you will roll 2? 1? 8? Even numbers? Odd
3 Motivation
Show the pictures of the Great European Mathematician like Gerolamo Cardano,
Pierre de Fermat, Blaise Pascal and Christian Huygens.
Say: Did you know that they began to analyse simple games of chance involving
cards and dice?
B Developmental Activities
1 Presentation
Show a calendar to the class.
Say: Consider the days of the week. If you choose a day at random, the probability that it
is a Monday is 1 out of 7 of 1/7. The probability that you choose begins with the letter T
is 2 out of 7 or 2/7. The probability that the day you choose has less than 15 letters is 7
out of 7 or 1. The probability of an impossible event, such as choosing a day with only 3
letters is 0 out of 7 or 0.
b Put the marble back in the box. Do more 19 trials. Replace the marble each time
after recording the color.
c How many times out of 20 did you draw a blue marble?
a L? ______
b O? ______
c R? ______
d A? ______
e I? ______
f N? ______
g E? ______
C Assessment
Express the outcomes of your prediction. Write your answer in your notebook.
1 What is the chance that you will get a perfect score in you Math quiz?
2 What is the probability that a newly born puppy is a girl?
3 Toss a die, what is the probability that you will get 4 on top?
4 What is the probability that Claire chooses a rose from a flower shop selling
sunflower, tulips, and dahlia?
5 Toss a coin. What is the probability that neither the head not the tail shows up?
D Home Activity
What is the probability that this spinner will land on ___?
Week 9
Objectives: Analyzing data obtained from chance using experiments involving letter cards (a to
z) and number cards ( 0 20)
Instructional Procedure
E Preliminary Activities
1 Opening Song Pagdatingng Panahon sung by Aiza Seguerra
1 Drill
Game ka na ba?
Materials: 4 rolled papers numbered ( 1 to 4 )
8 hidden questions on situations to be predicted
a Form 4 teams having equal number of members. The leader of the team
draws and gets 2 questions to be predicted by the team in terms of:
Likely to happen
Impossible to happen
Unlike to happen
Certainty to happen
Equally likely to happen
b Output of each team will be presented on the board.
c The class, together with the teacher, processes the responses of teams.
3 Motivation
How many sides does a coin have?
If you are to toss a coin, what is the chance that your coin will land head?
4 Developmental Activities
3 Presentation
a Have each member of the team pick a letter without looking . Let them find the
probability of picking letter G.
b Ask them to find the number of possible outcomes.
c Let them answer on the prediction card. Encourage them to determine the probability
of picking G.
d Lead them to come up with G is 1out of 10 or 1/10
e Ask them to symbolize the probability as P(G) = 1/10
Let us use the number line to show the probability of an event.
We can see on the number line that50%
if probability is less than , an event is certain
1/2 1
unlikely to happen. If the probability is more than the event is likely to happen. A
probability of 1 means the event will certainly happen and a probability of 0 means
the event is impossible to happen.
c. card with letter T ________
d. card with letter H ________
e. card with a vowel ________
f. card with a consonant ________
g. card with M or T ________
h. card with letter J ________
i. card with T of H ________
j. card with letter A or T ________
C Assessment
Study the cards with letters.
One card is drawn from a well-shuffled 9 letter cards. What is the probability of
drawing a card having the following letter/s?
a L,O,V,E
b M, A, T
c I
d V, E
e Y
D Home Activity
There are 4 strawberries flavoured candies and 5 cherry-flavoured candies in a jar. If
Kristine picks first and Randy picks next, what is the probability of picking a strawberry-
flavoured candy? What is the probability of picking cherry- flavoured candy?
Lesson 106: Solving Routine and Non-routine Problems Involving Experimental
Week 10
Objective: Solves routine and non-routine problems involving experimental probability
Instructional Procedure:
W Preliminary Activities
20 Drill
Have a drill on:
Conduct a game on recording and expressing outcomes of experimental
21 Review
Conduct a review on how to solve routine and non- routine problems.
Ask the learners to say something about the 4- step plans in solving problems.
Ask them to give some strategies in solving problems.
3 Motivation
Ask the class of the probability of picking letter A without looking. Return the card if it is
not letters A, do this 10 times.
X Developmental Activities
14 Presentation
Present the situation to the class.
Ask the pupils to read, and let them solve the problem by groups.
15 Performing the Activities
Group the pupils and have them perform the task.
Know what is asked: The probability of pulling apples
Know the given fact: There are 16 fruits in the bag
Plan: There are 16 fruits inside the bag. Twelve are apples.
Use the formula, and then substitute.
P(E) = number of times the event occurs
Total number of Trials
12 3
The probability of pulling an apple is: 16 = 4 or 0.75 = 75%
pulling an apple is = 4 or 0.75 = 75%
Discuss the presentation under Explore and Discover on page ___ of LM Math Grade V
Ask the pupils to solve the problems under Get Moving on page ____ LM Math Grade V. Check
their Answer. For mastery, have them solve the problems under Keep Moving on Page
_______ of LM Math Grade V. Check the pupils answer.
Y Assessment
1 A die is thrown 100 times out of which 4 appears 30 times. Find the experimental
probability of getting the number 4?
2 A Box contains 15 red balls, 12 blue balls and 13 green
marbles. Find the experimental probability of not getting a green ball?
Z Home Activity
Give the answer to the question.
A bag contains 3 red lollipops, 3 green lollipops and 3 orange lollipop. What is the
probability of picking a green lollipop?
1.If a coin tossed 15 times, head appears 3 times. Find the experimental probability of
getting a head?
Lesson 107: Creating Routine and Non- Routine Problems Involving Experimental
Week 10
Objective: creates routine and non- routine problems involving experimental probability
Instructional Procedure:
A Preliminary Activities
1 Drill
Record your prediction on simple probability. Write
0= impossible to happen
= equally likely to happen
1= certain to happen
1) When one writes, he is writing a love song.
2) When one reads his notes, he can pass the test tomorrow.
3) Once a teacher always a teacher.
4) Covering the book makes the owner orderly.
5) A first honor in Grade I will graduate valedictorian in Grade VI.
2 Review
Have a review on solving experimental probability
A bag has 1 blue, 3 green, 2 red, and 2 yellow marbles.
Find the probability of drawing:
a 1 blue marble
b 3 green marbles
c 2 red marbles
d 2 yellow marbles
e 2 black marbles
3 Motivation
Show a picture of a stormy weather. Ask the pupils, what would likely to
B Developmental Activities
1 Presentation
Present to the class this information. Have the class create a problem on
experimental probability.
In a bag, there are 15 M & Ms chocolate 4 red, 5 yellow, 3 blue and 3 brown.
C Assessment
Create a problem on experimental probability for the following information.
Anna conducted a survey of the students on her classes to observe the
distribution of notebooks. The table shows the results of her survey.
Notebooks Blue Green Red Pink
Number 12 14 8 16
D Home Activity
Create a problem for the information below.
1 There is a bowl containing blue, black, red and green marbles. There are 2 blue, 6
black, 4 red and 3 green marbles.
Create a problem for the information below.
1 I record 40 different vehicles that pass my house. The result are shown in the
table below.
Vehicles Jeep Tricycle Motorcycle car
Frequency 15 18 4 3