Lesson Planning Sheet Title: Square and Cube Numbers Learning Objectives
Lesson Planning Sheet Title: Square and Cube Numbers Learning Objectives
Lesson Planning Sheet Title: Square and Cube Numbers Learning Objectives
Lesson Planning Sheet Title: Square and Cube Numbers Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson: All students should be able to recognise the first 10 square numbers and 5 cube numbers. Most students should be able to calculate the first 15 square numbers and 6 cube numbers. Some students should be able to calculate any square or cube number and square root. Key words: Square Number, Cube Number, Power, Square root, Length, Area, Volume Learning Activities Starter/Introduction The activity on the first slide is intended to challenge the students to visualise different sized squares and triangles. If needed, work through identifying different sized triangles in the pyramid so that students are more able to attempt the 3 x 3 square. Encourage students to work together. Development It is important to relate square numbers to those that are the area of integer squares. Use the illustration of squares on the second slide for students to calculate (or count) the area of consecutive squares when given the length. Emphasise that it is the area, which is a square number. Have the students complete the table by looking for a pattern from the first six areas. When the table is completed discuss how the square root is a calculation to find the length of the square when given its area. Introduce the use of square and square roots using calculators to check the values in the table. Set the calculations in black for the students to work though. The third slide is similar to the second in teaching cube numbers as a volume. Plenary The final slide is used for the students to investigate solving problems with square and cube numbers rather than simply calculating with them. Pose the problems set and if needed guide the students to try different square and cube numbers. Discuss if zero is a cube and square number? Can a square have zero area or a cube have zero volume? Differentiation More able: Students could investigate triangle numbers. Student could consider the area/volume of a square/cube with an algebraic length. Less Able May need square/isometric paper to draw the shapes in order to count the area/volume. Students could stick to looking at only squares and cubes other than roots. Resources: Calculator Mini-Whiteboards