Rajkiya Engineering College Bijnor: Department of Electrical Engineering

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Department of Electrical Engineering

Rajkiya Engineering College Bijnor

(REE 665)



Micro Hydro Power Plant


6th Semester


Arvind kumar Mr. Suneel Kumar (Assit. Professor)

B. Tech (6th semester) Mr. Abhishek Kumar (Assit. Professor)

1673520016 (Department Of Electrical Engineering)


We are hereby declare that this submission is our own work and that, to the best of our
knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person
nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree
or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due
acknowledgment has been made in the text.


This is to certify that seminar Report entitled “Micro Hydro Power Plant” which is submitted
by (Arvind kumar) in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of degree B.Tech in
Department of Electrical Engineering of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University,
U.P., Lucknow, is a record of the candidate own work carried out by him under my supervision
.The matter embodied in this thesis is original and has not been submitted for the award of any
other degree.


It gives us a great sense of pleasure to present the report of the B. Tech seminar undertaken
during B. Tech. Third Year. We owe special debt of gratitude to our guide Professor Mr.
SUNEEL KUMAR & Mr. ABHISHEK CHAUHAN, Department of Electrical Engineering,
Rajkiya Engineering College, Bijnor for his constant support and guidance throughout the
course of our work. His sincerity, thoroughness and perseverance have been a constant source
of inspiration for us. It is only his cognizant efforts that our endeavours have seen light of the
We also take the opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of Professor MR.
SUNEEL KUMAR & MR. ABHISHEK CHAUHAN, Department of Electrical Engineering,
Rajkiya Engineering College, Bijnor for his full support and assistance during the development
of the seminar.
We also do not like to miss the opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of all
faculty members of the department for their kind assistance and cooperation during the
development of our seminar. Last but not the least, we acknowledge our friends for their
contribution in the completion of the seminar.

List of figures ............................................................................................................................ vi

List of table ..............................................................................................................................vii

1.Introduction ........................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2. History of tidal power .......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.1 Existing Tidal Power Plants ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.1.1 Barrages block navigation...................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.1.2· Barrages impede fish migration ............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.1.3· Barrages change the size and location of the intertidal zone Error! Bookmark not

2.1.4· Barrages change the tidal regime downstream ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3. Generation of tidal energy ................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.1 Generating methods ....................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.1.1 Tidal stream generator ............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.1.2 Tidal barrage ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.1.3 Dynamic tidal power ............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.1.4 Tidal lagoon ............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

4. Current and future tidal power schemes .............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

5. Uses of Tidal Energy ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

5.1: Tidal Energy ................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

5.2: Tidal Electricity ............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

5.3: Grain Mills – ................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

5.4: Energy Storage .............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

5.5: Provide Protection to Coast in High Storms ................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

6. Tidal power issues................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

6.1: Environmental concerns .............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

6.2: Tidal turbines ................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

6.3: Tidal barrage ................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

6.4: Tidal lagoon .................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

6.5: Corrosion ...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

6.6: Fouling .......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

6.7: Cost ............................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

6.8: Structural health monitoring ......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

7. Advantages Of Tidal Power ................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

8. Disadvantages Of Tidal Power ............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

9. Conclusion ........................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

10. References .......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.


Figure 1:Barrage de la rance ................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2:Efficiency of different power plant ........................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3:Different countries use different amounts of different types of energy .............Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Figure 4:Tidal energy generation ............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 5: Wave and tidal energy .............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 6:Tidal energy generation layout .................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Table 1:Tidal power project ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 2:Current sites of Tidal power plant .............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

 Micro hydro is a type of hydroelectric power that typically produces from 5 kW to 100 kW
of electricity using the natural flow of water. Installations below 5 kW are called pico hydro.
 These installations can provide power to an isolated home or small community, or are sometimes
connected to electric power networks, particularly where net metering is offered.
 There are many of these installations around the world, particularly in developing nations as they can
provide an economical source of energy without the purchase of fuel.
 Micro hydro systems complement solar PV power systems because in many areas, water flow, and
thus available hydro power, is highest in the winter when solar energy is at a minimum.
 Micro hydro is frequently accomplished with a pelton wheel for high head, low flow water supply.
 The installation is often just a small dammed pool, at the top of a waterfall, with several hundred feet
of pipe leading to a small generator housing. In low head sites, generally water wheels and Archimedes
screws are used.

 Classification of hydro power can be summarized as follows:

Type Description

Large All installations with an installed capacity of more than 1000 kW (according to some
Hydro definitions more than 10,000 kW)

Medium Installations of 15 - 100 MW (usually feeding the grid)


Small Installations of 1-15 MW (usually feeding into the grid)


Mini Hydro Capacity between 100 - 500 kW (either as stand-alone schemes or more often feeding into the

Micro Installations with power output of 5 - 100 kW (usually provided power for small community
Hydro or rural industry in remote areas away from the grid)

Pico Hydro From a few hundred watts up to 5 kW

 Micro hydro systems are generally used in developing countries to provide electricity to isolated
communities or rural villages where electricity grid is not available. Feeding back into the national grid
when electricity production is in surplus is also evident in some cases. The micro hydro scheme design
can be approached as per household basis or at the village level often involving local materials and
 In 1995, the micro-hydro capacity in the world was estimated at 28 GW, supplying about 115 TWh of
electricity. About 60% of this capacity was in the developed world, with 40% in developing areas.
 Micro hydro plants that are found in the developing world are mostly in mountainous regions for
instance in the some places in the Himalayas as well as in Nepal where there are around 2,000 schemes,
including both mechanical and electrical power generation. In South America, there are micro-hydro
programs in the countries along the Andes, such as Peru and Bolivia. Smaller programs have also been
set up in the hilly areas of Sri Lanka, Philippines and some parts of China.


The first hydroelectric scheme was installed in Wisconsin in 1882, three years after Thomas Edison
invented the light bulb.

Soon after, hydropower became an important resource for electricity generation. 20% of total electricity
consumed worldwide comes from hydroelectrical plants. In some countries hydropower supplies 80% of
electricity. This has generally been supplied by larger hydroelectric schemes.

Interest in small hydro declined from it’s historical roots due to the success of these large hydropower plants
in bringing down costs and the success of other technologies such as nuclear and diesel generation.

However concern about climate change, air quality and nuclear generation and increasing costs of fossil fuel
based generation has renewed interest in small hydro and other renewable forms of generation.


Fig 2.1: Typical microhydro setup.

Construction details of a microhydro plant are site-specific. Sometimes an existing mill-pond or other artificial
reservoir is available and can be adapted for power production. In general, microhydro systems are made up
of a number of components.[3] The most important include the intake where water is diverted from the natural
stream, river, or perhaps a waterfall. An intake structure such as a catch box is required to screen out floating
debris and fish, using a screen or array of bars to keep out large objects. In temperate climates, this structure
must resist ice as well. The intake may have a gate to allow the system to be dewatered for inspection and

The intake is then brought through a canal and then forebay. The forebay is used for sediment holding. At the
bottom of the system the water is tunneled through a pipeline (penstock) to the powerhouse building containing
a turbine. The penstock builds up pressure from the water that has traveled downwards.In mountainous areas,
access to the route of the penstock may provide considerable challenges. If the water source and turbine are
far apart, the construction of the penstock may be the largest part of the costs of construction. At the turbine,
a controlling valve is installed to regulate the flow and the speed of the turbine. The turbine converts the flow
and pressure of the water to mechanical energy; the water emerging from the turbine returns to the natural
watercourse along a tailrace channel. The turbine turns a generator, which is then connected to electrical loads;
this might be directly connected to the power system of a single building in very small installations, or may
be connected to a community distribution system for several homes or buildings.

Usually, microhydro installations do not have a dam and reservoir, like large hydroelectric plants have, relying
on a minimal flow of water to be available year-round.


Several types of water turbines can be used in micro hydro installations, selection depending on the
head of water, the volume of flow, and such factors as availability of local maintenance and transport of
equipment to the site. For hilly regions where a waterfall of 50 meters or more may be available, a Pelton
wheel can be used. For low head installations, Francis or propeller-type turbines are used. Very low head
installations of only a few meters may use propeller-type turbines in a pit, or water wheels and Archimedes
screws. Small micro hydro installations may successfully use industrial centrifugal pumps, run in reverse as
prime movers; while the efficiency may not be as high as a purpose-built runner, the relatively low cost makes
the projects economically feasible.

In low-head installations, maintenance and mechanism costs can be relatively high. A low-head system
moves larger amounts of water, and is more likely to encounter surface debris. For this reason a Banki
turbine also called Ossberger turbine, a pressurized self-cleaning crossflow waterwheel, is often preferred for
low-head micro hydro systems. Though less efficient, its simpler structure is less expensive than other low-
head turbines of the same capacity. Since the water flows in, then out of it, it cleans itself and is less prone to
jam with debris.

Turbines converts the flow and pressure energy into mechanical energy. Turbines are basically of two
types i.e. Reaction & Impulse .
Depending upon the head of the available water further divide in three categories i.e. High, Medium
& Low head.
According to site specification (i.e. head and flow) we choose the turbine to use in microhydro power plant-

Turbine type Flow Hight

Pelton wheel Low high >70 feet

Turgo medium 25-75 feet

Cross flow High low <25 feet

According to structral specification name of some turbine models are as given below-

4.1.1. Screw turbine (Reverse Archimedes' screw): two low-head schemes in England, Settle
Hydro and Torrs Hydro use an Archimedes' screw which is another debris-tolerant design. Efficiency

F ig .1 .1 : Sc re w tu rb in e Fig .1 .1 : W a te r wh eel t u rb i ne

a . Fig .1 .1 : vo r tex tu rb in e Fig .1 .1 : g o rlo v h el i ca l t u rb i ne

4.1.2. Gorlov turbine: the Gorlov helical turbine free stream or constrained flow with or without
a dam.
4.1.3. Kaplan turbine : Is a high flow, low head, propeller-type turbine. An alternative to the
traditional kaplan turbine is a large diameter, slow turning, permanent magnet, sloped open flow VLH
turbine with efficiencies of 90%.
4.1.4. Water wheel : advanced hydraulic water wheels and hydraulic wheel-part reaction turbine
can have hydraulic efficiencies of 67% and 85% respectively. Overshot water wheel maximum
efficiency (hydraulic efficiency) is 85%. Undershot water wheels can operate with very low head, but
also have efficiencies below 30%.
4.1.5. Gravitation water vortex power plant : part of the river flow at a weir or natural water
fall is diverted into a round basin with a central bottom exit that creates a vortex. A simple rotor (and
connected generator) is moved by the kinetic energy. Efficiencies of 83% down to 64% at 1/3 part

The standard generators used in micro hydropower projects are the synchronous generator and
the induction motor used as a generator.
Induction generator :- Induction generator usually an induction motor. Which rotates 1-5% faster
then synchronous speed so that it can achieve negative slip, to run in generating mode.-5% faster
then synchronous speed so that it can achieve negative slip, to run in generating mode.
Synchronous generator :- Salient pole Synchronous generator or alternator are used in micro-hydro
projects. These generator supplies its own excitation through rectifier or external batteries system can be used
for excitation.
Some times industrial pumps (i.e. centrifugal) are use as generator.

The ideal geographical areas for exploiting small scale hydro schemes is where there are steep rivers flowing
all year round. Islands with moist marine climates are also suitable. Low-head turbines have been developed
for small-scale exploitation of rivers or irrigation canals where there is a small head but sufficient flow to
provide adequate power.
To understand more about a suitable potential site, the hydrology of the site needs to be known and a site
survey carried out so as to determine the actual flow and head data. Hydrological information is easily
accessible from the metrological or irrigation department of the particular national government. Site surveys
usually give a more detailed information of the site conditions to allow power calculation to be done and
design work to begin. Flow data should however be collected over a period of one year where possible, this is
to ascertain on the fluctuation in the river flow over the various seasons.


Microhydro systems are typically set up in areas capable of producing up to 100 kilowatts of electricity. This
can be enough to power a home or small business facility. This production range is calculated in terms of
"head" and "flow". The higher each of these are, the more power available. Hydraulic head is the pressure
measurement of water falling in a pipe expressed as a function of the vertical distance the water falls. This
change in elevation is usually measured in feet or meters. A drop of at least 2 feet is required or the system
may not be feasible. When quantifying head, both gross and net head must be considered. Gross head
approximates power accessibility through the vertical distance measurement alone whereas net head subtracts
pressure lost due to friction in piping from the gross head. "Flow" is the actual quantity of water falling from
a site and is usually measured in gallons per minute, cubic feet per second, or liters per second. Low flow/high
head installations in steep terrain have significant pipe costs. A long penstock starts with low pressure pipe at
the top and progressively higher pressure pipe closer to the turbine in order to reduce pipe costs.

The available power, in kilowatts, from such a system can be calculated by the equation P=Q*H/k, where Q
is the flow rate in gallons per minute, H is the static head, and k is a constant of 5,310 gal*ft/min*kW. [7] For
instance, for a system with a flow of 500 gallons per minute and a static head of 60 feet, the theoretical
maximum power output is 5.65 kW. The system is prevented from 100% efficiency (from obtaining all
5.65 kW) due to the real world, such as: turbine efficiency, friction in pipe, and conversion from potential to
kinetic energy. Turbine efficiency is generally between 50-80%, and pipe friction is accounted for using
the Hazen–Williams equation.

Typically, an automatic controller operates the turbine inlet valve to maintain constant speed (and frequency)
when the load changes on the generator. In a system connected to a grid with multiple sources, the turbine
control ensures that power always flows out from the generator to the system. The frequency of the alternating
current generated needs to match the local standard utility frequency. In some systems, if the useful load on
the generator is not high enough, a load bank may be automatically connected to the generator to dissipate
energy not required by the load; while this wastes energy, it may be required if it's not possible to control the
water flow through the turbine.

An induction generator always operates at the grid frequency irrespective of its rotation speed; all that is
necessary is to ensure that it is driven by the turbine faster than the synchronous speed so that it generates
power rather than consuming it. Other types of generator can use a speed control systems for frequency

With the availability of modern power electronics it is often easier to operate the generator at an arbitrary
frequency and feed its output through an inverter which produces output at grid frequency. Power electronics
now allow the use of permanent magnet alternators that produce wild AC to be stabilised. This approach allows
low speed / low head water turbines to be competitive; they can run at the best speed for extraction of energy,
and the power frequency is controlled by the electronics instead of the generator.

Very small installations (pico hydro), a few kilowatts or smaller, may generate direct current and charge
batteries for peak use times.


Fig 1 .1 :

To see if a microhydropower system would work for you, determine the vertical distance (head) available and
flow (quantity) of the water.
To build a microhydro power system, you need access to flowing water on your property. A sufficient quantity
of falling water must be available, which usually, but not always, means that hilly or mountainous sites are
best. Other considerations for a potential microhydropower site include its power output, economics, permits,
and water rights.
To see if a microhydropower system would work for you, you will want to determine the amount of power
that you can obtain from the flowing water on your site. This involves determining these two things:
Head -- the vertical distance the water falls
Flow -- the quantity of water falling.
Once you've calculated the head and flow, then you can use a simple equation to estimate the power output
for a system with 53% efficiency, which is representative of most microhydropower systems.
Simply multiply net head (the vertical distance available after subtracting losses from pipe friction) by flow
(use U.S. gallons per minute) divided by 10. That will give you the system's output in watts (W). The equation
looks this:
[net head (feet) × flow (gpm)] ÷ 10 = W
3.1 Determining the “Head” at Your Potential Microhydropower Site
In a potential microhydropower site, head is the vertical distance that water falls. When evaluating a potential
site, head is usually measured in feet, meters, or units of pressure. Head also is a function of the characteristics
of the channel or pipe through which it flows.
Most microhydropower sites are categorized as low or high head. The higher the head the better because you'll
need less water to produce a given amount of power and you can use smaller, less expensive equipment. Low
head refers to a change in elevation of less than 10 feet (3 meters). A vertical drop of less than 2 feet (0.6
meters) will probably make a small-scale hydroelectric system unfeasible.
However, for extremely small power generation amounts, a flowing stream with as little as 13 inches of water
can support a submersible turbine. This type of turbine was originally used to power scientific instruments
towed behind oil exploration ships.
When determining head, you need to consider both gross head and net head. Gross head is the vertical distance
between the top of the penstock that conveys the water under pressure and the point where the water discharges
from the turbine. Net head equals gross head minus losses due to friction and turbulence in the piping.
The most accurate way to determine gross head is to have a professional survey the site. To get a rough
estimate, you can use U.S. Geological Survey maps of your area or the hose-tube method.
The hose-tube method for determining head involves taking stream-depth measurements across the width of
the stream you intend to use for your system -- from the point at which you want to place the penstock to the
point at which you want to place the turbine. You will need the following:
 An assistant
 A 20–30 foot (6–9 meters) length of small-diameter garden hose or other flexible tubing
 A funnel
 A yardstick or measuring tape.
Stretch the hose or tubing down the stream channel from the point that is the most practical elevation
for the penstock intake. Have your assistant hold the upstream end of the hose, with the funnel in it,
underwater as near the surface as possible.
Meanwhile, lift the downstream end until water stops flowing from it. Measure the vertical distance
between your end of the tube and the surface of the water. This is the gross head for that section of
Have your assistant move to where you are and place the funnel at the same point where you took your
measurement. Then walk downstream and repeat the procedure. Continue taking measurements until
you reach the point where you plan to site the turbine.
The sum of these measurements will give you a rough approximation of the gross head for your site.
Note: due to the water's force into the upstream end of the hose, water may continue to move through the hose
after both ends of the hose are actually level. You may wish to subtract an inch or two (2–5 centimeters) from
each measurement to account for this. It is best to be conservative in these preliminary head measurements.
If your preliminary estimates look favorable, you will want to acquire more accurate measurements. As stated
already, the most accurate way to determine head is to have a professional survey your site. But if you know
you have an elevation drop on your site of several hundred feet, you can use an aircraft altimeter. You may be
able to buy, borrow, or rent an altimeter from a small airport or flying club. A word of caution, however: while

using an altimeter might be less expensive than hiring a professional surveyor, your measurement will be less
accurate. In addition, you will have to account for the effects of barometric pressure and calibrate the altimeter
as necessary.
3.2 Determining “Flow” at A Potential Microhydropower Site
The quantity of water falling from a potential microhydropower site is called flow. It's measured in gallons
per minute, cubic feet per second, or liters per second.
The easiest way to determine your stream's flow is to obtain data from these local offices:
The U.S. Geological Survey
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
The U.S. Department of Agriculture
Your county's engineer
Local water supply of flood control authorities.
If you can't obtain existing data, you'll need to conduct your own flow measurements. You can measure flow
using the bucket or weighted-float method.
Bucket Method
The bucket method involves damming your stream with logs or boards to divert its flow into a bucket or
container. The rate at which the container fills is the flow rate.
For example, a 5-gallon bucket that fills in 1 minute means that your stream's water is flowing at 5 gallons per
Weighted-Float Method
Another way to measure flow involves measuring stream depths across the width of the stream and releasing
a weighted-float upstream from your measurements. Due to water safety concerns, this method isn't
recommended if the stream is fast-flowing and/or over your calves. You will need:
I. An assistant
II. A tape measure
III. A yardstick or measuring rod
IV. A weighted-float, such as a plastic bottle filled halfway with water
V. A stopwatch
VI. Some graph paper.
With this equipment you can calculate flow for a cross section of the streambed at its lowest water level.
First, select a stretch of stream with the straightest channel, and the most uniform depth and width possible.
At the narrowest point, measure the width of the stream.
Then, holding the yardstick vertically, walk across the stream and measure the water depth at one-foot
increments. To help with the process, stretch a string or rope upon which the increments are marked across the
stream width.
Plot the depths on graph paper to give yourself a cross-sectional profile of the stream.
Determine the area of each section by calculating the areas of the rectangles (area = length × width) and right
triangles (area = ½ base × height) in each section.
Next, from the same point where you measured the stream's width, mark a point at least 20 feet upstream.
Release the weighted-float in the middle of the stream and record the time it takes for the float to travel to your
original point downstream. Don't let the float drag along the bottom of the streambed; if it does, use a smaller
Divide the distance between the two points by the float time in seconds to get flow velocity in feet per second.
The more times you repeat this procedure, the more accurate your flow velocity measurement will be.
Multiply the average velocity by the cross-sectional area of the stream.
Then multiply your result by a factor that accounts for the roughness of the stream channel (0.8 for a sandy
streambed, 0.7 for a bed with small to medium sized stones, and 0.6 for a bed with many large stones). The
result will give you the flow rate in cubic feet or meters per second.
Stream flows can be quite variable over a year, so the season during which you take flow measurements is
important. Unless you're considering building a storage reservoir, you can use the lowest average flow of the
year as the basis for your system's design. However, if you're legally restricted on the amount of water you
can divert from your stream at certain times of the year, use the average flow during the period of the highest
expected electricity demand.
3.3 Economics
If you determine from your estimated power output that a microhydropower system would be feasible, then
you can determine whether it economically makes sense.
Since saving energy costs less than generating it, be sure your home is as energy efficient as possible reducing
yur electricity so that you do not purchase a system that is bigger (and more costly) than you need.
Add up all the estimated costs of developing and maintaining the site over the expected life of your equipment,
and divide the amount by the system's capacity in Watts. This will tell you how much the system will cost in
dollars per Watt. Then you can compare that to the cost of utility-provided power or other alternative power
Whatever the upfront costs, a hydroelectric system will typically last a long time and, in many cases,
maintenance is not expensive. In addition, sometimes there are a variety of financial incentives available on
the state, utility, and federal level for investments in renewable energy systems. They include income tax
credits, property tax exemptions, state sales tax exemption, loan programs, and special grant programs, among
3.4 Permits and Water Rights
When deciding whether to install a microhydropower system on your property, you also need to know your
local permit requirements and water rights.

Whether your system will br grid connected or stand-alone will affect what requirements you must follow. If
your microhydropower system will have minimal impact on the environment, and you are not planning to sell
power to a utility, the permitting process will most likely involve minimal effort.
Locally, your first point of contact should be the county engineer. Your state energy office may be able to
provide you with advice and assistance as well. In addition, you'll need to contact the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
You'll also need to determine how much water you can divert from your stream channel. Each state controls
water rights; you may need a separate water right to produce power, even if you already have a water right for
another use.

Microhydro systems are very flexible and can be deployed in a number of different environments. They are
dependent on how much water flow the source (creek, river, stream) has and the velocity of the flow of water.
Energy can be stored in battery banks at sites that are far from a facility or used in addition to a system that is
directly connected so that in times of high demand there is additional reserve energy available. These systems
can be designed to minimize community and environmental impact regularly caused by large dams or other
mass hydroelectric generation sites.

Potential for rural development

In relation to rural development, the simplicity and low relative cost of micro hydro systems open up new
opportunities for some isolated communities in need of electricity. With only a small stream needed, remote
areas can access lighting and communications for homes, medical clinics, schools, and other
facilities.[16] Microhydro can even run a certain level of machinery supporting small businesses. Regions along
the Andes mountains and in Sri Lanka and China already have similar, active programs. [16] One seemingly
unexpected use of such systems in some areas is to keep young community members from moving into more
urban regions in order to spur economic growth.[16] Also, as the possibility of financial incentives for less
carbon intensive processes grows, the future of microhydro systems may become more appealing.

Micro-hydro installations can also provide multiple uses. For instance, micro-hydro projects in rural Asia have
incorporated agro-processing facilities such as rice mills – alongside standard electrification – into the project

The cost of a micro hydro plant can be between 1,000 and 20,000 U.S. dollars.


4.1.1. Efficient energy source: It takes only a small amount of flow to make it work (as small as two
gallons of water or a drop of as low as two feet) to generate electricity with the micro hydro, the
produced electricity can be used as far as a mile away from the production site.
4.1.2. Reliable electricity source: There is a constant and continuous electrical energy supply from
a hydro power plant compared to other small scale renewable energy technologies. There are however
peak energy seasons (mainly during winter) when large quantities of electricity is required.
4.1.3. No reservoir required: Micro hydro are considered to run as a 'run-of-river' system , this
means that when the water passes through the turbines it is diverted back to the river/ stream with
relatively low impact on the surrounding ecology.
4.1.4. Cost effective energy solution: A small hydro- power system can cost in the range of $1,000-
$20,000 depending on the site electricity requirements and location. The operation and maintenance
costs are relatively low as well compared to other technologies.
4.1.5. Power for developing countries: Having low-cost versatility and long life span, micro hydro
can be used by developing countries in supplying electricity to small villages and communities.
4.1.6. Integrate with the local power grid: If there is a surplus production of electricity, some
companies can buy the electricity from you and integrate it to the grid. There could also be a possibility
of supplementing your level of micro power with intake from the grid.
4.1.7. Environmental impact: The impact on the environment is minimized as compared to the
traditional power stations that use fossil fuels.

4.1.1. Suitable site characteristics required:
4.1.2. Energy expansion not possible: Low-power in the summer months: Since streams will reduce
their flow rates depending on the season, summer months are likely to have less flow leading to less
power output. However advanced planning and research can ensure adequate energy requirements are
4.1.3. Environmental impact: There is a low ecological impact from small-scale hydro systems,
however the low-level environmental effects must be taken into consideration before construction
begins. Stream water will be diverted away from a portion of the stream, and proper caution must be
exercised to ensure there will be no damaging impact on the local ecology or civil infrastructure.

3.5 Use of Micro Hydro Power Plants
Power produced from a small hydro station can be used for various purposes, some of the uses have been
classified as follows:

Productive Use: This is where the electricity generated is used to perform activities where money is exchanged for a
service. Most of this scenarios take place in small businesses.

Consumptive Use: All the other used that the electricity can be used for are called consumptive use. they include using
the electricity at the household or close to the household.

Besides the productive and consumptive use, a distinction can also be made between the use of power in a mechanical
way or in the form of electricity:[8]

Mechanic Electricity

Productive Use agro processing mechanical uses with electricity as intermediate

timber sawing heating

textile fabrication lighting

cooling fertiliser production


Consumptive Use domestic lighting



radio and television

As the above illustration shows power that is generated by MPH is a convenient source of electricity to fuel
anything from workshop machines to domestic lighting as the power can also be supplied to villages via
portable rechargeable batteries and thus there are no expensive connection costs. Batteries can as well be
charged and used to provide the local community with power. For industrial use however, the turbine shaft
can be used directly as mechanical power as opposed to converting it into electricity via generator or batteries.
This is suitable for agro-processing activities such as milling, oil extraction and carpentry.

There are various barriers that hinder the dissemination of MHP, some of them have been identified as:
Policy and regulatory framework: In most cases there exists no sufficient policies and frameworks that govern
MHP schemes, this is because the MHP is either not regulated at all or is combined with a broader framework
made for rural electrification which may be unclear and in transparent. Such challenges causes the MHP
project developers not to know which requirements apply and work in an unreliable grey area of regulation.
Financing: Lack of sufficient funding to be used in development is a common challenge as most MHP rely on
donor funding which in most cases is only available in funding a small portion of the hydro power potential.
One of the ways that such an case can be addressed is if there can be an option of exploring other sources of
funding especially from private venture capitalists and local banks.
Capacity to plan, build and operate MHP plants: Lack of knowledge and awareness on MHP potential posses
a great challenge for rural electrification, hydro power schemes still dominate as political decision makers still
tend to go for them as a more "modern" approach. Combined with that there is minimal capacity to design,
implement and revise the MHP supportive policies and regulations. And at the technical level, local capacity
is often missing to plan, build and run MHP projects. The is also a problem in the lack of a ready supply of
affordable turbine parts and the lack of domestic manufacturing capacity for hydro systems of all sizes also
poses a barrier to a swift and cost-effective MHP project development.
Data on hydro resources: There is usually a lack of interest in MHP deployment from the politicians and power
utilities companied by the lack appropriate capacities and budgets, as well as unavailability of pubic data on
MHP sites. Such a lack of sound basic data (e.g. on mid-to long-term hydrological, geographic, geologic data
and figures on the current and future demand for electricity and social infrastructure, but especially on effects
of seasonal and long-term river flow variations), poses a major barrier for private investors in MHP. This
causes a bottleneck for investment in hydropower systems as there is an increase in climate variability
accompanied with the destruction of rainfall catchment areas.

New computerized control systems and improved turbines may allow more electricity to be generated from
existing facilities in the future .Small scale and low head hydro capacity will probably increase in the future.
Low head turbines, and standardized turbine production, lowers the costs of hydro-electric power at sites with
low heads .will probably increase in the future. Low head turbines, and standardized turbine.

fig .1 .1 :

3.1 Why is it needed?

Of course, every community’s particular needs are different. But in general, access to energy is a vital stage
in the development of remote villages like these.
It can lead to swift and significant improvements in education, sanitation, healthcare and the overall standard
of living. These benefits are achieved both directly - as in the provision of light - and indirectly - as the time
and money that people save is redirected into other projects.
Micro-hydro power systems like these are designed to operate for a minimum of twenty years if they are
properly looked after. That’s why we train local people to build and maintain their own system. And by making
a small charge for use, communities can accumulate enough money to pay for the replacement of the unit at
the end of its useful life.
Once schemes are set up, they should continue to function indefinitely without any more external funding.

[1] Micro Hydro information, Dorado Vista ranch application
[2] Gorlov A.M., Development of the helical reaction hydraulic turbine
[3] International Renewable Energy Agency
[4] Quaranta and Revelli (2015). "Output power and power losses estimation for an overshot water
wheel". Renewable Energy
[5] "Micro-hydro". The Ashden Awards for Sustainable Energy
[6] "Micro Hydro Power - Pros and Cons". Alternative Energy News Network
[7] Tech Insider.


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