Harald: Tietze
Harald: Tietze
Harald: Tietze
The Miracle Fungus
by Harald W. Tietze
ISBN 1-85860-029-4
Origin of the Kombucha fungus 1
4 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus
Pernicious Anaemia 87
Beauty through Kombucha 87
Kombucha as a poultice 88
The Kombucha bath 90
Slim with Kombucha 90
Kombucha for the young over 80 91
Kombucha as remedy for impotence 92
Wounds and ulcers 93
High performance sporting achievements 93
Kombucha used in veterinary medicine 94
Networking: Getting and sharing your fungus 95
Health is balance 97
The oldest, New age 97
Placebo - The miracle healing of modern medicine 98
Fasting for health instead of suicide with knife and fork 99
Acid & Alkaline Foods 100
Testimonials 101
Bibliography and Resources 104
Networking Sources 106
Other Books and Sources 107
Index 111
Every morning we start the day with a refreshing tea-drink.
Nothing unusual about that you might think, except that our tea is
no ordinary brewed beverage. It is Kombucha, the revitalising
and delicious drink which has deservedly earned itself the name of
‘miracle fungus’.
Kombucha is an ancient, fungus-like living organism which,
when brewed with sweetened tea, produces a wonderful, health-
enhancing drink. We were introduced to this immune-boosting
treatment through a cousin in California, the sole survivor in a
family who had all contracted cancer through a polluted public
water supply. Kombucha encourages sharing, for it creates an
offspring every week, and one finds someone to give it to. We
brought ours back to Britain inJune 1994, and have since given
away dozens to our publishing colleagues, authors, family and
friends. Most have adopted it successfully, reporting definite and
individual improvements to their wellbeing and health.
Its use quickly becomes a way of life, enabling us to do
something practical at home for our good health and for our
family, costing virtually nothing. We can then have the added
pleasure of passing Kombucha on to our friends and neighbours,
also for their good health, happiness and wellbeing. It is easy to
understand why its production and consumption in rural Russia
were regarded as a sacred ritual!
We have now heard that taking Kombucha is empowering the
Aids community in California with its immune-enhancing effects,
and its fame has rapidly grown as a marvellous health drink. The
British media have noted its rising popularity in the UK. At a time
when the amount of pollution in our environments has grown
alarmingly, our immune systems are going to need all the help
they can get. What could be better than a natural source of
immune enhancement with a 2,500 year pedigree of healing - and
Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus 7
Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus 9
This publication seeks to demonstrate the beneficial use of Kombucha for
various disorders in the human body, but it is stressed that the contents of
this book are in no way a substitute for personal supervision by qualified
professional medical personnel. People with health problems should consult
their physician.
Turn the book upside down to see the results of drinking Kombucha!
Part I:
area. Was it wine which tasted like a delicious tea or an unusual tea
that tasted like a rare wine? Notably, after drinking this beverage, I
not only felt stronger after the long and tiresome walk, but strangely
enough, felt healthier. In particular it helped my metabolism a great
deal in this climate and made me feel very relaxed. When I asked
what it was, K' un-Pu-ch' a’ came the reply. I was startled. Tea
‘ *
Immigrants from Asia and Europe introduced the Kombucha
fungus to Australia. Today, a number of health practitioners who
have treated their patients for all types of illness with the Kom-
bucha beverage have found that, not only did their patients feel
much better after drinking it, but that when used in conjunction
with other medicine, the healing results were greater.
A Kombucha pioneer in Australia, Mr Jose Perko from The
Way of Life Sanctuary in Queensland, believes that Kombucha
made with green tea has better therapeutic value than that made
with the black tea which is generally used in other countries. By
experimenting with different fruit and herbal mixtures, (one of
which was a pawpaw leaf concentrate), Mr Perko has managed to
keep Kombucha mixtures for long periods without the use of
artificial preservatives or causing unnecessary souring of the Kom-
bucha. In further chapters I will discuss in detail some of his
methods. I would like to thank him for the information he has
supplied for inclusion in this book.
“Approximately 60 years ago a Japanese woman visited the region
instructions on how to use the fungus. She took the fungus with her
to Japan where she started to duplicate it. Her friends were invited
to drink the tea as well and she also passed the fungus on to them
with instructions on its use. They passed it on to their friends. After
having consumed the tea for a period of time the people began
and now travels around the world where it is passed on from one
friend to another as a token of appreciation and love. This tea
appears to be a miraculous remedy for many types of suffering.
Researchers have discovered that the fungus has three basic ele-
ments, without which the body cannot function. Encouragingly, Dr
Pan Pen from Japan reported as follows on the effects of the
culture: “This tea -
- clearly lengthens the lifespan
- is a health remedy against chickenpox and shingles
- reduces the formation of wrinkles
- discourages the formation of cancer
- prevents adverse menopausal symptoms
- restores visual acuity
- strengthens leg muscles
- heals arthritis
- enhances sexual drive
- heals sweaty feet, constipation, joint and back pains
- heals abscesses
- heals blocked arteries and diabetes
- strengthens kidneys
- heals cataracts and heart disease
- restores the appetite and heals sleeping disorders
will for others. If you read the list of testimonials at the back of
this book, you will be astonished at the wide variety of conditions
that have been helped.
Can Kombucha be considered a miracle healing medium? Is
it a remedy against cancer? Research will undoubtedly determine
this in the future.
Kombucha is composed of a number of bacteria and special yeast
cultures in a symbiotic relationship. This living organism ferments
sweetened tea to become the Kombucha beverage. The refreshing
taste gives one a feeling of wellbeing. The amount of living yeast it
contains gives the Kombucha beverage an active life which con-
tinues after decanting it into bottles. Kombucha has become in-
2 litres (372-4 pints) of water
160 grams ( 5 V2 OZ) of white granulated sugar*
2-4 teaspoons (or teabags) tea - black, green, or a mixture
1 healthy Kombucha culture
2 tablespoons vinegar (This is used only with the first brew, if no
starter Kombucha tea is available. In subsequent brews, use
200ml (V3 pint) of the brew as a starter and omit vinegar).
though not one that contains oil -
Alternatively, a herbal tea -
Container: china,
glass or porcelain
(approx. 6 pints
vol.), large surface
area for fast
tea in a
Fig. 2. Strain sweetened tea into
suitable container. Top up with
teapot or bowl remaining water
leave 1 2 ins
(40mm) gap
below rim
To make a batch of Kombucha, you need a bowl made of
china, porcelain, glass or ceramic that will hold about two and a
half litres or six pints. Place the tea in a large pot, pour on boiling
water, add sugar and stir until dissolved, and leave to brew for 10
to 15 minutes. Strain brewed tea into the bowl. Add the re-
mainder of the water and allow to cool to room temperature, then
add the cider vinegar (or ‘starter’ brew). Now place the fungus to
float on top of the liquid. The fungus has a smooth side (possibly
lighter in colour) and a rougher side. It should be allowed to float
smooth-side upwards. A gap of at least one and a half inches
should be left between the fungus and the top of the bowl.
Cover with muslin (or some other suitable cloth which will
allow air through) and anchor this below the lip of the bowl with
A traditional pot for continuous fermentation. Note the tap is above the yeast settling level.
24 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus
about right.
an-inch or so) amount of tea. So, in this way, you can produce
more offspring without using lots of sugar and tea and without
having to generate large amounts of Kombucha tea. The resulting
Kombucha tea may be a little too sour to drink, however, so
prepare at least one batch with the usual amount of liquid.
Once you have a number of fungus pancakes, it is possible to
refrigerate them successfully, stacked in a container with a little
top with the fabric cover touching the fungus. The fungus simply
did not have enough air to work properly. Even by doubling the
fermentation time, the brew was still too sweet and the drink not
healthy. I traced the culture further back to the previous supplier
where was not doing well either. Brewing had been done here
for the previous five months with only 20 grams of sugar (less than
an ounce) being used per litre (PApints). All these cultures were
brought back to normal performance. With two of them, I added
commercial beverage and with another I used a double strength
black tea with double sugar and allowed it to ferment until very
sour. With this brew, normal fermentation with good results con-
tinued. See also p.41. NB: A dead or ailing culture cannot perform
properly and will not produce a healthy drink.
Part II: How to make your own Kombucha 29
Tobacco smoke will kill the fungus. People have often rung me
and told me that their fungus was not working any more. In 50%
of these cases I found that someone was smoking in the room
where the fungus was fermenting. The fungus cannot tolerate
tobacco smoke. With occasional chimney smoke the fungus may
survive. The beverage will, however, adopt a smoky taste which
will still be noticeable in future batches. Tobacco is an example of
how man can develop unhealthy products from nature. However,
the negative effects of tobacco can be used to advantage by
brewing tobacco tea and spraying in your garden as an effective
insect repellent! Under no circumstances should the tobacco be
left in a food container, and brewed as tea by mistake, which
could cause death if drunk. This happened when I was a child and
one of our neighbours grew tobacco in his garden, storing the
dried leaves in his kitchen. The family had a large variety of
herbal teas and, by mistake, the tobacco was used to brew tea,
with deadly consequences.
but see p.95. The fungus itself has all the healing properties the
beverage has, but in a very concentrated form. pressed extract A
can be obtained from the fungus and is sometimes sold in health
food stores. If the pressed extract is a concentrated medicine, why
indeed should one not eat the fungus, if one finds it appetising?
that all tests showed results favourable towards old age and ar-
terial blockage.
The idea of pressing the Kombucha fungus came from its
most famous researcher, Dr Sklenar himself. The resulting prod-
ucts were named ‘Drops Kombucha Dl’ (D1 being the
homoeopathic dilution degree of 1 to 10) and Kombucha tincture.
With the drops he achieved healing results which gave him a
reputation that lasted long after he died. People who do not wish
to miss the energy-restoring and digestive effect of Kombucha are
advised to take Kombucha extract with them in this handy form
when travelling. It can help with travel sickness.
Kombucha is recommended for diabetics, although the sugar
content cannot be determined when ‘home brewing’. Although
experts say that Kombucha does not have any negative side effects
for diabetics, I suggest that it would be wise to use some of the
more sour-tasting products. Kombucha drops, or pressed extract,
are highly concentrated forms of the effective parts normally
found in the beverage. Manufacturers recommend the use of 15 to
20 drops, three times daily for adults, to be taken with water.
bucha should taste pleasant (apart from some herbal tea combina-
tions) and one should not forget that unlimited different flavours
can be achieved by experimenting. Depending upon the length of
the fermentation, the liquid will be either clear or misty. After a
short period of time, the yeast will settle on the bottom. This yeast
sediment can either be consumed, as with ‘wheat beers’, or fil-
tered off with a cloth. 10% of the liquid should be used to start the
next batch. The rest may be filled into bottles and sealed with
corks - taking care to leave a little gap at the top to prevent the
bottles from exploding.
affects the activities of our mind, our intelligence. Last but not least,
our body will react. So how do we learn to drink Kombucha
properly? Each individual must discover his or her own answer, as
every individual acts differently, feels differently. You are an indi-
vidual, withyou everything functions your own way. The ground-
work has been laid by our Creator. You do everything differently
from other people. A lot may be similar, but not everything is the
same. This fact is very important to consider when deciding how
The most popular Kombucha drinks are the ones in which dif-
ferent tea mixtures are used, according to taste, in the brewing
during fermentation (see pp. 57-62). Some people add fruits to the
brew two days before the end of fermentation. This not only
improves the flavour, it also adds vitamins and all the other
benefits of the particular fruit or vegetable in the drink. When a
seasonal fruit is used, it should be thoroughly cleaned and blended
in the kitchen mixer. A strong fermentation is triggered shortly
after the fruits have been added. The result is delicious. Have you
ever tried raspberry-, mango-, strawberry-Kombucha? Your
guests will like it, young and old!
that I have come across only a few negative effects. These are:
Constipation (one case). Black tea was used and the fermen-
tation time was not long enough (the drink was still very sweet).
Since black tea can cause constipation in some people, a mixture
of buckthorn, elder flowers and knotgrass and raspberry was used
instead, withgood results.
High blood pressure (one case). Green tea had been used. A
mixture using hawthorn and other teas was substituted with suc-
cess. (See also pp. 78-80.)
Candida albicans (a few cases). In these cases, too much brew
had been taken too fast. (See also p.86.)
With negative side effects, one has to consider that there is no
such thing as only one side. While most people have a very good
36 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus
user will feel the effect much better when starting again.
This is called the ‘Interruption Theory’ which is now recom-
mended by a number of Kombucha experts, to allow the body to
consolidate a new balance.
Part II: How to make your own Kombucha 39
brewing Kombucha with herbs than any other person I have met.
He making further experiments to assess the effects of various
Bill uses freshherbs from his own garden like nettle, dan-
delion, yarrow and elderflower, which he adds to the brew two or
three days before the end of fermentation. He stores Kombucha
in bottles for two and a half months at normal temperatures under
his house in tropical Queensland. He was delighted to find the
taste improves with age, without bitterness.
For brewing with honey, temperature-controlled containers
are necessary in cooler areas. That is the reason why my own trials
did not have the desired results and why publications from cooler
countries say a strict NO to honey brewing.
It has probably happened to a lot of Kombucha brewers that one
batch has been forgotten and has continued to brew over many
weeks. The result is a Kombucha vinegar which can be used like
any other vinegar, but can also be used to clean the fungus should
it have become mouldy.
If you treat your fungus properly you will have the joy and gift of
receiving health and enjoyment for life. The fungus itself is a very
stable unit. With temperatures above 65°F (18°C) it will ferment,
provided it gets enough sugar and oxygen. If you have too many
individual fungi or go off on vacation, the fungus may be
preserved by placing it in approx. V2 US pint ( U litre) of its own
liquid and storing it in the refrigerator. The fungus then falls into a
dormant type of winter sleep. The container in which the fungus is
stored should only be half-filled, so that the fungus will still be
able to breathe. Storing it months in the
for a period of three
refrigerator is possible without any problems. Whether the fungus
can be frozen is debatable. Some experts say there are no prob-
lems with freezing the fungus but others, such as Dr Meixner,
contend that the frost crystals could be harmful to the fungus
Part II: How to make your own Kombucha 41
1 litre (5 US cups) water
160 grams (5V2 ounces, 3A US cup) sugar
2 teaspoons (or teabags) black or green tea
one dried fungus
if available, V2 US pint (200 mis) commercial Kombucha bev-
Pour the sugar into the heated water and stir until dissolved.
When the water boils, remove from the heat and add to the tea.
Leave to brew for ten to fifteen minutes.
Cool the tea until lukewarm and strain into a glass, porcelain or
pottery container. Add the dried fungus.
Add commercial Kombucha beverage (if available), or one table-
spoon of vinegar. Cover and store in the usual way, making sure
that a gap of an inch or two is left between the top of the container
and the cover.
A temperature between 73° - 83°F (23° - 28°C) should be
42 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus
maintained for the first week. Ferment this first brew for at least
fifteen days until it tastes very sour. With this brew, a bigger batch
of two or three litres can be started. You will find details about
further brewing method in pp. 19-22.
The use of the name ‘Kombu’ in Japan is rather confusing. Re-
ports about the health benefits of ‘Kombu-cha’ (‘cha’ stands for
tea!) from Japan are probably based on the sea-vegetable-tea
Kombu (kelp = Laminaria family). ‘Kombu-tea’ is harvested in
salt water and has nothing to do with the tea-fermenting fungus
A healthy culture.
Part III:
fungi ( myceV). They formed a living relationship and evolved into
one unit, the lichen or lichens. Only in this form were they able to
survive. The algae supplies the fungus with organic nutrients, car-
bohydrates. The fungus had the function of serving as a water
reservoir also containing vital minerals.
“There are well over 1600 types of lichens. The manna lichen
delivers food for man, the reindeer lichen supplies food for
46 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus
animals. Others such as Irish moss and lung lichen act as healing
and medical components Oak moss for the manufacture of
perfumes. Lichens incorporate strength. They seem to be mes-
sengers from God which came to us from another world. Although
there is a large variety of them, they all have the same basic
principles, the lichen acids. These are vital components of the
lichen which revitalise living matter, minerals and trace elements.
Where there are lichen, life is awakened. The tea fungus Kombucha
is more than just a fungus; it is a symbiosis of algae and fungi.
The fungus expert. Dr Meixner, writes that the important
components of the Kombucha fungus are the tropical yeast Schiz-
osaccharomyces pombe, Saccaromy codes ludwigii and Pichia fer-
mentans. The most important bacteria in the symbiosis is appar-
ently the slimy vinegar bacteria Acetobacter xylinum which ,
tion of the stock will only be done using the best. Pastor
Weidinger explains his selection process as follows:
“Only the best mother animals and mother trees will produce
good stock - a fact of which every grower is aware. The important
factor is to reproduce something living that has its own unique
qualities and cannot be exchanged with something else. The same
goes for reproducing a Kombucha fungus. Only a large solid and
well- dev eloped Kombucha fungus will be capable of being div-
Research into the origin of the culture shows that it has been
grown for over two thousand years in stone jars in unsterile farm
kitchens. Thanks to its antibiotic resistance, it has retained its
be kept clean, otherwise mould will build and the culture will die.
In some cases the culture will still ferment, but the beverage will
not be so lively and the effect will not be the same as that of a
healthy culture. It is important to continue brewing with a fungus
that has the best qualities. In case an ‘accident’ happens and the
fungus does not work as it used to, it is helpful to put the fungus
48 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus
into ‘mother tea’ to help produce the missing bacteria and yeast
The effect of the varying beverages can be compared only
when their conditions of culture are the same, that is when they
* the same type of culture
* the same sort of tea (green tea, herbal tea, etc.)
* the same amount of sugar per litre
* the same time of fermentation
* the same average fermentation temperature
* the same time and temperature after the main fermentation in
the fridge - during which the beverage will still continue to fer-
Variations of the above can achieve many different taste
directions and effects on performance. Different combinations
may cause problems for some people. It is therefore particularly
important to use only the best and healthiest cultures for further
brewing and multiplication. A fungus which is not working prop-
erly should be discarded. Kombucha is the tea with one thousand
and one different tastes. The purchase or gift of a Kombucha
culture requires trust. If you need help in obtaining a proper
culture, please contact the address mentioned in the appendix.
generation as a religious gift. The bread was made from the roots
of a fern and ensured health and strength.
Kombucha fermentation is a lactic acid fermentation process.
There are two lactic acids, one being ‘L(+) lactic acid’ and the
other ‘D(— ) lactic acid’. The (+) lactic acid in Kombucha detox-
ifies, cleanses, purifies and strengthens the body.
The metabolic by-products of the fermentation produced by
the tea and sugar include gluconic and glucuronic acids, acetic
acid, carbonic acid and vitamins Bl, B2, B3, B6, B12, folic acid
and various enzymes. Usinic acid produced is antibacterial and
partly antiviral. Acidic acid bacteria produced are antagonistic to
streptococci, diplococci, flexner and shigella rods (Nosredna).
Part IV:
52 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus
54 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus
When I visited Mr Perko recently in
Queensland, I was able to try
many Kombucha. It was a similar experience to
different types of
wine-tasting in Austria or Italy. The last glass I was served was a
champagne, a very fine product which I assumed was an expensive
treat. I was very surprised when I was told that this also was a
Part TV: Making the Beverage more Interesting 55
Is it for general well being? Then the best taste is important. Green
or black tea is mixed with all sorts of teas for refreshment and
taste, such as wild blackcurrant, raspberry tea (fruit and/or
leaves), lemon tea, tropical fruit teas and so on.
you? For example, when you are suffering
Is the tea beneficial for
Asthma: Mixture A: St. Johns wort (1), St. Benedicts root (1),
Valarian root (1), Angelica root (1), Melissa (2).
Mixture B: Thymus (1), St. Benedicts root (1), Elderflowers (1/2),
Marshmallow root (1), Melissa (1).
Mixture C: Mullein (2), St. Benedicts root (1), Ribwort Plantain (1).
Insomnia: Hops (1), St. Johns wort (1/2), Valarian root (1/2),
Melissa (1), Passion flower (1/2).
Slimming: Lady’s Mantle (1), Angelica seed or root (1), Calendula
(1/2), Com silk (2), St. Benedicts root (1/2), Buckthorn bark (1).
62 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus
Calcium, iron and vitamin C are only half utilised in the tea
when drunk, compared with that absorbed from the tea when
eaten. To make three cups of green tea one uses approximately six
grams of tea leaves - a teaspoonful. This quantity of tea when
eaten contains 50% of our daily needs of vitamin E, and 20% of
our vitamin A requirements. There are virtually no calories in tea
leaves. The healing effect determined by the quality
of green tea is
following results:
Tea Lactic Glucon Acetic Ethanol
acid acid acid
Common tea 2.94% 2.52% 0.08% 1.07%
Peppermint tea 0.14% 0.04% 0.01% 0.01%
Linden flower 0.007% 0.06% 0.30% 0.04%
The lactic and glucon acids are the two most important com-
ponents scientists have concentrated upon. With the lactic acid,
scientists have researched the ‘L(+) - lactic acid’. There are
numerous scientific reports: Dr S Hermann and his team, con-
ducting trials in Prague, came to the conclusion that the glucon
acid in Kombucha could dissolve gallstones. Dr Wiesner’s re-
search showed that Kombucha compared favourably with an In-
terferon product in gallstone treatment.
With asthma, Kombucha was even more successful than the
applied Interferon product. In his report, Dr Wiesner suggested
that Kombucha may stimulate the body’s resistance to illness, thus
assisting the healing process. It may further be regarded as an
important food item in its ability to slow virus attack without
having side effects. It should also be mentioned that Dr Reinhold
Wiesner developed a blood test which electronically monitored
66 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus
got secondary cancer in her ribs, skull and a growth in the lung.
Chemotherapy was prescribed. Two weeks after the first chemo,
she suffered complete hair loss and excruciating pain in her ribs,
sessions in all - four weeks apart. She could still work full time,
except for one day following each chemo session. The bone cancer
medication was supposed to swell her up, and weight gain was
supposed to be anything up to 5-6 stone! But she gained no weight,
although her appetite was hearty. The growth in the lung shrunk,
and the specialist said to her whatever you are doing, keep doing
it’. Of twenty -nine fellow chemo patients, she is the only one still
maintaining her job. All others had to leave their place of employ-
ment, because they were too ill. She didn’t experience the side
effects of chemo to such a severe degree as all others did. The
scanning of bone cancer has not been done again so far.
pawpaw had cured her cancer. Mrs H had lost any hope of being
healed, when she was made aware of the potential healing in
pawpaw leaves.
A more detailed report in the ‘ Weekend Bulletin’ (Gold
Coast, Australia) deals with the healing of Mrs K’s cancer of the
bladder. Mrs K (a 74-year-old woman) had an operation, but the
cancer could not be completely removed and she was supposed to
have further treatment in Brisbane. Over a period of three
months she used pawpaw leaves. When she ran out of them, she
used the skin of the fruit which she boiled. When she went back to
the doctor for a further check-up after that period, the cancer had
been healed. A check-up four months later confirmed this and
Mrs K, who now feels completely whole, is quite convinced her
cure was due to the pawpaw.
On the other side of the world, the American scientist, Dr
Jerry McLaughlin of the University of Purdue, has also used
pawpaw in the fight against cancer. According to him, he has
found a chemical component in the pawpaw tree that is ‘one
million times stronger than the strongest anti-cancer medicine’.
There are many reports that cancer sufferers have been healed by
drinking pawpaw leaf concentrate.
A Kombucha-fermented pawpaw leaf extract is available in
some health shops. Kombucha concentrate is now manufactured
in Australia. I have found a number of practitioners who have
used pawpaw successfully but who are reluctant to prejudice their
work by saying so, for fear of legal implications. The first reports
of pawpaw’s healing abilities were made in 1978 and resulted in a
demand for and subsequent scarcity of pawpaw leaves.
The Gold Coast Bulletin has published several reports on
ible for him to respond to all the inquiries that have followed the
reports of his research, which is ‘ still in the stage of animal testing."
New on the market is a Kombucha-Pawpaw concentrate.
Mention should also be made that the skin of the pawpaw fruit
through his ‘blood colour’ method. In his search for early detec-
tion,Dr Sklenar also adopted iris diagnosis which he found of
valuable help. In the iris he found brown to black sediments which
led him to the conclusion that the colon was not functioning fully.
Two of the benefits from drinking Kombucha most often men-
tioned are the energy it releases and its immune-system boosting
effects. I often thought that Kombucha might benefit AIDS suf-
ferers but, initially, did not have any reports of this ancient
remedy being used to treat this modern disease.
Recently, however, there have been widespread reports that
Kombucha use in HIV+ communities is growing fast. It is being
said that the Kombucha tonic can reverse the symptoms of AIDS.
In the USA, which has an estimated one million HIV -I- infected
people, the news of a possible miracle cure is spreading rapidly. In
some publications it is being claimed that components in Kom-
72 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus
bucha partly ‘inactivate the viruses’; that high p24 antigen levels
can be reversed, a rise in T-cells achieved and weight increases of
5 - 7 kg recorded. All these are measurements of improvement.
Long term AIDS survivors also report that Kombucha has a
positive result.
The ‘blob’, as Kombucha is sometimes called, is passed on to
friends as a remedy for AIDS with the additional advantages of its
palatability, its apparent safety and low cost to commend it fur-
ther. “(‘Positive Living ’, Los Angeles USA; ‘With Compliments',
“Lustig rides his bike three or five miles a day now, reports
increased energy, longer waking hours, and better cognitive func-
tion. He has also given up one of his medications. 7 haven't taken
Nizoral (a drug that fights thrush) for ten weeks' he says, the ,
length of time he has been drinking the tonic.” (New Age Journal,
November 1994.)
R.D. from B.B. wrote: ‘7 was introduced to Kombucha by an
American friend who brought a ‘mother' fungus from the U.S.A.
This person has been HIV-\- for the past eleven years. He was quite
exited about Kombucha and has been drinking it for nine months
now, mainly to keep his T-cell count adequate. He is healthy and
robust looking, maintaining a positive attitude, moderate lifestyle
and good diet. My friend says that since he has been drinking the
tea fungus, he feels more energetic and incredibly well. The drink-
ing of Kombucha tea has swept the world of HTV diagnosed people
and AIDS sufferers in America over the last year or so, as it seems
to be a very good natural aid for them".
Another correspondent writes: I started drinking Kombucha
about three months ago and find it most helpful. About five years
ago I was diagnosed HTV+. My T4 count then was 660 and had
been dropping over the years to 390 before starting your tea. Within
2 months my count was up to 570 - it has not been that high for
nearly two and a half years. I also have found it helpful with my
arthritis and sinus problems.
Sound sleep is important as eating and drinking. We can
just as
survive several weeks without food, but not without sleep. Each
individual must determine how much sleep he or she requires.
Some mere five hours of sleep per day, others need ten.
require a
Stress and unsolved problems can be the cause of sleeping disor-
ders along with environmental factors. People having problems
sleeping through the night have found that a glass of Kombucha is
One of the principal problems associated with male ageing is
In trials, Dr A
Wiesner tested the result of Kombucha in com-
parison to the immune-strengthening medicine Interferon. Kom-
bucha showed an 80% effect in comparison to the modern drug.
In a letter published in the magazine Op Zoek Mrs M.W. from ,
Kombucha can be used successfully by people suffering from
diarrhoea. Tea mixtures of black and plantain tea are often re-
commended. Scientific trials have been conducted at Omsk in
Russia with infants suffering from bacterial dysentery. Only days
after the use of Kombucha drops was introduced, the diarrhoea
retreated. The weight of the infants increased and so did their
appetites. The dysentery bacteria could not be found after a week.
Remarkable in almost all reports of treating illnesses with Kom-
bucha is the effect that the beverage has on secondary illnesses,
such as chronic constipation. This raises the question, once again,
which comes first, the chicken or the egg? It was Hippocrates who
said that death sits in the bowels and that a bad digestion is the
root of all evil. Modern scientists say that the essential require-
ment for any healing process is a healthy intestinal flora.
Part V: The Therapeutic Value of Kombucha 77
the worst thing anyone can do. Even natural remedies taken on a
regular basis can be harmful. Headaches and constipation are
generally the most common symptoms experienced when some-
thing is wrong with the body.
The cause, in most cases, is our diet and insufficient exercise.
In some cases it may be due to stress or to the medicine one is
taking. People who often delay going to the toilet because they do
not have the time will programme their bowels to become lazy.
This can often be solved by merely changing the diet to wholemeal
products, vegetables, fresh salads and also natural fat such as
butter, cold pressed oil, as well as nuts, etc. Fresh
produce should
make up at least one third of our diet. One day per week only raw
foods should be consumed or a no-food-at-all day (as is practised
in many religions) can be made a rule. Drinking a glass of Kom-
bucha in the morning provides a vital aid to the digestive process.
Laxatives - including naturally-based laxatives such as senna -
78 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus
Kombucha is recommended by doctors who have acknowledged
The media have released many reports on cholesterol, although
scientists are not all in agreement about it. High blood pressure,
high cholesterol and the resulting blockage of arteries, are re-
garded as the main cause of heart attacks. Dr Herrmann, with his
team of scientists in Prague, conducted animal trials, in which he
increased cholesterol levels up to thirteen times above normal.
The trials were conducted with the product VigantolR. Dr Her-
rmann fed cats the deadly dose and, at the same time, gave them
Kombucha drops. The result was that the cats were able to survive
this dose. He reported that the combination of VigantolR and
Kombucha did not lead to an increase in cholesterol levels. Al-
though animal trials cannot always be related to human beings,
this test would tend to confirm what people using Kombucha have
found themselves. In the Russian clinic of Omsk, a reduction of
cholesterol levels was discovered after using Kombucha for a
period of three weeks.
Mrs M.Y., I would say that her daily intake of 7oz (200ml) of
Hawthorn/Kombucha, plus two cups of hawthorn tea was too high
a dosage. ‘Rests’ are usually advisable, since the body adjusts to
treatments. However, hawthorn seems to be an exception. There
are many people who have been taking hawthorn on a daily basis
over decades with great results. Nevertheless, there are some
warnings to be heeded. Hawthorn was banned in Australia for its
alkaloid content. Overdoses can have negative side effects. As
with other remedies, it is the dose which makes the medicine - or
the poison.
My father’s experience of blood pressure and heart problems
provides a good example of what I mean. Born in 1899, he had to
join the army at the young age of 17. The military doctor who
examined him advised that he should be discharged after a short
time of training owing to his heart condition. During the last
twenty years of his life, he took hawthorn tea or tincture regularly
to control his heart and his blood pressure. When he was hos-
pitalised at the age of 96 and his death was expected, I asked the
doctor how much time he had. The doctor replied that the heart
was so strong, it was preventing his death!
Mrs.R.H. wrote: '7 thought you would like to know that
people with high blood pressure may have to reduce medication
while taking Kombucha '
that she had suffered from CFS for several years and that she
experienced an easing of the usual symptoms after drinking some
bottles of Kombucha.
Mrs J.E.B. from New South Wales wrote me: “I have been
taking Kombucha Tea for two months as I have been ill for four
years with ME! CFS. When I spoke to you I had been free of one of
the many symptoms, namely headache and fogged brain for five
weeks, and there are signs of overcoming the type of Irritable
Bowel syndrome that appears with this illness. However ME/CF
Syndrome is characterised by periods of remission and relapses,
with relapses becoming shorter, hopefully, and less severe as recov-
ery progresses.
Mrs S.H. wrote “I have had CF Syndrome for some years and
have tried many different products i. e. vitamins etc. to no avail, I
have found Kombucha products very helpful.
My observation with CFS is that people suffering from this
disease sleep in bedrooms with high earthray and electrosmog
pollution and one cannot say that this is merely a coincidence.
Electric measurements within the bedroom would, therefore, be
strongly recommended.
When compared to Interferon, Dr Wiesner found Kombucha was
approx. 92% as effective in the treatment of rheumatism. One of
his patients, however, reported that, after having been treated
unsuccessfully with other products, she found, upon trying Kom-
bucha, that her fingers were without pain and her normally painful
arm could be moved easily. After further taking Kombucha, she
was totally free of rheumatism.
There have been many reports of healing and improvement with
arthritis. However, it is not clear how far advanced the state of the
Part V: The Therapeutic Value of Kombucha 83
tests he said I was clear of arthritis. For the last three months I have
not taken any medicine other than two tablets each evening. Pri-
mrose oil once a day and I feel great.
Another enthusiast wrote: “Since drinking the Kombucha tea
in December 1994 my osteo-arthritis has improved 50% at least and
I can enjoy life again. Many times I thought of ending it due to
pain. Diverticulitis ear infections bowel problems have all im-
, ,
proved greatly, I can exercise now and my joints don’t swell.
Acute gout is only the tip of the iceberg or, as one naturopath has
said, ‘the result of many food mistakes’. Intestinal disorders can
be genetic, which means that people who have this disease in the
family should, by all means, avoid foods which lead to a high level
of uric acid. Pain is caused by the build-up of many small crystals
in this form of uric acid. In early days, gout was called the illness
of the rich. It can be traced back to a far too rich diet. In the so-
called starvation years after the World Wars, gout was one of the
rarest of illnesses. Coffee, however, is often named as one cause
of gout.
Dr Helmut Golz has written that alcohol contains the compo-
Part V: The Therapeutic Value of Kombucha 85
nent purin which is transformed in the liver into uric acid. Half a
gram of uric acid is normally discharged daily by a healthy human
being. Uric acid, however, is increased by alcohol intake, which
leads to gout. Black tea, also known as Russian tea, has the
highest level of purin of any kind of tea, according to Dr Golz.
Since only this type of tea was used in Russia and Germany for
trials, I assumed Kombucha would have a negative effect on
gout sufferers. However, Dr Golz has explained that the Kom-
bucha symbiosis requires purin for its own digestion, during which
uric acid, which is generally hard to dissolve, is turned into an
aqueous solution and is easily discharged from the body via the
bladder. The Kombucha fungus thus transforms both sugar and
purin components during digestion, with the result that they are
not harmful to the human body.
In his comparative trials with Interferon, Dr A Wiesner found
that the biological food Kombucha was 89% as effective. Dr
Harnisch reported the case of a sixty year old public servant
whose kidneys had not functioned well since childhood. His uric
acid level was also too high. No other remedies (including alterna-
tive remedies) helped until Kombucha was taken. His kidneys
have worked properly ever since.
It is said that a cold generally lasts about fourteen days when one
goes to the doctor and two weeks if treated with favourite re-
medies at home! In other words, there is absolutely no difference.
No one remedy has yet been found to alleviate the uncomfortable
effects of influenza. Constantly, new and more resistant viruses
make the fight against influenza harder and harder. Even Kom-
bucha users are not resistant to flu, although they claim they
rarely become ill. Chronic colds, however, have a different cause
86 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus
An improvement with bronchitis is often possible through the
drinking of Kombucha. A doctor from the Netherlands (Har-
nisch) said that, after experiencing the benefits of Kombucha for
himself, he successfully prescribed it to children suffering from
Some people suffering from Candida albicans only have to think
about yeast to have a negative reaction! In an interview with
Search for Health Kombucha expert Gunther Frank mentions
“After I received a Kombucha fungus from a friend in the begin-
ning of January I have been taking the tea every day. Since 1977
have had pernicious anaemia requiring monthly injections of vi-
tamin B12. Before this condition was detected my legs started from
the foot soles up to get numb ,
till well over the knees. After a couple
of injections of B 12 my legs went back to normal except for my foot
soles - they remained feeling like wood - no feeling in them at all.
severely in a number of ways. She has had constant pain in her left
hip and lower leg for many months, and when we arrived to stay
with her for a short time recently, we found her unable to lie down,
and was regularly sitting up in a chair at night to try to get some
sleep. For her to lie down in bed was unbearable. She also suffers
with hypoglycemia and was afraid to take the Kombucha inter-
nally, so decided to try the mushroom as a poultice on her hip. She
covered the membrane with “glad- wrap [seran wrap/cling film]
and some old panty-hose, and within only minutes, the pain began
Part V: The Therapeutic Value of Kombucha 89
to subside. She gingerly took herself off to bed about 9 p.m. and
She was so delighted with the
actually slept right through to 4 p.m.
pain relief that she now has Kombucha mushrooms growing in
many containers and is continuing to apply the poultice whenever
the pain recurs.
She also suffered from constipation and so one evening before
retiring,applied a mushroom to her abdomen. This also proved
extremely effective and her bowel movements have returned to
Margaret also has very fair skin and had a nasty growth on the
side of her face in front of her left ear. A few Kombucha applica-
tions and this growth has recently reduced in size and is almost
This dear lady is no foreigner to natural healing methods, as
she is President of a Natural Therapy -Group, and has tried many
other alternative medical treatments. None has proven so helpful as
This very clearly has shown me that this special ferment has
incredible potential to help alleviate pain and disease in suffering
I trust youTl find this interesting and helpful”.
him the liquid I began to cut the fungus and give him a piece each
day, he now looks forward to his piece of Kombucha, before
breakfast each day. The hair on his back is almost fully repaired
and I expect the warts will also disappear within time. I will con-
tinue using the Kombucha until they have disappeared. He also
seems to be a whole lot stronger - his back legs which were
becoming weak.
The way that the AIDS community in California has discovered a
sense of compassionate sharing of the fungus is a wonderful exam-
ple of the networking magic of Kombucha. There is probably no
other organism that reproduces itself so prolifically every week. It
people by the end of the year! If you all then shared recipes* and
you want to start one, keep your ears open, look in alternative
health magazines or ask holistic therapists. Please don’t write to
the publishers for a culture. There are some contact addresses on
p. 106 for those who would like to register as a source of cultures in
their neighbourhood or want to obtain one.
Without exception, all Kombucha researchers recommend it as an
overall healing method. One cannot isolate certain illnesses and
their treatment if holistic health is to be restored. In recent years,
there has been a significant resurgence of interest in this healing
method. Kombucha should not, however, be regarded as an iso-
lated healing remedy, but rather as what it really is, a very
precious, living and health-giving food. If one asks the elderly to
what they attribute their good health and fitness, the usual answer
is a quizzical look. If one presses further, however, and asks
specific questions, the answer that often emerges is, ‘to a healthy,
balanced diet’.
98 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus
Thank you everyone who wrote me about their experiences of
drinking Kombucha. The following is a sample of these:
small orange. His doctor advised him that the cancer was incurable
but treatment would give him a better quality of life for the time he
had left. His brother gave him a Kombucha which he started
health shop here inM. well these positive results would not have
come about. So thank you for writing the book & acquainting us all
about this wonderful Kombucha tea.
Appendix One 105
Perko J., ‘Kombucha - Health you can drink’ and other information. The
Way To Live Sanctuary, Canungra, Qld 4275, Australia
Potter’s New Cyclopaedia of Botanical Drugs and Preparations
Quinn, D., Left for Dead: Quinn Publishing Co., Minneapolis, U.S.A.
Reiss, J., ‘Der Teepilz und seine Stoffwechselprodukte’: Deutsche Le-
bendsmittelrundschau (9/1987)
Search for Health ‘Kombucha
: ‘yeasts’ fights Candida, they do not
encourage it’; and ‘Kombucha converts tea and sugar into a healthy,
nutritious detoxifying beverage’.
Sharma, Dr P.R., The Art of Spiritual Living: The Ram-Rukimini Institute
Liaison, Geneva, Switzerland
Teeguarten, Ron, Chinese Tonic Herbs, Japan Press (1986).
Tietze, Harald, ‘Back To Nature With Medicinal Herbs’ (Video 1984)
Tietze, Harald, Earthrays: The Silent Killer: P.O.Box 34, Bermagui South,
NSW 2546, Australia
Timmons, Stuart, ‘Fungus Among Us New Age Jour, PO Box 53275, Boul-
CO 80321
Urban & Schwarzenberg, Roche Lexicon Medizin
Vogel, Dr A. Der kleine Doktor: Teufen, Switzerland
Waal, de Dr. M., Medicinal Herbs in the Bible: Weiser, York Beach, Maine,
Wagner, H., Gegen jede Krankheit ist ein Kraut gewachsen: Ruhland Altoet-
ting Weidinger, Herman Josef ‘Kombucha - Tee der aus dem Meere kam’
and ‘Die Kombucharunde’ Ringelblume: (1988) 3822 Karlstein, Austria
Weidinger, Hermon Joseph, ‘Kombucha - Tee
der aus dem Meere Kam’ and
‘Die Kombucharunde’ in ‘Ringelbume,’ 3822 Karlstein, Austria (1988).
Wiesner Laboratories: ‘Kombucha nach Dr med Sklenar’ (1987) Sch-
Willner, Robert E., The Cancer Solution: Peltic Pub. Co., 4400 North
Federal Hwy., #210, Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA (1994)
Zimmerman, W., ‘Wogegen hilf der Kombucha Pilz?’ Fortschritte der Medi-
zin (12/1989)
In Britain, if you want to register as a source of Kombucha cultures in
your community, you may lodge your name as such with: The Kombucha
Network, PO Box 1887, Bath, BA2 8YA (Please send s.a. envelope). If
you want to acquire a culture, and have not found a local source, they
will also try to help you find one, but please be patient; this network will
take some time to set up, and it will work best by local osmosis.
In Canada, South Africa: In the next printing we shall try to give some
addresses for obtaining cultures. But Kombucha is networking fast,
especially in the US West, so keep your ears open, and check appropri-
ate magazines or alternative health sources. If you wish to be a supplier
of cultures or books or wish to share your experiences as a Kombucha
user, write to the author (address below) so we can update the informa-
tion in future printings. Listings are free!
In Australia:
This book has information which, at the time of writing, can be regarded
as being accurate. New results dealing with Kombucha and other alterna-
tive therapies can be supplied as fact sheets. If you have experiences with
Kombucha or have further information please send them to the address
Fact sheets are available on the following themes:
Healthy Kombucha cultures. Commercial Kombucha beverages and test
results. Herbal and Green teas - biologically grown and fresh. Tempera-
ture control units. Building biological surveyors and additional informa-
tion. Seminars on: Kombucha brewing. Growing and using herbs. Dows-
ing. Building biology. Kneipp applications.
Please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope.
‘Kombucha’, do Harald W.Tietze, P.O.Box 34, Bermagui South NSW
2546, Australia. Tel: 064-934-552
(Internal +61-64-934-552) Fax:
064-934-900 (Internat’l +61-64-934-900)
Kombucha and Pawpaw Leaf Extracts are manufactured by The Way to
Life Sanctuary, Lot 7, Climax Court, Canungra, Qld 4275, Australia
(Tel: +61.75.435.104: Fax: +61.75.435.263) [It is hoped in the next
108 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus
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112 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus
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