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The Miracle Fungus

by Harald W. Tietze



This edition April 1995


Published by GA TEWA Y BOOKS

The Hollies, Wellow,
Bath,BA2 8QJ, U.K.

Revised reprint May 1995

Copyright © 1 994 Harald W. Tietze

Distributed in the U.S.A. by

3356 Coffey Lane, Santa Rosa, CA 95403

First edition July 1994

Revised reprints Sept, Nov 1994, Feb, April 1995
published by: Tietze Publications,
Bermagui South. NSW, Australia

No part of this book may be reproduced

in any form without permission
from the Publishers, except for the
quotation of briefpassages
in criticism

Cover design by the Design Studio, Bristol

Photograph courtesy Kevin Redpath

Text set in Times IOT2 on 13pt.

by Oak Press, Castleton
Printed and bound by
Redwood Books of Trowbridge

British Library Cataloguing-in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is
available from the British Library

ISBN 1-85860-029-4

Origin of the Kombucha fungus 1

Kombucha in the Western World 12

The many names it goes by 14
Kombucha - Fact or Fiction? 16
What is Kombucha? 18


Brewing your own Kombucha 19
The fungus reproduces itself 22
Continuous fermentation process 22
Some frequently asked questions 24
Problems associated with Kombucha fermentation 27
Nicotine - Deadly poison for the fungus 29
A separate fungus in case of emergencies 29
What to do should the fungus get tired of reproducing 30
Kombucha, an alcoholic beverage? 30
Can the fungus be eaten? 31
Lifespan of the fungus 31
Kombucha - pressed extract for diabetics or on travels 31
Storing Kombucha after fermentation 32
Dosage, how much can one drink? 33
The properties of Kombucha may change 34
Mixing Teas 35
Kombucha - Effects of usage over long periods of time 36
The transformation of sugar in Kombucha 37
Honey instead of sugar 38
Kombucha vinegar 40
Preservation of Kombucha 40
Kefir, Yoghurt & similar cultures 42
Kombu tea 43


The Kombucha Fungus - a biological production centre 45
Kombucha cultures are not identical 47
Can Kombucha be considered a healing medium? 48
The lactic acid fermentation 49

4 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus


Kombucha commercial products 51
Home-made, the most important step for the healing process 54
Kombucha - mixed beverages 54
Herbal tea refinement through Kombucha fermentation 55
Which herbs are suitable for the Kombucha process? 56
Which is the right tea? 62
Kombucha’s place in medical science 63


Modern medicine and Kombucha 65
A comparison between Interferon and Kombucha 66
Can Kombucha heal cancer? 66
Pawpaw as cancer medicine? 68
Early detection of cancer 70
Kombucha - Healing remedy for asthmatics 73
Sleeping disorders 74
Prostate disorders 74
Diabetics and Kombucha 74
Bladder Stones and Kombucha 75
Multiple sclerosis 76
Diarrhoea 76
Chronic constipation 76
Psoriasis 78
Stomach and bowel disorders 78
Fluid in the legs 78
Cholesterol 79
High blood pressure 79
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME) 81
Rheumatism 82
Arthritis 82
Gout 84
Kidney disorders 85
Chronic Colds 85
Tonsilitis 86
Bronchitis 86
Candida albicans 86
Contents 5

Pernicious Anaemia 87
Beauty through Kombucha 87
Kombucha as a poultice 88
The Kombucha bath 90
Slim with Kombucha 90
Kombucha for the young over 80 91
Kombucha as remedy for impotence 92
Wounds and ulcers 93
High performance sporting achievements 93
Kombucha used in veterinary medicine 94
Networking: Getting and sharing your fungus 95

Health is balance 97
The oldest, New age 97
Placebo - The miracle healing of modern medicine 98
Fasting for health instead of suicide with knife and fork 99
Acid & Alkaline Foods 100
Testimonials 101

Bibliography and Resources 104
Networking Sources 106
Other Books and Sources 107
Index 111
Every morning we start the day with a refreshing tea-drink.
Nothing unusual about that you might think, except that our tea is
no ordinary brewed beverage. It is Kombucha, the revitalising
and delicious drink which has deservedly earned itself the name of
‘miracle fungus’.
Kombucha is an ancient, fungus-like living organism which,
when brewed with sweetened tea, produces a wonderful, health-
enhancing drink. We were introduced to this immune-boosting
treatment through a cousin in California, the sole survivor in a
family who had all contracted cancer through a polluted public
water supply. Kombucha encourages sharing, for it creates an
offspring every week, and one finds someone to give it to. We
brought ours back to Britain inJune 1994, and have since given
away dozens to our publishing colleagues, authors, family and
friends. Most have adopted it successfully, reporting definite and
individual improvements to their wellbeing and health.
Its use quickly becomes a way of life, enabling us to do

something practical at home for our good health and for our
family, costing virtually nothing. We can then have the added
pleasure of passing Kombucha on to our friends and neighbours,
also for their good health, happiness and wellbeing. It is easy to
understand why its production and consumption in rural Russia
were regarded as a sacred ritual!
We have now heard that taking Kombucha is empowering the
Aids community in California with its immune-enhancing effects,
and its fame has rapidly grown as a marvellous health drink. The
British media have noted its rising popularity in the UK. At a time
when the amount of pollution in our environments has grown
alarmingly, our immune systems are going to need all the help
they can get. What could be better than a natural source of
immune enhancement with a 2,500 year pedigree of healing - and

Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus 7

no bad press at all!

This book has an interesting history. It was first published in
Australia in 1994 and was circulated initially for the German
speaking community there. Since then it has taken the Australian
health market by storm, and the first edition in English to be
published by Harald Tietze is now in its fifth printing.
We are pleased now to be publishing the book on the other
side of the world and help wide dissemination. In this new
in its
edition there ismore information on how to produce the Kom-
bucha drink, with advice on varying the taste and therapeutic
effect with fruit and herbs. Anecdotal accounts of how the Kom-
bucha therapy has helped people mounts and surprises us daily. It
would be misleading to call it a panacea for all ills, but it is
interesting how each individual seems to receive some specific
help, often in a way they didn’t anticipate.

Alick and Mari Bartholomew, Wellow, March 1995.

Kombucha is an ancient food and healing source originating in
Asia. Thanks to a growing interest in Eastern healing methods,
Kombucha travelled via Russia into Western Europe. In those
countries, Kombucha was regarded as a pleasant health-giving
beverage which contributed to a balanced diet. On its way to the
Western World this potion has often appeared to have performed
miracles. It acquired names such as magical fungus, miracle
fungus and elixir of long life because of its success in the treatment
of modern illnesses. While Kombucha was already a popular
healing remedy in the 1920s and 1930s in Russia, Czechoslovakia,
Germany and Austria, the fermented drink almost disappeared
during and after World War II. This was because sugar and tea
were in short supply.
In the 1960sKombucha was brought into Germany and Aus-
tria from Eastern Europe. In the 1970s, when the standard of
living improved, it became known again as a miracle beverage;
the trials and medical research into its effects were conducted
mostly in Germany and were published in the German language.
Articles about it appeared in many newspapers.
In modern societies, with their abundance of sterilised, ho-
mogenised or preserved food, a microbiological digestive aid such
as Kombucha can work wonders. Many doctors and naturopaths
recommend Kombucha-drinking for all types of illness.
Kombucha, like many other products of natural medicine,
should not be seen as a cure-all. There is no such thing. Health is

the balance of body, emotions and mind. When reading reports of

the success, for example, of large doses of vitamins in curing
certain illnesses, the question arises of how long it will take for
negative side effects to manifest themselves. In the absence of
natural dietary balance there can be no health. When curing an
illness one should not only treat the symptoms, but also the cause.
It is exciting news that Kombucha is gaining in popularity and
is being recognised as a remarkable life-enhancer. This wonderful

Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus 9

living organism produces a refreshing, revitalising and delicious

drink, easily made at home by all the family. Among its main
claims, Kombucha strengthening the immune system, so helping
in a cure for many illnesses. It also detoxifies, cleansing the blood,
and strengthening the kidneys. Kombucha also plays a vital role in
regenerating bowel flora. The use of Kombucha as an aid to
healing is right at the top of my list, to be used with all other forms
of holistic medicine.

This publication seeks to demonstrate the beneficial use of Kombucha for
various disorders in the human body, but it is stressed that the contents of
this book are in no way a substitute for personal supervision by qualified
professional medical personnel. People with health problems should consult
their physician.
Turn the book upside down to see the results of drinking Kombucha!
Part I:




No one can say, for sure, how and where the Kombucha fungus
originated, but we do know that it has been used for at least two
thousand years. It does not really matter whether the Chinese,
Koreans, Japanese or Russians were the first to ferment the
fungus. To be exact, it isn’t really a fungus, as such, but rather a
community of yeast and bacteria. One authority describes it as a
lichen. The origin of the name could be Japanese, with ‘kombu’
standing for the brown tea algae and ‘cha’ for tea. The best
description, in my opinion, is that of the herbalist, Pastor
Weidinger, whom I have used as a source throughout this book.
He says:
“Kombucha’ tea is an ancient East Asiatic beverage which
came out of the ocean. For three years I was a missionary on the
island of Taiwan. This South-eastern coastal region with its sub-
tropical climate and extended growing period made ideal condi-
tions for growing the tea, which was farmed in large areas. This
province is regarded as the origin for ‘tea’, ie. in Latin ‘Thea’. The
original name given by the Chinese writer Kuo-Po to the beverage
extracted from these leaves was Tu’ or Tschuan Today it is called


Ch’a In the province ofFuken, however it is still called TV. This


has given me a closer understanding of the word tea. K’un-Pu-ch’a,

a tea-like wine ”
“My missionary activities also required my travels to the is-
lands of Quemoi and Matsu which are situated close to the main-
land near the Province of Fukien. I was very impressed by a
beverage which was served to me by the local people which had a
sweet-sour taste and was very refreshing in the hot climate of the


12 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

area. Was it wine which tasted like a delicious tea or an unusual tea
that tasted like a rare wine? Notably, after drinking this beverage, I
not only felt stronger after the long and tiresome walk, but strangely
enough, felt healthier. In particular it helped my metabolism a great
deal in this climate and made me feel very relaxed. When I asked
what it was, K' un-Pu-ch' a’ came the reply. I was startled. Tea
‘ *

which came from life in the ocean'? Already in the Tsin-Dynasty,

about 221 BC, it was known and honoured as a beverage with
magical powers enabling people to live forever. The tea was given
different names. One of the most famous was the Godly Tsche ‘ '.

This particular tea was used as a remedy for chronic gastritis.

People also tell of the Korean medicine man named Kom-bu who
in the year 414 prescribed the tea to heal the Japanese Emperor's
disorders. The Godly Tsche came from China,
‘ ' via Korea to Japan
where it was given the name Tsche of Kombu'.


The beverage eventually reached Europe via Mongolia and Rus-
sia. When I mentioned Kombucha in an article published in
Australia dealing with traditional medicine, I received countless
lettersfrom people who originated in the old eastern parts of
Germany and who now live in Australia. They recalled their
grandmothers giving them a refreshing beverage from a large pot,
on top of which floated a type of fungus. Others remembered the
recipe being brought by Polish workers from the East. In World
War I the fungus-tea disappeared because of the sugar shortage.
More reports about the existence of this magical fungus be-
gan to emerge in the 1920s, however, when researchers started to
show an interest in its properties. Their studies were suspended
with the beginning of World War II. Kombucha only really be-
came popular again in the 1960s and 1970s, probably as an anti-
dote to unhealthy eating habits. The Western media took up the
topic. Reports came out of Kargasok in Russia of people who
reached a great age. This appeared to be linked with the drinking
Part 1: Where does the Kombucha come from? 13

of Kombucha, which is why it is also known as ‘Kargasok Tea’.

According to a report, an 80 year old woman gave birth to a
healthy baby, fathered by a 130 year old man!
The most famous research results come from the University
of Omsk in Russia and, in the West, from the research of Dr
Rudolf Sklenar. Dr Sklenar’s research is often mentioned in the
German press. He came from Eastern Germany where Kom-
bucha has been used since the turn of the century among ordinary
people. He studied medicine in Prague and had his first contact
with the Kombucha fungus in a monastery. He worked with the
culture during the second World War and based his scientific work
upon Kombucha. In the 1960s he published his research in the
scientific and general press, which resulted in increased awareness
of Kombucha’s healing and strengthening properties. Dr Sklenar
used Kombucha successfully for diabetes, high blood pressure, all

types of digestive problems, stomach and bowel illnesses, rheuma-

tism and gout.
Dr Sklenar’s main area of work became the biological treat-
ment of cancer, and he integrated Kombucha with this pro-
gramme. His healing methods were so successful that they were
adopted by many doctors. A company which carries his name
today manufactures the Kombucha beverage and Kombucha
drops. When it was reported that Dr Veronika Carstens (wife of a
former German President) was using Kombucha with all her
cancer patients, the fungus beverage became a popular healing
remedy.Dr Sklenar and Dr Carstens recommended the use of
Kombucha to their cancer patients as a complement to other
When it became known that the U.S. President, Ronald
Reagan, was suffering from cancer, reports regarding his treat-
ment were lost in the larger issues of politics. According to re-
searcher and author, Gunther Frank, Ronald Reagan heard of
Kombucha through the autobiography of the Nobel Prize author
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Solzhenitsyn was diagnosed as having
cancer in 1952 and fully recovered at the hospital in Tashkent
(The Cancer Ward’) in 1953. Ronald Reagan received a culture
14 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

from Japan and reportedly drank a litre of Kombucha daily. His

cancer was prevented from spreading further and Reagan was
able to finish his term in office. Dr Robert E.Willner (USA) cites
Kombucha as being helpful in his highly recommended book The
Cancer Solution.

Immigrants from Asia and Europe introduced the Kombucha
fungus to Australia. Today, a number of health practitioners who
have treated their patients for all types of illness with the Kom-
bucha beverage have found that, not only did their patients feel
much better after drinking it, but that when used in conjunction
with other medicine, the healing results were greater.
A Kombucha pioneer in Australia, Mr Jose Perko from The
Way of Life Sanctuary in Queensland, believes that Kombucha
made with green tea has better therapeutic value than that made
with the black tea which is generally used in other countries. By
experimenting with different fruit and herbal mixtures, (one of
which was a pawpaw leaf concentrate), Mr Perko has managed to
keep Kombucha mixtures for long periods without the use of
artificial preservatives or causing unnecessary souring of the Kom-
bucha. In further chapters I will discuss in detail some of his
methods. I would like to thank him for the information he has
supplied for inclusion in this book.


There are many names for the Kombucha fungus and for the
brewed drink made from it. An interesting fact is that many of
these names incorporate the word fungus, even though it is not
really one. I call it Kombucha fungus and regard it as just a name
rather than a botanical description. Other commonly-used names
range from algae fungus to magical fungus.
In various languages names such as ‘Russian flower’, ‘Russian
Part 1: Where does the Kombucha come from? 15

jelly’, ‘Russian fungus’, ‘Japanese fungus’, ‘Japanese sponge’,

‘Russian mother’ and ‘Indian wine fungus’ point to its heritage.
‘Wondrous fungus’, ‘Magical fungus’, ‘Heroic fungus’, ‘Fungus
giving long life’ and ‘Gout jelly’ are names also given to the fungus
in various languages.
Kombucha has the effect of giving the drinker a general
feeling of wellbeing and is usually considered to be a remedy for
many illnesses. With the beverage itself, most of the names are
linked to the actual taste, such as ‘Tea beer’, ‘Tea wine’ and ‘Tea
cider’. In France it has been given the name of ‘Elixir de la longue
vie’ - elixir of long life - which once again links the name to the

effects it has on the health of Kombucha drinkers.

A list of all the names I have found so far follows:
Algae fungus; Algentee; Brinum Ssene; Cajnogo griba; Cajnyj
grib; Cembuya orientalis; Chamboucho; Champagne
Cajnyj kvas;
of Champignon Japonaise; Champignon Chinois; Champig-

non miracle; Champignon de la Charite’; Champignon de longue

vie; China-Pilz; Chinesischer Teepilz; Ciuperca de ceai; Com-
boucha; Combucha; Combuchaschwamm; Combuchatee; Con-
bucha; Devine Che; Elixir de longue vie;
Fungojapon; Fungus japonicus; Fungus tea; Funko Cinese;
Ganoderma japonicum Gichtqualle; Gift of life; Godly Tsche;
Gout fungus; Grib; Haipao; Heldenpilz; Hero fungus; Hongo;
Indian wine fungus; Indian mushroom; Indischer Weinpilz; Indis-
cher Teepilz; Japa’n gomba; Japanese fungus; Japanese sponge;
Japanischer Teepilz; Japanischer Combucha; Japanisches Mut-
terchen; Japanpilz; Japonskagliva; Jponskij grib;
K’un-Pu-ch’a; Kambuha; Kargasok Pilz; Kargasok Sch-
wamm; Kargasoktee; Kocha Kinoko; Komboecha; Komboecha-
drank; Kombucha Elixir; Kombucha tea fungus; Kombucha;
Kombuchagetrdnk; Kombuchamost; Kombuchawein;
Kombucha-thee; Kombuchaschwamm; Konko; Kwas; Kwassan;
Lingzhi; Magic mushroom; Manchurian Elixir;
Manchurian fungus; Manchurian tea; Mandschurisch-
japanischer Pilz; Mandschurischer Schwamm; Medusentee;
Medusomyces Gisevii Lindau; Miracle fungus; Mo-Gu; Olinka;
16 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

Red tea fungus; Reishi; Russian tea- vinegar; Russian flower;

Russian fungus; Russische Qualle; Russische Blume; Russische
Mutter; Russischer Pilz; Sakwaska; Symbiont Schizosac-
charomyces Pombe-Bacterium xylinum; Tea fungus Kombucha;
Tea fungus; Tea cider; Tea beer; Tea kwas; Tea mould; Tea
plant; Tea wine; Teemost; Teekwa; Teewein; Teepilz; Teesch-
wamm; Teyi saki; Thee - Schimmel; Theebier; Theezwam;
Tschambucco; Tsche of Kombu; Wolgameduse; Wolgapilz;
Wolgaqualle; Wunderpilz; Yaponge; Zauberpilz; Zaubersaft;


Reports dealing with healing successes are often generalised and
passed on without the desired research. With medicinal herbs, for
instance, the general perception is that they can only heal and do
not have any negative side effects. In fact, what is a health remedy
for some may prove to be quite the opposite for others. When I
first received the Kombucha fungus from a friend, I was given an

information leaflet about Kargasok tea. Unfortunately, I have not

been able to trace the author, but I will pass the report on word
for word:

“Approximately 60 years ago a Japanese woman visited the region

of Kargasok (in Russia) and was stunned to find so many healthy

people who were over the age of 100. She actually met a man at the
age of 130 who had married an old woman of over eighty who was
still able to conceive children. The Japanese woman was fascinated

by thisand attempted to obtain the secret of the eighty -year-old

woman who hardly had a wrinkle. She discovered that in every
household young and old alike consumed about approximately O2

pint (US) or one-third litre of Kombucha tea each day. To make

this tea, the Japanese woman received a special yeast fungus and
Part 1: Where does the Kombucha come from? 17

instructions on how to use the fungus. She took the fungus with her
to Japan where she started to duplicate it. Her friends were invited
to drink the tea as well and she also passed the fungus on to them
with instructions on its use. They passed it on to their friends. After
having consumed the tea for a period of time the people began

reporting successful effects:

- A man with a blood pressure of 210/ 120 was able to reduce it to

-A young girl diagnosed with shingles was cured.
“In Kargasok, cancer and high blood pressure are unknown.
In Japan, soon after this tea became the subject of TV and radio
programmes, well over one million Japanese were consuming the
tea. Eventually the tea found its way to Taiwan, then to Hong Kong

and now travels around the world where it is passed on from one
friend to another as a token of appreciation and love. This tea
appears to be a miraculous remedy for many types of suffering.
Researchers have discovered that the fungus has three basic ele-
ments, without which the body cannot function. Encouragingly, Dr
Pan Pen from Japan reported as follows on the effects of the
culture: “This tea -
- clearly lengthens the lifespan
- is a health remedy against chickenpox and shingles
- reduces the formation of wrinkles
- discourages the formation of cancer
- prevents adverse menopausal symptoms
- restores visual acuity
- strengthens leg muscles
- heals arthritis
- enhances sexual drive
- heals sweaty feet, constipation, joint and back pains
- heals abscesses
- heals blocked arteries and diabetes
- strengthens kidneys
- heals cataracts and heart disease
- restores the appetite and heals sleeping disorders

18 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

- reduces the chance of gall stones and liver problems

- reduces obesity and stops diarrhoea
- heals haemorrhoids
- helps restore colour to grey hair and improves baldness
This list may appear naive or overstated, and there is no
record of the type of teas that were used, nor whether the tea
brew or the fungus itself was being used. One cannot generalise

about these conditions: one individual may be helped and another

not. There is evidence that Kombucha helps restore hair. As for
preventing hair greying, for me it has not worked, but perhaps it

will for others. If you read the list of testimonials at the back of
this book, you will be astonished at the wide variety of conditions
that have been helped.
Can Kombucha be considered a miracle healing medium? Is
it a remedy against cancer? Research will undoubtedly determine
this in the future.

Kombucha is composed of a number of bacteria and special yeast
cultures in a symbiotic relationship. This living organism ferments
sweetened tea to become the Kombucha beverage. The refreshing
taste gives one a feeling of wellbeing. The amount of living yeast it
contains gives the Kombucha beverage an active life which con-
tinues after decanting it into bottles. Kombucha has become in-

creasingly highly regarded as an aid to preventing many illnesses.

Part II:




10 cups (4-5 US pints) of water
/4 cup white granulated sugar*
2-4 teaspoons (or teabags) tea - black, green, or a mixture
1 healthy Kombucha culture
2 tablespoons vinegar (This used only with the first brew, if no

starter Kombucha tea is available. In subsequent brews, use 1 cup

(V2 pint approx.) of the brew as a starter and omit vinegar).

2 litres (372-4 pints) of water
160 grams ( 5 V2 OZ) of white granulated sugar*
2-4 teaspoons (or teabags) tea - black, green, or a mixture
1 healthy Kombucha culture
2 tablespoons vinegar (This is used only with the first brew, if no
starter Kombucha tea is available. In subsequent brews, use
200ml (V3 pint) of the brew as a starter and omit vinegar).
though not one that contains oil -
Alternatively, a herbal tea -

may be used.* We recommend you start brewing with black and/

or green tea. When you are more confident you can experiment
with herbs.

* Reduction in the amount of sugar recommended or substitution of brown

sugar could prejudice the health of the fungus.

*You need to be sure that the herbs have been properly dried and stored
without risk of spore or fungal contamination; those that contain appreciable
amounts of oil are: angelica, bergamot, camomile, caraway, cumin, dill,
fennel seed, lavender, lovage, marjoram, mint, peppermint, rosemary, tar-
ragon, thyme, wormwood.


Container: china,
glass or porcelain
(approx. 6 pints
vol.), large surface
area for fast

Fig. 1 . Make sweetened

+ sugar

tea in a
Fig. 2. Strain sweetened tea into
suitable container. Top up with
teapot or bowl remaining water


leave 1 2 ins
(40mm) gap
below rim

Fig. 4. Cover with muslin or other

Fig. 3. Add vinegar or starter brew. suitable fabric and secure with elastic.
Place fungus on top of tea, smooth Place in a warm dark place away from
side up. dampness and plants to ferment

Separate new layer from

original fungus.

Fig. 5. After fermentation is complete

separated ‘offspring’ may be used for Fig. 6. Kombucha brew now ready to
new brew, stored in fridge or passed drink. Strain into glass bottles or jugs
on to a friend and store in fridge - enjoy!
Part II: How to make your own Kombucha 21

In this case, use 2-3 teaspoons of herbal tea, pour on boiling

water, leave for 5 minutes, strain off tea leaves (or remove tea
bags) and proceed with recipe below.

To make a batch of Kombucha, you need a bowl made of

china, porcelain, glass or ceramic that will hold about two and a
half litres or six pints. Place the tea in a large pot, pour on boiling
water, add sugar and stir until dissolved, and leave to brew for 10
to 15 minutes. Strain brewed tea into the bowl. Add the re-
mainder of the water and allow to cool to room temperature, then
add the cider vinegar (or ‘starter’ brew). Now place the fungus to
float on top of the liquid. The fungus has a smooth side (possibly
lighter in colour) and a rougher side. It should be allowed to float
smooth-side upwards. A gap of at least one and a half inches
should be left between the fungus and the top of the bowl.
Cover with muslin (or some other suitable cloth which will
allow air through) and anchor this below the lip of the bowl with

The container should then be put in a warm place (ideal

fermentation temperature is between 70° and 84°F
and 28°C), (23°
depending on the season). The fungus does not require any light
but needs warmth and air. Smoke is harmful. After 6-9 days of
fermentation (it is faster in summer or in higher temperatures),
remove the fungus with clean hands, strain the beverage and pour
into bottles leaving sufficient air space. (Alternatively, the bev-
erage can be poured into one or more lidded jugs). After some
experience you will decide the best fermentation time for your
conditions. The drink should have a zingy and only slightly sweet
taste, not too acid.
The bottles should be placed in the fridge, otherwise the
fermentation process will continue and the beverage will obtain a
sour taste. Once the fungus has been removed from the tea-brew,
it can immediately be used to start a new batch.
22 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

The most suitable containers for brewing are bowls made of

glass, porcelain or glazed pottery. Metal containers - including
stainless steel - are not used because acids in the brew react with
the metal. A comparison can be made with whisky or wine which
taste different when fermented in wood. Plastic containers are
more and more commonly used, in which case, they should be
high quality food grade and acid-resistant. Polyvinyls, poly-
propylenes and cheap plastics can cause chemical reactions in the
brew due to leaching of plastics. Beer-brewing containers used for
home brewing can be used. The containers should have a wide
opening, not too tall nor filled up to the top. A wider, more
shallow pot enables the Kombucha to ferment quicker and better.


With each brew, a new fungus will have grown (by binary fission)
on top of the original ‘p anca ke’ floating on top of the liquid. The
pancakes can be gently eased apart by hand. The new fungus can
then be used to start another batch or passed on to a friend. If no
batches are started on the same day, the fungus can be preserved
by placing it into an air-tight container with some Kombucha
beverage, leaving an air space between the liquid and the lid and
keeping it in the fridge until required. The recommended amount
to drink daily is three average-sized wine glasses, one before
breakfast and one 20 - 30 minutes after lunch and your evening
meal. Larger amounts can be consumed quite safely for reason-
ably healthy people. There are no limitations to the ways in which
a Kombucha brewer can experiment with his beverage. The more
experienced he gets, the better the resulting drink is likely to be -
Cheers or Good Health!


After I first wrote about Kombucha, I received a mass of com-

ments and enquiries from people in Eastern and Middle Europe.


A traditional pot for continuous fermentation. Note the tap is above the yeast settling level.
24 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

These people recalled their mothers or grandmothers having a

large container of between 10-20 litres, (3 - 4 US gallons) stored
in a warm place.
People drank the brewed beverage when required and, every
now and again, the container was refilled with 4 to 5 litres (10-12
US pints) of sweetened was one form of continuous
tea. This
fermentation. Different top-ups can be made with different teas.
Children, for instance, often love a mix made with wild blackcur-
rant herbal tea. I have never heard of any problems with this type
of fermentation. In counties where Kombucha drinking has been
common for generations, children drink it without restriction.
On reading about this, I immediately purchased a large con-
tainer, with a tap located several centimetres above the base, so
that would not discharge the yeast sediment from the bottom. I

discovered that Russian and Polish workers had brought this

process with them into the Eastern regions of Germany. Some
war refugees also brought this process with them to the West.
Continuous fermentation, besides being easier, also has the
advantage that a larger amount of fluid does not react so quickly

to temperature variations. A large container can also be equipped

with heating plates as used with the fermentation of beer. In my
experience, I must say that the continuous fermentation process is
the ideal way to brew Kombucha for personal use.


BREWING KOMBUCHA, Compiled by a healthy
Kombucha drinker and producer in England:
How long should I have to wait to drink my Kombucha?
A week from brewing is an average time. Six to eight days after
storing your covered bowl of Kombucha, taste the tea. It should
be neither too sweet nor too sour. If it is too sweet, allow the
fungus to ferment for another day or so. If the taste is rather sour,
then leave the next brew for one day less. You may still drink the
tea - it will be very good for you, though you may like to add some
Part II: How to make your own Kombucha 25

spring water or fruit juice!

What is the correct temperature for the mushroom?

The Kombucha mushroom likes the sort of temperature used in
wine or brew fermentation. For that reason, if your room is cold
(in winter, for example), it might be useful to use a heated
brewing mat or thermal collar. These can be purchased from most
brewing shops. In summer, average daily room temperatures will
be fine. An airing cupboard is a popular place in which to place
the brew. However, if the hot water tank is not well-insulated, the
temperature will be a little high. Between 73°-83°F (23°-28°C) is

about right.

How do I know if it is working?

Firstly, don’t be surprised if the fungus sinks to the bottom. It
generates carbon dioxide under its surface as it transforms the tea
and may need a while to build up sufficient gas and buoyancy to
float back to the surface. After a few days, you should notice a
smell of vinegar and the formation of a transparent membrane on
top of the fungus. If this occurs, all is well, this is the new fungus

What happens if I damage the mushroom?

The fungus is very hardy and will still produce a well-formed
offspring, even if torn or partly-formed. The offspring may be
thinner over the damaged area, but the thinner area will get
thicker with successive generations. If the accumulated gas under
the mushroom pushes the thin part of the fungus membrane away
from the tea surface, you may lift it to allow the gas to escape.
This will bring the thinner membrane back into contact with the
liquid surface and will encourage a more uniform growth.

What happens if I go on vacation for a while?

The Kombucha fungus is a hardy beast and will sleep quite hap-
pily in a little of its tea fluid for three to six months when left in the
refrigerator. It’s best to lay it out flat and make sure that it has a
little air in the container so that it can breathe.

A typical two litre bowl with muslin cover secured by elastic.

Part II: How to make your own Kombucha 27

How do I produce more cultures for my friends?

A Kombucha will happily produce offspring in just a small (half-

an-inch or so) amount of tea. So, in this way, you can produce
more offspring without using lots of sugar and tea and without
having to generate large amounts of Kombucha tea. The resulting
Kombucha tea may be a little too sour to drink, however, so
prepare at least one batch with the usual amount of liquid.
Once you have a number of fungus pancakes, it is possible to
refrigerate them successfully, stacked in a container with a little

fluid in the bottom. Kombucha offspring do not fight - they live

may be kept active by
very happily together! All the mushrooms
brewing from them manner, you will always
in rotation. In this
have a number of healthy, active mushrooms to give away on

What effect will drinking the tea have on my health?

The effects of drinking the tea vary from person to person. In
general, however, the tea acts in a gentle, balancing manner and
helps the body heal itself in whatever way is necessary.
As a general rule, the more in touch you are with your body,
the greater the effect you will notice. You may feel warmth,
notice an increased brightness of vision, a general relaxing, an
opening of your energy. A general feeling of wellbeing is often
reported.The number of colds you get may well be reduced.
Older people frequently report an increase in mobility and a
decrease in niggling joint pains.
If your body is already very open and relaxed and your
energy strong, you may not notice these effects. You may simply
register Kombucha as the tasty, refreshing, slightly fizzy, benign
drink it is, which helps you to stay well!


With any living fungus, accidents can occur which may prove
harmful or even lethal to the organism. If the temperatures are
not regulated or if the fungus has been stored for a long period of
28 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

time, it can acquire a glutinous coat. If this happens, it should be

cleaned, using lemon juice or wine vinegar. It can then be used
again. It is a little harder if the fungus has started to grow mould.
Too low temperatures or an unclean environment can be the
cause of this. In this case, dispose of the beverage and wash the
fungus as described above. The usual 10% should be taken from
another brew to start a new batch. If there are no other batches,
put the fungus into the prepared tea with the required sugar
content and add two tablespoons of vinegar (better still, Kom-
bucha vinegar if available). The beverage should have a sour smell
to it after a few days. This is an indication that the fungus is
working. It shouldn’t have a mouldy smell. In areas where the
vinegar fly (Drosophilia fenestarum) is active, it is very important
to cover the beverage with a muslin cloth fastened by a rubber
band to prevent the fly entering the container and laying eggs.
Don’t wash the fungus no obvious reason to do so,
if there is

unless long storage or it to be necessary. The

mould indicates
fungus is always slimy! In one case I came across a fungus which
did not work correctly. The person who owned it had apparently
done everything right. I went to the supplier in the next town and
found that the liquid used had been stored in a 9 US gallons (25
litres) container with a narrow neck. It had been filled right to the

top with the fabric cover touching the fungus. The fungus simply
did not have enough air to work properly. Even by doubling the
fermentation time, the brew was still too sweet and the drink not
healthy. I traced the culture further back to the previous supplier
where was not doing well either. Brewing had been done here

for the previous five months with only 20 grams of sugar (less than
an ounce) being used per litre (PApints). All these cultures were
brought back to normal performance. With two of them, I added
commercial beverage and with another I used a double strength
black tea with double sugar and allowed it to ferment until very
sour. With this brew, normal fermentation with good results con-
tinued. See also p.41. NB: A dead or ailing culture cannot perform
properly and will not produce a healthy drink.
Part II: How to make your own Kombucha 29


Tobacco smoke will kill the fungus. People have often rung me
and told me that their fungus was not working any more. In 50%
of these cases I found that someone was smoking in the room
where the fungus was fermenting. The fungus cannot tolerate
tobacco smoke. With occasional chimney smoke the fungus may
survive. The beverage will, however, adopt a smoky taste which
will still be noticeable in future batches. Tobacco is an example of
how man can develop unhealthy products from nature. However,
the negative effects of tobacco can be used to advantage by
brewing tobacco tea and spraying in your garden as an effective
insect repellent! Under no circumstances should the tobacco be
left in a food container, and brewed as tea by mistake, which

could cause death if drunk. This happened when I was a child and
one of our neighbours grew tobacco in his garden, storing the
dried leaves in his kitchen. The family had a large variety of
herbal teas and, by mistake, the tobacco was used to brew tea,
with deadly consequences.


As with all living organisms, the Kombucha fungus can develop
problems which render it useless or dead. It is, therefore, wise to
have a separate fungus stored in the refrigerator to ensure the
continuation of Kombucha brewing in case of an accident. The
fungus stored should be from a healthy specimen, with which
good brewing resultswere achieved. The fungus should be placed
in an airtight container together with approx. lU litre (V2 US pint)
ofbrewed Kombucha beverage. The fermentation liquid will sour
very slowly in the refrigerator and will be as sour as vinegar after
three to six months. When starting a new batch with this fungus
and vinegar, you will find that the fermentation process will be
accelerated and the fungus will develop a new layer much quicker.
30 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus


It can happen to every Kombucha brewer -
the fungus will grow
tired due to something in its environment and will lose its full
strength and ferment the tea slowly. While the fungus may still
work and ferment the sugar, the beverage may taste flat. The
brewing process should then be continued using green tea. Addi-
tionally, it helps if a beverage is used from another, very lively
fungus to restore the tired fungus. (Perko).


When brewing 2 litres (4-5 US pints) of Kombucha, sugar is

fermented, which produces alcohol. The amount of alcohol de-

pends upon the temperature and amount of sugar used. With a
minimum sugar content of 50 grams (2 ounces, lU US cup) the
beverage will have 0.1% alcohol after 14 days and approx. 0.3%
alcohol after 21 days. By using larger amounts of sugar (200
grams, l lh ounces, 1 US cup), the beverage can have up to 2%
alcohol after 14 days. At the same time, however, the beverage
will have a very sour taste and be practically undrinkable. With an
ideal amount of sugar (160 grams, 6 ounces, 3A US cup) and a
fermentation time of between 6 and 10 days, it can be assumed
that the alcohol will be of very small proportions. Pastor
Weidinger states that Kombucha has very small amounts of alco-
hol, no more than 0.5%. The beverage can, therefore, also be
given in sensible amounts to children and teenagers. Muslims and
Buddhists drink it without concern. “Recovered alcoholics do not
have to fear the small amounts of alcohol.” The Salvation Army is
using Kombucha to help alcoholics.
Interesting in this context is a letter from Mrs M.T.: “I tried
Kombucha with blackcurrant and it tasted great. I no longer need
that alcoholic drink to relax when I get home after work. Kom-
bucha is better - it doesn’t cause aches and pains, and it doesn’t
keep me awake at night.”
Part II: How to make your own Kombucha 31


This question emerges time and time again. I ask myself, ‘Why
would anyone want to eat this fungus? It is as tough as leather and
slimy!’ I do not find it very appetising. However, the fungus is not
harmful. Only once in any literature dealing with Kombucha did I
find a specific reference to eating Kombucha, from Professor
Lindner, a German researcher, who observed that the slippery
mass easily passes along the bowel walls and aids in constipation,

but see p.95. The fungus itself has all the healing properties the
beverage has, but in a very concentrated form. pressed extract A
can be obtained from the fungus and is sometimes sold in health
food stores. If the pressed extract is a concentrated medicine, why
indeed should one not eat the fungus, if one finds it appetising?


If properly treated the fungus will last for some months. On the
surface, it constantly builds new layers. In turn, on the underside,
the layers die off. If the fungus is well cared for, it is a gift which
can be given from generation to generation.




Late in the 1920s, the Kombucha researchers Wischofski and
Hermann produced it in a concentrated form. The idea was to
achieve a product in pure form which would be available with a
certain consistency. This was important for being able to make
comparisons while doing research. Known as Kombucha drops or
‘Kombuchal’, this product was patented in Germany and was
available in pharmacies. The drops were manufactured by vacuum
distillation of the liquid culture.Apart from alcohol and acetic
acid,Kombuchal has all the components of normal Kombucha.
From the records of the internal clinic in Prague it was determined
32 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

that all tests showed results favourable towards old age and ar-
terial blockage.
The idea of pressing the Kombucha fungus came from its
most famous researcher, Dr Sklenar himself. The resulting prod-
ucts were named ‘Drops Kombucha Dl’ (D1 being the
homoeopathic dilution degree of 1 to 10) and Kombucha tincture.
With the drops he achieved healing results which gave him a
reputation that lasted long after he died. People who do not wish
to miss the energy-restoring and digestive effect of Kombucha are
advised to take Kombucha extract with them in this handy form
when travelling. It can help with travel sickness.
Kombucha is recommended for diabetics, although the sugar
content cannot be determined when ‘home brewing’. Although
experts say that Kombucha does not have any negative side effects
for diabetics, I suggest that it would be wise to use some of the
more sour-tasting products. Kombucha drops, or pressed extract,
are highly concentrated forms of the effective parts normally
found in the beverage. Manufacturers recommend the use of 15 to
20 drops, three times daily for adults, to be taken with water.


The Kombucha beverage is a living thing, hence its healthy and
energising effect. Kombucha fermentation occurs more quickly at
room temperature and slows down considerably in the refrigera-
tor. If left to ferment too long, the end result is a sour beverage
that is still healthy, but not to everyone’s taste. During slimming
diets, this sour beverage is used frequently. Caution should be
taken with bottles stored for a long period, however; they may
explode due to a build-up of gas.
Commercial Kombucha beverage, available in some health
shops, may have a very sour taste, which would be a good indica-
tion that it had not been preserved or tampered with. The nu-
tritious effect of this beverage is just as good as ‘home brew’. It is
possible that, when first tasting commercial or over-brewed Kom-
Part II: How to make your own Kombucha 33

bucha, it may be unappealing and sour to some palates. Kom-

bucha should taste pleasant (apart from some herbal tea combina-
tions) and one should not forget that unlimited different flavours
can be achieved by experimenting. Depending upon the length of
the fermentation, the liquid will be either clear or misty. After a
short period of time, the yeast will settle on the bottom. This yeast
sediment can either be consumed, as with ‘wheat beers’, or fil-
tered off with a cloth. 10% of the liquid should be used to start the
next batch. The rest may be filled into bottles and sealed with
corks - taking care to leave a little gap at the top to prevent the
bottles from exploding.


Pastor Weidinger has had experience with Kombucha for well
over fifty years including brews from such countries of origin as
Formosa and Taiwan. To this question, he has made the following
comments: “All natural healing remedies give life. Living organ-
isms are being given into our living body absorbed, processed and

sorted through our blood circulation. When I drink something it is

not just merely open wide and

‘ down the hatch 7 No! Much more
happens. For one thing, the beverage becomes part of myself. I
react to it usually in a way quite opposite to what I expect the
reaction to be. First of all Kombucha our soul, our
will effect
feeling. We will feel happy, relaxed, satisfied. Then our conscious-
ness will react; the ability to absorb. We find it easier to concentrate,
to make decisions. We are less likely to forget important issues. It

affects the activities of our mind, our intelligence. Last but not least,
our body will react. So how do we learn to drink Kombucha
properly? Each individual must discover his or her own answer, as
every individual acts differently, feels differently. You are an indi-
vidual, withyou everything functions your own way. The ground-
work has been laid by our Creator. You do everything differently
from other people. A lot may be similar, but not everything is the
same. This fact is very important to consider when deciding how

34 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

much Kombucha one should drink

“After consulting with a doctor, you could drink an eighth of a
litre main meal to help the digestion. This should be
daily after the

based on an exact time plan with rest periods.
One circular letter I found being distributed with Kombucha
mentioned some possible negative side effects:
“Rapid detoxification can cause discomfort in some people if too
much tea is drunk when beginning treatment. Work slowly up week
by week from six tablespoons daily in divided doses. At two table-
spoons, taken three times daily, discomfort can usually be avoided.
Some possible side-effects can include headaches, stomach aches,
nausea, fatigue, dizziness, mild diarrhoea, constipation, pimples,
rashes and wind However,
. these are temporary effects lasting from
a day to a week or so, in basically healthy people. Drink extra water
to counter them. People with a serious disease condition may
experience a healing crisis if they drink too much too soon and may
like to begin with even less - say 1-2 teaspoons three times a day,
gradually increasing the amount. Kombucha effects appear to be-
gin in the weakest part of the body, then the second weakest and so


1. The culture can change and cease to perform correctly. If, after
brew still tastes sweet, the culture is
a certain period of time, the
not functioning. This can happen when the culture has been
overheated in transport, for example, or on the cooker (one
person I know put the brew on the stove for temperature control-
led brewing!) See also p.25.
2. The type of tea used (green tea, herbal tea, etc.). This part of
the Kombucha brewing process results in most of the likely prob-
lems. Negative side effects are in my opinion not due to the
culture itself, but can be traced back to the additional ingredients
and the fermentation process. The herbs, green tea and black tea
Part II: How to make your own Kombucha 35

included, are transformed in the brewing process. Their proper-

ties are amplified during fermentation and more easily assimilated
and utilised by the body. (See also pp. 55-62.)
3. The amount of sugar used, the time of fermentation, the aver-
age fermentation temperature and the time and temperature after
the main fermentation in the fridge; any or all of these factors may
have an effect.

The most popular Kombucha drinks are the ones in which dif-
ferent tea mixtures are used, according to taste, in the brewing
during fermentation (see pp. 57-62). Some people add fruits to the
brew two days before the end of fermentation. This not only
improves the flavour, it also adds vitamins and all the other
benefits of the particular fruit or vegetable in the drink. When a
seasonal fruit is used, it should be thoroughly cleaned and blended
in the kitchen mixer. A strong fermentation is triggered shortly
after the fruits have been added. The result is delicious. Have you
ever tried raspberry-, mango-, strawberry-Kombucha? Your
guests will like it, young and old!

In response to countless enquiries from people, have to say I

that I have come across only a few negative effects. These are:
Constipation (one case). Black tea was used and the fermen-
tation time was not long enough (the drink was still very sweet).
Since black tea can cause constipation in some people, a mixture
of buckthorn, elder flowers and knotgrass and raspberry was used
instead, withgood results.
High blood pressure (one case). Green tea had been used. A
mixture using hawthorn and other teas was substituted with suc-
cess. (See also pp. 78-80.)
Candida albicans (a few cases). In these cases, too much brew
had been taken too fast. (See also p.86.)
With negative side effects, one has to consider that there is no
such thing as only one side. While most people have a very good
36 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

result withKombucha, there is always the slight chance that a few

will have a negative reaction, whatever the reason might be. To
test the possible negative side effects of Kombucha, I drank
between two and three litres every day for six weeks. I felt great,
but that does not mean that everyone can do the same. Trial and
error is the only real answer.


I believe that nothing should be used over long periods of time, as
our bodies will get used to it and the required effect will not last.
Tests have revealed that vitamin treatment is much more useful if

adopted over limited periods of time, rather than continuously. It

is also much more economical. In most homes where Kombucha

has been consumed over decades, people usually take an occa-

sional break of between one and two weeks. When under stress,
or if there is a virus going around, they return to drinking Kom-
bucha again.
How long should one drink Kombucha? Pastor Weidinger
recalls that he once received the following letter: Through a
friend I received a Kombucha culture and I have already started
brewing. Is this drink for permanent consumption or should I stop
in between? How can I keep the culture alive while not using it?’
His reply was, “The length of any therapy depends upon the
motive. If I merely want to live a healthier life, I would recommend
a three weeks programme, drinking a wineglass daily before break-
fast, preferably starting after a full moon and ending one week
prior to another full moon. If I wish to treat specific illnesses such
as bowel problems, strengthening of the liver, rheumatism, gout or
improvement of blood would recommend drinking three-
quality, I
eighths of a litre (3 Kombucha, over a period
wineglases) daily of
of between 3-6 months, then stopping for one month before con-
tinuing again. Permanent use is not recommended, as the body
requires a break between treatments in order to make proper use of
the help being offered. If one has a break between treatments, the
Part II: How to make your own Kombucha 37

user will feel the effect much better when starting again.
This is called the ‘Interruption Theory’ which is now recom-
mended by a number of Kombucha experts, to allow the body to
consolidate a new balance.


When they read, in the recipe, that one should use 3U US cup (160
grams) of sugar per 4-5 US pints (2 litres) of tea, a lot of health-
conscious people stare in disbelief. So much unhealthy sugar? The
answer is easy. YES! The Kombucha culture requires sugar to
ferment and stay alive. Through the fermentation process, sugar
gets transformed into lactic acid and alcohol. With less than U US l

cup (50 grams) per litre, the fungus will starve.

Pastor Weidinger answers the question in the following way :

“Sugar on its own may cause blood disorders and depression. As a

sweetener, it has been rejected by our society for years now. Many
experts agree that the constant use of sugar has a negative effect on
the blood quality. This may then result in poor functioning of the
liver and, in turn, influence our moods. So how about the use of
sugar in Kombucha? As the sugar in the Kombucha beverage is
completely converted, there will be no negative effects of any such

Recently a person (can of Coke in hand) tried to make me
aware of the damaging effects of the sugar in Kombucha. She had
problems in believing that in every Coke she drank there were not
only seven teaspoons of sugar (unfermented!) but also 32mg of

This graph shows how

the sugar is converted in

a brew made from black

tea - initially into glucose
which then reacts with the
tea to produce the
health-giving organic
acids - making a drink
which should not be
particularly sweet. The
duration of this process
depends on the ambient
temperature. (This
research was conducted
by Dr Jurgen Reiss and
published in the German
food review
“Lebensmittelrunschau” in
1987 .)


The use of sugar continues to pose a matter of concern for many
health-conscious people. However, the fact is that the fungus
requires sugar to survive. It ferments into ‘healthy’ components.
With artificial sweeteners, the fungus would starve and die. The
effect of honey on the fungus would also be detrimental and cause
it, eventually, to die. Sugar is essential for the fungus’s own
digestive process. This is also the reason why the amount of sugar
does not necessarily make a difference to the taste, once the
fermentation process complete. Over one cup (190 grams) per

US quart means that the amount of sugar remaining after fermen-

tation willbe too high, which may pose a problem for diabetics as
well as people with cancer or stomach and bowel illnesses.
When conducting trials using honey myself some years ago,
the fungus became tired and slowly died. I was surprised, how-
ever, when I met Mr Perko from The Way to Live Sanctuary in
Queensland, to learn that he had successfully brewed Kombucha

Part II: How to make your own Kombucha 39

using honey instead of sugar. Mr Perko has attempted more trials

brewing Kombucha with herbs than any other person I have met.
He making further experiments to assess the effects of various

types of pollen in the honey which may have an effect on the

Kombucha culture. With the mixtures of various teas that Mr
Perko has tested he always used elderflower tea. Elderflower tea
can be used to start aKombucha fungus. Elderflower has the
effect of giving the Kombucha beverage a certain champagne
character, a typical example of the many different achievable
varieties ofKombucha. Mr Perko has an extraordinary feeling for
and skill with the brewing of Kombucha. For normal use, how-
ever, I would strongly advise against the use of honey when
brewing Kombucha.
If you do decide to try using honey for Kombucha brewing, a

temperature of 83°F (28°C) is very important. This is why experi-

ments in tropical Queensland have been more successful. Mrs
J.G. from Queensland has devised a simple method which has
worked very well over a long period of time. She uses honey in
every second brew, so that the individual fungus ferments one
week with honey and the next week with sugar. With several
containers brewing simultaneously, she always has a honey brew
which is mixed with the conventional brews and produces an
excellent tasting drink.
Mr Bill Corrigan from Queensland has also written of his
observations of and experiments with Kombucha brewed with
honey: “My own mind could not accept the judgment on
honey, particularly when you consider that cane sugar has only
become prominent in recent history and would not have been used
or known in most cultures that used Kombucha. The only problems
I had were in the colder months when temperatures varied. When
there are uniformly warm temperatures - no problems. I always
brew using green tea and some herbs separately, and allow the
mixture to cool until warm before I add the honey. The reason for
this is that no enzymes are lost to the hot liquid. The amount of

honey - no less than four tablespoons of honey per litre, preferably

40 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

Bill uses freshherbs from his own garden like nettle, dan-
delion, yarrow and elderflower, which he adds to the brew two or
three days before the end of fermentation. He stores Kombucha
in bottles for two and a half months at normal temperatures under
his house in tropical Queensland. He was delighted to find the
taste improves with age, without bitterness.
For brewing with honey, temperature-controlled containers
are necessary in cooler areas. That is the reason why my own trials
did not have the desired results and why publications from cooler
countries say a strict NO to honey brewing.

It has probably happened to a lot of Kombucha brewers that one
batch has been forgotten and has continued to brew over many
weeks. The result is a Kombucha vinegar which can be used like
any other vinegar, but can also be used to clean the fungus should
it have become mouldy.

If you treat your fungus properly you will have the joy and gift of
receiving health and enjoyment for life. The fungus itself is a very
stable unit. With temperatures above 65°F (18°C) it will ferment,
provided it gets enough sugar and oxygen. If you have too many
individual fungi or go off on vacation, the fungus may be
preserved by placing it in approx. V2 US pint ( U litre) of its own

liquid and storing it in the refrigerator. The fungus then falls into a
dormant type of winter sleep. The container in which the fungus is
stored should only be half-filled, so that the fungus will still be
able to breathe. Storing it months in the
for a period of three
refrigerator is possible without any problems. Whether the fungus
can be frozen is debatable. Some experts say there are no prob-
lems with freezing the fungus but others, such as Dr Meixner,
contend that the frost crystals could be harmful to the fungus
Part II: How to make your own Kombucha 41

structure. Trials may have been conducted with different cultures.

Personally, I do not see any reason why it should ever need to be
frozen since the fungus can survive for a considerable period of
time in a refrigerator.
Drying the Kombucha fungus is another way of conserving
the culture, especially before shipping. The dried fungus is very
light and can be sent quite cheaply by airmail. The usual con-
tainers used for storing the fungus are likely to be damaged in
transitand leak. The most favourable drying temperature is 90°F
(33°C). Drying in direct sunlight or in the microwave oven will kill
the fungus. Dehydrators, available from hardware store and com-
monly used for fruit and other foods, are ideal. When starting a
brew with a dried fungus, use half a litre of tea at double strength
for the first brew rather than the normal concentration for Kom-
bucha brewing.
Here’s a suggested recipe:

1 litre (5 US cups) water
160 grams (5V2 ounces, 3A US cup) sugar
2 teaspoons (or teabags) black or green tea
one dried fungus
if available, V2 US pint (200 mis) commercial Kombucha bev-

erage, or one tablespoon (15ml) boiled vinegar

Pour the sugar into the heated water and stir until dissolved.
When the water boils, remove from the heat and add to the tea.
Leave to brew for ten to fifteen minutes.
Cool the tea until lukewarm and strain into a glass, porcelain or
pottery container. Add the dried fungus.
Add commercial Kombucha beverage (if available), or one table-
spoon of vinegar. Cover and store in the usual way, making sure
that a gap of an inch or two is left between the top of the container
and the cover.
A temperature between 73° - 83°F (23° - 28°C) should be
42 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

maintained for the first week. Ferment this first brew for at least
fifteen days until it tastes very sour. With this brew, a bigger batch
of two or three litres can be started. You will find details about
further brewing method in pp. 19-22.


I am continually being asked whether Kombucha can be com-

pared to Kefir or ginger culture. With Kefir, Kummis or yoghurt,

cultures are used for the fermentation process of milk. The most
popular of these three is yoghurt, which has been available for
well over fifty years. Natural yoghurt (without the addition of any
fruit or flavours) can easily be produced at home. The micro-
organisms in yoghurt ( Lactobacillus bulgaricus and streptococcus
thermophilus) ferment milk within three hours when kept at 110°F
(44°C). Fruit can then bemixed in if desired.
I am asked again and again about ginger culture used for the

manufacture of ginger beer. My research shows that ginger beer

was brewed in wooden barrels years ago and a white froth on the
top added a good taste. With the brewing methods of today,
ginger beer is fermented with the beer yeast called Saccharomyces
Tibi (sometimes called Kefir) is another culture similar to
Kombucha, using water in the process. Tibi appears originally to
come from the Caucasus. The culture consists of small white
transparent pellets which, when cultivated in water, increase at a
rapid rate. The fermentation time is approximately two to three
days. The gas content increases day by day. Similar to Kombucha,
Tibi requires sugar to live. Sultanas and dates are added to the
fermentation process as an aid and to improve the taste. Tibi is
also known as Japanese crystals and Water Kefir. Tibi beverage is

generally used to improve water, and in this way, overall health. It

aids the body in the detoxification process, which in turn helps

stability. The recommended dose per day is approximately one
litre of Tibi.
Part II: How to make your own Kombucha 43

The use of the name ‘Kombu’ in Japan is rather confusing. Re-
ports about the health benefits of ‘Kombu-cha’ (‘cha’ stands for
tea!) from Japan are probably based on the sea-vegetable-tea
Kombu (kelp = Laminaria family). ‘Kombu-tea’ is harvested in
salt water and has nothing to do with the tea-fermenting fungus

‘Kombucha’ which grows in sugar water with tea.

I have discussed Kombucha with Japanese people who have

used this term interchangeably for the salt water ‘Kombu-tea’,

before I realised we were talking at cross purposes.

Whether Kombucha is spelt with K or C does not really matter.

Due to the intensive research conducted by famous doctors such
as Dr Sklenar, Dr Wiesner and Dr Carstens, it appears that the
name Kombucha dominates. The German bioculture expert, Dr
Alex Meixner, calls it Combucha in his book Pilze selber ziichten
(How to grow mushrooms); at the same time he issues a warning
that all Kombucha products are not of the same quality.

A healthy culture.
Part III:


Today we consume cook with
vast quantities of preservatives,
microwave ovens and use other processes which destroy the living
energy in our food. It is important for our digestion to consume
living micro-organisms and bacteria (though the thought may not
be very appealing!). Without these tiny micro-biological helpers,
however, we and plants would not be able to survive. For exam-
ple, approximately 250 million bacteria work in one gram of good
gardening soil. Wine and beer would not exist without micro-
organisms. It is a miracle that these invisible helpers can adapt so
easily. They seem to have been able to survive quite well in our
chemical age with its approximately 3000 food additives, though
we should not be surprised that new illnesses and allergies are
created with this bombardment of foreign products and additives.
Pastor Weidinger comments as follows: “The breeding does
not happen through spores as with conventional yeast cultures.
Kombucha is a lichen. Lichens are regarded as the oldest food and
healing components of man. These remarkable plant organisms
evolved some 2 began with sea algae which
-5 billion years ago. It

were confined space of the ocean. When they moved onto

to the
land they were dependent upon a mate, which they found in the

fungi ( myceV). They formed a living relationship and evolved into
one unit, the lichen or lichens. Only in this form were they able to
survive. The algae supplies the fungus with organic nutrients, car-
bohydrates. The fungus had the function of serving as a water

reservoir also containing vital minerals.
“There are well over 1600 types of lichens. The manna lichen
delivers food for man, the reindeer lichen supplies food for

46 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

animals. Others such as Irish moss and lung lichen act as healing
and medical components Oak moss for the manufacture of
perfumes. Lichens incorporate strength. They seem to be mes-
sengers from God which came to us from another world. Although
there is a large variety of them, they all have the same basic
principles, the lichen acids. These are vital components of the
lichen which revitalise living matter, minerals and trace elements.
Where there are lichen, life is awakened. The tea fungus Kombucha
is more than just a fungus; it is a symbiosis of algae and fungi.

Kombucha is a lichen. Kombucha tea is life, receives life, aids life.

A fully grown Kombucha lichen builds a gelatin-like tough mem-

brane, assuming the same diameter as the container in which it

The fungus expert. Dr Meixner, writes that the important
components of the Kombucha fungus are the tropical yeast Schiz-
osaccharomyces pombe, Saccaromy codes ludwigii and Pichia fer-
mentans. The most important bacteria in the symbiosis is appar-
ently the slimy vinegar bacteria Acetobacter xylinum which ,

creates a slippery mass out of cellulose in the symbiosis. These

bacterial and fungi parts are bound in the tea fungus, therefore
enabling symbiosis.
Dr Helmut Golz mentions the following five active bacteria in
' ’
his book Kombucha - an old tea health remedy
* Acetobacter xylinum
* Acetobacter xylinoides
* Gluconobacter bluconicum
* Acetobacter aceti
* Acetobacter pasteurianum
and as yeasts he mentions:
* Schizosaccharomyces pombe
* Yeasts originating from Apiculatus
* Saccharomy codes ludwigii
* Pichia fermentans
* Mycoderma
Yeasts originating from Torula
The split yeasts (Schizosaccharomyces) increase in contrast
Part III: How does the fungus work? 47

with conventional yeasts by cross-division. This appears to be the

reason why Candida albicans sufferers can enjoy yeasty Kom-
bucha beverage (see Frank).



There is no exact answer to this question. Kombucha cultures

have existed on this planet for thousands of years. These tea fungi
were grown in conventional kitchens and have different stocks or
combinations of yeast and bacteria. I think the easiest comparison
can be made with apple trees. In an orchard, there are twenty
apple trees which look the same. Which is the best tree? This
question can only be answered at the time of harvest. Some trees
will have sour apples, some sweet ones, some juicy. The continua-

tion of the stock will only be done using the best. Pastor
Weidinger explains his selection process as follows:
“Only the best mother animals and mother trees will produce
good stock - a fact of which every grower is aware. The important
factor is to reproduce something living that has its own unique
qualities and cannot be exchanged with something else. The same
goes for reproducing a Kombucha fungus. Only a large solid and
well- dev eloped Kombucha fungus will be capable of being div-
Research into the origin of the culture shows that it has been
grown for over two thousand years in stone jars in unsterile farm
kitchens. Thanks to its antibiotic resistance, it has retained its

health and stability. Is the laboratory culture, grown hygienically

for 30- 40 years, still as stable? During brewing, the culture has to

be kept clean, otherwise mould will build and the culture will die.
In some cases the culture will still ferment, but the beverage will
not be so lively and the effect will not be the same as that of a
healthy culture. It is important to continue brewing with a fungus
that has the best qualities. In case an ‘accident’ happens and the
fungus does not work as it used to, it is helpful to put the fungus
48 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

into ‘mother tea’ to help produce the missing bacteria and yeast
The effect of the varying beverages can be compared only
when their conditions of culture are the same, that is when they
* the same type of culture
* the same sort of tea (green tea, herbal tea, etc.)
* the same amount of sugar per litre
* the same time of fermentation
* the same average fermentation temperature
* the same time and temperature after the main fermentation in
the fridge - during which the beverage will still continue to fer-
Variations of the above can achieve many different taste
directions and effects on performance. Different combinations
may cause problems for some people. It is therefore particularly
important to use only the best and healthiest cultures for further
brewing and multiplication. A fungus which is not working prop-
erly should be discarded. Kombucha is the tea with one thousand
and one different tastes. The purchase or gift of a Kombucha
culture requires trust. If you need help in obtaining a proper
culture, please contact the address mentioned in the appendix.


When I hear terms such as miracle healing medium, it normally
makes me rather sceptical. Just as there is never only one cause
for any particular illness, so it is unlikely that one general miracle

medium exists. agreement that Kombucha balances the

There is

digestion and helps regularity. ‘We are what we eat’ is an old

saying. Hippocrates said: ‘Death sits in our bowels’, and links
many illnesses to problems with the digestion. According to ex-
perts, the healing of the bowel flora is the first and most important
step to curing an illness. In traditional medicine, the application of
Part III: How does the fungus work? 49

Kombucha showed such positive results that words such as magic

and miracle were associated with it.


The term lactic acid fermentation does not sound very appetizing.
However, the products associated with this term are not only well
known but also very popular. What would we do without wine,
beer and cheese, on our menu? The lactic acid fermentation
process is an important part in preservation. One of the best

examples of this process is sauerkraut. The famous sea captain,

Captain Cook, always took sauerkraut with him on his expedi-
tions, as this was the only way to preserve vitamins in those times.
Without the important vitamin C (approx. 20 mg per 100 grams of
sauerkraut), the men on these ships would have contracted
scurvy. Of course sauerkraut is not necessarily consistent over the
years. Today salt is mostly used in sauerkraut, but in the early
days people used herbs and spices such as juniper berry, mustard
seed and thyme, instead of salt. To avoid calcium deficiency, it

was common to add eggshell flour to the sauerkraut.

As a strengthening beverage for manual workers, a vinegar
beverage was mentioned three thousand years ago. ‘Come hear,
eat your bread and dunk it into your vinegar beverage’ ( The Bible ,

Ruth 2,14).The farmer, Boas, used these words to invite Ruth,

later to be his wife, for a meal. The advantages of lactic acid
fermentation were already well-known in ancient times.
Sour dough bread is the basic food source in many countries.
It keeps fresh longer and is easier to digest. Particularly interest-
ing was a conversation I had with a Maori lady. I explained to her
how to brew Kombucha, how to multiply the fungus and so on.
She asked if this was similar to dealing with the bread-plant
(R’ewa’n’a P’arawa). I didn’t know the answer. It was news to me
that, at this end of the world, fermented bread was traditionally
R’ewa’n’a P’arawa was handed down from generation to
50 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

generation as a religious gift. The bread was made from the roots
of a fern and ensured health and strength.
Kombucha fermentation is a lactic acid fermentation process.
There are two lactic acids, one being ‘L(+) lactic acid’ and the
other ‘D(— ) lactic acid’. The (+) lactic acid in Kombucha detox-
ifies, cleanses, purifies and strengthens the body.
The metabolic by-products of the fermentation produced by
the tea and sugar include gluconic and glucuronic acids, acetic
acid, carbonic acid and vitamins Bl, B2, B3, B6, B12, folic acid
and various enzymes. Usinic acid produced is antibacterial and
partly antiviral. Acidic acid bacteria produced are antagonistic to
streptococci, diplococci, flexner and shigella rods (Nosredna).
Part IV:


Kombucha beverages are already commercially available. Some
people don’t want to brew the liquid themselves and therefore
prefer to buy it. To find a good commercial beverage is not easy.

Some beverages show all the components of a good product on

their label. The contents, however, may not be quite so promis-
With a commercial Kombucha beverage, we are dealing with
a fully active food beverage. The fermentation process is still
working fully and the taste will change daily. It is possible that
bottles purchased commercially will have different tastes, even
though they have identical labels. Depending upon how long it
has been stored and at what temperature, the taste may change
and sour. People who purchase a bottle once, to try, can be put off
forever by a sour beverage. They will never discover that Kom-
bucha is a delicious product. A change of taste, due to storing, is a
sign that no preservatives have been used and that the beverage is
a complete living food item. With preservatives, we usually think
of the chemical additives which are mentioned on the label.
Heating the drink will prevent further fermentation and
should not be used with Kombucha. Microwave oven treatment
will destroy the micro-biological components of the beverage
(which are the main sources for its healing effects). Commercial
beverages are almost always manufactured with green or black
tea. I am only aware of one manufacturer who incorporates herbal
teas with a mixture of green tea. Herbal teas produce the bev-
erage just as quickly and will increase its shelf life without destroy-
ing the micro-biological balance. At the same time, the healing

52 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

effect of the herbs is also incorporated into the beverage. This

unique method has been developed with finesse by Mr Jose Perko
with years of experimenting and experience. The Papaya 5 Range
is a Pawpaw leaf extract concentrate with a basis of Kombucha
and consists of:
Papaya 5
Celery and Papaya 5
Chilli and Papaya 5
Beetroot - Dandelion and Papaya 5
Guava Leaves and Papaya 5
Celery is used as a natural diuretic and assists the relief of
rheumatism. Chilli (Cayenne) is used to stimulate and strengthen
the circulatory and cardiomuscular system. Beetroot and Dan-
delion are used as blood purifiers and to support and strengthen
the liver. Guava leaves have a high content of vitamin C, and are
used in South-East Asia as a natural analgesic and to control
Papaya 50 and Kombucha Concentrate is the extract of the
Kombucha culture itself, combined with a super-concentrated
extract of pawpaw leaves (10 times stronger then the Papaya 5

A commercial culture produced in Australia.












54 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus


Natural healing does not depend on the use of medicines alone to
cure the symptoms. Natural healing is healing yourself. It takes
placewhen a human being becomes a part of nature and heals in
harmony with nature, applying various natural remedies. When
Pastor Weidinger kindly agreed that I could quote from his
various publications, he made the following interesting remark:
“ What I would like to especially highlight is the fact that I do not
regard Kombucha as a trade product, but a home-made one. I
support self-made Kombucha instead of commercial processing.
Because of this, I generally have to disallow the use of my com-
ments because I regard the fact that someone who makes the effort

to obtain information is already on the way to healing.


Kombucha can be mixed together with other beverages. Children,

for example, love it with apple juice. Kombucha fermented with
raspberry leaves tastes very similar to apple juice after three to
four days and many children do not even notice that they are
drinking Kombucha. In addition, raspberry syrup or blackcurrant
syrup is also very popular with little ones. Lemon is popular with
young and old alike. Some people are convinced that whisky
makes an ideal mixture! When Kombucha became popular in
central Europe, people organised parties where the only bev-
erages available were Kombucha mixtures of various types.

When I visited Mr Perko recently in
Queensland, I was able to try
many Kombucha. It was a similar experience to
different types of
wine-tasting in Austria or Italy. The last glass I was served was a
champagne, a very fine product which I assumed was an expensive
treat. I was very surprised when I was told that this also was a
Part TV: Making the Beverage more Interesting 55

Kombucha Even though the exact recipe has not been

published, Mr
Perko revealed that he used sugar, honey, elder-
flowers, mulberries and a small amount of herbs. I am grateful
that I was allowed to taste this and that I was given a bottle of the
magnificent liquid. Perhaps one day the recipe will be made


Kombucha has been used by many people over the years as a
gourmet product and healing remedy. The different taste com-
binations are endless. The main factors for the fermentation are
sugar, constant temperature, time of fermentation and time of
storage. With the differing teas that can be used, the varieties of
taste are endless. In short, there are many thousands of different
Kombucha beverages with different effects, and I could write a
large book on all the different healing remedies and tastes pro-
It is important to remember that the fermentation process of
Kombucha will retain the characteristics of the tea used. Accord-
ing to some, the fermentation process even highlights some of the
characteristics of the teas. When brewing Kombucha, a very light
tea is generally used. People who have a nervous reaction to black
tea will have this effect increased with Kombucha, even though a
lighter tea is used. For them, more beneficial results are usually
achieved with herbal tea. It is similar to products such as sau-
erkraut or fermented garlic, where the garlic will retain its effects
after fermentation but without the smell associated with it.

When brewing Kombucha, however, not all teas are suitable.

Volatile oils can harm the fungus and even kill it. The amount of
herbal tea used should be twice that of black tea, i.e. approx. 10
grams (V4 ounce) per litre (2 US pints). A heaped teaspoon of
leaves is approx. 5 grams.
56 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus


Some of the most popular herbal teas are: raspberry leaves,
hawthorn, valerian, stinging nettle, dandelion, elderflower, straw-
berry leaves, blackberry leaves, etc. If you are at the beginning of
your Kombucha brewing career, I advise against using herbal teas
that grow close to the ground. Start with teas such as raspberry
leaves, elder or hawthorn. Ground-loving teas are susceptible to
larger amounts of bacteria and germs which may be neutralised to
some extent but may still cause the fungus to grow mould. Al-

though yarrow has a large amount of volatile oils, it can still be

used in a mixture of about 20%. A mixture of yarrow, dandelion,
stinging nettle, elder and raspberry leaves in equal parts is a very
healthy mixture, which also has an excellent taste.
One thing needs to be stressed. The quality and healing
extent of natural medicine depends upon the components, how
the components have been processed, and how fresh they are. We
need a very healthy functioning fungus culture in order to produce
a good herbal tea. I have farmed herbs for many years and have
always stressed that the best herbs are those harvested from one’s
own garden. All herbs, with few exceptions, need to be fresh. A
general rule is that once you have your new harvest, the old
belongs on the compost heap. People who wish to have good
results need to know when the herbs were harvested. Roots and
barks generally have a longer shelf life.
Other important factors relate to the time of the harvest and
the way in which the herbs have been dried and stored. Some
herbs require harvesting in the morning dew and others in the
afternoon sun. Most roots should be harvested during rest periods
of the plants, others when the plant is in blossom. The drying
process has to be quick to avoid mould growing which, in turn,
could harm the Kombucha fungus at a later stage. Herbs should
not be dried at too high a temperature. Direct sunlight should also
be avoided during the drying process. People who compromise
with the manufacture of a health remedy cannot be sure that it will

Part IV: Making the Beverage more Interesting 57

be effective. In 1984 I produced a video, entitled ‘Back to nature

with medicinal herbs’, which covers the basic requirements for
obtaining the correct herbs.
Most herb books on the market today are based on the
experiences of our ancestors.We have inherited our knowledge of
health from a time when no pills were produced and when re-
search and industry did not attempt to obtain active ingredients,
extract them and sell them in marketable form. Knowledge of
healing has been built on successful experiences of working with
nature. When the balance of nature is disturbed, we have to have
experiences spread over long periods of time before we can be
certain of the effects. Will new experiences with an unbalanced
nature be a successful experience?
For Kombucha brewing, the recommended mixture of tea
with various herbal teas is given below, with the ratio of ingre-
dients given in brackets. For example (1/4) means that one part of
thisherb tea should be used to four parts of your standard black or
green tea mixture. Some common herbal teas and their applica-
tions are listed as follows:

AGRIMONY (Agrimonia eupatoria): A bitter tonic (strengthen-

ing). Astringent to the gastro-intestinal tract. Useful in the treat-
ment of diarrhoea. A good remedy for liver complaints. Effective
for coughs, sore throat, bronchitis (gargle); strengthens the im-
mune response. (1/3)

ANGELICA ROOT SEED (Archangelica is one of the main

general tonics: stimulant, stomachic, carminative. (1/4)

BARBERRY (Berberis vulgaris): A good remedy for stomach,

liver and kidney disorders, chronic constipation and jaundice - has
diuretic properties. (1/4)

BEDSTRAW (Gallium verum) cleanses kidneys, liver, pancreas

and spleen; supports the lymphatic system and the treatment of
tumours. (1/3)

BILBERRY LEAVES (Vaccinum Myrtillus) must be taken with

58 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

great caution and for a short period of time only, followed by an

equally long break, also used as infusion. (1/3)

BUCKTHORN (Rhamnus Frangulata): A mild laxative, cathar-

tic. Can trigger menstruation. (1/4)
CALENDULA (Calendula officonalis): To tonify blood vessels as
in varicose veins and for infections especially in the lymphatic
system. Regulates menstruation; blood cleansing and a mild laxa-
tive. (1/3)

CHAMOMILE (Matricaria chamomilla): Tonic carminative and

sedative. Useful in neuralgic pain, infantile convulsions, stomach
and gastro-intestinal disorders. (1/4)

COLTSFOOT (Tussilago farfara): Expectorant for cases of

coughs and asthma. (1/3)

DANDELION (Taraxacum officinalis): For the stimulation of the

function of liver and gall bladder. It is used in all digestive disor-
ders and in rheumatism and gout. (1/3)

ELDERFLOWER (Sambucus nigra): A splendid spring medi-

cine, blood purifier, gentle laxative. (1/1)

FENNEL SEED (Foeniculum vulgare) is often used for babies

suffering from dyspepsia, diarrhoea and flatulence. Mixed with
other appropriate herbs to help relieve complaints of the respira-
tory and digestive tracts. Used for bronchial catarrhs and other
severe respiratory infections and colic (1/6).

GENTIAN (Gentiana lutea): A time-honoured tonic, promotes


GOLDEN ROD (Solidago virgaurea) is very beneficial for

kidneys and urinary tract. An excellent diuretic for chronic infec-
tions of the kidneys, as it increases the flow of urine. Stimulates
the blood supply to the kidneys and veins of the legs. (1/2)

HAWTHORN (Crataegus oxyacantha) is the cardiac tonic. It

stimulates the supply of oxygen to the heart muscle. Regulates

Part IV: Making the Beverage more Interesting 59

blood pressure and heart action. (1/2)

HORSETAIL (Equisetum arvense): For all disturbances of the

urinary tract, also for bed-wetting. (1/2)

MARSHMALLOW ROOT (Althaea officinalis): For inflamma-

tion of the whole digestive tract and of the respiratory organs etc.


MOTHERWORT (Leonurus Cardiaca ): An antispasmodic heart

due to overactivity
tonic for anxiety; allaying nervous irritability
of the thyroid glands. Excellent tonic for female complaints and
nursing mothers. (1/3)

MULLEIN (Verbascum densiflorum) is excellent for most lung

complaints including coughs, bronchitis, hoarseness of the throat.
Relieves irritation of the respiratory mucous membrane. It has a
cleansing and expectorating effect on the mucous in the respira-

tory tract. (1/2)

OAK BARK (Quercus robur): For haemorrhoids, leg ulcers and

chilblains. Foot perspiration. (1/3)

PEPPERMINT ( Mentha pip.) is best known for curing stomach

and intestinal complaints. It is slightly disinfectant, spasmolytic,
carminative, promotes the production and flow of bile - helps
flatulence, vomiting, soothes nausea. Indications include stomach
upsets, poor digestion, stomach cramps, diarrhoea, nervousness,
restlessness, colic. (1/5)

PROSTAWORT (Epilobium roseum): The best herb for all kinds

of prostate, bladder and kidney disorders. (1/2)

RASPBERRY LEAVES (Rubus idaeus) have been useful with

diarrhoea and stomatitis, also been used as a mouthwash. (1/1)

RIBWORT PLANTAIN (Plantago lanceolata): Effective in the

treatment of infections of the respiratory tract; catarrh. Removes
secretions from the bronchial tubes. Tonifying and stabilising for
tissue because of its high content of silica. Has been used as a
60 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

remedy for tuberculosis. External use for wounds. (1/2)

SAGE (Salvia officinalis) is a blood cleanser, suppresses perspira-

tion. In malfunction of the thyroid glands or during menopause it

assists poor, irregular and painful menstruation. Gargles are the

best remedies for laryngitis, tonsillitis, ulcerated and sore
throats. (1/4)

SHEPHERD’S PURSE (Capsella bursa pastoris) is a very import-

ant homeostatic plant. Especially uterine haemorrhages, men-
strual difficulties, kidneys, nose, mouth, bladder and respiratory
tract. Regulates high or low blood pressure. (1/3)

SPEEDWELL ( Veronica officinalis) is a blood cleanser, regulat-

ing menstruation, perspiration and mucous discharges. Tonic and
soothing effect on nerves.

ST.JOHN’S WORT (Hypericum perforatum): Useful in nervous

disorders, depression and hormonal imbalance. External oil

applications are effective in the treatment of wounds, burns,

frostbite, rheumatism and ‘backaches. (1/4)

ST. BENEDICTS (Geum urbanum): For febrile conditions,

asthma and obesity. It stimulates the digestion and strengthens
the body. (1/3)

STINGING NETTLE (Urtica dioica): For urinary and skin disor-

ders, as well as for all rheumatic complaints - to reduce excess
acidity. (1/3)

VALERIAN ROOT (Valeriana officinalis) is very popular for use

in nervous conditions and insomnia as a calmative. (1/5)

WHITE DEAD NETTLE (Lamium album) is effective in men-

strual difficulties and vaginal discharge, external and internal
applications. A uterine tonic - also for the treatment of the
urinary tract. (1/2)

WILLOW BARK (Salix alba): Reduces fever and alleviates pain.

It is a very effective remedy in the treatment of rheumatism,
Part IV: Making the Beverage more Interesting 61

inflammations, internal bleeding and makes a good diuretic. It can

be used as a gargle for tonsils and externally for wounds and
burns. (1/3)

YARROW (Achillea millefolium): For bleeding, haemorrhoids,

varicose and menstrual disorders. It improves the circulation and
is antispasmodic. (1/4)

There are many slimming, sleeping, bladder, asthmal and

other mixtures one can develop with different teas for all com-
plaints. It is advisable to alter mixtures after a few weeks to give
the body a new stimulant for a better effect as well for avoiding
negative side effects, but also consider:

Is it for general well being? Then the best taste is important. Green
or black tea is mixed with all sorts of teas for refreshment and
taste, such as wild blackcurrant, raspberry tea (fruit and/or
leaves), lemon tea, tropical fruit teas and so on.
you? For example, when you are suffering
Is the tea beneficial for

from constipation, peppermint is not the right tea. Green and

black tea can affect your blood pressure. If you are not feeling
well, use a different mixture!

Is it to treat a specific complaint? All the teas used should be

beneficial for the illness to be treated. The numbers listed below
refer to stand for parts used (ie. one teaspoon of each). For

Asthma: Mixture A: St. Johns wort (1), St. Benedicts root (1),
Valarian root (1), Angelica root (1), Melissa (2).
Mixture B: Thymus (1), St. Benedicts root (1), Elderflowers (1/2),
Marshmallow root (1), Melissa (1).
Mixture C: Mullein (2), St. Benedicts root (1), Ribwort Plantain (1).

Bladder complaints: Horsetail (1), Calendula (1), Prostawort (1).

Insomnia: Hops (1), St. Johns wort (1/2), Valarian root (1/2),
Melissa (1), Passion flower (1/2).
Slimming: Lady’s Mantle (1), Angelica seed or root (1), Calendula
(1/2), Com silk (2), St. Benedicts root (1/2), Buckthorn bark (1).
62 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus


I am often asked which is the best tea to use for a Kombucha
fermentation. In the Eastern countries of origin only green tea
was used. In Russia and the German-speaking countries, mainly
Russian tea - black tea - is used. Tea is the most popular drink in
the world - not beer or Coke as some people want to believe.
Besides green and black tea, there is the semi-fermented Oolong
tea. The source of all common teas on the market is the tea bush
Camellia sinensis.
The teas known as English breakfast teas, Russian teas, etc.
are black fermented teas. Some of these are blended with other
teas, e.g. with other herbs like lavender or with Bergamot which
gives ‘Earl Grey’ its flavour. Most people in theWestern world
drink black or Oolong tea rather than green tea, probably because
of the stronger flavour. Many individuals feel a stimulating effect
when drinking black tea, similar to that experienced from coffee.
Green tea, on the other hand, doesn’t stimulate as much, but has
a steady and longer-lasting effect.
Alkaloid caffeine is responsible for the stimulating effect of
tea which has between 1% - 5% caffeine. Recently, green tea has
been frequently mentioned as a potential preventative of cancer.
Dr Robert E.Willner (USA), author of the book The Cancer
Solution mentions ‘delicate pale tea’ as a source of anti-
carcinogenic substances. Green tea contains the chemical Epi-
gallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), which inhibits the growth of can-
cer and lowers cholesterol.
‘Green tea gives health and longevity’ is an old Buddhist
saying. The Japanese extend the healing benefits of green tea by
eating the leaves since, when tea is drunk, a considerable portion
of the precious vitamins and trace elements are thrown away.
Professor Kazutami Kuwano of the Kasei Gakuin Junior College,
(Chikaro Shimoaka Green tea - more than a health drink) closely
investigated the ‘tea-food’. found that the vitamins A and E
which are contained in green tea, are not absorbed by the body
since these vitamins are not water-soluble.
Part TV: Making the Beverage more Interesting 63

Calcium, iron and vitamin C are only half utilised in the tea
when drunk, compared with that absorbed from the tea when
eaten. To make three cups of green tea one uses approximately six
grams of tea leaves - a teaspoonful. This quantity of tea when
eaten contains 50% of our daily needs of vitamin E, and 20% of
our vitamin A requirements. There are virtually no calories in tea
leaves. The healing effect determined by the quality
of green tea is

of the product. This depends on where the tea is grown, the

harvest (vital young leaves or old leaves) and the processing
procedures. Loss of quality of tea or of any other medicinal herb
can also occur with poor conditions or too long storage.


There is no doubt that it is better to prevent illness than cure it.
However, this is where problems may start for many people.
From fear of illness, people use strong natural medicines to pre-
vent disease occurring. This overlooks the fact that these can also
have negative side effects.
A typical example is comfrey (Symphytum officinale). This
powerful remedy to heal a bone break should be used carefully.
Internal use as a prevention can be harmful. Chamomile and
peppermint are both valuable herbs when used correctly, but both
can have negative side effects if used wrongly and many herbs can
be harmful if used for long periods of time. Only a few months
ago, I was asked by a woman what could be done for constipation.
As it turned out, the woman had consumed peppermint and
chamomile tea daily. She stopped drinking the teas, and the
problem was solved.
Illness can be prevented by a balanced life. Food is one of the
three main components needed for healthy living. As a known aid
to digestion, Kombucha can become an important part of this. In
this respect, Kombucha acts as a general strengthening remedy by
enhancing the body’s defences. Kombucha is therefore an import-
ant part in a preventative diet.
64 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

In our technical age we need to prove everything scien-

tifically. When one is not able to do so it is not taken seriously.
‘Where is common question when talking
the scientific proof is a
about Kombucha and similar subjects. When I look at my books
about agriculture, which are three decades old I shake my head
and cannot help but question the value of scientific proof. These
books are based on scientific studies and now we have new re-
search that shows the previous research was wrong.
The problem that modern science has with Kombucha is that
it is nearly free (sugar and tea only) and that everyone can
produce it at home in the kitchen. Scientific tests have been done
in some countries, but only as to how people react, not why they
reacted in this way. Powerful chemical companies are not inter-
ested in Kombucha since on the one hand everyone can produce
this delicious low cost medicine at home and on the other Kom-
bucha works only as it is, in its natural balanced condition. The
modern way of extracting the active ingredient and to produce in
this way a marketable medicine is not suitable for Kombucha.
Nobody will fund the scientific research because there will be no
product to sell. We may just have to wait for scientific proof and
be happy with the results millions of people are experiencing.
Part V:


Kombucha results cannot be fully explained scientifically, but
experience and anecdotal evidence have proved its efficacy over
many were
centuries. In scientific trials only green or black tea
used. These teas show totally different results after fourteen days
of fermentation compared with herbal teas.
The German Lebendsmittelrundschau’ (1987) published the

following results:
Tea Lactic Glucon Acetic Ethanol
acid acid acid
Common tea 2.94% 2.52% 0.08% 1.07%
Peppermint tea 0.14% 0.04% 0.01% 0.01%
Linden flower 0.007% 0.06% 0.30% 0.04%
The lactic and glucon acids are the two most important com-
ponents scientists have concentrated upon. With the lactic acid,
scientists have researched the ‘L(+) - lactic acid’. There are
numerous scientific reports: Dr S Hermann and his team, con-
ducting trials in Prague, came to the conclusion that the glucon
acid in Kombucha could dissolve gallstones. Dr Wiesner’s re-
search showed that Kombucha compared favourably with an In-
terferon product in gallstone treatment.
With asthma, Kombucha was even more successful than the
applied Interferon product. In his report, Dr Wiesner suggested
that Kombucha may stimulate the body’s resistance to illness, thus
assisting the healing process. It may further be regarded as an
important food item in its ability to slow virus attack without
having side effects. It should also be mentioned that Dr Reinhold
Wiesner developed a blood test which electronically monitored

66 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

energy levels in the blood in conjunction with a medicine being

used. In the clinic at Omsk in Russia the following Kombucha
were conducted:

Dysentery in infants was being treated with Kombucha. After

only a few days, it was recorded that the infants were gaining
weight again. The diarrhoea became less. After one week of
treatment, no further dysentery bacteria could be found in the
High blood pressure and arteriosclerosis clearly showed bet-
ter results following 2-3 weeks treatment with Kombucha. Cho-
lesterol levels sank remarkably at the same time.
Inflammation of the tonsils was treated with remarkable suc-
cess. Patients used Kombucha tea to rinse their mouths ten times
a day; the liquid was held in the mouth for fifteen minutes.


In 1987, the physician and biologist Dr Reinhold Wiesner from
Bremen, Germany, published the results of a study dealing with
the effects of Kombucha. He tested the effects of the beverage on
246 patients and compared the effects with those obtained from an
Interferon product, synthesised from the anti-viral agent that our
bodies produce naturally. The patients had illnesses such as
kidney disorder, inflammation of the liver, rheumatism, multiple
sclerosisand asthma. Kombucha achieved better results than In-
terferon (203 compared with 183) for asthma, whereas with the
other illnesses, the results were only marginally below those of
Interferon: rheumatism 92% as effective, kidney disorders 89%,
inflammation of the liver 81%, and multiple sclerosis 80%.


Kombucha cannot be regarded as a single healing remedy. Within
biological cancer therapy, however, Kombucha is well thought of
Part V: The Therapeutic Value of Kombucha 67

in the German-speaking countries. Cancer experts, such as Dr

Johannes Kuhl, Dr Rudolf Sklenar and Dr Veronika Carstens,
have become famous due to their successful cancer therapy where
Kombucha plays a major role in revitalising the bowel flora of
patients. Dr Reinhold Wiesner, a physician/biologist from Sch-
wanemiinde, in Northern Germany, published a very interesting
research paper. The anti-viral medicine was tested in comparison
to Kombucha. Results showed that when Kombucha was used,
the effectiveness achieved was just marginally below that achieved
by the other product. Details of the type of tea used were not
given. Generally, however, black tea is used in Germany. In Asia
and Japan, green tea or Kombu tea is generally used. For cancer
treatment, pawpaw leaves and/or calendula (* calendula of-
ficinalis’) are currently being used.
Mrs R.E.H wrote me the following letter: “My 58 year old
sisterwho is a smoker two years after a right mastectomy, has now

got secondary cancer in her ribs, skull and a growth in the lung.
Chemotherapy was prescribed. Two weeks after the first chemo,
she suffered complete hair loss and excruciating pain in her ribs,

requiring large doses of morphine painkiller. She started drinking

Manchurian Tea (Kombucha ) about the time of the hair loss.
Within two days, she discontinued the morphine as the pain had
disappeared. Insomnia was no more. The hair on her head started
to grow again and didn’t fall out while chemo was continuing, four

sessions in all - four weeks apart. She could still work full time,
except for one day following each chemo session. The bone cancer
medication was supposed to swell her up, and weight gain was
supposed to be anything up to 5-6 stone! But she gained no weight,
although her appetite was hearty. The growth in the lung shrunk,
and the specialist said to her whatever you are doing, keep doing

it’. Of twenty -nine fellow chemo patients, she is the only one still

maintaining her job. All others had to leave their place of employ-
ment, because they were too ill. She didn’t experience the side
effects of chemo to such a severe degree as all others did. The

scanning of bone cancer has not been done again so far.

68 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus


Pawpaw was known to me only three years ago as a delicious
tropical fruit which, with lemon juice, was good for the digestion.
I first heard of its medicinal qualities from a woman writing to the
German newspaper in Australia Die Woche’ describing how

pawpaw had cured her cancer. Mrs H had lost any hope of being
healed, when she was made aware of the potential healing in
pawpaw leaves.
A more detailed report in the ‘ Weekend Bulletin’ (Gold
Coast, Australia) deals with the healing of Mrs K’s cancer of the
bladder. Mrs K (a 74-year-old woman) had an operation, but the
cancer could not be completely removed and she was supposed to
have further treatment in Brisbane. Over a period of three
months she used pawpaw leaves. When she ran out of them, she
used the skin of the fruit which she boiled. When she went back to
the doctor for a further check-up after that period, the cancer had
been healed. A check-up four months later confirmed this and
Mrs K, who now feels completely whole, is quite convinced her
cure was due to the pawpaw.
On the other side of the world, the American scientist, Dr
Jerry McLaughlin of the University of Purdue, has also used
pawpaw in the fight against cancer. According to him, he has
found a chemical component in the pawpaw tree that is ‘one
million times stronger than the strongest anti-cancer medicine’.
There are many reports that cancer sufferers have been healed by
drinking pawpaw leaf concentrate.
A Kombucha-fermented pawpaw leaf extract is available in
some health shops. Kombucha concentrate is now manufactured
in Australia. I have found a number of practitioners who have
used pawpaw successfully but who are reluctant to prejudice their
work by saying so, for fear of legal implications. The first reports
of pawpaw’s healing abilities were made in 1978 and resulted in a
demand for and subsequent scarcity of pawpaw leaves.
The Gold Coast Bulletin has published several reports on

pawpaw’s reputed medicinal qualities, including this one:

Part V: The Therapeutic Value of Kombucha 69


gardeners have responded to an appeal by cancer victims desperate
to find supplies of pawpaw leaves. And the Gold Coast man who,
14 years ago, first exposed the leaves as a possible cure for cancer
has been tracked down to a Labrador nursing home. The story of
how Stan Sheldon cured himself of cancer by drinking the boiled
extractof pawpaw leaves was first told in the Gold Coast Bulletin in
1978. Now research in the United States has given scientific support
to his claim, isolating a chemical compound in the pawpaw tree
which is reported to be a million times stronger than the strongest
anti-cancer drug.
“DYING Mr - Sheldon, 88, says the discovery does not sur-
prise him. 7 was dying from cancer in both lungs when it was
suggested to me as an old Aboriginal remedy’, he said. 7 tried it for
two months and then I was required to have a chest x-ray during
those compulsory TB checks they used to have. They told me both
lungs were clear. I told my and they didn’t believe me
until they had carried out their own tests. Then they scratched their
heads and recommended I carry on drinking the extract I boiled out
of the pawpaw leaves.’ That was in 1962. The cancer never re-
curred. Since then, Mr Sheldon has passed the recipe on to other
cancer victims. Sixteen of them were cured’, he said. Mr Sheldon’s

recipe involves boiling and simmering fresh pawpaw leaves and

stems in a pan for two hours before draining and bottling the
extract. He said the mixture could be kept in a refrigerator, though
it may ferment after three or four days. He said there were times
when he found it difficult to obtain supplies of pawpaw leaves. ‘Not
everyone likes you removing them. They are afraid you will ruin
the tree’, he said. But Gold Coast pawpaw growers have responded
generously to a plea for help last week by cancer victims desperate
to find a cancer remedy.
“Home gardeners, a nursery operator and a tourist attraction
owner have offered leaves from their pawpaw trees to people seek-
ing a supply. One man, Vern Forrest of Burleigh Heads is a
veritable Johnny Pawpaw seed. He has been growing pawpaws and
giving away the leaves to cancer victims ever since he read the
70 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

Bulletins original 1978 story aboutMr Sheldon. 7 have no doubt

that it works' he said.
7 know
of people walking around now who
should have been dead according to their original cancer diagnosis.
But the pawpaw treatment helped them to beat the cancer. Betty *

Ellingsworth, who manages

a Nerang nursery, said cancer victims
were welcome from the nursery's four pawpaw trees.
to the leaves
And Pat Washington has offered leaves from trees growing at her
Tallai Hills Home.
“ SUPPORT - Bob Brinsmead, who operates the Avocado-
land tourist attraction on the Tweed, also has pawpaw trees which
he will make accessible to cancer victims. T am not surprised by the
American research’, he said. There is a pawpaw ointment made in

Brisbane which has been very successful in treating skin lesions.

And I once painted the sap from a pawpaw stem directly on to a
worrying growth behind my ear. It got rid of it.' Dr Jerry
McLaughlin, the Purdue University scientist who discovered the
anti-cancer substance in pawpaw, has become a victim of publicity.
Attempts to contact him at the university's pharmacy school in
Indiana are met by a taped message in which he says it is imposs-

ible for him to respond to all the inquiries that have followed the
reports of his research, which is ‘ still in the stage of animal testing."
New on the market is a Kombucha-Pawpaw concentrate.
Mention should also be made that the skin of the pawpaw fruit

CCribb ’) can help with sores.


The earlier cancer can be diagnosed, the better the chance of
healing. Unfortunately, with the present standard of medical diag-
nostics, cancer is often already in an advanced state when dis-

covered. According to Dr Sklenar, prior to the acute start of

cancer, illnesses can be detected which may have been there over
a long period of time. Dr Sklenar developed an early detection
blood test with which he claims to be able to detect cancer early
Part V: The Therapeutic Value of Kombucha 71

through his ‘blood colour’ method. In his search for early detec-
tion,Dr Sklenar also adopted iris diagnosis which he found of
valuable help. In the iris he found brown to black sediments which
led him to the conclusion that the colon was not functioning fully.

Patients in a pre-cancer state often have digestive problems. Even

though diagnosis of the iris is only successful in 80% of cases, it is

still a precious tool in the early detection of the disease.

Other uncommon diagnosing methods also appear to be use-
ful tools in the early detection of cancer. Here’s one example: I
was of the opinion that one of my close friends had an acute
problem of the liver. I consulted a practitioner without telling my
friend of my concerns; the practitioner concluded, using well-
developed intuition, that the person I was describing might have
cancer of the liver. Tests conducted in famous hospitals in Ger-
many and Switzerland had not confirmed cancer. The patient had
had frequent check-ups for other illnesses in hospitals. Only 3
years after the health practitioner had suggested cancer of the
liver, my was diagnosed with just that, which resulted in
death three months later. The questions remains whether the
patient might have been able to alter the outcome by changing her
diet, quitting smoking and altering her bed position.

Two of the benefits from drinking Kombucha most often men-
tioned are the energy it releases and its immune-system boosting
effects. I often thought that Kombucha might benefit AIDS suf-
ferers but, initially, did not have any reports of this ancient
remedy being used to treat this modern disease.
Recently, however, there have been widespread reports that
Kombucha use in HIV+ communities is growing fast. It is being
said that the Kombucha tonic can reverse the symptoms of AIDS.
In the USA, which has an estimated one million HIV -I- infected
people, the news of a possible miracle cure is spreading rapidly. In
some publications it is being claimed that components in Kom-
72 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

bucha partly ‘inactivate the viruses’; that high p24 antigen levels
can be reversed, a rise in T-cells achieved and weight increases of
5 - 7 kg recorded. All these are measurements of improvement.
Long term AIDS survivors also report that Kombucha has a
positive result.
The ‘blob’, as Kombucha is sometimes called, is passed on to
friends as a remedy for AIDS with the additional advantages of its
palatability, its apparent safety and low cost to commend it fur-
ther. “(‘Positive Living ’, Los Angeles USA; ‘With Compliments',

Sydney, Australia; ‘Whole Life Times’, Malibu, California)”

“Kombucha might have remained within the confines of the
holistic community were not for the August 1994 issue of ‘Positive

Living ’, a newsletter published by AIDS Project Los Angeles

(APLA). Under a headline claiming ‘Reborn on the 4th of July’
was the photo and story of Joe Lustig, a Long Beach man who has
AIDS. As that month’s subject of a regular profile on long-term
AIDS survivors, Lusting told Paul Serchia, the newsletter’s editor,
of his ‘startling breakthrough’ on Independence Day.
“I spent more of 1993 in bed’ Lustig says. 7 could hardly get

to the bathroom without a walker. ’

“Lustig first tested positive in 1985 and was diagnosed with

AIDS in 1990, after coming down with pneumocytis carinii pneu-
monia (PCP). He developed a litany of increasingly dangerous
infections: meningitis, encephalitis, pancreatitis, all complicated
by dementia. 7 was in such a fog I couldn’t pay my bills. I had this
constant underlying feeling of tiredness and sickness. A very heavy,
toxic feeling. It was there every day when 1 got up, and every night
when I went to bed. ’

“After less than one week on Kombucha, however, Lustig

says he felt better. 7 have to emphasise that life was not worth
livingany more. Then I woke up one morning and my first thought
was that I had died and gone to heaven. Everything felt better .’
“According to Lustig, he got out of bed and did something he
had not done in four years. He went for a run. He also insists that
no other changes in his medications took place that might have
accounted for the change.

Part V: The Therapeutic Value of Kombucha 73

“Lustig rides his bike three or five miles a day now, reports
increased energy, longer waking hours, and better cognitive func-
tion. He has also given up one of his medications. 7 haven't taken
Nizoral (a drug that fights thrush) for ten weeks' he says, the ,

length of time he has been drinking the tonic.” (New Age Journal,
November 1994.)
R.D. from B.B. wrote: ‘7 was introduced to Kombucha by an
American friend who brought a ‘mother' fungus from the U.S.A.
This person has been HIV-\- for the past eleven years. He was quite
exited about Kombucha and has been drinking it for nine months
now, mainly to keep his T-cell count adequate. He is healthy and
robust looking, maintaining a positive attitude, moderate lifestyle

and good diet. My friend says that since he has been drinking the
tea fungus, he feels more energetic and incredibly well. The drink-
ing of Kombucha tea has swept the world of HTV diagnosed people
and AIDS sufferers in America over the last year or so, as it seems
to be a very good natural aid for them".
Another correspondent writes: I started drinking Kombucha
about three months ago and find it most helpful. About five years
ago I was diagnosed HTV+. My T4 count then was 660 and had
been dropping over the years to 390 before starting your tea. Within
2 months my count was up to 570 - it has not been that high for
nearly two and a half years. I also have found it helpful with my
arthritis and sinus problems.


Asthma is a disease spreading at an alarming rate, triggered by
many differing environmental factors and combinations. Kom-
bucha has a positive effect upon digestion by detoxifying the
body. This detoxification has a positive effect on asthma. Espe-
cially interesting is a trial result of Dr A Wiesner. He tested the
effect of Kombucha on 246 patients in comparison to the immune-
strengthening product Interferon. Generally speaking, asthma
74 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

sufferers reported a considerable improvement when using Kom-

bucha. Several herbal mixtures have also had a positive effect with
asthmatics. It is more desirable, however, to find the cause of the
illness so that asthma can be totally avoided.

Sound sleep is important as eating and drinking. We can
just as
survive several weeks without food, but not without sleep. Each
individual must determine how much sleep he or she requires.
Some mere five hours of sleep per day, others need ten.
require a
Stress and unsolved problems can be the cause of sleeping disor-
ders along with environmental factors. People having problems
sleeping through the night have found that a glass of Kombucha is

One of the principal problems associated with male ageing is

prostate disorder. Approximately one third of men have prostate

surgery and a further one third experience problems of one sort or
another. The tea of the alpine willow-herb (‘epilobium roseum
and epilobium parviflorum’) has been used for many generations
in the Alp regions of Europe to counter problems associated with
the prostate. This remedy has been available in Australia since
1983, and sold as ‘Prostawort’. When combining this with a Kom-
bucha fermentation it should be mixed in a ratio of about a fifth
(20%) to green tea. The tea should not be more than twelve
months old. With inflammation of the bladder this tea has shown
some good effects. A mixture of Horsetail, Calendula and Pros-
tawort in equal parts has also shown good results. An elderly lady
suffering from bladder inflammation for decades now drinks this
tea mixture at the first sign of the problem recurring, eliminating
the problem before it sets in.
Part V: The Therapeutic Value of Kombucha 75


In many parts of the world, the Kombucha culture is being passed
on knowledge that there are no nega-
to friends in the reassuring
tive side effects. The question is often raised, however, about the
possible effect of the sugar on diabetics. In fact, the fermentation
process converts sugar into other products after some 6-9 days,
(see graph p.38). Therefore, as long as the brew is not drunk
before the fermentation is complete, there should be no problem
for diabetics. Pastor Weidinger knew this from first-hand experi-
ence as a diabetic himself.
Should diabetics use caution with Kombucha beverages that
are being sold in stores? Commercial production may generate
ambitious advertising in which all claims may not be met. Where
these beverages contain unfermented sugar they must be avoided
by diabetics. Some herbal teas when mixed with green teas are
suitable for diabetics; these are Billberry leaf tea (Vaccinium
myrtillus L), Knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare L.), Burdock
(Arctium lappa L.) and Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.).


Dr Herrmann researched whether Kombuchal (Kombucha ex-
tract) could dissolve bladder stones. Phosphate stones were inser-
ted into the bladders of male rabbits. Over several weeks, the
animals received Kombuchal twice or three times daily, and the
phosphate stones slowing reduced in size, eventually being dis-
charged through the bladder. An increase in calcium and phos-
phate could be recorded in the urine prior to the stones disappear-
ing.The Czech scientist discovered that phosphate stones could
be largely dissolved in the laboratory with glucon acid. He be-
lieves that glucon acid,
taken daily over a period of years, can be
absorbed by the human organism. Free glucon acid, chemical or
biological, can be produced with a Kombucha brew based upon
green tea and black tea.
76 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

In trials, Dr A
Wiesner tested the result of Kombucha in com-
parison to the immune-strengthening medicine Interferon. Kom-
bucha showed an 80% effect in comparison to the modern drug.
In a letter published in the magazine Op Zoek Mrs M.W. from ,

Holland, who suffers from multiple sclerosis, wrote of her experi-

ence of taking Kombucha. In April, 1989, she started to drink
Kombucha and experienced complete detoxification. She is no
longer tired and has also got her regular driver’s licence back. She
writes in her letter, dated February 1990, that, after having taken
Kombucha for half a year, she even plans to go skiing again.
wants other people to become aware of the benefits of the Kom-
bucha fungus so that they may experience the same improve-

Kombucha can be used successfully by people suffering from
diarrhoea. Tea mixtures of black and plantain tea are often re-
commended. Scientific trials have been conducted at Omsk in
Russia with infants suffering from bacterial dysentery. Only days
after the use of Kombucha drops was introduced, the diarrhoea
retreated. The weight of the infants increased and so did their
appetites. The dysentery bacteria could not be found after a week.

Remarkable in almost all reports of treating illnesses with Kom-
bucha is the effect that the beverage has on secondary illnesses,
such as chronic constipation. This raises the question, once again,
which comes first, the chicken or the egg? It was Hippocrates who
said that death sits in the bowels and that a bad digestion is the
root of all evil. Modern scientists say that the essential require-
ment for any healing process is a healthy intestinal flora.
Part V: The Therapeutic Value of Kombucha 77

Kombucha, with its living bacteria and yeast components,

improves and aids digestion. Other remedies for constipation can
lead to diarrhoea if used excessively; Kombucha applies a bal-
ance. I have, myself, conducted trials by drinking two litres of
Kombucha and more over a period of fourteen days and have had
good One’s own experiences are frequently the most
convincing. I have always suffered from a nervous stomach and
intestinal problems, which is one reason why I have become a so-
called Kombucha fanatic. Constipation has long been a problem
for me, especially when travelling. In 1982, this led to an oper-
ation for intestinal closure. All remedies I had previously tried,
both commercial and natural, only had limited success. The dos-
age either had to be increased after a short period of time or I had
to change to another remedy.
With Kombucha, I now seem to have found the one remedy
that really helps- and tastes good at the same time. With con-
stipation it is important to investigate the cause; this could be diet
but it is also true that not everyone needs to go on a daily basis!
Many people tend to panic if they don’t have the desired evacua-
tion daily and grab tablets to change this which, in my opinion, is

the worst thing anyone can do. Even natural remedies taken on a
regular basis can be harmful. Headaches and constipation are
generally the most common symptoms experienced when some-
thing is wrong with the body.
The cause, in most cases, is our diet and insufficient exercise.
In some cases it may be due to stress or to the medicine one is
taking. People who often delay going to the toilet because they do
not have the time will programme their bowels to become lazy.
This can often be solved by merely changing the diet to wholemeal
products, vegetables, fresh salads and also natural fat such as
butter, cold pressed oil, as well as nuts, etc. Fresh
produce should
make up at least one third of our diet. One day per week only raw
foods should be consumed or a no-food-at-all day (as is practised
in many religions) can be made a rule. Drinking a glass of Kom-
bucha in the morning provides a vital aid to the digestive process.
Laxatives - including naturally-based laxatives such as senna -
78 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

should be taken only as a last resort, when nothing else works.

A mild tea with a laxative effect, like buckthorn, can be used.
However women should use caution when using this tea as it may
lead to menstrual problems. Those using laxative teas should stick
to the milder types and change often to avoid any long term ill-
effects. The same goes for tea mixtures. Plum juice and dried
plums should also only be consumed for a short period of time.
J.A. from North Queensland wrote: “I have recently been
introduced to the miraculous Kombucha and I am ecstatic with
results to date with regard to constipation and stomach pain, which

no longer haunt my days.

Kombucha is recommended by doctors who have acknowledged

thisfermented beverage as a help for psoriasis. Ms S. from B: ‘7

have been drinking the tea (Kombucha) for a few weeks on and off,
I have psoriasis on parts of my body. The 3 inch patch 1 had on my

elbow has now diminished to half its size.
A woman who suffered from the disease for well over thirty
years, during which no other treatment was found to be of help,
regained soft smooth skin again after drinking Kombucha.


The use of Kombucha in conjunction with other treatments has
had, time and time again, the side effect of curing stomach and
intestinal problems. One might conclude that, because the intesti-

nal flora was reinstated through drinking Kombucha, the cause of

the original illness could have been disturbed digestion. As with
all uses ofKombucha, the first positive sign is usually a balanced
digestive system. The rebalancing of intestinal flora is not only to
do with the healing of stomach and intestinal disorders, but is the
key to healing and general wellbeing.
Part V: The Therapeutic Value of Kombucha 79


Several reports indicate that fluid in the legs will decrease with the
help of Kombucha. My father (then 87 years old) had to visit the
doctor at least twice a week to have the fluid removed from his
knees. Through drinking stinging nettle tea he did not require any
treatment for the following eight years.
A woman in her 50s in England, who suffered regularly from
swollen ankles (oedema) found that within two months of drink-
ing Kombucha she no longer had the problem, and it has not

The media have released many reports on cholesterol, although
scientists are not all in agreement about it. High blood pressure,
high cholesterol and the resulting blockage of arteries, are re-
garded as the main cause of heart attacks. Dr Herrmann, with his
team of scientists in Prague, conducted animal trials, in which he
increased cholesterol levels up to thirteen times above normal.
The trials were conducted with the product VigantolR. Dr Her-
rmann fed cats the deadly dose and, at the same time, gave them
Kombucha drops. The result was that the cats were able to survive
this dose. He reported that the combination of VigantolR and
Kombucha did not lead to an increase in cholesterol levels. Al-
though animal trials cannot always be related to human beings,
this test would tend to confirm what people using Kombucha have
found themselves. In the Russian clinic of Omsk, a reduction of
cholesterol levels was discovered after using Kombucha for a
period of three weeks.


High blood pressure and associated illnesses are at the top of the
sickness lists in Western society today. Kombucha is often quoted

80 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

as aremedy against high blood pressure. One of my friends who

suffersfrom this ailment tried it and some improvement was
noted, but fresh hawthorn tea had better results than that
achieved by Kombucha on its own. I recommended fermenting
Kombucha with hawthorn tea. Afterwards, the results of blood
pressure tests, taken both at home and by the doctor, were that
the blood pressure had become normal. My friend M.W. com-
mented that it seemed that neither Kombucha tea nor hawthorn
on their own achieved such good results as that which
tea taken
Kombucha fermented with hawthorn tea was able to achieve.
These cases should not be generalised; however a similar
observation was made by another high blood-pressure sufferer,
Mrs M.Y. who wrote:
“I have been drinking Kombucha for the past four weeks
made with hawthorn tea to bring ,
down my blood pressure. I take
approximately 200ml per day along with two cups offreshly brewed
hawthorn tea. A cerebration of the two teas has proved extremely
effective in keeping my blood pressure within the normal range
and I have been able to dispense with prescribed medication. How-
ever, because of a previous health problem, I need to be certain that
I am doing the right thing and would appreciate any advice you are
able to offer in this regard. In your opinion, is it advisable to take
so much hawthorn tea/Kombucha over a prolonged period, or
should there be ‘rest’ periods? If my blood pressure should rise

during these rest periods, is there an alternative substance I can

My response is that first of all, it is strongly recommended
that you should never dispense with prescribed medication with-
out consulting your practitioner. This may present some difficulty,

since some physicians automatically advise against traditional

treatments such as herbal medicine. They advise stopping any
herbal treatment in favour of the recommended chemical one.
Other more open-minded practitioners may advise their patients
with more objectivity.
The recommended dose for high blood pressure is two cups
per day; for low blood pressure one cup per day. In the case of

Part V: The Therapeutic Value of Kombucha 81

Mrs M.Y., I would say that her daily intake of 7oz (200ml) of
Hawthorn/Kombucha, plus two cups of hawthorn tea was too high
a dosage. ‘Rests’ are usually advisable, since the body adjusts to
treatments. However, hawthorn seems to be an exception. There
are many people who have been taking hawthorn on a daily basis
over decades with great results. Nevertheless, there are some
warnings to be heeded. Hawthorn was banned in Australia for its
alkaloid content. Overdoses can have negative side effects. As
with other remedies, it is the dose which makes the medicine - or
the poison.
My father’s experience of blood pressure and heart problems
provides a good example of what I mean. Born in 1899, he had to
join the army at the young age of 17. The military doctor who
examined him advised that he should be discharged after a short
time of training owing to his heart condition. During the last
twenty years of his life, he took hawthorn tea or tincture regularly
to control his heart and his blood pressure. When he was hos-
pitalised at the age of 96 and his death was expected, I asked the
doctor how much time he had. The doctor replied that the heart
was so strong, it was preventing his death!
Mrs.R.H. wrote: '7 thought you would like to know that
people with high blood pressure may have to reduce medication
while taking Kombucha '

Experience has shown that people using Kombucha with

certain medication may experience a fall in blood pressure; if this
is likely they should always consult their physician.


After the publication of the first edition of this book I received an
unusually high response of comments and Many people
asked why I hadn’t written about the positive effects of Kombucha
on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, since Kombucha is the only medi-
cine that eases the suffering. Letters from New Zealand and
England endorsed this thinking. One woman, for example, wrote
82 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

that she had suffered from CFS for several years and that she
experienced an easing of the usual symptoms after drinking some
bottles of Kombucha.
Mrs J.E.B. from New South Wales wrote me: “I have been
taking Kombucha Tea for two months as I have been ill for four
years with ME! CFS. When I spoke to you I had been free of one of
the many symptoms, namely headache and fogged brain for five
weeks, and there are signs of overcoming the type of Irritable
Bowel syndrome that appears with this illness. However ME/CF
Syndrome is characterised by periods of remission and relapses,
with relapses becoming shorter, hopefully, and less severe as recov-

ery progresses.
Mrs S.H. wrote “I have had CF Syndrome for some years and
have tried many different products i. e. vitamins etc. to no avail, I

have found Kombucha products very helpful.
My observation with CFS is that people suffering from this
disease sleep in bedrooms with high earthray and electrosmog
pollution and one cannot say that this is merely a coincidence.
Electric measurements within the bedroom would, therefore, be
strongly recommended.

When compared to Interferon, Dr Wiesner found Kombucha was
approx. 92% as effective in the treatment of rheumatism. One of
his patients, however, reported that, after having been treated
unsuccessfully with other products, she found, upon trying Kom-
bucha, that her fingers were without pain and her normally painful
arm could be moved easily. After further taking Kombucha, she
was totally free of rheumatism.

There have been many reports of healing and improvement with
arthritis. However, it is not clear how far advanced the state of the
Part V: The Therapeutic Value of Kombucha 83

illness had been with individual patients. It is certainly important

that arthritis should be treated as early as possible and that
changes in the diet of the sufferer should also be considered.
The pH level in Kombucha is of great importance.
acidity or
Questions about its pH level are frequent. The interaction of the
pH in the food we eat and how it affects the pH in our body is very
complex. The pH scale goes from 0 (acid) to 14 (alkaline).
Healthy unpolluted rain-water has pH neutral 7. Lemon juice lies
at pH 2; strawberries at 3-3; raspberries at 3-4; potatoes at 5-8 and
salt about Fermented Kombucha when it tastes like cider has

a pH reading of around 3. With varying tea/sugar quantities and

fermentation time, the pH can vary between 2-8 and 4. With

newfound pH-awareness, many people have become unsure
about what is or isn’t acceptable and drawn wrong conclusions.
A woman from South Australia wrote to me that Kombucha
could not be good for arthritis since it had a pH reading of
approximately 3. She is not alone in assuming that Kombucha
must have negative effects on arthritis. Practical experience and
the fact that a ‘sour’ or acid food does not necessarily create an
acid milieu in the body, show that this conclusion is wrong.
Another person, worrying about the pH levels in the body bought
Litmus paper and examined the pH of his urine every day to
establish whether the pH in his body was correct. His diet was
adjusted accordingly to achieve a pH reading of the urine of 7-4.
One can imagine that this person gave up after a short time. The
reading probably indicated that his body was functioning as it
should; flushing out the excess acid.
When someone talks about an acid body, what does it mean?
There are many liquids in our body with quite different and
specific pH levels. In the digestion, for example, saliva has a pH
7T; stomach-juice a pH T5 and the liquid of the pancreas a pH
8-8. (Aihara). Despite these variations in the body, the blood has
very constant pH reading of 7*4. Young people have a lower
reading; with increasing age the pH of the blood becomes more
alkaline. Fluctuations of the pH in the blood could lead to severe
disturbances. A blood pH of 7-7 can result in tetanic convulsions

84 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

and a blood pH of 6-95 (Fasching) pH 6 0) could lead to uncon-

sciousness and death (Aihara). A pH level over 7*56 sets the stage
for the development of tumours (Fasching). It might be confusing,
but acid food (pH less than 7) has an alkaline effect in the body.
Mrs.T. from I. wrote: “Kombucha has helped my arthritis
my writing hand is now no longer in pain. ”
Mr. W.R. from M. writes: “In April 1993 I went on a trip to
Tibet from which I returned after suffering a severe bout of altitude
sickness. About three months later I contracted rheumatoid ar-
thritis. I was eventually placed in the care of a rheumatologist who

put me on a severe pill program to control my problem. In June/

July 1994 I was introduced to Kombucha which I have been taking
ever since. On my visit to the specialist in December after blood ,

tests he said I was clear of arthritis. For the last three months I have

not taken any medicine other than two tablets each evening. Pri-

mrose oil once a day and I feel great.
Another enthusiast wrote: “Since drinking the Kombucha tea
in December 1994 my osteo-arthritis has improved 50% at least and
I can enjoy life again. Many times I thought of ending it due to
pain. Diverticulitis ear infections bowel problems have all im-
, ,

proved greatly, I can exercise now and my joints don’t swell.

Acute gout is only the tip of the iceberg or, as one naturopath has
said, ‘the result of many food mistakes’. Intestinal disorders can
be genetic, which means that people who have this disease in the

family should, by all means, avoid foods which lead to a high level
of uric acid. Pain is caused by the build-up of many small crystals
in this form of uric acid. In early days, gout was called the illness
of the rich. It can be traced back to a far too rich diet. In the so-

called starvation years after the World Wars, gout was one of the
rarest of illnesses. Coffee, however, is often named as one cause

of gout.
Dr Helmut Golz has written that alcohol contains the compo-
Part V: The Therapeutic Value of Kombucha 85

nent purin which is transformed in the liver into uric acid. Half a
gram of uric acid is normally discharged daily by a healthy human
being. Uric acid, however, is increased by alcohol intake, which
leads to gout. Black tea, also known as Russian tea, has the
highest level of purin of any kind of tea, according to Dr Golz.
Since only this type of tea was used in Russia and Germany for
trials, I assumed Kombucha would have a negative effect on
gout sufferers. However, Dr Golz has explained that the Kom-
bucha symbiosis requires purin for its own digestion, during which
uric acid, which is generally hard to dissolve, is turned into an
aqueous solution and is easily discharged from the body via the
bladder. The Kombucha fungus thus transforms both sugar and
purin components during digestion, with the result that they are
not harmful to the human body.

In his comparative trials with Interferon, Dr A Wiesner found
that the biological food Kombucha was 89% as effective. Dr
Harnisch reported the case of a sixty year old public servant
whose kidneys had not functioned well since childhood. His uric
acid level was also too high. No other remedies (including alterna-
tive remedies) helped until Kombucha was taken. His kidneys
have worked properly ever since.

It is said that a cold generally lasts about fourteen days when one
goes to the doctor and two weeks if treated with favourite re-
medies at home! In other words, there is absolutely no difference.
No one remedy has yet been found to alleviate the uncomfortable
effects of influenza. Constantly, new and more resistant viruses
make the fight against influenza harder and harder. Even Kom-
bucha users are not resistant to flu, although they claim they
rarely become ill. Chronic colds, however, have a different cause
86 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

and should be examined in a little more detail. Often the cause

comes from an unhealthy diet - i.e. from a non-healthy digestion.
In these cases Kombucha, which has the benefit of being a natural
antibiotic, is a recommended treatment.


In the Russian clinic ofOmsk, people suffering from inflammation
of the tonsils were treated with Kombucha tea. They gargled with
it ten times a day, keeping the fluid in the mouth for up to fifteen

minutes each time. The inflammation of the tonsils was reduced

and, as with other illnesses where Kombucha was administered,
positive side effects could be observed in the healing of intestinal
diseases and nasal cavity inflammations.

An improvement with bronchitis is often possible through the
drinking of Kombucha. A doctor from the Netherlands (Har-
nisch) said that, after experiencing the benefits of Kombucha for
himself, he successfully prescribed it to children suffering from

Some people suffering from Candida albicans only have to think
about yeast to have a negative reaction! In an interview with
Search for Health Kombucha expert Gunther Frank mentions

that the Kombucha yeast components help in the fight against

Candida instead of aggravating it. Split yeasts (Schizosac-
charomyces) do not contain the spores from which so many people
suffer. On the contrary, they can be helpful against damaging
It is claimed that the yeasts found in Kombucha will over-run
’ 1

Part V: The Therapeutic Value of Kombucha 87

other yeasts, but need time to do so. Candida sufferers should

drink the beverage only in moderation and should be careful not
to overstrain yeast sediments when bottling the tea. This also
applies to non-candida use.

“After I received a Kombucha fungus from a friend in the begin-
ning of January I have been taking the tea every day. Since 1977
have had pernicious anaemia requiring monthly injections of vi-
tamin B12. Before this condition was detected my legs started from
the foot soles up to get numb ,
till well over the knees. After a couple
of injections of B 12 my legs went back to normal except for my foot
soles - they remained feeling like wood - no feeling in them at all.

For 18 years doctor said I should not expect any improvement as

the nerve ends were probably too damaged so I forgot about it as
well as a sort of rash around my ankles - some allergic reaction to
the injections.
“Now this week I woke up one night because of a stinging pain
in my toes and in the morning when 1 got up 1 suddenly noticed that
I could feel the structure of the carpet under my feet, very remark-
able as 1 never felt that before. And now during the week my foot
soles went back to normal and no more numb feeling at all. Also

the rash has disappeared.


The first time I heard miraculous claims being made for Kom-
bucha as a beauty treatment I was very sceptical. Kombucha as a
cure for wrinkles was something I regarded as being too far-
fetched. Once wrinkles are present, or so I assumed, it is imposs-
ible to iron them out with Kombucha. I did think, however, that it
might be possible to use it to prevent them forming. As a side
effect to Kombucha’s help with the digestive system, it should, in
theory, be possible to improve unhealthy, rough skin, which often

88 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

comes from a one-sided, unhealthy diet or a bad digestion.

I don’t believe that drinking Kombucha will banish wrinkles.
But don’t give up; you can also apply Kombucha externally in the
form of an ointment. It is not hard to make. The fungus itself can
be pulverised in a few seconds into a cream using a conventional
kitchen mixer. Apply the cream to your face, leaving it for twenty
minutes while you lie down and rest. Then rinse off with warm
water. The cream, with its large content of living yeast compo-
nents, is also an effective moisturiser. If you consider that the
active ingredients of most expensive skin-products are preserved
yeasts, you can assume that active and living yeasts should have
even better success. With cellulitis, a second treatment, involving
massaging the affected areas of skin, daily, with Kombucha tea,
can be tried.


The author received the following letter:
“Noticed your book on Kombucha at the Organic Oasis re-

cently at Forest Glen and your request for feed-back.


A friend gave me a starter mushroom some months back and

we have been using it ourselves and sharing it with others. Fd like to
tell you about a sixty-six year old lady who has used the Kombucha

in ratherunusual ways with incredible results.

Margaret has been under a great deal of stress for over two
years since her husband left her, and
has affected her health

severely in a number of ways. She has had constant pain in her left
hip and lower leg for many months, and when we arrived to stay
with her for a short time recently, we found her unable to lie down,
and was regularly sitting up in a chair at night to try to get some
sleep. For her to lie down in bed was unbearable. She also suffers
with hypoglycemia and was afraid to take the Kombucha inter-
nally, so decided to try the mushroom as a poultice on her hip. She
covered the membrane with “glad- wrap [seran wrap/cling film]
and some old panty-hose, and within only minutes, the pain began
Part V: The Therapeutic Value of Kombucha 89

to subside. She gingerly took herself off to bed about 9 p.m. and
She was so delighted with the
actually slept right through to 4 p.m.
pain relief that she now has Kombucha mushrooms growing in
many containers and is continuing to apply the poultice whenever
the pain recurs.
She also suffered from constipation and so one evening before
retiring,applied a mushroom to her abdomen. This also proved
extremely effective and her bowel movements have returned to
Margaret also has very fair skin and had a nasty growth on the
side of her face in front of her left ear. A few Kombucha applica-
tions and this growth has recently reduced in size and is almost
This dear lady is no foreigner to natural healing methods, as
she is President of a Natural Therapy -Group, and has tried many
other alternative medical treatments. None has proven so helpful as
This very clearly has shown me that this special ferment has
incredible potential to help alleviate pain and disease in suffering
I trust youTl find this interesting and helpful”.

“My husband suffers from rheumatoid arthritis in his right knee.

He has had several operations in the past five years. Despite this his
knee is still hurting him, swelling up from time to time and causing
great pain. Some days he walk or sleep because of this pain.
My friend gave me some of the Kombucha fungus she received
recently to try it for my husband's knee. I applied the fungus
directly to the affected knee as a compress. For the first few minutes
he felt a sharp pain right across the joint, but the pain gradually
dissipated. It had a soothing cooling effect right away. He was at
ease and without pain. We left the compress on the knee overnight
to see what effect it had. He slept in peace without pain for the first
time in months. We will continue the therapy to see if it really will

help this debilitating sickness.
90 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus


Pastor Kneipp, one of the most famous natural healers in the
German speaking countries, has developed a wide variety of
water therapies, which, today, are being used in six thousand
hospitals and private clinics. The human body can easily absorb
healing substances through the skin. When added to a bath,
Kombucha has good results in energising the whole body and
improving general wellbeing. As a general beneficial treatment
for common skin problems, add approximately half a litre of
Kombucha tea to an average bath. For the treatment of shingles,
eczema and skin fungi, Kombucha compresses are recommended.
Packs soaked in Kombucha and applied to the scalp can also help
to develop stronger and more beautiful hair.


When talking about slimming, we first have to establish what
exactly we mean by slim. The desire to be slim has produced such
a ‘fat market’ for industry, that it is very difficult for the average,
slightly overweight person to make the right decision. In 1993,
65.6 million Deutschmarks were invested in advertising by the
‘slimming’ industry (‘Wirschaftswoche’ ,
Hamburg ,
issue 12/1993). Similar huge figures were spent in the USA, the
UK and most other image-conscious western countries where
diet, fitness and the marketing of special, calorie-reduced prod-
ucts are big, big business. There is a personal ideal weight for
everyone who is reasonably healthy and realistic about their phys-
ical image. But many people, especially women, make their lives

miserable by setting themselves quite unrealistic goal weights and

constantly changing their diets.
New ‘miracle’ diets are constantly being offered in news-
papers and women’s magazines. Those who slavishly follow these
badly-balanced eating regimes run the real risk of making them-
selves ill through malnutrition! There are no miracle treatments
that can, for example, give an average-sized woman the willowy
Part V: The Therapeutic Value of Kombucha 91

frame and body structure of a model. Before embarking on any

weight-reducing programme, you must ask yourself whether you
prefer to be slim and sick or healthy at your personal ideal weight.
Being too slim is just as dangerous as being grossly overweight. As
with many things in life, the aim should be to find a happy
So what has all this got to do with Kombucha? In the long-
term, only a sensible diet can lead to the maintenance of good
health and an ideal weight. But Kombucha can can have a ben-
For use as part of a sensible slimming programme,
eficial effect.

the tea should be fermented for up to fourteen days, by which

time it will have acquired a sour taste. A glass of the beverage
should then be drunk early afternoons and evenings, prior to
meals. Once the required weight has been achieved, further brews
if the beverage should be fermented for only six to ten days and

drunk as part of a balanced diet. Kombucha supports the diges-

tion processes and, therefore, helps to achieve an ideal individual
weight. It has a mild purgative effect which is more noticieable
when taken before meals. In contrast to laxatives, however, Kom-
bucha does not increase its function with larger dosages.
In an age in which many people do not have enough exercise,
have sedentary occupations, eat irregular meals and include much
processed food in their diets, Kombucha is especially recom-
mended. A sluggish bowel will lead to constipation, excess weight
and many other symptoms associated with an unhealthy lifestyle.
The positive effect of Kombucha on health can definitely be
related to the effect it has on the regeneration of intestinal flora.
Scientists world- wide agree on that point.
When I released my video in 1984, ‘Back to nature with
medicinal herbs’, in which I included references to slimming and

ideal weights,one famous women’s magazine took notice. Follow-

ing an interview with me, the magazine used the method I recom-
mended in a trial which was successful with every person taking
part. However, as I refused to change my report and turn it into a
diet plan, the story was never published. Since that time, this
magazine and many others have published countless diets - each
92 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

time with corresponding increases in their sales. However, while

any slimming programme however badly-balanced nutritionally
and deficient in fresh food, may, in the short-term, lead to weight
loss, the long-term results are bound to be ill-health. Health
depends on balance. An inadequate diet will never be successful
in healing illness or achieving a sensible, permanent weight loss.


Any report claiming that a 130 year old man and an 89 year old
woman were able to have a healthy baby was bound to put the
media in a frenzy and draw attention to Kombucha. We can each
form our own opinion as to the accuracy of the ages given.
However, what should be noted is that many older people believe
that Kombucha is the reason for their still-active life. Even Dr
Sklenar, who was a military doctor in Russia, reports coming
across cases of people of advanced years who appeared to be
leading healthy, energetic lives. Kombucha has the effect of de-
toxifying, aiding the digestion and improving energy. It is not
surprising, therefore, that it contributes to the health and fitness
of people of advanced years. Kombucha can only be regarded as
part of this successful recipe, however, and should not be re-
garded as its sole cause.


The potency of a human being is widely-regarded as an accurate
measure of health and vitality. In 1992, Germans spent 790 mil-
lion Deutschmark on sex hormones (Stern 12/1992). That is al-
most 10 DMper head of population - from new-born infants to
great-grandparents. Stress, unhealthy diet, environmental factors,
lack of exercise and side effects from medicine can all contribute
to a decrease in sexual ability. In his research in Russia, Dr
Sklenar found many examples of older people who were still very
active sexually. The old farmers in the rural regions he visited
attributed this ability to drinking Kombucha. According to the
Part V: The Therapeutic Value of Kombucha 93

German naturopath Jost Kuessner (das neue): ‘The fungus helps

impotence. Many men when they are still young have problems
getting an erection. After only one week, Kombucha will help
sexual vitality.’


The fungus itself can also be used to heal wounds and ulcers. A
woman from Queensland told me that she suffered for many years
from a leg ulcer. She bandaged a fresh fungus direct from its
brewing container on to the ulcer. The ulcer healed in less than a
week and did not return. Other people have also reported good
results from putting a young fungus directly on to wounds, follow-
ing injuries.


Members of one of the largest ‘sporting’ organisations in the
world, the Russian military, regularly drink Kombucha. Particular
regiments have their own secret recipes for the beverage and the
German army has also conducted trials on it effectiveness. Pro-
fessor Dr Simon Gerrit of the Army Sport School in Warendorf,
Germany, tested Kombucha and came to the conclusion that this
“pure biological Kombucha fermented tea” had a “strengthening
effect and improves the performances of the athletes”.
Russian high-performance athletes are given Kombucha to
increase their performance. Scientific tests were conducted in the
Olympic centre in Warendorf, with exceptional results. Even with
the hardest training there, muscular aches were no problem and
the athletes improved their performances through drinking 1 cup
US (0.2 litre) of Kombucha three times a day. The team of
doctors conducting the trials found that salt in the lactic acid
(Lacta readings) lessened with Kombucha. With high bodily exer-
tion, the organism sours more quickly and Kombucha counteracts
this. Overall the athletes were positively affected and recovered
94 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

much quicker after long runs. Increased wellbeing and perfor-

mance, according to the scientists, were due to the positive ex-
change of energy in the cells, encouraged by the Kombucha.
One man asked me many questions about Kombucha. He
mentioned that he was making 30 US pints (15 litres) of Kom-
bucha every day, for his own consumption. I calculated that he
must have a family of thirty, based on average Kombucha con-
sumption! But no, it turned out that he had been giving it to his
racehorses as an ‘energy shot’. ‘I know that the rewards of Kom-
bucha brewing are ‘measurable’ in valuable seconds in a race’, he
said. There are also reports that racing camels in Arabic countries
receive a fermented drink as a form of legal ‘doping’, as the Swiss
health magazine Natiirlich reports under the heading ‘Bio-Strath
makes camels fast’. Of the production in Switzerland, 73% is

exported. The ingredients and details of the fermentation are the

manufacturers’ secret. Many Australian herbalists and
naturopaths have spent years ministering to their patients with a
secret preparation - which turned out to be nothing other than


Food growers have received more and more criticism in recent
years because of their dependence on chemicals. Today the call
for natural food isbecoming stronger and stronger. Biodynamic
produce and alternative healing methods for animals are slowly
becoming popular. Kombucha is also being used for veterinary
applications. In a trial with sheep and calves, Kombucha drops
were applied to animals suffering from diarrhoea with a 100%
success rate. With healthy animals, Kombucha was mixed into
their food, with a growth increase of 15%.
The economics of Kombucha-drinking are, of course, also
important. Kombucha fermentation requires a large amount of
sugar. Would this not be a beneficial use for the excess sugar we
consume and which accounts for a lot of our illnesses? Would it
Part V: The Therapeutic Value of Kombucha 95

not also be possible to replace health-endangering hormone treat-

ments on animals with a healthy Kombucha product?
A delightful anecdote from an Australian correspondent:
The most startling success story for me has been with our family
pet, a German shepherd dog, who has suffered for the past few
summers with an itchy eczema, resulting in a bald patch near his
tail - this year some warty type lumps appeared. As it is hard to give

him the liquid I began to cut the fungus and give him a piece each
day, he now looks forward to his piece of Kombucha, before
breakfast each day. The hair on his back is almost fully repaired

and I expect the warts will also disappear within time. I will con-
tinue using the Kombucha until they have disappeared. He also
seems to be a whole lot stronger - his back legs which were

becoming weak.

The way that the AIDS community in California has discovered a
sense of compassionate sharing of the fungus is a wonderful exam-
ple of the networking magic of Kombucha. There is probably no
other organism that reproduces itself so prolifically every week. It

seems wasteful to throw away when it could bring healing to a


friend, or to some stranger who could become your friend. Just as

Mother Nature has given us this priceless gift of healing, you can
pass it on to someone else.
An excellent way to network Kombucha is to keep a record
of those to whom you give cultures. Then, when others ask you
for one and you have not one to spare, you can simply refer them
to someone on your list. Try putting up a notice in your health
food shop. Just imagine how our society could be transformed if
people got into the habit of growing a culture in their kitchen, just
like they used to in deepest Russia!
You don’t have to be a mathematician to work out that, if
everyone you gave one to in a year did the same, there would be
thousands of Kombucha cultures out there helping to heal other
96 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

people by the end of the year! If you all then shared recipes* and

exchanged tips on ways of making the brew more interesting or of

turning it into ointments, what a community builder this would
be. Just what we need!
The word about Kombucha is spreading like wildfire. Thou-
sands of people are cultivating cultures and passing them on. If

you want to start one, keep your ears open, look in alternative
health magazines or ask holistic therapists. Please don’t write to
the publishers for a culture. There are some contact addresses on
p. 106 for those who would like to register as a source of cultures in
their neighbourhood or want to obtain one.

*Look out for the Kombucha recipe book, to be published by Gateway


Without exception, all Kombucha researchers recommend it as an
overall healing method. One cannot isolate certain illnesses and
their treatment if holistic health is to be restored. In recent years,
there has been a significant resurgence of interest in this healing
method. Kombucha should not, however, be regarded as an iso-
lated healing remedy, but rather as what it really is, a very
precious, living and health-giving food. If one asks the elderly to
what they attribute their good health and fitness, the usual answer
is a quizzical look. If one presses further, however, and asks

specific questions, the answer that often emerges is, ‘to a healthy,
balanced diet’.


Countless ‘alternative’ healing methods can be found all over the
world, but some can become muddled in their migration to other
countries. Releasing energy blockages with Reiki, experiencing
aura diagnosis using Kirlian photography or plasma print; unlock-
ing fears with ‘past-life regression’; mastering the present and
future with numerology or astrology; healing with sound or col-
our, aromatherapy, acupuncture, crystals - these are a few exam-
ples of many healing practices. Many of them represent the re-
discovery of traditions which go back thousands of years. Better
communication has spread this knowledge rapidly. No single tra-
dition or practice should be dismissed, but needs to be considered
among the multitude of healing methods available, including
modern medicine.

98 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus


The phenomenon of the placebo effect does not fit into the clear
modern medicine were to use words
picture of natural science. If
from the general vocabulary, they would, perhaps, describe it as
the ‘miracle effect’. Healing with nothing is scientifically imposs-
ible. Healing with a word or a touch is something we are only
familiar with from the Bible. During extensive testing of modern
medicine, however, we frequently come across the self-healing or
placebo effect. Did science rediscover miracle healing in these
and did they prove it? Even though placebo medicine does

not have any active ingredients, it has remarkably high healing

successes for all types of illnesses. Even in ‘double blind’ testing,
the placebo effect has been identified.
For approximately fifty years, research has been testing the
effectiveness of placebo medicine. In tests, one group of patients
isgiven a new medicine while, at the same time, a comparative
group is given the same product, without any active ingredients.
In double blind testing, neither the patient, nor the doctor know
which drug is being taken. If, for example, two thirds of patients,
who suffer from strong headaches respond to the real drug while
the same number of patients in a second group react identically to
the ‘pretend’ drug, this result would not lead to the conclusion
that the active component was functioning. Everyone wants to
have a local anaesthetic at the dentist. How would a patient react,
however, if, after treatment the dentist revealed that the ‘ana-
esthetic’ used was only water? About 30% of patients show the
same result with a placebo as they do with an actual drug.
The healing effect with a placebo depends to a great extent
upon the person administering it. A confident administrator gets a
better result than one less self-assured. It is interesting to note
that negative side effects from using the the real medicine are also
experienced with the placebo medicine. Evidently, the brain is

capable of giving healing messages to the body. When we receive

medicine, we believe in its success in healing and, therefore,
subconsciously heal ourselves. If the self-healing potential of the
Epilogue 99

mind is so powerful, should we not practise this power in order to

heal ourselves without any negative side effects? After I published
the first edition of this book, I received many letters and tele-

phone calls. The feedback in the context of placebo medicines was

particularly strong.
A nurse who, for many years, worked on hospital night shifts
told me that it was common practice to give patients a placebo.
Patients first received a regular dose of medication to help them
sleep but many later asked for a second pill in the middle of the
night. The maximum dose permitted per night was one tablet, so
the nurses gave those patients requesting a second dose a vitamin
C pill (visually identical to the sleeping pill) instead - with a 100%
success rate! When I questioned this high success rate, on the
grounds that vitamin C has a stimulating effect that is exactly
opposite to the result one would expect from a sleeping pill, the
nurse only replied, “It simply worked, that’s it”. My question as
to why C
had not, therefore, been given to the
the safer vitamin
patients in the first place was not answered. I can only repeat my
question: Why are the millions of dollars which are spent every
year on researching new pharmaceuticals not used in the same
proportion for researching the possibilities of increasing the
‘placebo effect’ so that fewer pharmaceuticals would be needed?
“When you take a drug with a glass of water to swallow it, the
water is often doing you more good than the medication.”
[F.Batmanghelidj, MD]


Dietary problems are occurring as never before. We see on our
television screens that countless people are daily starving to death
in many countries while, on the other side of the world, many
people are suffering health problems from eating too much. The
question now is, which death is preferable - rapid starvation or
slow death through overeating? It may sound strange, but fasting
100 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

must be regarded as one of the better healing methods. The

positive health effect of fasting was recognised by many early
religions. One complete day of fasting, or a time of fasting over
some weeks with only limited food, is found in most religions.
Animals also fast themselves healthy, i.e. they fast during long
periods of exertion. The eel and the salmon both fast when
travelling long distances to their mating grounds. Migrant birds
travel thousands of kilometres without taking any food. Fasting is
a highly effective tool towards preventing illness.
Intestinal illness, excessive blood fat and high blood pressure
are the main risk factors in the Western world, all of which could
easily be treated with the problems of the Third World countries.
If the Western world were to supply the food saved from one day

of fasting to Third World countries, there would be no people

dying from over-eating on the one side and no people dying of
starvation on the other.


There are two groups of acid and alkaline foods. One is made up
of foods that are actually acid or alkaline and the other of foods
which produce an acid or alkaline reaction. For example, lime is
extremely acid with a pH reading of T9, but this fruit increases
the alkaline content of the body. If you want to influence your
body’s pH, it is not so important to know the pH of any particular
food you eat, but to know what reaction that food will have in
your body. For more information, I recommended a study of the
book: Acid and Alkaline by Herman Aihara.
Research from Russia and Czechoslovakia is interesting in
this context. Water, for the purpose of this research, is divided
into ‘live water’ and ‘dead water’. DC current converts neutral
water of about pH7 into acid water (pH 4) and alkaline water (pH
10). This water was used with excellent results, according to
reports, with a wide range of diseases. The research was based on
the fact that plants can thrive only in a specific pH milieu. Un-
Epilogue 101

wanted stinging nettles for example can be eliminated in two

ways. One is to spray with chemicals, with all their negative
environmental side effects. The other is to alter the pH of the soil
(calcium) so that the stinging nettles can no longer thrive.
There is a similarity with diseases, according to the research.
Altering the pH of the blood should fight certain diseases. With
cancer for example, if the blood pH is altered with activated water
to 7-4 there is no ‘fertile soil’ for the cancer to grow in, which
should prevent further growth of the tumour. As the information
from Russia shows, over 500 patients with different diseases were
all treated with success. It is also pointed out, however, that it is

impossible to cure all diseases with this water. (Krotov) The

manufacture of this water have met in the last
is relatively easy. I
months some people from Czechoslovakia who confirmed with
enthusiasm the healing successes achieved with activated water.
You can find detailed information about ‘live water’ and ‘dead
water’ in my book about water-cures.

Thank you everyone who wrote me about their experiences of
drinking Kombucha. The following is a sample of these:

This isfrom an Australian doctor: I have only been using

Kombucha for the last 6 months, and have a quite a few patients
trying it out. So far the main results coming to hand are as follows:
1. Energy increase. 2. Weight loss. 3. Regular bowel motions. 4.

One patient with outstanding stomach problems is now 100%. 5.

Moles diminishing in size. 6. Good results with sinus and mucus
elimination. 7. I used it during the hay fever season and found relief
much earlier than usual. The only problem struck so far is with
hives if taking too much. We now have fifty families taking Kom-
And a remarkable testimony from H.T. of S: My father was
diagnosed with lung cancer. He had cancer in one lung the size of a
102 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

small orange. His doctor advised him that the cancer was incurable
but treatment would give him a better quality of life for the time he
had left. His brother gave him a Kombucha which he started

drinking immediately - 2 glasses a day. Four months later an X-ray

showed no trace of cancer. We the family have no doubt the
Kombucha was responsible for his recovery.
Have recently been introduced to the miraculous Kombucha.
1 am and
ecstatic with the results to date regarding constipation
stomach pain which no longer haunt my days.
I must say that Kombucha picks me up. I have asthma from
working in a clothing factory for years. I have had chronic fatigue
for many years and, after a couple of bottles of Kombucha, I felt a
marked difference.
I have had chronic fatigue for some years and have tried many
different products i.e. vitamins etc, to no avail. I have found
Kombucha products very helpful.
It has become quite a craze at the high school here
' among the
teenage girls who are growing fast and always tired, and they say it

has given them more energy - many thanks.

I have been buying medicine (Kombucha) from a

naturopath for eighteen months and it has saved both my husband

and myselffrom dying.
Kombucha has helped my arthritis, my writing hand is now
I thought you would like to know that people with high blood
pressure may have to reduce medication while taking Kombucha,
as a lady's blood pressure went too low.
For myself, lam greatly impressed with this tea (Kombucha).
I am not young, 77. My digestion is much better and I have far
more energy. A friend of mine, a couple of years younger than
myself, has been able to cut her blood-pressure tablets by half. The
side effects of the tablets have eased. A highly irritating rash all over
her body is now disappearing. She has also effectively rid herself of
a clot in her leg by applying tea compresses for three nights. She has
always been subject to these clots. They can last three or four weeks
and be the cause of much pain. If I hadn't seen your book in a
Epilogue 103

health shop here inM. well these positive results would not have

come about. So thank you for writing the book & acquainting us all
about this wonderful Kombucha tea.

Benefit greatly from Kombucha. Even after a week Em

feeling much beter - regular bowel movements, more energy, sleep-
ing well;
Ihave been drinking the tea for about a month and have
noticed a change in my varicose veins on my right leg;
I have been brewing and drinking it for three months and feel
more energy and am generally in good health.
Some typical comments about the varieties of taste experi-
delicious; my children thought it was apple juice; I
enjoy Kombucha since it is the only drink I like without negative
effects; I feel really well after drinking Kombucha;
since I started drinking Kombucha I like it more then beer or wine
and I feel much better the next day; I have brewed Kombucha
for a year and am still finding new delicious recipes; really
healthy and, at the same time, delicious.
Some more comments about the effects after drinking Kom-
cancer growth in the lung shrunk; a 79 years young
man has taken tea for two months, has circulation back in his
hands, they were black and blue, and are now a much healthier
colour; he had a tendency to retain fluid, now he is slim with
trim ankles; noticed grey hairs on chest and tummy turning
black again; my blood pressure went back to normal;
brown spots on skin disappearing; urine became clear, from
being very cloudy; better sleep within two weeks; pain
relief from arthritis in shoulders and neck; my hair thickened
up considerably, with less loss when shampooing; constipa-
tion was a problem for twenty years, with Kombucha everything is
just fine; urine cleared, weight easier to maintain; I
simply feel so much better; increased energy and mobility
playing tennis; bowel regularity; spots from the sun
disappearing; hot flushes disappeared;
Aihara, Herman, ‘Acid and Alkaline, George Oshawa Macrobiotic Fndtn,
1544 Oak St, Oroville, CA: (1980).
Biser, Sam. Interview with F.Batmanghelidj, MD ‘The Greatest Health
Discovery in the World’.
Breuss, R. ‘Cancer and Leukemia - Advice for the prevention and natural
treatment of numerous diseases’: Bludenz Vgb, Austria, (1982).
Brown, A. J. ‘On an acetic ferment which forms cellulose’:
Jour.Chem.Soc.Lond. (1886)
Carstens,Dr V. ‘Hilfe aus der Natur - meine Mittel gegen Krebs’:
Cribb, A.B. & J.W. Wild medicine in Australia: p.60 (1986)
Das Beste, ‘Geheimnisse und Heilkraefte der Pflanzen’.
Filho, L.X., Paulo, E.C., Pareira E.C. & Vincente, C. ‘Phenolics from tea
fungus analysed by performance liquid chromatography’: Phyton, Buenos
Aires (1985)
Frank, Gunther, W. Kombucha - Healthy beverage and natural remedy from
the Far East: Ennsthaler, Steyr, Austria
Gadd, C.H. ‘Tea Cider’: Tea Quarterly (Talawalelle, Ceylon, 1933)
Gold Coast Bulletin: ‘Cancer plea bears fruit’ and ‘Pawpaw’s medicinal
qualities’: Weekend Bulletin (1993), P.O.Box 1, Southport, Qld 4215
Golz, Dr. Kombucha Ein altes Teeheilmittel schenkt neue Gesundheit,
Ariston, Miinchen, Germany, )1992).
Goetz, Georg ‘Kombucha - der Wunderpilz, der Millionen Gesundheit sche-
nkt’ in Das Neue (Issue 3-14, 1988)
Harnisch, Dr Guenther: Kombucha geballte Heilkraft der Natur’, Turm,
Bietigheim-Bissengen, Germany.
Harris, R.D. Prostawort or Willowherb: Candelo, Crowsnest, Australia
Hess, Walter, ‘Bio-Strath macht auch Kamele schneller’ in Natiirlich AT ,

Zeitschriftenverlag, Bahnhofstrasse 39-43, Aarau, Switzerland (1994)

Horstkorte, C. ‘Zaubertrank aus China-Pilz hilft auch bei Sex Problemen’
Kaminski, A. ‘Aerzte: Pilz heilt Frauenleiden’: Bild der Frau (2/1988) a.
Springer Verlag, Hamburg, Germany.
Kaminski, A. A. ‘Aerzte: Pilz heilt Frauenleiden’: Bild der Frau (2/1988)
Springer, Hamburg, Germany.
Kanuka-Fuchs, Reinhard. Building Biology & Ecology Institute of New
Zealand, 22 Customs St.W., Auckland, New Zealand
Kelly, Justin. ‘Magnetic Health Teaching Services’: 5 Cocararra Ct, Tugun
Heights, Qld 4224. Australia.
Koerner, H., ‘Der Teepilz Kombucha’: Der Naturarzt 108 (1987),
and ‘Kombucha - Zubereitung wurde von Sportmedizinem getestet’
Natura-med (10/1989)
Kuski, A. & Esko, W., Avery Publishing Group, Garden City Park, New
York, USA

Appendix One 105

Lassak, E.V. & McCarthy T., Australian Medicinal Plants, Methuen, 44

Waterloo Rd, Norgh Ryde 2113, Australia (1983).
Meixner, Dr A., Pilze selber zuechten: AT Verlag, Aarau, Switzerland
Mulder D., ‘A Revival of Tea Cider’: Tea Quarterly Talawakelle, Ceylon,

Perko J., ‘Kombucha - Health you can drink’ and other information. The
Way To Live Sanctuary, Canungra, Qld 4275, Australia
Potter’s New Cyclopaedia of Botanical Drugs and Preparations
Quinn, D., Left for Dead: Quinn Publishing Co., Minneapolis, U.S.A.
Reiss, J., ‘Der Teepilz und seine Stoffwechselprodukte’: Deutsche Le-
bendsmittelrundschau (9/1987)
Search for Health ‘Kombucha
: ‘yeasts’ fights Candida, they do not
encourage it’; and ‘Kombucha converts tea and sugar into a healthy,
nutritious detoxifying beverage’.
Sharma, Dr P.R., The Art of Spiritual Living: The Ram-Rukimini Institute
Liaison, Geneva, Switzerland
Teeguarten, Ron, Chinese Tonic Herbs, Japan Press (1986).
Tietze, Harald, ‘Back To Nature With Medicinal Herbs’ (Video 1984)
Tietze, Harald, Earthrays: The Silent Killer: P.O.Box 34, Bermagui South,
NSW 2546, Australia
Timmons, Stuart, ‘Fungus Among Us New Age Jour, PO Box 53275, Boul-
CO 80321
Urban & Schwarzenberg, Roche Lexicon Medizin
Vogel, Dr A. Der kleine Doktor: Teufen, Switzerland

Waal, de Dr. M., Medicinal Herbs in the Bible: Weiser, York Beach, Maine,
Wagner, H., Gegen jede Krankheit ist ein Kraut gewachsen: Ruhland Altoet-

ting Weidinger, Herman Josef ‘Kombucha - Tee der aus dem Meere kam’
and ‘Die Kombucharunde’ Ringelblume: (1988) 3822 Karlstein, Austria
Weidinger, Hermon Joseph, ‘Kombucha - Tee
der aus dem Meere Kam’ and
‘Die Kombucharunde’ in ‘Ringelbume,’ 3822 Karlstein, Austria (1988).
Wiesner Laboratories: ‘Kombucha nach Dr med Sklenar’ (1987) Sch-
Willner, Robert E., The Cancer Solution: Peltic Pub. Co., 4400 North
Federal Hwy., #210, Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA (1994)
Zimmerman, W., ‘Wogegen hilf der Kombucha Pilz?’ Fortschritte der Medi-
zin (12/1989)
In Britain, if you want to register as a source of Kombucha cultures in
your community, you may lodge your name as such with: The Kombucha
Network, PO Box 1887, Bath, BA2 8YA (Please send s.a. envelope). If
you want to acquire a culture, and have not found a local source, they
will also try to help you find one, but please be patient; this network will
take some time to set up, and it will work best by local osmosis.

InUSA, Kombucha culture supplier: Lee Vinocur, PO Box 81, North

Palm Springs, CA 92258 (tel: (619) 329 9813).

In Canada, South Africa: In the next printing we shall try to give some
addresses for obtaining cultures. But Kombucha is networking fast,
especially in the US West, so keep your ears open, and check appropri-
ate magazines or alternative health sources. If you wish to be a supplier
of cultures or books or wish to share your experiences as a Kombucha
user, write to the author (address below) so we can update the informa-
tion in future printings. Listings are free!

In Australia:
This book has information which, at the time of writing, can be regarded
as being accurate. New results dealing with Kombucha and other alterna-
tive therapies can be supplied as fact sheets. If you have experiences with
Kombucha or have further information please send them to the address
Fact sheets are available on the following themes:
Healthy Kombucha cultures. Commercial Kombucha beverages and test
results. Herbal and Green teas - biologically grown and fresh. Tempera-
ture control units. Building biological surveyors and additional informa-
tion. Seminars on: Kombucha brewing. Growing and using herbs. Dows-
ing. Building biology. Kneipp applications.
Please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope.
‘Kombucha’, do Harald W.Tietze, P.O.Box 34, Bermagui South NSW
2546, Australia. Tel: 064-934-552
(Internal +61-64-934-552) Fax:
064-934-900 (Internat’l +61-64-934-900)

Kombucha and Pawpaw Leaf Extracts are manufactured by The Way to
Life Sanctuary, Lot 7, Climax Court, Canungra, Qld 4275, Australia
(Tel: +61.75.435.104: Fax: +61.75.435.263) [It is hoped in the next

printing to give addresses of US & UK suppliers.]

Homeopathic Kombucha: Tina White, Manning Natural Healing Centre,
216 Victoria St. Taree, NSW 2430, Australia.
Heating Devices: For Kombucha brewing. Quickheat Industries, 6
Michelle Rd, Christchurch, New Zealand has three heating devices sup-
plied to all countries with a variety of voltages and plugs.

TIETZE PUBLICATIONS, available in Australian health shops or dir-

ectly from the author: Harald W. Tietze, PO Box 34, Bermagui South,
NSW 2546, Australia:-
Water Medicine - by Harald W. Tietze
A practical manual on different water treat-
ments for many health conditions. Includes live
and activated water, urine therapy, steam and
ice treatment, Kneipp water cure, and under-
standing water as an energy carrier. Using wa-
ter to strengthen the body and treat illnesses of
home 100pp. $Aus. 9.80.
Earthrays: The Silent Killer - by Harald Tietze
Explores geopathogenic (geo = earth, patho-
gen = ill-making) radiation emitted from the
earth in certain locations. For thousands of
years the harmful effects of earthrays on plants,
animals and humans have been observed and
understood by many cultures.

Harald’s research in Germany, Austria, Italy

and Papua New Guinea adds a new dimension
to ancient knowledge which raises awareness of
the affect of earthrays on modern diseases such
as cancer, asthma, arthritis, rheumatism. 72pp.
27 col. illus., $Aus. 14.80.
Back Nature with Medicinal Herbs. Video by Harald W. Tietze
Practical hints forgrowing medicinal herbs, home made health teas; ho^y
to make your own tinctures and herbal ointment. Examples for success-
ful self-treatment with medicinal herbs: * Varicose veins * Disorders of

108 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

the prostate * Bed wetting * Heartburn * Digestive disorders *

herbs can help you to stop smoking. Detailed tips about sensible diet to
reach your ideal weight without fasting. Samples to make your home-
made plant protection biologically against ants, greenfly, caterpillars and
other insects. Available in VHS and Beta.

GATEWAY BOOKS publishes works that explore in depth, alternative

world views and life scenarios. Here is a selection to whet your appetite

You Don’t Haw to Fsm L'mmiJ You Don’t Have to Feel Unwell: Nutrition,
Xminiim, Mkfyk i Htrkf Htmmipatby Lifestyle, Herbs and Homeopathy
A Berne Gxttk
- by Robin Needes
Do you ever feel you’re going through life firing
on three cylinders? Never enjoying the sort of
good health and vitality you’d like to possess? It
doesn’t have to be that way. This plainly-put,
intelligent home guide examines a host of disor-
ders - some common, some serious - and recom-
mends treatment based on a combination of
diet, supplements, herbs, homeopathic re-
medies and sensible living. 336pp, £9.95 $15.95

Aids and the Healer Within - Nick Bamforth

Citing many Nick examines the endocrine system,
case histories,
AIDS, and
chakras, sex, fear, love and holistic approaches to treating
shows how health and vigour may be renewed. Nick worked for many
years as a healer with HIV and AIDS groups in New York and London.
144pp, £6.95 $12.95 (from Talman, NY).

The Only Planet of Choice: Essential Briefings

from Deep Space - by Phyllis Schlemmer & The
Council of Nine, ed. Mary Bennett
“ a provocative mind-opening experience”
Dr James Hurtak, Academy for Future Science,
Gateway’s bestseller, compiled from nearly 20
years of communications with a circle of high
is widely acknowledged
level universal beings,
one of the most significant books for our
time. For anyone who wants to know more
about the place of Planet Earth in the Cosmos, the origin of humanity,
ETs, Jesus, God, the present traumas facing the world and how they can

Appendix Three 109

be resolved.
“Everything you ever wanted to know about the Universe but didn’t know

who to ask Kindred Spirit magazine, UK.

360pp, £9.95 $14.95

Cosmic Connections: Worldwide crop formations and ET contacts - by

Michael Hesemann
The first book to bring together the two most mysterious and unex-
plained phenomena of our time - crop circles and ETs, showing fascinat-
ing connections between them. A global and up-to-date survey of the
most convincing information, with many color and black and white
photos. The author is a world authority in both these subjects.
160pp, £9.95 $15.95

When the Earth Nearly Died: Compelling Evidence of World Catastro-

phe, 9,500BC- by D.S. Allan &
J.B. Delair
Evidence from many disciplines, traditions and cultures, of a cataclysm
which nearly destroyed Earth and Mars about 11,500 years ago. The
authors draw on decades of research to describe how a golden age
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acetic acid 50, 65 81-2 gluconic acid 38, 50, 65

acid food 100 colds 27, 85 glucose 38
acidity 83 comfrey 63 glucuronic acid 50
AIDS 6, 71-3, 95 commercial beverages 51, gout 58, 84
alcohol 30, 37 75 guava leaves 53
alkaline foods 100 compresses 88-90
arteriosclerosis 66 constipation 31, 35, 57, 76, haemorrhoids 18, 59, 61
arthritis 17, 82-3 91 hair, grey 18
asthma 58, 61, 66, 73 coughs 57-8 hawthorn 35, 79
athletes, high-performance Corrigan, Bill 39 hay fever 101
93 culture, conditions of 48 healing crisis 34
Australia 14 dandelion 52 heart disease 17, 58-9
dehydration 41 heating plates 24, 107
bacteria 46 detoxification 9 herbs 40,57-61
baldness 18 diabetes 17, 32, 74 herbs, oily 19
beauty 87 diarrhoea 18, 57, 66, 76 HIV+ 71,73
beetroot 52 diets 90-1 holidays 25, 40
bergamot 62 digestion 48, 58 homeopathy 107
beverages 51, 54 dog, German Shepherd 95 honey 38
‘Bio-Strath’ 94 doping 93
blackcurrant 30 dosage 33 immune enhancement 57,
bladder complaints 59, 61, dysentery 66 66
75 impotence 92
blood 9, 58, 83 eczema 90 infants 66
blood fat 100 elderflower 39 insomnia 61
blood pressure, high 17, 35, elderly people 27, 92 Interferon 66, 73, 84
60-1,66,79-81,100, 102 energy 101-2 ‘Interruption Theory’ 37
bowel disorders 78 enzymes 50 intestinal illness 100
bowel flora 9, 48, 76 ethanol 38, 65
bread plant 49 extract, pressed 32 jaundice 57
brewing 19-22 joint pains 27
bronchitis 57, 59, 85 fasting 100
Buddhists 30 fermentation 27, 32, 35, Kargasok 12, 16
calendula 67 37-8, 48, 55 kefir42
cancer 6, 17, 66-71, 101 fermentation, continuous kidneys 9, 17,57-8,66,85
Candida albicans 35, 47, 86 22-3 Kombu tea 43
carbonic acid 50 flatulence 58 Kombucha and medicine
Carstens, Dr Veronika 13, fluid in legs 78 63-4
67 folic acid 50 Kombucha analysis 18, 65
catarrh 59 food additives 45 Kombucha baby 25
cellulitis 88 Frank, Gunther 13 Kombucha bath 90
chamomile 63 fruits, adding 35 Kombucha brewing 19-22
champagne 54 fungus lifespan 31 Kombucha commercial
chemical companies 63 fungus reproduction 22 products 32, 51-3, 70, 107
chickenpox 17 Kombucha drops 31, 94
children 24, 30, 54 gall bladder 58 Kombucha drying 41
chilli 52 gall stones 18, 65 Kombucha eating 31 95 ,

cholesterol 66, 79 gastro-intestinal disorders Kombucha freezing 40

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 58

112 Kombucha - The Miracle Fungus

Kombucha homeopathic proof, scientific 63 vacations 25, 40

107 prostate disorders 74 veterinary uses 94
Kombucha position 25 psoriasis 78 vinegar 40
Kombucha reproduction 22 purin 85 vitamins 35, 50, 63, 99
Kombucha storage 25, 29,
40 Queensland 39 water, live 99
Kombucha-Pawpaw water therapies 89
concentrate 70 Reagan, Ronald 13 Way of Life Sanctuary 14,
‘Kombuchal’ 31 rheumatism 58, 61, 66, 82 53, 107
rheumatoid arthritis 84, 89 Weidinger, Pastor 11, 33,
lactic acid 37-8, 48, 65, 93 Russia 6 36,45
lichens 45 weight-reducing 91, 101
lifespan 31 Salvation Army 30 Weisner, Dr Reinhold 65,
liver 18, 57-8, 66 sea algae 45 67,73
long period taking 36 shingles 17, 89 Willner, Dr Robert 14
lung complaints 59 side effects 34 wounds 93
Lustig, Joe 72 sinus 101 wrinkles 17, 86
lymphatics 57 Sklenar, Dr. Rudolf 13, 32,
67 yeast 33
McLaughlin, Dr Jerry 68 sleeping disorders 61 74 , yeasts 46, 86
ME 81-2 slimming 61 90 , yoghurt 42
medicine, anti-viral 67 slimming diets 32
menopause 17 Solzhenitsyn, Alexandr 13
mestruation 58, 60 starter brew 21, 33
microwave 41, 45, 51 stomach disorders 57, 78
moles 101 storage 27, 29
mothers, nursing 59 sugar 75, 85
moulds 28, 56 sugar, amount of 35, 48
multiple sclerosis 66, 75-6 sugar, transformation of 37
mucus 101
Muslims 36 T. cell count 73
taste 21, 30, 33, 34-5, 51
networking 95, 106 teas, comparison 65
tea, black 34,48,51,62,67,
obesity 18 85
oedema 79 tea, green 30, 34, 48, 57, 62
osteo-arthritis 84 tea, herbal 18, 48, 51, 55-62
over-weight 91 tea,Oolong 62
temperature 21, 25, 35,
pain 60, 84, 89 40-1,48,56
Pan Pen, Dr 17 testimonials 101
panchreas 57 tests, scientific 63
Papaya 5, 52 Tibi 42
pawpaw leaves 52, 67-8, tobacco 29
107 tonsillitis 60-1, 66, 86
peppermint 63 travel sickness 32
Perko, Jose 14, 52, 54 trials 66
pernicious anaemia 87
pH value 38,83,99-100 ulcers 59, 93
placebo 98 uric acid 84
poultice 88 urinary problems 59
problems, culture 27-8 usinic acid 50

Do you want to help yourself and your friends to belter health?

The remarkable tea fungus KOMBUCHA
is doing this all over the
world, people's kitchens, at almost no cost. It works like a little

chemical factory, transforming tea and sugar into a refreshing and

completely safe drink, containing organic acids, enzymes and
minerals which are essential for balanced health. Among its well-
documented benefits are:
• cleanses the blood

• improves the function of liver, gall bladder & digestion

• acts as a deterrent to some forms of cancer
• eases HIV+ and AIDS symptoms
• reduces the suffering of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME)
• enhances the immune system
• acts as a general tonic and energy booster
In addition, the culture reproduces itself weekly, so you always have
one to give to a someone who will become your friend. This
friend, or
continues a process of bringing wellbeing and healing to many
thousands of people. Long term AIDS survivors report that Kombucha
has a positive result, and HIV+ groups in California are sharing with
each other this free gift from Mother Nature.
book describes the thousands-years history of the use
This practical
of KOMBUCHA, how to care for medical trials that have been

conducted, anecdotal evidence for its wide-ranging benefits and

many recipes for exciting beverages that can be made from this
wonderful culture.

The author, Bavarian-born Harald is an

acknowledged expert on herbs. He has a
5-acre medicinal herb nursery in Australia from
which he supplies a variety of herbal teas, oils
and ointments. Growing world-wide interest in
the miraculuous tea-fungus KOMBUCHA, has led
to the publication of this new, updated
international edition of his acclaimed book.

Atrium Publishers Group, Gateway Books,

3356 Coffey Lane, The Hollies, Wellow,
Santa Rosa, CA 95403, USA Bath, BA2 8QJ, UK

ISBN 1-85860-029-4

$8.95 9 781858 600291 £5.95

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