Mass Scale

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AUTODYN® version 11.0, What’s New?


Mass scaling is an artificial (numerical) mechanism for increasing the CFL

(Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy) timestep of individual elements that govern the
maximum allowed timestep of explicit transient dynamic solutions in ANSYS
AUTODYN. Increasing the timestep has the obvious benefit of reducing the
number of cycles required to run a simulation to a given point in time.
Educated use of this option can therefore result in significant improvements in

The primary use of mass scaling is to increase the timestep of a small number
of very small (or stiff) elements in the model, which otherwise would have
controlled the timestep for all elements. Using this option, ANSYS AUTODYN
will automatically add artificial mass to individual elements to ensure that their
CFL timestep is at least equal to a value define by you. Mass scaling should
only be used if the increased inertia of the scaled elements does not
significantly affect the results of the simulation.

Mass scaling can also be used to increase the timestep of elements that
become highly distorted during the simulation. Extreme care should be taken
to ensure that results obtained remain physical.

Mass scaling is activated under Controls, Timestep and the input parameters
are defined as follows:

Automatic Mass Scaling - Activate automatic mass scaling

Frequency (cycles) - Cycle frequency that ANSYS
AUTODYN will adjust the element
mass scaling. Recommended default
is only at start-up (cycle 0). Post
cycle 0 adjustment will only take
place for solid elements.
Min. timestep - Mass scaling is applied to all
elements with a CFL timestep
(multiplied by appropriate timestep
safety factors) less than the
specified value
Max. element scaling - Maximum mass scaling factor that
can be applied to an element.
Default is 100 (equating to 100 times
original mass). If this limit is
exceeded, no more mass is added to
this element.
Max. part scaling - Maximum added mass that is
allowed for an ANSYS AUTODYN
Part, as a fraction of the original Part
mass. Default is 0.05 (equating to
5% of the original mass. If this value
is exceeded, the simulation will

AUTODYN® version 11.0, What’s New?

terminate with an error message.

Two new element variables have been introduced with the development.
These variables are automatically activated when mass scaling is selected:

TIMESTEP: The CFL timestep for the element multiplied by the

timestep safety factor. Note for Beam elements there is
a gobal and local Part safety factor
MASS.SCALE: The mass scale factor applied to the element.
(1.0 indicates zero added mass, 2.0 indicates 100%
added mass etc..)

A typical procedure to invoke mass scaling would be as follows

Activate mass scaling retaining all the default parameters
Run the simulation for 1 cycle
Plot a contour of Timestep and review the element timesteps. Identify a
suitable timestep for mass scaling. The value chosen should exclude
the majority of elements from mass scaling, and especially those in
regions critical to the simulation results
Re-load cycle zero
Enter the selected Min Timestep under Controls, Timestep
Run the simulation

Minimum CFL timestep = 2.0e-5 Mass Scale CFL timestep = 1.0e-4 Small number of elements are mass
=> scaled to maximum factor of 5.0
Minimum CFL timestep = 1.0e-4

Timestep increased by factor of 5, for the addition of 0.02% of the Part mass

Example application of mass scaling

Important notes and limitations:

Mass scaling will only be applied to Unstructured Elements/Parts
Mass scaling is only applied to elements filled with materials which use
a Linear or Hyperelastic equation of state
The actual timestep used in a simulation will generally be lower than
the Min timestep you define

AUTODYN® version 11.0, What’s New?

o The timestep used at cycle 1 of the simulation can be

additionally reduced by a factor of 2. The timestep is then
allowed to increase by a maximum of 10% per cycle.
o Large velocities can affect the timestep at cycle 0
o Other features of the code will influence the timestep, such as
artificial viscosity, blending, Gap contact.
For Tet ANP elements, the minimum timestep will be increased by
using mass scaling. However, due to nodal averaging of some
quantities that influence the timestep, the actual user defined timestep
may not be achieved.
A summary of the contribution of mass scaling applied to the model can
be obtained through
o Plotting a contour of variable Mass Scale. This is the ratio of
current mass to original mass (without scaling).
o Review the .prt file output activated using Output, Print, Energy


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