Thermobaric and Enhanced Blast Explosives TBX and Ebx PDF
Thermobaric and Enhanced Blast Explosives TBX and Ebx PDF
Thermobaric and Enhanced Blast Explosives TBX and Ebx PDF
PII: S2214-9147(16)30092-7
DOI: 10.1016/j.dt.2016.09.002
Reference: DT 204
Please cite this article as: Lemi Türker, Thermobaric and enhanced blast explosives (TBX and
EBX), Defence Technology (2016), 10.1016/j.dt.2016.09.002.
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Thermobaric and enhanced blast explosives (TBX and EBX)
Lemi Türker*
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax:+90-312 2103200
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In this short review, excerption from the literature of thermobaric (TBX) and enhanced
blast explosives (EBX) which are concentrated on studies including their compositions,
properties, reactive metal components, their modeling and computations etc., have been
explosives, Explosives.
1. Introductory
The last couple of decades have evidenced the emergence of a large number of weapon
systems. Most warheads currently in service use explosives to throw metal fragments and/or
shaped charge jets to destroy targets. Until recently, very few warheads relied on blast as
their primary output. New technologies have been developed now for warheads that claim to
systems which are commonly known as volumetric weapons. The volumetric weapons
include thermobaric and fuel-air explosives (FAE, aerosol bombs in German). The term
"thermobaric" is a compound word derived from the Greek words "therme" and "baros"
meaning "heat" and "pressure" ( implying the effects of temperature and pressure on the
target), respectively. The characteristics of this category of weapons are mainly the creation
of a large fireball and good blast performance [1]. Both thermobaric and FAE devices operate
consists of a certain central charge (called the core) which is usually a high explosive, and an
external secondary charge (fuel-rich formulation). Therefore, the detonation of TBX consists
of a dual action; 1) Firstly anaerobic action (without air oxygen) inside the conventional high
explosive core occurs; 2) Then aerobic delayed burning action of the fuel mixture of the outer
charge happens which depends mainly on the consumption of the surrounding air [2].
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When a shell or projectile containing a fuel in the form of gas, liquid (aerosol) or dust
explodes, the fuel or dust-like material is dispersed into the air which forms a cloud. Its
occurrence does not depend on an oxidizer being present in the molecule. Then, this cloud is
detonated to engender a shock wave, characterized with extended duration that produces
monopropellant and energetic particles [3]. In operation, the aerosol is detonated within a
Meanwhile the particles rapidly burn in the surrounding air later in time, thus resulting an
weaker in comparison to a conventional explosive such as RDX, the fuel can rapidly diffuse
into tunnels, caves or bunkers producing considerably high heat effect for habitants and /or
The explosion of an aerosol bomb consumes the oxygen from the surrounding air (the
explosive composition usually does not possess its own oxidizer). In contrast to general belief
of layman, its deadly effect is not simply due to the lack of oxygen caused but because of
barotraumo of the lungs arising from negative pressure wave following the positive pressure
possess elements like B, Al, Si, Ti, Zr and C, mostly [1-5]. After the explosion of the main
reaction (namely, burning of Al, etc.,) takes plays with air producing a huge “fireball” within
a microsecond.
Russia was the first country managed to develop such kind of weapons. RPO-A Schmel
rocket, infantry flame-thrower tested successfully in 1984, was the first thermobaric weapon
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nitrate (IPN). This simple thermobaric explosive produced high devastating pressure wave
through the Afghanistan caves and tunnel systems, causing huge damages in the subterranean
The shock waves of conventional explosives are localized and substantially decrease
while moving away from the explosion center. Thus, the conventional explosives have quite
limited effects on fortified individuals, hiding inside bunkers and/or caves, etc., [5]. Recently,
some thermobaric explosives (TBX) which are particularly highly metal-based systems have
been successfully designed to exploit the secondary combustion which is responsible for the
sustained overpressure and additional thermal effects [6,7]. During the detonation, ideal
cyclotetramethylene tetranitramine (HMX)) all generate fast decaying blast waves of high
peak pressure but very short duration and are mainly designed for either to throw shrapnel
and shatter structures and/or penetrate armors. However, their effects are lethal only within
their close vicinity and possess obvious undesirable shortcomings for destroying hardened
targets such as caves, tunnels, etc. In order to overcome these shortcomings, great efforts have
been spent on the development of new weapons which are able to generate higher blast,
higher impulse and capable of using its energy not to destroy corners or walls only, but to
travel around them efficiently and collapse the hardened targets [8].
In confined spaces, TBXs can become as a source of lethal energy against soft targets
[8]. They exhibit a highly pronounced effect as they are able to add to the total impulse
within fraction of a millisecond inside a building or up to one second within a tunnel [8].
Because of this, TBXs have received great attention recently. The fuel burning via reaction
with the detonation products (after burning using oxygen from the air) raises the temperature
of the gaseous product cloud as well, and meantime strengthens the shock wave [8,9]
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Needs for advanced thermobaric explosives have become one of the urgent requirements
when the aim is focused on destruction of targeted fortified structures, caves and bunkers.
Some highly metal-based systems have been designed to exploit the secondary combustion
involved and resulted from active metal particles they contain. Hence sustained overpressure
Barcz and Trzcinski reviewed some aspects of thermobaric and enhanced blast
explosives [10]. Therein, the thermobaric and enhanced fuel explosives are defined and
categorized as liquid and solid mixtures, and advanced compositions including layer charges.
In the article the explosive formulations are characterized in details and the methods used for
simulations are presented. The attention is particularly paid to understanding of the physical
In another article, Trzcinski and Maiz reviewed the available literature on thermobaric
explosives and enhanced blast explosives (high-destructive explosives) [8]. There, these types
of explosives are defined, their common features and differences were shown. Special
attention was spelled onto the physical phenomena accompanying the process of explosion of
such fuel-enriched heterogeneous explosives. They classified these materials as liquid and
solid mixtures and composite materials, including layered charges as in their previous article.
blast parameters were discussed and the results of experimental tests were presented [8].
Since, the differences between TBX and EBX are usually small, therefore often these
two names are interchangeably used in the literature. However, EBX types are primarily used
to strengthen the blast wave, while TBX are employed to increase temperature and pressure of
the explosion [8]. Both in EBX and TBX, some anaerobic and aerobic reactions occur.
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However, in EBX formulations, the metallic fuel reacts mostly in the anaerobic stage without
participation of the oxygen from air, thus resulting in an important energy liberation which
participates in the process of sustaining of the initial blast wave and impulse. Whereas in
TBX, the aerobic metallic reactions dominate and the liberated combustion energy produced
yields a moderate pressure and high temperature relatively for a long time in the last stage of
the explosion after the detachment of the shock wave. On condition that the fundamental
physical and chemical phenomena of TBX and EBX can be understood clearly and controlled
consistently, brand new weapons of significant efficiency can be assembled. Then, a series of
3. Formulation strategies
There has been a long bygone of studying the blast explosives, reactive metals and
Fuel-Air-Explosive (SFAE) has been demonstrated 30–40% increase of internal blast over a
conventional explosive. SFAE is a singular event having combined mixing and initiation of
the reaction. In confined spaces, if the solid fuel is ignited early in the dispersion process,
transition to full detonation is not a requirement for enhanced blast occurrence. A series of
reflective shock waves generated by the detonation leads the hot detonation gases and metal
particles to be mixed and the metal particles are compressed at the same time. These actions
provide certain chemical kinetic support to maintain a hot environment, thus causing more
metal to ignite and burn. This later-time metal combustion process produces a significant
pressure rise over a longer time duration (10–50 msec). This phase is generally referred to as
after burning or late-time impulse which can occur outside of where the detonation occurred
Aluminum has been used as the metal of choice, due to its high heat of combustion, cost
and availability. Billets of SFAE made of aluminum, provide savings in volume with
increased fuel mass for blast performance. However, combustion efficiency has been an issue
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to be handled, especially in the case of high fuel content (35–60 wt %) with respect to the
total weight of explosive composition. Often poor combustion efficiency is observed in many
of the thermobaric warhead tests, which means the severe ineffectiveness of the weapon. This
is due to the high ignition temperature, 2200 ˚K, which is the typically required one for the
produced and aluminum oxide (Al2O3) is formed. However, the complete burning of all the
metal requires maintaining the environment hot [11]. This requirement can be best fulfilled if
it is supported chemically by the combustion of other oxidizer species (i.e. AP or liquid nitrate
ester, IPN (isopropyl nitrate)) that are much easier to ignite (AP has an ignition temperature of
250 ˚C and IPN has a low flash point of 22 ˚C). In operation, the combustion of these
additives produce hot gases which support the burning of metal, thus 100 % combustion
efficiency can be attained. Metal composites, metal and oxidizer combined granules used in
these explosives can be produced easily from coating of particles with a binder with well
In order to improve the metal combustion efficiency further, more reactive metals as
part of or as the entire metal fuel components are used. New reactive metallic materials such
as nano-sized aluminum to increase the reactivity, titanium and boron alloy to improve the
thermal output, and magnesium/aluminum alloy to lower the ignition temperature are among
the most promising and favorable approaches to increase the overall efficiency of metal
combustion. More powerful explosives such as CL-20, TEX etc., that are capable of elevating
the detonation pressure and temperature up are also shown to be extremely beneficial [11].
There exist some demand and interest in order to get new explosive formulations with new
reactive metals and metal composites to have 50–100 % higher blast energy as compared to
those composition such as Tritonal or PBX N109. Furthermore, the research for new
formulations and new warhead designs are expected to produce more powerful thermobaric
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4. Operational stages and amendments
Blast weapons could have been designed to fill a gap in capability; they are generally
used for the attack of “soft” targets including personnel, both in the open and within
protective structures. With the increased number and range of these weapons, it is likely that
(RDX,HMX, etc) but they are characterized by the energy release occurring over a longer
generally believed that the thermobaric explosives undergo the following stages upon
detonation. In the first stage, an initial shock (or blast) wave from the explosive causes the
within hundreds of microseconds to disperse the fuel particles. The anaerobic combustion of
fuel particles occurs in a second stage within hundreds of microseconds [12]. The anaerobic
combustion process happens along the detonation shock wave while consuming fuel particles
in close proximity to the detonating nitramine. In the third stage (afterburning), the fuel-rich
mixing with oxygen of the surrounding air and it has a duration of several microseconds. The
nitramine residues are preferably present in the shock wave and undergoes anaerobic reaction
with the fuel particles to propagate the shock wave and increase dispersion of the fuel
particles [12].
When the explosion takes place in an airtight environment, the energy release of the
(1) Earlier reports and articles [13-15] suggest that the metal powder in TBXs absorbs heat
but do not release energy on the detonation wave front. The reflection of metal powder with
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(2) The metal and the detonation products react with oxygen of condensed air. Because of
the large density gradient, the R-T (Rayleigh-Taylor) instability turbulent flow is
(3) The air detonation wave, reflected by the wall of the airtight environment, reacts with the
high speed fireballs generated by the above process. Burning by the turbulent flow [18-20] is
increased and the boundary temperature of the fireball rises to reignite the mixture of the
(4) The burning ball crashes to the barriers or the walls [13,17] and the kinetic energy of the
medium in the ball is transferred into potential energy. The residual metal powder present
may be ignited to form a new burning region. Of these four types, it is believed that the
afterburning begins with the start of the detonation. It does not stop and even gets intense until
the detonation processes finish. The fireball and the blast produced in the earlier stages are
capable of reaching and turning corners and penetrate areas inaccessible to bomb fragments.
Blast waves are intensified when reflected by walls and other surfaces. That causes more
intense damage effect of TBXs as compared to that of high explosives in confined conditions.
The confined condition is important for TBXs. A limited space may be beneficial for the
rising of temperature and pressure produced by the reactions. In contrast the temperature and
pressure cannot be hold even reduced in the open environment, thus the result of damage
which typically a metallic fuel and an oxidizer or a nitramine are contained. However, one
drawback associated with the use of a PBX composition in a thermobaric weapon exists that
is sometimes incomplete combustion of metallic fuel occurs [12]. Due to the diminished
return of increasing fuel content, the fuel content is regulated so as not to exceed 35 weight
this low fuel content, most successful traditional thermobaric weapons have been designed
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which are relatively large in size to furnish adequate fuel. Then, weight and size constraints
accompany the large size and weight of such weapons. Although decreasing the size of the
weapon can overcome this drawback, smaller thermobaric weapons tend to generate
insufficient overpressure to destroy targets “in the open”. It is also believed that TBX
compositions generally act like “high” or “underwater” explosives and they are characterized
by shock-propagated reactions. Note that shock propagated reactions can bounce off of walls
and succumb to rarefaction in closed spaces. The shock wave rarefaction causes a high degree
of mixing and multiple reactions, thus it can limit the effective range of the thermobaric
On the other hand, Dearden not only briefly describes fuel-air explosive blast weapons
but reviews a range of enhanced blast weapons that have been recently developed [21].
proliferating. Also approaching the subject from a different side he comments on how those
Yen and Wang reviewed several classes of reactive metals that have been considered for
composites (MIC), encapsulated metals, metastable alloys and “surface activated” metals.
as well as their field performance of the reactive metals in explosive formulations were also
reported (if available). Finally, some reactive metals were identified in their review as
potential metals.
Metals having high combustion enthalpies attract attention as high energy density
materials. One of those metal additives is aluminum. Since the beginning of 20th century
aluminized explosives have been used in various formulations (e.g. Ammonal, Tritonal,
Hexal, aluminized plastic bonded explosives etc). However, the potential benefits expected
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from aluminum additives have not been fully exploited. This is mainly due to the character of
aluminum ( the high melting point having oxide layer covers the surface, thus causing long
ignition delays and slow combustion rate). Hence, researchers have attempted to overcome
these drawbacks by improving material processing and searching for new materials. One of
these material processing techniques is the mechanical activation (MA) which is a size
reduction process by milling techniques. Note that fine particles are usually more reactive
than relatively coarse ones. Reactive metals find application in air-blast and underwater
explosives. Due to the high heat released from reactions of metals with the decomposition
products of explosives in ambient air or water, a considerably huge increase in energy release
can be achieved. The active metal particles react over a much longer timescale than the
detonation of the explosive itself. Thus, they contribute great deal to the work done by the
In the past, not many other elemental metal powders besides aluminum are taken into
consideration for the formulation of explosives. Quite recently, boron has been considered for
the same purpose. The literature indicates that boron has the highest gravimetric and
volumetric heat of combustion compared to aluminum and many other metal fuels. When
that slightly higher explosion heats (per unit mass) occur compared to aluminum-containing
ones (Al/HMX) in a bomb calorimetric test [22]. Lee et al. [23] studied the use of mixtures of
was conducted in a confined chamber and quasi-static pressure was measured. Note that
a quasi-static process is a thermodynamic process that happens slowly enough for the system
to remain in internal equilibrium. The authors found that the formulation, containing mixtures
of boron and aluminum performed 1.3 times better as compared to the formulation containing
pure aluminum (RDX/Al//HTPB, 45/38/17). This is the result despite the lower metal content.
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Therefore, it appears that boron is a potential candidate for use as fuel additive in energetic
compositions. Nonetheless, there is also some experimental effort indicating that the high
ignition temperature of boron is actually a drawback to its application [24]. Since, the boron
flame temperature is 2067 ˚C, while its boiling point is 3865 ˚C, boron burns at the particle
surface, which consequently turns into a covered surface coated with the viscous oxide
(B2O3) at such a high temperature. Because of that, this occurrence reduces the ability of the
fuel to mix with oxidizer well and leads to inefficient burning. Schaefer and Nicolich studied
The results showed that the use of boron decreased the impulse by half when it partially
replaced a MgAl alloy powder [25]. Although the paper did not offer any explanation for its
poor performance, it is likely that the long ignition delay of boron caused it to act as an inert
diluent to the resultant overall explosive effect. Therefore, unless the ignition temperature can
Various reactive metals (Mg, Al, Ti, Zr) have also been tested as incendiary warheads
for a penetrator by Sandia National Laboratories [26,27]. Titanium and zirconium, which are
denser metal than magnesium and aluminum (a desirable factor for penetrators), were tested
in various forms (gravel, washer, sponge). The configuration of the test charges were
designed in such a way that cylindrical reactive metal casings (with and without external steel
case) filled with a high explosive core. The charges were initiated in a test cell, which
consisted of paper, newspaper, wood and plywood, and empty propane tanks. The course of
detonation, dispersion of particles and additional effects were monitored by a video camera.
From the qualitative results of these tests, it was found that zirconium is the best incendiary
metal. It was capable of starting fires inside the test cell causing lots of damage. Due to the
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numerous parameters such as explosive core, mass of explosive, % TMD of the casing etc.,
(that were varying in the test) direct comparisons were found to be difficult.
Although, many reactive metals till now have been studied in terms of combustion and
ignition kinetics, field performances of reactive metals in explosives are scarce. Based on the
limited reports available, also the charge configuration, charge sizes and test conditions are
different and hence cross comparison of the effects of reactive metals are difficult. However,
based on this review, it is apparent that some reactive metals could potentially perform better
than aluminum [28]. Metastable alloys also can have high heat releases, exceeding that of
aluminum, and approach those of boron. Metastable alloys also have lower ignition
temperature than pure metals. Dreizin’s work indicated that Al-Mg (50 wt-%: 50 wt-%) and
B-Ti (25 wt-%:75 wt-%) were found to be the most promising mechanical alloys based on
On the other hand, encapsulating aluminum with reactive metals such as magnesium,
zirconium, and nickel or with polymers such as Teflon, Viton, and NC would also lower the
ignition temperature and bridge the gap between microsecond detonation reactions and
millisecond burning reactions. Thermites also may be used in some cases where obviously
there is oxygen deficiency. For greater energy, fuel-rich aluminum-based thermites can be
employed [2]. The availability/proximity of oxygen (by creating an intimate mix between the
oxide and the metal particle) will ensure a better compositions of aluminum. Of the thermites
tested, Al/MoO3 shows the greatest potential among the others because it has the highest
gravimetric heat of compositions and the lowest activation energy and ignition temperature.
However, the challenge is to obtain spherical or near spherical forms of these reactive
powders so that they could be loaded to high solid content (density) in explosive formulations.
It is worth mentioning that not only aluminum but recently some other metals have been
magnesium-aluminum, aluminum (Alcan, Alex), boron, coarse and fine silicon, titanium, and
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zirconium etc.,[29,30,31,32]. Also Chan et al., studied nanoparticle aluminum, boron,
titanium, magnesium, Al-Mg, hydrided Al-Mg, B-Mg, Al-B, and Ti-B alloys as fuels [11].
On the other hand, Kellett studied bimetallic particles composed of a core/shell structure
of differing metals. The core metal is from aluminum, boron, silicon, hafnium, magnesium, or
carbon. Whereas, the outer shell metal is from nickel, boron, titanium, zirconium, sulfur,
selenium, or vanadium [33]. Hafnium and zirconium show promise as incendiary materials
and for application in reactive fragments. However, their extreme electrostatic discharge
sensitivities (ESD) impose significant safety issues that limit their usage in energetic
applications. Due to that fact, aluminum-coated hafnium and zirconium were developed to
lower down the sensitivities of these metals to that of aluminum level [2]. Aluminum or boron
can be coated with more active metals such as magnesium to improve the ignition temperature
and the combustion time. A suitable technology has been developed the for coating a high-
melting-refractory-metal with a low-melting soft metal and applied the product, such as
magnesium-coated boron, for energetic applications. Boron, due to its high heat of oxidation
and low atomic weight, is one of the highest energy density having materials known.
Unfortunately, it is very difficult to ignite due to its inherent reactivity and oxide-surface-
boron particles with magnesium, it substantially increases the ignition characteristics. In this
application, the burning of magnesium heats the boron particles, as well as keeps the surface
relatively clear of formation of boron oxide which is a viscous liquid at high temperatures,
On the other hand, Zimmermann studied transition metal carbonyl complexes as blast
enhancers and boosters for hollow charge explosives in order to burning [34]. The carbonyls
tested consist of Cr(CO)6, Mo(CO)6, W(CO)6, Fe(CO)5, Fe2(CO)9, and Fe3(CO)12 [34].
6. Mechanism of action
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Fuel-air explosives (also called thermobaric explosives/weapons) with organic fuels have
been known since the 1960’s. Such composites have a high negative Gibbs free energy of
reaction, but exhibit only a moderate detonation pressure [35,36]. However, due to an
enhanced impulse, the blast effect of such explosives is much higher than that of ordinary
for the explosives. Therefore metal fuels having high negative Gibbs free energy per mole of
consumed oxygen (e.g. Al), are also used as additives in thermobaric explosives. When a
warhead detonates, for instance inside the hull of a ship, in the first-hand the ship hull
experiences a shock loading and then a quasi-static pressure develops. The latter is
considered a determining factor for the structural damage. Optimal performance is achieved
when the quasi-static pressure is sufficiently high to destroy the dividing walls present
between the compartments of the ship structure. Afterburning may subsequently occur by
reactions with oxygen in the available air in the neighboring compartments [30,37,38]. A
proviso for this event is that the Al content and particle size will not reduce the effects of
fragments in a significant way. In open air, the afterburning becomes far from complete due to
the rapid expansion, thus cooling of the fireball. When the reaction products expand and mix
turbulently with the air, the temperature of the gases decreases rapidly, thus leading to
incomplete combustion process. Therefore, small metal particles are to be preferred because
they burn faster. Trzcinski et al., studied blast waves and found that the maximum impulse
approximately 15 % higher than that of pure RDX [39]. Furthermore, they asserted that the
overpressure peak of the incident wave was comparable to or lower (by 5 to 17 %) than that
of RDX. The conclusion was that in general the blast performance was only slightly
increased. However, it has been shown that for a gelled based metal-enhanced fuel-air
explosive (metal content of approximately 60 %), air blast surpasses the energy density of
conventional propylene oxide fuel-air type explosives. TNT equivalents of about 500 % have
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been observed [30]. Note that enhanced-blast weapons are primarily designed and effective to
demolish bunkers, caves and enclosed structures (see reference [40] for a review of
thermobaric weapons).
blast. When an explosive charge detonates in a closed chamber reverberating waves (for a
short time) determine the pressure-time history in the chamber. After several reflections an
equilibrium pressure is reached, on condition that there is no heat loss to the chamber during
In addition, for confined space and low loading densities sufficient oxygen is available
in the air to complete mixing. The post-explosive temperature is commonly between 2500 ˚K
and 4000 ˚K in confined spaces, and remains high for a long time, allowing the explosion
products and the available air to reach a thermodynamic equilibrium (the optimum aluminum
content for maximum blast effect is then at least 50 %). These results for confined spaces are
probably also applicable to conditions where the confinement is not entirely complete, (e.g., a
conceivable that walls will be blown out before aluminum will be appreciably mixed with air
and oxidized. Then, the energy of explosion depends on the available air oxygen to an extent
which is related to the oxygen deficiency. The addition of about 40 % aluminum to high
explosives like RDX or HMX leads to a significant enhancement of the calorimetric heat of
explosion (also called energy of explosion or energy of detonation) [39]. This enhancement is
typically around 40 %, which is substantially lower than predicted from the theoretical
products in confined or semi confined chambers. It has been found that the quasi-static
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pressures in closed compartments are much lower than the thermodynamically calculated
values, but may be around 20 % higher than of pure RDX when 45% Aluminum is added. The
pressure is indeed much higher than the pressure calculated by the assumption of inert
aluminum. This result indicates that it reacts with oxygen from the air in the chamber as well
as with RDX decomposition products [39]. It has been found that the quasi-static pressure in a
chamber filled with air is higher than the case if the chamber is filled with nitrogen or argon.
The analyses of the chamber residues after detonation (0.15 m3 chamber, 200 gram
explosive), have revealed that only in air, alumina constitutes the residues entirely. This
means that the aluminum has not reacted in the detonation/combustion wave is fully oxidized
in expanding and re-shocked RDX products, meanwhile consuming oxygen from air [36].
Various studies have shown that solid state fuel-air (enhanced-blast or thermobaric)
explosives seem to have very promising features. They can combine metal fragmentation and
metal acceleration effects with superior air blast impulse. Thus the consequence is much
better ordnance with improved effectiveness and combined modes of action on the targets.
Kolev and Tzonev presented the results of their practical solutions to these problems in
two types of solid state thermobaric explosives [41]. They have air blast TNT equivalent of
about 2.5 times and metal fragmentation capabilities similar to that of TNT. Both types of
compositions mentioned are thermally stable, cheap and technologically accessible for mass
its ignition barriers could be disrupted. Sippel et al., reported the morphological, chemical and
PTFE) reactive particles formed by high and low energy milling [42]. Average particle sizes
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of their samples ranged from 15-78 μm; however, the specific surface areas of the particles
ranged from approx. 2-7 m2g-1 due to milling induced voids and cleaved surfaces. The SEM
nanoscale mixing within the particles. The combustion enthalpy was found to be 20.2 kJ g-1,
though a slight decrease (0.8 kJ g-1) results from extended high energy milling due to α-AlF3
formation (note that PTFE is present). For high energy mechanically activated particles,
differential scanning calorimetry in argon atmosphere exhibited a strong peak standing for the
exothermic pre-ignition reaction that onsets near 440 °C and accompanied by a second, more
dominant exotherm that onsets around 510 °C. Scans in O2-Ar atmosphere have indicated
that, unlike physical mixtures, more complete reaction occurs at higher heating rates and the
reaction onset is drastically reduced (approx. 440 °C). The simple flame tests reveal that these
Safety testing also shows that these particles possess high electrostatic discharge (89.9-108
mJ), impact (>213 cm), and friction (>360 N) ignition thresholds. The data imply that these
particles may be useful for reactive liners, thermobaric explosives, and pyrolants. In
particular, the altered reactivity, large particle size and relatively low specific surface area of
these fuel-rich particles make them an interesting and suitable replacement for aluminum in
solid propellants.
This work clearly shows that mechanical activation of fuel rich Al-PTFE mixtures can
result in micrometer-sized Al-PTFE composite particles with increased reactivity. The authors
have observed that use of mechanical activation process results in nanoscale mixing of
reactants with reaction behavior similar to that of nAl-nPTFE. Notably, high or low energy
mechanical activation results in significant shift of primary exotherm onset from 600 ˚C to
440 ˚C in anaerobic heating and from 540 ˚C to 440 ˚C in the presence of O2 [42]. For
composite particles formed with high energy mechanical activation, differential scanning
calorimetry in O2-Ar indicates that, unlike physical mixtures or those particles formed under
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low energy mechanical activation, more complete reaction occurs. At higher heating rates the
reaction onset is also drastically reduced (approx. 440 ˚C). Furthermore, results suggest that at
aerobic heating rates, greater than 50 Kmin-1, near complete heat release happens by
drastically alters the reactivity of these particles, they are relatively insensitive to electrostatic
discharge (ESD), friction initiation and impact. In addition to having significantly modified
reaction behavior, the enthalpy of combustion of mechanically activated particles was found
combustion enthalpy of nAlnPTFE mixtures. Additionally, the large (15 to 78 μm) average
particle size and moderate specific surface areas (2 to 6.7 m2g-1) of composite particles
suggest that they will be far more useful than nanoparticles in high solids loaded energetics
and may age more favorably than nanoparticle mixtures. Their expectation is that further
reduction of particle specific surface area helps improvement of aging characteristics which
may be achieved by adding a small amount of binder (e.g., Viton A) during the milling
process or through crash deposition after mechanically activated particle formation. The
conjecture is that a lower fraction of PTFE may also prove to be advantageous for some
applications. These micrometer-sized activated fuel particles with modified ignition and
such as nAl. With these particles, the authors expect similar propellant performance
mechanical properties. When used as a replacement in solid propellants, these particles may
ignite far below the ignition temperature of micrometer-sized aluminum (>2000 ˚C) and the
expectation of the authors is that with these particles they may decrease ignition delay,
agglomerate size, and reduce condensed phase losses as well as lead to increased heat output
and enhanced burning rates [42]. Use of these fuel-rich Al-PTFE composite particles in
structural energetics (e.g., reactive liners), incendiaries, flares and other energetics could also
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likely lead to a better performance, far exceeding that of energetics which are made from
focused on the use of other fluorocarbon oxidizers. Study of the ignition and combustion of
these activated fuel particles at high heating rates is interesting too. Additionally Sippel et al.,
have been working to incorporate these materials into solid and hybrid propellants [42].
On the other hand, Simic et al., in their paper describe the effects of compositions on the
detonation properties and the parameters of the air shock wave front on a lightweight model
thermobaric explosive compositions (containing HMX, AP, Al, Mg, HTPB (hydroxy-
experimental densities and porosities of TBE charges, and detonation velocities were
well as on the content of Mg/Al as a fuel, the basic parameters of the shock wave speed,
overpressure (Δp), maximum pressure (Put)max and TBE pressure impulse values were
determined at different distances from the explosion center. By using piezo-electric pressure
overpressure in the shock wave front. The activation and the detonation of explosive charges
as well as the expansion process of detonation products were filmed by a Phantom V9.1 high
For the needs of investigation of the effects of composition on the detonation properties
and the parameters of the air shock wave front, new compositions of cast composite
thermobaric explosives have been developed having the mass fraction of components: 31-50
% of HMX, 15-20 % of HTPB - based binder, 21-30 % of Al, 0-9 % of Mg and 0-20 % of AP
The influence of the compositions and the ratio between the components on the detonation
properties and the parameters of the air shock wave were examined each time, on light-weight
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experimental models (~400g). The test results were compared with the parameters of the
measuring points were achieved with TBE-3 (45 % HMX, 10% AP, 21 % Al, 9 % Mg, 15 %
HTPB) and the lowest ones with TBE-1 (50 % HMX, 30 %Al, 20 % HTPB). At greater
distances from the explosion center, small differences in the values of the maximum
overpressure were recorded which were indicative of the influence of the composition on
Рmах values which had the most pronounced value in the area nearby the detonation site. It has
been obtained that all the compositions containing magnesium had higher values of
overpressure as compared to the standard charge. All the new compositions have higher
pressure impulses than the standard charge. Among these, the compositions named as TBE-3,
TBE-7, TBE-12 and TBE-1b are outstanding. They all have a higher content of the explosive
component, aluminum and combined with a greater percentage of magnesium. The TBE-3
velocity, higher overpressure and pressure impulse, thus it can be recommended as the
Also the effect of the composition of cast composite thermobaric explosives on their
different thermobaric PBX explosive compositions (containing HMX, AP, Al, Mg, HTPB
binder in different mass percentages) were prepared by applying the casting technology.
polybutadiene binder (HTPB, 15-20 wt. %), ammonium perchlorate (0-20 wt.%), and
magnesium participation in a total metal content of 30 wt.% (i.e. 0-30 wt.% of aluminum was
replaced by pyrolitic magnesium). Both the impacts of composition and curing time on
viscosity were examined. Then, it was analyzed for how the changes of component content
affect the viscosity-time dependence for the three (upper mentioned ) components taken
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separate as well as combined. The densities of the samples taken from different segments of
explosive charges were determined. according to the standard method MIL 286B, and then the
Aluminum is commonly used as a fuel component due to its high heat of combustion,
cost and availability. It has a high ignition temperature (2200 ˚K). Thus, burning of all the
representative example is ammonium perchlorate (AP). It is much easier to ignite AP (AP has
hot gases which support metal burning effectively, so that a much higher combustion
magnesium for getting more complete combustion [11,44]. Magnesium, on the other hand, is
capable of catalyzing some polymerization reactions. It is reported that it has some influence
on HTPB polymerization [45,46]. HTPB was used as a binder in cast composite explosive
dependences, densities and porosities were all determined for the examined samples. The
mass concentration of the binder has the greatest effect on the rheological properties of the
examined compositions then the participation of Mg in the total metal content, and the
fraction HMX. A higher amount of Mg in compositions (with the same content of other
components) causes faster growth and higher values of viscosity, thus reducing the processing
time (castability) of the compositions, while a larger content of the binder and replacing HMX
by AP have a favorable effect. For the selected representative compositions, the measured
density values have shown to be very close to the theoretical values. There are also no
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significant variations between the values of density in different segments of experimental
explosive charges. Thus, it can be concluded that a very good homogeneity has been
achieved. The porosities of the examined explosives were low, which was a good qualitative
property for this kind of explosives. The values of porosity are lower for the compositions
containing a higher percentage of AP and Mg, and also having a higher content of the HTPB
binder. The TBE-4, TBE-5, TBE-8, TBE-9 and TBE-10 compositions have a moderate
viscosity gradient and therefore, good rheological properties. They all remain castable long
enough, so they have favorable processing characteristics, especially TBE-8 and TBE-9 are to
be noted as ones having the lowest porosities after curing. Taking this into consideration as
well as a good thermobaric effect that can be predicted based on their content of ingredients,
the explosive compositions mentioned above represent good candidates for industrial
In the work of Newman et al., a pressable explosive composition was provided [12].
The composition included at least 40 wt.% of substantially uncoated fuel particles, a nitramine
which was mechanically blended with the substantially uncoated fuel particles, and a binder
coating the nitramine. Also the article provided a pressed thermobaric explosive formulation,
weapons compositions and methods for making the composition and the thermobaric
The pressed thermobaric explosive should preferably possess at least one, and still more
preferably all, of the following characteristics; (a) a compressive strength greater than 42,000
psi, more preferably greater than 45,000 or 50,000 psi. (b) a frictional sensitivity less than
235 psig, (more preferably less than 420 psig, as measured by an ABL sliding friction test) ;
(c) a frictional sensitivity less than 360 N, (more preferably less than 252 N, as measured by
the BAM sliding friction test); and (d) an equal or lesser electrostatic discharge sensitivity
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The method provided in the article comprises coating a nitramine with a binder. The
coated nitramine is mechanically mixed with substantially uncoated fuel particles in order to
substantially uncoated fuel particles (preferably about 1 to about 6 weight percent of the
It is claimed that the substantially uncoated fuel particles preferably (yet optionally)
possess one or more of the following properties: relatively low melting point, a high heat of
combustion, high surface area (small particle size), and ammability. For the solid fuel
particles, they are preferably kept dry in the processing and in the pressable explosive
composition to maximize reactivity with air. The fuel particles are preferentially selected
from a set of aluminum, magnesium, magnalium, and various combinations of them. Of these,
aluminum and magnalium are particularly preferred. Note that magnalium is an alloy of
magnesium and aluminum which is usually but not necessarily prepared in a 1 :1 molar ratio.
In the pressing step, magnalium is generally more difficult to consolidate than aluminum.
with a wax composition in order to improve its cast consolidation capabilities. A preferred
embodiment is given as, a portion of the uncoated magnalium fuel particles treated with
Comp-D-2 Wax. Another example of a fuel particle is carbon powder, especially carbon
powder containing at least 4 weight percent volatile materials. An example of carbon powder
may include, not necessarily by limitation, bituminous coal and/or petroleum coke.
The selected nitramine should preferably have one or more of the following properties:
1) a high heat of combustion, 2) a high detonation pressure, and 3) a high detonation velocity.
In the article some representative nitramines, useful in the thermobaric explosive composition
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2,4,6,8,10,12-hexaazatetracyclo-[’903’11]dodecane (CL-20 or HNIW). Of these,
RDX and HMX are especially more preferred in use alone or in combination [12].
a nitramine and a binder [47]. The coated fuel particles preferably have a magnesium core and
an aluminum coating. Upon detonation, the nitramine disperses the coated fuel particles over
a blast area during a first overpressure stage. The aluminum coating of the fuel particles has a
stoichiometrically less than an amount of ambient-air oxygen available in the blast area for
aerobic combustion with the aluminum during the first overpressure stage. Once exposed, the
magnesium cores may combust to increase the impulse generated in the first overpressure
stage. The article also provided some of manufacture techniques and related methods [47].
Smith described certain compositions that contain aluminum together with the high
explosive HMX or RDX [48]. The compositions were manufactured safely by means of a
water-slurry process, despite the fact that aluminum used reacts with water. The binder
system that was investigated is HyTemperature together with dioctyladipate (DOA) as the
plasticizer. This binder system was chosen because of the well-known good property of it for
usage in preparation of insensitive munitions (IM). The process yields granules suitable for
pressing and are characterized by composition, analysis, shape and bulk density. Also the
distributions of the nitramine, the content of aluminum and the amount of binder. By using
in the shock sensitivity even though they were pressable compositions. This observation was
in agreement with what had been observed also for other pressable compositions that were
reported earlier. The water slurry process have also been used to obtain an analogous
composition designated and named as PBXIH-18 that contains the same binder system [48].
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Chan and Gary described a solid fuel-air thermobaric explosive with improved
environment, such as a tunnel or other confined space [11]. The explosive considered consists
of: 1) a first grain, comprised of a high explosive, and 2) a second grain, of a metal fuel, in
which the second grain surrounds the first grain, at a 0.66-1.45 wt. ratio of second grain to the
first grain. The composition can also contain 4.0-6.0 wt.% of a binder, and 14.0-36.0 wt.%
ammonium perchlorate. The first grain typically contains 87-90 wt.% HMX, with energetic
other hand, suitable metal fuels include nanoparticle aluminum, magnesium, boron, titanium,
Several different metal fueled thermobaric explosive charges were prepared and tested
by Hahma and coworkers [30]. Four different metals, namely magnesium, magnesium-
aluminum alloy, aluminum, and activated aluminum were selected as the metallic fuel.
Additionally, different solid and liquid organic fuels were used as the initiating fuel. The
dispersing charge was similar in all the experiments that contained plastic PETN, (20 % of
the main fuel weight). In the experimentation the air blast pressure was recorded at four
different distances. Then, the data were analyzed and TNT equivalences were determined.
The charges, that ignited the metal fuel were considerably more powerful than TNT while
those showing weaker blasts often did not ignite the metal fuel at all.
To select the most efficient enhanced blast formulations of the system containing
the heat of detonation, and the difference of both the heat of afterburning [49]. The quotient
of the heat of afterburning and heat of detonation and a minimum of the heat of detonation
was useful factors to limit the possible formulations. A series of experiments were done in a
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combustion chamber and the results of pressure and temperature measurements were
presented [49]. The inert binder HTPB was compared with the energetic binder GAP. Also
the results of the enhanced blast formulations were compared with TNT and the composition
solids and powder metals in a bulk fluid phase (e.g., a perfluorocarbon), 2) adding a
and suspended metal powders, 3) final granulation to form a fluidized metalized energetic
molding powder, and 4) distillation removal of the organic solvent portion of the lacquer to
recover a wet metalized molding powder. The polymeric lacquer mentioned can be one
distillation. The wet molding powder is then dried to a powder containing a lacquer-polymer
having weight ratio of 14-18:1. The patented work of Newman et al., considers explosive
components including nitramines, oxidizers, nitrate esters, metals, and combustible powders,
explosives were reviewed by Baker et al., [51]. Traditional high-energy explosives used for
metal pushing, incorporate high loading percent-ages of HMX or RDX. The traditional blast
explosives commonly used incorporate some percentage of aluminum. Although these high-
blast explosives produce increased blast energies in explosion, they are normally
characterized with reduced metal pushing capability, due to the relatively late-time aluminum
reaction. On the other hand, the combined effects aluminized explosives achieve both the
excellent metal-pushing effect and high blast energies. The enhanced metal-pushing capability
Page 27 of 72
to the conventional blast explosives. Note that the traditional Chapman-Jouguet detonation
theory with completely reacted aluminum does not explain the observed detonation states
detonation theory explains the observed behavior. Both the high metal-pushing capability and
under controlled conditions while varying the particle size and atmosphere [52]. Early-time
reaction of aluminum acts to enhance the primary explosive blast, and this reaction is
approximately half aerobic and half anaerobic (i.e. compositions by detonation products
and/or nitridation), suggesting that very rapid early-time mixing occurs in explosive fireballs.
It was found that particle size effects were surprisingly negligible over the range of 3-40 μm.
The observation implies that conventional scaling laws for aluminum combustion provide less
insight than previously assumed. The data of quasi-static pressures obtained in the time period
from 5-10 microns after detonation have revealed that oxidation of aluminum is complete in
proceeds to half its theoretical maximum, except for the smallest particles (3 μm ) for which
robust in anaerobic environments. Therefore the simulation efforts cannot over neglect the
anaerobic channels, even though aerobic oxidation provides the greatest energy release.
for high performance, high blast, low sensitivity explosive applications have been presented
[53]. The compositions include Cl-20, HMX, RDX, or another material as the explosive
ingredient, a binder system of cellulose acetate butyrate and bis-dinitropropyl acetyl and bis-
dinitropropyl formal, and aluminum. The explosive is preferably pressable and or/mixable to
permit formation of grains suitable for ordnance and similar applications including grenades,
Page 28 of 72
landmines, warheads, demolition, etc. It was found that the aluminum fully participated in the
detonation of above said explosive compositions, manifesting its energy into fully useable
metal-pushing energy which is suitable for shaped charges, explosively formed penetrators,
enhanced blast warheads, fragmentation warheads, multipurpose warheads, and so on. The
aluminum is substantially reacted at two volume expansions of the expanding gas, and fully
During the last couple of years, great efforts have been focused on the development of
new kinds of weapons which are able to generate high blast and temperature effects, namely
above mentioned thermobaric weapons. Also, a lot of research studies have intensely focused
on the comprehension of thermobaric effects, in order to enhance or prevent it. The blast
effect is mainly due to the ability of the detonation products to react with the oxygen of air.
This phenomenon called afterburning and substantially contributes to generate high pressure
impulses, especially in confined spaces. This is the reason why metallic particles, mainly
aluminum particles, are commonly used in thermobaric explosive compositions (TBX). In the
light of the recent studies, in France (SME Center de Recherche du Bouchet) a novel
enhanced blast effects [54]. This new composition has been called B2514A. The
developmental stages of such a composition have been performed through different phases,
within the domain of small scale trials to large scale ones. A specific methodology was used
to examine and classify a large number of candidates. The most promising composition
experimentally has been tested at large scale to characterize its ability to generate blast
effects in comparison with PBX known for their blast effects [54].
The reaction of metal particles with the decomposition products of energetic materials
like water, carbon oxides and nitrous gases plays an important role in many pyrotechnics.
Often air is entered into the fumes can also burn the metal particles or other reaction products
in rival. This may lead to additional heat release, radiation or other desired effects in
Page 29 of 72
applications like ducted rockets, aluminized rocket propellants, blast-enhanced explosives
Weiser et al., considered a composite RDX, including 5% paraffin mixed with particles of
various reactive metals: aluminum (Alcan, Alex), magnesium, boron, coarse and fine silicon,
titanium, and zirconium [31]. In the experiments, RDX with paraffin was investigated as the
reference material. The pressed mixtures (as strands) were burned in a window bomb under
air atmosphere and under pure nitrogen at 0.3 MPa. The combustion was investigated using a
high-speed color camera, equipped with a macro lens and fast scanning emission
spectrometers operating in the range of 300 nm-14 μm. The data were collected and analyzed
to characterize different reaction zones, to identify the intermediate metal oxides and final
reaction products and combustion temperatures of condensed particles and gaseous species
(like water, and di-at. fuel oxides) formed during the transient combustion process as function
of time and position [31]. In the study, the different temperatures of reacting surfaces,
particles and reaction gas(es) were considered as main parameters to characterize the reaction
of fuel particles with RDX and additional air. The results have been discussed in comparison
to qualitative reaction kinetic and to thermodynamic equilibrium calculations with EKVI and
applications and the effect of air. In some cases the additional air resulted in a temperature
increase of several hundred kelvin. However, this effect is not only affected by the chemistry
of the filler but also by other factors, like the particle size ( those are also discussed in the
paper) [31].
explosive material, the composite explosive material having a high explosive composition and
a detonable energetic material dispersed within the high-explosive composition [55]. The
detonable energetic materials investigated were in the form of a thin film, the thin film having
at least one layer composed at least in part by a reducing metal and at least one layer
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composed at least in part by a metal oxide. The work included tailoring the blast
[56]. In the development of new explosives, it is quite often necessary to balance a number of
factors contributing to performance while certain formulation constraints exist. In that sense,
statistical design of experiments (DOE) is a valuable tool for rapid formulation optimization
and minimization of hazardous and costly testings. During the development of metal-loaded
explosives, designed for the enhanced blast, it was discovered that upon proper formulation,
aluminum additives gave full reaction accompanied by volume expansions, which resulted in
extremely high Gurney energies equivalent to explosives LX-14 and PBXN-5 but with lower
loading of nitramines. The early aluminum oxidation can be described by eigenvalue type
detonations, where the fully reacted Hugoniot of the condensed phase aluminum oxide and
explosive products lies below the unreacted aluminum Hugoniot. Such an analysis describes
fully the agreement of aluminum consumption and volume expansions from 1-in. copper
cylinder expansion tests and an analytic cylinder model, as well as detonation calorimetry
with the early reaction of aluminum that also causes a shift in the gaseous reaction products to
higher enthalpy species, such as CO and H2, thus leading to further improvement in the
direction of augmentation of blast. Hence, both the mechanical energy (for fragmentation or
"metal-pushing") and blast (for structural targets) are available in a single explosive fill. Note
that this provides capability for combined metal-pushing and blast in a single explosive that
Multi-walled active explosive charges (especially the hollow charges that contain hollow
chambers within the explosives) contain metal carbonyls, either as pure substances or
granules, that are mixed with the inorganic fuels and are integrated within the closed container
of the explosive charge. Zimmermann patented some suitable metal carbonyls, which are
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considered as non-directional blast enhancers. They consist of Cr(CO)6, W(CO)6, Mo(CO)6,
Fe(CO)5, Fe2(CO)9, and Fe3(CO)12 [34]. It was claimed that the charges having those
carbonyls can be used for guided or unguided munitions or for gun ammunition.
It has to be mentioned that the search for novel and adaptive energetic materials requires
Nowadays nanomaterials are the focus of increased interest, since they possess some
properties which highly differ from their macroscopic counterparts. Many applications
recently take the advantage of possession of the new functionalities and manufactured
nanoparticles [57]. In the recent years more attention has been paid not only to amelioration
of the microstructure of the energetic materials but also to the search of possible
modifications of materials that can be achieved by the application of proper coatings [58,59].
Parallel to these developments, the research on energetic nanomaterials is getting more and
more attention. Beside the synthesis of energetic nanomaterials, another area of interest is the
new functionalities to these particles. Modified energetic materials find various applications
in explosives, such as rocket and gun propellants, and pyrotechnic devices, etc. The modified
energetic materials are expected to yield enhanced properties, e.g., enhanced blast, a lower
replacements of the currently used materials. An experimental setup for coating of the
existing powders was designed and constructed [57]. The experimental technique is based on
a special plasma application which, contrary to more general plasmas, can be operated at
relatively low temperatures. and ambient pressure. This allows the handling of heat-sensitive
materials, otherwise they would readily decompose or react at higher temperatures. The
facility used for the coating of energetic powders in the lower micron range is based on a
fluidized bed reactor in which the powder circulates. In this paper, an experimental technique
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was described in which CuO powders that were coated with a very thin, nanoscale deposit of
reactor has been combined with a fluidized bed [57]. Although this combination is known in
the literature, it uses a relatively cold plasma which allows the processing of several tens up
The expected advantage of the plasma coating technique in combination with the fluidized
bed is the formation of a thin and homogeneous coating layer around particles. It is expected
that the coated materials will show different properties compared to conventional particles or
physical mixtures of different particles. First trials with the coating of CuO particles with a
hydrophobic properties of the powder as a result of the plasma treatment. Scanning He-ion
microscopy (SHIM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were applied to characterize
the samples. Especially SHIM showed the presence of very small, droplet-like deposits on the
CuO particles, with nanoscale dimensions (10–20 nm). The CuO samples treated during a
longer time, show indications of a thicker deposited layer. X-ray microanalysis has confirmed
the presence of Si atoms on the surface of the treated CuO samples. As a next step, their
intention was further extend the work to include other materials, e.g. aluminum particles and
energetic materials like explosives (RDX, HMX) or oxidizers (AP), metal/metal oxides
combinations (thermites). The coated particles would be characterized regarding the coating
efficiency, coating layer thickness, compatibility, reactivity, thermal properties, etc. The final
goal would be to apply the coated materials in either explosive, propellant or pyrotechnic
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The development of new energetic materials with enhanced-blast properties requires
better understanding of the factors such as particle type, size and particle/matrix distribution.
The article by Abadjieva et al., concentrates on coating of particles which opens new horizons
compatibility, increased burning rates, and accelerated or delayed ignition become possible
upon applying suitable coatings. The development and production of a new class of shock-
require new technologies. The authors described a research program briefly. The program
included e.g. the development of coated materials like aluminum powder. Using plasma-
enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) technology, test powder was coated with SiOx
containing layers (with HMDSO as a precursor) and fluorinated layers (with C2F6 as a
precursor). The results were presented and discussed in the article [60].
Lips et al., in their paper presented the development of an enhanced SIBEX (shock-
a man portable weapon system with anti-structure capability [61]. The development
mentioned includes the down selection of four chemically and physically different SIBEX
types. Also they presented analysis assessment together with open-field testings.
Enhanced-blast charges gain more and more attention especially in connection with hard
target defeat applications. The IHE needs both a good blast performance and also a veritable
resistivity against high shocks during the perforation of a target. The new and appropriate
acronym "SIBEX" (Shock-Insensitive Blast-Enhanced Explosive) has been created for these
kinds of high explosives. In the course of a research program to design compositions with
enhanced blast output, a variety of charges have been fired in a detonation chamber [32]. The
quasi-static pressure build-up was measured as the only criterion for performance and the
primary shock wave has been disregarded. All the charges were loaded with a high portion of
micron-sized metal particles (usually aluminum and/or boron). The pressure did not always
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build up until it reached the equilibrium pressure, thus indicating that not all of the metal
powder burned within the relevant time frame. By comparing simple composite charges
made of a brisant explosive and a fuel-rich wrapping) it turned out that with SDF charges the
pressure buildup was considerably faster. Some of the highly metalized charges reached a
TNT equivalence lying between 1.5 and 1.7, on a performance scale relative to TNT and a
quasi-static pressure developed far beyond that of the known explosives currently in service.
In those tests, it could be shown that the supply of oxygen, i.e. the mixing of fuel with air, is
the limiting factor in fast pressure build-up. For improvements of the performance further, not
only the burning has to be enhanced particularly, but any means of accelerating the mixing are
required as well.
The compositions of different energetic metallic particles and corresponding coatings are
chosen in order to take advantage of the resulting exothermic reactions of alloying when the
metals are combined or alloyed through heat activation. Bimetallic particles composed of a
core/shell type structure of having different metals are to be properly chosen so that, upon
achieving the melting point (for at least one of the metals) a relatively great deal amount of
exothermic heat of alloying is liberated. In a typical embodiment, the core metal is aluminum
and the shell metal is nickel. Throughout the coating process the nickel may be deposited on
to the outer surface of the aluminum particles by using an electrolysis process of a suitable
metal salt solution with a reducing agent in an aqueous solution or a solvent media. The
aluminum particles may be pretreated with zinc to remove any aluminum oxide present on the
surface. The resulting bimetallic particles may be utilized as an enhanced blast additive by
being dispersed within an explosive material [33]. The core metal can be one of aluminum,
magnesium, boron, silicon, hafnium, or carbon. The outer shell metal is from nickel,
zirconium, boron, titanium, sulfur, selenium, or vanadium. In the first stage of the procedure,
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13 ) with 100 ml of deionized water. In the next step, the solution is stirred rapidly (with a
magnetic PTFE stirbar) and the solution is brought to 65 °C. Then 0.25 g of aluminum
powder composite is added (specifically, the grade H-60 aluminum powder). Then, the
solution is stirred for 45 s, and vacuum filtered through a 1.2 μm PTFE membrane. Finally,
the collected zinc coated aluminum particles are rinsed with deionized water. In the second
stage, those pretreated aluminum particles are nickel plated. For this step, 30 ml. of nickel
sulfate is mixed with 90 ml. of solution B (sodium hypophosphite), stirred with a PTFE
coated stirbar and then heated to approximately 90-95 °C. Next, 0.29 g of the zinc treated
aluminum powder is added and this temperature is maintained and the mixture is stirred until
the appropriate amount of nickel is deposited. Then the solution is vacuum filtered through a
1.2 μm PTFE membrane. Finally, the collected aluminum core/nickel shell particles are rinsed
with water, and then allowed to dry. The explosive material may be any type of explosive
material that can mix with the bimetallic particles of the present invention as an enhanced-
tetranitrate (PETN), picrate salts and esters, dinitrobenzofuroxen and its salts,
diazodinitrophenol (DDNP), lead azide and other azide salts, lead styphnate and other
A processing technique was demonstrated by Visilikiv et al., which was based on the
deagglomerate the nanopowder due to the high energetic impacts of the blast waves, while the
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temperature generated during the nano-explosions. The investigators applied this technique to
The same authors also published a similar article to demonstrate a unique processing
technique which was based on engineering of the multi-component ceramic nanopowders and
(RDX) deagglomerate the nanopowder (due to the highly energetic impacts of the blast
waves) while the solid-solubility of one component into the other is enhanced by the
extremely high local temperature generated during the nano-explosions. They applied this
uniform morphology and an average aggregate size of 32 nm, and as said before 8 mol. %
yttria-doped zirconia aggregates with an average size of 53 nm impregnated with platinum (2-
14 nm).
particle sizes of 35, 75, and 100 nm in a 20-liters spherical explosion chamber [64]. The
results have indicated that the maximum explosion pressure and the maximum rate of pressure
rise mainly depend on the dust concentration. For dust concentrations below 1000 g/m3, the
maximum explosion pressure increases gradually to a maximum value with increasing the
dust concentration. Whereas, after the dust concentration increases above 1250 g/m3, the
maximum explosion pressure starts to decrease. The trends of the maximum rate of pressure
rise follow the same pattern with increasing dust concentration. They found the lower
explosion concentration limits of nano-aluminum powders with sizes of 35, 75, and 100 nm as
to be 5, 10, and 10 g/m3, respectively, whereas the lower explosion concentration limit of
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• For the nano-aluminum powders, the maximum explosion pressure was higher
approximately by 0.2 MPa than that of ordinary aluminum powders at the same dust
concentrations. Meanwhile, the maximum explosion rate of pressure rise for the nano-
aluminum powders was found to be higher than that of ordinary aluminum powders by a
factor of 2 to 6.5.
• The lower explosion concentration limits of the nano-aluminum powders with particle sizes
of 35, 75, and 100 nm were found to be 5, 10, and 10 g/m3, respectively. These values were
far lower than those of the ordinary aluminum powders (50 g/m3).
The review article on cast aluminized explosives by Vadhe et al., considers the
thermobaric PBX compositions [65]. Thermobaric (TB) compositions are most suitable to
modern warfare threats. Indian researchers (the Naval Surface Warfare Center Indian Head
Division (NSWC IHD) and the Talley Defense Systems (TDS)) developed some solid
shoulder-launched penetrating or anti-cave warhead for the M72 LAW system [66]. Various
summarized below (Table 1). The composition, PBXIH-135 (HMX/Al/Poly urethane) present
in Table 1 is one of the best examples categorized under thermobaric warhead systems. Thus,
these insensitive munitions can be used effectively against bunkers, hard surfaces tunnels and
caves. It is worth mentioning that supersonic missiles and bombfill of the “General Purpose”
Hall and Knowlton [67] reported some thermobaric compositions based on wax, HTPB,
or GAP as a binder. The challenge of their study was to determine comparative thermobaric
characteristics for some chosen compositions in confined tests. They observed the highest
impulse and average peak pressure for GAP based compositions. Ti/HTPB based
Page 38 of 72
compositions in terms of the average peak pressure and impulse. The above mentioned
energetic plasticizers and achieved the average impulse up to 975 kPa.msec. Hall and
Mg/Al/Ti/Zr as a fuel with 20–30 % energetic liquid nitromethane (NM) and isopropyl nitrate
components. The researchers found some compatibility for all the combinations. The best
results were obtained with the 30/30/40 NM/Al/HMX combination in terms of the average
peak pressure (0.5 MPa) and average impulse (802 kPa.msec) [67].
The thermobaric weapons are employed to produce pressure and heat effects instead of
armor penetrating or fragmentation damage effects [5]. These weapons as mentioned before
are particularly effective in enclosed spaces such as tunnels, buildings, and field fortifications
[68,1]. The reactivity of them requires aluminum ( or other reactive metals) to be employed in
explosive ordnance in the form of fine powder (added to explosives) to enhance their blast
effect [69,65]. Generally, the main affection of the large aluminum mass fraction improves
spatial mixing of components in explosives with oxidizing gases in the detonation products,
thus resulting in the release of more efficient afterburning energy. Although, the effect of
aluminum in thermobaric explosives has been well identified, the high ignition temperature
of aluminum is a key step in its application in TBXs. It is known that the reaction of
aluminum and oxygen is affected by various factors such as the dispersion of aluminum
particles, the scale of the aluminum particles or the coated/uncoated particles. Investigations
have focused to improve the whole impact of TBXs. Hence, the search for additional
materials which can release high enthalpy like aluminum [11] is a promising strategy to
divided into three stages and the parameter σ is introduced to explain the differences of the
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three stages. Because the combustion and detonation of TBXs do not only rely on chemistry,
but also are affected by a lot of other parameters such as the charge mass, charge geometry,
etc, there are various thermobaric models introduced in to the literature to simulate the
propagation of the detonation products with the surrounding environment. Xing et al., in their
paper emphasize the basic theory of the reaction mechanism of TBXs. Concentrating on the
relative details on the explosion of TBXs with aluminum the parameter, σ , for TBXs was
defined as [5]
σ =ΔV/ V- βΔH/Cp
where Cp is the heat capacity at constant pressure, ΔH is the heat changing term when the
reaction proceeds, β is the thermal expansion coefficient and V is the volume of the system.
According to the theory on flow in a reactive medium [70], parameter σ reflects the rate of
transformation of chemical bond energy to molecular and bulk translation energy. Note that
the parameter σ is introduced to estimate the detonation occurrence. By this method, the first
stage is a detonation process in contrast to the last stage. This is in coincidence to the
experimental phenomenon that the third stage of the process is afterburning. Actually, the
mixture is heated up by the detonation process and the afterburning process becomes intense
when the detonation processes finish. However, one should keep in mind that the confined
mixtures [4]. However, high-blast explosives produce a moderate, long-lasting pressure wave
that, travels down corridors, around corners and through doorways. Hence, these explosives
resemble fuel-air explosives more than the ideal high explosives. High-blast, or thermobaric,
explosives initially disseminates the under-oxidized detonation products and the unreacted
fuel into the ambient air. Then the mixture of fuel and ambient oxygen self ignites to create an
explosion with a long pressure wave. In the work of Schaefer and Nicolich, various
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formulations were examined at several binder systems, with different high explosives, and
metal-fuel types, in different sizes, and shapes, in which the reaction was kept slow enough to
disperse the fuel but not so slow as to dissipate and extinguish itself [4]. The cast-cured
explosives of high explosives and metal-fuels in a binder, were capable of meeting the project
goals. The cured binder system disperses well and creates desirable detonation products that
easily undergo combustion. It has been found that the Mg-Al alloy represents a good low-
temperature initiator and is necessary for a good performance. The intimate contact between
these two metals in the alloy should be a likely reason that these formulations work better
than those containing boron or titanium. It was observed that flake form of aluminum yields
better outcome than spherical aluminum. The authors reported that in their work metals like
boron, titanium, and thermites did not help performance; similarly, neither CL-20 or TNAZ
In the development and engineering of weapons and energetic materials various tests are
thermobaric explosives based on implosion test [71]. The method determines the temperature
and pressure to get the quality of explosives, the amount of oxygen needed for explosives to
meet the requirements, the quasi-static pressure inside the tank to get quasi-static pressure
peaks of thermobaric explosives, and finally to get the thermobaric explosive effect of
In their article, Li et al., have described a similar invention that is helpful in the field of
explosives, and provides a testing method again based on implosion tests for quantitative
thermocouples and baseline TNT, the test method enables one to evaluate the temperature and
pressure of explosion in the tank, the explosion overpressure curve, thermocouple temperature
response curve, quasi-static pressure curve (inside the tank). Then by the test data processing,
Page 41 of 72
they have obtained the peak overpressure, response thermocouple temperature peak, impulse,
to explosives ratio, the temperature and pressure effects of temperature and pressure
evaluation test vehicle and TNT with the same quality as the base. Then, it evaluates
quantitatively the thermobaric effect, and provides technical basis for development of a
atomic emission spectroscopy to measure the transient high temperature during the explosion
process of thermo-baric explosives [73]. The time resolution of the measurement system
thermobaric explosives, they managed to obtained the curves of temperature vs. time relation.
There exist two temperature peaks corresponding to the oxygen-free reaction and oxygen
dependent reaction phases of the thermobaric explosive explosion process, respectively. The
results showed that the relative error of the measured temperature is less than 2.6 %,
supporting a good repeatability. As compared with the double line of atomic emission
Through the years passed, aside from chemical weapons, also warheads have been
designed to generate either fragments or blast shock waves as their primary damage
mechanism. Thermobaric explosives (TBXs) have been predominantly used in a blast role
(rather than for their fragmentation characteristics), due to their enhanced blast effect, which
is a direct result of the secondary combustion of additives [74]. The shock wave generated by
the detonation of TBXs is of a lower amplitude, but has a longer period, than that of
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The work by Jaansulu and coworkers reports on an investigation in which using a flash
x-ray imaging technique, the ability of TBXs to shatter metal casings and to propel the
resulting fragments have been reported [74]. During the investigation, three casing materials
were used. Those were AISI 1026 steel, gray cast iron and ductile iron while two different
TBX compositions were employed with C4 serving as a benchmark. The fracture behavior of
the casings, as a function of explosive fill and material characteristics, was mostly as
detonation. The well known Gurney equation was employed to get a correlation and compare
the final fragment velocities. It was found that in the case of two of these TBX compositions,
as compared to similar amount of C4, a larger fraction of the available energy of explosive
was converted to mechanical energy to propel the fragments. This fraction of energy was
influenced by the confinement of the detonation products as well as the ignition delay of the
metal powders. These two factors had a greater influence on the fragment velocities than did
Within the testing experiments, the X-ray images captured the fracture behavior of the
casings as a function of fill and material characteristics. The casings fragmented as expected.
The X-ray images also provided information on the run-up distance of the explosive fills used.
The run distance for the TBX-3 formulation, containing liquid monopropellant, aluminum
powder, and RDX, is about 20 mm. The run distance for the TBX-1 formulation
expansion are observed. Note that the Gurney equation assumes that the fraction of energy
propelling the fragments of any charge is roughly the same. The results obtained in this work
have found to be consistent with the conclusion that a larger fraction of energy is available in
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TBX(liquid propellant/metal) formulations. Furthermore, this fraction of energy is dependent
upon the confinement of the detonation products as well as the ignition delay of the metal
powders used. It has been firmly concluded that those two factors have a substantial influence
In the investigation by Fair, a technique called “Twin Screw Extruder” (TSE) was used
[75]. The failures in manufacturing of advanced explosives containing large amounts of metal
powders to improve performance, such as PAX-3, has proven how difficult the production
stage is. According to the article, the old manufacturing processes had low yield which
resulted in a high cost per unit and questionable product uniformity. A group of researchers
(TSE team) was mentioned who were investigating the use of a TSE machine to mix and
extrude an aluminum base explosive, (PAX-3). The TSE team had successfully demonstrated
this concept on a new formulation (coded 02-02-06). This material had been processed using a
and additionally, the product was more uniform. The TSE method mentioned above uses a
base material consisting of coated HMX (PAX-2 or PAX-2A), made by conventional means,
and reprocessing it into its aluminized corollary. The article claims that this manufacturing
process is extremely flexible allowing for the reformulation of a base material into a number
of different explosives with designed and tailored characteristics. It was also claimed that this
new technology cut the cost of manufacturing. The loss of organic solvents to the
environment and waste treatment requirements would also be greatly reduced. It is anticipated
that the concentration of the organic solvents to be employed will be reduced by as much as
Hahma et al., tested certain thermobaric explosives and described their TNT-equivalents
[76]. Thermobaric charges with four different liquid fuels and several powder fuels were
prepared and fired and their TNT equivalences in the open field were determined. The test
results have showed that the shock wave component of thermobaric explosion mostly
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originated from an anaerobic processes. The fuel component was deemed critical for the
generation of a thermobaric explosion. Throughout the tests, only IPN (iso-Propyl nitrate)
demonstrated some advantageous properties and a reliable ignition of the fuel and metal
powder components in all proportions tested. IPN was also found to be the only fuel able to
create effective, aerobic explosions even with excessive amounts of metal powder producing
enormous overpressure pulses. The powder fuel seemed to be critical for the ignition delay in
the aerobic stage. The activated aluminum showed the most promising properties followed by
Elektron (92:7:1 Mg-Al-Zn alloy), phosphorus and boron. Note that metal combustion rate is
particles participate in the expanding detonation products cloud [77]. In this paper, an
experimental technique using 2-color pyrometry was used to measure the temperature and its
spatial variation. The details of the diagnostic technique was presented along with the light
intensity and estimated temperature data obtained from tests of certain aluminized-explosives
The article by Trzcinski and Maiz reviews the available literature on thermobaric
explosives are defined, their common features and differences are shown. The review
discussed the data excerpted from the literature based on various test ( including small scale
tests, larger scale tests, blast ability tests, underground tests, closed chamber tests, sensitivity
enhanced blast explosives in a detonation chamber and in free field experiments [78]. Via
accessible for investigation. Hence, it fits to the thermal continuum as well as to the water
Page 45 of 72
emission bands of the spectra to estimate the combustion temperature and water vapor content
which could be improved. Then, different charges can be characterized by the obtained
Years long experience has indicated that metal-based reactive composites have great
potential as energetic materials due to their high energy densities and potential uses as
enhanced-blast materials. However these materials can be difficult to ignite with typical
particle size ranges. Although, mechanical activation of reactive powders increases their
ignition sensitivity, yet it is not entirely understood how the role of refinement of
microstructure due to the duration of mechanical activation influences the impact ignition and
combustion behavior of these materials. Mason et al., studied impact ignition and combustion
on microstructure refinement by using a modified assay shear impact experiment [79]. They
obtained some properties such as the impact ignition threshold, combustion velocity and
ignition delay time, as a function of milling period. It was found that the mechanical impact
ignition threshold decreases from an impact energy of greater than 500 J to an impact energy
of ca. 50 J as the dry milling time increases. It was observed that during the mechanical
activation process the largest jump in the sensitivity was between the dry milling period of 25
% of the critical reaction milling time (tcr) (4.25 min) and 50 % tcr (8.5 min) which
corresponding to the time at which nanolaminate structures begin to form. The differential
scanning calorimetry analysis have indicated that this jump in the sensitivity to thermal and
mechanical impact was dictated by the formation of nanolaminate structures, which reduce
the temperature needed to begin the dissolution of nickel into aluminum. It was shown that a
milling time of (50 % - 75 % critical reaction milling time) may be near optimal when taking
into account both the increased ignition sensitivity of mechanically-activated Ni/Al and
potential loss in reaction energy for longer milling times applied. In the same range for all
milling times considered which were less than the critical reaction milling time, some ignition
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delays were observed due to the formation of hotspots ranging from 1.2 to 6.5 ms. During the
investigation the combustion velocities were found to be ranged from 20-23 cm/s for
thermally-ignited samples and from 25-31 cm/s for impacted samples at an impact energy of
200-250 J [79].
applications in blast enhanced explosives, particles in high performance ceramics and rocket
propellants and pyrotechnics. Methods of thermal analysis are often applied to investigate the
controlled compositions of metal particles also in various atmospheres. The results of various
particles in nitrogen as well as in carbon dioxide have been reported [80]. Aluminum reacts to
form AlN in nitrogen and to Al2O3 in carbon dioxide, however it is delayed at higher
temperature compared to a reaction in air. Ti uses also the residual oxygen in these
atmospheres to form rutile structure in the case of nitrogen and it might in addition use carbon
compositions in air. The researchers attained some preliminary approaches to get some
insight to mechanisms and kinetic parameters but the efforts do currently not give satisfying
In 2006 the "afterburn effect" of SIBEX explosives (Shock Insensitive Blast enhanced
Explosives) was tried to be simulated using the FEM code AUTODYN 6.1z. Unfortunately,
the data library of AUTODYN 6.1z includes no material data and models of SIBEX.
Evaluation of technical literature shows that up to maximum 15 ms after the detonation the
(example TNT). Shortly after the fumes, reactions seem to cause the appearance of the
"afterburn effect". Only TNT fumes were in the period of max. 15 ms after the detonation,
then it was simulated in different environments. TNT fumes simulations show that close to
reflective surfaces of the room (walls, floor and/or ceiling) the fumes get a dynamic
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movement resulting to the pressure reflections (exchange/transfer of momentum) and the
connected interexchange of impulse. Maximum 15 ms after the detonation, the fumes are
located in the middle of the room, independent of the place of detonation in the room (with or
without windows/doors). The dynamics of fumes in open air and inside of rooms are not the
same. To validate the fumes dynamics, a test room was equipped with different measuring
sensors. In collaboration with the German-French Research Institute Saint-Louis (ISL) the test
room has been equipped not only with numerous pressure and temperature sensors, but also
with high speed heat flux sensors for the first time. The parallel installation of the measuring
sensors led researchers to get an exact determination of the hot fumes cloud. Meantime,
optical validation tests were conducted at the Fraunhofer Ernst-Mach-Institute (EMI) using a
laboratory scale (1:10) setup. The measurements and video recordings confirm, in principle,
the existence of the fumes dynamics of TNT in rooms and thus validate the simulation results
of AUTODYN 6.1z.[81].
Generally the incorporation of solid fuel particles to explosive formulations reduces the
detonation velocity, but can enhance the blast performance. That is the case when prompt
combustion of the particles occurs in the detonation products and the surrounding air is early
enough to support the shock [82]. The degree to which fuel particles burn effectively highly
depends on their dispersal throughout the explosion field and access to oxidizers. To
distinguish the factors affecting the dispersal of fuel particles from those controlling their
combustion, the investigators began by analyzing the dispersal of equivalent mock inert
particles [82]. For that purpose solid glass spheres embedded in detonating small explosive
charges were monitored by using high-speed digital shadowgraphy. Two different sets of
particle sizes, 3 and 30 μm, and different mass fractions in the explosive compositions were
considered for testing. The shadowgraphs and pressure measurements obtained were
aluminum particles in the range of 1-120 μm in diameter were also analyzed. It was observed
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that during the first 50 μs of the expansion, the general trend for both the reactive and inert
particles is such that for the smaller particles expand near or beyond the leading shock wave
to a greater extent than the larger particles. Expansion beyond the initial shock from the
detonation is presumed to occur when particles agglomerate. The results have found to be
consistent with the predictions of the numerical models, highlighting the contributions of
simple factors such as particle size and density in the early time expansion and mixing of
conventional explosives were measured by the method of IR imaging technique by Kan et al.
[83]. The data obtained indicate that the temperature and pressure of explosives much larger
than conventional explosives. The occurrence of the secondary explosion of TBX was
recorded by high speed camera. When the blast processes of TBX and Composition-B were
compared, it was found that the secondary explosion has certain enhancement function on
Note that the explosive compositions include separate acceptor and explosive phases.
The acceptor phase contains a halogenated polymer and a reactive metal which are capable of
reacting at high temperatures and pressures whereas the explosive phase includes a non-
metalized explosive. A portion of the explosive phase surrounds the acceptor phase, and
detonation of the explosive phase exposes the acceptor phase to high temperatures. and
pressures which permit the metal and halogenated polymer to react efficiently and produce
much greater temperatures and pressures. The explosives produce a detonation pressure range
greater than 200 kilobars at the Chapman-Jouget (C-J) condition [84]. Lund and Braithwaite
consider explosives having enhanced air blast and some tests on them [84].
Baker et al., have described a methodology and an apparatus for the study of both
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phenomena such as transitions from one to the other, as well as the effects of intrinsic factors
such as particle size, stoichiometry, and sensitizer and inert additives and extrinsic factors
such as initiation type and energy, size, and confinement [85]. The described apparatus was
The increased interest in thermobaric weapons has driven a need to develop and evaluate
brand new thermobaric explosives (TBXs) more efficiently. For that purpose Nammo Talley
company traditionally developed and evaluated TBXs using theoretical thermochemical codes
on the results. In the experiments, one to two pounds of charges of the candidates were tested
performance in the real-world. The researches claim that this approach has worked well when
there was a series of several formulations to test. However, enclosure testing is costly when
performing single evaluations due to the personnel required for setup, testing, and teardown.
Furthermore, the thermochemical codes cannot always predict real-world TBX effects, which
occasionally yields unexpected enclosure test results. Therefore, an opportunity was realized
better, before they were tested in the enclosure. For this aim, in 2005, Nammo Talley
collaborated with Parr Instruments to design and fabricate a detonation calorimeter to aid in
the development and evaluation of TBX. The detonation calorimeter can quickly and
economically characterize gram-size TBX samples prior to testing in the enclosure. The
detonation calorimeter, due to the adiabatic environment it provides, gives a more precise
total energy output value than the enclosure. The energy released from a TBX detonation in
the calorimeter under various atmosphere conditions can be readily quantified. The energetic
contributions of both the detonation itself and subsequent combustion of the fuel rich
detonation products and thermobaric fuels can be differentiated. This is useful in determining
Page 50 of 72
the effects of addition enhanced fuels to TBX compositions. To optimize the thermobaric
performance, the company has tested a series of conventional explosives, enhanced blast
compositions and some experimental thermobaric compositions. In this paper, Hall et al.,
discusses the development and operation of the detonation calorimeter and provides a
In the work of Li and Hui, the IR thermography method was used to investigate the
results have showed that the temperature of TBE's detonation was higher than that of TNT
with the same weigh. The duration of high temperature and the volume (the high
temperature) were 2-5 and 2-10 times as much as those of TNT, respectively. This implies
that TBE is superior to the traditional high explosive on the temperature field. The high-
temperature environment formed by the explosive explosion is sufficient to maintain the after
burning of the aluminum powder, which can provide further assistance to boost up the blast
Collet et al., have developed a specific model which is able to reproduce the experimental
blast effects [54]. This model is claimed to reproduce the expansion of the detonation
products in a room, as well as the shock wave reflections and the interaction between
detonation products and air leading to the formation of afterburning products. This model was
called DECO (detonation combustion). In order to be able to simulate large scale trials, in the
study the DECO was associated with an adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) technique. This
Lips and Rittel in their study, investigated the development of an enhanced SIBEX
properties to suit a man-portable weapon system with anti-structure capability [61]. The
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development includes the down selection of four chemically and physically different SIBEX
In the work of Tricinsky et al., the confined explosion of an annular layered charge
aluminum powder or a mixture of ammonium perchlorate (AP) and aluminum was studied
[9]. Experiments were carried out in entirely and partially closed structures, i.e., in the
explosion chamber of 150 dm3 in volume and in the 40 m3 volume bunker with four small
holes and a doorway. In the mixtures, two types of aluminum powder were used. The
overpressure signals from two piezoelectric gauges located at the chamber wall were recorded
and the influence of aluminum contents and particle size effect on a quasi-static pressure
(QSP) were studied. Moreover, the solid residues from the chamber were analyzed by using
SEM, TG/DTA and XRD techniques to determine their composition and structure. The
pressure and light histories of the samples recorded in the bunker enable the researchers to
determine the blast wave characteristics and time-duration of light output. The effect of the
charge mass and aluminum particle size on blast wave parameters were investigated. For
comparison, tests for phlegmatized RDX (RDXph) and TNT charges were also carried out.
materials. Usually a core charge is a classic high explosive and outer layers consist of a
mixture of fuel and oxidizer or the fuel itself [11,88,89]. Such materials are classified as
enhanced-blast explosives (EBX) or thermobaric explosives (TBX). The fuel burning in the
products of detonation or oxygen from the air raises the temperature of the cloud of gaseous
products and strengthens the blast wave. Differences between the effects of the explosion of
TBX and EBX are usually small and therefore often these names are used interchangeably.
However, since EBX is primarily for strengthening blast wave, while TBX is to provide an
specific type depends on how the fuel is burned after the ending of the detonation. In
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materials like EBX, anaerobic combustion reactions, (or combustion without oxygen from the
air) occurs. This means that after passing of the detonation wave, most of the fuel burns in
atmosphere of the products of detonation. In materials like TBX, reactions of the fuel and
oxygen from the air dominate. This process is described as aerobic burning [52,75].
Analysis of the results obtained in the work involving layered-charges leads to the
following conclusions:
1. The parameters of the incident blast wave increased by only 25–30 % after the explosion of
larger layered-charges inside the bunker despite the fact that the charge weight increased
2. The blast wave parameters increase with the increase of aluminum contents, particularly in
the case of charges with larger diameter core. This means that burning of aluminum, and
additional heat strengthens the blast wave already during the detonation products expansion.
3. Due to the dynamic changes in overpressure the question was not answered how the
particle size of aluminum affected the blast wave parameters of the tested charges.
4. The increase in the total pressure impulse in the bunker (determined for the time of about
40 ms) for almost all large charges was about 80–100 % in relation to small charges weighing
two times less. The highest impulses were obtained for charges with the outer layer of pure-
aluminum powder.
5. Light output time of explosion of the layered-charges was 3–4 times longer than the
RDXph core.
6. As compared to the core, the application of the outer layer in the charges caused twofold
7. The values of a ratio of the quasi-static pressure to the average pressure obtained from
thermochemical calculation showed that only part of the aluminum burned up during the
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8. Lack of oxygen from air caused that the quasi-static pressure (QSP) in the chamber filled
with argon decreased with increasing aluminum contents in mixtures with AP.
9. From the TG/DTA and XRD analysis of the chamber residue it follows that the aluminum
powder is almost completely burned after the explosion of the layered-charges in air.
The characterization of the properties of blast enhanced explosives, and in particular the
mechanisms involved in the secondary reaction phase, requires the application of specially
adjusted measurement techniques. Beside the standard pressure and blast measurement
techniques, the Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology, ICT, applies a variety of
optical and spectroscopic methods like emission spectroscopy and Background Oriented
mixtures, cast-cured formulations have been analyzed in a series of cylinder tests and plate-
pushing experiments [7]. This study of Manner et al., describes the contribution of 15 %
aluminum (median size of 3.2 mm) vs. lithium fluoride (an inert substitute for aluminum; <5
cylinder tests were performed to analyze the detonation and wall velocities (1–20 ms) for
measured at 152 mm and 254 mm using steel plate acceleration. Pressure measurements at
1.52 m gave information about free-field pressure at several milliseconds. While the observed
detonation velocities for all formulations were within uncertainty, significantly higher
cylinder wall velocities, plate velocities, and pressures were observed for the aluminum
Actually, in the work, they have studied the detonation and post-detonation environment
for a series of cast-cured formulations using HMX and aluminum or LiF as an inert substitute.
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Using cylinder tests and plate-pushing experiments, they have been able to map out the effects
1.8 ms. In the cylinder tests, no significant difference was observed in detonation velocities
between the aluminum and LiF-containing formulations, and the measured cylinder wall
velocities for HMX-Al and HMX-LiF were identical at 1 ms. However, at 2 ms, wall velocity
was 13% higher for HMX-Al than for HMX-LiF, and increased to 20 % at 20 ms. The plate
tests were performed to observe blast effects and aluminum reactions at longer timescales
(100–200 ms), and the measured plate velocities were up to 31 % higher for HMX-Al than for
HMX-LiF. The free field pressure measurements showed 38 % higher pressures for HMX-Al
than for HMX-LiF at 1.52 m (1.5 and 1.8 ms). Overall, this work shows that aluminum
reactions in HMX explosives can occur as early as 2 ms, and may continue to increase
expansion as late as several milliseconds [7]. Collectively, this work gives a clearer picture of
how aluminum contributes to detonation on timescales from 1 ms to about 2 ms, and how the
post-detonation energy release contributes to wall velocities and blast effects. The
experiments have indicated that significant aluminum reactions occur after the CJ plane, and
Mohamed et al., have reported a novel approach for the chemical composition
power [91]. Shock wave resulted from thermobaric explosives (TBX) was simulated using
by the pressing technique and static field tests were conducted. Comparative studies of
agreement between the numerical modeling and experimental measurements was observed,
particularly in terms of the prediction of wider overpressure profile which is the main
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characteristics of TBX. The wider overpressure profile of TBX was ascribed to the secondary
shock wave resulted from fuel combustion. The shock wave duration time and its decay
pattern were acceptably predicted by means of the calculations. Effective lethal fire-ball
duration of 50 ms was achieved and evaluated using an image analysis technique. The
extended fire-ball duration was correlated to the additional thermal loading due to active
metal fuel combustion. The tailored thermobaric charge exhibited an increase in the total
Mohamed et al., also used Explo5 steady-state equilibrium program to calculate the
powder as a fuel metal. Based on the results of Explo5 program, three thermobaric
compounds were selected and prepared in test cartridges of 5 kg for each. Blasting field area
was designed to test three prepared thermobaric charges and a reference charge of the same
weight. The pressure-time history, using 12 pressure transducers located at different distances
from the explosion center was measured. The explosion events were monitored by a high
speed camera while the pressure-time history was registered by data acquisition measuring
system. Test results demonstrated that the positive phase impulse of the tested thermobaric
experimental data, a dynamic model of fireball thermal radiation was studied, and the change
of the size of fireball and its position were quantitatively described. Based on the dynamic
model used, the thermal damages by the thermobaric explosive and TNT fireballs were
analyzed. The results showed that the thermal dose of the thermobaric explosive was 3.6-4.8
times as much as that of TNT, which indicated that the thermobaric explosive had advantages
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in the thermal damage effect. Compared with a static model, the dynamic model was found to
be more reasonable to estimate the thermal effect of explosive fireball, since it could describe
Kim and Su reported a significant progress of the modeling and simulation for the
secondary combustion of the thermobaric explosives (TBX) [94]. They developed some
Eulerian-Lagrangian models for the detonating blast propagation as well as for the
combustion of aluminum metal particles. Some experiments in a confined chamber and open
field were carried out for the model validation and for the understanding of the important
physics associated in TBX flow. The results showed that in the confined chamber, an
excellent agreement of the pressure history was precisely validated and the secondary
mechanism. By applying to open field application, they demonstrated that their developed
modeling and simulation calculations were also capable of resolving the detailed blast
propagation mechanisms and emphasizing that the aluminum burning law was the most
(TNT/Al) at three “Heights of Blast” (HoB), was investigated in order to demonstrate that
explosives (EBX). The simulations were conducted by using a two-phase Large Eddy
means of a two-way coupling. The “finite rate Arrhenius chemistry” is used for the purpose of
simulating afterburning, hence enabling the examination of contributions of heat release from
carbon and aluminum afterburning reactions. The simulation results have indicated that
aluminum afterburning in EBX charges was dependent on the mixing intensity, which was
Page 57 of 72
pattern is different for all Heights of Blast, the mixing intensity in its turn varies with
Grys and Trzcıńskı used the thermodynamic code (ZMWNI) for the determination of the
combustion, detonation and explosion parameters for some explosives were performed as well
as isentropes expansion of products and detonation energy were estimated. Moreover, the
non-equilibrium calculations were carried out, in which various assumptions were done such
as the chemical inertness of one from the components of explosive composition as well as no
heat exchange between the components and the detonation products. At the end, some
calculated detonation characteristics were compared with the experimental ones [96].
They also described in detail the thermochemical program ZMWNI they used for the
calculations. The results of exemplary calculations were presented to verify the ZMWNI
program. The code can calculate the parameters of combustion, explosion and detonation
detonation products in the form of JWL isentrope [97] and the energy of detonation [98].
Moreover, the ZMWNI code is presented as capable of determine the non-equilibrium states
The results were compared with those of obtained from the CHEETAH code. In
particular, the calculated adiabatic combustion temperature, JWL isentrope and detonation
energy were shown. Moreover, new possibilities of the program, i.e., the non-equilibrium
calculations, are demonstrated. Finally, some experimental data are confronted with the
results obtained from the ZMWNI calculations. In the last years some European standards
have been implemented in Poland and they are recommended for determination of explosion
and combustion parameters. The presented program enables one to calculate combustion,
explosion and detonation characteristics and it can be modified according to the procedures
Page 58 of 72
Moxnes et al., in their work first theoretically studied the different energetic measures of
aluminized explosives by applying the rules of thermodynamics [35]. Thereafter, they applied
different aluminum contents and freezing temperature. Energy concepts for aluminized
explosion and Gibbs free energy of explosion were analyzed and compared to experimental
values. They also studied the work of Carnot which is relevant for thermobaric effects. It was
found that for highly aluminized explosives (e.g. 50 % Al), the work of Carnot was of the
same size as the work of explosion. They could conclude that neither of the quantities, such as
change in free energy, enthalpy nor internal energy of explosion should be considered as good
A great deal of effort has been made in parallel to numerical simulations. French
researchers have developed a specific model which is able to reproduce the experimental blast
effects [54]. This model can reproduce the expansion of the detonation products in a room, the
shock wave reflections and the interaction between detonation products and air leading to the
formation of afterburning products. This model was called DECO (detonation combustion). In
order to be able to simulate large scale trials, the DECO was associated with an adaptive mesh
refinement (AMR) technique. Thus, this coupling enabled Collet et al., to simulate the
On the other hand, while experimenting with SIBEX explosive, Lips et al., also
numerically modeled and made some tests with it within a multi room bunker complex [61].
The results were analyzed and screened to an optimized SIBEX composition for application in
applied a single phase hydrocode model with idealized kinetics (which had been previously
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developed) in order to model some of the detonation chamber trials [32]. Though the model
is strictly applicable only to charges with fast-burning fuels, it was also applied to a charge
Manner et al., performed plate tests ( as mentioned above) to observe blast effects and
aluminum reactions at longer timescales (100–200 ms), and measured plate velocities up to
31 % higher for HMX-Al than for HMX-LiF. The free field pressure measurements showed
38 % higher pressures for HMX-Al than for HMX-LiF at 1.52 m (1.5 and 1.8 ms). They made
CTH calculations for the plate velocities. The hydrocode calculations were performed to
determine how non-ideal behavior affected the plate test results while trying to find out the
role of aluminum in the detonation and post-detonation expansion of selected cast HMX-
10. Epilogue
The present short review article considers thermobaric explosives (TBX) and enhanced
blast explosives (EBX) and outlines various studies including their compositions, properties,
and reactive metal components involved as well as studies on their modeling and
weapons. Differences between TBX and EBX are usually small and therefore often these two
names are used interchangeably. They are fuel-enriched heterogeneous explosives. Unlike
ideal high explosives, they are designed to produce a long-lasting pressure wave which are
able to travel through corridors, propagate around corners and through obstacles. They are
extremely effective and destructive in enclosed spaces due to their ability to produce a high
level of quasi-static pressure (QSP). A much higher total energy output is provided by TBX
The explosion process of those types of explosives consists of three stages: initial stage,
anaerobic stage, and aerobic stage. Both the kind and amount of the metals added to TBXs
Page 60 of 72
and EBXs are essential. They are influencing on the ignition temperatures of them.
Aluminum has been used for this purpose for a long time. Although the precise reaction of
aluminum with detonation products is not understood completely to this day, it is widely
accepted that the consumption of aluminum takes place over a longer time scale, as compared
to TNT, RDX, or HMX. The aluminum consumed on the sonic (Chapman–Jouguet) surface
can support the detonation front. The positive effect is observed for high explosives both with
positive or negative oxygen balance, provided that there is a higher content of hydrogen and a
lower content of carbon in a molecule. Recently some other reactive metals alone or together
If the fundamental physical and chemical phenomena of TBX and EBX could be
understood well and controlled effectively, various new weapon systems of significant
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