Mathematical Modeling of Motion of The Clock Safety and Arming Devices

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Scientific-Technical Review,Vol.LV,No.

1,2005 51

UDK: 519.87:623.4:629.76
COSATI: 19-01

Mathematical Modeling of Motion of the Clock Safety and Arming


Tatjana Krstić, BSc (Eng)1)

Marinko Ugrčić, PhD (Eng)1)

A theoretical analysis was conducted and the mathematical model of the motion of safety and arming device consist-
ing of the rotor (drive gear), two pairs of involute gears and pallet was developed. Mathematical model, developed on
the basis of the equations of the dynamics of rigid material system and impact mechanics, includes differential equa-
tions of motion for coupled and free motion, as well as the phase of impact.

Key words: fuse, arming device, clock mechanism, safety device, mathematical modeling, equations for motion, differ-
ential equations, artillery projectile.

Denotations and abbreviations T2 – D'Alanbert force on input wheel

T3 – D'Alambert on escape wheel
A1 to A59 – coefficients depending on geometrical and
kinematical parameters of all mechanism VTNf , VSNf – normal components of velocity on contact
components points after impact
er – restitution coefficient aen – inclination angle of entrance pallet working
– normal contact force between rotor gear and surface
smaller gear on pinion no.2 aex – inclination angle of exit pallet working surface
F23 – normal contact force between gear no.2 and γ ′p – angle between the positive part of x′ -axis and
smaller gear on pinion no.3 vector n4
I1 – moment of inertia of rotor, µ – coefficient of friction on contact surfaces of all
I2 – moment of inertia of gears and pinion no.2, pears of gears (tooth-to-tooth contract) and in
I3 – moment of inertia of escape wheel and pinion bearings of its pinions
no.3 µ1 – coefficient of friction on contact surface of
Ip – moment of inertia of pallet pallet and escape wheel and in bearings of its
m1 – mass of rotor
ρP – radius of pallet pinion (pallet pivot)
m2 – mass of gear and pinion no.2
ρ1 – radius of rotor pinion (rotor pivot)
m3 – mass of escape wheel and pinion no.3
φ , φ, φ – rotation angle, angular velocity, and angular
mp – mass of pallet acceleration of escape wheel (instantaneous
nn , nt – ort-vectors along normal and tangent values)
Pn – normal contact force between escape wheel and φ1C – rotor angle in start position
pallet φT – cumulative angle of escape wheel rotation
R1 – distance of rotor pivot from spin axis ψ ,ψ rotation angle and angular velocity of pallet
R4 – distance of pivot of pallet from spin axis
ΨC eccentricity angle of pallet
Rb1 – radius of the basic circle of the rotor ω spin rate of projectile, i.e. of fuze
Rb 2 – radius of the basic circle of the gear no.2 SAD - safety and arming device
rb 2 – radius of pinion no.2
System of coordinates
rb 3 – radius of escape wheel pinion
CXYZ - absolute (immobile) coordinate system,
rc1 – distance from pivot of the rotor to its center of Ox'y'z' relative (mobile) coordinate system,
mass Oinitizi local (bonded) coordinate system, for all elements
rcp pallet eccentricity of safety and arming device ( i = 1 to 4)
s1 , s2 , s4 – signum of function (to determine the direction All others denotations and abbreviations unmentioned in
of the friction forces) the review given above will be explained in the text.
and s5

Military Technical Institute (VTI), Ratka Resanovića 1, 11132 Belgrade

Introduction The fuze subsystem SAD is a special construction in-

tended for performing safety and arming functions, and
T HE coupled cogged pear consisting of the pallet and es-
cape wheel is the most important part of the clock
mechanism that is the core of functioning of all types of
considering its universal conception, this device is assigned
to complete artillery ammunition of hole caliber from 76
mechanical watches. In this case, the elastic force of the mm to 203 mm. It consists of the rotor (driven gear), a two
compressed spring or gravitation force of the bonded pears of involute gears, and pallet (Fig.2). The mechanism
weights support driving (propulsion) and regular function- is estimated to function correctly with in a large diapason of
ing of the clock mechanism. loads caused by linear acceleration from 20.000 m s 2 to
Furthermore, the clock mechanism is being used fre- 250.000 m s 2 .
quently in the production of the safety and arming devices
Any activation of the booster charge in uncontrolled
for all modern types of fuzes for artillery projectiles because
conditions of accidental inertial loadings that can occur dur-
of its precision, physical stability, and above all its reliabil-
ing transportation or handling, for example in case of pro-
ity. In this case, the axial forces of inertia or centrifugal
jectile falling from larger height on to the hard floor, is not
forces of bonded mobile masses drive the mechanism. The
possible due to breaking of the explosive initial train of the
optimum values of the construction parameters of this very
mechanism. The break is realised physically through re-
responsible component of artillery projectiles and relatively
moval of one of the initial components, most frequently by
complex mechanism is not possible to determine without an
placing the most sensitive element in the explosive initial
appropriate method.
train (high sensitive initial and detonating cap) on the pe-
The last given aspect served to define the aim of this theo-
ripheral part of the rotor that is turned round about symme-
retical paper, exclusively aimed at corresponding mathematical
try axis for some angle, so-called rotor working angle.
modeling of the clock mechanism function, that is at the same
The rotor is locked in this safety position with one iner-
time the first step to establish the method and tools for com-
tial detent and two centrifugal detents exposed to the action
puter simulation and optimization of the design and functional
of the springs. During projectile movement through the full
parameters of the safety and arming device.
bore of the gun-barrel, firstly the inertial force due to axial
The mathematical modeling of the safety and arming
acceleration compresses the spring of inertial detent, and
device is based on main dynamics equations of motion for
then, when the projectile achieves some rate of rotation the
the rigid material system and equations of the impact me-
centrifugal force overtakes a spring resistance of the cen-
chanics. The procedure is it self a rather complicated and
trifugal detents, and finally releases, i.e. unlocks the rotor
long one [1-4]. For that reason only the final equations for
from safety position.
motion of the mechanism elements along with certain explo-
rations were shown in this paper.

Description of the safety and arming device

The safety and arming device, i.e. SAD (Fig.1), as a sub-
system for safety and arming is a special part of artillery
fuze consisting of the mechanism that makes it breaks me-
chanically the explosive train in the fuze and absolutely
safe and secure during the storage, transportation, and han- 4
dling as well as in the initial phase of the projectile launch-
ing. The mechanism makes it possible to reinstate the initial 3
explosive train (arming) only after the projectile has
crossed the safety distance from the muzzle. The require- 2
ment for muzzle safety zone is a minimum of 400 calibers.

5 6 7

Figure 2. Three-dimensional view and components of the train of coupled

gears in the clock mechanism of SAD (1.- Rotor with driving gear no. 1; 2.-
Input wheel (pinion no. 2 with gears set no. 2, i.e. pallet); 3.- Escape wheel
(pinion no. 3 with gears set no. 3); 4.- Pallet; 5.- Smaller gear in gears set no. 3;
6.- Cogged segment (driven gear); 7.- Smaller gear in gears set no. 2)

The spine axis and center of the mass of the rotor do not
coincide with the spine axis of the projectile. Therefore, due
to the centrifugal force during rotation of the projectile
around symmetry axis, the spin movement of the rotor and
the force on the rotor that drives the coupled components of
the SAD’s clock mechanism are supplied simultaneously.
In other words, when unlocked rotor starts to move, the
centrifugal force of its proper mass initializes spin moment
about its symmetry axis which transmits to the clock
mechanism over the gear segment on the rotor. At the same
Figure 1. Three-dimensional view of the housing structure with safety and time, the clock mechanism regulates the spin motion of the
arming mechanism rotor, i.e. the arriving delay of initial and detonating cap on

the place to reinstate explosive initial train of the fuze. Pn nn + µ1 s4 Pn nt + Fxp' ι′ − µ1 s5 Fyp' i ′ + Fyp' j ′ + µ1 s5 Fxp' j ′ =
For the mathematical model of the compound movement
of the mechanism has been derived each phase of three {
= m p −ω 2 R4 n4 − (ω + ψ ) rcp [ cos (ψ + ψ c ) i ′ +
main motions: + sin (ψ + ψ c ) j ′] + ψ rcp [ − sin (ψ + ψ c ) i ′ + cos (ψ + ψ c ) j ′]}
– coupled motion,
– free motion, and Left side of eq.(1) represents a sum of all external forces
– impact. that affects the pallet, when the complex factor next to the
Each phase of motion mentioned above will be discussed mass of pallet, on its right side, represents absolute accel-
individually. eration consisting of vector sum of traveled and relative ac-
The final moment equation of the pallet for pivot point
Coupled motion Op is given regarding its acceleration
The coupled motion implies the motion phase when all
components of mechanism are connected and it includes M Op = − rOp × m p rcp + H Op (2)
time interval from the moment when the tip of the escape
wheel (driven by rotor and two pears of involute gears) get where:
in continual contact with either entrance or exit active M Op - sum of all external moments in reference to the pivot
(working) surface of the pallet (Fig.3) to the moment when point Op on pallet pinion,
the contact is interrupted. rOp - absolute acceleration of pivot point Op ,
H Op - time derivation of angular kinetics momentum of the
pallet in reference to the pivot point O p .
body of fuze

spin direction
rotor (gear 1)
spin direction

spin axis

Detail A

gear 2
(pinion 2)
escape wheel
(pinion 3) escape wheel
spin direction Detail A

Figure 3. Scheme of safety and arming device with dimensional and main
kinematics parameters of mechanism components motion

The differential equations for the entrance as well as the

exit coupled motion, which differ from each other to some
extent, are derived in reference to the absolute coordinate
system and expressed depending on the variable φ (rotation
angle of escape wheel). The equations are obtained by
combining the solutions for the Newtonian force (the New-
ton’s Low) and momentum expressions for each mecha- Figure 4. Schematic sketch of the forces that determine the motion of
nism components particularly [1-4]. pallet for entrance-coupled motion

The momentum eq. (2) expressed in scalar form is

Dynamics of pallet and escape wheel in entrance- coupled
motion M Op = D1′Pn − C1′µ1 s4 Pn − ρ p µ1 s5 ( Fxp + Fyp ) (3)
a) Analysis of forces on pallet
A detailed schematic sketch of the forces that determine Transferring the vector equation (1) to Ox ′y ′ -coordinate
the motion of pallet for entrance-coupled motion is shown system and resolving the obtained system of equations
in Fig.4. terms for components of the force on pivot of the pallet are
The final form of the equation for acceleration of the determined. Substituting the terms for components of the
center of mass of pallet in the absolute coordinate system force on pivot of the pallet in eq.(2), the equation for con-
obtained on the basis of the Newton’s Law is tact force Pn becomes

Eq.(8) includes expression for D’Alembert force in the

I PRψ + A21ψ 2 + 2 ω A20ψ + ω 2 A19

ω form
Pn = +
A18 (4) T3 = m3 R3ω 2 ( cos γ 3 i + sin γ 3 j ) (9)
−m p rcp R4ω sin ( γ ′p −ψ −ψ c )

+ The momentum equation for the escape wheel is


Coefficients A18 to A21 in eq.(4) depend exclusively on the A1' nt × ( − Pn ) nn + B1' nn × ( − µ1 s4 Pn ) nt −

geometrical parameters of the mechanism, and the effective − µρ3 ( Fx 3 + Fy 3 ) k + rb 3 F23 k − µ s2 ( d 2 − a2 ) F23 k = I 3φk
momentum of inertia I PR would have the following values
which in scalar form becomes:
I PR = I P + A22 (5)
− Pn ( A1' − B1' µ1 s4 ) − µρ3 ( Fx 3 + Fy 3 ) +
where the same signs precede ψ and ψ , and + r F − µ s ( d − a ) F = I φ
b3 23 2 2 2 23 3

I PR = I P − A22 (6) Transferring the vector equation (8) to CXY-coordinates

system and resolving the given system of equations the terms
where the opposite signs precede ψ and ψ . for components of the force on pivot of the escape wheel are
Eq.(4), which will be used later to establish a differential obtained. Substituting the terms for components of the force
equation of pallet motion in the phase of coupled motion, on pivot in momentum eq.(11), the equation for contact force
must be written as a function depending on the angular ve- Pn as a function of the angular velocity and angular accelera-
locity and angular acceleration of escape wheel:
( )
Pn = f φ, φ , since this form is more favorable for perform-
n ( )
tion of escape wheel, P = f φ, φ , becomes

ing a kinematics analysis and determining the required pa- − I 3φ + F23 A15 − T3 A16
rameters of motion of gear mechanism components. Pn = (12)
On the basis of equations that represent the relation be-
tween angular velocities and angular acceleration of pallet Equalizing the expressions (7) and (12), given as func-
and escape wheel, as well as eq.(4), the final form of ex- tions of the same parameters, a unique differential equation
pression for contact force becomes of entrance-coupled motion of the escape wheel and pallet
is obtained:
⎡ ⎤
Pn = 1 ⎢ I PRU φ + ( A21U 2 + I PRV ) φ 2 + 2 ω A20U φ + ω 2 A19 ⎥ +

A18 ⎣ ω ⎦ (7) [ I 3 A18 + I PR A17U ]φ + ⎣⎡ I PR A17V + A17 A21U 2 ⎦⎤ φ 2 +

+2 ω A17 A20U φ = A15 A18 F23 − A16 A18T3 − A17ω 2 ⋅
+ 1 ⎡ − m r R ω sin ( γ ′p −ψ + ψ c ) ⎤⎦
2 (13)
A18 ⎣ p cp 4 ω
⋅ ⎡⎣ A19 − m p rcp R4 sin ( γ 'p −ψ −ψ c ) ⎤⎦
b) Analysis of forces on the escape wheel
A detailed schematic sketch of the forces that determine
the motion of the escape wheel and pinion no.3 for en- Coupled motion of the pallet and escape wheel
trance-coupled motion is shown in Fig.5.
The schematic sketch of the forces that determine the
motion of pallet for exit-coupled motion is shown in Fig.6.
Comparing the diagrams of forces on Figures 4 and 5
with the relevant diagram on Fig.6, it can be concluded that
the intensity of the contact force remains unchanged and
only takes an opposite sign
Pn = − Pn nn (14)
The change of the sign reflects itself on the equation of
forces as well as on the momentum equation. From both
equations mentioned, (force and momentum), the expres-
sion for contact force Pn is obtained by analogy from the
preliminary consideration

I PRψ + A21ψ 2 + 2 ω A20ψ + ω 2 A19


Pn = +
AA18 (15)
− m p rcp R4ω 2 sin ( γ 'p −ψ −ψ c )
Figure 5. Schematic sketch of the forces that determine the motion of the +
escape wheel and pinion no.3 for entrance-coupled motion

The final form of the main equation of dynamics for the The final form of eq.(15) for contact force Pn depending
escape wheel derived from balance condition of forces is on the angular velocity and angular acceleration of the es-

− Pn nn − µ1 s4 Pn nt + F23 n23 + µ s2 F23 nN 23 + T3 + FX 3 i +

cape wheel, Pn = f φ, φ is( )
+ µ FY 3 i + µ FX 3 j − Fy 3 j = 0

⎡ ⎤ To express the motion of rotor depending on the rotation

Pn = 1 ⎢ I PRU φ + ( A21U 2 + I PRV ) φ 2 + 2 ω A20U φ ⎥ +

AA18 ⎣ ω angle of the escape wheel φ , the following relations will be

⎦ (16)
+ 1 ⎡ω A19 − m p rcp R4ω sin ( γ p −ψ + ψ c ) ⎤⎦
2 2 '
AA18 ⎣
φ1 = N 31φ and φ1 = N 31φ
pallet where :
spin direction
N P3 × N P 2
N 31 = (19)
N G 2 × N G1

– NG1 number of teeth of rotor (along full perimeter),

– NG2 number of teeth of the big gear on pinion no.2,
– NP2 number of teeth of the small gear on pinion no.2,
– NP3 number of teeth of the big gear on pinion no.3.

spin direction

Detail A

escape wheel
spin direction Detail A

Figure 7. Schematic sketch of the forces that determine the motion of


The rotation angle of rotor φ1c + φ1 given as function of

the total rotation angle of the escape wheel φT can be writ-
Figure 6. Schematic sketch of the forces that determine the motion of ten in the form
pallet for exit-coupled motion
φ1C + φ1 = φ1C + N 31φT (20)
a) Analysis of the escape wheel motion
The value of contact force Pn on the escape wheel for In this case, the final form of the balance equation is
exit-coupled motion carried out on the basis of the new
conditions and analogically to the previous analysis of the − F21n12 + µ s1 F12 nN 12 + Fx1i − µ Fy1i + Fy1 j + µ Fx1 j =
exit-coupled motion, is given through equation

( )
⎧−ω 2 R1i − ω + N 31φ 2 rc1 [ cos (φ1c + N 31φT ) i + ⎫

− I φ + F23 A15 − T3 A16 ⎪+ sin (φ1c + N 31φT ) j ] + ⎪ (21)
Pn = 3 (17) = m1 ⎨ ⎬
AA17 ⎪+ N 31φ rc1 [ − sin (φ1c + N 31φT ) i +
⎪+ cos (φ1c + N 31φT ) j ] ⎪
Equalizing expressions (16) and (17), given as functions ⎩ ⎭
of the same parameters, a unique differential equation for Finally, the momentum equation in the scalar form is
exit-coupled motion of the escape wheel depending on the
angular velocity and angular acceleration is obtained − F12 Rb1 + µ s1a1 F12 − µρ1 ( Fx1 + Fy1 ) =
[ I 3 AA18 + I PR AA17U ]φ + ⎣⎡ I PR AA17V + AA17 A21U ⎦⎤ φ
2 2
+ = m1ω 2 R1rc1 sin (φ1c + N31φT ) + I1 N 31φ

+2 ω AA17 A20U φ = A15 AA18 F23 − A16 AA18T3 −

(18) Transferring the vector equation (21) to CXY -coordinate
ω system and resolving the obtained system of equations pro-
− AA17ω 2 ⎣⎡ A19 − m p rcp R4 sin ( γ ′p −ψ −ψ c ) ⎦⎤ duce the terms for components of the force on the pivot of
rotor. On the basis of the determined value of the force on
b) Dynamics of rotor (driven gear) pivot and eq.(22), the force F12 depending on the angular
A detailed schematic sketch of the forces that determine velocity and angular acceleration of escape wheel,
the motion of rotor that moves in a counterclockwise direc-
tion is shown in Fig.7. ( )
F12 = f φ, φ is derived

( ) Therefore, it is necessary firstly to substitute the term for

− A32 − A33 N 31φ − A34 N 31φ
F12 = + force F12 from eq.(23) in eq.(28) that gives
A31 (23)
− A35 sin (φ1c + N 31φT ) − I1R N 31φ −A A A A
A31 F23 = 1 ⎡⎢ 42 32 − T2 A43 − 42 33 N 31φ −
A44 ⎣ A31 A31
A42 A34 2 2 A42 A35
The eq.(23) includes the term for effective moment of − N 31 φ − sin (φ1c + N 31φT ) + (29)
A31 A31
inertia I1R , that takes the values as follows
+ ⎛⎜ I 2 N 32 − 42 I1R N 31 ⎞⎟ φ⎤⎥
I1R = I1 + µ ρ1 ( A26 + A30 ) (24) ⎝ A31 ⎠ ⎦
Secondly, to obtain the differential equation of system in
where the same sign precedes φ and φ , and the phase of coupled entrance-motion depending on the ro-
tation angle of the escape wheel it is necessary to substitute
I1R = I1 − µ ρ1 ( A26 + A30 ) (25) eq.(29) in eq.(13) as follows
where the opposite signs precede φ and φ . A45φ + A46φ 2 + A47φ =
c) Dynamics of gear and pinion (gears set no.2) = A48 − A49 sin (φ1c + N 31φT ) + A50 sin ( γ p' −ψ −ψ c )
A detailed schematic sketch of the forces that determine
the motion of gear and pinion (gears set no. 2) is shown in Non-homogenous differential eq.(30) has a universal
Fig.8. character. In other words, this equation can also be used to
The equation of forces that includes the term of calculate the parameters for exit-coupled motion, with the
D’Alembert force has the form difference that in this case coefficients AA17 and AA8 are
used instead of coefficients A17 and A18 .
T2 = m2 R2ω 2
The balance condition of the forces is give in the equa- Contact forces during coupled motion
tion The contact force F23 , expressed as a function of rota-
− F23 n23 − s2 µ F23 nN 23 + F12 n12 − µ s1 F12 nN 12 + Fx 2 i + tion angle of the escape wheel, is derived on the basis of
(26) eq.(29):
+ µ Fy 2 i + Fy 2 j − µ Fx 2 j + T2 ( cos γ 2 i + sin γ 2 j ) = 0
−A A A A A A
F23 = 1 ⎢⎡ 42 32 − T2 A43 − 42 33 N 31φ − 42 34 N 312φ 2 −
A44 ⎣ A31 A31 A31
I N ⎞ φ⎤
A42 A35 ⎛ A42
− sin (φ1c + N 31φT ) + ⎜ I 2 N 32 −
A31 ⎝ A31 1R 31 ⎟⎠ ⎥⎦

The contact force F12 can be calculated similarly on the

basis of eq.(28)

F23 A44 − T2 A43 − I 2 N 32φ

F12 =

The contact force Pn is defined by Eqs. (12) and (17)

depending on the actual motion phase for entrance-coupled
motion or exit-coupled motion, respectively.
It is important to note that for the entrance-coupled mo-
Figure 8. Schematic sketch of the forces that determine the motion of gear
and pinion (gears set no.2)
tion given by eq.(12), the coefficient A17 becomes AA17 . In
this case, it is necessary to express the contact force de-
The momentum equation in the scalar form is pending on the rotation angle of pallet ψ , then either eq.(4)
F23 Rb 2 − µ s2 F23 a2 − F12 rb 2 + µ s1 F12 ( d1 − a1 ) + or eq.(15) will be used in accordance to the actual motion
(27) phase
+ µρ 2 ( Fx 2 + Fy 2 ) = I 2 N32φ
I PRψ + A21ψ 2 + 2 ω A20ψ + ω 2 A19

Solving the system eqs. (26) and (27) the expression for ω
force F23 is obtained Pn = +
A18 (31)
−m p rcp R4ω 2 sin ( γ p' −ψ −ψ c )
F A − T A + I N φ +
F23 = 12 42 2 43 2 32 (28) A18
In the case of the exit-coupled motion the coefficient A18
Dynamics of system in the phase of coupled motion
becomes AA18 .
To obtain a unique differential equation of the whole
system in the phase of coupled motion depending on the ro-
tation angle of the escape wheel φ , it is necessary to define Free motion
an appropriate term for force F23 that includes rotor influ- In this phase of motion the pallet on one side, and the
ence, and substitute this-one in eq.(13) for entrance-coupled system consisting of the rotor, gear train, and escape wheel
motion and eq.(18) for exit-coupled motion. on the other, are moving independently from each other. In

this phase the motion of the pallet is given throuth a differ- Impact at the beginning of entrance coupled motion
ential equation depending on the rotation angle of the pallet (entrance impact)
ψ , and for the whole system depending on the rotation an- The schematic sketches of the external active forces that
gle of the escape wheel φ . determine the motion of pallet, i.e. the escape wheel in the
phase of entrance impact, are shown in Fig.9. Mutual nor-
Pallet movement in the phase of free motion mal impulse force Pn between these components of the sys-
In the phase of free motion there is no contact between tem appears as only one active impulse on the pallet and es-
the teeth of the escape wheel neither with the entrance nor cape wheel. Considering its very small intensity the fric-
with the exit active (working) surfac; so the contact force tional impulse force µ Pn will be neglected in the further
Pn equals zero. By substituting the zero value Pn = 0 in analysis.
eq.(31) a differential equation of the pallet movement in the Under the given conditions the final form of the momen-
phase of free motion is obtained tum equation of impulse for the pallet is

A51ψ + A21ψ 2 + A52ψ = − A53 + A54 sin ( γ p' −ψ −ψ c ) (32) J p = D1' nt × Pn nn = Pn D1' k (37)

where constants from A51 to A54 are coefficients depending Analogically, the equation for escape wheel is
on the kinematics and geometrical parameters of the system J 3 = A1' nt × ( − Pn ) nn = − Pn A1' k (38)
Momentum equations in the scalar form, derived from
Movement of the escape wheel, gears train, and rotor in the Eqs.(37) and (38) are
phase of free motion
I p (ψ f −ψ i ) = Pn D1' (39)
By substituting the zero value Pn = 0 in eq.(12) or (17) a
differential equation of free phase for the whole system of and
the clock mechanism without the pallet, is obtained

I 3φ = A15 F23 − T3 A16 (33)

( )
I 3 φ f − φi = − Pn A1' (40)

where I p and I 3 represent the polar moments of inertia of

The substitution of the terms for contact force F23
(eq.(29)) and D’Alambert force T3 (eq.(9)) in eq.(33) a the pallet and escape wheel. The subscript i (initial) indi-
differential equation has the following form: cates the angular velocities before impact, while the sub-
script f (final) indicates the same quantities after the im-
A55φ + A56φ 2 + A57φ = A58 − A59 sin (φ1c + N 31φT ) (34) pact. If Pn is eliminated from Eqs.(39) and (40), impulse
.. equation that define the motion of the pallet and escape
If φ is known, the contact force FF 23 in the phase of wheel depending on its property angular velocity is ob-
free motion can be solved from eq.(33) in the form tained

I φ + T3 A16 I p A1'ψ f + I 3 D1'φ f = I p A1'ψ i + I 3 D1'φi (41)

FF 23 = 3 (35)
Eq.(27), which was derived from the equations of force
and momentum equation for gear and pinion (set no.2), can
be modified to enable determining the contact force FF 12 in
the phase of free motion

FF 23 A44 + T2 A43 − I 2 N 32φ

FF 12 = (36)

The mathematical model of impact is based on the clas-
sical equations of the impact mechanics and derived in the
form of the momentum equation, including the coefficient
of restitution. It should be emphasized that the equation of Figure 9. Schematic sketches of the external active forces on the pallet
impact is identical for the phase of entrance contact (begin- and escape wheel in the phase of entrance impact
ning of entrance coupled motion) and the phase of the exit
contact (beginning of exit coupled motion). At the same
time the moment arms, i.e. the moment distances A1′ , B1′ , Impact at the beginning of exit coupled motion (exit impact)
C1′ , and D1′ depending on the angle α en for the phase of Schematic sketches of the external active forces that de-
termine the motion of the pallet, i.e. the escape wheel in the
entrance contact, i.e. depending on the angle α ex for the phase of exit impact, are shown in Fig.10.
phase of exit contact are included into the impact analysis.

φ f A1' + er (ψ i D1' − φi A1' )

ψ f = (48)
Thay define angular velocities of the pallet and escape
Finally recapitulating of the results obtained on the basis
of the performed dynamics analysis of the clock mechanism
function the following conclusions can be drown:
f – it is evident, the procedure of mathematical modeling of
the clock mechanism is relatively complex and extensive
and therefore only the main statements of interpretation
and final results of the performed analysis were given in
this paper,
Figure 10. Schematic sketches of the external active forces on the pallet – mathematical model of the clock mechanism function in
and escape wheel in the phase of exit impact function of the rotation angle of the pallet and escape
Using analogy from the above given procedure, the mo- wheel was derived, since these two parameters enable
mentum equation of impulse for the pallet in the phase of determining indirectly the muzzle safety zone, using the
exit impact was derived arming time (rotation delay time of the cap pivot), and
– performed theoretical analysis has been used to verify
J p = C1′nt × ( − Pn ) nn = − Pn C1′k (42) the procedures given in [3] as well as to constitute a
proper software solution for the computer simulation and
The relevant impulse equation for the escape wheel is optimization of the function of safety arming device.
J 3 = A1' nt × ( Pn ) nn = Pn A1' k (43)
The momentum equations in the scalar form, derived
from (42) and (43) are Modern constructions of fuzes for artillery projectiles are
based on the use of mechanical safety and arming devices
I p (ψ f −ψ i ) = − Pn C1′ (44) that successfully integrate and reliably perform the func-
tions of safety and arming.
and The mathematical model of the mechanism motion for
all phases (coupled motion, free motion, and impact) was
( )
I 3 φ f − φi = Pn A1' (45) carried out as the first step to establish the tools for com-
puter simulation and optimization of the function of safety
If Pn is eliminated from Eqs.(44) and (45), an impulse and arming device. The mathematical model consists of dif-
equation identical to (41) is obtained; it means that the ferential equations of motion that are expressed depending
equations of entrance motion and the exit motion of the pal- on kinematics, geometrical, and physical parameters of
let and escape wheel in the phase of impact are absolutely each component in the train of the mentioned mechanism.
similar. It is necessary to emphasize that due to the established
mathematical model as and the use of computer, the next
Impact equations for pallet step will be creating software for solving the system of dif-
In order to obtain equations for calculating the post im- ferential equations of mechanism motion. Finally, using the
software solutions with variation of the significant parame-
pact angular velocities φ f and ψ f , it is necessary to in- ters will make it possibile to theoretically define the opti-
clude the term for coefficient of restitution er in eq.(41) mum parameters of the safety arming device for the as-
signed design conditions. And the main design condition
VTNf − VSNf ψ f D1' − φ f A1' would be an arming time that provides the required muzzle
er = = (46) safety zone.
VTNi − VSNi ψ i D1' − φi A1'

The velocities VTNf and VSNf represent the normal com- References
ponent of velocities for contact points after the impact. [1] LOWEN,G.G, TEPPER,F.R.: Dynamics of the Pin Pallet Escape-
From the previous the following equations were obtained ment, Technical Report, ARRADCOM, Dover, June 1982.
[2] LOWEN,G.G, TEPPER,F.R.: Fuze Gear Train Analysis, Technical
φi ( I 3 D1' + er I p A1' ) + ψ i I p A1' (1 − er ) Report, ARRADCOM, Dover, December 1979.
φ f = (47) [3] RUSOV,L.: Mehanika – Kinematika, Naučna knjiga, Beograd, 1985.
I p A1'2 + I 3 D1'2
[4] RUSOV,L.: Mehanika – Dinamika materijalnog sistema, Naučna
and knjiga, Beograd, 1986.

Received: 21.01.2005.

Matematičko modelovanje kretanja satnih osiguravajuće-

armirajućih mehanizama
Izvršena je teorijska analiza i izveden je matematički model kretanja satnog osiguravajuće-armirajućeg mehanizma
koji se sastoji od rotora (pogonski zupčanik), dva para evolventnih zupčanika i nemirnice. Matematički model, izve-
den na osnovu jednačina dinamike krutog materijalnog sistema i mehanike sudara, obuhvata diferencijalne jednačine
kretanja za zajedničko i slobodno kretanje i za fazu sudara.

Ključne reči: upaljač, armiranje upaljača, satni mehanizam, sigurnosni mehanizam, matematičko modelovanje, jedna-
čine kretanja, diferencijalne jednačine, artiljerijski projekti

Modélisation mathématique du mouvement des mécanismes de sureté

d’horlogerie armants
Une analyse théorique a été faite et on a réalisé un modèle mathématique du mouvement d’un mécanisme de sureté
d’horlogerie. Ce mécanisme se compose d’un rotor (la roue des minutes), deux paires de roues évolventes et d’un ba-
lancier. Le modèle mathématique dé-rivé à partir des équations de dynamique d’un système matériel rigide et de mé-
canique de choc, englobe les équations différencielles du mouvement d’ensamble et pour le mouve-ment libre et pour
la phase du choc.

Mots clés: fusée, armement de fusée, mécanisme d’horlogerie, mécanisme de sureté; équ-ation de mouvement, équa-
tion différentielle, projectile d’artillerie

Matemati~eskoe modelirovanie dvi`eni} ~asovwh

predohranitelxno-podgotavlivay|ih mehanizmov
Zdesx proveden teoreti~eskij analiz i vwvedena matemati~eska} modelx dvi`eni} ~asovogo
predohranitelxno-podgotavlivay|ego mehanizma, kotorwj sostoit iz }kor} (zub~atwj privod), dve parw
vozvedennwh v stepenx zub~atwh kolec i opwtnogo poddona (dl} gruzov).
Matemati~eska} modelx, vwvedenna} na osnovanii urovnenij dinamiki `estkoj materialxnoj sistemw i
mehaniki stolknoveni}, ohvatwvaet differencialxnwe uravneni} dvi`eni} dl} sovmestnogo i svobodnogo
dvi`eni} i dl} fazw stolknoveni}.

Kly~evwe slova: vzrwvatelx, podgotovka vzrwvatel}, ~asovoj mehanizm, predohranitelxnwj mehanizm,

matemati~eskoe modelirovanie, uravneni} dvi`eni}, differencialxnwe uravneni}, artillerijskij

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