Burnback Analysis CFD Simulation of Finocyl Grain in Solid Propellant Rocket Motor PDF
Burnback Analysis CFD Simulation of Finocyl Grain in Solid Propellant Rocket Motor PDF
Burnback Analysis CFD Simulation of Finocyl Grain in Solid Propellant Rocket Motor PDF
In the present research work, finocyl grain geometry is CFD stands for Computational Fluid Dynamics. It means
chosen. The finocyl geometry is 3D grain geometry predicting physical fluid flows and heat transfer using
composed of a cylindrical and star shaped parts attached computational methods. Computational fluid dynamics has
together. The reason for finocyl geometry to be chosen is the certainly come of age in industrial applications and
widespread usage of such geometries. The main parameters academia research. In the beginning this popular field of
of finocyl geometry are given on Figure 1. [2] study was primarily limited to high-technology engineering
areas of aeronautics and astronautics, but now it is a widely
adopted methodology for solving complex problems in
many modern engineering fields. CFD, derived from
different disciplines of fluid mechanics and heat transfer, is
also finding its way in too there important uncharted areas
especially in process, chemical, civil, and environmental
Fig. 1: Dimensions of Finocyl Geometry There are several assumptions made in order to set-up the
The initial 3D model of grain is created then, one CFD model.
by one, each successive webstep of the receding grain is There are several assumptions made in order to set-up the
created and saved within Creo software. The main CFD model.
parameters that were changed are finned part length, circular 1) The combustion gas follows the Ideal Gas law.
part diameter, fin width, and fin length. 2) Steady-state pressure predictions are calculated for
The outer diameter of 66.7 mm and length of the each webstep.
whole grain of 150 mm are left constant. The nozzle used 3) The combustion gases have constant properties.
for the analysis has a throat diameter of 11 mm and exit 4) The gas is calorically perfect (constant specific
section diameter of 39 mm and table I shows other heats).
dimensions of parameters. 5) The case wall of the motor is adiabatic.
N R1 (mm) R2 (mm) L2 (mm) LS (mm) 6) The motor grain ignites instantaneously.
4 15 5 20 30
B. Geometry Modeling
Table 1: Dimensions of propellant grain
The propellant used for the analysis is a composite
propellant composed of “ammonium perchlorate, HTPB
(Hydroxyl-terminated PolyButadiane) and aluminum”. The
properties of propellant have been shown in table II.
Nomenclature Value Unit
Burn rate coefficient (a) 7.25E-5 m/s
Burn rate exponent (n) 0.3179 n/a
Density (ρb) 1799.2 kg/m3
Characteristic velocity* 1600 m/s
Table 2: Properties of solid propellant
The burnback analysis of finocyl geometry, the
fixed burnback distance should be selected. For the selection
of such fixed distance, the effects of burnback distance are Fig. 3: Inner cavity of finocyl grain with nozzle
examined first on finocyl geometry. The burnback analysis
is done with several burnback distances.
Here, assuming of fixed distance is about 5% of
web thickness approximate 1mm (∆x).Each 1mm webstep;
new solid geometry is created in Creo software and to obtain
burning area of grain. After to getting burning area we can
find easily chamber pressure, burning rate and mass flow
rate with help of using equation.
Figure 2 shows the grain geometry after several burnstep.
Each webstep new 3D model was as modeling 0.018 60.652 0.010 0.36
0.0 0.1
2 0.002
into Ansys design modular with changes parametric 6 8 7 0293 89
dimension. Also analysis done with minimum time then, we 0.019 65.683 0.011 0.39
0.0 0.2
have to model of 1/4th geometry of grain. 3 0.003
7 7 0 0191 80
C. Meshing 0.020 70.843 0.011 0.42
0.0 0.3
4 0.004
7 6 3 0789 68
After completing geometry modeling, geometry file is edit 0.021 76.128 0.011 0.45
0.0 0.4
in to meshing. In meshing first step is repair geometry up to 5 0.005
8 7 5 2187 55
specified tolerance 0.01mm. In next step mesh method and 0.022 81.530 0.011 0.48
0.0 0.5
types of element is defined for surface mesh i s s we e p 6 0.006
8 2 8 4285 40
a n d h e x d o m i n a t e d m e t h o d wi t h all quad element is
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
0.023 82.616 0.011 0.49
0.0 1.2
15 0.015
0 2 9 0684 85
0.022 80.901 0.011 0.48
0.0 1.3
16 0.016
7 1 8 0585 70
0.022 78.823 0.011 0.46
0.0 1.4
17 0.017
3 2 7 8186 56
0.021 76.377 0.011 0.45
0.0 1.5
18 0.018
8 8 6 3687 42
0.0 1.6
19 0.019 0 0 0 0
87 29
Table 3: Calculation of ballistic parameters
The grain boundary mass flow for the individual
model using the Ab data obtained by the Design Modeler in
Fig. 5: Meshing of 1/4th part of model of grain ANSYS FLUENT. Using the relationship between chamber
pressure, Pc, and the grain surface area, Ab, in equation
3.14, the pressure is found for Solid Propellant Rocket
Motor each webstep. This pressure is used to determine the
mass flow of the grain only.
The pressure reported in the final solution is obtained from
The external temperature and pressure are ambient,
at 300 K and 101; 325 kPa, respectively. The grain surface
is defined as a mass flow inlet boundary. The mass flow
direction is specified as normal to the surface. Turbulence
kinetic energy and dissipation rate are both set to zero as
required in laminar, transpired flow. The total temperature is
equal to the flame temperature, 2300 K.
E. Post Process Result
Fig. 6: In the post processing, after completing the solution in the
solver then graph of convergence criteria is generated after
D. Boundary and Initial Condition the validating the convergence criteria. Different contour
The insulated case and the nozzle are modeled as stationary diagram e.g. pressure, temperature and velocity are
walls. They use a no-slip shear condition and the default generated in the post processing.
value wall roughness. Two boundary conditions include the F. Result and Discussion
center line and the working fluid. The motor center line is
the x-axis about which the case, throat and grain geometries Based on the procedure mentioned in the experimental
are rotated. program and the burnback analysis carried out in the
previous section, the present section discusses the results
Cham Mas Del
Tot and discussion.
Burni ber Burni s ta
al Table III - shows typical result of the burnback
Sr Webs ng Pressu ng flow Ti
Ti analysis conducted in this study: Burn area, chamber
. tep rate re Rate in me
me pressure, burning rate at several burnback distances.
N (m) Ab Pc rb m ∆t
2 (sec From the analysis done, burn area versus web
o. (m ) (Pasca (m/s) (kg/ (sec
) burned, burn area versus time and pressure versus time data
l) s) )
are obtained and given in figure 7 to figure 9).
0.016 50.994 0.010 0.30 0.0 0.0
0 0 As seen from the pressure versus time graphs, the
6 0 2 28 00 00
pressure curve at the steady state operation is determined
0.017 55.754 0.010 0.33 0.0 0.0
1 0.001 mainly by the burning area change. Also pressure curve
6 7 5 11 96 96
firstly go to progressive and after sometime to rest neutral
Fig. 10: Pressure contour Webstep-1 Fig. 14: Pressure contour Webstep-5
In the present research work finocyl grain is used for
burnback and CFD simulation. The main advantage of this
type of grain is dual thrust profile.
CFD simulation based on steady state with
equilibrium pressure. At the present time research work is
done for burnback analysis and CFD simulation of first five
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