Sec 10 SecondClar Jun0109
Sec 10 SecondClar Jun0109
Sec 10 SecondClar Jun0109
Table of Contents
0.7 QAAF
Secondary Clarifiers
June 1, 2009
Each secondary clarifier is equipped with a center column siphon feed and peripheral overflow
with a central bridge driving mechanism that supports and rotates a center cage with two sludge
rake arms and two scum blades. Sludge is siphoned off by draft tubes to a central hopper. The
draft tubes consist of a series of 200 mm diameter suction pipes that are connected to the
600 mm diameter Returned Activated Sludge (RAS) suction header. Scum is collected from the
water surface, dewatered on a beach plate and dumped into a hopper that drains to a scum
tank. Clear liquid from the surface of the clarifier flows over a double weir to a launder and
subsequent downstream disinfection processes.
Secondary Clarifiers
June 1, 2009
The existing clarifiers (Final Settling Tanks or FSTs) No. 1 and 2 each have an area of 880 m2
and FST-3 has an area of 1,640 m2.
In order to provide the additional capacity required for secondary clarification, two new clarifiers
are required. To maintain consistency in the facility in terms of operation and maintenance, the
size of the new clarifiers are recommended to be the same as the existing large clarifier. This
would provide two (2) additional 45.7 m diameter secondary clarifiers (FST-4 and FST-5).
Ex. FST-3
Clarifier Number Ex. FST-1 Ex. FST-2
Prop. FST- 4 & 5 *
Clarifier Dimensions
Diameter (m) 33.5 33.5 45.7
Side Wall Depth (m) 4.6 4.6 4.6
Volume (m ) 4048.0 4048.0 7544.0
Surface Area (m2) 880.0 880.0 1640.0
Weir Length (m) 105 105 144
Flow Distribution (ML/d)
At 90.4 ML/d 11.3 11.3 22.6 (each)
At 175 ML/d 22 22 44 (each)
Percent of Total Flow 12.5% 12.5% 25.0% (each)
Surface Overflow Rate
At 90.4 ML/d 12.8 m3/m2/d 12.8 m3/m2/d 13.8 m3/m2/d
At 175 ML/d 25 m3/m2/d 25 m3/m2/d 26.8 m3/m2/d
Weir Loading Rate
At 90.4 ML/d 108 m3/m/d 108 m3/m/d 157 m3/m/d
At 175 ML/d 210 m3/m/d 210 m3/m/d 306 m3/m/d
* Values shown are per clarifier for Ex. FST-3, proposed FST-4 and proposed FST-5
With two new 45.7 m diameter secondary clarifiers, the total surface area will be increased to
6680 m². Dynamic simulation was run in BioWinTM for the design year and the simulated
Secondary Clarifiers
June 1, 2009
surface overflow rate and solids loading rate are presented in Figures 10.3 and 10.4. The
results indicate the following:
• The average SOR design criteria of 24 m3/m2/d was met at all times during the design year
except the summer maximum week flows, where the maximum SOR of 44 m3/m2/d should
be applied and was met.
• The average SLR design criteria of 144 kg/m2/d was met at all times, even under peak flow
The secondary clarifiers were analyzed with one 45.7 m diameter secondary clarifier out of
service to determine the effects on SOR and SLR. The purpose of this analysis is to determine
the sensitivity of the system to changes in flow and clarifier capacity (should one clarifier be out
of service). Three flow scenarios were tested in BioWinTM for two conditions: all of the
secondary clarifiers in operation; and one large clarifier out of service. The three flow scenarios
tested were: annual average flow (AAF) of 90.4 ML/d; maximum month flow (MMF) of 111 ML/d
in spring; maximum week flow (MWF) of 178 ML/d in summer. The results are shown in Table
Table 10.2 - Sensitivity analysis on Secondary Clarifier (SC) SLR and SOR
3 2 2
Surface Overflow Rate (m /m /d) Solids Loading Rate (kg/m /d)
Flow One Design SOR One Design SLR
(MLD) All SC’s in large SC All SCs in large SC
operation out of Average Peak operation out of Average Peak
service condition condition service condition condition
90.4 13.4 17.8 24 - 72 96 144 -
111 16.5 21.9 24 - 118 156 144 -
178 25.8 34.2 - 44 125 166 - 216
• With all of the secondary clarifiers being operated, the design criteria were met in both
conditions for the five different flow scenarios.
• With one 45.7 m diameter secondary clarifier out of service, the design criterion (solids
loading rate) is breached only under the scenario of MMF. The significance of this relates
more to operation and maintenance than normal facility treatment capabilities. This
scenario demonstrates that clarifier maintenance should not be undertaken when flows are
anticipated to exceed the average annual flow.
BioWinTM dynamic simulation results for SOR and SLR are shown in Figures 10.3 and 10.4 for
the scenario where all clarifiers are in operation.
Secondary Clarifiers
June 1, 2009
SOR (m3/m2/d)
12/1/2030 3/1/2031 6/1/2031 9/1/2031 12/1/2031
SLR (kg/m2/d)
12/1/2030 3/1/2031 6/1/2031 9/1/2031 12/1/2031
The proposed secondary clarifier expansion will result in no design criteria breaches under
normal operating conditions and will only breach under maximum month flow when one clarifier
is out of service. The BioWinTM analysis was undertaken using Bioreactor Option C and now
that Option G (the IFAS Option) has been selected, solids loading to the secondary will be
reduced which will help to mitigate the breach condition. This presents a low risk and the
proposed clarifier expansion is recommended.
Secondary Clarifiers
June 1, 2009
There was a previous plan to add one 45.7 m diameter clarifier across from FST-3. We are
proposing to install one of the new clarifiers in this location with the second new clarifier
installed adjacent to it. Provision will also be made for installation of a future clarifier opposite
FST-5 and adjacent to FST-3. See Figure 10.5 for the general site layout.
Secondary Clarifiers
June 1, 2009
Installation of the new clarifiers to the west of the existing clarifiers will reduce project cost by
taking advantage of equipment and layouts already provided in the previous expansion as well
as connecting to flow channels, piping and access ways already in place. This concept will
require greater coordination and some operational interruptions for tie-ins but should not have
any significant impacts. See Figure 10.6 for greater detail of the facility layout including
preliminary mechanical layouts.
The existing mixed liquor channel was analyzed to determine if it has adequate capacity to
convey future design flows. The conceptual future design flow value used was 250 ML/d to
account for future secondary clarifier expansion and optimization even though the capacity
required under this expansion is 175 ML/d. The analysis indicates that the extended channel
has adequate capacity for this future flow.
Secondary Clarifiers
June 1, 2009
An effective technology at removing sludge from secondary clarifiers and reducing sludge age is
the helical sweep mechanism as shown in Figure 10.9. The existing clarifiers would need to be
converted from the existing draft tubes to helical sweeps. Through discussion with the clarifier
equipment suppliers, we have determined that the existing clarifier mechanisms can be
retrofitted to the helical sweep type.
Eimco (the manufacturer of the existing clarifier equipment) indicated that the drives and non-
wetted parts should be able to be reused. They assumed that the outer feed wells can be
reused. These assumptions are reasonable but further analysis will be required during the
detailed design phase to confirm what equipment can be re-used for a retrofit. The condition of
the existing clarifier mechanisms is good. Eimco identified the supply cost to retrofit each
existing clarifier mechanism to rotating helical sweeps as $125,000 for each of the 3 existing
clarifiers. Eimco provided an illustrative drawing of a similar retrofitted clarifier shown in Figure
10.10. Conversion from draft tubes to helical sweeps will require:
Figure 10.9: Sectional View of Typical Helical Sweep Type Secondary Clarifier Mechanism
Secondary Clarifiers
June 1, 2009
are less familiar with the existing mechanisms. As such they quoted a more encompassing
scope of work that includes:
• Two (2) new rake arms per clarifier c/w stainless steel spiral blades.
One item that needs to be provided as part of the existing secondary clarifier mechanism
upgrade is additional corrosion protection. Sandblasting and epoxy coating of existing
equipment was included in the scope of work provided to the two mechanism manufacturers.
The City indicated that they recently used ARC S1 as a coating on Clarifier no. 3. This and
other coating options will be investigated further during detailed design.
Secondary Clarifiers
June 1, 2009
In general, new mechanisms should have helical sweep arms, center column siphon feed,
circular energy dissipating inlet, and effluent weirs and scum baffles. Budget pricing from
EIMCO indicates a supply cost for each new clarifier mechanism of $450,000, with WesTech
providing a price of $475,000.
The intention is for the secondary clarifiers to all contain helical sweeps. In order to reduce
cost, retrofitting of the existing secondary clarifiers is recommended whereby as much of the
equipment is reused as possible while helical sweeps are added. Due to this integration of
existing and new components for the existing secondary clarifiers, the new mechanisms will be
similar but not duplicates of the mechanisms recommended for the new secondary clarifiers.
Sludge collected in the Secondary Clarifiers will be returned to the front of the Bioreactors as
RAS. No connections for Waste Activated Sludge (WAS) will be made to the new clarifiers.
WAS systems in place for the existing clarifiers will remain in the event that sludge needs to be
wasted but this would not be a normal operation and should not be required. All WAS will be
collected from the last aerobic zone of each bioreactor train.
Secondary Clarifiers
June 1, 2009
The existing five RAS pumps are connected to a common 750 mm diameter transfer pipe. This
pipe will be extended to the new pumps installed for FST-5. Its current discharge locations will
be modified to convey RAS to the upstream end of the new bio-reactors. From the three
proposed RAS pumps, new pipes will run to a common pipe header, very similar to that
Secondary Clarifiers
June 1, 2009
previously installed for FST-3 and 4. Individual RAS feed pipes (one for each bio-reactor) will
be teed from the 750 mm diameter common header to the influent chamber of each bio-reactor.
Each RAS feed pipe will be equipped with a magnetic flow meter and an automatic positioning
valve for control of RAS flow to each bio-reactor.
In order to determine the adequacy of the existing RAS infrastructure, we determined the
pumping requirements. Design parameters for RAS pumping are as follows:
For pump sizing, RAS flow can fluctuate between 50% and 100% of average day flow
= 45 ML/d to 90 ML/d
The proposed RAS pumping system was analyzed and it was determined that additional pumps
the same as the recessed impeller centrifugal pumps already existing for FST-3 could be used
for FST-4. One pump would be added where space was provided for a future pump, making the
current setup for FST-3 and FST-4 two duty and one common standby pump. The existing
pump make and model are not adequate for the new clarifier FST-5 and future FST-6. The
same pump model but with a larger motor is recommended. A duty and standby pump would
be installed for FST-5 with provision for another duty pump installation for future FST-6.
The existing 750 mm diameter RAS transfer pipe would be extended to FST-5 and future FST-
6. The piping configuration would mirror that already installed for FST-3 and FST-4. Some
concern was expressed about corrosion protection of buried steel pipelines. Corrosion
protection measures presently in place are to epoxy coat the lines externally and this would be
implemented for the new buried RAS and drain pipes. Additionally, cathodic protection is
recommended for these lines, specifically a sacrificial anode as is used in underground
waterline protection, to protect them from corrosion at locations where the epoxy coating is
damaged during installation.
Preliminary head loss calculations were completed to determine the adequacy of the existing
pumps to carry the additional flow as well to determine if additional pumps for the new
secondary clarifiers could be the same make and model. The calculations indicate that the
existing pumps are adequate for FST-1, 2 and 3 and for proposed FST-4. For proposed FST-5
and future FST-6, head losses are higher and require the same pump but with a 40 HP motor
instead of the 30 HP motor existing for FST-3. Using the same pump but with the larger motor
would maintain consistency in the plant.
The current pumps for FST-1 and 2 are rated for 2.5 ML/d to 20.7 ML/d @ 7.6 meters and the
pumps for FST-3 are rated for 5 ML/d to 30 ML/d @5.5 meters (as confirmed with the original
supplier). All pumps are controlled by VFD and will be programmed to adjust operational speed
relative to plant flow.
Secondary Clarifiers
June 1, 2009
The existing WAS system is comprised of two variable speed positive displacement progressive
cavity pumps in a duty/standby arrangement. The pumps withdraw excess sludge from the 750
mm diameter RAS header and also draw WAS directly from Final Clarifiers No. 1 and 2 via two
– 150 mm diameter drain pipes. The WAS pumps convey sludge to the primary settling tanks
(PST) through a 200 mm diameter header. WAS is discharged into the PST influent channel
from four 150 mm diameter ports, which are equipped with magnetic flow meters to monitor and
record WAS volumes.
Two WAS removal options were analyzed as part of the design. These were:
• Remove WAS from the secondary clarifiers with the benefit being more concentrated sludge
and thus smaller WAS pumps. Many older designs utilize this philosophy.
• Remove WAS from the last anaerobic zone of the bioreactors, which results in increased
pump size (likely double) as the WAS is less concentrated but allows the WAS system to
remove scum (which can be problematic) from the bioreactors. More recent designs
incorporate this setup mainly to enhance scum removal.
The recommended option is to remove WAS from the bioreactors.
The existing WAS systems for the secondary clarifiers will be left in place, but will not normally
be used. They will be left in place in the event that sludge wasting from the secondary clarifiers
is ever required, however, this is not anticipated under normal operating conditions. The new
secondary clarifiers will not have connections for WAS to be removed either directly or
indirectly. Only RAS will be removed from the Secondary Clarifiers and pumped to the inlet to
the bioreactors.
The existing WAS pumps are connected to the secondary clarifiers such that they can be used
to completely drain the tanks. Although WAS pumps and lines will not be associated with the
new secondary clarifiers, lines will be installed to permit draining of the secondary clarifier tanks.
This will likely be incorporated into the RAS pumping system. This concept will be further
refined during the detailed design. There is the possibility that the RAS pump turndown may be
insufficient to drain the tanks properly, in which case a portable dewatering pump should be
provided and a sump included in the design.
As described above, WAS will be pumped from the last aerobic zone of the bioreactor rather
than the secondary clarifiers. The reason is that scum can easily be collected at the end of the
bioreactors. This is a good location for scum collection as it is prevalent in the bioreactors and
collection at the bioreactors prevents significant carryover to the secondary clarifiers. From the
Secondary Clarifiers
June 1, 2009
last aerobic zone of the bioreactors, WAS will be pumped to an equalization/holding tank. From
there, sludge will be pumped to the DAF unit and consequently the existing sludge holding tank,
which forms part of the proposed solids handling facility.
Existing Clarifiers No. 1 and 2 share a common scum tank designated as Scum Tank No. 1,
which is equipped with two-constant speed pumps (duty/standby) Clarifier No. 3 has a
dedicated scum tank (Scum Tank No. 2), which is equipped with one-constant speed pump.
Secondary Clarifiers
June 1, 2009
Each of the two new clarifiers will be fitted with individual steel scum holding tanks similar to the
arrangement for FST-3. A dedicated constant speed pump will be provided for each tank. See
Figure 10.12.
Operationally, the existing scum pumps can circulate scum back to the scum tanks. This
feature maintains consistency within the tank and reduces pumping problems. Recirculation
capabilities will be provided with the new tanks. The scum removal system also includes
flushing water connected to the suction side of each scum pump.
There has been discussion regarding the need for scum handling at the Secondary Clarifiers.
This has partially been a result of the removal of scum equipment from the secondary clarifiers
at the WEWPCC. We believe that scum equipment is necessary at the secondary clarifiers.
The bioreactors produce scum that is primarily taken out by the WAS pumping system but not
entirely. The design of the SEWPCC also allows for bypassing the PSTs during wet weather
flows. This will result in additional scum that would need to be handled by the secondary
clarifiers. There is also likely to be some carryover from the bioreactors to the secondary
clarifiers during normal plant operation. Other major facilities with similar design processes
utilize scum collection at the secondary clarifiers.
Based on this information, it is recommended that scum collection equipment be included with
the secondary clarifiers.
Secondary Clarifiers
June 1, 2009
• Dual entrances.
• Integrated HVAC options that can include venting from each dome individually or providing
inlet air through the top of each dome.
• The domes do not contain any perimeter walls so perimeter walkways will be constructed as
part of the secondary clarifier concrete and miscellaneous metal work. The clarifier tank
walls will have to extend 1200 mm above the walkways in order to provide adequate
headroom at the side of the dome.
Due to the relatively low cost of the domes and their numerous features, we recommend that
domes be used in the secondary clarifier design.
There are many design details that require further exploration. These include how air is
supplied to and discharged from each dome. One option is to duct air to the domes and vent
through the top of each dome. A second option is to have the top center of the dome provide
the primary intake and draw foul air off the top of the launder for release through the main vent
stack. This option has not been included in the proposed vent stack capacities. These options
will be analyzed in greater detail as part of the detailed design.
For heating of the secondary clarifiers and ancillary spaces, heat recovery units will be used to
draw effluent from the new secondary clarifiers, pass it through filters and a heat exchanger,
and inject it back into the secondary clarifier from which it was taken. This concept duplicates
what is being done currently. Specifics on the heat exchange equipment will be provided in the
detailed design.
Secondary Clarifiers
June 1, 2009
The impacts of the proposed modifications to the secondary treatment facility on constructability
and maintaining plant operations are minimal. The new secondary clarifiers can be constructed
adjacent to the existing facility without interrupting plant operation. Temporary shutdowns of
FST-3 will be required for interconnections between the new and existing influent and effluent
channels. There will also be interruptions to the RAS pumping systems as various modifications
are required to connect the new clarifiers and change the discharge locations.
• The addition of two new secondary clarifiers meets the design conditions for the surface
overflow rate and solids loading rate.
• The new secondary clarifiers shall be located between the existing secondary clarifiers and
UV building with the ability to add a future FST-6.
• The new secondary clarifier mechanisms will have helical sweep sludge collection arms,
center column siphon feed, circular energy dissipating inlet, and effluent weirs and scum
• Modify the WAS pumping system so that WAS is pumped from the end of the bioreactors
and not from the secondary clarifiers.
Secondary Clarifiers
June 1, 2009
• Heat recovery equipment will be installed for each dome to help reduce heating costs.
The main benefit of deferring the work is that it would help to defer the capital cost, thus
reducing the initial cost of the upgrade. It is important to recognize that deferral of this work
would lead to the design not meeting the stipulated 20 year design flows. A determination on
whether or not to proceed with this work will have to be made once a project implementation
method is determined and budgetary considerations are evaluated.
For the purposes of this section of the conceptual design report, it is recommended that two
secondary clarifiers be constructed as this meets the 20 year design period.