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Journal for Research| Volume 02 | Issue 11 | January 2017

ISSN: 2395-7549

Acoustically Induced Vibration (AIV) & Flow

Induced Vibration (FIV) Analysis for the High
Pressure Reducing Systems using Energy Institute
Mr. Bhagwat B. Kedar Ms. Jayshri S. Gulave
M. Tech. Student M.E. Student
Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering
Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute Mumbai, India Matoshri College of engineering & Research Nashik, India

Piping systems adapted for handling fluids such as steam and various process and hydrocarbon gases through a pressure-
reducing device at high pressure and velocity conditions can produce severe acoustic and flow vibrations and metal fatigue in the
system. The evaluation method for susceptibility of piping to AIV fatigue failure was first proposed by Carucci and Mueller
around 35 years ago. Since then, several developments were reported. However, there has not been publication with reference to
Finite Element Approach in relation to the AIV phenomena. This Paper Proposes a method to reduce the Acoustic & Flow
Induced Vibrations in Piping system based on Actual operating conditions. This kind of AIV & FIV evaluation would be useful
to determine the priority of the countermeasure to mitigate piping failure caused by AIV & FIV in the existing plant.
Keywords: AIV, FIV, Energy Institute Guidelines, Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV), LOF, CAESAR II


In process plants with large capacity, large sound power generated by PRVs (Pressure Relieving Valves) or blowdown valves
with restriction devices sometimes result in severe piping vibrations with high frequencies at flare piping systems. This vibration
phenomenon is called as AIV (Acoustically Induced Vibration) and first reported by Carucci and Mueller [2] showed that the
AIV failure possibility is related to the sound power generated through a device with large pressure drop and pipe diameter based
on actual failure data caused by AIV. Eisinger [3] proposed an AIV fatigue diagram corresponding to the relations between
sound power level and D/t (pipe diameter ratio to wall thickness). Energy Institute published a guideline for piping vibration [1]
with an evaluation method for the AIV failure possibility based on the LOF (Likely of Failure) concept related to type of branch
connection, main pipe diameter ratio to branch pipe, etc. in addition to sound power level and pipe diameter ratio to wall
thickness. several papers reported to improve the AIV evaluation method [4] [5] [6] however, it seems that there is no paper
which show the use of Energy Institute Guidelines used to reduce AIV & FIV failure in Piping System. This Paper Proposes a
method to reduce the Acoustic & Flow Induced Vibrations in Piping system based on Actual operating conditions. This kind of
AIV & FIV evaluation would be useful to determine the priority of the countermeasure to mitigate piping failure caused by AIV
& FIV in the existing plant.
Acoustic Induced Vibration
Piping systems having high-capacity pressure-reducing stations, such as safety valve let-down systems or compressor recycle
systems and the like, are typically exposed to large internal acoustic loadings which cause piping vibrations and vibratory
stresses in the piping system. If the piping system is not properly designed and constructed so as to minimize the effect of such
acoustic excitation phenomenon, excessive vibration, and consequently undesired fatigue failures, of the piping system can
result. In extreme cases, such piping system failures can occur in a matter of days or even hours. Acoustic induced vibration can
cause piping failure at pressure reducing valves, safety valves or other pressure drop areas in a piping system. Pressure reducing
devices can generate high acoustic energy that excite the pipe shell vibration modes. This acoustic induced vibration (AIV) leads
to fatigue failure in the process piping or nearby small bore connections and generates broadband sound radiation in the range of
500 Hz to 2000 Hz.
Flow Induced Vibration
Flow-induced vibration, or vortex shedding, is due to high flow velocities and High mass flow rates such as in a piping dead leg
of a centrifugal compressor system. with certain flow conditions, piping systems will develop high levels of noise and vibration
that can damage the pipes and related systems such as tube bundles, side cavities, and bluff or tapered bodies in flow streams.
Pipe damage compromises plant safety, forces shutdowns, increases maintenance, and reduces efficiency and capacity.

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Acoustically Induced Vibration (AIV) & Flow Induced Vibration (FIV) Analysis for the High Pressure Reducing Systems using Energy Institute Guidelines
(J4R/ Volume 02 / Issue 11 / 003)

Carucci & Mueller

Evaluation of piping susceptibility was first proposed by Carucci & Mueller around 35 years ago. They describe the cause of
high acoustic Energy, how it can excite resonant piping vibrations & Correlations are presented based on sound power level
(PWL) & Line size. Carucci-Mueller paper (1983) introduced design limits based on failure/non-failure experience.
Carucci and Mueller proposed the following equation to calculate PWL for AIV
P1 −P2 3.6 Te 1.2
Sound Power Level (dB)=10 log10 [( ) W2 ( ) ] + 126.1 (1)
P1 Mw
P1 – Upstream Pressure of pressure Reducing Device (Pa)
P2 – Downstream Pressure of pressure Reducing Device (Pa)
W – Mass Flow Rate of the Gas (Kg/s)
Te – Upstream Temperature (K)
Mw - Molecular Weight of the Gas (Kg/KMol)
Carucci and Mueller (C-M) investigated failures of thin-walled piping. They reported nine failures. Their work also lists 27
situations that did not fail. Figure. 1 presents the C-M data with the reported plotted as a function of the nominal diameter D.
The nine failures are noted with letters A-H, and the 27 non-failures with numbers 1-27. The blue curve is their safe design
criteria curve and is valid for non-continuous operation for a total of not more than 12 hours.

Fig. 1: Carucci and Mueller data and criteria curve (D Method)

Carucci & Muller suggest some Treatments in the piping system and in Pressure reducing valves to reduce excessive vibration
in piping.
1) Low Noise Control Valves
2) Multiple Path Trim Type Low Noise Control Valve.
3) Staged Trim Low Noise Control Valve
4) Labyrinth type Low Noise Valve
5) Multi-Staged Restriction orifices which reduce acoustic energy at source.
6) In-line silencers which attenuate the energy before it reaches the piping.
7) Structural Damping & pipe stiffeners which reduce the vibration amplitude
F. L. Eisinger
The guideline for designing the downstream piping system can be improved by relating the acoustic power level PWL to the pipe
geometry parameter D2/t2 instead of just D2, as was done by Carucci and Mueller. This parameter, which reflects the ratio of the
acoustical and the dominant flexural structural natural frequencies, better represents the physical phenomena of coincidences of
acoustical and structural frequencies which are the underlying cause of the pipe failures.

Fig. 2: Carucci and Mueller data and criteria curve (D/t Method)

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Acoustically Induced Vibration (AIV) & Flow Induced Vibration (FIV) Analysis for the High Pressure Reducing Systems using Energy Institute Guidelines
(J4R/ Volume 02 / Issue 11 / 003)

The original acoustic power level method of Carucci and Mueller, which does not include the wall thickness t 2, does not offer
direct solutions, except for directing the designer to either change the pressure reducing devices (valves) to specially designed
multi-stage devices, or substantially redesign the piping system into a multi-parallel pass system with reduced flows and pressure
drops, an expensive and involved alternative. It thus can be seen that the new method based on acoustic input energy offers direct
and economical design solutions.
Energy Institute Guidelines
Guidelines for the Avoidance of Vibration Induced Fatigue in Process Pipework Provides a methodology to help minimize the
risk of vibration induced fatigue of process piping. There are several factors which have led to an increasing incidence of
vibration related fatigue failures in piping systems, the most significant factors are
 Increased Flow rates as a result of debottlenecking & relaxation of velocity limits, resulting in higher flow velocities with
correspondingly greater level of turbulent energy in the process system.
 For new designs of offshore plant the greater use of thin walled pipework results in more flexible pipework & higher stress
concentration particularly at small bore connections. These Guidelines covers the most common excitation mechanisms
which occur in process plant. However, they do not cover environmental loading.
These Guidelines provide a staged approach –
 Initially, a Qualitative assessment is undertaken to –
 Identify the Potential excitation mechanism that may exist.
 Provide a means of rank ordering a number of process systems or units in order to priorities the subsequent
 A Quantitative Assessment is then undertaken on the higher risk areas to determine the Likelihood of a vibration
induced piping fatigue.
 Details of onsite inspection & measurement survey techniques are provided to help refine the quantitative assessment
for an as built system.
 To reduce the risk to an acceptable level, some Corrective actions will be provided.


Problem Statement
The system consists of two Pressure reducing Valves (PRVs). Piping system vibrates due to sudden pressure drop across PRVs
and high velocity of the gas flow. The complete system was modeled using CAESAR II as shown in fig. 3 to find out the
Failure node and excessive stress point in the system. From CAESAR II results it was found that the system was fail due to
Small Bore Connection (SBC), and PRVs in the system.

Fig. 3: CAESAR II model of the system

Approach towards to solution

1) Sound power level is calculated using the formula given by Carucci and Mueller.
2) Pipe failure for AIV is checked by using design limits derived by Carucci & Mueller and F. L. Eisinger.
3) A Qualitative Analysis has been carried out to identify the potential Excitation Mechanism that may exist. (LOW to
4) A Quantitative Analysis of an LOF score for each identified excitation mechanism from Qualitative Analysis and
Periodic flow frequency calculation.
5) Based on LOF score (0-1) Recommendation & corrective Actions have been recommended.
6) Corrective Actions to be taken to reduce the value of Likelihood of Failure to below 1.

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Acoustically Induced Vibration (AIV) & Flow Induced Vibration (FIV) Analysis for the High Pressure Reducing Systems using Energy Institute Guidelines
(J4R/ Volume 02 / Issue 11 / 003)

Corrective actions to reduce LOF value

To reduce the Acoustic Induced Vibrations & Flow Induced Vibration below are some of the recommendations are given:
1) Tighten up the clearance on supports
2) Reduction in fluid velocity.
3) Flow Smoothing
4) Change Valve type
5) Change Valve trim
6) Use of Viscous Dampers/shock arrestors/snubbers.
7) Changes in the section – wall thickness
8) Reduction in mass flow rate
9) Change in line length - Attenuation with distance.
10) Use of Acoustic silencers


Following tables (table 1 & table 2) compares the results without and with the applying corrective actions from Energy Institute
Guidelines. The value of sound power level (PWL) & Likelihood of failure (LOF) reduced to accepted level after applying
corrective actions.
Table - 1
Results of AIV & FIV Assessment with No Countermeasure
Evaluation Point Pipe Size D Thickness T D/t Sound Power Level (PWL) Likelihood of Failure (LOF)
Flow Flow High Frequency
Induced Induced Acoustic
Turbulence Excitations excitation
PRV 1 457 6.35 72 174.6 1.299 1.000 1.043
PRV 2 457 6.35 72 174.6 1.299 1.000 1.043
Table - 2
Results of AIV & FIV Assessment with Countermeasure
Evaluation Point Pipe Size D Thickness T D/t Sound Power Level (PWL) Likelihood of Failure (LOF)
Flow Flow High Frequency
Induced Induced Acoustic
Turbulence Excitations excitation
PRV 1 457 6.35 72 148.5 0.85 0.68 0.92
PRV 2 457 6.35 72 140.7 0.79 0.63 0.84


We have examined historical data and criteria curves along with the historical methods of designing to avoid or remedy AIV &
FIV failures. Evaluation method for the AIV & FIV is proposed based on the actual operating condition, design fatigue life
curve, etc. In this procedure the vibration stress level can be obtained from the excess of the sound power level calculated by
Carucci and Mueller equation from the allowable level. A calculation example is shown for this evaluation and the effect of
countermeasure could be quantitatively evaluated with this procedure. This kind of AIV evaluation would be very useful to
determine the priority of the countermeasure to mitigate the piping failure possibility caused by the AIV for the existing plant.
Since this evaluation method requires the empirical data which shows the occurrence of the vibration, it is desired to develop this
method more accurately to fit the actual experiences in the future.

[1] Energy Institute, “Guidelines for the Avoidance of Vibration Induced Fatigue in Process Pipework” 2 nd Edition, 2008.
[2] V. A. Carucci and R. T. Mueller, “Acoustically Induced Piping Vibration in High Capacity Pressure Reducing Systems,” ASME 82-WA/PVP-8; 1982.
[3] F. L. Eisinger, “Designing Piping Systems against Acoustically-Induced Structural Fatigue,” ASME 1996, PVP-vol. 328; 1996.
[4] Swindell R., " Acoustically induced vibration - development and use of the 'Energy Institute' screening method ", Inter-Noise 2012.
[5] Bruce R.D., Bommer A.S. and LePage T, " Solving AIV problems in the design stage ", Inter-Noise 2012.
[6] Nishiguchi M., Izuchi H. and Hayashi I., " Investigation of Pipe Size Effect against AIV", Inter-Noise 2012.

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