Adbri Masonry Fire and Sound Brochure PDF

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Fire Resistance and Sound Insulation of

Concrete Masonry for New South Wales

Contents Preface

Preface 02 The wall systems shown in this brochure, are in accordance with the
Introduction 02 requirements of the National Construction Code - Building Code
NCC-BCA requirements 03 of Australia (NCC-BCA) Volumes 1 and 2, and meet Australian Stand-
ards AS 3700:2001.
1.0 Fire 03
1.1 Design of walls for fire resistance 03 Adbri Masonry acknowledges the Concrete Masonry Association of
1.2 General design/construction considerations 06 Australia’s (CMAA) ‘Design of Concrete Masonry Building’s Manual’
MA55 in the development of the wall systems.
1.3 FRL for integrity and insulation 07
1.4 FRL for structural adequacy for un-reinforced
and reinforced masonry 08
2.0 Sound 22
2.1 The NCC-BCA requirements 22 Introduction
2.2 Design of walls for sound insulation 22
2.3 General design/construction considerations 06
List of tables and charts
This brochure is intended as a guide for the design of walls requiring
Table A - NCC-BCA requirements for FRL 04
fire resistance using Adbri Masonry products in New South Wales.
Table B - Integrity and insulation values 07
Table C - Slenderness ratios for structural adequacy 08 THE PROPERTIES IN THIS BROCHURE ARE SPECIFIC TO ADBRI
Table D - NCC-BCA Requirements 24
Table E - Adbri Masonry wall systems for NSW 25
Table F - Acoustic Quickbrick 26 All definitions can be found in the Glossary, Section 2.0.

Table G - Quickbrick, Schooner and Renderbrick 28

Table H - Ezibrick 30 NCC-BCA requirements
Table I - 150 Series Block 31 The National Construction Code - Building Code of Australia
Table J - 200 Series Block 34 (NCC-BCA) requires that walls be designed in accordance with
Chart 1 - 90, 110, 140, 190 Litec NLB unreinforced 09 AS3700, Masonry structures code to provide the required Fire
Chart 2 - 90mm <45% basalt LB unreinforced panel 10 Resistance in buildings. The Fire Resistance Levels (FRLs) required by
the NCC-BCA for walls is summarised in Table A.
Chart 3 - 110mm <45% basalt LB unreinforced panel 11
Chart 4 - 140mm <45% basalt LB unreinforced panel 12 They are given in the form of three numbers e.g., 180/120/90,
Chart 5 - 190mm <45% basalt LB unreinforced panel 13 which represent in turn, the required FRL (in minutes) for structural
Chart 6 - 90mm ≥45% basalt LB unreinforced panel 14
Chart 7 - 110mm ≥45% basalt LB unreinforced panel 15 Reference should be made to the NCC-BCA for detailed information
Chart 8 - 140mm ≥45% basalt LB unreinforced panel 16 and concessions and for such matters as Compartmentation and
Separation, Protection of Openings, Fire Fighting Equipment and
Chart 9 - 190mm ≥45% basalt LB unreinforced panel 17
Smoke Control.
Chart 10 - 140mm vertically reinforced core 18
Chart 11 - 190mm vertically reinforced core 18
Chart 12 - 140mm horizontally reinforced bond beam 19
Chart 13 - 190mm horizontally reinforced bond beam 19
Chart 14 - 140mm wall stiffener using steel mullions 20
Chart 15 - 190mm wall stiffener using steel mullions 21
3.0 Glossary 34

Note: LB - Load Bearing

NLB - Non-Load Bearing

2 adbri masonry
1.0 Fire

1.1 Design of walls for fire resistance 2) For walls which are chased, the thickness must be reduced by the
depth of the chase to establish integrity and insulation. The effects
Structural adequacy - (ability to remain stable)
may only be ignored only if the following criteria are met:
To achieve the required FRL for structural adequacy the height of the
wall is limited. This limit varies according to the type of support given • The wall is grouted
to the wall and whether the wall is reinforced. • Depth of the chase is not greater than 30mm
The slenderness ratios given in the Masonry Code do not take into • The area of the chase is not greater than 1,000mm2
account any effect of applied finishes or the filling of cores with grout. • The total face of the chase is not greater than 100,000mm2 total
on both faces of the wall on any 5m2 area.
Integrity - (ability to resist the passage of flames and hot gases)
Design for integrity in this brochure is based on Clause 6.4 of AS3700 Step 3 - Design wall for FRL for structural adequacy
which deems that the FRL for integrity will be met if the wall meets
Check the following graphs that the proportions of the wall together
that value for insulation or from test results.
with the various support conditions and/or reinforcements are such
Insulation - (ability to limit the passage of heat) that the required FRL for structural adequacy is achieved.
To achieve the required FRL for insulation a minimum “material
If the actual wall height does not exceed the permissible heights,
thickness” must be provided by the wall.
then the chosen wall type will be satisfactory and no further steps
For units with less than or equal to 30% coring and where cores are filled
need to be taken. If the wall is still higher than permissible and no
with grout, the “material thickness” is taken as the actual thickness.
additional supports can be provided, then the wall will need to be
For units with over 30% coring the “material thickness” is the net
either reinforced or made thicker.
volume of the unit divided by the face area, commonly referred to as
the “equivalent thickness”. If the wall is cement rendered on both Notes:
sides, the thickness of the thinner coating up to a maximum value of 1) For walls with openings it is regarded as being divided into two
20mm may be added to the material thickness of the wall. sub-panels with a free edge at the centre of the opening.
Robustness 2) Where walls are chased they can be dealt with as follow:
The height limits of walls when determined by design for robustness are
in some cases less than those determined by design for fire resistance. For vertically spanning walls:
These cases are accounted for in the following design charts. • Where the chase is vertical - ignore
• Where the chase is horizontal and of length not greater than
Step 1 - Establish requirements
four times the wall thickness - ignore
Establish the required Fire Resistance Level (FRL) for the wall. • Where the chase is horizontal and of length greater than four times
Refer to Table A. the wall thickness - consider using the slenderness ratio of the
Where the required FRL does not include a value for structural wall based on the wall thickness at the bottom of the chase.
adequacy e.g., -/60/30, the wall must have a FRL for structural For walls spanning vertically and horizontally:
adequacy equal to that required for integrity i.e., to achieve • Where the length of chase is not greater than half the height for
a FRL of -/60/30, the wall must be designed for 60/60/30. a vertical chase or half the length for a horizontal chase - ignore
Step 2 - Check FRL for integrity and insulation • Where the length of chase is greater than half the height or half
the length take into account using the slenderness ratio of the
Establish the minimum wall type to satisfy the required FRL
wall based on the wall thickness at the bottom of the chase.
for integrity and insulation i.e., the last two values of the FRL.
As the required FRL for insulation is never required to be greater than Step 3a - The permissible height and length of a wall increases
the FRL for integrity, both insulation and integrity are checked for the when either reinforced vertically or with horizontally reinforced
integrity requirement e.g., for an FRL 180/120/90 both integrity and bond beams. For reinforced walls the permissible dimensions can
insulation would be checked for 120 minutes. be obtained from the following:

Table B provides values of integrity and insulation for single Section 1.5.4 - Vertical Reinforced Walls
leaf walls. Section 1.5.5 - Horizontal Reinforced Walls

Notes: Section 1.5.6 - Steel Mullions

1) All cavity walls achieve 240 minutes for integrity and insulation. Step 3b - If the permissible dimensions are still not sufficient, then
choose a thicker wall and return to Step 3a.

adbri masonry 3
Building Classes Class 3: a residential building, other than a building of Class 1 or 2
which is a common place of long term or transient living for a number
Class 1: one or more buildings which in association constitute:
of unrelated persons, including:
(a) Class 1a – single dwelling house
(a) A boarding house, guest house, hostel, lodging-house or
(i) a detached house; or backpackers accommodation; or
(ii) o ne or more attached dwellings, each being a building, (b) A residential part of a hotel or motel; or
separated by a fire-resisting wall, including a row house,
(c) A residential part of a school; or
terrace house, town house or villa unit; or
(d) Accommodation for the aged, disabled or children; or
(b) Class 1b - boarding house, guest house, hostel or the like with
a total floor area not exceeding 300m2 and in which not more than (e) A residential part of a health-care building which accommodates
12 persons would ordinarily be resident, which is not located above members of staff; or
or below another dwelling or another Class of building other than a
(f) A residential part of a Detention Centre for the accommodation of
private garage.
the inmates of the centre.
Class 2: a building containing two or more sole-occupancy units each
Class 4: a dwelling in a building that is Class 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 if it is the
being a separate dwelling.
only dwelling in the building.

Table A - NCC-BCA requirements for FRL (Type of fire construction required is indicated in brackets)

Class of Building Number of stories

Class 1 ANY
Classes 2, 3 & 4 Part 1 (C) 2 (B) 3 or more (A)
Class 5
Class 6
Class 7 (Except Car Parks) and 8
Class 7 Car Parks 1 or 2 (C)
Class 9

Type of Construction (NCC-BCA Vol 1 C1.1 C B A C

Less than 1.5m 60/60/60** 90/90/90 90/90/90 90/90/90 60/60/60

1.5m to less than 3m 60/60/60** -/-/- 90/60/30 90/60/60 -/-/-
External Load Distance from fire
3m to less than 9m 60/60/60** -/-/- 90/30/30 90/60/30 -/-/-
Bearing Walls source feature
9m to less than 18m 60/60/60** -/-/- 90/30/- 90/60/30 -/-/-
18m or more 60/60/60** -/-/- -/-/- 90/60/30 -/-/-
Less than 1.5m 60/60/60** 90/90/90 -/90/90 -/90/90 -/60/60
Distance from fire
External Non 1.5m to less than 3m 60/60/60** 90/90/90 -/60/30 -/60/60 -/-/-
source feature
3m or more 60/60/60** -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/-
Common Walls and Fire Walls (and separating walls in Class 1) 60/60/60 90/90/90 90/90/90 90/90/90 90/90/90
LB 90/90/90 90/90/90
Fire-resisting lift shafts
NLB -/90/90
LB 60/60/60** 90/90/90 90/90/90
Fire-resisting stair shafts
NLB 60/60/60** -/90/90 -/90/90
Between, or bounding sole-occupancy LB 60/60/60 60/60/60 90/90/90
Internal Walls units, bounding public corridors,
public hallways or the like NLB 60/60/60 -/60/60 -/60/60
Ventilating pipe, garage or the like shafts LB 90/90/90
not used for the discharge of hot products
of combustion NLB -/90/90
Other load bearing walls, internal walls,
60/-/- 90/-/-
internal beams, trusses and columns
External Column Distance from fire Less than 3m 90/-/- 90/-/- 90/-/- 60/-/-
(Not incorporated
in external wall) source feature 3m or more -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- 60/-/-

4 adbri masonry
Class 5: an office building used for professional or commercial Class 8: a laboratory, or a building in which a handicraft or process
purposes, excluding buildings of Class 6, 7, 8, or 9. for the production, assembling, altering, repairing, packing, finishing,
or cleaning of goods or produce is carried out for trade, sale or gain.
Class 6: a shop or other building for the sale of goods by retail or the
supply of services direct to the public, including: Class 9: a building of a public nature:

(a) An eating room, cafe, restaurant, milk or soft-drink bar; or (a) Class 9a – a health-care building; including those parts of the
building set aside as a laboratory; or
(b) A dining room, bar, shop or kiosk part of a hotel or motel; or
(b) Class 9b – an assembly building, including a trade workshop,
(c) A hairdresser’s or barber’s shop, public laundry, or undertaker’s
laboratory or the like in a primary or secondary school, but excluding
establishment; or
any other parts of the building that are of another Class; or
(d) Market or sale room, showroom, or service station.
(c) Class 9c – an aged care building.
Class 7: a building which is:
Class 10: a non-habitable building or structure:
(a) A public carpark*; or
(a) Class 10a – a non-habitable building being a private garage,
(b) For storage, or display of goods or produce for sale by wholesale. carport, shed, or the like; or
*for a list of conditions required to be met to use the nominated values for car (b) Class 10b – a structure being a fence, mast, antenna, retaining or
parks, please refer to table C1.1 in NCC-BCA Volume 1 to determine type of fire
construction required, then refer to clause 3.9a for Type A, 4.2a for Type B and free-standing wall, swimming pool, or the like.
5.2a for Type C
(c) Class 10c - a private bushfire shelter

1 or 2 (C) 3 (B) 4 or more (A)

1 or 2 (C) 3 (B) 4 or more (A)
1 or 2 (C) 3 (B) 4 or more (A)
3 (B) 4 or more (A)
1 (C) 2 (B) 3 or more (A)


60/60/60 60/60/60 90/90/90 120/120/120 120/120/120 180/180/180 180/180/180 240/240/240 240/240/240

60/60/60 60/60/60 60/60/60 120/90/60 120/90/90 180/120/90 180/180/120 240/180/120 240/240/180
-/-/- -/-/- -/-/- 120/30/30 120/60/30 180/90/60 180/120/90 240/90/60 240/180/90
-/-/- -/-/- -/-/- 120/30/- 120/60/30 180/60/- 180/120/90 240/60/- 240/180/90
-/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- 120/60/30 -/-/- 180/120/90 -/-/- 240/180/90
-/60/60 -/60/60 90/90/90 -/120/120 -/120/120 -/180/180 -/180/180 -/240/240 -/240/240
-/60/60 -/60/60 60/60/60 -/90/60 -/90/90 -/120/90 -/180/120 -/180/120 -/240/180
-/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/-
60/60/60 60/60/60 90/90/90 120/120/120 120/120/120 180/180/180 180/180/180 240/240/240 240/240/240
60/-/- 60/60/60 120/120/120 120/120/120 180/120/120 180/120/120 240/120/120 240/120/120
-/-/- 60/60/60 -/120/120 -/120/120 -/120/120
60/60/60** 60/60/60 60/60/60** 120/120/120 120/120/120 180/120/120 180/120/120 240/120/120 240/120/120
60/60/60** 60/60/60 60/60/60** -/120/120 -/120/120 -/120/120 -/120/120 -/120/120 -/120/120
120/-/- 120/-/- 180/-/- 180/-/- 240/-/- 240/-/-
-/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/-
120/90/90 180/120/120 240/120/120
-/90/90 -/120/120 -/120/120

120/-/- 120/-/- 180/-/- 180/-/- 240/-/- 240/-/-

60/-/- 60/-/- 90/-/- 120/-/- 120/-/- 180/-/- 180/-/- 240/-/- 240/-/-

60/-/- 60/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/-
**Minimum value required if designated as being required by designer

adbri masonry 5
1.2 General design/construction considerations There are many companies producing a range of sealing products
suitable. Previously three have supplied detailed technical data which
To achieve the required fire performance of a wall, it is essential that
should be checked with companies if still available. They are:
installation is in accordance with the masonry manufacturer’s details
and relevant installation standards. This should include fire sealing 1) “Pyropanel 201SFR”, a two-part polyurethane fire rated sealant.
at the wall head and perimeters, and filling of mortar joints. All gaps “Intumex Mw” a fire prevention water based mastic and “Intumex
and penetrations should be effectively fire sealed. S”, a fire prevention silicone. These products have test reports
giving integrity and insulation in excess of 120 minutes for joints
Recesses for services
up to 54mm wide. They are being distributed through major
The effect of recesses for services on the fire-resistance periods plumbing outlets.
for structural adequacy, integrity and insulation of a wall, shall be
2) Fire Research Pty Ltd “Fyrejoint” is a one-part gunable acrylic
ignored provided that the thickness of wall remaining is not less than
compound. The product has been tested to give it up to four hours
half the wall thickness and the total area of recesses is not more
Fire Rating. The product is manufactured by Wormald.
than 10,000mm2 total on both faces within any 5m2 area.
Note: where the wall is constructed of cored or hollow units, the recess can 3) The Fire Stop System. The sealants 2000 and 790 are silicone
extend into the cores. based products. They are gunable and claim to have fire ratings for
If these limits are exceeded, the thickness of the wall shall be taken as the one to four hours with joints up to 30mm wide. The products are
overall thickness of the wall less than the depth of recess. manufactured by Dow Corning.

Control joints in fire resistant walls Design of cavity walls for fire resistance

Clause C3.16 of the NCC-BCA Volume One states: For the design of cavity walls some specific rules are given in
Construction joints, spaces and the like in and between building
elements required to be fire resisting with respect to integrity and For integrity and insulation the material thickness of both leaves
insulation must be protected in a manner identical with a prototype is added together and the cavity ignored to give the “material
tested in accordance with 1530.4 to achieve the required FRL. thickness”. However, for structural adequacy where only one leaf
is loadbearing, then the FRL for structural adequacy is based on the
loaded leaf alone and the non-loaded leaf is ignored. If both leaves
are equally loaded (to within 10% of one another) or both leaves are
non-load bearing, then the thickness for structural adequacy is based
on two-thirds of the sum of the thickness of the two leaves.

6 adbri masonry
1.3 FRL for Integrity and Insulation

Table B - Integrity and Insulation

Material FRL for Integrity and Insulation (mins) Structural

Product Type Block Code Coring (%) Thickness Dimensions (mm) Cores Filled with Grout Adequacy
(mm) Chart to Use
None All

L11.162 < 30 110 180 n/a Litec





L1001 < 30 90 120 n/a Litec




L1031 < 30 90 120 n/a Litec




L1501 > 30 85 120 120 Litec



L1501.4 < 30 140 240 n/a Litec


Litec® NLB1 (Test)3 390


(≤1800 kg/m3) 90

L1583 < 30 140 240 n/a Litec




L2001.2 > 30 90 120 240 Litec




L2001.3 > 30 108 180 240 Litec



L2001.4 > 30 133 240 240 Litec





L2083 < 30 190 240 n/a Litec



L11.076 < 30 110 120 n/a ≥ 45% Basalt





L15412 > 30 80 60 120 ≥ 45% Basalt



L20412 > 30 86 60 240 ≥ 45% Basalt




L3042 > 30 108 190 90 240 ≥ 45% Basalt

Litec® LB2 DTS4

(≤1800 kg/m3)

L1001 < 30 90 190

90 n/a < 45% Basalt

L1031 < 30 90 190

90 n/a < 45% Basalt


L1501 < 30 85 190

60 n/a < 45% Basalt

L1501.3 < 30 140 190

180 n/a < 45% Basalt


1) Non Load Bearing (NLB) - see definitions glossary 3) Results from Fire Tests

2) Load Bearing (LB) - see definitions glossary 4) Results from Deemed-to-Satisfy tables in AS3700.2001

adbri masonry 7
Table B - Integrity and Insulation cont.

FRL for Integrity and Insulation (mins)

Material Structural
Product Type Block Code Coring (%) Thickness Dimensions (mm) Cores Filled with Grout Adequacy
(mm) Chart to Use
None All

L1583 < 30 140


180 n/a < 45% Basalt




L2001 > 30 90 90 240 < 45% Basalt



Litec® LB2 DTS4

L2001.3 > 30 108 90 240 < 45% Basalt

(≤1800 kg/m3) 390


L2001.4 > 30 133 190

120 240 < 45% Basalt


L2083 < 30 190 90

240 n/a < 45% Basalt


D11.119 < 30 110 90 n/a ≥ 45% Basalt




Standard Dense LB2

D11.162 < 30 110 162
90 n/a ≥ 45% Basalt
DTS4 (>1800 kg/m3) 230


D14.119 < 30 140 119

120 n/a ≥ 45% Basalt


1) Non Load Bearing (NLB) - see definitions glossary 3) Results from Fire Tests

2) Load Bearing (LB) - see definitions glossary 4) Results from Deemed-to-Satisfy tables in AS3700.2001

1.4 FRL for structural adequacy

Table C - Slenderness ratios for structural adequacy used in following charts

Maximum Slenderness Ratio

Aggregate Type
FRL (minutes)

60 90 120 180 240

Standard Dense DTS1 3

22.5 21.0 20.0 18.0 17.0
>45% Basalt

Litec1 DTS3 ≥45% Basalt 22.5 21.0 20.0 18.0 17.0

Litec1 DTS3 <45% Basalt 18.0 17.0 16.0 15.5 15.0

Litec2­ Test4 29.6 (NLB) 29.6 (NLB) 29.6 (NLB) 29.6 (NLB) 29.6 (NLB)


1) Load Bearing (LB) applications - see definitions glossary

2) Non Load Bearing (NLB) applications - see definitions glossary

3) Results from Deemed-to-Satisfy tables in AS3600.2001

4) Results from Fire Test

8 adbri masonry
1.4.1 How to use theAdequacy
Fire Resistance Level Charts (for Structural Adequacy) in the following charts
both ends

60 - 120 Minutes and top

Structural Adequacy Laterally - supported

60-120 Minutes both ends and top Step 1 - Select the appropriate chart for the required block leaf
thickness, aggregate type and support conditions
Step 2 - If wall height and length between supports are known, plot
this point on the chart to determine the appropriate masonry
Litec 190
unit thickness. The appropriate unit thickness is represented
by the curve lying ABOVE the intersecting point (In this
6.0 example the 110mm unit is the appropriate thickness).
Litec 140 Step 3 - If only the wall height is known, the maximum length of
Height of Wall Between Supports (m)

wall between supports will be determined by the area

Litec 110 immediately below the leaf thickness curves. (In this
3.0 Litec 90 example a 4.5m wall height would require a maximum of
3.1m wall lengths in 90mm or 4.5m wall lengths in 110mm)

Note: Following charts based on top lateral support coefficients

avf = 0.75 and avf = 2.0 and vertical edge lateral support
0 co-efficients ah = 1.0 and ah = 2.5.
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
Length of Wall Between Supports (m)

1.4.2 Un-reinforced Masonry

Wall not supporting
any other load than
Chart 1 Litec 90mm, 110mm, 140mm and 190mm Leaf
it’s self weight

Non Load Bearing, From Test, Un-reinforced Masonry

60-240 Minutes FRL 60-240 Minutes FRL

9.0 9.0

Litec 190
8.0 8.0

7.0 7.0

6.0 6.0
Litec 190
5.0 Litec 140 5.0
Height of Wall Between Supports (m)

Height of Wall Between Supports (m)

4.0 4.0 Litec 140

Litec 110

3.0 Litec 90 Litec 110

Litec 90

2.0 2.0

1.0 1.0

0 0
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
Length of Wall Between Supports (m) Length of Wall Between Supports (m)

a­­­­vf = 0.75, ah = 1.0 a­­­­vf = 0.75, ah = 2.5

Fire-resistance level, Fire-resistance level,

Laterally - supported Laterally - supported


FRL (minutes), for FRL (minutes), for

both ends and top one end and top
Structural Adequacy Structural Adequacy

Length Length
Notes - It is the designer’s responsibility to allow for the effects of control joints, chases, openings, strength and stiffness of ties connectors, and strength and stiffness of supports, in
addition to normal considerations of loads and masonry properties

adbri masonry 9
Chart 2 < 45% Basalt

Supporting a Supporting
concrete slab a roof or floor
90-mm leaf < 45% Basalt
Load Bearing, Deemed-to-Satisfy, Un-reinforced Masonry

a­­­­vf = 0.75, ah = 1.0

Laterally - supported

both ends and top

Fire-resistance level,
FRL (minutes), for
Structural Adequacy
Height of Wall Between Supports (m)

Supporting a concrete slab

Robustness governs in shaded areas
Not supporting a concrete slab
2.0 120/1.92
1.0 FRL/Height, (m)

0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
Length of Wall Between Supports (m)

a­­­­vf = 0.75, ah = 2.5

Laterally - supported

one end and top


Fire-resistance level,
FRL (minutes), for
Height of Wall Between Supports (m)

Structural Adequacy

4.0 Supporting a concrete slab

Robustness governs in shaded areas
3.0 Not supporting a concrete slab
2.0 120/1.92
FRL/Height, (m)

0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
Length of Wall Between Supports (m)

Notes - It is the designer’s responsibility to allow for the effects of control joints, chases, openings, strength and stiffness of ties connectors, and strength and stiffness of supports, in
addition to normal considerations of loads and masonry properties

10 adbri masonry
Chart 3 < 45% Basalt

Supporting a Supporting
concrete slab a roof or floor
110-mm leaf < 45% Basalt
Load Bearing, Deemed-to-Satisfy, Unreinforced Masonry

9.0 a­­­­vf = 0.75, ah = 1.0

Laterally - supported

both ends and top

6.0 Fire-resistance level,
FRL (minutes), for
5.0 Structural Adequacy
Height of Wall Between Supports (m)

Supporting a concrete slab

4.0 Robustness governs in shaded areas
Not supporting a concrete slab
3.0 60/2.64
2.0 180/2.27
FRL/Height, (m)

0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0

Length of Wall Between Supports (m)

9.0 a­­­­vf = 0.75, ah = 2.5

Laterally - supported

one end and top


Fire-resistance level,
FRL (minutes), for
5.0 Structural Adequacy
Height of Wall Between Supports (m)

Supporting a concrete slab

4.0 Robustness governs in shaded areas
Not supporting a concrete slab
3.0 60/2.64
2.0 180/2.27
FRL/Height, (m)

0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0

Length of Wall Between Supports (m)

Notes - It is the designer’s responsibility to allow for the effects of control joints, chases, openings, strength and stiffness of ties connectors, and strength and
stiffness of supports, in addition to normal considerations of loads and masonry properties

adbri masonry 11
Chart 4 < 45% Basalt

Supporting a Supporting
concrete slab a roof or floor
140-mm leaf < 45% Basalt
Load Bearing, Deemed-to-Satisfy, Unreinforced Masonry

a­­­­vf = 0.75, ah = 1.0

Laterally - supported

both ends and top


Supporting a concrete slab

Robustness governs in shaded areas
Height of Wall Between Supports (m)

Not supporting a concrete slab

3.0 120/2.99
2.0 FRL/Height, (m)

Fire-resistance level,
FRL (minutes), for
Structural Adequacy
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0

Length of Wall Between Supports (m)

9.0 a­­­­vf = 0.75, ah = 2.5

Laterally - supported

one end and top


Supporting a concrete slab
5.0 Robustness governs in shaded areas
Height of Wall Between Supports (m)

Not supporting a concrete slab

3.0 120/2.99
2.0 FRL/Height, (m)

1.0 Fire-resistance level,

FRL (minutes), for
0 Structural Adequacy
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0

Length of Wall Between Supports (m)

Notes - It is the designer’s responsibility to allow for the effects of control joints, chases, openings, strength and stiffness of ties connectors, and strength and
stiffness of supports, in addition to normal considerations of loads and masonry properties

12 adbri masonry
Chart 5 < 45% Basalt

Supporting a Supporting
concrete slab a roof or floor
190-mm leaf < 45% Basalt
Load Bearing, Deemed-to-Satisfy, Unreinforced Masonry

Robustness governs in shaded areas




5.0 FRL/Height, (m)

Height of Wall Between Supports (m)

90/4.31 a­­­­vf = 0.75, ah = 1.0

4.0 120/4.05
240/3.80 Laterally - supported

3.0 both ends and top


1.0 Fire-resistance level,

FRL (minutes), for
Structural Adequacy
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0

Length of Wall Between Supports (m)


8.0 Supporting a concrete slab

Robustness governs in shaded areas
7.0 Not supporting a concrete slab


5.0 FRL/Height, (m)

Height of Wall Between Supports (m)

120/4.05 a­­­­vf = 0.75, ah = 2.5
Laterally - supported

one end and top

1.0 Fire-resistance level,
FRL (minutes), for
0 Structural Adequacy
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0

Length of Wall Between Supports (m)

Notes - It is the designer’s responsibility to allow for the effects of control joints, chases, openings, strength and stiffness of ties connectors, and strength and
stiffness of supports, in addition to normal considerations of loads and masonry properties

adbri masonry 13
Chart 6 > 45% Basalt

Supporting a Supporting
concrete slab a roof or floor
90-mm leaf ≥ 45% Basalt
Load Bearing, Deemed-to-Satisfy, Unreinforced Masonry
a­­­­vf = 0.75, ah = 1.0

Laterally - supported

both ends and top

Fire-resistance level,
FRL (minutes), for
Structural Adequacy
Height of Wall Between Supports (m)

Supporting a concrete slab

4.0 Robustness governs in shaded areas
Not supporting a concrete slab
3.0 60/2.70
2.0 180/2.16
FRL/Height, (m)

0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0

Length of Wall Between Supports (m)

a­­­­vf = 0.75, ah = 2.5

Laterally - supported

7.0 one end and top

6.0 Length

Height of Wall Between Supports (m)

Supporting a concrete slab

4.0 Robustness governs in shaded areas
Not supporting a concrete slab

3.0 60/2.70
2.0 180/2.16
FRL/Height, (m)
1.0 Fire-resistance level,
FRL (minutes), for
Structural Adequacy
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0

Length of Wall Between Supports (m)

Notes - It is the designer’s responsibility to allow for the effects of control joints, chases, openings, strength and stiffness of ties connectors, and strength and
stiffness of supports, in addition to normal considerations of loads and masonry properties

14 adbri masonry
Chart 7 > 45% Basalt

Supporting a Supporting
concrete slab a roof or floor
110-mm leaf ≥ 45% Basalt
Load Bearing, Deemed-to-Satisfy, Unreinforced Masonry
a­­­­vf = 0.75, ah = 1.0

Laterally - supported

both ends and top


Supporting a concrete slab

5.0 Robustness governs in shaded areas
Height of Wall Between Supports (m)

Not supporting a concrete slab

3.0 120/2.93
2.0 FRL/Height, (m)
Fire-resistance level,
1.0 FRL (minutes), for
Structural Adequacy
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0

Length of Wall Between Supports (m)

a­­­­vf = 0.75, ah = 2.5

Laterally - supported

one end and top



Supporting a concrete slab

Robustness governs in shaded areas
Height of Wall Between Supports (m)

Not supporting a concrete slab

3.0 120/2.93
2.0 FRL/Height, (m)

1.0 Fire-resistance level,

FRL (minutes), for
0 Structural Adequacy
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0

Length of Wall Between Supports (m)

Notes - It is the designer’s responsibility to allow for the effects of control joints, chases, openings, strength and stiffness of ties connectors, and strength and
stiffness of supports, in addition to normal considerations of loads and masonry properties

adbri masonry 15
Chart 8 > 45% Basalt

Supporting a Supporting
concrete slab a roof or floor
140-mm leaf ≥ 45% Basalt
Load Bearing, Deemed-to-Satisfy, Unreinforced Masonry
a­­­­vf = 0.75, ah = 1.0

Laterally - supported

both ends and top

Supporting a concrete slab
Robustness governs in shaded areas
Not supporting a concrete slab
Height of Wall Between Supports (m)

4.0 90/3.92
3.0 240/3.17
FRL/Height, (m)
2.0 Fire-resistance level,
FRL (minutes), for
1.0 Structural Adequacy

0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0

Length of Wall Between Supports (m)

a­­­­vf = 0.75, ah = 2.5

Laterally - supported

one end and top


Supporting a concrete slab
Robustness governs in shaded areas
Not supporting a concrete slab
Height of Wall Between Supports (m)

4.0 90/3.92
3.0 240/3.17
FRL/Height, (m)

1.0 Fire-resistance level,

FRL (minutes), for
0 Structural Adequacy
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0

Length of Wall Between Supports (m)

Notes - It is the designer’s responsibility to allow for the effects of control joints, chases, openings, strength and stiffness of ties connectors, and strength and
stiffness of supports, in addition to normal considerations of loads and masonry properties

16 adbri masonry
Chart 9 > 45% Basalt

Supporting a Supporting
concrete slab a roof or floor
190-mm leaf ≥ 45% Basalt
Load Bearing, Deemed-to-Satisfy, Unreinforced Masonry
Robustness governs in shaded areas



6.0 FRL/Height, (m)

5.0 120/5.07 a­­­­vf = 0.75, ah = 1.0
Height of Wall Between Supports (m)

4.0 240/4.31
Laterally - supported

both ends and top


Fire-resistance level,
1.0 FRL (minutes), for
Structural Adequacy
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0

Length of Wall Between Supports (m)


Supporting a concrete slab
Robustness governs in shaded areas
Not supporting a concrete slab

6.0 FRL/Height, (m)

5.0 120/5.07
Height of Wall Between Supports (m)

4.0 240/4.31 a­­­­vf = 0.75, ah = 2.5

3.0 Laterally - supported


one end and top


Fire-resistance level,
FRL (minutes), for
0 Structural Adequacy
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0

Length of Wall Between Supports (m)

Notes - It is the designer’s responsibility to allow for the effects of control joints, chases, openings, strength and stiffness of ties connectors, and strength and
stiffness of supports, in addition to normal considerations of loads and masonry properties

adbri masonry 17
1.4.3 Reinforced Masonry

Panel Sizes for Mixed Construction

The following charts cover mixed construction where partial reinforcement by bond beams and stiffeners have been incorporated into
the masonry wall. The charts have been calculated on:

Characteristic Masonry Strength 15MPa

Steel Reinforcement of N20, N16, N12 500MPa
Characteristic Grout Strength 20MPa

The following mixed construction charts provide an FRL for Structural Adequacy of 240 minutes in accordance with AS3700 Clause 6.3.5 and 6.3.6.
For Intergrity and Insulation FRL’s refer to Section 1.4 Table B.

1.4.4 Vertically Reinforced Cores

Chart 10 140mm Leaf

140mm Beam, 1 Bar, 1 Tensile, 1 Block, Centre

9.0 N12



Height of Wall Between Supports (m)

Reinforcement N16

2.0 N12

0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
Length of Wall Between Supports (m)

Chart 11 190mm Leaf

190mm Column, 1 Bar, 1 Tensile, 1 Block, Centre 190mm Column, 2 Bars, 1 Tensile, Edge, 1 Block
9.0 N12 9.0
N16 N16
8.0 8.0
N20 N20

7.0 7.0

6.0 6.0
Reinforcement N20

5.0 5.0
Height of Wall Between Supports (m)
Height of Wall Between Supports (m)

Reinforcement N20 Reinforced Reinforced

N16 Cores
4.0 4.0
3.0 3.0


2.0 2.0

1.0 1.0
Horizontal Horizontal
Spacing Spacing
0 0
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
Length of Wall Between Supports (m) Length of Wall Between Supports (m)

Reinforcement* required to achieve a Fire Resistance Level (FRL) for Structural Adequacy of up to 240 minutes.
*(Minimum reinforcement to resist 0.5kPa lateral load in accordance with AS3700, Clause 6.3.5)

18 adbri masonry
1.4.5 Horizontally Reinforced Bond Beam

Chart 12 140mm Leaf

140mm Beam, 1 Bar, 1 Block 140mm Beam, 2 Bars, 1 Tensile, 2 Blocks, Centre
9.0 9.0 N12
N16 N16
8.0 8.0

7.0 7.0

6.0 6.0
Reinforcement N12 & N16
5.0 5.0
Height of Wall Between Supports (m)

Height of Wall Between Supports (m)

Reinforcement N12 & N16
4.0 4.0

3.0 3.0


Reinforced Reinforced
Bond Beam 2.0
Bond Beam

1.0 1.0
Length Length
0 0
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
Length of Wall Between Supports (m) Length of Wall Between Supports (m)

Chart 13 190mm Leaf

190mm Beam, 1 Bar, 1 Block, Centre 190mm Beam, 2 Bars, 1 Tensile, 1 Block
9.0 9.0 N12
N16 N16
8.0 8.0
N20 N20
Reinforcement N20 & N16
7.0 7.0

Reinforcement N20 & N16

6.0 6.0

5.0 5.0 N12

Height of Wall Between Supports (m)

Height of Wall Between Supports (m)

4.0 4.0

3.0 3.0



Reinforced Reinforced
Bond Beam 2.0
Bond Beam

1.0 1.0
Length Length
0 0
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
Length of Wall Between Supports (m) Length of Wall Between Supports (m)

190mm Beam, 2 Bars, 1 Tensile, 2 Blocks, Centre 190mm Beam, 4 Bars, 2 Tensile, 2 Blocks, Edge
9.0 9.0
N12 N12
N16 N16
8.0 8.0
N20 Reinforcement N20 & N16 N20

7.0 7.0

Reinforcement N20 & N16 N12

6.0 6.0

5.0 5.0
Height of Wall Between Supports (m)

Height of Wall Between Supports (m)

4.0 4.0

3.0 3.0



Reinforced Reinforced
Bond Beam 2.0
Bond Beam

1.0 1.0
Length Length
0 0
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
Length of Wall Between Supports (m) Length of Wall Between Supports (m)

Reinforcement* required to achieve a Fire Resistance Level (FRL) for Structural Adequacy of up to 240 minutes.
*(Minimum reinforcement to resist 0.5kPa lateral load in accordance with AS3700, Clause 6.3.5)

adbri masonry 19
1.4.6 Wall Stiffeners using Steel Mullions

Lateral support can be provided to unreinforced masonry subject to lateral earthquake, wind or fire loads by building in galvanised steel mullions.

Steel mullions must be placed into open-ended masonry units, such as ‘H’ or ‘A’ shaped blocks, during construction of the masonry wall.

Chart 14 140mm Leaf

50 x 100mm Steel Section (wall thickness of steel tube in mm)



50 x 100mm Steel Mullion Stiffener Minimum Steel Clearance
as per AS3700 Table 6.2


1501 or
Height of Wall Between Supports (m)

equivalent 1549 Grout Filled

4.0 4 Cores


0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 Reinforcement required to achieve an FRL for
Length of Wall Between Supports (m) Structural Adequacy of up to 120 minutes.

140mm Leaf

65 x 65mm Steel Section (wall thickness of steel tube in mm)



65 x 65mm Steel Mullion Stiffener Minimum Steel Clearance
as per AS3700 Table 6.2


1501 or
Height of Wall Between Supports (m)

equivalent 1549 Grout Filled

4.0 4 Reinforced


0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
Reinforcement required to achieve an FRL for
Length of Wall Between Supports (m) Structural Adequacy of up to 90 minutes.

20 adbri masonry
Chart 15 190mm Leaf

50 x 100mm Steel Section (wall thickness of steel tube in mm)



50 x 100mm Steel Mullion Stiffener Minimum Steel Clearance
as per AS3700 Table 6.2


2001 or
Height of Wall Between Supports (m)

equivalent 2049 Grout Filled

4.0 Reinforced
4 Cores


0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
Reinforcement required to achieve an FRL for
Length of Wall Between Supports (m) Structural Adequacy of up to 240 minutes.

190mm Leaf

65 x 65mm Steel Section (wall thickness of steel tube in mm)



65 x 65mm Steel Mullion Stiffener Minimum Steel Clearance
as per AS3700 Table 6.2


2001 or
Height of Wall Between Supports (m)

equivalent 2049 Grout Filled

4.0 4 Reinforced


0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 Reinforcement required to achieve an FRL for
Length of Wall Between Supports (m) Structural Adequacy of up to 240 minutes.

adbri masonry 21
2.0 Sound

2.1 The NCC-BCA requirements Step 1: Establish requirements

All wall systems in this brochure satisfy the performance Determine the building class and wall separating conditions between
requirement of the NCC-BCA and demonstrate compliance the sole occupancy units (SOU’s) using Table D
through one of the following means:
Step 2: Select your Adbri Masonry wall system
• Laboratory testing of an exact construction or
Use Table E, and the relevant NCC-BCA requirement as chosen
• The deemed-to-satisfy (DTS) provisions, these walls are considered in Step 1, to view the Adbri Wall systems available. Table E
to be acceptable forms of construction. The DTS walls consider categorises the requirements of the NCC-BCA and allocates
the overall Rw value of a particular wall type, which must meet the an available Adbri Masonry wall system to meet the requirement.
NCC-BCA requirement to comply. There may be several systems available to achieve NCC- BCA
These provisions also take into account the building class and
state or territory. The NCC-BCA requirements for internal walls are Step 3: Details of your Adbri Masonry wall system
summarised in Table D.
Tables F, G, H, I and J provide a range of systems based around a
Note - Reference should be made to the NCC-BCA for detailed range of Adbri Masonry products. Each table is formatted to provide:
information and concessions.
1) Typical layout
Adbri Masonry has developed and tested a range of high
2) Wall schematic
performance wall systems to accomodate the requirements of the
NCC-BCA for Class 2 and 3 buildings. This information is included in 3) Adbri block type/series
Tables F, G, H, I and J. 4) Wall details
The systems in Tables G and H are best for load bearing measonry 5) Overall wall thickness
walls up to 3 storeys maximum.
6) Test report/Opinion number
2.2 Design of walls for sound insulation
7) Further information (if applicable).
These wall systems are usually used in internal applications in
commercial, industrial, institutional, domestic and high-rise domestic
construction, or in the renovation of older buildings. Wall systems
generally incorporate single leaf concrete masonry, CSR Bradford®
Insulation products, CSR Gyprock® and Tontine. All individual
masonry Rw values have been derived using Adbri, Renzo Tonin and
Associates, CMAA and CSIRO test reports, and opinions by Ron
Rumble Pty Ltd and Renzo Tonin and Associates, and Arup Pty Ltd.

Systems which require CSR product are based on the CSR ‘The Red
BookTM’ November 2009 Section ‘D’ Masonry Wall Systems.

The Rw and Rw + Ctr values shown in the wall systems are only
applicable when using Adbri Masonry, Tontine and CSR products
(or equivalent).

22 adbri masonry
Table D - NCC-BCA Requirements

NCC-BCA Building Class Walls that separate Rw + Ctr Rw

Habitable rooms (other than kitchens) of one SOU from

a bathroom, sanitary compartment, laundry or kitchen 50 - Yes
in an adjoining SOU

Rooms between SOU’s other than above 50 - No

Rw = 50 and
2, 3 Lift
Impact Resistance

Rw = 45 SOU’s from a stairway, public corridor, public lobby or the like - 50 No

Vol One

SOU’s from a plant room or lift shaft - 50 Yes

Living Room
SOU’s from a kitchen or laundry - 45 Yes

9c, Aged Care

SOU’s from other SOU’s (other than above), or from a sanitary
- 45 No
SOU 1 compartment, bathroom, plant room etc
Kitchen SOU 2
Living Room
Habitable rooms (other than kitchens) of one building from
50 - Yes
a bathroom, laundry, kitchen, etc in another Class 1 building
Vol Two 1

Rooms between Class 1Kitchen

buildings other than above 50 - No

1 - Refer to glossary for Building Class definitions.

Rw + Ctr = 50

Rw + Ctr = 50 and
Discontinous Construction Lift

Rw = 50

Living Room

Kitchen SOU 2
Living Room


adbri masonry 23
Table E - Adbri Masonry wall systems for New South Wales

NCC-BCA Requirement Refer Table Wall System Name

I 150 series Litec block hollow with 13mm render both sides

J 200 series Litec block hollow with 13mm render both sides

Rw 45

J 200 series Four hour Litec block

G Dense Quickbrick, Schooner and Renderbrick

J 200 series Litec block core filled

I 150 series Litec block core filled

Rw 50

I 150 series Litec block core filled with mininum 13mm render or minimum 10mm gyprock both sides

ALL All cavity walls

Rw + Ctr = 50 ALL Various units with Resilient Mount, Furring Channel and Insulation one side

Rw + Ctr = 50 + Various units (some walls corefilled) with Stud and Insulation one side,
Discontinuous Construction Discontinuous Construction for impact sound and insulation

2.3 General design/construction considerations

•Gyprock® plasterboard may be directly applied to the masonry • Masonry units must be laid with all joints filled solid,
substrate, screw fixed to metal furring channels that are fixed to the except for adequately sound insulated articulation joints, including
masonry, or alternatively fixed to a separate stud frame. those between the masonry and any adjoining construction.

• Refer to manufacturer for all related load bearing and non-load • To achieve the specified sound performance, ties from masonry to
bearing stud design information. the stud framing must not be used.

• All block wall elements are to be designed in accordance with • For energy efficiency wall systems refer to ‘Adbri Block Energy
AS3700:2011 Masonry Structures. Efficiency Compliance Guide’.

• Wall systems can incorporate an insulated cavity to provide

improved acoustic performance. The provision of a cavity also
allows the inclusion of services such as water pipes.

• Systems that meet the NCC-BCA requirements for discontinuous

construction. These wall systems have studs that are separated
from the masonry by at least 10mm. The plasterboard lining on the
studs (the wall leaf) therefore has a separation of at least 10mm
plus the depth of the stud, which exceeds the NCC-BCA minimum
of 20mm.

24 adbri masonry
Table F - 110mm Acoustic Quickbrick

Discontinuous Test /Opinion System

Rw + Ctr Rw Wall Lining System Detail Wall Lining
Construction Number Width

N/A 41 No None None 110mm

13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 28mm furring 424m
46 55 No None channels on resilient acoustic 165mm
mount with Tontine label TSB5
insulation between studs

2x13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 28mm furring 424n
51 58 No None channels on resilient acoustic 178mm
mount with Tontine label TSB5
insulation between studs

13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 64mm studs 424b
49 57 Yes None (10mm off masonry) with 197mm
Tontine label TSB5 insulation
between studs

13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 64mm studs 424u
50 56 No 13mm Render (10mm off masonry) with 210mm
Tontine label TSB5 insulation
between studs

13mm Soundchek plasterboard 13mm Soundchek plasterboard 424q

43 47 No 136mm
daub fixed @ 500mm centres daub fixed @ 500mm centres AO221834

13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 16mm furring
13mm Soundchek plasterboard 424o
50 59 No channels on resilient acoustic 178mm
daub fixed @ 500mm centres AO221834
mount with Tontine label TSB5
insulation between studs

13mm plasterboard screw

13mm plasterboard daub fixed to 64mm studs (20mm
51 59 Yes 465a 220mm
fixed @ 500mm centres off masonry) with Tontine label
TSB5 insulation between studs

13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 64mm studs
13mm Soundchek plasterboard 424d
53 61 Yes (10mm off masonry) with 210mm
daub fixed @ 500mm centres AO221834
Tontine label TSB5 insulation
between studs

13mm Soundchek plasterboard 13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 16mm furring screw fixed to 64mm studs 424f
54 65 Yes channels on resilient acoustic (10mm off masonry) with 240mm
mount with Tontine label TSB5 Tontine label TSB5 insulation
insulation between studs between studs

- Soundchek plasterboard or approved equivalent can be used
- Systems with furring channels on resilient mounts allow 14mm for width of resilient mount

adbri masonry 25
Table F - 110mm Acoustic Quickbrick (cont.)

Discontinuous Test /Opinion System

Rw + Ctr Rw Wall Lining System Detail Wall Lining
Construction Number Width

13mm Soundchek plasterboard 9mm wet area fibre cement

screw fixed to 16mm furring board (14kg/m2) screw fixed to 424h
55 67 Yes channels on resilient acoustic 64mm metal stud (10mm off 236mm
mount with Tontine label TSB5 masonry) with Tontine label TSB5
insulation between studs insulation between studs

13mm Soundchek plasterboard 13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 28mm furring screw fixed to 28mm furring 424l
51 65 No channels on resilient acoustic channels on resilient acoustic 220mm
mount with Tontine label TSB5 mount with Tontine label TSB5
insulation between studs insulation between studs

13mm Soundchek plasterboard 13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 64mm studs screw fixed to 64mm studs 424c
59 69 Yes (10mm off masonry) with (10mm off masonry) with 284mm
Tontine label TSB5 insulation Tontine label TSB5 insulation
between studs between studs

9mm wet area fibre cement board 13mm Soundchek plasterboard

(14kg/m2) screw fixed to 16mm screw fixed to 28mm furring 424k
50 64 No furring channels on resilient channels on resilient acoustic 204mm
acoustic mount with Tontine label mount with Tontine label TSB5
TSB3 insulation (20mm) insulation between studs

9mm wet area fibre cement board 9mm wet area fibre cement
(14kg/m2) screw fixed to 16mm board (14kg/m2) screw fixed to 424j
56 67 Yes furring channels on resilient 64mm metal stud (10mm off 232mm
acoustic mount with Tontine label masonry) with Tontine label TSB5
TSB3 insulation (20mm) insulation between studs

13mm render
54 58 Yes 13mm render 465b 296mm
50mm cavity between leaves

13mm Soundchek plasterboard

13mm Soundchek plasterboard 424w
56 62 Yes daub fixed @500mm centres 296mm
daub fixed @ 500mm centres AO221834
50mm between cavity leaves

- Soundchek plasterboard or approved equivalent can be used
- Systems with furring channels on resilient mounts allow 14mm for width of resilient mount

Table G - 110mm Quickbrick, Schooner and Renderbrick

Discontinuous Test /Opinion System

Rw + Ctr Rw Wall Lining System Detail Wall Lining
Construction Number Width

NA 46 No None None 110mm

NA 45 No None None 110mm

NA 47 No None None 110mm

26 adbri masonry
Table G - 110mm Quickbrick, Schooner and Renderbrick (cont.)

Discontinuous Test /Opinion System

Rw + Ctr Rw Wall Lining System Detail Wall Lining
Construction Number Width

42 47 No 13mm render None 433h 126mm

43 48 No 13mm render 13mm render 433l 139mm

13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 64mm studs
53 59 Yes 13mm render (20mm off masonry) with 433j 220mm
Tontine label TSB5 insulation
between studs

13mm Soundchek plasterboard 13mm Soundchek plasterboard

43 49 No 433e 136mm
daub fixed @ 500mm centres daub fixed @500mm centres

13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 64mm studs
13mm Soundchek plasterboard
53 59 Yes (20mm off masonry) with 433c 220mm
daub fixed @ 500mm centres
Tontine label TSB5 insulation
between studs

9mm wet area fibre cement

board (14kg/m2) screw fixed to
13mm Soundchek plasterboard
52 59 Yes 64mm metal stud (20mm off 433d 216mm
daub fixed @ 500mm centres
masonry) with Tontine label
TSB5 insulation between studs

13mm Soundchek plasterboard 13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 16mm furring screw fixed to 64mm studs
55 63 Yes channels on resilient acoustic (20mm off masonry) with 433b 250mm
mount with Tontine label TSB5 Tontine label TSB5 insulation
insulation between studs between studs

13mm Soundchek plasterboard 13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 28mm furring screw fixed to 28mm furring
51 61 No channels on resilient acoustic channels on resilient acoustic 433a 220mm
mount with Tontine label TSB3 mount with Tontine label TSB5
insulation between studs insulation between studs

13mm Soundchek plasterboard

13mm Soundchek plasterboard
51 56 Yes daub fixed @ 500mm centres 433f 276mm
daub fixed @ 500mm centres
30mm cavity between leaves

13mm render
50 55 Yes 13mm render 433g 276mm
30mm cavity between leaves

- Soundchek plasterboard or approved equivalent can be used
- Systems with furring channels on resilient mounts allow 14mm for width of resilient mount

adbri masonry 27
Table H - 140mm Ezibrick

Discontinuous Test /Opinion System

Rw + Ctr Rw Wall Lining System Detail Wall Lining
Construction Number Width

NA 50 No None None 140mm

13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 28mm furring
53 60 No None channels on resilient acoustic 462a 195mm
mount with Tontine label TSB5
insulation between studs

45 50 No 13mm render None 462f 153mm

46 51 No 13mm render 13mm render 462g 166mm

13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 28mm furring
51 60 No 13mm render channels on resilient acoustic 462e 208mm
mount with Tontine label TSB5
insulation between studs

13mm Soundchek plasterboard 13mm Soundchek plasterboard

41 45 No 462d 166mm
daub fixed @ 500mm centres daub fixed @ 500mm centres

13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 28mm furring
13mm Soundchek plasterboard
51 59 No channels on resilient acoustic 462b 208mm
daub fixed @ 500mm centres
mount with Tontine label TSB5
insulation between studs

13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 64mm studs
13mm Soundchek plasterboard
55 63 Yes (20mm off masonry) with 462c 250mm
daub fixed @ 500mm centres
Tontine label TSB5 insulation
between studs

- Soundchek plasterboard or approved equivalent can be used
- Systems with furring channels on resilient mounts allow 14mm for width of resilient mount

28 adbri masonry
Table I - 150 Series
Test /
Discontinuous Block System
Rw + Ctr Rw Wall Lining System Detail Wall Lining Opinion
Construction Cores Width

L1501.2 RR/05/3
NA 41 No None None 140mm
Hollow 943.Rpt6

L1501.4 RR/05/3
NA 44 No None None 14 0mm
Hollow 943.Rpt6

L15412 RR/05/3
NA 50 No None None 140mm
Corefilled 943.Rpt6

L1501.2 RR/05/3
NA 45 No 13mm render 13mm render 166mm
Hollow 943. Rpt6

L1501.4 RR/05/3
NA 47 No 13mm render 13mm render 166mm
Hollow 943.Rpt6

L15412 RR/05/3
NA 50 No 13mm render 13mm render 166mm
Corefilled 943.Rpt6

L1501.2 RR/05/3
NA 43 No 13mm plasterboard 13mm plasterboard 166mm
Hollow 943.Rpt6

L1501.4 RR/05/3
NA 45 No 13mm plasterboard 13mm plasterboard 166mm
Hollow 943.Rpt6

L15412 RR/05/3
NA 51 No 13mm plasterboard 13mm plasterboard 166mm
Corefilled 943.Rpt6

adbri masonry 29
Table I - 150 Series (cont.)
Test /
Discontinuous Block System
Rw + Ctr Rw Wall Lining System Detail Wall Lining Opinion
Construction Cores Width

2 x 13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 28mm furring
13mm plasterboard channels@ 600mm maximum
50 63 No daub fixed @ Corefilled centres on resilient acoustic CSR 535 221mm
500mm centres mount with CSR Bradford 50mm
Glasswool Partition Batts (11kg/
m3) between furring channels

13mm plasterboard screw fixed to

64mm studs @ 600mm maximum
13mm plasterboard
centres (12mm off masonry) with
53 61 Yes daub fixed @ Corefilled CSR 767 242mm
CSR Bradford 75mm Glasswool
500mm centres
Partition Batts (11kg/m3) between

13mm plasterboard screw fixed to

13mm plasterboard 64mm studs @ 600mm maximum
54 62 Yes daub fixed @ Corefilled centres (12mm off masonry) with CSR 767 242mm
500mm centres CSR Bradford 90mm Gold Batts
R2.0 between studs

13mm plasterboard screw fixed to

92mm studs @ 600mm maximum
13mm plasterboard
centres (12mm off masonry) with
55 63 Yes daub fixed @ Corefilled CSR 767 270mm
CSR Bradford 75mm Glasswool
500mm centres
Partition Batts (11kg/m3) between

13mm plasterboard screw fixed to

13mm plasterboard 92mm studs @ 600mm maximum
56 64 Yes daub fixed @ Corefilled centres (12mm off masonry) with CSR 767 270mm
500mm centres CSR Bradford 90mm Gold Batts
R2.0 between studs

13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 64mm studs @
13mm plasterboard
600mm maximum centres (12mm
55 63 Yes daub fixed @ Corefilled CSR 768 242mm
off masonry) with CSR Bradford
500mm centres
75mm Glasswool Partition Batts
(11kg/m3) between studs

13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 64mm studs @
13mm plasterboard
600mm maximum centres (12mm
56 64 Yes daub fixed @ Corefilled CSR 768 242mm
off masonry) with CSR Bradford
500mm centres
90mm Gold Batts R2.0 between

13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 92mm studs @
13mm plasterboard
600mm maximum centres (12mm
57 64 Yes daub fixed @ Corefilled CSR 768 270mm
off masonry) with CSR Bradford
500mm centres
75mm Glasswool Partition Batts
(11kg/m3) between studs

13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 64mm studs @
13mm plasterboard
600mm maximum centres (12mm
58 65 Yes daub fixed @ Corefilled CSR 768 270mm
off masonry) with CSR Bradford
500mm centres
90mm Gold Batts R2.0 between

30 adbri masonry
Table I - 150 Series (cont.)
Test /
Discontinuous Block System
Rw + Ctr Rw Wall Lining System Detail Wall Lining Opinion
Construction Cores Width

2 x 13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 64mm studs @
13mm plasterboard
600mm maximum centres (12mm
57 64 Yes daub fixed @ Corefilled CSR 769 255mm
off masonry) with CSR Bradford
500mm centres
75mm Glasswool Partition Batts
(11kg/m3) between studs

2 x 13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 64mm studs @
13mm plasterboard
600mm maximum centres (12mm
60 67 Yes daub fixed @ Corefilled CSR 769 255mm
off masonry) with CSR Bradford
500mm centres
90mm Gold Batts R2.0 between
2 x 13mm Soundchek plasterboard
screw fixed to 92mm studs @
13mm plasterboard
600mm maximum centres (12mm
60 67 Yes daub fixed @ Corefilled CSR 769 283mm
off masonry) with CSR Bradford
500mm centres
75mm Glasswool Partition Batts
(11kg/m3) between studs
2 x 13mm Soundchek plasterboard
screw fixed to 92mm studs @
13mm plasterboard
600mm maximum centres (12mm
61 68 Yes daub fixed @ Corefilled CSR 769 283mm
off masonry) with CSR Bradford
500mm centres
90mm Gold Batts R2.0 between

- Soundchek plasterboard or approved equivalent can be used
- Systems with furring channels on resilient mounts allow 14mm for width of resilient mount

adbri masonry 31
Table J - 200 Series
Test /
Discontinuous Block System
Rw + Ctr Rw Wall Lining System Detail Wall Lining Opinion
Construction Cores Width

L2001.2 RR/05/3
NA 42 No None None 190mm
Hollow 943.Rpt6

L2001.3 RR/05/3
NA 44 No None None 190mm
Hollow 943.Rpt6

L2001.4 RR/05/3
NA 47 No None None 190mm
Hollow 943.Rpt6

L20412 RR/05/3
NA 55 No None None 190mm
Corefilled 943.Rpt6

L2001.2 RR/05/3
NA 46 No 13mm render 13mm render 216mm
Hollow 943.Rpt6

L2001.3 RR/05/3
NA 47 No 13mm render 13mm render 216mm
Hollow 943.Rpt6

L2001.4 RR/05/3
NA 50 No 13mm render 13mm render 216mm
Hollow 943.Rpt6

L20412 RR/05/3
NA 57 No 13mm render 13mm render 216mm
Corefilled 943.Rpt6

L2001.2 RR/05/3
NA 44 No 13mm plasterboard 13mm plasterboard 216mm
Hollow 943.Rpt6

32 adbri masonry
Table J - 200 Series (cont.)
Test /
Discontinuous Block System
Rw + Ctr Rw Wall Lining System Detail Wall Lining Opinion
Construction Cores Width

L2001.3 RR/05/3
NA 45 No 13mm plasterboard 13mm plasterboard 216mm
Hollow 943.Rpt6

L2001.4 RR/05/3
NA 48 No 13mm plasterboard 13mm plasterboard 216mm
Hollow 943.Rpt6

L20412 RR/05/3
NA 56 No 13mm plasterboard 13mm plasterboard 216mm
Corefilled 943.Rpt6

2 x 13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 28mm furring
13mm plasterboard channels @ 600mm maximum
50 63 No daub fixed @ Corefilled centres on resilient acoustic CSR 535 271mm
500mm centres mount with CSR Bradford 50mm
Glasswool Partition Batts (11kg/
m3) between furring channels

13mm plasterboard screw fixed to

92mm studs @ 600mm maximum
13mm plasterboard
Hollow centres (12mm off masonry) with
50 58 Yes daub fixed @ CSR 760 320mm
L2001.2 CSR Bradford 75mm Glasswool
500mm centres
Partition Batts (11kg/m3) between
13mm plasterboard screw fixed to
13mm plasterboard 92mm studs @ 600mm maximum
51 59 Yes daub fixed @ centres (12mm off masonry) with CSR 760 320mm
500mm centres CSR Bradford 90mm Gold Batts
R2.0 between studs

13mm Soundchek plasterboard

13mm plasterboard screw fixed to 64mm studs @
daub fixed @ Hollow 600mm maximum centres (12mm
50 58 Yes CSR 761 292mm
500mm centres L2001.2 off masonry) with CSR Bradford
studs 75mm Glasswool Partition Batts
(11kg/m3) between studs
13mm Soundchek plasterboard
13mm plasterboard screw fixed to 64mm studs @
daub fixed @ Hollow 600mm maximum centres (12mm
51 59 Yes CSR 761 292mm
500mm centres L2001.2 off masonry) with CSR Bradford
studs 90mm Gold Batts R2.0 between
13mm Soundchek plasterboard
13mm plasterboard screw fixed to 92mm studs @
daub fixed @ Hollow 600mm maximum centres (12mm
52 59 Yes CSR 761 320mm
500mm centres L2001.2 off masonry) with CSR Bradford
studs 75mm Glasswool Partition Batts
(11kg/m3) between studs

adbri masonry 33
Table J - 200 Series (cont.)
Test /
Discontinuous Block System
Rw + Ctr Rw Wall Lining System Detail Wall Lining Opinion
Construction Cores Width

13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 92mm studs @
13mm plasterboard
Hollow 600mm maximum centres (12mm
53 60 Yes daub fixed @ CSR 761 320mm
L2001.2 off masonry) with CSR Bradford
500mm centres
90mm Gold Batts R2.0 between
2 x 13mm Soundchek plasterboard
screw fixed to 64mm studs @
13mm plasterboard
Hollow 600mm maximum centres (12mm
54 61 Yes daub fixed @ CSR 762 305mm
L2001.2 off masonry) with CSR Bradford
500mm centres
75mm Glasswool Partition Batts
(11kg/m3) between studs
2 x 13mm Soundchek plasterboard
screw fixed to 64mm studs @
13mm plasterboard
Hollow 600mm maximum centres (12mm
55 62 Yes daub fixed @ CSR 762 305mm
L2001.2 off masonry) with CSR Bradford
500mm centres
90mm Gold Batts R2.0 between
2 x 13mm Soundchek plasterboard
screw fixed to 92mm studs @
13mm plasterboard
Hollow 600mm maximum centres (12mm
55 62 Yes daub fixed @ CSR 762 333mm
L2001.2 off masonry) with CSR Bradford
500mm centres
75mm Glasswool Partition Batts
(11kg/m3) between studs

2 x 13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 92mm studs @
13mm plasterboard
Hollow 600mm maximum centres (12mm
56 63 Yes daub fixed @ CSR 762 333mm
L2001.2 off masonry) with CSR Bradford
500mm centres
90mm Gold Batts R2.0 between

13mm plasterboard screw fixed to

64mm studs @ 600mm maximum
13mm plasterboard
Hollow centres (12mm off masonry) with
51 59 Yes daub fixed @ CSR 764 292mm
L2001.4 CSR Bradford 75mm Glasswool
500mm centres
Partition Batts (11kg/m3) between
13mm plasterboard screw fixed to
13mm plasterboard 64mm studs @ 600mm maximum
52 60 Yes daub fixed @ centres (12mm off masonry) with CSR 764 292mm
500mm centres CSR Bradford 90mm Gold Batts
R2.0 between studs
13mm plasterboard screw fixed to
92mm studs @ 600mm maximum
13mm plasterboard
Hollow centres (12mm off masonry) with
53 61 Yes daub fixed @ CSR 764 320mm
L2001.4 CSR Bradford 75mm Glasswool
500mm centres
Partition Batts (11kg/m3) between
13mm plasterboard screw fixed to
13mm plasterboard 92mm studs @ 600mm maximum
54 62 Yes daub fixed @ centres (12mm off masonry) with CSR 764 320mm
500mm centres CSR Bradford 90mm Gold Batts
R2.0 between studs

34 adbri masonry
Table J - 200 Series (cont.)
Test /
Discontinuous Block System
Rw + Ctr Rw Wall Lining System Detail Wall Lining Opinion
Construction Cores Width

13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 64mm studs @
13mm plasterboard
Hollow 600mm maximum centres (12mm
53 61 Yes daub fixed @ CSR 765 292mm
L2001.4 off masonry) with CSR Bradford
500mm centres
75mm Glasswool Partition Batts
(11kg/m3) between studs

13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 64mm studs @
13mm plasterboard
Hollow 600mm maximum centres (12mm
54 62 Yes daub fixed @ CSR 765 292mm
L2001.4 off masonry) with CSR Bradford
500mm centres
90mm Gold Batts R2.0 between

13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 92mm studs @
13mm plasterboard
Hollow 600mm maximum centres (12mm
55 62 Yes daub fixed @ CSR 765 320mm
L2001.4 off masonry) with CSR Bradford
500mm centres
75mm Glasswool Partition Batts
(11kg/m3) between studs

13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 92mm studs @
13mm plasterboard
Hollow 600mm maximum centres (12mm
56 63 Yes daub fixed @ CSR 765 320mm
L2001.4 off masonry) with CSR Bradford
500mm centres
90mm Gold Batts R2.0 between

2 x 13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 64mm studs @
13mm plasterboard
Hollow 600mm maximum centres (12mm
57 64 Yes daub fixed @ CSR 766 305mm
L2001.4 off masonry) with CSR Bradford
500mm centres
75mm Glasswool Partition Batts
(11kg/m3) between studs

2 x 13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 64mm studs @
13mm plasterboard
Hollow 600mm maximum centres (12mm
58 65 Yes daub fixed @ CSR 766 305mm
L2001.4 off masonry) with CSR Bradford
500mm centres
90mm Gold Batts R2.0 between

2 x 13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 92mm studs @
13mm plasterboard
Hollow 600mm maximum centres (12mm
58 65 Yes daub fixed @ CSR 766 333mm
L2001.4 off masonry) with CSR Bradford
500mm centres
75mm Glasswool Partition Batts
(11kg/m3) between studs

2 x 13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 92mm studs @
13mm plasterboard
Hollow 600mm maximum centres (12mm
59 66 Yes daub fixed @ CSR 766 333mm
L2001.4 off masonry) with CSR Bradford
500mm centres
90mm Gold Batts R2.0 between

adbri masonry 35
Table J - 200 Series (cont.)
Test /
Discontinuous Block System
Rw + Ctr Rw Wall Lining System Detail Wall Lining Opinion
Construction Cores Width

13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 64mm studs @
13mm plasterboard
600mm maximum centres (12mm
53 61 Yes daub fixed @ Corefilled CSR 767 292mm
off masonry) with CSR Bradford
500mm centres
75mm Glasswool Partition Batts
(11kg/m3) between studs

13mm plasterboard screw fixed to

13mm plasterboard 64mm studs @ 600mm maximum
54 62 Yes daub fixed @ Corefilled centres (12mm off masonry) with CSR 767 292mm
500mm centres CSR Bradford 90mm Gold Batts
R2.0 between studs

13mm plasterboard screw fixed to

92mm studs @ 600mm maximum
13mm plasterboard
centres (12mm off masonry) with
55 63 Yes daub fixed @ Corefilled CSR 767 320mm
CSR Bradford 75mm Glasswool
500mm centres
Partition Batts (11kg/m3) between

13mm plasterboard screw fixed to

13mm plasterboard 92mm studs @ 600mm maximum
56 64 Yes daub fixed @ Corefilled centres (12mm off masonry) with CSR 767 320mm
500mm centres CSR Bradford 90mm Gold Batts
R2.0 between studs

13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 64mm studs @
13mm plasterboard
600mm maximum centres (12mm
55 63 Yes daub fixed @ Corefilled CSR 768 292mm
off masonry) with CSR Bradford
500mm centres
75mm Glasswool Partition Batts
(11kg/m3) between studs

13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 64mm studs @
13mm plasterboard
600mm maximum centres (12mm
56 64 Yes daub fixed @ Corefilled CSR 768 292mm
off masonry) with CSR Bradford
500mm centres
90mm Gold Batts R2.0 between
13mm Soundchek plasterboard
screw fixed to 92mm studs @
13mm plasterboard
600mm maximum centres (12mm
57 64 Yes daub fixed @ Corefilled CSR 768 320mm
off masonry) with CSR Bradford
500mm centres
75mm Glasswool Partition Batts
(11kg/m3) between studs
13mm Soundchek plasterboard
screw fixed to 92mm studs @
13mm plasterboard
600mm maximum centres (12mm
58 65 Yes daub fixed @ Corefilled CSR 768 320mm
off masonry) with CSR Bradford
500mm centres
90mm Gold Batts R2.0 between
2 x 13mm Soundchek plasterboard
screw fixed to 64mm studs @
13mm plasterboard
600mm maximum centres (12mm
57 64 Yes daub fixed @ Corefilled CSR 769 305mm
off masonry) with CSR Bradford
500mm centres
75mm Glasswool Partition Batts
(11kg/m3) between studs

36 adbri masonry
Table J - 200 Series (cont.)
Test /
Discontinuous Block System
Rw + Ctr Rw Wall Lining System Detail Wall Lining Opinion
Construction Cores Width

2 x 13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 64mm studs @
13mm plasterboard
600mm maximum centres (12mm
60 67 Yes daub fixed @ Corefilled CSR 769 305mm
off masonry) with CSR Bradford
500mm centres
90mm Gold Batts R2.0 between

2 x 13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 92mm studs @
13mm plasterboard
600mm maximum centres (12mm
60 67 Yes daub fixed @ Corefilled CSR 769 333mm
off masonry) with CSR Bradford
500mm centres
75mm Glasswool Partition Batts
(11kg/m3) between studs

2 x 13mm Soundchek plasterboard

screw fixed to 92mm studs @
13mm plasterboard
600mm maximum centres (12mm
61 68 Yes daub fixed @ Corefilled CSR 769 333mm
off masonry) with CSR Bradford
500mm centres
90mm Gold Batts R2.0 between

- Soundchek plasterboard or approved equivalent can be used
- Systems with furring channels on resilient mounts allow 14mm for width of resilient mount

adbri masonry 37
3.0 Glossary

Cavity wall a wall comprising two leafs of brick or block work tied Habitable room means a room used for normal domestic activities,
together, with an air gap/insulation between. and:

Common wall means a wall that is common to adjoining buildings. (a) Includes a bedroom, living room, lounge room, music room,
television room, kitchen, dining room, sewing room, study,
Deemed to satisfy provisions means provisions which are deemed
playroom, family room and sunroom; but
to satisfy the Performance Requirements of the NCC-BCA.
(b) Excludes a bathroom, laundry, water closet, pantry, walk-in
Discontinuous construction means a wall system having a
wardrobe, corridor, hallway, lobby, photographic darkroom,
minimum 20mm cavity between two separate leaves, with:
clothes-drying room, and other spaces of a specialised nature
(a) F or masonry, where wall ties are required to connect leaves, the occupied neither frequently nor for extended periods.
ties are of the resilient type; and
Insulation, in relation to an FRL, means the ability to maintain a
(b) F or other masonry, there is no mechanical linkage between leaves temperature on the surface not exposed to the furnace below the
except at the periphery. limits specified in AS 1530.4.
A staggered stud wall is not deemed to be discontinuous Integrity, in relation to an FRL, means the ability to resist the
construction. passage of flames and hot gases specified in AS 1530.4.
Envelope means the parts of a building’s fabric that separate a Internal wall excludes a common wall or party wall.
conditioned space or habitable room from:
Load bearing (LB) means intended to resist vertical forces
(a) The exterior of the building, or a non-conditioned space (other additional to those due to its own weight.
than a space through which conditioned air
Non load bearing (NLB) means a wall not designed to be subject to
(b) is being exhausted such as a cleaner’s room, chemical storage an external load, other then its own weight.
room or exhaust riser) including:
Sole occupancy unit means a room or part of a building for
(i) The floor of a rooftop plant room, lift machine room of the like; occupation by one or joint owner, lessee, tenant, or other occupier
and to the exclusion of any other owner, lessee, tenant, or other occupier
(ii) T he floor above a carpark or warehouse; and and includes:

(iii) The common wall with a carpark, warehouse or the like. (a) A dwelling; or

External wall means an outer wall of a building which is not a (b) A room or suite of rooms in a Class 3 building which includes
common wall. sleeping facilities; or

Fire-resistance level (FRL) means the grading periods in minutes (c) A room or suite of associated rooms in Class 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9
determined in accordance with NCC-BCA Specification A2.3, for the building; or
following criteria: (d) A room or suite of associated rooms in a Class 9c aged care
(a) Structural adequacy; and building, which includes sleeping facilities and any area for the
exclusive use of a resident.
(b) Integrity; and
Sound Transmission Class (STC) is no longer used, as the
(c) Insulation requirements of the NCC-BCA have changed to comply with
And expressed in that order a dash means that there is no international regulations. The STC was based on different criteria and
requirement for that criterion. For example, 90/--/-- means there is no do not include any correction factors.
requirement for an FRL for integrity and insulation, and --/--/-- means Total R-Value means the sum of the R-values of the individual
there is no requirement for FRL. component layers in a composite element including any air spaces
and associated surface resistances.

R-Value means the thermal resistance (m2.K/W) of a component

calculated by dividing its thickness by its thermal conductivity.

38 adbri masonry
RW-Value is the Weighted Sound Reduction Index (Rw) and is a
single number index used to describe the sound transmission loss
characteristics of a construction and is measured in decibels (dB).

Reflective insulation means a building membrane with a reflective

surface such as a reflective foil laminate, reflective barrier, foil batt or
the like capable of reducing radiant heat flow.

Sarking-type material means a material such as a reflective foil or

other flexible membrane of a type normally used for a purpose such
as water proofing, vapour proofing or thermal reflectance.

Litec means blocks with density less than or equal to 1800kg/m3.

Standard Dense means blocks with density greater

than 1800kg/m3.

adbri masonry 39
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Fire Resistance and Sound Insulation NSW - July 2012

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