Power To Methane. A State of The Art

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 433446

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Power-to-Methane: A state-of-the-art review MARK

a, b
Karim Ghaib , Fatima-Zahrae Ben-Fares
Department of Energy Process Engineering, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology Kassel, Germany
Faculty of Information, Media and Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany


Keywords: Power-to-Methane is a concept that converts electrical into chemical energy using CO2 and H2O. The concept
CO2 recycling brings the possibility of connecting the power grid to dierent sectors, where CH4 is needed such as mobility
Demonstration plants and industry. In this review, a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art of Power-to-Methane is
Methanation presented. The Power-to-Methane process chain is described in detail. Fundamentals of water electrolysis are
highlighted and cell technologies are discussed and assessed. CO2 sources are pointed out, CO2 separation
Water electrolysis
technologies are depicted and compared, and some separation projects worldwide are listed. Thermodynamics
of methanation process is analyzed; catalysts and reactors used are descripted and evaluated. Finally, Power-to-
Methane plants in operation and construction are addressed.

1. Introduction in suitable gas mixture, and a methanation module [2426]. At times

of surplus power, H2 is produced by water splitting in the electrolyzer.
The power capacity from renewable energy sources has seen a rapid The generated H2 and CO2 are then converted in the methanation unit
growth. In the last 10 years, the average annual growth amounted to to a gas mixture that mainly contains CH4 and H2O [27]. The product
15.9% [1], whereby the variable renewable energy sources (VRESs; gas is then treated to a methane-rich gas, so-called synthetic natural
mainly wind and solar) have aorded the largest shares. These gas (SNG) [28,29]. The SNG conditioning unit and balance-of-plant
tendencies are expected to continue in the future [2]. components are not depicted in the gure. The SNG produced can be
Power produced from VRESs cannot match electrical demand to used as fuel for mobility, in the residential sector, for power generation
100%. With the growth in investments in VRESs, solutions to reduce at times, when the power demand overbalances the power supply, and
the inherent issue of VRESs become increasingly necessary [37]. The as raw material in industry.
attractive option will remain the energy storage [818]. The purpose of this review paper is to present an extensive updated
There are dierent energy storage technologies that can be classi- state-of-the-art of PtM technology giving the reader a structured
ed according to their work principles: (i) electrical (superconducting technical understanding of the technology. The paper is structured as
magnetic energy storage), (ii) mechanical (pumped storage, com- follows. Water electrolysis is handled in Section 2. CO2 for PtM is
pressed air, ywheels), (iii) thermal (latent heat, sensible heat, discussed in Section 3. Methanation is approached in Section 4. PtM
thermochemical), and (iv) chemical (supercapacitors, batteries, plants in operation and construction are addressed in Section 5.
power-to-gas, power-to-liquid) [1922]. Besides the work principles, Finally, conclusions are drawn in Section 6.
the storage technologies dier in further characteristics such as energy
capacity, response time, self-discharge, eciency and operating con- 2. Water electrolysis
straints, covering dierent elds of applications [23]. Accordingly, an
energy storage mix will be needed. The conversion of electrical into chemical energy in Form of H2,
In regions, where a natural gas infrastructure exists, the Power-to- water electrolysis, is the rst part of the PtM process chain. Fig. 2
Methane (PtM) concept is a promising option to absorb and exploit illustrates a typical scheme of water electrolysis systems. A system
surplus renewable energy [20]. Fig. 1 shows the principle of the PtM mainly consists of an electrolysis stack, an ion exchanger to obtain a high
concept and applications for it. A PtM plant basically consists of a water purity of the water fed into the stack, H2 and O2 separators, and a
electrolyzer, a CO2 separation unit, if CO2 is not available as pure gas or converter for power conditioning [30]. A stack contains a number of cells

Abbreviations: AEL, alkaline electrolysis; GHSV, gas hourly space velocity; PEMEL, polymer electrolyte membrane electrolysis; PtM, Power-to-Methane; SOEL, solid oxide
electrolysis; VRES, variable renewable energy source

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (K. Ghaib).

Received 30 December 2016; Received in revised form 20 June 2017; Accepted 2 August 2017
1364-0321/ 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K. Ghaib, F.-Z. Ben-Fares Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 433446

Nomenclature VOV Overvoltage (V)

Vr Reversible cell voltage (V)
ET Thermal energy (J mol1) Vact Real cell voltage (V)
F Faraday's constant (C mol1) Vtn Thermoneutral cell voltage (V)
m H2 Mass of hydrogen (g) z Electric charge (dimensionless)
M H2 Molar mass of hydrogen (g mol1) GR Gibbs energy (J mol1)
Q Electric charge (C) HR Reaction enthalpy (J mol1)
TK Absolute temperature (K) SR Reaction entropy (J mol1 K1)
V Voltage (V)
VOh Ohmic voltage (V)

2.1. Fundamentals

The reaction equation of the water electrolysis process can be

written as follows:
H2O H2 + 0.5O2 (1)

According to the Faraday's law of electrolysis [33], the relationship

between the mass of hydrogen (m H2 ) generated at a cathode and the
electric charge (Q) passed through the cathode is as follows:

Fig. 1. Principle of the PtM concept and its applications. M H2Q

m H2 =
zF (2)

where M H2 is the molar mass of hydrogen, z the number of electrons

involved in the electrochemical reaction (Eq. (1)), and F the Faraday's
constant [34].
The cell voltage required to decompose water (thermoneutral cell
voltage (Vtn)) is proportional to the water decomposition enthalpy
( HR ):
Vtn =
zF (3)
Fig. 2. Typical scheme of water electrolysis systems.
According to the second law of thermodynamics and because the
connected in series due to the low cell voltage. Each cell in turn consists entropy change of the water electrolysis is positive [35], a part of the
of a cathode, an anode and an electrolyte in between. In general, three reaction enthalpy can be applied as thermal energy, which is the
cell technologies named after their electrolytes can be distinguished: product of the entropy change of the water decomposition reaction
alkaline (AEL), polymer electrolyte membrane (PEMEL) and solid oxide ( SR ) and the absolute temperature (TK):
(SOEL) [31]. The rst two types are classied as low temperature E T = TKSR (4)
electrolysis technologies since their typical operational temperature is
lower than 100 C [32]. The third one is classied as high temperature The dierence between HR and TSR is the change in the Gibbs
electrolysis that is operated at temperatures up to 1000 C. In this energy of the water decomposition reaction (GR ). This is proportional
section, fundamentals of the water electrolysis are rst illustrated. The to the minimum cell voltage (reversible cell voltage (Vr)) needed to split
three electrolysis technologies are then presented and compared. H2O [36,37]:

Fig. 3. a: thermoneutral and reversible cell voltages for water electrolysis as functions of temperature at 1 atm; b: energy conversion eciency of water electrolysis as function of
temperature and actual operating cell voltage at 1 atm.

K. Ghaib, F.-Z. Ben-Fares Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 433446

GR bly [50]. This construction enables a short inter-electrode distance and

Vr =
zF (5) absence of gas bubbles between the electrode and the membrane, thus
Fig. 3a displays Vtn and Vr as functions of temperature at 1 atm. The minimizing ohmic voltage losses [49]. The catalyst layers on the
abrupt changes of Vtn and Vr at about 100 C are due to the change in electrodes are usually based on precious metals such as platinum and
state of water from liquid to vapor. When V < Vr, where V is the voltage iridium [30]. The precious metal catalysts ensure high specic pro-
applied to water electrolysis cell, no water splitting can occur. When Vr ductivity [49].
V < Vtn, water electrolysis is possible by adding heat. When Vtn V, H2O 05O2 + 2H+ + 2e (9)
water electrolysis takes place at constant temperature (Vtn = V) or
under heat dissipation (Vtn < V).
2H+ + 2e H2 (10)
In practice, the voltage of an operating electrolysis cell is signi-
cantly higher than the reversible cell voltage due to dierent resistances
in process [38]. The charge transfer resistances at anode/electrolyte 2.2.3. SOEL
and cathode/electrolyte interfaces and the resistivity of electrolyte The reversible cell voltage for water electrolysis decreases with the
cause the highest resistances [39]. The charge transfer resistances increase of temperature. E.g. it amounts to 0.95 V at 900 C.
depend on the metal materials used as catalysts. According to Ref. [40], Theoretically, the water electrolysis at this temperature consumes
metal materials for hydrogen evolution reaction are divided into three 20% less electrical energy than that at 80 C. On the other hand,
classes: metals with high overpotential (Cd, Tl, Hg, Pb, Zn, Sn), metals overvoltages and ohmic voltage drop are also decreased at high
with middle overpotential (Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Au, Ag, W), and metals with temperatures. This benets that elevated temperature provides make
low overpotential (Pt, Pd). The actual cell voltage (Vact) can be the SOEL a promising technology for water electrolysis. A further
expressed as follows [40]: advantage that can result through the choice of SOEL for PtM is that
Vact = Vr + VOV + VOh (6) the methanation reactor can provide the heat requirement for steam
generation for SOEL.
where VOV is the overvoltage caused by the charge transfer resistances The principle of the SOEL cell is displayed in Fig. 6. A cathode for
and VOh the ohmic voltage caused by the resistivity of electrolyte. the hydrogen evolution reaction and an anode for the oxygen evolution
Fig. 3b shows the energy conversion eciency of water electrolysis reaction are separated by a solid electrolyte [51]H2O is decomposed to
as function of actual operating cell voltage and temperature at 1 atm. H2 and O2 on the cathode (Eq. (11)). Then, O2 is transported through
the solid electrolyte to the anode where it is oxidized to O2 (Eq. (12))
2.2. Cell types [52]. The conventional solid electrolyte is ZrO2 doped with Y2O3
(yttria-stabilized zirconia, YSZ) that possesses an excellent conductivity
2.2.1. AEL and stability [53,54]. The most common cathode catalyst is nickel [55
In an AEL cell (Fig. 4), two electrodes (e.g. mild steel for the 58]. Lanthanum strontium manganite is regarded as the best catalyst
cathode and nickel for the anode) are immersed in an aqueous alkaline candidate for the anode [5961].
solution and separated by a membrane (e.g. Zirfon Perl) [36].
H2O + 2e H2 + O2 (11)
Aqueous solutions of potassium or sodium hydroxide (KOHaq or
NaOHaq) are typically used. KOHaq oers higher electrical conductivity
than NaOHaq at the same concentration; otherwise the corrosion O2 0.5O2 + 2e (12)
resistance of steel and nickel is better in KOHaq than in NaOHaq
[41,42]. The concentration of KOH is usually in the range of 3040 wt
2.2.4. Comparison of the water electrolysis technologies
% in order to provide a high electrical conductivity [43]. In the last
The AEL is seen as a mature technology, while the PEMEL in the
decade, studies were devoted to intensive the AEL process by adding
early phase of commercialization and the SOEL in the development
activating compounds into electrolyte [4448]. E.g. Stojic et al. [47]
[6264]. As in every sector, the costs and durability associate with
reported that they could reduce the power need for water electrolysis
the technology maturity. AEL is currently the cheapest and most
up to 10% by adding tris(ethylenediamine)cobalt(III) chloride complex
reliable technology. However, PEMEL is thought to be the best
or tris(trimethylenediamine) cobalt (III) chloride complex into KOH
choice for PtM plants in order to absorb intermittent energy
amounts [27]. The SOEL must be demonstrated rst. The traditional
During the electrolysis process, hydroxide ions are oxidized at the
drawbacks of AEL are the corrosion and the limited operating
anode to oxygen and water as follows [36]:
pressure and load ranges. However, recently progresses have been
OH 05 O2 + H2O + 2e (7)

Driven by a power source, the electrons ow through an external

circuit towards the cathode, where they react with water to hydrogen
and hydroxide ions according to [40]:

H2O + 2e H2 + 2OH (8)

Then, the hydroxide ions move across the membrane to the anode
side driven by the concentration gradients.

2.2.2. PEMEL
In contrast to AEL, PEMEL enables hydrogen production from pure
water. In a PEMEL cell (Fig. 5), water is introduced at the anode where
it is split into protons and oxygen (Eq. (9)). The protons travel through
the membrane to the cathode to form H2 (Eq. (10)), while oxygen
remains back with water [49]. The electrodes are pressed against a
membrane (e.g. Naon) characterized by ionic conductivity and
electronic isolation, forming the so-called membrane-electrode-assem- Fig. 4. Schematic representation of an AEL cell.

K. Ghaib, F.-Z. Ben-Fares Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 433446

Table 1
Features of cell technologies.


Maturity Mature Early phase of Development

Temperature (C) 4090 20100 [71] 6001000 [40]
Pressure (bar) < 30 [71] < 100 [66]
Voltage (V) 1.82.4 1.82.2 [71] 0.951.3 [32]
Eciency (%) 6282 6782 [71]
Current density (A < 0.5 [72] < 2 [32] < 1 [32]
cm2) 0.20.4 1.02.0 [65]
Cold start up time 15 [32] < 15 [32] > 60 [32]
(min) 20 [65] 5 [65]
Degradation rate < 3 [71] < 14 [71]
(mV h1) 2 [73] 5 [73]
Fig. 5. Schematic representation of a PEMEL cell. Life time (stack) < 90,000 < 62,000 [65]
< 75,000
reported. New AEL designs would allow variable operation ranging
from 5% to 100% of the nominal capacity and starting from cold
within a few minutes [65]. Due to the electrolyte type used in
PEMEL, this oers better operating exibility and is capable of 3. CO2 for Power-to-Methane
operating at pressures up to 100 bar [66]. On the other hand, the use
of precious metals as catalysts intensive the hydrogen production In the second conversion step of the PtM process chain, CH4 is
(relatively high current density) [67]. However, the use of these formed by the reaction of H2 with CO2. However, CO2 is often not
materials has disadvantages such as high investment costs and low available as pure gas or in suitable gas mixtures for generating
durability. The SOEL is operated at high temperature, which applicable PtM products. In this section, candidate CO2 sources are
accelerates the kinetics and reduces the reversible cell voltage of presented, CO2 separation technologies are depicted and compared,
the electrolysis process (Fig. 3a). The SOEL is therefore a promising and some separation projects worldwide are listed.
technology, if the issues related to the durability of the ceramic
materials at high temperature and long-term operation are solved 3.1. CO2 sources
[31]. The tightness of cells plays an important role in the perfor-
mance. Sealing PEMEL stacks is easy by using materials such as In addition to supporting penetration of VRESs, PtM uses CO2 as a
synthetic rubber or uoroelastomer [67]. Sealing AEL stacks is less raw material and not as a waste, thus, can contribute to the decrease of
easy because of the corrosive electrolyte; typically, metallic sealants greenhouse gas emissions. CO2 for PtM can be won from biomass
are applied [68]. Sealing SOEL stacks is a signicant challenge to be plants, power generation plants, industrial processes and ambient air.
overcome due to the high operating temperature; currently, glass Table 2 shows candidate processes, their exhaust gases can be used as
and glass ceramic sealants are the most used solutions [69]. In order CO2 sources for PtM. Industrial CO2 sources, in which the use of
to reduce the mechanical stress caused by thermal expansion on the renewable H2 would lead to avoid CO2 emissions (e.g. ammonia
sealant materials, electrolysis stacks are sometimes designed in process [74] and hydrogen production by reforming of hydrocarbons
tubular conguration [58]. However, planar stacks oer more uni- [52]), and in which heat or steam is generated by the combustion of
form distribution of uid species and are easier for mass production fossil fuels as in power generation plants, are not considered. Biogas
[70]. Table 1 provides quantitative data to the characteristics of the can directly be injected into the methanation reactor after removing the
dierent water electrolysis technologies. damaging trace components such as hydrogen sulde [75]. The biogas
upgrading and bioethanol production plants emit CO2 gases that can be
utilized in PtM without additional energy or cost eort [66,76]. The

Fig. 6. Schematic representation of a SOEL cell.

K. Ghaib, F.-Z. Ben-Fares Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 433446

Table 2 dierence in partial pressure of the components between the feed side
Candidate CO2 sources for PtM. and the permeate side of the membrane [100]. There are many types of
membranes which are suitable for CO2 separation. They can be
Sector CO2 sources CO2 concentration in
exhaust gas classied into organic (such as polyimides, polycarbonates and poly-
[vol%] ethylene oxides), inorganic (such as alumina, silica and zeolites) and
mixed matrix membrane [101104].
Biomass processes Biomass fermentation 1550 [88]
Biogas upgrading 100 [88]
Bioethanol production 100 [89]
Power generation Natural gas 35 [90]
3.2.4. Cryogenic distillation
plants combustion 38 [90]
Petroleum combustion 1015 [91] The process of cryogenic distillation splits CO2 from a gas mixture
Coal combustion by condensation [105]. Fig. 7d shows a simple drawing of the process.
Industrial processes Cement production 1433 [78] The gas mixture is compressed and in the heat exchanger cooled down.
Iron and steel 2030 [78] The cooled pressurized uid mixture is then fed into the distillation
production 100 [92]
Ethylene oxide
column (tray or packed). CO2-rich stream usually exits the column at
production the bottom.
Environment Ambient air 0.04 [93]

power and industry sectors combined emit more than one third of the 3.2.5. Comparison of the CO2 separation processes
global CO2 emissions [77]. Capturing CO2 from these sectors is The chemical absorption is the preferred method for capturing CO2
technically feasible, however, economically depends i.a. on the CO2 from gas streams containing low to moderate partial pressures of CO2
partial pressure in exhaust gas [78]. The higher the CO2 partial (320%) [95] and is seen as the most developed method [106]. Its
pressure, the more economical the separation process is. The most main drawbacks are the corrosion by some absorbents and need of heat
relevant CO2 sources, which will remain indispensable in future, are for absorbent regeneration [107,108]. However, the last issue can be
these from cement manufacturing, iron and steel making, and chemical solved through the use of the heat released from the methanation
processes, in which CO2 is generated as by-product as in the process of process. The physical absorption requires costly high pressure for the
ethylene production [79]. In recent years, many studies [8086] have CO2 separation and is not well suited for the separation of CO2 from
investigated the separation of CO2 from ambient air. Technically, this dilute sources [85]. However, the regeneration by heating or reduced
concept is also feasible [87]. Its advantage is that no CO2 transporta- pressure is less energy intensive than in the case of chemical
tion to the site of the PtM plant is needed. However, due to the very low absorbents. The physical absorbents are in addition non-corrosive. In
partial pressure of CO2, the specic costs of the vision are very high. contrast to absorption, in which the absorbed component enters into
the bulk of the solvent and forms a solution, adsorbed molecules
remain on the surface of the adsorbent in the adsorption process.
3.2. CO2 separation technologies
Consequently, the adsorption process is characterized with relatively
low eciency [100]. On the other hand, the adsorbents are sensitive to
3.2.1. Absorption
high temperature. Their capacities decline fast with increasing tem-
As the name suggests, this technology is based on the absorption of
perature. Moreover, in the case of physical adsorption the selectivity
CO2 into a liquid. The principle of the process can be described as
between dierent gases (such as CO2N2 mixtures) is low, which
follows: a liquid is used to capture CO2 from a gas mixture in a column
makes capture from sources containing low CO2 concentrations
(Fig. 7a); the absorbent loaded with CO2 is transported to a dierent
impractical. The membrane technology is still far away to realize its
column, where CO2 is released by heating and/or depressurization
potentialities for CO2 separation, although there are signicant devel-
[94]. The regenerated absorbent is then sent back to the absorption
opments, and it has been found many current commercial applications
column. There are several absorbents, which can be categorized into
in industry (e.g. hydrotreaters in reneries and O2/N2 separation) [78].
chemical and physical ones. In the rst category, amines, aqua
Cryogenic distillation is widely used for the separation of other gases
ammonia and sodium carbonate are usually used [95]. Alcohols,
such as N2 and O2 [109,110]. However, it is very energy intensive in its
polyethyleneglycol and other oxygenated compounds have been used
operation [111]. Table 3 summarized (further) advantages and dis-
as physical absorbents [85].
advantages of the discussed CO2 separation processes.

3.2.2. Adsorption
Adsorption is considered as one of the promising CO2 separation
methods [91]. The adsorption technology uses a solid sorbent to bind
CO2 [96]. Fig. 7b shows the adsorption process in a simple version. Gas
mixture is compressed and injected into a vessel, where CO2 is
adsorbed on the surface of the adsorbent. When the adsorbent has
been fully loaded, the CO2 is released by depressurization (and heating)
[97]. The process is therefore discontinuous. Typical adsorbents are
activated carbons, zeolites, amine functionalized adsorbents and metal
organic frameworks [95,98100].

3.2.3. Membrane
The membrane technology uses the advantage of the dierent sizes
of gas compounds [90]. Three dierent ows can be dened in a
membrane module (Fig. 7c): the feed (gas mixture), retentate (usually
CO2-poor gas) and permeate (usually CO2-rich gas). The feed enters the
module, and the permeate passes through the membrane and exits on
the downstream side [78]. The driving force for the permeation is the Fig. 7. Simple representation of CO2 separation processes.

K. Ghaib, F.-Z. Ben-Fares Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 433446

Table 3
Advantages and disadvantages of the aforementioned CO2 separation processes [85,95,112117].

Process Advantages Disadvantages

Chemical absorption:
Amines Mature. Corrosion; amine degradation; high energy consumption.
Aqua ammonia No equipment corrosion issues. Equipment plugging due to solids formation upon CO2 capture; high ammonia vapor
losses during stripping.
Sodium carbonate Low equipment corrosion rate. Slow absorption rate of CO2.
Physical absorption No equipment corrosion issues. High operating pressure; not well suited for the separation of CO2 from dilute sources.
Activated carbons Fast kinetics; high thermal stability; low Low CO2 capacity at low pressure.
Zeolites Fast kinetics. For complete regeneration, desorption must occur via the energy and time intensive
temperature swing approach.
Amine functionalized adsorbents Fast kinetics; adsorption capacity minimally Degradation at temperatures around 100 C; a temperature swing approach is needed for
impacted by CO2 partial pressure. desorption.
Metal organic frameworks High thermal stability; adjustable chemical Low CO2 selectivity in CO2N2 gas streams; lack of experimental data on performance
functionality. after multiple adsorptiondesorption cycles.
Membrane No regeneration step; low capital costs; Gas stream must be compressed to 1520 bar for ecient separation; high temperature
compact design. of ue gas degrades organic membranes; single stage membrane systems are not capable
of high CO2 capture eciency.
Cryogenic distillation No regeneration step; CO2 available at high High energy consumption.

3.2.6. CO2 separation projects During the synthesis, the carrier of chemical energy is converted,
Table 4 lists a number of CO2 separation projects that are currently from H2 with low chemical energy density to CH4 with high chemical
planning, constructing and operating around the world. energy density. The eciency of the conversion amounts to 83%
relating to lower heating value at the Standard Conditions, whereby
4. CO2 methanation the remaining 17% is released as heat. On the other hand, the reaction
of the methanation is exothermic and its change in moles is negative,
By the methanation process, H2 and CO2 are converted to CH4 and therefore the synthesis is thermodynamically favored towards products
H2O. The process can be carried out chemically or biologically [119]. at low temperature and high pressure.
The second route is known in biogas production in which two main By-products can be generated during the methanation. Mihet and
reaction paths can be distinguished: the acetoclastic methanogenesis Lazar [126] investigated the methanation on Ni/Al2O3, Ni-Pt/Al2O3,
and the hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis [120,121]. The last path Ni-Pd/Al2O3 and Ni-Rh/Al2O3 catalysts experimentally. They reported
results in the production of CH4 from CO2 and H2 [121]. The biological that CO was formed in addition to CH4 and H2O. Frick et al. [127]
methanation has positive characteristics such as operation at moderate reported that carbon and hydrocarbons are also generated but in small
temperatures (3060 C) and atmospheric pressure as well as a high amounts. Fig. 8 shows the mole fractions of CH4, H2O and by-products
tolerance against pollutant substances in the feed gas [122124]. in thermodynamic equilibrium depending on temperature at dierent
However, the process suers from very slow kinetics, poor mass pressures and initial molar composition of 80% H2 and 20% CO2. It can
transfer, and low exibility. In this paper, only the chemical methana- be deduced that the CH4 yield increases with decreasing temperature
tion that is the most discussed technology will be considered. First, and increasing pressure as stated above. The formation of CO as by-
thermodynamics is descripted; then, catalysts are discussed; nally, product is suppressed with decreasing temperature and increasing
reactors are evaluated. pressure, while that of hydrocarbons (CnH2n and CnH2n+2 with 2n5)
falls with decreasing temperature and pressure.
4.1. Thermodynamics of the CO2 methanation The formation of carbon leads to the fouling of catalyst surface and
the blockage of catalyst pores [128]. Thermodynamically, carbon is
The reaction equation of the chemical methanation (hereinafter formed at understochiometric H2-to-CO2 ratios. Fig. 9 reveals this
called methanation) of CO2 is expressed as follows [125]: impact graphically and the impact of temperature. It can be seen, that
the formation of carbon thermodynamically is suppressed with in-
4H2 + CO2 CH4 + 2H2O (13)
creasing temperature and H2-to-CO2 ratio.

Table 4
CO2 separation projects [118].

Project name Location Sector Operation date Separation process Annual CO2 seperated
(million tonnes)

Sinopec Shengli Power Plant CCS Project China Power generation 2020's Amine 1.0
Riley Ridge Gas Plant United States Natural gas processing 2020 Amine 2.5
Rotterdam Opslag en Afvang Demonstratieproject Netherlands Power generation 201920 Amine 1.1
Gorgon Carbon Dioxide Injection Project Australia Natural gas processing 2017 Amine 3.44.0
Petra Nova Carbon Capture Project United States Power generation 2017 Amine 1.4
Abu Dhabi CCS Project United Arab Emirates Iron and steel production 2016 Amine 1.0
Boundary Dam Carbon Capture and Storage Project Canada Power generation 2014 Amine 1.0
Petrobras Santos Basin Pre-Salt Oil Field CCS Project Brazil Natural gas processing 2013 Membrane 1.0
Snhvit CO2 Storage Project Norway Natural gas processing 2008 Amine 0.7
Sleipner CO2 Storage Project Norway Natural gas processing 1996 Amine 1.0

K. Ghaib, F.-Z. Ben-Fares Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 433446

Fig. 8. Eect of temperature and pressure on mole fractions of H2, CO2, CH4, H2O and by-products in thermodynamic equilibrium at initial molar composition of 80% H2 and 20% CO2;
hydrocarbons: CnH2n and CnH2n+2 with 2n5.

currently one of the challenges for developing catalysts for methana-

tion. A techno-economic compromise must be found.

4.2. Catalysts

The reduction of the fully oxidized carbon (+4) to methane (4) is

an eight-electron reaction. Consequently, the kinetic barrier is high
and, thus, the reaction needs eective and ecient catalysts [129]. On
the other hand, the catalyst must provide high thermal stability as well
as good resistance to coke formation. Table 5 displays catalyst systems
conrmed as active for the methanation reaction.
The catalyst system most used for the methanation reaction is Ni/
Al2O3. Ni provides high activity and CH4 selectivity, and is relatively

Table 5
Catalyst systems used for the CO2 methanation.

Support Metal Refs.

Al2O3 Ni; Pd; Rh; Ru/Mn/Cu, Ru/Mn/Fe [130136]

Fig. 9. Eect of temperature and initial H2-to-CO2 ratio (H/C) on the generation of
CeO2 Ru [137]
carbon at 10 bar of thermodynamic point of view. CeO2 ZrO2 Ni [138]
La2O3 Ni [139]
It can be concluded that the higher the pressure and the lower the MgO Ni [140]
temperature, the more favorable the methanation thermodynamically. SiO2 Co, Fe, Ni [141144]
TiO2 Ni, Ru [140,145]
However, high operation pressure is not economical, and low operating Zeolites Ni [146]
temperature requires a suciently high active catalyst, which is ZrO2 Ni [147]

K. Ghaib, F.-Z. Ben-Fares Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 433446

cheap. The main disadvantage of Ni is its high tendency to oxidize in methanation process can be carried out with high GHSV and steam can
oxidizing atmospheres like the other non-noble metals (Fe and Co) be produced with high temperatures in the intercoolers [196]. The main
[27,148]. In addition, nickel carbonyl, which is very toxic to the human disadvantages of such reactors are the hot spots and the poor exibility with
organism, can be formed [149152]. Fe is very cheap [153]; however, respect to the load [197,198].
it shows low CH4 selectivity [154]. Co shows lower activity and is more The polytropic design is a cooled tube-bundle system [199]. In this
expensive than Ni [154,155]. Consequently, the metal has not received variant, a multitude of tubes of relatively small diameter are placed in
so much attention [156]. Ru belonging to noble metals oers positive parallel (Fig. 11b). While the number of parallel tubes is determined by the
characteristics such as high activity, CH4 selectivity (also at low required production rate, the diameter of the tubes is chosen to match the
temperatures) and high resistance to oxidizing atmospheres [157 required heat exchange area [200]. However, the diameter size is limited
160]. The main drawback is its high price that limits its application. Rh towards smaller sizes. In comparison to adiabatic reactors, the polytropic
also oers high activity and high selectivity toward CH4, but its price is reactors exhibit lower temperature gradients that leads to an increased
also high. Pd is the least appropriate noble metal for the methanation. lifespan of the system, and a certain degree of exibility [199]. However, the
The activity of a catalyst system is inuenced by the support material polytropic reactors are more expensive and relatively complex.
[161,162]. Selecting the right material is thus an important factor for an To optimize the xed-bed systems in terms of the reactor number
ecient methanation. As mentioned above, Al2O3 is the most used support under the adiabatic version or the heat management under the
due to its ability to nely disperse metal species and its relatively low price. polytropic version, dierent technical measures were undertaken.
Recently, CeZr binary oxide has been denoted as one of the most These are [152,194,196]:
promising catalyst support for methanation because of its advantages,
including unique redox property, excellent thermal stability, and resistance Recirculation of a part of the product gas to the educts or diluting
to sintering [163,164]. the educts with water vapor.
In order to enhance the performance of catalysts, promoters are Partial feeding of educts at dierent stages along the reactor.
added to modify the surface basicity (decreasing activation energy) and Diluting the catalyst bed with inert particles.
metal-carrier interface (better resistance to extreme conditions) as well Designing the xed-bed reactor as plate reactor.
as to improve the metal dispersion. E.g. when using Al2O3 or SiO2
support with Ni or Ru metal, the addition of CeO2 improves the activity The monolith reactors (Fig. 11c) have the advantages of high specic
and selectivity of the systems [165167]. The better performance catalyst surface area, small pressure drop and short response time
promoted by CeO2 are attributed to its high capacity for metal [201,202]. They have been widely used in exhaust gas cleaning [203].
dispersion and to its propensity to create oxygen vacancies. Further Monolith reactors have also disadvantages: potential non-uniform gas
examples are given in Refs. [126,168178]. distribution and thus lower eectiveness, and diculty in installation of
Regarding the mechanism of methanation, this can be categorized large industrial scale. The monoliths are made from ceramic or metallic
into two types: mechanism with CO as intermediate [142,179181] materials. However, the ceramic type is brittle and cannot stand mechanical
and that without forming CO as intermediate [138,182187]. The rst tensions. If the metallic type is chosen, its coating with the catalyst is a
one consists of the reduction of CO2 to CO followed by the conversion challenging issue (relatively short life-time).
of CO into CH4. The second one consists of the methanation through The microchannel reactors (Fig. 11d) have the advantage of the
carbonates and formates, which are directly hydrogenated into CH4. improved hydrodynamics that suppresses the formation of hot spots and
thereby the deactivation of catalysts [204206]. In addition, their high
4.3. Reactors catalyst-surface to reactor-volume ratio oers a relatively small reactor
volume [207]. However, the microchannel reactors are single-use systems.
The methanation is a relatively high exothermic reaction. Fig. 10 In other words, if the catalyst is deactivated irreversibly, the whole reactor
demonstrates the average heat ow to reactor volume to be dissipated in has to be replaced because the catalyst is xed on the inner surface of the
methanation process as function of CO2 conversion at dierent gas hourly reactor. Moreover, their scaling-up is limited.
space velocities (GHSV), initial molar composition of 80% H2 and 20% CO2 The membrane reactors combine reaction with separation or side
and 300 C. However, it must be noted that heat dissipation gradients are feeding to increase the CO2 conversion or improve the temperature
formed inside reactors. Their variations depend on the catalyst activity. As a
consequence, heat management is very important in reactor design. On the
other hand, the methanation is thermodynamically limited at elevated
temperature while it is kinetically limited at low temperature as discussed
above. In summary, heat dissipation and temperature control are the key
parameters in designing methanation reactors.
Various reactor types [27,131,146,152,154,158,159,188193] have
been adapted for the methanation. In this subsection, the most relevant
ones, namely xed-bed, monolith, microchannel, membrane and
sorption-enhanced reactors (Fig. 11), are discussed.
The xed-bed reactors are most used for the methanation [27].
They are characterized by the advantages that the contacting of the
catalyst particles by the gas tends to be quite uniform, and long contact
times are possible. They are designed adiabatic [194] or polytropic
The adiabatic version is a cascaded process, in which multiple adiabatic
reactors are used that operate in series and use heat exchangers between
each reactor to the next downstream reactor to cool the process gas to the
desired inlet temperature in order to obtain high CO2 conversion [195]. In
the reactors, the catalysts are packed in static beds, and the process reacting
gas is then passed through the beds, where the reactions are induced as the Fig. 10. Average heat ow to reactor volume to be dissipated in methanation process as
gases contact the catalyst (Fig. 11a). The adiabatic reactors are relatively function of CO2 conversion at dierent GHSVs, initial molar composition of 80% H2 and
simple and cost-eective systems. Additionally, in the systems, the 20% CO2 and 300 C.

K. Ghaib, F.-Z. Ben-Fares Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 433446

Fig. 11. Simple representation of methanation reactors.

control, respectively (Fig. 11e). Ohya et al. [189] experimentally tested 5. PtM plants
a H2O-permselective membrane to increase the CO2 conversion, while
Schlereth et al. [190] investigated the side feeding of CO2 via a In the last three sections, the processes of the PtM process chain were
membrane to improve the temperature control. Removing H2O during discussed. They can be seen as developed. However, there is to date little
the process forces the equilibrium of the Methanation to the right site experience with the entire PtM system. There are few plants worldwide that
(according to Le Chatelier's principle that the conversion of reactants to take power and CO2-containing gas and produces CH4-rich gas. In this
products and the rate of forward reaction in an equilibrium-limited section, two PtM plants in operation and one in construction are addressed.
reaction can be increased by selectively removing some of the reaction
products from the reaction zone), so that more of CH4 is produced [35]. 5.1. ZSW 250-kWel demonstration plant
Furthermore, the product gas can be conditioned to SNG with
signicantly less eort. The addition of CO2 into the reactor via a The ZSW 250-kWel demonstration plant (Fig. 12) went into operation
membrane leads to distributing the reaction heat along the reactor. The at the end of 2012 [214]. It consists of a 250-kWel alkaline high-pressure
major disadvantage of these reactors concerns the cost of the mem- electrolyzer, a methanation unit and a process control system that ensures
branes and their need to be replaced at regular intervals. an optimal operation [215]. The methanation unit comprises a tube-bundle
The sorption-enhanced reactor concept is already applied for several reactor and a plate reactor that can be operated alone or in combination. To
processes such as (reverse) water-gas shift and steam-reforming [208 avoid the formation of hot spots, the tube-bundle reactor is injected with
212]. The reactor concept is also based on Le Chatelier's principle. The the educt gas at dierent stages along the reactor and cooled with a molten
conversion is increased up to almost 100% by using a mixture of an
adsorbent and a catalyst in the reactor. The adsorbent selectivity removes Table 6
some of the reaction products from the reaction zone. The loaded adsorbent Benefits and drawbacks of reactors used for methanation.
is then periodically regenerated in situ by using the principles of pressure-
or thermal-swing adsorption, so that it can be re-used. For the methanation Reactor Benefits Drawbacks

(Fig. 11f), Walspurger et al. [191] investigated the sorption-enhanced Fixed-bed

reactor concept. They used commercial nickel-based catalyst and zeolite 4 A Adiabatic Simple system, low capital Hot spots; unsuitable for
adsorbent to capture H2O. They demonstrated the methanation in their costs. unsteady operation.
reactor between 250 and 350 C, whereby they could achieve almost 100% Polytropic Low capital costs. Heat management.
Monolith Relatively high specific Non-uniform gas
CO2-conversion. Further demonstration experiments can be found in Refs.
catalyst-surface; small pressure distribution; scale-up
[146,213]. Although the concept provides attractive advantages such as drop; short response time. limitation.
relatively high eciency and no water condensation need after methana- Ceramic monoliths Brittle.
tion; it is a complicated concept and could have short life-time due to the Metallic monoliths Short life-time.
regeneration cycles. Microchannel Good heat transfer Single-use system; scale-
up limitation.
Table 6 summarizes the benets and drawbacks of the reactors Membrane Membrane replacements
discussed. Except the xed-bed reactors, the other reactor concepts are at and costs.
the development stage. Their technological and economic feasibility for the Partial feeding of an Good temperature control.
application in the PtM process must rst be demonstrated. For the CO2 educt
H2O permeation High CO2 conversion.
methanation, xed-bed reactors are oered on the market, e.g. from
Sorption-enhanced Almost 100% CO2 conversion; Discontinuous process;
Outotec, Etogas and MAN [154]. relatively low operating regeneration effort.

K. Ghaib, F.-Z. Ben-Fares Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 433446

Fig. 12. ZSW 250-kWel demonstration plant (source: ZSW).

salt [216]. For the plate reactor, cooling of the main reaction zone takes Table 7
place by the evaporation of water in the thermal plates [217]. For increasing Performance data of the Audi e-gas plant [222].
the methane content in output, water vapor is removed between the
reactors by a condenser or the output gas is upgraded by membrane unit
separating H2. In the second case, only single-stage methanation is Specic energy of SNG on average 13.85 kW h
operated [217]. Annual electricity consumption (prognosis) 2629 GWh a1
Power to SNG eciency (without using heat) 54%
Maximum H2 output from electrolyzers 1300 N m h1
Maximum H2 storage time 60 min
Maximum SNG output from plant 325 Nm h1
Annual operation time (prognosis) 4000 h a1
5.2. Audi e-gas plant
Annual SNG production (prognosis) 1000 t a1

The Audi e-gas plant (Fig. 13) is an industrial PtM facility. It was
commissioned in the fourth quarter of 2013 [218]. CO2 is captured from 5.3. HELMETH project
biogas by amine absorption. H2 is generated by three alkaline electrolyzers
with a total capacity of 6 MW powered by an oshore wind park in the Within the HELMETH project, a highly ecient PtM-plant is realizing,
North Sea [219] and stored in a tank at approximately 10 bar before it is und will input into operation in 2017 according to Ref. [223]. The concept
fed into the methanation reactor [220,221]. The intermediate storage of developers aim to achieve an ambitious conversion-eciency of more than
hydrogen allows a temporary decoupling of the unsteady operation of the 85% from renewable electricity to SNG [223]. The concept will be based on
electrolyzer from methanation reactor [217]. The methanation process a SOEL system (Fig. 14) and a multi-stage methanation module, whereby
takes place in a single tube-bundle reactor cooled with a molten salt. In the both conversion units will be thermally integrated. The heat released
order to avoid the formation of hot spots, the educts are fed at dierent from the methanation module will be used to vaporize water feeding to the
stages along the reactor. The product gas is dried and fed as SNG into the electrolyzer that will have a capacity of 15 kW and be operated at 800 C
natural gas grid in Werlte. It is prognosticated that the plant can be and 15 bar [218]. The methanation module will consist of two xed-bed
operated with surplus power for 4000 h per year. The heat released from reactors in series with intermediate water removal. The reactors will be
the methanation reactor is used to regenerate the amine absorbent [217]. operated at 300 C and 30 bar with Ni-based catalyst [223]. The plant is
Performance data of the Audi e-gas plant are given in Table 7.

Fig. 13. Audi e-gas plant (source: EWE).

K. Ghaib, F.-Z. Ben-Fares Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 433446

management and temperature control are the key parameters in designing

methanation reactors. The most discussed reactors for the methanation are
xed-bed, monolith, microchannel, membrane and sorption-enhanced
reactors, whereby the xed-type can be seen as mature concept for the
PtM might play an important role in the future energy sector. The
technology can utilize surplus power and recycle CO2. The processes of the
PtM process chain are widely developed. However, there is to date little
experience with the whole system. Future research must also focus on the
integration of PtM into the energy sector to address the real potential of this


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