Kalkan 2021
Kalkan 2021
Kalkan 2021
Keywords: In this study, the thermal performance of a LiFePO4 (LFP) pouch type battery in the range of 1C-5C discharge rate
LFP battery at 23 ◦ C ambient temperature and natural convection conditions is experimentally and numerically investigated.
Natural convection Time-dependent temperature changes of the battery are imaged with a thermal camera for each discharge, and
Thermal performance
the maximum, minimum and average changes on the battery surface are examined. In addition, the heat transfer
rate through the battery is calculated for each discharge rate under natural convection conditions of the battery,
and the temperature and velocity distributions on the battery surface are investigated. For the experiment with
the highest discharge rate (5C), the measured maximum and average battery temperatures are determined as
52.2 ◦ C and 50.1 ◦ C, respectively. The calculated maximum temperature difference on the battery surface is also
6.7 ◦ C. Moreover, the homogeneity index defined for battery surface temperature is 0.147 at 5C discharge rate. It
has been observed that natural convection cooling is not sufficient for the battery at high discharge rates
Furthermore, a new correlation equation has been proposed for the estimation of the heat transfer rate from a 20
Ah LFP pouch type battery under natural convection conditions at 23 ◦ C ambient temperature.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Celen).
Received 22 March 2021; Received in revised form 10 May 2021; Accepted 30 May 2021
Available online 13 June 2021
2352-152X/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O. Kalkan et al. Journal of Energy Storage 40 (2021) 102796
40 ◦ C, while the temperature change between cells should be a internal temperature of the battery can be visualized via a thermal
maximum of 5 ◦ C [11,12,13,14]. When the operating temperature of camera when the battery is charged or discharged. For the discharge
Li-ion batteries exceeds 50 ◦ C, battery aging process accelerates and with 2C discharge rate, the maximum temperature difference of 2 ◦ C was
capacity fade occurs [15,16]. Therefore, an appropriate thermal man observed between the visualized inner and outer surfaces of the battery
agement system needs to be developed for an electric vehicle to operate at the end of the experimental process. It should be noted that C-rate can
safely with high efficiency [17]. When designing thermal management be defined as the ratio of charge/discharge current to battery nominal
systems, the surface temperature distribution of the battery should be capacity. As a result, it has been shown that internal battery temperature
considered as an important criterion. One of the equipment used in the has a significant effect to assess the effects of temperature on battery
experimental determination of the surface temperatures of the batteries safety. Wang et al. [22] investigated the thermal behavior of a battery
is the thermal camera and the studies in the literature regarding the has NCM (LiNi1-x-yCoxMnyO2) cathode material under natural con
thermal imaging of the batteries are summarized below: vection conditions. Temperature dissipating on the battery surface for
Kanbur et al. [18] propose a novel method to estimate battery different depth of discharge (DoD) and discharge rates via a thermal
thermal performance based on surface temperature differences, losses of camera. Two different indexes are defined to determine the temperature
heat and exergy. In the experimental study, the Li-ion battery of a mobile distribution and fluctuations on the battery surface. It is understood that
phone was imaged via a thermal camera. Firstly, the camera records by these indexes defined can show the temperature homogeneity holisti
thermal imaging from the battery surface for 1 min so that it can be used cally in spatial distribution graphs depending on different discharge
in data training. The proposed method then estimates the temperature rates and DoD. Zhang et al. [23] have experimentally determined the
change at the surface for the last 5 min of the test period. The error of heat transfer coefficient and specific thermal capacity of a Li-ion battery
estimation of the temperature difference occurred on the battery surface cell via an IR camera. The specific thermal capacity of the battery was
was found to be less than 1%. Moreover, exergy loss and heat dissipation also obtained with the battery surface temperatures measured using the
estimations have approximately 2.8% and 5.3% error rates. Akbarzadeh lumped capacitance method. However, researchers conducted this study
et al. [19] presented a novel method to determine the thermal capacity for a cell phone battery and stated that this method is not suitable for
and anisotropic thermal conductivity of a Li-ion battery with a capacity large size batteries. Kim et al. [24] investigated the degradation due to
of 43 Ah. Moreover, the thermal performance of a battery module with a high discharge rate and temperature in the anode and cathode materials
voltage of 48 V was simulated applying a 3D thermal model at the of a LFP pouch type battery. The thermal performance of the battery was
ambient temperature conditions. According to the thermal character evaluated by monitoring the battery temperatures due to internal
ization results, the thermal capacity of the battery increases as the resistance changes with an IR camera. As a result, it has been determined
operating temperature increases. However, the thermal conductivity of that the internal resistance of the cell directly affects the battery life.
the battery is independent of temperature. Mevawalla et al. [20] Panchal et al. [25] examined the thermal performance of a prismatic LFP
mathematically modeled a LFP battery with 20 Ah capacity using battery by imaging the surface temperature and temperature distribu
COMSOL software. The battery surface and tab temperature results tions with a thermal camera at different discharge rates. Besides, the
under 1C, 2C, 3C and 4C discharge rates are validated with experimental internal resistance, heat generation and voltage variations of the battery
results. Moreover, the temperature distributions on the battery surface were also evaluated. Furthermore, the thermal model of the battery was
were investigated with the numerical solution. It was determined that developed using Matlab Simulink and this model was verified by
the amount of heat generated at the cathode was twice that of the anode experimental measurements. Bazinski et al. [26] experimentally inves
under 2C and 3C discharge rates. Zhu et al. [21] developed a new tigated the heat conduction of two different sized pouch type LFP bat
technique to measure the internal temperature of Li-ion batteries. The teries with 14.5 Ah and 10 Ah capacities. The batteries were designed in
battery to be used in experimental study is specially designed by the experimental system to act as fins for a heat source and the heat
covering one surface with an optical glass. In this way, the transient conduction of the battery was solved by the one-dimensional heat
O. Kalkan et al. Journal of Energy Storage 40 (2021) 102796
transfer equations used for the fins. As a result, the average heat con
duction coefficients of the batteries with 14.5 Ah and 10 Ah capacity
were found to be 28.9 W/m.K and 35.1 W/m.K, respectively. Jaguemont
et al. [27] developed a 3D thermal model for a lithium titanium oxide
battery. The developed model contains a heat transfer model that can
offer a faster solution by ignoring electrochemical processes. Simula
tions of the battery under different ambient temperature conditions
were performed and the temperature results obtained were compared
with the battery surface temperatures measured experimentally by a
thermal camera. Xu et al. [28] experimentally studied the thermal
runaway of Li-ion battery modules with different electrical connection
configurations. The propagation characteristic of thermal runaway was
imaged using an IR camera. With thermocouples placed in the cell, the
temperature of the battery was measured as 160 ◦ C during thermal
runaway. In addition, the electrical model of the battery module was
developed and the amount of electrical charge transferred from other
cells to the cell that was leaking during thermal runaway was also
calculated. Li et al. [29] modeled the temperature distribution on the
surface of a prismatic Li-ion battery using an IR camera and a 3D
scanner. In order to accurately analysis the relationship between the
battery surface topography and the battery surface temperature, a data
fusion model is proposed and accordingly a common calibration method
for parameter identification of the data fusion model is presented. As a
result, the researchers showed that the multiple physical measurement
system can achieve a position matching deviation of 0.19 mm with high
resolution and high data acquisition speed.
In this study, the thermal behavior of a LFP pouch cell with a ca
pacity of 20 Ah under natural convection conditions and different
discharge rates was experimentally and numerically investigated. The
distribution of surface temperatures of the battery at different discharge
rates depending on time was imaged using a thermal camera, and the
variation of the average battery temperature over time, the average and Fig. 1. Representation of the experimental setup.
maximum battery temperatures reached at the end of each discharge
and the temperature differences on the battery surface were obtained. gradually as there is a transfer of electrons between electrodes during
The experimental results obtained were compared with the numerical discharge and the discharge process is terminated at a voltage value of 2
results, and the heat transfer rate through the battery surface by both V, which is the discharge cut-off voltage recommended by the
methods was determined during the battery discharge. In addition, a manufacturer.
homogeneity index is defined as a measure of the temperature distri
bution homogeneity on the battery surface and calculated for the certain 2.2. Governing equations and boundary conditions
experimental conditions. In addition, a correlation equation has been
proposed to determine the heat transfer rate required for cooling the LFP The numerical model of cooling the battery under natural conditions,
pouch cell with 20 Ah capacity under natural convection conditions. whose thermal performance was examined experimentally, was gener
ated. The acceptances regarding this numerical model can be listed as
2. Material and method follows:
O. Kalkan et al. Journal of Energy Storage 40 (2021) 102796
T(x, 0, t) = Ts ; T(x, ∞, t) = T∞ ;
(x, ∞, t) = 0; {0 ≤ x〈∞, t〉0} (6) Here, Tmax and Tmin are the maximum and minimum temperatures on
∂y the battery surface reached at the end of the discharge, respectively.
After the nondimensionalization of the parameters in the equations
given above, Rayleigh number is defined as the product of the Grashof
2.3. Numerical solution and mesh analysis
and Prandtl numbers as follows [31].
O. Kalkan et al. Journal of Energy Storage 40 (2021) 102796
specified in the model generated was carried out using ANSYS-Fluent battery surface according to the grid number. The variation of the
software. Electrochemical-thermal coupled model of the battery was average battery temperatures reached at the end of the battery discharge
generated using the NTGK model which is developed by Kwon et al. [33] with 5C-rate and the heat transfer rate according to the grid number is
as a semi-empirical electrochemical model. Considering the NTGK given in Table 2. It was observed that the model with 802,682 grid
model, the volumetric current transfer density (j) is directly related to number had 0.10% and 0.39% relative error rate in the average battery
the φ+ and φ− phase potentials. The equation of volumetric current temperature and heat transfer rate results, respectively.
transfer density depending on U and Y model parameters, electrode
layer specific area (α) and phase potentials is given as follows. 3. Results and discussions
j = αY[U − (φ+ − φ− )] (12)
The experimental and numerical variation of the voltage drop during
The function of the U and Y model parameters depending on the the discharge of the battery was obtained for 1C-5C discharge rates and
depth of discharge (DoD) is given below. is given in Fig. 4. Discharge of the battery, which has a voltage of
( ) approximately 3.6 V when fully charged, was terminated at a cut-off
∑ 5
U= n (
an (DoD) − C2 T − Tref
(13) voltage of 2 V. As it can be understood from Fig. 4, it has been
n=0 observed that as the discharge rate increases, both the discharge time
and the nominal voltage value decrease. In addition, it is seen that the
( ) [ ( )]
1 1 experimental and numerical results are compatible with each other.
Y= bn (DoD)n exp − C1 − (14) Experiments using the thermal imaging method were carried out
T Tref
during the LFP battery was discharged at 23 ◦ C ambient temperature at
Here, C1 and C2 are the battery NTGK model constants, and Tref is the 1C-5C rates. The change of the battery surface temperature at 1C-5C
reference temperature. U and Y functions for LFP battery as follows [34]. discharge rates and different DoD was measured with a thermal cam
era and is shown in Fig. 5-9. When these figures were examined, it was
U = 3, 6 − 0, 804(DoD) + 1, 075(DoD)2 − 1, 177(DoD)3
( ) seen that the maximum battery temperatures were reached at the end of
+ 0, 00, 095 T − Tref (15) discharge (100% DoD), and these temperatures increased with
increasing discharge rate (1C-5C). Again, as can be understood from
Y = 1168, 59 − 8928(DoD) + 52, 504, 6(DoD)2 − 136, 231(DoD)3 Fig. 5-9, in the experiment performed at each discharge rate, it was seen
[ (
1 1
)] that there is more heating in the anode (negative) and cathode (positive)
+ 158, 531, 7(DoD)4 − 67, 578, 5(DoD)5 exp − 1800 − regions of the battery compared to the other regions, up to 80% DoD
T Tref
level. It was seen also that there is more warming at the cathode end
compared to the anode tip. This temperature difference is due to the use
The electrochemical and ohmic heat generation equation in the of aluminum at the cathode terminal and copper material at the anode
battery for NTGK model is defined as follows [34]: terminal, and the difference in the heat conduction coefficient of these
[ ]
Q̇gen = j U − (φ+ − φ− ) − T + σ + ∇φ+ ∇φ+ + σ − ∇φ− ∇φ− (17)
dT Table 2
Here, T represents the battery temperature, σ+ and σ− represent the Mesh independency analysis.
electrical conductivity of the positive and negative electrodes, Grid Avg. battery Relative Heat transfer Relative
respectively. number temp. ( ◦ C) error rate rate (W) error rate
A hybrid mesh structure created by using ANSYS-Fluent mesh 269,460 54.38 %12.32 9.96 %20.48
module was used for the model for the solution of flow and energy 429,104 47.68 %3.44 7.92 %2.90
802,682 49.32 %0.10 7.69 %0.39
equations with the finite volume method, as shown in Fig. 3. Mesh in
1,431,871 49.27 %0.43 7.66 %0.91
dependence analysis of the model was performed based on the change of 2,108,169 49.48 – 7.73 –
the battery surface temperature and the heat transfer rate through
O. Kalkan et al. Journal of Energy Storage 40 (2021) 102796
Fig. 5. Temperature distribution on the battery surface during the discharge of 1C.
O. Kalkan et al. Journal of Energy Storage 40 (2021) 102796
Fig. 6. Temperature distribution on the battery surface during the discharge of 2C.
Fig. 7. Temperature distribution on the battery surface during the discharge of 3C.
O. Kalkan et al. Journal of Energy Storage 40 (2021) 102796
Fig. 8. Temperature distribution on the battery surface during the discharge of 4C.
Fig. 9. Temperature distribution on the battery surface during the discharge of 5C.
O. Kalkan et al. Journal of Energy Storage 40 (2021) 102796
discharge of the battery at 5C rate according to certain DoD levels. 5C rate discharge are 52.2 ◦ C, 45.5 ◦ C and 50.1 ◦ C, respectively.
Although we can see the temperature distribution characteristic seen in As a result of the time-dependent temperature data obtained from
the experiment at the 4C discharge rate also in this experiment, it is thermal images, the maximum, minimum and average temperature
understood that the temperature of the cathode terminal at each DoD values on the battery surface were determined experimentally and
level is higher than the anode terminal. The measured maximum, min numerically, and the change in time for each discharge rate was given in
imum and average temperatures on the battery surface at the end of the Fig. 10. It is seen that the maximum, minimum and average battery
Fig. 10. Time-dependent a) maximum, b) minimum and c) average battery temperature variation at 1C-5C discharge rates.
O. Kalkan et al. Journal of Energy Storage 40 (2021) 102796
5. Conclusions
O. Kalkan et al. Journal of Energy Storage 40 (2021) 102796
Fig. 13. The variation of air and battery temperatures for different discharge rates.
Fig. 14. The variation of air velocity vectors for different discharge rates.
O. Kalkan et al. Journal of Energy Storage 40 (2021) 102796
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